The Exeter Times, 1885-9-10, Page 3THE HOUSEHOLD RO17 EHOLD mem. Cheese, when excesa'vely acid, ie likely to produce alarming gastro-intestinal irrita- tion. Cold tea should he saved for the vinegar barrel. It sours easily and givea color and flavor. A pound of auger is one pint, an ounce o£ tray liquid is two teblespoonfulls, a pint of liquid weighs 'dation ouoces. trot wood ashes, applied to a stove when cold will remove grease. Cover the spot entirely ; do not be sparing of the ashes. Silver spoons that have become discolored from contact with cooked eggs, may be easily brightened by rubbing with common salt. Lemon juice will whiten frosting, cran- berry or strawberry juice will color it pink, and the grated rind of an orange strained through a cloth will color it yellow. Mosquitoes, files and other peets will no enter a room in which the caettor•oiL plan is growing ; or, if they should enter it, they are anon found dead beneath the leaves. A simple teat for the deteotion of lead in drinking water is provided by tincture of ooehineal, a few drops of which will color the water blue, if there be the remotest trace of lead present. One of the best and nett oonvonfexnt re- sept motet for table cutlery le a mitten flannel knife ease tanked to the inside of a cap• baud door -to be ao constructed that there gill be a separate e.npertnent for snob knife or forte. A. lump of gum camphor in the closet where diver or plated ware is kept will do much towerdapreventing tavnlab, Coal gat,. and the near presence of rubber in any form are two tbinge that saute alter to tarn- ieh quickly. Any one whe daub".e as to the beet way to have clear jolly le assured on strong evi- dence and many proofs that to allow tete. juiea to drain through a #fennel bag without equeexing it, will render tide wetter easy and satisfactory. Better than an iron spoon for Halling apougo for bread, and for aimiler sea' is a "" mundie" or a piece of oak shaped tato a round atnooth handle at ono end, and the other end iiattenedlike a thick Ireife blade, then aand•papered smooth. Ina damp closet or cupboard, which is liable to cause mildew, place a aetueer full of quiek lime, and it will not only absorb all deeepness, but sweeten and disinfect the plate, Renew the limo once a fertnight, or a; often as it becomes* slacked, When a knob coulee off a deor•hanele you tau fatten it en again by filling the cav- ity arity of the knob with sulplier, then heat the iron end of the handle which goes in the knob just hot enough to melt the eulpher, put the knob in, end let it 000l. It will be firmly fixed Le place. The Scientific Amwi~flet states that plush geode and alt articles dyed with aniline col- ars, fad from exposure to light, will look brigh as ever after being sponged with chloroform. The eomrnerolal chloroform will answer the purpese very well, and is lees expensive than the purified. If children are hungry between meals give them meed or biaoait,, as these will ",,tay the stomach" and net interfere with digestion. I know a family of children who have es much dry bread an they wink be- tween meals, or an apple; never butter or jam or preserve, and they are as healthy and rosy as heart could wish, Wax beans make a delicious salad, Choose your beans, remove the strings, break in inch long pieces and cook in salt and water. While still warm cover them with a dressing of oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Be sure and remember in mixing salads the old saying. "A. spendthift for oil, a miser for vinegar, a wise man for salt and a mad man for mixing." Use at least twice as much oil as vinegar. Free and Easy manners. When girls assume a swaggering manner upon the street, use coarse expressions, and greet each other. with a rough"Hello," they cannot expect much deference from their male friends. A lady's manner always con- troll that of a gentlemen; and if she does not respect herself he will not respect her. When boys and girls, young meta and maid- ens, are allowed to fall into the absurdities of low foolish, meaningless talk, it seems to dwarf them intellectually ; they can find nothing of interest or importance to nay, and therefore make up for sense by