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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-02-07, Page 8
o Are Invite4 unday Services. Ai!ters, GEORQE'S CHURCH . „,„ SUNDAY; El 'RRI%AIVV ` 0th, 1010 , 8.30 alp. IIOIe3aCCOMMUNION. 11.00 at.n MORNING PRAYER AND SERM01.al. 3.0tp.m. SUNDAY' SCHOOL. - X7..7700 p.m.ypg7'EAVyE�NSONG AND SERMON. /SERMON. �t{�1�p 'REV. BEVERLd.�1. 'HP+1 ARRI, JLL'1,.� Lths,, RIC' VR. - + MRS. E. JESSOPii Orgaaniet and Choir Leader. YOU ARE INV1TIGD TO ATTEND THESE SERVICES--.., l . North $t.. United church MINISTER -REV. R. H, TURNBULL, B.A.. B.D. 4$i.T.M. 11 a.m. "GOD'S GIFT OF OPFORTUI`'ITY " 3• p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 p.m. MODERN. PALESTINE. Illustrated with colored views. Monday. 7.30 p.m. V.P.U. Second and fourth Monday. { Orgiwist and Choir Leader -, Mrs. Murray Hetherington, A.T.C.M. A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU ... 9.45 11 11 a.m, Knox. Presbyterian.Church a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL: a.nt.. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "Religion of the Heart." 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. ' - :Sermon Subject: "The Christian Standard." SUPPORT THE CHURCH'S ADVANCE FOR CHRIST.- MINISTER.—REVEREND RICHARD) STI 1N.,,AIIT. Director of Praise --Mr, T. G. Jones Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. • VICTOIA T. UNITED CHURCH ' MINISTER -REV. LAWRENCE -IL alsltatER, K.A. • ORGANIST—MISS BARBARA ‘CUTT 10:00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. 11.110_ a.M. CRUSADE FOR CHRIST -AND SIS KINGDOM. -0 The Sabbath School. ' - _ --- 7,00 pen. HEALTH WEEK—DR. HOBBS TAYLOR, M.LA. Town Council in Attendance.' 2.45 UNION; - 8.00p. _ Y.P.U. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU! Men's- Christian Service Group unifier the leadership of Mr. Harry. . Barker will occupy the Choir Loft. �Mel'. Baptist Church, �. RE -V. JOSEPH JANES, M.A., PASTOR Mrs. Ella I. --Donaldson, A.L.C.M.. Organ's 11 a.m. RUNIC WORSHIP. 3 pan. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 pan. PUBLIC 1NOR'SHIP. -REV. JOSEPH J ONES WILL CONDUCT THE SERVICES Wedne4day 8, p.m. 'Pr ,ycr''•Meeting. 0 COME,' LET US WORSHIP. ACLS -_ $bT8 'L PE�lTECOBTAL TABERNACLE REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor. . . d 16 WATERLOO STREET 10 ii»r. SUNDAY SCHOOL, 11 a.m. "STANDING FAST IN LIBERTY" 730 pan. "NONE BUT CHRIST." :;Tuesday 8 .pee. Young People. - T ti sclay 8 pan. Prayer Meeting. / COME AND WORSHIP WITH US AT ANY OF THESE MEETlNds Free Methodist Church RE''. R..C. MCCALLUM,' Pastor. • - Cor.'Victoria and. Park' Sts. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL PREACHING SERVICES AT 11 aen. and 7 p.m. -TRUTH QUEST :"The grace of GOD that briingeth salvation, hath appeared to all, men, teaching us that ' -For the "teaching," •see Titus 2:11-14 Haw well have we learned this lesson, taught by the "Grace of God."? . YOU ARE INVITED "TO WORSHIP 'WITH US O A man can make money but money can't make' the pian. . - Lff Jllsuranee No-oi a is so poor' that he cannot. bight to,, be thrlfty: No one, is so rich that he "*does nut' need t thrifty . The margin 'befweer* Success • and Failure is,,measured by a shigleIVI w.oxd o ., 'flIRIFT - FORIL- Get .lignutiLl _ Stay=, Insured Befit . sssured.' . North n .. n Vol. 21Sw '41isoimmommmapplimmar ran,CAR OWNER, u iAR.rin , needs (a pALCOSEER Pulier kr every hind' of 1, f rind' pal8i a1o1x4. One mail ai1e the work of 31 mon. Weighs but 18 lbs. and pulls -it 3 ton „ i)fliv'ero price $18,50,,, Folder ..on • request, bltrlbuto •'tor Il1roli County ew y+I�y'das CS D)1strllb++nyyters (101lE , on. rhoot Carlow 2831 p ' ODERI CSIGNAL-STAR' I i'A TA DUNGA NNON DUNGANNOi ,° M. fir. 