HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-01-31, Page 2Sebeetli$400, Itateeeeeilleada Mid dreat *2.91i) a, Year; to United
States, 42,00.
Ratee on reqUeet. A.uthOrlied as second-class mail, Poet Mee
Department, Ottawa. Telephowe
a dry raspy f`eeling down In mY throat.
the will a the people.
Over lu ;the 'States ,the people' are tif , •
,eween ,lateer and cepitale Vricee-' and 'Trade* eardt deniee a feeling teete comes eettae a laud ‘ape
By Ii,arry J. Note 11
So ewheree aheng the `,wer in' the
Paet week or co 'a 'Ifiu" bug caught
up 'with mee Just_where he came twee.
ls hard to' say. It May have been
ember of the eontineebt that etarted
Letteis t -o• the Editor
0D-tatouto 'tow.
t3ir,-Itest yelp heart, Ur. McCreiltla
It *as uot a'near neighbor who nudged
rue, nor did anyone tell IcnO ;iibatt to
out, on the prowl when old•
CarPeater sneezed in my face at the
store the village the ether day.'
I started- on' Ttearsday night with
earneptleneriti Chuck the other, day ruleor ettat b,e ebout tie retire. u eatiuess in your -stonatiele and a
e,alled en the "'lilt pen" o; labor and More *verbal bricks leave been' .shied cheklness In your head. With a meat,
ing of the townehip council cowing
Rower:" ya had tko, rauch Power W.P.T.B. was organized than would
now, lee d red,' andatfatheY did hot heve diecou.raged a dozen ',ordinary
&We more' cebeideration to the' pnblic men e but after eall there is general
welfare" tfeo 00Vernment weniditave tolrelief the keowledge that he is AY-
gitep* in tea iiettle their, difterencee. be with the job in which he hat kept
Statege hie wept on to Ray, were • re -1 a steadying handl on the Canadian
Suiting , 4too much kidting eiteeeagl price structure and saved Canadians
1 -immeasurable trouble fend distress.
Mr. tlordon Is a particularly tough
specimen of the genus Scot and' has
refused to be budged au inch'by public
clamor -and theepublic is glad that he
did refuse to listen to- its clamor..
cultUre convention at Loudon lest week
holiday, and June 21st,,as the longest
day in the year, was suggested as the
date. On that long neidsutamer day
.and an end iu
put to the' elfeeent Ablation.
Ffeert Okhtheme, 'comes the 'report
thrOnghout the Uuiteft. States to stop
matieeting goods until industrial. pro-
dttetiett resumed.'7"NO goods for Us,
/tie feed, for yieet;" • was their slogan.
HOwever. tine wastefuluess'of strikes
ought to be a sufficient reason for
maintaining production, except in most
en, mulal clacumntances. The butcher
boys seciii-ter. More money ell up
goes the price of meat. So the) baker I the farmer would have some time, after
boys Strike for more money and up the chores were done, to enjoy hie
SaY, The fence ,arOnn4 Mi. place IS
(plata high enough, seeing I would
prefer mere, rather teem lesseeintear.
course with my near neighbors. '
.And se,e lbw you f'understand Mr
Allia'11POsitien quite clearly.
for low wagee. dislikes !giber imiona,
and bates Communlets." Sloce you
didn't get yonr "clear °understanding"
aext Tuesday. and having been p from ray letters, Mr, McCreath. I wore
te make a representation to them, der -where yoa gotelt, YOU evidentlY
was alarmed. There'S nothbag quite overlooked .my maia ;point, and mag -
with sniffling! coughing, hacking and myself. ,,,Aut the prodect a the Plant
sneezing. - is the* joint production of Capital and
. It Mat lear-en pretty cold all week.
The wind swirled the snow ali
across tb.e eountryside in bunches and
drifts and tbe mailman couldn'teget
thropgh for two dap. Then the tele-
phone line went out for the biggest
part of a day. Our battery radio was
dead and I eouldn't get into the village
to get the other one that was being
We spent some pretty uneventful
days as a result of that. On top of
my snuffling weehad i.be be practically
isolated from the rest of 'the country.
