HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-02-07, Page 5WAXTV FLOWN: Writ HISTINCTE414 rto,,t14.4044A:mac*N-04,,,, rifosse 8844 at an beam MartlirS. Stalwart The Siloam ing after baying. been called to. Tor- onto on WWnesdaY of last week_ewhig to the death of her sister-belaW, NV, Baker went' to Louden last week to vikt her min and daughter, Ra.rry Baker and Mrs. V. Butt. • Mrs. James Ferga8en left on Mon. day to visit her Son,. Jes. P., and Mile Ferguson at Louden. ° Pte, Alen MacKay, 0.vir.A,.0,, Loa. don, who came home for the Week -end, is confined to her home suffering from. acite bronchitis. Her many frienda Newly-weds Honaredee-There was a large attendance at the Town Hall - eked fo honor gr. and Mrs. Thos. IL Iicotehmer. During the evening they were called to the platform and Mrs; Wm. E. Parker read an address - which was exPressed a welcome to the bride and. pleasure Ile the feet that. Tom, who saw service overseas with Germany for eighteen months, had de- cided to settle, on the' family home. stead. John Veild made the present- ation of a purse of money. The Baye • field Valley Five played for the dane- ing. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the commtpaity. 'Fifty-five Years MarrleAre-iir. and Mrs. George King of Bayfield observed their fifty-fifth, wedding anniversary on Monday, rebruari 4, quietly at their home here, Mrs. Kinge*trIalertY 41180 Barr, was married to Dlivid Moffatt) at the home of their Pared*, Mr.' and MrS. Alex. Parr, -.,near, Londeaboro. Mr: and Mrs, I4ing realded in. Wing!. am or -acArear lf after *Weis they' made ' their hoMte Permanently in 'Bayeld. They.) have three children; Lulu (Milo. ..rred Ritchie) of Elmvaie, Muriel (Mrs. M. C. Hart) andilferd;:both of Toronto. - KINGBRIDGE #INGSBRIDGE, Feb. 6.—Mr. and Mrs. John Iteily and Mr. John O'Nelll have returned home after spendhag the week -end in London. Spr. Nam' Martin arrived in Gode- rich today oft -the noon train, 'laving 'serving in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. He came acroas 'on Pte. Martin Courtney has arrived home from overseas after seeing plenty of action And says it's geod te, be home again. Owing to last week's stormy weather, inost of the bach roads are„,,.. blocked. Sixteen. degrees below gio yas registered here last Monday. Lose the tense 'of right and -wrong and we lose all sense. PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING PAPER SUPPLIED...ye GENERAL CARMITRX WORE -MYRON O'REILLY putoNE 685* bttuary John Mania, of ileinatieville, Ailed In net *Lavin's recovered from au 9per- He was iu iiityrtiftlx year. cur e tO Canada when 3701011* Taiul rich, eta P40114457, leet. Mrs. Tatalor I 0- walium of Mitchell, who twit ',engaged in forming ilk: Goderieh WAS barn at JalagstPw34 blab -had- BY at Blith thorlait forty yearii .with, the exception of a few Yvan sPent tbia town with her parente, the late Mr. and Mrs. jams Outtbefore her mar- 44t altd passed away on TneadaY ber 'for eoeie years and was emPlOyed eighty-second Year. "Mrs. "Walkora, the Western Canada, liour 4ind formerly Eliza, Brooks, WeA a native of fee tee last four years )he was ju the Hilbert 4 towntibip but bad 'been a 'employ of the DePartmea of 11402' slap to Mr. Tailor 10,1915. SUrtlyint, yreetdoe.ntu or husband died twelve yeara was a member a uoimesville 'United besides her husband, axe two (laugh - ago mai aurviVing are A daughter, Mrs. enrol, He le eneeteed by his see0/4 tors; Mrs. V. Rutherford (Irene), and voutmaer, of Stratford, and three wife, tlie former -Mary Beaeore. auft Ntss "Alella; tiwee grar4ehildrell' will sons, Lloyd, of Munro. =met J., of by three song and three daughters« Toronto, and Frani; Of Goderich. 