The Exeter Times, 1885-9-10, Page 4THE EXETER, TIMES. Is published every Thursday morning, at the TI MES STEAM PRINTING ROUSE 1%M -street, nearly opposite Fitton's w e lery Store, Exeter, Out., by John White ds $�u Fro. oorS. RATES QR` ADYEraTtQIN 'drat insertion, per lin .IO cent s. Each subsecometin>e tiQn,Fe nemits. To insure insertion, advextisompnt. should - � be £oat in not later than 1Veduesday morning. one E:�T iS DEI' AItT, '1I PRINTING . s O ofao largest and pot equipped in the Couu 5 of Huron., AU %VOrli. entrusted to as will receive our prompt attention: Dec- s ofs Regarding -News papers. -.sore persee who takes a paperregularly from soe oat Dile$ whether directed in his name or others. or whether belies subscribed or net ir! r'espensi:'+ie for paymeht. `< If a person orders hie paver discontinued be twist, pay all arrears or aha eublisher [nay continue to send it until the pe.yinea:t is made, and then colleet the whole amount, whether tixe rapt r ns taken trot z t11e cities er sot. S In Batts for subseriptions, the suit may be instituted in the pace where the paper is ialtb• bated, although the Subscriber sway reside hundreds c+f miles away. '4 The e,yerts have decided that refusing to take ewspe.p r ' or tit iodieuls from the pest - office, orre::otaa„ audleaviug thezn uncalled.. torts prima facie evi te.ncc of intentional trend. he ir*efer torr DIt. LEwls SWIFT. of the. Warner Observatory, :Rochester, has observed for two successive evenings a small condensed nebulosity just about 10 or 12 seconds froru the new star in the nebula of Andromeda. A tail extends from the object and nearly touches the star. The position angle of the object is about 70 degrees, 0 Further obaeraationa by Professor r Brooks, of the Bed House Observe- w new titer, re- t r t e wonderful n Observe - tory, o h d e ofheight. veiled a invited increase g The star is now of the sixth Inagni• tulle and is easily vieibie to the naked eye. A small telescope at an opera glens shows it well, Professor Brooks believee it may yet attain great bril- liaao�, end hepar a • n ds it as one f the most remarkable phenomenaa in the annals of astronomy.. Tux Ontario law for the equitable division of insolvent estates is now in operation. It is known as the As- signment Act, and is really an insol- vent Act minus the provision for the i discharge of the insolvent. While it does not effect the priority of the wages claim, it provides that all pay- ments nnada fraudulently or within one month before the execution of au assignment ehall be void, the Money TaURSDAY, SEPT. loth, 19S5. to be returned for the general benefit - of the oreditore. Creditors are to des t'.1 �'.IP.I ;1T .1:� ! 11 1 l► E'. nide all q eeticne connected with the disposal of the estate by vote, the voting power of each creditor to be in proportion to his clam. It is pro- vided that the sheriff atoll be the official assignee, which ie a good thing for the sberiffe of the province, except when the creditors decide da has taken high rank among many otbterwtae by a Iriajgrity---a coutin- and worthy competitions, and is this geuay which the sheriffs may wall at Antwerp she hag every reason to hope wall eefdom "'Be' be prond of the position awarded her. ze Montreal Gazette:- The monopoly The telegram is from Sir Charles 1.s thepublicationtof aehool books Tnpper'e private secretary in London, I and reads as Wows established in Ontario by i1 Ir. Mowat's ;� "One hundred analten awards made "to Canaria at Antwerp. Three di- plomas of honor, thirteen gold, thirty- +"oue silver, and thirty-three bronze "medals awarded. Thirty exbibitzt "received honorable mention, Details. "will not be made public by exhibit.l of the coat of produotlon .shoal's that (gat authorities fits beginuirlg of Sep - !it could be profitably sold at fifteen • The following cablegram has been received by Sir Charles Tupper, the High Comwiesioner for Canada, and will be read with great interest and gratification by Canadiane every - Where. At former exhibitions Cana - Government is the cause of great and growing complaint, A new author- ized Fourth reader has just been issued. Thcngh printing on superior paper to the old reader, it is much smaller in size, and a careful eiftiuxate "[ember.'" It is to be remembered that the diplomas of honor mentioned in the cablegram are higher than the gold medals in point of value, as snaking excellence. We congratulate Caneda upon the fresh honors gained, and anticipate the happiest remits from the prominence she has attained. among so many keen competitors at this great exhibition. And we con- gratulate as well the High Coni- miesioner, to whose energy and zeal the excellence of our exhibit is so largely due. EDITORIAL NOTES. Mn. EVERETT, the Conservative candidate at St. John, N. B„ was a Reformer until 1S7S. Mn. JAS. TRow, M. P., has gone to the