filling every sentence with needless exclamations, exaggerations, or misused adjectives. It requires much patience to be compelled to listen to half -a dozen folks and hear the strange inappropriate vee of language. They will assure each other that it is "awful" warn, or the concert "awful nice ; the ser- mta l "horrid" dull; a young lady is "awful pretty," but her dress "horrid ugly ;" the teacher "horrid strict ;" such a young gen- tleman who called had an " awful swell" team of fast horses. If young people could hear themselves as others hear them, it might result in their reformation. because of her olearnees of preception, to be firm for the right and against the wrong, in- sisting upon the former in every case where, by virtue of her position in regard to it, elle may in any measure be responsible for the wrong. Such a one rules her home with gentle grace which, while itrecords a tender deference to inherent right and wrong in all their relatione, irtstats upon the former.. D1sLuellnsat*on to marry. " It is true," said a young lady, "I scarce- ly know a girl who wants to marry. They are learning something that will interest them as well as support them, two roles in which husbands just now fail. The truth is we are all seared away from any desire to marry by seeing how wretched those who do marry are. Where would we look for Imebandel Among the anigee mid>eperte and ebaraoterleee young men that fill: our draw- ing-rooms? raw-ing-rooms? They are inauffsreble at mere acgnaintancee or beaux ; who could eon - template them as huabands t I have always thought that if I could find a young man at all like my father I could love bine and tof onbas van - jelled h m, but that school m as felled from the younger ranke. women et the Itraeitre. The young ]nen of the fature have got to look sharp. In the seminaries and colleges whose doers have been opened to girls It lea notable feet that the girl,' tbfa year 'lave got away with the honor', by a large ma jarity. Al there i; no inetitutdon them open ed which will class its doors against the girls, young men_ would do well to take their lesson in time. The girls have knock- ed the doors open to *fay, and, what it more, they are there to reeks good use of their opportunities. A DOUBLE EXECUTION. .rwo IAurderera4 Guillotined at Daybreak Itset',re a *ratio Crewe. The two notoriona oriminals--Gaspard, who murdered the old Delve/lay in the Rue d'Angouleme, and Marchandon, who cut the. throat of the Creole lady, whose aervige he had entered, according to his custom, for the purpose of plunder --were guillotined shortly after daybreak, It was expected that the wretches: would be reproved, as Gaspard had badan acoamplice, and March- andon's Mende had made eoergetio efforte to save him from the guillotine. Their op - peals, however, were rejected, and bete, the criminals were handed over to the common executioner. At 1 o'clock in the morning the Place de la Roquette, ou'aide the prison of the con" demned,was fulled people, who, as is euatom- a•ry on such occasions, had remained up all night to wlteesa what, in the ennale of re- cent sensation, was an exceptional sight,' namely, a double execution, The police had considerable difficulty in keepiog the crowd of sightseers in their places, and the mount- ed gendarmes were frequently celled into re- guiaitionto clear the approaches tp the places of execution, The usual horseplay, low joke', and badinage were freely indulged in by the expectant crowd in the roadway, compelled as it wes of the lowest strata of MECNA.NItl LL Ii ista. Bhaakor t enayok Raj wade, a Sindoo,1 has been leeroing the art of gime making in Now Jersey in order to premiere it in Bohm- bay, where he ie now eetabliahing a gime factory, Moat of the private atracturea in :Runde are built of wood, and it le ertiimai*ed that the bulk of theta burn down every seven or l years, There is salol tO he always' Brea, et leant, In difl''rent parts et e empire. "To clean** teeth rise a mixture ol. emery and tweet ail, following it with plenty of keromem." Thin would be queer advice, but as it is taken from a rnacblaiate magasine, .and frost a dha>i*ior relating to circular saws,, we have as databt