'I`he Albert, Austin, and Donald, 0 Galeria Out. The funeral was held. from the family residence on Wednesday after. funeral aervice be held ou Pridar tOwnship; Mrs. • William 4A:citeson noon. Rev,. A. sinciair a myth united afternoon at Mitchell, with burial at (Deria), of IiindaY; Mrs' 1)• T4113'et interment was in Maitland cemetery. MISS RACHNI# HARRIS - Woid has been received a the death of Miss Rachel ,HuttOn "lapis, B.A., which occurred suddenly at her rest- dence in New York City. Misa flarris, second +laughter of the late Mr. and bonr a her daughter, Mrs. Charles Airs. William F. Harris of "Cransford;' Brownian, Elora, on Friday last. She life had been in good health up to within near Dengannon, spent her early a day of her death. She passed away at Hamilton. She qualified as a public suddenly overnight. Born Ann 'Olds- seheol teacher and taeght at Copper - the uni., holm in Colborne township, eighty - Cliff, afterWards attonding three years ago, she lived there until versity of Toronto and taking her B.A. degree. After gradttation she taught in Beaver College, Pa., and latterly at a high school in New Yorke She •was interested in writing and was the author cif a number of short,stories. She had lived retired for several years and lutd expected to return to Hamil- ton to -live with bee sisters, to Whom her sudden death is a great Shock. /deters, ,a sister-in-law of ,Mr, J. E. Baechter iman (Mary), of Elora, Deceased wits Church. _ Surviinn..-g are two Misses Mary A. and Ellen Freeman of town. The funeral took plaee on. Monday mornhag from the Brophey liam 0: Harris, Philadelphia, Pa. The remains were brought to. Ham- ilton, where the funeral' serviee was conducted on Friday afternoon, Janu- ary 25th, by Rev. Norman. Rawson,' of Centenary United church, assisted by Rev." J. II. Martin, of tne Southamp- tea United church. Those acting., as pallbearers were A. M. Shaver, W.' E. - Shaver, Norman, Shaver, Rev. Martin; H. -H. Shaver and George Wood. The. body will rest in the 'Ham- ilton Mauseleum, 'and later will he interred ih the family plot in Dun- gannon cemetery. an lived for some years after theile A resident of Goderich for thirty years, Mrs. Ante ,Baechler, widow ef vier Baechier, passed away at the nee --marriage. She resided with her.. husband at Port Huron, Mich., until his deatb. forty • years ago and then moved to Goderich. Ten years ago she went to Elora fo live with her daughter.. Surviving dre a son, Hugh, in Luddington, Mieh., and two daugh- Port Huron, and Mrs. Charles Brow - • Campbell's 1;--D. A. Drug Store Present 19c, Sale '-ifor this THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY GERARD BEDARD Kay, ehe,--had-spent-mostfof While preparirtrons-Wee-betrrnuule-- in Colborne townshi , but for the six years previous to en ering the hospital she' 'had beep, -living with her son, Her _husband predeceased her:- .She rich and Anderson of Ashileld, and and Mrs. 'F. Bernard cLuey), of - -The. funeral- "-Service was' held at Brophey's funeral home an %Monday afternoon, with ,Itev. Richard Stewart Among the out-of-town friends attending were Mr. and Mrs. Don Murray and Mr: and Mrs. Lorne Drinkwater of Detrait. The pain. bearers were Alex.43Wattion, Leslie Johnston, „Allan Schram, r. J. Mae: Ewan, Gordon ,Bisset and Melvin Jewell.. Flowerbearers were Ed. Alaska, Roy ,litleKraight„,Lerey..Potter, Francis Schram, Harold Mugford, Dan ritbiado. Harold Johnston and Reg. was -born at Diyadale -twentiRnre-years- ago and moved to Gederich: with his parents at tne age of thirteen. He waa a devout member of St. Peter's church and a member of the Holy Nanie' So- ciety, Suririving, besides 'his parents, are live_brothers and tvVo asters, Clare, avno returned on Monday from over- seaS, Terrence, Isadore, Neil, Anthony, and Shirley Anne, at home, and Mrs, Joseph Donnelly (Velma) of ,,Gederieh. The funeral service. was held on Wed- three years ago and came with his pay- nesday morning