HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-01-31, Page 3IETZ-NIDITII YEAH.
Barter, lilte.
tam -Court 'House, Gedericit.
Tf!dtephoue fe,G,
Barrister Ete.
Royal Balt Bldg.
`HamilWa Street, Goderich
Phone 908.
Barthiter and dolicitor
011ice-North t., Goderich. Phoue 750
01•4101TH"Itnd MONTEITH,
Chartered Accountants
u ,
.Actjtreet 132 2t13aLtrile..4.L.
A e w
e goderielt,
DUB 0.412t8 Or
ns erOdid "are SU$410 49
69,* bitteThe
33 he 57 and P1 to "PgDerraeat i t 22.
Orange -colored preserves ceupens 33
to 57, Pi to P25, and all, unahnembered
preservee coupoup Issued or special,
purposes expire January 81,
groeer 1ntitt upon InY
ing hithi one coupon for three' tins of
canned baby fruit. Each tin contains
.fiee enlaces. Shouldn't I het More than
three tins for it preserves coupon?
A.-The,Calue Of a prepuces coupon
20 ounces of canned fruit. That -
fore, you should get four tins for a
coupon. You would get 40 fluid ounces
for a sugar coupon. •
Q. -Why is unsweetened canned
fruit rationed.?
lated town 'proPeri7 insured.
Officers -President, W. It. Areld-
bald, Seafortli; Vice -President, Frank
McGregor. ClintOn; Manager _ and,
Secretary-Treasurr, Mt A. Reid, **-
forth. .
Directors -W. a. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Frank MeGregor, Clinton; Alex.
Broadfoot. Seaforth; Chris. Leon-
hardt, Borahoim; E. J. Trewartha,
•- taunt; John, L. -Maloner-Seaforth4,
Alex. MeOwing, Myth* Hugh -Alex-
ander, Walton; Geo. 41.teh, Clinton.
Agents -John it Pepper, Bruce-
deld; R. F. McKerchet, Dublin; J. T.
Prueter, lirodhagen; George A. Watt,
. Policy -holder* can mune all pay-
ments and' get their cards receipted at
the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutest
Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, AoA,r
J. H. Reld's General Store, Baylield.
sunAzica ,00. ---Farm:" and. 140 -
A.. -Unsweetened canned fruit is,
rationed because it is in short supply
and because efforts must be made to
see that persons requiring this fiPe
of food because of health reasons 'get
their just share;
us .0,e -es
4 Obituary
04QWN Ianrump,
TOISONTO.--ein l945 the IMMO of
L0wpolieles by the akoWn Life Ineeer-
in apy_exeeeded '.previous
records, lad the rate of ,p,eleey terrato-
aeions aet ate All -them lows declared
Pen. G. Howard, Ferguson, president,
at the fortyllifth anuual meeting Of
the CeesPalle. New policies isened, in-
cluding income 18i auxonted to
$e)2,021„p0. Ineurenee in force . in -
Creased hi? A40,038,297 te a total of
$306,834,14nee "During the war," hie.
rergWen thild, "the demand for life
ineurance increased greatly, and
not lessened with the coming of peaee."
Preiniunes received during the year,
including first-year,reneWal, single
and supplementary ec;ntract premtums,
qmounted to $12,6/2,848.72, eXceedipg
.the previous year by more than $1,900e.
• Businase Still, Growing'
Mr. Ferguson remarked that. at the
close of business in, December the
amount of Policies in force wae ap-
proaching 097 millions. "Today," he
said, "I am adyised that the 400 -
million 'mark basbeen 'pleased," He
noted that the Conipenyes assets are
increasing in even greater preportion
,than tfte insurance in -force. During
1945, assets increased from a little ore;
.69,e,nifilhine. to about 79% million's.
Substantial additreirit -Vete- Made *IV
the reserve for contingencies, as well
4$ to Phyieyholder's dividend reserve
and the surplus- fund. ,•41 am sure,"
he said, "thesee•results will corettiend
themselves be the policyholders of, the
Conepenyesto all members of one organ -
and th genertfilys"
In his remarkseldr. Ferguson paid,
substantial attentionto Canada's eeon-
omic prospects, stressing the. import-
ance of world trade, high employment
levels, and revision of the tax structure.