M Phil and
theee trivv,,tbouaand are bard to
the 'peat, depregotiou loeomothe
Huhlieellit said, "Thee' are guttiug
have to take .1t, Its the CLN,It! is met
Waking the epOney. keieW
how we'll do it, for *ef-feund it atd
enough, to get along on the
'Month we •Were gettingebefereaue:-
goes '1 the price 'of bread. - So the
candleatick-makers strike end up goes
the price of candiea. Thenetlae butcher
-boya,' tingling the cost of, livhig has.
traselae:ntrilo again, and the whole
performance is repeated over and. over
own holiday. Certainly agriculture Ls
entitled, to the recognition PrOposed,
but "..could notea„...doey_lae c.hosen farther -
from Dominion Dair, so that tihe whol
nation- inight join in its Observance?
Why not have the first Monday ' in
The teoUble 14 there is no ceiling
gar etanaards of living. When eace
iti the vortex a luxuFloori• wing More
and more luxuries 100111 Into view and
the luxuries of yesterday become, tail
iteeesSities of tomorrow.- A young man
forging a note Or $1000. His defence
was that his Kiri tefused. to marry
him until he bad a% theusand dollats
to -Start- housekeeping on. The Cane
Adiall girl wants that standead of
:living, Mr, Editot. The label* entente,
strike for' it, ana the less responsible
element demand it at' the pobat
Labor. Hence the product belongs tO ai gun. Ottawa.' IS now engaged in a
both. . Egnal share the preduct housing nagerprise for our war
means matt ehare ha the Progts. veteraes at a "stipulated $6000 met per
If pear is acceptable. to both eides it house wheat the veterane are to pay
the (Val retake 10040 ir( the"ThIlted
the mine owners" to convinee Via Oat
such Mine oWaerig are felled *anywhere,
several beets on indleetrye ate,. awl One
ft8tettling Within the, Um." .11
you have not read it, Mr. McCreath,
'get it. It la well worth readteg.,
A further word -Olt the CemillUnista
until the hitchers, the bakers and the Anglia, now observed' in many towns
I am quite sure that rs.
Patricia Ann were getting a bit tired
of me. For my money there's nothing
quite as bad as a man nursing himself
out of a minor ailment.
First 'of aLl aad lemon juice and
orange juice. AS a metter of fact, 1
started out en the 'plain lemon juice,
but it was a pretty stiff dose to take.
Then I tried eating raw onions. AS
far as the- eating is concerned they're
not too- bad, but I noticed that .the
rest of the folks gave me a wide berth
--around-the house.
Of course I was gargling all tae
time with everything from Dr..Safeuel
Z. Peaboely's Silver Medal Cough and
Cold Mixture to, plait, ordinary salt
and water, with baking- soda added. I
had, a muetard plester -on my chest
that almostepulled-my heart -out. -An
Old woollen sock with goose -grease en
it adorned my neek. About every poge
ehould be according to the value of
the product." Dues that look like a
preference for IOW wages?
I wanted Mr. lacCeeath to discover'
the umetmed• factor responsible for
the steady decline -in hoine ownersItip
which has kept pace with the steady
rise in wages. In other words, way
didehigher wages and ipereasing pover-
ty go together? Since you failed tO profits% out of the first World 'War, but
answer My question, let me tell you their standards of living plus their
to the city's. record of Industrklepr ....eme-eeete of, borne relnedy imaginable
786-5-r atiltatb.ey eesult in Wage in- ' ewes tried. ,te- -
centres in the Province," and adds: about 'everytireIng there wa armed
the house to ed; Minn I tried cross-
word ptizzleS. They can certainly get
tiresome in a short while. Then I
started workipg on the books for the
farm. The algures- got all snarled Op
in a dreadful mess.
Well, the , time finally passed. The
cold seemed to be much better. , I got
thing.in 'general, event out to the barn
and then started sneezing again. Tbe
col. is back and I'meeinabad humor
again and it has atarted. storming.-
creases, Wilms inevitablytetendeeto-seektliclianeeRlateeligAteeelvell other
for on. the inetalment plan at five
]per cent. interest. There'll ,be some
back' instalments for their shades to
pay one thousand years_ from . neve,
Mr. Editor.