at St. Peter's thurchr eras, the fate Benjamin and Maria where requiem high mass was- sung Woodgate Runnings, to Goderich town - by Rev. H. T: Fallon.' The pallbearers ship when very. yonng, later settling were Alec Donnelly, Ambrose gartmaa, in Colborne township. Mr. Munnings Anthany Hartman, Walter Mero and farmed on the homestead in Colborne eat Spain of Goderich and Dona until 1919, when he moved to Goderich, Dacharme of Zurich. Among ihe many and he had lived . here ' since b‘eautiful• floral tributes were those with the exception , of four and from the office sta.ff of Goderfch Organ a half years when he operated a farm Company, employees of Goderieh Organ in Godgrich township for a. son who Lo., staff and employees- of PilrItY Was.' .in , poor bealth. He was tWiee Flour Ltd., and. United •Bretherhood of. married. After qhe death of his first Carpenters..and Jointers.' Interment was in Colborne ILO. cemetery.. - funeral home to St, Peter's church. where requiem high_Lmass W.as, swig by Rev. T. Fallon. The pallbearere were M. O'Brien, Williani Young, Theme's --Chisholm,. Leo Chisholm, Jaiaiea ChisnoLm and William Meyer. The interment was in' ColbOrne R.C. cemetery. Succianibitig to a,,iengthY illness, Mrs. Jessie Alice Mugford -passed 41 -Way Alexandra Hospital on Friday morn- ing last, in- laer. seventy-sixth year, She had been in the hospital for six months. , ..Born at Egmondville, the daughter Of John Burn and Jessie Me - to welc,ome one son home from over= seas,' the home of Mi. and Mrs..F4A1 Bedard,. St.-Alitirew's Street, waisad- deeed by the death ef another son; Gerard, who passed away in Alexandra restilt Of an injury Which Ee received to his'head when -he -fell while at work:• Gerard was employed by the GOdericli prgan Company and had feturned to `his work there _ after the noon hour On Fridai, 'before' -emilinending work, he Waa apparently -seized with a weak -spell and fell;•striking -his head. No one wita with him at -the .time and it was not for Some minutes that he was discovered by felloW-exiiployees. He wite-taken to -the hospital, -where it was disdovered that he was suffering, from concussion. He failed to regain consciousness before .his death on. Sat- urday evening. Gerard was "well thought " by fellew-workers and by all who knew him in Goderich. He OINTME— 1% -oz -1-96 In handy convenient tube SOAP BOXES Reg. 25c 19v --- NI= OF DIAGNESIA TABI:ETS 50's Reg. 25c 19e wErrg E*BROCATIQ„0.,7,. Reg. 250 CAMPHORATED OIL 3 oz. Reg.1.25c IODIZED THROAT GARGLE ' Reg. 2,5c Relieves sore irritated' Throats, kills germs. SPIRIT of AROMATIC AMMONIA' 2 oz. : Reg. 25c 19c n Agreeable stimulant and carminative useful in &inlay of,stomach. Also in cases of fainting. • ASTRINGENT MOUTH WASH 4,oz. Reg.' 23e 19e gootting preparation fer cleausing and refreshing the mouth & teeth. 19c 19c LUSTRAL TOOTH BRUSHES 25c Nylon bristles. Tufted and rolled shapes. CpLD TABLETS Box of 25's Reg. 25a* 'Mildly Laxative. PROMPT EFFICYENT. Safe for 'headache, laead colds, neuralgia. MUSTARD RVB .1 oz. Reg. 25c Relieves deep seated chest eolds.'' • ANALGESO BALit Tube Reg. 25o „ 19c An effective external application for Neuralgia, Headttehe, Rheu- matic and deep-seated pain. Also for chest colds. 19c home. Tbere are fifteen gralAchildren. ' The funeral ,-'feerriCe wae held in. the Hohnesville Tlnited church Oa Monday afternoon, Rev'. 0. Tavernier, a former in .Maitland cemetery. Dramatic Societyee-The Dramatic Society met at .the Vome of Ur. and Mrs. Gordon Orr op January Z2. Mr. Jas. Young acted 'as chairthltir for the 'was vated to the general fund ns Union church, to be used Per reair of the church building. The -following officers were elected for 1946: First director, Mrs. Gorden Orr; second director, Mrs. William Porter; -secre- tary, Mrs. Everett McIlwain; treas- urer, Mrs. Gerald Ori; working coin- rafttee, Airs. Reg. Fuller, Mrs: Harvey Faller, Mrs. Vie Falconer, James Young, Orval Powell, Maurice Mc- Ilwain, Mrs. Gordon Harwood. Mrs. 