North-West. Mr. Trove's posit- ion is somewhat anomalous. lie i3 a Reformer, yet a friend of the Ter- ritories. IT is stated that the Young Liberals are to come out in favour of a cus- toms union with the United States. This means the free admission of American manufactures and the tax- ation of those of .hint>land. IT is gratifying to know that the Ontario Government has at last taken - --^ for the hrevant. teti�lillOneyaiCCtlanu.I ....s1} ion of the inlroduatlon hf 9inallpox into the province, These precautions are resorted to at not too early a date, in flat they come rather late; bat—better late than never. Census -taking in the United States is an expensive operation. Not one- half of the results of the tenth census has yet been printed, and $d,000,000 has been spent upon the work. 'the reason of the immense cost is that very many special subjects 'areae in- cluded in the enquiry*, and the work- ing plan was therefore on a 'very large scale. WE are sorry to hear the ill -tidings. of the serious itldispooition of Hon. Mr. Mackenzie, and the probability of his early retirement from publio life. During the late session of Par- liament Mr. Mackenzie took little ao• tive part, though be often attended against the express wishes of his friends and medical advisers. He has for many years been a prominent figure in Canadian polities. Sni MiciAEL Bross-BEACR thinks educated unmarried women possess- ing the property or household quali- fications ehould be entitled to exercise the franchise. This is the yiew taken by Sir John Macdonald. Sir Michael thinks, however, that if unmarried womon are enfranchised, those who are married will claim the sane privilege ; and he is opposed to en- franchising married women, because this will result, where the wife agrees with the husband politically, in'doubl- ing the man's vote, and where she differs from flim, in nullifying it. Sir Michael is a recent convert to the enfranchisement of unmarried women formerly he opposed the principle. gents; the price to the trado .has been fixed at fartyceuts, and to the public at fifty cents just double that of the book it is meant to supersede. And nothing can be done. The trade have complained to the Ministry that notwithstanding the increased price to the cameuwor, their profit is smaller than on the old reader, hut the only satisfaction they received was the information that if at the end of five years the books were found to be too dear, some other arrange- ment might he made. School books are a necessity that should be sup. plied to the people at the lowest pos- sible cost, and the bungling of the Ontario Minister of Education in this matter is deserving of the sever- est censure, and is getting it very generally. Tue name of "blind Tom," the wonderful negro pianist, is well known throughout the United States and Canada. Pity has always been felt for him, on account of his sad lack of mental capacity, but it Peems the whole truth about his wretched con- dition has never been fully known. Certain legal proceediugs in the courts at- Alexandria, Va., however, have thrown some light on the sub- ject. His name is Tom Wiggins, and he is said to be still under the abso- lute control of his former master, one Bethune. For thirty years he bas been playing in public and earning ulaLljf thOttlian8a of dollars for the Bethnnea, while still virtually their slave. His mother, Charity Wiggins, has now left her home in New York for the purpose of obtaining her son's rights. A bill in equity has beeu filed by her, es next friend, against Bethune, asking for all moneys the latter has received from "blind Tom" performances since the emancipation of sla'es by President Lincoln's pro- clamation, and for an account of the same. An injunotion has also been granted forbidding Tom's removal, in the meantime, from the jurisdiction of the court. The amount involved must be very large, and it is to be hoped that those entitled to tt will succeed in recovering it. -- TILE high standard quality of . Ca- nadian cheese is gradually working all .other brands out of the market. It has for some time past taken preoed• enoe Over that made in the United States, and now it takes the very first rank, and its pride in England is the same as the 'renowned Cheshire cheese. The latter has usually sold from ten to thirty shillings higher than either Canadian or American, but at recent large marketings, it bad to be solei et the same price as Canadian, The London 'Times, in referring to this, says,' 'A great blow has fallen upon English agricultural industry in the destruction of the profit hitherto realized from the manufacture of high quality cheese. American oompeti. tion has at last ruined the prospects of the skilled and indefatiguable dairy. farmers ot • Cheshire. Prices have fallen from fifteen to twenty shillings per hundredweight, bringing down the market