• Moreover, our habits of wasteful-
ness have -kept pace with our stand-
ards of living.. And again there is no
ceiling. The Auiericans made huge
'Paw. (The following figures are not
intended to be exac4 ,
When wages were one dollar per
day our standards of living were on
a one -dollar -a -day basis, 'and most
people-owdedetheir-owneleomesea Th
labor unions came in esiring better
working eoiaditione -and higberestand-
era's of living, and sec zed $1.50 per
day,-theit our standards of living rose
to need $1.75. Then- Leber deneanded
$2.00 and our standards rose to need
$2.50. • Then Labor demaieded $3.00
and our standarde- rose to 'need $4t00,
and so on. Oilir standards . are still
rising and though our weges are three
or four times. aa bilgh. as before they
are relatively farther below -what we
went than they were forty years ago.
four to aye dollaos a day now than
we *Ofeiv'uf, A, rise from one dollar to
one -fifty. fOrty Years agb. Again we
ask,- Why?.- The- simple answer, is.
Because. we get out of money in less
time noW than we dierthen.... (-
It has always worked -that way.
About ferty yeats ago a merchant in
Toronto said -to -me in' substance as
follows: "We "merchante have no
trouble collecting oat aceonnts from
men- gettingefrota one to tvvo-thousand
leisening of `the, purchasing power, of
mewl, se that every insurance Pellef
and every bank aepoait is lowered in
value of the dollar today and of that
same; saY thirty years ago!
Futile or net, there will° contitme
to be Arikes under existing conditions.
If there Could be a reversat-of, the trend
—priceg, sending -them awn 'instead
_of up, there would be less- reason for
Wage ditPutes. To being "this -about
-atenditaxee wherever possible, cut tax
leviege and so reduce Me coet of living.
centrated in Greater Toronto, and'
a feve lather areas it a source of
local pride .in these centres, but
"it wonleleabee,,„,beater if the Pro-
vince's industries' were spread over
a greater number of plaees so that
there would be -industries •in towns
and villages which now have little
- in the way of manufaeturing plants
e to keep their youeg people from
Toronto agreeing to a 'Uniform rate
for public -owned. power so • that the
smaller 'centres migb.t be able to compete
with tae. big _cities and , their cheap
It gllitleienttY drastic, this should start •
the downward price movement ,which
- increase employment, ensure waget of
of living. ale
"Europe's Destittite Need, More
Clothes," Rays, oewspai5er headline.,
Aud, judging from the pictures, o
do the ladiee of Hollywood,
When January goes, ifpraigdciesn't
. seem so far away. 'But January has
given us some splendid: days, witia
•• welcome stmshine - and, clear, crisp,
, (The Ottawa Journal)
- We hue reached the stage where
businessmen_ are too much shoved
abOut, too much meddled with, too
much suspected and frustrated. To -be
a businessman on eehie' continent to;
day; be help in developing the country
by preducing wealth med. Ivork and
viagee, is to be a mark -an object -of
•Recentry Collier's said something' oo
this score' worth thought. Listing the
multiplicity of -laws and gontrols that
harass enterprise, it said: -
"There is one type of late, however,
svhleh we do not have, and which
would not wOrk if we had it. That is
business organization to stayein- busi-
(Burk's Falls Arrow)
Pgrhaps we belie all been wrong in
referring tie the person who controls
the weather as the weather man. It
may be a woman. Whoever it is
'changes his mind, so often it is, hard
to keep track of him. Last week; for
instants% on Tuesday and -Wednesday
thermomefer dropped t� thirty be-
low and beyond. Then on Thursday
morning it Was comparatively mild.
No one but a woman could have a
cliange of mind so, quickly.
The United Nations Organization is Cwhrilel,s.ier. *Fend,
to have as its secretary-general a General Motors. Graham -Paige, Hud -
Norwegian with the, name or Trygee son, Packard, Willys, et al., to produce
Lie. It is to' he hoped: the gentleman's
motive concerns are in business beeeuee
surname will be used with discretion
77—_,,.,„„Theuggestion in this column last
• week' that the Godetich hockey record
of 'unbroken victories was becoming
, people to' 'consider this. Businessneen
• , -the dropping- of two games, Thanks, 1
g to,. dwell in, the shadoev of a
up to noev they can make money _out
staying -in- business -money -for their -
shareholders, their dealers; their em-
ployees. But they can quit business
any time they feel like doing so."
The time seems tti have come for
A U.S. army signal eorpe having
dialmed to ,have establb3lied radar con-
tact with the moon, a group of Old
and say that they hefie received SignalS
from the sun. ' Wonderful things
they're doing these daya but they
shotdd be sure they're noe getting their
• Wires croseed and that the reactions
are sometleing more 'than meonshine.