'mos. eacele., Breede p Maln., also attend the funeral. © his etetee. Barn, Thee, , Carrick, in Goderieh era friday, spent the cveelt-emd with his sister: Mrs.; • Fuller ' Eru h agent, Wi.NN1. 'BED Gladys Rivett, Bear Dungannon. O•NEIL, Claito n, l 754. 2tf MPi iary Yr�viaa, • Lucitnow, speaut ; zaleaitiae tea, WednesdlaolaQ,.1ay February last week visiting -her. brother, Mr.1 13tH, at North° street United church Elibui -.fir vin. and Mee. ] rcvin+ „anal, :•mann 3. tea. 6 pen,. ecanisoeed ,1 y Two More Dungannon Doys Home. tine Evening Auxiliery. ,, 8.41 .Pte; Reamolid Currie arr lied in Pun -The The twenty-third pirthdaay.:party @E gannon frons overseas obi Sairnclag efeat,' Victoria k1. and S. Club Will be held His faintly 1a d intended meeting hini Thursday, Vebrlranry -14th, at 8 p.m. at Load6h, but ianpas ble' roads pre. This• will ,:he a, joint meeting with vented the trip. Raymond was ',ex- Central School, and Airs.: Login' Ceinpa petted bonne several weeps ago, but bell, president cif' the Ontario Home was detained in a hospital in England and School 'Federation, will be the with blood poisoni`ug iu his hand. a, is `guest speaker, A fine program has yetu'ger• brother Gerald arrived ,home been arranged. Refre:ahments wilt be from overseas teai"daye ago..': , The served. Silver collection. . latest of the boys to return home is R,heaennafie pain,' sciatica,, lumbago Pit. Sgt. Allan Petrie, son of Blr. and' quiclOy relieVed by using Runaacaps. Mrs. 'William Petrie,•;who landed :at° thousands wilfa. have New' York on board the Queen Eliza- Rai couture better ed ealth. Campbell's Drug g' fined hes beth on Saturday and arrived in Gode.' Store. -0 'rich en the noon ,train Tuesday. Allan The annual meeting of Ahmeelt has been overseas a year and a -half= Chapter, 'I.O.D„E., will be held in Mac - and will observe leis twentieth birth- K.ay Hall on . Londay, 1 bra my 11, at day on February 28th. ; 3 o'clock. A full attendance is .re - United Church %V.M.S.--The United Quested. church W-Il1.S. meeting which was The regular meeting of the Maple cancelled last Friday was held on Mon-, Leif Chapter, I.O.D.E.,, will be held day afternoon, at .the home -of Mrs. •m MacKay Hall Friday, February Melvin - Reed, with twelve members 15th, at 3.30.,p.m., for the reception of present. ' Mrs. Reed, the president, con- annual reports and . the election of ducted , the- opening - exercises, Mrs. officers. McConnell leading the worship period 1 The national president of the Ina and Mrs. M. Sb`�ckleton offering prayer. penial Order, Daughters of e Empire, and were made for observ- Mrs. Ryland H. New ; L. Brocking- ance of. the World Day of Prayer oil ' ton, K.C., and Matthew Halton will March 8th. The meeting _gill. be held broadcast Sunday, February 10th, at in the United church, with, the„ other 5;03 E.S.T., over the C.B.C. Trans - congregations invited to attend. Mrs. 