Late House Surgeon New ':-York
Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital,
tatoofl Eke 'Hospital nd
•Alolden, -Square Throat Hoillital„
tondo* England. ,
, 53 --Waterloo ,,Street S., Stratford.
, Telephone 267.
• Next vietb Bedford Hotel, Godelich,
Wednesday, March . 27th at 2 p.m.
till* 4.30 p.m.
Q.-Every-thne 1 make; -a small pur-
Char of -Meeterny--butcher Asks- mes:f or -
tokens, instead of coupons. Why.
should be b.9 se insistent on getting
tokens? .
A. -eat tokens should be kept in
eirculatioe so that the supply will be
adequate and it will not be -necessary
teliheife -Mores 'IfeYour--buteher-does
not obtain tokens frome his custtifners
heeninst Bend time going to the bank
to secure Irdire tokens. Also if he
does We,obtain-- tokens from his
Eyes Examined; Glasses Fitted
Phone 33 Goderich, Ont.
8011001LA NEW
Tins wuEs HhG.C.,11;
erriclaY, Felkuary lets la :the BIG
night. Aftereweekp 0rizaee
night of the at-liquie-es at hand. The
gymnestam Is, bright with gala decor.
adores. The laseiee have been Whispering or days of frille .and. /Jounces.
The eladsi 'anticipatipg the* rhythm of
Ciite Gordon's orchestra, havebeen
enrreptitionelY„prztetising strange steps,
Oi FietlaY night a gay throng will
gather at the (.0.I. for the event of the
schoo/ year -and next week we will
tell you all about it.
Since last week when reference was
made in this. column' to the boys as
being seyi your-reperter has been the
subject .of murderous glapcee from the.
maseuline students. Also he has been
infoemed - that many, potential 'red
Sstaires in Grade 12 resent being,
teemed toe -tramplers. Be that as it
may, your reporter still sticks to lals,
- A yoauglady who shell he namelerss
has asked us why "Scheel News" men-
tions only boys.. It is true we refer
to the most important subject, but in
order to comply with her wishes this
week we write of the girls' aetielties.
Gym. classes -are -conducted by Sties
Helen -Bisset. 'In these classes the
girIeeplay basketball -and -have...verb:Ms
other eihrcieese-Thee feminine inter -
form' basketball results are as follows:
10A and 1011 in a fiercely contested
games found . themselvhs deadlocked
with Al score Of 8-8. Following is the
---I0A-es-E;eigelllise 2, B:- Craig- 4-, eel. -
Wall. :2,e M. Oke,, F. MacDonald, Hs
Montgoineth, R. Thurlow.
1013-4. Castle 4, M. Bisset 4, E.
Dustow, J. Baechlet, V. Glenn. G.
Hayden. - _ •
In the following game .10A was de-
leateds byeele0B, Ahe -score beinge e2-0.
The teams Were as follows:
Geo. G. MacEwan
flre,Aeeldent and Motor Car
Goderich,. Phone 34.1 :
Office bours.:-10 to 1.2 atm,. 2 to 5
• and -7 to 8 p.m...!Tuesday, Friday and
10 te 12 a.m. only on Wedne.sday.
mondatand Thursday at Mitchell.
Mineral fume baths by appointment
' . A. N. ATKINSON .
- 51 South St. •
Registered under Drugless Practitioners
Act for the Province of Ontario.
Wawallesa Mutual Fire Insu-
rance CO. 50 years in *business,
Canada's largest Fire Ins. Co.
Get the rates and b'road cover-
arge on your store or place of
,business frora
R.R., 6 Goderich
• Phone Carlow 21-r4.
•11,,, ' • tN
customers he ight be in the po tio
of net be able to give change to
thase who present toupons.
Q.--:Whenewill ration book six be
issued? •
A. -There are suffielent Fehupone left
• In ration book. five to last • o -the -end
of the year. Therefore, n 'decision
has yet been Made regard g ration
book six. .
Q.eWhen do orange pre erves and
yellow "P" coupons expi ?
A: -They expire January -31.
Daniel Elliott, retired Canadian Nee
tional ISaavseeeheeehesenger 'train con.
toeelehelereeerly ineGederSc.h.
and Sareieneelted at'Ketropolitai
pital, Winde9re'en:january 21.se, after
' of a, few *melee.. He mita a
native,;, of Point Edward. ' Sueviving
are WO wife, jeanie, and eon, Alex.,
at heme in Windsor; two aiSters, Mrs.