it 1e given in good faith. Tee Lira:pool .]merrier states that when. the telephoue wee token t. E'tglend by the agent of Dr, hell, the iaaeuter, all the patent rigida connected with it wore offered to the post oflioe department for x..30,000. The offer was chelated,: bet a little later these wise ofliolals, who thought i:l10,000 was tc much for the patent fir time whole United Kingdosa, offered 4540,000 fir the exallange eataeblished Ir L.ndan Mono. And they asked in vale. A railroad jaarnal gives a description of a prcescted locomotive sad track by which a speed of three miles per minute l; to be at- tained. A road bed with as ourrea less than 3,000 feat radius, the grade not to ex- ceed twentytovcnfeet to the mile, mate feat gauge, metallic ties, two trio of driving wheele twentyfour feet in diameter, are the more radically new features of this pro- posed devourer of time and space. The .dtailttely Age thinks somebody twill have to invent caat Iron passengers to ride after such e. contrivance. In welding iron, as is well known, the pieces are heated to whiteness. When iron is to be welded to iron this plan answers well, but if iron is to be welded to steel the white heat often destroys the steel. To prevent this -according to a newly invent- ed process -the surface of the metal to be welded is moistened with water, and on the wet surface there is sprinkled a compound of one pound each of pulverized calcined borax and iron filings, and four ounces pul- verized prussiate of potash, intimately mix- ed. The two surfaces are then wired and raised to a red heat, or about 600 or 700 de- grees Fah. When subsequently subjected to rolling or hammering, the joint is com- pleted, while the steel is not sufficiently raised in temperature to be at all injured by the operation. An Amsterdam firm is busy with the erection of a special workshop in which the cutting of the largest diamond of the world, is shortly to be commenced. This diamond, which has recently been found in South Africa, weighs 475 carets, and is, said to be greatly superior in color and brilliancy to all the other famous diamonds of the world, the largest of which, the "Grand Mogul," is in the possession of the Shah of Persia, weighing, after being cut, 230 carats ; next insizefollows the "Orloff," of 192 carate, which adorns the point of the Emperor of Russia's sceptre ; the English "Kohinoor," originally weighing 116 carats. The " Regent," one of the French crown jewels, weighs 1361 oarats. The time spent in cut- ting this last jewel was two years, during which time diamond powder to the value of $4,500 was used. The " Star of the South," which has been out at Amsterdam, weighs 127 7-16 carats. I1Ycllncnnent in Moine and Society. Refinement of feeling and perception has a much broader field in which to manifest it- self in the narrow choke of home than in the wider sphere of aooiety, where there is so oomparatively little to cause friction. And she who is not a lady in her deport- ment to father, mother, daughter, son, sis- ter or brother, cannot be such when she enters the larger arena of society, no mat - tet what suavity of manner or polish of ex- terior she may bring to bear with which to . charm and delight those about her. Nor is the inner refinement spoken of at all incon- sistent with decision of character. In fact, the one'possessing it is the one best adapted the Parham. rabble. Snatches of obreene muse were oven sung by /lame of the villain - OM gamins end vioiaus gte]s who premed throughthe crowd to obtain a view of e saeno which seemed to have no terrors for them. At 1 o'clock a moving tight was Aoeu apo proeehing. It preceded a dark mase aoarce- ly discernible through the enveloping dark - nem, This was the car conveyleg the tor. rlbte hole rt. ju tire, or guilletiue, which had once mere been removed from. its resting place la the vicinity of the prison. It was followed by Deibler and hie assistants, and w"it'11'Ell guarded by policemen. Turning the corner of the Rue Pelle Itegnaelt, the ghastly carev.a lumbered heavily into the i'lace dela Roquette, and atopped before the door of the jail. The gaillatire wan promptly dthmounted and by 2 o'clock everything