'Canada network. The subject of the Reed acknowledged. a letter of -con-broadcast will be "The Second War dolence and the secretary* read one' emorial of the Imperial Order. also from Mrs. Dickson. Mrs. Donald a'Dalaghters of the Empire.” -6 Fowler favored witha solo; after `Central Home anti School Associa- which re'(Rev,) ev,) Rogers read the tion will join with Victoria School Mill. 4th chaintege of the study book. ' Mrs. .for ' Foubder's 4 y meeting on McWhinney read a paper bn Christian • Thursday, February 14, at 8 p.m., in stewardship and: Miss Elliott read, ant -Victoria School. Please note= the article on temperance. A discussion ,change of place and date and plan to dace, pro anti con, on the question attend this meeting- The speaker will took of the .deportation of Japanese from be airs. Colin Campbell, of Toronto, Canada. After the closing hymn the Provincial Federation president. 'meeting` concluded with the-Mizpah -OST Sc DAILY. iaDie'C Multiple benediction. _ a- Vitamin Capsul contain vitamins Congregational Meeting. — The an- A, 131, 0, 1), Nluein Amide and Ribo- nual meeting of the. Dungannon United - church Ninety day supply $2.?0. Trial church was held- on January 30th, third==Eley supply SL15:--"Seld -at with the 'minister, J, Rogers, Independent Drug Store. 6.9 in the cle,air. Reports of the W -omen's The Children's Aid Society will hold. Missionary Society, the Mission Band, its annual sleeting in the Court House the Baby 'Band, the Women's Associ- ation, the Sunday school, the mission- ary and maintenance fund, the session board of • stewards, trustee 'board,, Red Cross unit, and nominating committee were . read and passed. Elections were CARDS OF THANKS as follows; To the board of stewards,....._ Frank Pentland, J. J. Ryan, Geo `Hodges'and Wilfred Pentland; mission- ary and Maintenance treasurer, Mrs. Melvin Reed ,;,• Sunday school su feria tendent, Matthew Shackleton.; assist- ant superintendent, Mrs. Amy sOrser ; secretary -treasurer, ` Pearl Finnigan; anniversary committee, Heber Eedy, Will ` Stothers, Mrs. L. Stengel and Mrs. D. ' Fowler°; auditors, Wilbur Brown and Roy Rutledge; choir leader, Mrs. D. Fowler ; nominating committee, Heber Eedy, Thos. Webster, W.. A. Orser, Mrs. M. Reed. Mrs. • 0. Popp,, M.:Shackleton, Roy Rutledge and. Mrs, DF`_ Fowler; "Observer" representative; June Rutledge; congregational secre- tary, Mrs. 0 Popp. Mr. Eedy moved THE FAMILY OJ THE LATE MRS. Xavier Beech* r . wish • to convey to their many friends their sincere ap- preciation of the many expressions of sympathy and of the spiritual bouquets and the use of cars during the funeral.. ries on Tuesday, February 12tji, tat 8 'p.m. All interested in --child welfare are welcome. -6 118. JOHN HARRIS AND FAMILY W11311 • to express their gratitude for the kindness,, and sympathy ex- tended to them in their recent bereave- ment of •a loving ;usbaayndd and -father ; also to those who sent floral 'tributes and loaned cars and for other acts of kindness. - - 6x THE FAMILY OF THE "TATE John J. Webb wish to tender their thanks to the many neighbors and friends wlio expressed sympathy in their bereavmnent, and to 'those who sent floral' or T spiritual bouquets,.or AL Wen LE FOR 4,4•14%;-410,1-14 QV4T1R.SPA l'- I1?,�L pups, lve weekia' old. UOl PQN :UtLtSA Phone 4708. Vii. 