'Fergubon, The interment was in Col- borne cemetery. WILLIAM MUNNINGS The death of• Munnings oc- curred at his home on,Yictoria street on Prida-y evening last, after a four days' illness: Mr. Alunnings had been. Seised • with a heart attack the-pre- vicais Monday. He was born in Maik- ham township, York. county., eighty., 19e IVITCH HAZEL 4 oz. • Reg. 25c. 190 SODA BICARBONATE 16 An. Reg. 25c 190 SPIRITS OF SWEET AITRE - 2 oz. tog. 2bc 19c BABT-QOUGH SYRUP 3 oz. bottle Reg. 25c 19c Help comfort bapv's cold by relieving choking coughs With 'Specially, prepared baby tough 7rup. ' A.B.S..de C. TABLETS .Bottle of 100 Tablets ' 19c itleen-or 48 an eillcien germicide. -ilse it freely whe'n' colds MT • prevalent to help prevent them. . 'VITADIET Mulitple Vitamin Cifsules 90 day supply 2.70 ' 30 day trial 1.15 BROMO-sprzzER, For headaches, etc; 250, 49e, 95c Etiquat DEODOBANT CREAM ounce jar 39e *Stops underarm perspiration 1-3 days DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD 60 for 60c,., 180 for $1.50 For new pep and energy HOT WATER BOTI'LES . 11.39 Truly a Funeral Home_ Quietness, dignity with' reveyence, and an understanding of familY nee& are ever present -at THE E. E. CRAIST'I STON Funeral Home:, MONTREAL ST., GODERICH %.Phone 399W Or el. Geo. McIlwain and Mrs, Jas. Young were appointed auditors for.1946. Plans were made for a valentine box social to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McIlwain. Annual Meeting of Union Church. -- The annual meeting of Unien churcia.• was held at the'bome of Ur. and Mrs._ James. Young, with a good attendance. Rev. L. H. Turner acted as chairman. The reports of the • varjons organiz- ations Showed that a .very succeEisful _year had been completed. The three retiring,---stewards;•:'-Forest McClure, Gordon Oir and Reg. Fuller. were re- appoitited. The auditers for 1946 are - Mrs. Williata Porter and Mrs. Gordon Orr. Miss Barbara Orr was annotated ifisrs-tatif orgaillif. After -the Meeting adjourned, a social time was enjoyed. WWII ONTARIO CT Statement by Secretary a Huron .T. dooper, Clinton, secretary of the Huron ,County. Temperance Feder- , ation, has issued the -.following state - As a citizen of Huron county, where the Canada Temperance Mt is in force,' I would like to clarifY the' situ- ation with a view.....te showing that there is practically no conflict. with is, in reality, a ceunty local option law, which' may be se&ured on a majority vote, and was" put on the statute books , by the .itnd—The chief difference between the Ontario /peal option law and the •f:6minion lOcal option law (C.12.). is that the Ontario law applies to a -municipality and the Dominion law takes in the larger territdry, an entire, caturty, which is preferable „hi these , days, especially -as We have passed the horse and- buggy days p the 3rd -,-...The Dominion law. takes- pre- cedence oi,er the Ontaz,io- law" where both deal with the same question, a C.T.A. 'county and is effeetive in As an exaniple,.drunkefiness in a'public place is punishable under the On,tario elause'of the C.T.A. 18 the clause that prehibits keeping for sale or -selling intoxicating liquor, --while the Ontario Liquor Control- Act provides and al- lows liquor to be seld. 4th—lf the Ontarie local option. law was madeo.-eonnty-wide- and could be- -4;7- secured• on, g" a majority \' vote (ther17 democratic way). it would' readily be adopted by the Temperance Federation. - There can be no objection to a ,pnifted control under theSe 'conditions. - 5th -_-.