Charles .Paireee, Windeot, and Miss
Lettie Elliott, Sarnia, and one brother,
John Elliott, Sarnia.. A. sister, Mrs.
C. Peterson et Sarnia, died about three
'sleuths ago. 'The funeral , and turitel
took place on January Wed at Windspre
The. death at Archibald Anderson
occurred suddenlyeoe ThUrsday, Jann-
ary 17th, at his home in Luelhasw,
his eighty-sixth year. Mr.' Andersen
Itis wife retired three and a -half
years ago from their ,farna ilk West
Wawanosh two miles north of St.
Helens aed made their home in- Luck -
now. Surviving, besides Mrs. Ander-
sous are three daughters: Elizabeth, of
Montreal; -Mrs. Irvine Henry, of Bel-
fast, end Mrs. Robert. Purdon,
Whitechurch. And'erson was a.
native of West Wawaposh, served for
eight years on the Townehip Council,
and Was widely known as a piper.
He was- a• staunch.. Liberal,., and ne
Of the big events of his life -viest
occasion of a visit by Sir Wilfrid
Laurier to Wingham When he attended
with his pipes. Burial was in the Ste
Helens cemeteey, after a service eon -
_deleted by Iteve. Q. H. MacDonald
UL rasy.aTz_ .
.. Real Estate aniir 'nominee.
. Office ''and Besidenee:
11 Trafalgar Street
, Rhone- 663
FOR SALE--Housei of all kinds,
choice building lots, bnsiness pro-.
perti and several `good farms.
- - -
LLieenied for CountielLof Huron
' -and-Itruee - -
Ffir, Information apply to I.N.
Kernighaa, Division Court Clerk,"
Goderich, Ont.
Correspondence promptly an-
, iwered. Innnediatei arrangements
can be made for ales Date by
- Charge -moderate and satisfac-
tion Onaranteed. ipt:t
The year -1946 maY g sedaWn, in
history as a black. one for commercial
fishereaen in Bruce coun . George.
McGaw, 'Who haselglied out of Kin-
cardine for many years, is not counting
on lieavy cetches during the coming
Beeson and may not even bother to
set/ out gangs of nets. After all,' he
a.ys, the fish are not there, ' though
whose fault this may be haseyet to be
settled.: , •
• AcEording to Mr. McGaw, there Ls
&onsiderable •-quaAtity of ,frozen fish
available' for release, and as long as
this is so the priee for fresh fish will
be low and make commercial .fishing
• T. A. (leaden a TobeemOry, chairman
of the -Ontario Federition. of Com-
mercial Fishermen, is of the opinion
that the supply of fish for eommercial
lisherraen evill continue to decline until
'Canada and the United States cas
ordinate regulations. AS if eis, he
'claims, the United States lake lishefe
man 'is getting the better part of thetation of the following officers for 1946
was conducted by the minister, 7Rev.
R. H., Turnbull : President, Mrs.
hieloney ; vice-presidents, Mrs, W. F. H.
Price, Mrs. H. Barker and hire. C.
Worsen; treasurers, Mrs. Cole and
Mrs. Pridhani; secretaries: Recording,
Mrs. Moorhead and Mrs; • Donnelly;
corresponding, Mrs. Scott) press, Miss
M. Campbell; pianists, Mrs. J.
-Snider,- Miss C. McClinton; Assistants
on the executive, Mrs. E. Weetbrook,
Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Hibbert, 'Mts.