was ready. L1el- bier, having superintended the proparatory r,:casuree, weat into the jail with two of hie mere, and there wa;then a long spell of wait- ing and expectatiou, during which the day dawned on the impatient end chattering crowd that filled the Pima de eft Roquette. . At 4 .'clock the numbers were inereseed by workmen anal( ethers whir were obliged to be up early, and barrio+des were pat up by the police te prevent the people front filling up the approaches to the place of execution, A long narrow basket wen .now placed near the blo'•k .1 the guillotine, and et ten micut . to b the huge, heavy and glooloy doom of the prison swung open amid a dead- ly allenoe, ad•lyailonoe, only broken by the •harp rattling' of the gendarmes' sword' as they were drawn from Chair ecebbards. Gaspard wan the brat of the felon; ]ed to death. Tall and unuseu- lar, he walked Brialy between two priests, 1 rOwit's Little like. said Why, Brown,a to hishort f iend Brown, who wittly replied. "Yea;. but it will be long enough before I get another." Some men spend so much for medicines that neither heal nor help them, that new clothes is with them like angels' visits - few and far be- tween, Internal fevers, weakness of the lunge, shortness of breath end lingering Boughs, soon yield to the magic inline ace of that royal remedy, Dr. IL, V. Pieree's "Golden Medical Discovery." The V shaped corsage is very popular in Paris. $509 Reward. The former proprietor of Dr. Sage; Ca- tarrh Remedy, tor years made a Mtanding, public oiler le all American newspapers. of $ 4Q reward for a ease of catarrh that he could not care. The present proprletora bare renewed this oiler. All the druggists hell times Remedy, together with the "Douche," and all other appliances advised to be used in connection with it No ca- tarrh patient it: longer able to sty "I can- not be cured." You get $500 in case of fallure, Filtering stone le now made by mixing certain portions of clay with. Ievigated chalk, coarse and fine glasa grand, and ground flint. They are moulded and hard burned. for Metra Ladies' College, St. Thomas,, Ont., has full staff and complete *worms in Literature, Music, Fine Arts, and Commer- cial Science, Re -opens September 10,1685. Por 50 pp. anraannoement: address I'rinci- * Austin, RD. All grey groyne will he much worms. The Blues. Despite ell we can do, they oocaaionsliy, Dame and cart in dark shadow our elves, hope' and expectation;. Avoid disappoint. mere by not expecting too mnuoh ; avoid waste of money by never purchasing the worthless ; avoid aero trpote in the heart, or where the heart should be, by always using Putram's taintless Corn Extractor, the only aura, safe and painlers remedy in the world for come. Deward of substitutes, counter- foits and imitations. Sold by dreggiata end dealers in medicine everywhere, Huge bridal beuquets are no longer in vogue.. Ever/hotly Ilo, ; Uo Treed this carefully, If you or any friend erenearing from army kind of paint, Inter- nal, lee.:al, or external, try Pekoe a Nacre. 1. se, the aura pop pain cure, Nsrvilene is can of the meat elegant oombinatioua ever offered to the public for the relief of pant. Pleasant to take, le werful in effect, sure in results, and cheap because the strongest, purest, and meet certain pain remedy in the world. You can teat this groat remedy by going to a drug atom mad bulfng a l0 cont eatnmple bottle. Try It at once. Silber urea feature in fall toilets, Prevention Better Than Cue, Many of the diseases se prevalent in *hese days are ceu.e 1 by using soap cont ieln,' impure and infectious ratter. Avoid all risk by using l'euer.erlex Laundry* Soap, which G abaolutety pure. Aak your grocer for Pearsoelox. Menubectured only by tha'Toronto Seep Co,. Bustles have probably reached their maxi mum in size for at toast nix months to come. Therein net and there caunotbe, any amok. ins tobacco superior to the "Myrtle Navy" bread. & wrapper of bright aprcaranee and higher price it le possible to get, but all wrsppere are very poor *molting tobacco, and but a eagle leaf is wrapped round a plug, The stock used to the body e'f the "Myrtle Navy' ping is the very Lest money can. purchase. The power* of