to figures at whish it would not be reinuneralive to continue business. What effect this ratty hare upon husbandry and the great cheese - making centres ofEugland caultot be calculated, but a great reduction in the vclua of dairy farms may be ex- pected. It cannot be said that a su- perior quality iu product is a remedy for maple fitable obeese malting, for ;he overwhelming fall has occurred in the price of the very best Cheshire. Farmers are1zs aced the outlook for the very branch of llnsbaudry emain- stay h had beeu 1 e ' rti t as the ul_ c a l b stay of British agriculture. If dairy- ing goes every resource of our agri- cultural classes must collapse." CROUP, WHOO1'Stx COticUH and Bron, chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by .1.11, 73rowninv. TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER TU -DAY! r:rand, selvertli.ed as absolutely euro CC�I4TAIN . 1rtz[?isrx THE TEST: Plare r. sen top down on a hot stove until heated, then redmne the cos erhad quell. A chemist,will not bo r- 4uu,:4 to detect the presence of ame,onacl. DOES NOT CONTAIN Ait[liO\IA, Ta 11E41.1'111- .' 5S5 148 NEVER RIO 41.1M10555. In million homes for a, quarter or century it hes too4 the consumers' reliable test, THE TEST OF THE OYMN. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., MAXUS QV Dr. Price's Special PlaYaring Extracts, irM..rw.SMi,w.,t i.lkiaw W istar„ inmerhivms,sat fir:rice's Lupulin Yeast Gems or night, l5raltby Bread. The Best Dry IUD least is the World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. it Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER wall the first preparation perfectly adapted to Cure diseases of the scalp, and the first suo- cessful restorer of faded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, and youthful beauty.. It has had many imitators, but Loup have so fol hy et all the requirements naedful for oproper treatment of the lair and scalp, HALL'S 1IAIR Reer FE1t has Steadily groan in favor, and spread its Panne and usefulness to every quarter of the globe, Its unparal- leled success can be Attributed to but one cause: aka entire fuljilnknt of its,pivmises. The proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote conn tries, where they bad neverauade an enert for its tutroduction, The use fora short time of BALL'S Ails ItEsEw1:n wonderfully improves theper- sonal appearance. It cleanses the scalp Irons all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates: the weakened glai:ds, and enables them te push forward. a new and vigorous growth. The effects of this article are not trat:sient, like those of alcoholic prepare.. tione,but remain a longtin e, oh ob wake, its use a wetter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Tort wax W1tISKEBS Wilt change the beard to a natural brown, erIlack, as desired, It produces ap rmauent eclor that will not wash sway, C'onsistingof a aiugla preparation, it is applied without. trouble. I'ItEl'A1tED BY Pt HALL & CO., Nasbaa, Nr H, Sold, by as Dealers in :Medicines, 1'QR ALL TBB TOMB Or Scrofulous, stud "Blood =Disorders, the best remedy, because the most searching and thorough blood.purifier, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 'gold b7 all Druggists; 1, sial lmtt1ea, iht. 'MS OUT and rt^turu tar u. with Me or 1 11c• Atauii-S. unhl voull got try return retail tt Coldco Ito'. of tows that ,. *U brim: : sou iu odors tntomea^ tttnU .ustl,ing else dei An.oriea. Ion. 'fox mow if y-ou.tmrt CITY NOVELTY eo Yarmouth, &PECIN. AVOR1 MACKINAC. TAILORINGA SPECIAL TY THE GOVtflORGUEllt! Will visit London during the fair, and every young man who takes his girl or goes alone will want to lookhis andx" best, 1 he' ht lsif t _....�-gila wants his friends to respect him, his companions S CO.n an on not 0. p t t be ashamed of him, his mother to bo proud of him and his country to say, "well done." Then, don't go with a shabby pair of pants under a fine vest, a rusty hat over a nice coat or a faded tie under a bright, in- telligent face. No, don't you do it ! Then notice, :ANTOT _ROS IS THE PLACE TO GET A COMPLETE OUTFIT. its +i1,+ .tu Will? gt>.Cl% N@'' 'a :' t71' .1 , ,si.--=--Se- lett goods. the- very latest in styles and checks, ilead,= Corkscrew Worstedsm n salltheads, Mow Scotch Cheelze " xa.eSuitin.gs, we get up in the hest possible manner and to give satisfaction. 2'ew Felt fiats 3,2ar Biaclz axa.d. Brown... And sueh an array of Nock Wear we luwe never before thought of br ngiu into Exeter, but to -day we show over twenty-five do�;ens Gents' Scarfs and Ties in most fashion. able goods to be laacl, both American and English. . ANT N O ., Exeter. Latest Novelties o FA Season OUR, 1_)I IIT -GOODS STOCK Is complete in all departments, and at Prices to suit the times. iagEXTRACTS e Liht� SUM�TOUR MOST PERFECT MADE v din Ln strongest Natural zgtl101d1, Fruit , UNIT asdelicately antinatura ilyasthefrait. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., cnICAGO, S T. 1.0073. 131 WARE OF COUNTf:8t I.r.. GILDS' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. The speediest and most ee,.tain medicine hi the world. ALL FAMILIES USE IT. Weak Baalf, Enl.t.,, •dl Tuiats, Paralysis, I'hentnatisus, Neuralgia, Iliplitirerie, Sciatica, Prolapses, nevi, Female The best and only certain rcineily to relieve pain of all kinds, no ,nutter of hoar lingStaod- intl. Instant relief guaranteed (*ippon.,Swol- len Jo nts, Varicose Veins, Bites of Insects o: Sick Headache. \o oil or grease; is clean and sweet ; will not soil. INFLAMMATION OF THF. KIDNEYS, BRIGHT'S Dreses£, Diabetes. incontinence of Urine. U- tile only Liniment in the world possessing al. terative powers. Can to taken internally; euros Cramps and Co lie, Diarrhoea ane- Dys watery, y SOLA bt ALL LaoGGxsTS. TRIAr, BUTTL= Zdc. Write Dr. Giles, box 3.452, N. Y. P. 0., who will give advice on all diseases free of charge. ewer° of unscrupulous dealers and coun- terfeits. The genuine has the name blown in the glass and fat timilie of the discoverer's name over each cork. Gums" IMPROVED MANDRAKE PILLS. 5553, Stritsrt.,ItEmanLE and EFFECTIVE. Do NOT Gatex. They ate composed entirely of vege table sub- stances, and canbe token at all seasons of the year without restriction es to diet or clothing. For elldisorders of the Stomach, Liver, newels, dec. Price, 25e, per box. 0. LUTZ, Agent, Exeter, Ontario C. & S. GIDLEY, UNDERTAKERS ! --AND Furniture Manufacurers. P..taoa MUMS. ?+ow BatM. roue Trips par Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Every Week Der 7aetroreen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Cantatas Fait Partfenlara. 3teffod dans. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav, Co. C. D. WHirCOMEt, 8[N. PASS. AQT,. DETROIT. MICH. ORTHERN PCIFIi R. R. LANDiS in Minnesota. North Dakota. Mon- tana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon, Prom Lake superior. to Puget Scotism!, , At prices ranging chiefly loop $2 to $6 per acre, an 6 to 10 years time. This Is the Best Country for securing Good Homes now open for settlement. Lana FREE 3 2 O acres of Government Lad Freobert`ultuunderre Ltheaws.licmectead _ T and Tim1V OE 10.818.433 Acres Oil ]It1i3E Tli.ilt uIALF of all the Public Lands disposed of in 1553, were in .the Northern Pacific country, Tioolta and Maya sent FU:EE dletsa lUmw etre Northern Pacif CConntry,tlte Railroad i.entrds for Sale and the FREIE Government Lamle. Adtiress,Ci{AS.11. LAMB011N, Land Com'r, N. P. it. R.. St. Paul, Ilona MA.R.H0<JP, How. Lost.[ stow Restosed. We have". recently ,Duhlishod a new edition of DR,COTTLVEISWELL' S CELEBRATED ES- SAY on the radical and perm anent euro (with- out modicinel'ofNervous Debility, tIentnland physical capacity impediments to Marriage, —A FTJLL STOCK OF— etc.,resuitiugiroin excesses. Price, in sealed envelope ,only e,conts,ortwe postage stamps. The celebrated. authorofthis admirable es- say clearly ctofnonatratos, from thirty years' successfulprtittle e, that alarm iiag cousequen ccs may be radically cured 'without tbo clang- orous use ef internal medicines or the use of the knife Pbint out a mode of cure at once simple certain and effectual, by moans of which every sufferer, no matter what his con -I ditionmay hominy cure himself cheaply, pri vately and radically. r'1 -'Thi lecture skouldbeinthe hands of ev- ery youth and every man in the land. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY, 41 AN1:.4T.,NE'OP YO&S 7?ostOiliee Box 410 Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above line, to meet immediate wants. We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, And Funerals furnished .andconducted at extremely low prices. Esta rule e^ ALL T112 SceIri.Tirid' • • Remember we keep the place to get everything you wan. and at tight prices. JAMES PICXARD The Old Established House, Exeter GAZE Obi THIS , FOR THIRTY DAYS BISSETT BROTHERS C 1FER TEN 'EM. CENT. FOR Cdis.5 OniFORKS of,all kinds, CRADLES, SWATHS, SCYTHES, ETC. BINDING GLOVES CHEAP. Maehuiie Oils,Rock Bottom Prices American Water White and Canadian refined Oils away down. BISSETIT BIOS ;THE BANK of TIME Main Street, Exeter. TIIOS FITTON Keeps Watches Tha Are Watche And are warranted correct for Time, Tide, ot Railroad Train, and to please the most fastidious. J WELIRY That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable for Romans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides, Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely -Wives, Children, Hus- bands, Etc., Etc. SPECTACLES,—Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy and pleasant to the eke, and suitable for youth or age. Give him a call.. No trouble to show Goods. Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought. to Time.