Heitman, and Mrs. Walkom ; conveners
of committees: Flower, Mrs. M. Wer -
/Lefler ;, parsoa4e, Mrs. Walkom ;
:kitehen, the group leaders':
-After -taking the their,- Mrs. Mooney
thanked the eacietyfor coiaferring the,
tiresidency on herfor another year
and eressed her appreCiation of the
hearty co-operation of the, members
In the work, stliting that their loyalty
in the past augured well for the coining
Meorhead gave an interesting
arid ° eomprehensive report of the
varieus ectieities of the past year,
mentioning particularly the four o
standing' undertakings •-e- the dinner'
served to the Presbyterial, the catering
for the threeeday youth conference,
the. bazaar, ,and the dinnert• tendered
the returned men and women of the
services by the congregation: -
Mrs. Cole read the treasurer's report;
which showed the past year to be
one of, the best linalicially in the
istory of the..Association. •Reports
from -the. other officers and conveners
itirrslioVved-ProgfeAtnieing 'itch& fin
the various departments of the work
carried on.,
The seeretarY' read the list Of mem,
beret in each, group and the group
leaders: Groin) .1, Misd L Campbell,
Nix's. Hedge, Mrs. Thorpe ; group 2,
Mrs. W, F. IL • Price, Mrs. 3, M. Gra-
ham, and Mrs. 3. MacVicar; group 3,
Aire. Il. Barker, Mrs. C. Donnelly, Mrs.
G. Methieson.
A new. committee was formed con-
sisting of Mrs. Holland, Mio. Straehan
and Mrs. Buchanan, to care or the
choir gowns.
It was decided to send Mr. Andrew,
the sexton, a lettet of appreciation at-
cempanted 14 i •gif t. for the eplendid
assistance he had always gli:enelthe
.Aseociation. •
During thei devotional partof the
meeting' Aire. Price reed the' Scripture
tenon and Rev. It II. Turhbull led
In prayer. After'efeeiding to under.
take a membership drive the meeting
iosed with the Weep)) benedietion.:
It Wan &tided, to hold the nettnieet-
oa Iereday evealng, February 15t11.
but lived there only eleore tinee be-
fore moving with her parents to Moue()
Jaw' Satan After their arrbge Mr.
andUro.Bleomfield. lived In elIooee
le-T-tegieroe-beforeeernovieg. t
Goderich thtrteeone Team ago. Mee.
Bloomfield was the mother of fourteen
children o e daughter; Jean, dylng in
'Mother; •Mee." 'MOM tine*1 or town;
four. eletere.,.41i*jeltay Steele (Eva)*
Stratford, Jamee (Merle (Agnes)
of Steatferd, Xra, David 14,011er
(Ituby) Of Detroit, and MO, Seeord
Allin (Janette) of •towrie. and three
brothers, Roy of ,Stratford, NItillialn of
Bracebridge and Rehert: et Winnipeg.
.."-Thesfuneral--hereices wee -held- atethe-
Bropheer" f i eral h,onie ,on -140ndaY
'efterneent, with 'Rev. Le IL Toner
4,15hlating. Atenibere a the Canatitati
1924 at j.the age of etghteen• 11°13r Qt•Pegi, On marched' and Acted aa *river',
her eeeren sone sew serviee ia the, bearerand pallbearere. .Ttie 001 -
recent war and one, Carl; ade the bearers were iteg. liTheaa04 VOW .
Supreme sadrittee on ;January 14th, Good, 'George Ouerell, Harold. Attire
leteee eeene serving With the Oth Can John ,Bell and William Grinrod. The -
adieu Hoepital Unit in 'tale. Just interment was in Ma.itland ceneetee7.
before . her death Mrs. Bloeneileld Graveside services were ‘tonducted by
learned that Caere place of burial heel Rev. Mr. Turner and Clatenee' Mae -
been identified ae Unser, Italr. An Donald of the Legion. "Last Poet"
other eon, liarry„ setved three and was ISQUIddeebY 44000; ./.4. ,)leary.. •
a -half. , seers overgells with. the 4th
Armored Division and is at present in
London for --his died:large. Leonard
is on leave at his home, here after
three years with the Canadian navy
on the west coast Brace 15:-withthe,
army at Queen's Park, London. Other
eons surviving are Russell of Oshawa,
Alfred of Toronto and Morley at home.
The six daughters surviving are Viola,
June and Gloria at home, 'Mrs. William
Mitchell (Louvain) and Mrs. Benson
Kerr- (Irene) of Goderich and Mrs.
Clarence Ileggarth, (Kobel} of Tillsone
burg. Other surviving relatives are a
sister, Mrs.' S. H. Hearnden of Van-
couver, and three brothers, Roy and
-WLIIihne McArthur of- Vencouver and
I:Hector,- tif thePeaceRiver-district..