'FOR -SA7 EL-6NE USED WHITE enamel Westinghouse electrie • rainge; also- one used kitchen. cabinet. BROIL' .s EX'S lr� UR,NITURE 'STORE. -0 k� )11. SALE. eatIINA ""CA'a 1NET, six Doh chairs and kitchen cabinet. A41RS. 011a . BLAQK, Montreal street. Phone 553. - ° 6a R SALE. • A NUMBER OP young sows due to farrow March lst; also a heifer 6 months old. AMOS J. AtEW, R.R. 3, Aubur � Phone 1819 Carlow, . � - OR S41ai' .--1930 OLDSMOBILE sedan, in good eliape; good, rubber-, new battery.,, Priced reasonably. Ap- ply at SIGNAL -STAR. v`, bs �`I.EECLs =LINE 3OUIt HOME WITH blown Roekwool insulation. • Work done' anywhere. Free estimates. Phone 41, Goderich, or Write `ROW -LAND C. DAY, 5 Thornton. ave., London. -2-9 j OB. SALE." TWO HEIFER calves, one a Jersey seven months old, the other a, Holstein and Jersey nine months. GORDON REIS„ 19 Hincks street. Phone 476R. • -6 FOR, SALE. -- KITCHEN RANGE With iyory enamel front;- with or without waterfront; also two girls' tunics, . sizes 6 and 8 years. Phone 167W or call at 48 Quebec street. -6 FOR SALE.--yEW ELECTRIC AND semi -electric (treadle) sewing ma- chines,-,_ Also, used ones. Goderich having , been now `-included ren_ our_ division, our- representatives will be in town weekly, . For prompt service call or write THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 78 Ontario street, Stratford. Phone 727. If your machine is new, have it .checked free within ninety days. 42tf "puLLRTS LAID STEADY' ALL winter . healthy, and Iay large eggs,'' -•writes Mrs. M. Savage,- of -Rich- mond Hill, of her Kitchener Big -4 Chicks.. We're agents here, and advise you order, . soon, . especially for Febru- ary -March delivery. Satisfied customers' everywhere. Breeders •Government -in- spected . and blood-tegtad for ' both strains ofMpullorllm.ItYAN PRODUCE Goderich. -6 'WANTED , WANTED. ea . YOUNG 'COUPLE _ - - -urgently require apartment Phone SIGNAL -STAT. WANTED- TO BUY. -SIX ROOMED house with at least one-half acre or more. Cash. Phone 936-21. 6x WANTED.—WOULD GIVE -A. GOOD. • home to' . a suitable person -who cottide-provide ,small _ nursing care for an elderly `lady. Write BOX `S7, 'SIGNAL -STAR. 6-7x• RiG�R'ING MA0iaxN:S ILEI?AIRED used articles boaaght and - sold. Goose and duck' feathers and; ticks b9uglitr 0: WOODS, 12 and 14 East street. Phone 242.1. 3tf TENDERS WtlED THURSDAY J EDW./ARV 7 „ 1946 GODERICH • TOWNSHIP'SCHOOL AREA BOA8D Tenders willb received C .;, by 'the undersigned until February 1bth. for hard body' maple 'or beeele: 20' cprds 12 -in,, Wood delivered to No. 10; 10 cord$ 18 -in, to No. 6; cords Mite to N'o. 4; 8 cords 12- _. to No, ]l. ' • JPa RAND o' FI'10 - e: � c Tress. Gaderic�i..�Tp: �ackiool APen, 5-6 • R.R. No; 3, ' Clinton. .BAKER' "The. Rome t T&9ty P WEEKEND SPECIAL RRY TA Th tiviath witll)ped ; ez'e ne �i cents a b. ' HOT ROAST CHIG�IfEN•�-.sad;wo 'mean hot—if ordered alit!. ''lets and ether fowl cooked ,�ti to order. tea.... AU orders of 31,00 or aver delivered. + PHONE 405 MEL. CULBlRT, Proprieto>i'. 4 LOST _NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. LST:.."---:17.14' 11ST.--PL1©IiL I�'OUNTN p' - Finder please notify S1GNA STAR. Notice is hereby given to all persons (91 having any claim against .the estate of 'Jessie McCabe, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of ,Iiiuron, Widow, who died on the -eighth day of December, 1945, to .seal same to the undersigned on or befpre the ninth day of February. 