±The meson fturon County adopted the C.T.A. was, because -such towns as Goderich;Wingham and Sea - forth were unable to secure a majority vote of three-fifths- for locar-Option. Fonrteen of the then twenty-six Punt. cipalities in Huron were,. hoWever, able to secure the necessary' three-ilfths. • including the -town of Clinton, so in I order to„Make the entire county dry they voted, on and carried the C.T.A. 1913. 6th-a-HurOp remained in the dry column- until Premier Hepburn in -1.9321 insisted ..-on • giving beverMe, -.room authorities in_ the county, centrary to law, and was warned, at 'that time bring back into .operation the . C.T.A. (the C.T.A. was teMPorafilY SunD01444 during the life of tb.e O.T.A.), but it hae taken over ten years of litigation), that they could not continue -to violate a law of such long standing as the The decision of the Privy is that the-OTT.A. is a good law and i unist-bn treated' as other laws being ' TERRITORY EXTENDED, Mr. Geerge, McNall has received of- ficiar confirmation tient the Depart- ment of Agricultural Loans, Toronto, to the -effect that his territory as com- misaiotaer of agricultural loans has, been hicreased to inchide the,. county of Perth. This gives Mr. McNeil the three counties, Huron, Since and, Perth. ---Blyth Standard. A man who disliked nielmatnes Or diminutives, such as Willie or W111.° for Wililara, 470.3 married, andln -due -ceurse -of-i;' time had iive-boyai, 'The first one was named William after • his father. Maybe it would have been shortened to Willie or but the seCOnd was Wilmont, the third Wilbur, the ifourtia Wilbert, and the fifth-WU-, fred. "Ah!" laughed the father, "now people will tiave to -call 'them bY ProPer names, arid not 'by nicknamete” As,4 result of this, the five bOylity/Are 4t- 113iW4 as Bill, Chuck,: Skiiiiiy,,Atibh.y and )3uddy. • Peeved lecturer (who had told. a peestorytect tohuattbuffaistled) ,,,t;reparloilleissCueppoti: 776 - folks will laugh at that story next simmer." Voice in the, andienee4„ wife, he naarried Agnes Cottle, of Goderich townShip; fifty-two years ago. She survives, with a son, Roy Mun- nings, of Bancroft. Also surviving are a son by the. former marriage, Edgar R.- Mtmnings of Toronto, find a daughter, Miss Mabel Munnings. of Toronto. An- other son, Percy, was killed in the first Great Mar. There are eight' grandsons, axe of. whim ,were la the services in the recent war. The funeral service was held at the fam•iir-residence Am" Mon- day afternoon and --was conducted by Uma, of tre-ili:ethren. religious body of which deceased was a meinber. ,Six grandsons acted as pallbearers, Lieut. Robert Munnings, Sgt. Ted Munnings, Charles, Percy L. and Clem- ent Munnings, all of TOronto, and George Munnings, of Weston. Other out-ef- town relatives attepding were Mr. and and Mrs. -Ralph Ilayhee of Termite and Mr. and Mrs. Manning of London. Interni6iit Was in Colborne ,cemetery. ERT CLARKE'S,SHECA SESVICE GOODYEAR 111Z78$ -AND TUAES ALL PASSENGER; CAR SIZES NO* 'O'N HAND Have New Goodyear's installed now and avoid the Sprizig ms Have New Goodyear's installed now and avoid the rusle."" 41101.11140101110. IS Min UM soMi RACE TE11 4"1" ("1"" r""urtnn- t3o MAPLE LEAF CAKE nous 144- cHEEss 01.0 2.0 •AILIk lb. 27‘ CHOICE PEAS $11" 9 011ANCE JUICE • '2 Tina 23° 'TOMATO BICE 111; SOLL'It uues "" 2.1:: 17 — OGILVIE OATS • • w••tt "":151230 . ANN PAGE /111.1(.:1111E111) OVE,N ITEM Loaves _ WIsf: 4ezeje,,V AGteiN THIS WEEK END By POPULAR DEMAND GRAPEER UIT TEXAS MARSH SEEDLESS 96's LEMONS - CALIFORNIA SUNKIST 3014 420 PINEAPPLES- FRESH CUBAN TEXAS NEW. caw. . RADISHES buneh 14 Carla ess FRESH CIJRLY "LEAF SPINACit ' lb. 154 -- NATIVE GROWN Po. 1 i'a()=;:l1; \ London; assistiiig North NJ. Lhoir ITOMI platiNin I.D.A. DRUG STORE 1,TIONI2i. 00 THE SQUARE ' The 'following gardps and s6rvite *stations are olper! on Sunday, February 10th, ,to 6 pan. . WM. CURRY rtOOPE • SERVICE Gras* 'Airtiday:i Feb oncert 22, 194 Mrs; • Hetberlrigt600 .Musical•Dir