Mrs. Bloomfield was a member of
-Victoria street United church and the
Victoria Home and School Club. -
- Rest. L. II, Turner •conducted the
funeral-services-elle:Saturday after-
noon: A profusion -or .itoral tributes
surrounded the casket, %minding those
from the Goderich Foundry, employees
of Dominion Road' Machinery Co.,
president and • directors of the Domin-
1-1 oof
10A--.13. Craig' 2, E. Willis 2 M. Wall
2, H. MentgOmery, MacDOnald, M.
Oke. ;
•10B -A. Castle 2, -M. isset . 8, D.
Baker 2, G. Hayden; eV. • Glenn, J
-Theegiriseof 913 sheniSistaleesleseons
from the- goys of 911, for the. young
ladies went dawn to defeat at the
-hands of 9A in et score of 16-4. Here
are the teams :
9A -J. Menzies 2, G. Arbour, K.
Ramond 2, M.- Bogie, E. Fuller, C.
Cutt, E. Jenkin - 4, M. Dohetty, B.
Sowerby 8, M. Johnston, it • Wilson,
M. Erskine. •
The death a Earl Eugene Ernst,
well known In Goderich in connection
with Olt Capital Theatre, occurred_
on Thursday, January ilth, at St.
-Mer-yes lieshacteheeetelse Peer health
for some time 'Old death resUlted
-from, tc heart atik while he wad'
sleeping. Mr. • Ernst *as bort at
Kitchener, the, BOW of eirs-: Ernst and
thee,late S. R., Enaht of that city.
Twenty years ago he married Mess
Maybelle Sutherland, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Sutherland of St.
Marys, and untilA few years • ago
he managed a store aet Kitchener for
the Tamblyn drugstore chain. On his
retirement fromethislausinese he moved
to St -Marys and Was associated With
Me. Sutherland in the operation of his
cliaiu of theatres. In thia capacity he
spent a good deal Og his time_in Gode-
rich and was a member of the
Merles -et -wig Canoe-,-Cierbe-elle-• iS-1311
vieed by hts wife, an eight-year-old
daughter, Barbara, his mother and
two ehrothere, Harold_ end VoiS of
Kitchener'. •
The, remains were conveyed , to
Kitchener, where the funeralesereices
were held, Rev. Mr.. Seymour of the
United .church officiating, and burial
took place.
Oyeieholt, S-. Robertson, Ts.
'Mugford, IL Whiteman, M. iteis, B.
Taylor, R. ,Stokes, "-M. Powell, M.
Fer information, ete., write -
R.R. 4, Seaforth ; ot phone (col- •
lect) Seaforth, or PM. Goderielu
Mondfy. Tuesday and Wednesday--; •
, Tom Neal; Barbara Hale, Marc Cramer and Mike St. AnlioI •
Tremendously thrilling! Daringly adventurottS!...A realistic pie-
tutl*tion of the 'niest amaiiiit Mission' ever devilled
91Intisday. kilday And SattiAttY.
• Benedict Rogeaus presents.
as MS err • i I
with Charles Laughton, ItindolPh Sea% Barbara .Itritton, Reginald
Owen, qohn patradine and Gilbert Roland
All the speetaele and romance of the wa,sa greatest adventure stns.
'4'1A UM or A1*P iitatring Otne W,ilettey
Matinets Wed; Sit shd no1140,st 2.30 pot.
• 0,
Ralebby 4ACr1eh,
On Wednesdays Jenuary 23rd, the.
G.C.I. girls battled with the Girl Grads,
no holds barred.. The Grads were
victorious, with a score of 22-12. May-
be if the girls had as mech encourngse
Ment as they give *the boys the score
might have 'been 'different. Come On,
.boys. The line-up was as follows:.
G.C.I. ...Girle-E. 'Martin, M. Bisset
12, J. Baechler, P. Lassaline, R. Reid,.
V. Btiechler.
Girl Grads -,--P., Farrant 14, E. Mere,
M. Martin 8, -ese Wifitten, • V. Worther,
D. Ginn. 1- •
Mies leiseet 'refereed all games.