The work of the Red Cross Soeieey
pieeple of this town and district, and
the revert ..of the ennua.1 meeting ,of,
the total branch, Walt" its review of
with being haraesed taxes_ and
telestionnaixas and controls and regu-
letions.and with being shoved around
and suspected .tuld attacked and ena-de
a sort pat symbol of' evil.
For Me exploiter andathiseller there
need be no sympathy ; nor for the mate
who says "to hell -with the public."
But for the honest businessman, the
builder, providing.work apd wages and
wealth, treating his workers decently
and helping his Cortuallinity and coun-
"eommon dense.
' We in this. country talk about an
expansion of trade; • about eeports;
about world markets. Doe's anybody
believe we can echfeve these things
if -men of nrabitien and enterprise are
dpied-chance. _of 'rewards rte,t,,,their
energy, denied hope of returnS on their
capital, while being made targets of
abuse, by the envious and 'Unthinking?
Canada .was bullaupp by private en -
the work done ana ite forecast or the terprize ; by men of pioneee' and% ad -
work -still to be done, wilt! we are venturous spirit who ,Were not afraid
An effort to have Brueea County
brought . under the provisions -of the
Canada Temperance Act now diet' its
validity has been upheld by the Privy
Council was predicted by Mrs. S. R.
Davey .of Chesley, president of _the
Women's Christiah Temperance Union
in Brude. She said that winter road-
when'apting comes teaaperance workers
be out to demand a vote on the
queation. The W.C.T.11: and the
Temperante Federation "have alws.yt
advocated that we make an effort •to
brindBrucc under the -Canada Temper-
ance Act but have held back on the
advice to wait and see if it is valid."
--Walkerton Herald -Times.
wastefulness left little, for the de-
pression years Watch followed. I re -
said to me, "I like the Canadians bet-
ter than the Araericans. Tb.ey are
dollar." Wile' are they,,caasingeba.rder
after the dollar than we are? Becabse'
their living standards are higher than
ours. The depression hit the° States
harder than it did us. A Michigan
bridegroom is' said to have' gone into
a nearby city -to find Work, And lle
sent his 'drat -ten dollars to- hisebridte
with instructions to "blow it." Tae„,
Scripture says, "The waster is brether
to the - drunkard," and much of our
trouble is that our drank -flits have 'too
many arothers,
Yea Mr. McGreatii;- we don't want-
Ifevae had a Set rate for otir Power, or
the cierapetition of local electric plants
we colld compete encegaefutly---with
Toronto for industaTal plants. We
know how to legislate against private
monopolies, but there seems to be noth,
ing we vizi do about GeVernment
Want to tell Mr. McCreatb-that
would -take more than "a book 'or two'
on the story of tile niags'laurders in
tOIDAT 1,40‘1014
Editor The Signal -Star.
nOWS that the noble old court hOtiee
may be torn dovra. Why not revamp
it a bit? Or parchase a site on the
Square for offices 'Mat &moot uow be
taken care a? Such an atulez eehld
hum It Cein Coutrolied, The *pie
Clattered, repreeentative, Sr. Del
SteWarte- We an lettere-lethal talle Ott
the warble al, etter which there Wei
Marale'r Which. it cauld 114,00t
fillip., Ali appeal was Wade for -thei
serial% WAS eatimeted that the
to $10 per „cattle beaet applaViee
war Servieete Swedish' elesielefir
"Melting ,,OVer the Farm Kite
'and *there Were allegenieh
Between the 'Om showinite
Lorne Rodges, the president, tonduete#
to the annual Meetiug of the Ontario'
Federation of Agriculture held Tor -
There Is to be another film showiag
in Taylor's. school on Februaty 2001,
aaaree A facade 'harmonious with the
perent ,buildirili; and its. coat would
be a fraction of that needed for ,a nevi
court ,• hoase, Mere important Weida
be tae preeer'vation, -Of a dignified and
fliiTowitES-iMoWN AT
• Oodeeich township people' have hid
the priellege of seeing another pre-
sentation of the Pictures sent out by
the National Film Board. Thesee pice
January 23rd by Mrt'llarvey Johnston.
Under the supervision of their teacher,
Miss E. aacEwen, the children had' the
school beautifully decorated anticip-
ation of St. Valentine's Day. During
the afternOon the moving pictieres were
much enlayed by casee'100 school child -
In the evening their parents and
°Junior farmers Mled the school. Of
chief interest was a film depleting
Tae following examplea are taken
chietly from. the British House Of.