1940, as on, and after that. date the .administrator of the said estate shall proceed -to make dis- tribution of the assets thereof, having regard only _to the claims of which he has notice,. -Dated at Goderich this 22nd day of January, A.D. 1946. R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, •- 4=8-6- Solicitor . for the Esttlte. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -- Notice Is, hereby given to all persons having; any claim against the estate of- ThQ ass Woods, late of the Township -of, Wa' anosh in the County of Huron, - retired farmer, who died -on the nine- teenth day of January, 1946, to send same to the undersigned on o -before, the twenty-third day of February, 1046, tis on and after that- date the executors v of the said estate shall proceed to make 'distribution of • the, assets thereof; having regard only to the :claims of which they` have notice. dated at Goderich this twenty- eighth day of January, A.D. 1946.- R. C. HAYS, . K.C., Goderich; Ontario, 5-7 Solicitor for the Estate. NOTICE TQ, CREDITQRS. Alf ' persons leaving claims against the estate of Wren II. Sheardown or' the,estate of Edith F. Siieardown, bath of the Town of Goderich; in the County of 'Huron, are hereby required to for- -ward full piarticulars of such claim duly verified to the undersigned_ by February 28th next,- after which date ' the estate will be distributed. FRANK DONNELLY, Goderich, On- tario, ,Solicitor tor -the--personal repre= 'sentative. -" • 5-7 6 -*NTED' -TO BUY 011 RENT. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. - BELL. -At Alexandra Hospital, Gode- rich, ,on February 4th, 1p46. to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bell, St. Vincent street, Goderich, a son; Norman James. BLAKE. At Alexa»dra Hospital, Goderich, on 'February 4th, 1946, to Mr. and, Mrs. Sherman Blake, 3 Cobourg street, Go'derich,a dadghter,, Mary, Helen. LOWERY.--At Ald andra Hospital, GoderiL'h, on February 3rd, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ,R. Lowery, 53 Elgin -avenue, Goderich, n daughter, Paul -Ann. MUTTON.—At...: At xandta-- Hoaspital: Goderich, on February 4th, 1946, to Mi. and Mrs. Harold Mutton,_, 435 Main street, Woodstock, a daughter, Ida Mari �e. IN P'.MEMORLiM A1URRAY.--In' loving memory of Mrs. Walker Murray, who passed away February 10th, 1945. "The world may change from year to year, And friend from day to daj, But never will the one we loved Froze 'Memory pass away." Remembered by daughtor, - Mrs. Fred McCabe, Mr, McCabe, Jirmxiy and *Terry. ., ex 'IANO LFSSpj�1S Sheldon Baxter. Bui trvlsor' ' et - Muste 11 Hurst • Schools. 'l 11 asecpt lung ea . nutiibir eDt' ptr$ L. `xWrite :P:Ci.:ittex' $60,, ' Godet'ck 548i Phone 378... , a vote of thanks to Rev. Mr. Rogers for the work lie had done during,, the past year. At the close of - the meet- ing a pot -luck supper -was- served -in the basement- by the ladies of the congregation. DIED - MUNNINGS.—In Goderich, can Friday, February .1st; 1946, , R. William Munnings, in' his 84th year, - The annual meeting of the Alexandra Hospital • 'Association will be 'held in the, Town Hall on 'Monday, night, February 11th, at 8 o'clock. ' ' f PORTER'S HILL - -_,Pte-_I. B. Lockhart returned to Can- ada by the Queen Elizabeth and pro- ceeded to Calgary, Alta., to receive his discharge after a thirty -day leave.