; • / •
'It the annual meeting of the Wo-
men's Associatioee ef North • street
United. church, held in the church
parlors on Januafy 18t11,- the install-
1 I.
We have a rarilieStsnumbeh of
" the 'oils
Horse A TrIcieir-Orgeiii4e-
Side. Delivery *'
RAKES and .140WIFIP,S ,
bargain. This topinion is held publicly
and privately hy many Canadians en-
-gaged in the same lelisiness„.
The treaty question will be dis-
cuesed-shortly in Ottawa. •
• D. J. Taylor, Deputy Minister of
Game and Fisheries, -does not believe
there- is any seeloue dwindling in the
Great Lakes fishstipply. W. H. R.
Verner,- the Department's -assistant
• biologitt, says- there are cycles' in fish
production. •
If a treaty can be .arranged with
U.S. it• will set' regulations governing
open eeasons, types of nets And mesh
fish hauls and type
of gear.
• Mr. Golden le of the opinion that
commercial lake trout fishing in Lake
iiirr011 is almost a thing ef the past.
---K in ca rdipeehlews.
Bus Schedule now in effect.
Leaves Goderich daily including Sunda;
7.45 a.m.; 12.25 p.m.; 4.15 'p.m.
Arrives Goderich daily
14.50 a.m.; 3.45 pan.' 9.20 .p.m.
• Leaves Sundays and tolidays
8.00 p.m. ATI 9.30 psfl. .
The 8.00 p.m. PAIS goes dl:eet-ta, London
•only. -
,Conneetions at Clinton f* London;
Detroit, Witigham, 'Walkerton, Pori,
, Elgin and Owen Sound.
Connections at Stratford for Woodstock
' Kitchener. - GueipkPafl1flto� and
Connections at Mitchell for Listowel
' and London.
Fr information phone. Eritilih Ex.
' change, phone 01 or 11%
F. T. Armstrong
"SeetristraisiTand Elee BMW
At Lucluiltw every Wednesday
ion #oads Ma nery Co., ole pr
Coe._ er tr t Uni e
church, and the Christian Service
Group of that church.. The pallbearere
wer,e John Gauley, Thomas Hamilton,
James Phalen, Fred- McCullough, -Dan
McLeod and -eDavid St-oddart. Mem-
bers of the Christian Seeivice Group
acted • as fiowerbearers: Charles
,Breekow, Jr., Percy Barker, .Raymond
Barker, James Mitehell and Benson
peer. Interment was in Maitland
cemetery. •
isiloPineasimumo4o diammoisks9!Iorifffwis
' Fire Preferred.Riktes for
,Preferred Risks.
• Consult
MO, 113t1111311, Lticknovit.
Thom 8241" Ottnrumea
funeru,1 of Charles' Fisher, who
passed away in Alexandra Hospital'
on Thursday evening of lastvweek aftee
A lingering illness,took place from the
cranstOn funeral home on •Saturdae
afteenoon. Mr. -Fisher was born in
Cchborne township in 1866,, the son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fisher.
After leaving the family homestead
he nio:ved,ta -another* farm in Colborne
township, where he remained- until
moving twenty-one yearsago to Gode-
rich, ' where he resided on Trafalgar
.street. He was a member of the
United Church and of the Caimeian
Order of Feresters. His wife. predee
ceased hhu _ three years. Sureeiving
are a son, Johathan, of 'Colborne town-
§hiP ; twodaughters, Mrs. ilarold
.Allin. •(Georgina), ' of Godtrich, and
Mrs. David Coraish (Nellie), Of Clin-
ton; a brother, Peter, • of Colborne
,township, and a sister, Mrs. Melinda
Goebel, of Winnipeg.
Rev. L. H Turner conducted ^ the
-funeral ee
-serviee- n- Saturday.. The
pallbearers were Wesley Fisher, Peter
Fisher, jr., Ed. Holtzhausen and Ernest
Holtzhau,sen of Colborne township,
and- Arthur Straughan and 'Joseph
FIsber Qte-Goderich. The intetment
was in Colhorpe ceinetery.
News of the death of ?Olin Stiazel
et Plattsville, Ont., on' Thursday after-
care- ofelast cameeaseaeshotket
PHONE' CARLOW -.2821--:
3t1 " , "
his family -and iie citizens of Godericie
who only a week Previous had seen
him about-topparentles . good
•health., Mr. Snazelelliet week went to-
Plattsville, intending to open a bake-
shop in the near ftiture. He was in -
the midst .of settle% the shop in order
when lie was stricken. He was found
in. the slier), by an ,assistant, after
beings -dead foronly a _short while.