"Our tongues are tied, our liana
are fettered, and we are leallyebeatine
the air to ,no purPose."
"This thorny subjeat has long beep
a bone of contentiou mimosa 08."
fiThe-West Indies' will now have a
future which they never had in the
"I will -tepeat what I was ,about
to say when the aomerable member
interrupted me."
"An oral agreement isn't worth the
paper it's written on?" --
"Yon may. judge of our state when
I tell you that I write this with a
eword in one hand and a gun in the •
-"There-was lastanding proatrate at
Change of -habit is of little value .
in itself unless born from ailing* of
tile life history of the warble ay, and aim.
Painful, Put Filled Boils
the Cause of MICA $rise
miserable they 'Made you feel- --
BOW Are OntWaTd indication, of impurities in
the system, and leet when .you think you are rid ot -
one andthet crops -wt.() tita place and prolong
(se"- ?et. help overeonae bas-eou should purify the alood, se why not faite
that old, reliable blood medicine, Burdeck Blood Bilters, a chance to show
what it wilt do in helPingyou getrid of them? Tbousends have -used it for
this purpose for the poet 60eyeare. Why not You?
Tile T. Milburn Co.. Liralted. Toronto. oet. „
Ash Wednesday-cMarch 6.
Good Friday-Aprif 19: -
' Victorate-They-Fiedaka--May-
Dominion Day -Monday, July 1
Labor Day--Monelay, September 2.
Thanksgaing Day -On a day to be
fixed by proclamation, likely .Monday,1
October 14.
ber 11.
Christmas Day -Wednesday, Derem-
"Imre, be ieah. with miaeli interest. Te
the women who have giVen co much
Of their time to the work undertaken
by the Society apprehia.tion cannot be
avoid hypteerisy and be in keeping
'With Conditions -afe they •aeeet beat
Of Ontarle that his liOuor volley would
manirestlY imi)00-sible to • Produce . a:passed more weary hours, wasted more
G$111teol OY liquOr adfainiStration that time, ereated more argumentg, given
will be tteeeptable to all. 'What Viaould a goaa more. Pleasuve, glad made
bts rreognired by ttll, homer, is that tn°r6 frilculL) Qtwl ''.`31.elaaie3 41411 1114Y
other li:1120 that eaelety has ever In-
leess esatted -should *13, et faced P:o
Dr. W. - Sherwood rox, summer
resideht el GodgaTehe who had been
on a visit to Phoenix, Arizona, since
the middle of Decetabee, returned this
week to his dutiea as president of
the Univereity of Western' Ontario at
London:, Phoenix is experiencing its
coldest *inter in fifty years, Dr. FOX
frost dia the night of his arrival. Mrs.
Fox is rilaaining in Arizona for the
rest of the winter.
tO take risks and who Were entouraged
ahd •apclaimed in risk. Of such men
If thiS country is to prosper, if it
is to fulfill the dreams of the old, bold
,plobeers, if it le to have a population
prosperous and employe.d, then Can.
and eiseibition,:inuet be given a. ehance.'
It will not get that chant;e if we gee
on hamstringing it, frustrifting it, euree
ing it; suspecting -it, taxing it, penaliz-
ing it, leaving it haff bond and half
It is tithe weAlnader5 up our minde.
Terhape the game of, bridge Lae
Faith 'with' Yourself
You know as voll as we do,.
-that yen have been going to send
in your renecsgt1; subscription o
The Signal:Star, hut you have not
done it. What about doing it
to -day?
ICINGSBItIDGE, Jan. 26. - Sirs.
James 'Wallow has returned -home
after ,a three weeks' visit with her
Mr. mid Mrs. John !telly aite ghing
to London this week to be present. at
the marriage of their daughter, Eileen,
to Mr. Fred Watts, of that city. ,
'Mete was e large atteedance -at the
soeial in the. parish hall lark Thursday
evening, sponsored_ by the Women'a
Inetitute. The program. consisted a
a -play ebtliled 'Sowing Wild Cate,"
which wan presented IV the Yeoug
people of Pine Itiver. All charaeteres
peesented their parte- in an. 'able Man-
spene dancing to the iirabelass music
of the' Orehestra. A splendid evening
1105t ud loot: for happineee in.
tve een give oureeivee and be tam.
Coupler 'Check Books
Window 'Cards
Sale 'Bills