- He will then return to the• home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lockhart, Porte'r's Hill. y• AU in a Day • Tie young husband had just arrived home from the office. "What's- the matter, darling?" he asked. "You look flustered." „ -. `Oh, ,I've had- ig<,f,dreadful dray," itis Wife answered. "Fikst Baby. cut --his first tooth, then he took his first step, and then he fell and knocked out his tooth?' " "Well, - and `then what happened?" asked ---tier husband. • "Oh, da ling," she answered in a shocked voice, `•`he said his first word!" .6 THE FAMILY' OF THE LATE MRS. James Jewell wish to thank their *many friends, relativeseand neighbors for their beautiful fioral.gfferings and kind messages of sympathy. -6 OUR MANY, .FRIENDS AND neighbors we wish to esenvey'•bur sincere appreciation -for • your, kindness and sympathy` as our beloved husband and"father passed away. MRS AGNES MUNNINGS, ' EDGAR, MABEL and ROY. A rich old aunt, was . paying her -nephew's college expense and her visitor asked her- if it was expensive. 'Welt"- , said the sunt, "some of the languages -run pretty high. My check thf1 month covered $10 . for chemistry ; 420 ' for Latin, and. $250 for Scotch." IVER. THOMAS H. CARRICK • AND friends wish to thank their • mahy friends and eeighbors for the kindnesi shown to them 'in their '.slid" -'bereave went, with special thank to those who sent these beautiful fiord tributes ,and to. those- who so kindly loaned their cars. Ox TlE FAMILY OF ;THE LATE MRS. Jessie • Mugford wish to thank the mapy friends and neighbors for the lovely bouquets. -and all who so kindly donated -Automobiles form the funeral. THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. Jessie Mugford ere grateful to the staff of'.. Alexandra Hospital -for the ex- cellent care' and kind attention, given their mother.- duringl her stay In the hospital: . 6x THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. Jessie Mugford take this means of expressing their inappreciation .of the thoughtfulness a e d the considerate service of Mr. • ti•e - of the Brophey funeral home in connection with - the funeral of their mother: • - ex . DOYOU KNOW . _. That':Labradot::Miningand Explanab ' .'holds .Mining • • coneeions covering 19,000`asq. miles in Labrador OY their property Is one of the t heat grade iron Ore deposits in North America, exceeding one half billion -tone • Hollinger Gold Mines rnwn controlling interest • Our Canadian mikes offer udtdild opportunities Information lin any • mine is available on, request . O. F. CAREY & - SON PHONE 18 COAL', WHEN 1OV REQUIftleCoAL Olt COlit ° , _.., GAEL Charles' C.Lee Est r��e. • COAL AND klA1t1W U E IIARllov 13,1' '�,+,U" UUONE': wF1 ro Modern home for' early possession. G. 0. PANGMAN, MacKay Hall, phone 971W, -6 WANTED.—TO BUY, OLD HORSES ail l dead cattle; must 'be a suitable for mink feed; removed promptly. JACK GILBERT,' phone 908 r 21, Clinton.- Calls paid for. °' 18tf N- OPPORTUNITY. — E KT AB - LISHED Rural Watkins District available? If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this is Your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of. .your own. For full particulars, write 'today to THE J. R.WATKINS COMPANY, :Dept: 0.-0-1, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 6-9 A OUS-ER country - home with' hydro; ,near school; no outside work. No objection to child. Write J. M. JOHNSTON,'• R.R. 1, Goderich. . 6x CHURCH NOTES The.January meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Knox ,,church 'was held in the lecture\ hall,with a fine attendance. 