A doctor who was summoned said that
he had died of heart failure, brought
en by an ticess of _gas in the room.
•'from ashake=oven. had never had
.a. strorig heart and the doctor was et
the -belief that the gas acting on the
weaheart brought about' deaths -more
quickly thee it" menially- would, have
done. ••
• Deceased -.was born in Stratfokei,
forty-eight years ago, the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthtir. Snazel. came
to, GoderiCh with his parents at the
age of five and had niade his home
here since. Foretwelve years, with his
wife, he operated a restaurant on West
street, For the last four years he hacl-
been Ea ailing as a cook with the Patter -
km Steamship Lines. A veteran -of
the 194-18 war, he saw Service in
France. 'He -wasfi.former member of the
Orange Lodhe and of the Canadian
Legion and a member of Victoria street
United church. Surviving are his
wife, the loaner - Margaret White; a
son, Billy, at present with the Can-
adian army at London; Ont., a daugh-
ter, 'Lenore, Irvine -in,'. -Winnipeg; iris
A lifelong resident of Colborne town-
ship, Robert MeClure„ pessed away, on,,
'Friday night east at his home on thes
1st coecession, in his eightieth year.
The son Of James and Matilda Fisher
McClure, he ekas born.on the farm on
the list concession of the townihie
which was his home thrqughout his
ife. In 1910 he, married Mies Ella
Henderson'of Seaforth, who eurvives,
with two • daughter. ,Mrs. Benson
Sowerby, Goderich township, and Mrs.
Williana Glazier, Clinten; and a son,
James,. on • the homestead. There
are nine grandchildren. -Also AU:
viving are two brothers, John, of Gode-
rich, and William, of Dungannon, and
three sisters, .Ms. Andrew Sheppard
and Mrs. John Galbraith, betheeseSsesee
,rich, end Airs. Georffsehte-seesestS-of
Water Seek. -- Mee* 'Wedure - Wag -a
members of. the Benmiller , United
chureli. •
Owing to read cenditiona the
•funeral service was held at the
Crapston funeral home on Monday
afternoon, Rey., Ueeeronheilm 'of Ben -
miller and Rev. Harold Snell of
Auburn otticieting. The interment was
in the Colborne township " cereetery,
the Pallbearers being John Flick, Ross
Ieishee, William Eiden Hugh Hill,
Jonathan Maher and Garfield Mc-
Michael, The &hal titteringa were
borne by Clayton Million, William Mc-
Clure, Bensoneeitillien, •Doneld Sower,
by, Arnold .dud Donald Lamont,
There was it large attendenee at the
fuoeral service for lierriet
wife,. of William Bloomfield, Jitiron
road, held at Cranston's funeral home
iin Satnrday afternoon. „ Mrs. Bloom:
field Patted teeny at London on the pre-
cedbae Wednesday ire her • eixty-iiret
'Yem ptie ivto bbrif at °tittle, Out.,
East St.
It DOES -,taste .
ood in a iii'
9," •
Mother Not to Blame for
tke Children's Colds
-• Despite all the mother can do the kiddis will ion'
out of doors not properly wrapped up; have on too
ranch clothing; get overheated and cool off eeo Enid-
Alenly; get theie feet wet; kick off the bed elothety and •
do a dozen things the mother carnet help. • • .
Half the battle in treating children's colds Cs' to give them semethint
theyavill like' something they will take withetif any fuss, and tWirthe 'mother
will find in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, a remedy used, by Canadian
mothers, for the past 48 years. s .
* Price 35e a bottle; the large family.size, a-bouti times as muds, 600, a.
all drug counters. • •
-- The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. On
Here's Quick Relief from
3Purpose Medicine Helps Clear
Out Congested Sinus Areas
ONE best way to' get, relief front,
torturing SLUM pain is,to clear coP-
gation frosti tiasal passages and
give sindiee a chance to Arnim' A
feW drops of Vicks Va.tro,nolo in
each runtril is usually eboUgh to
bring this comfortihg rekef
3-Parpose Medians « «Va4ro.nol
is so stn. cossful L-ccalks:e it docA thret
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