'airs. (Dr.) Jackson and Mrs. Arnold McConnell had charge- of the devotion al period.. Mrs., W. Fraser delighted all with a piano solo. Mrs. H. Erskine gave -an interesting paper on the life of Carrie Jacobs : Bond, a song writer, and, Mrs. Frank Saunders_ sang one of her compositions whlch became p, fav- orite number. Mrs. Alex. Straiton pre- sided. r . • All ' persons having claims- against the estate of Roy J....Meyers, late of e Township of Ashfield In the County of Huron, are required to forward fell particulars o, such claim to the undersigned by February 28th next, after which date the estate will be distributed. FRANK DONNEILY, Goderich, On- tario, Solicitor for the Administrator. ,5-7 NOTICE- TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all persons having any Claim against the estate of Maude P. Carrick, late of the Town of Goderich, in the Cou ty of Huron, married woman, who died on the 29th day of February,' 1946, as aiter- that date the executrix of the sa shall proceed to make distrib the assets' thereof, having regard only to the, claims of > which she notice. 'Dated at Goderich' the 6th February'; A.D, 1946. ° F. R. DARROW, Goderich, Ontario, 6-8- solicitor for the _ ay of January, 1946, to 'send` game to dersignedeon or hefare the_28th. id estate. cation of then has day o n . Estate. JOHN ' WEST Signe. & General Painting (Inside and; Out) PHONE 664 T,OST: PAIR OF GLASSES IN blue case, in vicinity of North side of Square. Finder pleas o leave at SIGNAL -STAR. Ox .LOST, —IDENTIFICATION GOLD bracelet, inscribed "Gwen' Valued as *a gift; Will finder please leave at DOMINION STORE or call MRS, JOS. JUCK, phobae mielluanamesseummeasuselelemosinveir MnrtoLoaI On Town and . Farm' prof ty at lowest rates of interest. Apply to L. E..DA.NCEY GODERICH. 46.6 i WEEK -END FEATURES Furs PURE BREAKFAST f COCOA, ' Ws 190 1's 810 NABOB' COFFEE - lb. 43c' ' tOBINHOOD QUICK COOKING OATS 3 ib. boat 174: STOKELY'S TOMATO 10 on. SOUP _ --- 2 This 17c NEWORT 8 quart FLUFFS ' Bag 2bc PLAIN or IODIZED 2 1(i►...' sALT 2 pkgs. 15e WHITE °BEANS 91ba.1&i POPPING. CORN ib. 15c LAING'S C.C. - • e' SAUCE ' 8 oz. bottle 19e CHOICE QUALITY .10 Dei. CARROTS ' Tin 12o eed1 pkg. 4a Braok's.Bird Gravel pkg. x8o 2 in 1 SHOE POLI li tin 10c SUNSET DYES pkg. 15c - Odex Bath •Soap 3 bars 17c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER r 2 Tills 19c J:CALVIN cUiYf Phone 116 B, Y: McCAEATH PhomQ..46 .__. y repaying Goderich . TAXPAYERS MAY PURCHASE TAX PREPA: NT RECEYPT ^' 'CE 1946 TAXES AT FAVORABLE DI$CotR $ RATES 0? SDISCOUNT �; GA Amount COST , COST CAST' CQT G,OS' 3 Dat� .1.31 'eb. 148 Mara -.1-3l April 1.30 '9.4 10.00 .7$ 9:81. 9.84 9.87 9.0 20:0019.1 - .. .19.68 19.74 19.80 19.87 .y.�+.w' ■A.�I�■ ■AI��L L 7w� �{p� ��}(�gr .yA Ra'Lr 50.00 49.(2 49.18 _ 49.36 - 49.51 '- - �Vrv►O 100.00 . - 98.04 98.36 '08.68 W 98.00 98.8 , .00 : 494:20 491.81 03. 4%06 '4 .89 1000.00 ,,.... ....' .. ' %80.40 ' )83.61 988:85 ' ' ° 990,10 ,Prepayment Receipts must be endorsed and presehted along with °1946 Tax Bills °duriiig- the first installment period. • Purehase your oPrepaynnent Receipts early and have your money ening 4% intei'eet, If you cannot buy all now, budget your Tres this year by purchasing a r eceipt • eh month. ° . ,> ' 0 ydtO��N..O • ,pa �f1 • a� Make Cheques payable ,.tO 0. NV> STURDY.,Tax Colkctor tity 6,0 1