the Virginia soil; can produce nothing better, and no other Bon in the world can produce as line tobaeco as that of Virginia, whose minletratione he had rejected until. the approach of his terns. TSL face war pale and his feature* con-'. traoted o.nvuleively as he neared the guillo- tine. Here he stooped towix l tho prison chaplain, the Abbe Faure, and embraced first the priest and then a crucifix hold by Ike latter is hie baud, Ile Wee now seized by the executioners, his head was pieced in he lunette, and, after an awkward pause, during which Deibler seemed to havo lost the momentary'cntrol of hie instrument, the knife deaoended, and the headier' trunk of the crimivai fell away from the bascule. The head was then put into the basket. The guillotine wag now washed, and every- thing set in order for the next execution. After an interval of seventeen minutes, dur- ing which the clamorous crowd seemed to have lost its grotesque gayety, the doors: of of the priaon again opened, and Marchandan looking like a pale boy of 17, tottered feebly out,supported by the .Abbe Faure and the other priest who had assisted Gaspard. The criminal was evidently more dead than alive. He still wore the patent leather boots with pointed toe cape which he had on when arrested in his country house at Compiegne. After having convulsively em- braced he priests he was caught sharply by Deibler and thrust into the lunette, The knife again refused to work, and nearly four seconds elapsed before it foil on the crimin- al's nook. When it did so a double jet of blood spurted out for nearly two yards, and sprinkled the adjacent ground. The bodies were then taken, escorted by mounted gend slaves, to the Ivry Cemetery for mock bur 1.1, after which they were handed over to the School of Medicine for the usual exper- Belts to bo fashionable must be very wide; No one who is afraid of the recoil of a gun can make a good score. Never wince before you are hurt; thereis plenty of time to do that afterward. M. Perey, a Dijon astronomer, offers a novel explanation of the frequency of the earthquakes which have produced so much disturbance on the surface of our planet of late. His theory is that they are caused, 1;ke the tides, by the attraction of the sun and moon. imental purposes. r H iR 1D DJ6ixF C74NTs f H gi Ts oed Drewer., Trunks, Wardrobes, eto - drive may and destroy Moths and other resects, imparting a delightful and delicate perfume to the olothhrg, cerrled or worn upon the person they are. by their powerful concentrated disinfectant proper- f tiae, a perleet means of protection against *election 1 ft dinars, giving off at the same time s mostdclight- tll odor; made entirely of antra In assorted eolors, very pretty, unique, and neat. Every one should have them. ,Price 10c. eaoh.--three for 25c. Thymo. Cresol Soap, the great English dfsinteotent toilet 'map, awarded the sold medal, London, Eng., ibai4. large cakes, price 15o , or 35e. per box of 1 cakes. sent postage paid too any address upon receipt 01 price. Address Te &o•Cxason Company, 759 Craig 8t.,Mon- treal. Ci rculareanddeeeriptione of our Estella; Thy- me -Cresol preparations maned free en application.. Agents wanted, Write for terms. iltan. die $':'a! Nati trlei*otuti t3W ar dialog winter from Portland seer, 1hc++a16 and n.urax ,vers #saturant to LITorpr»* and *mama. .urea%setae assay ilatemay to 14Tery",.I, snail•:: r as Irre •'sodomy to land mails axe ntaaeux ., rc'r e. -Mand ane mixed. Alm from IAN mare eta Halifax aary19t4John't Al. le, to I,iverpoo: fortalrhtlr dar.ry rear ter naootisa Cmc stemware of this 01 w Lcrs ,a3 ..,-to; xrcr.. aT and from Halifax. Pett Beaton and Pe. Mow Apia • sad daring summer between Glasgow and Kos weekly: 0tassowand R.etne,week',r: sad Glaa.oe h :fid.' k °r`ulrti+tlrr. other + e fiat pp��, :.'based $ Co.,DSiazi E'; J ":. tr.; wm. 'l aaasan fu Co.,, Se. CO.John. 2*- i3; Allan a Co., Chicago ; Love a Alden, lien York ;H. Bourlier, Toronto ; Adana. Bee a Oo. nebeo a wm. Brockfe, khiladelthia t H. A Proprietor Beaton Montreal - and r .. r L , h t neeag e, or `R neer a. ly *o 4. Oohs"& ar Ii,tittmore •. w Tr STAR I.Ve tf14. Par 10/17 iaV$Lir BOUI fait !All d' Iain per am; iIsaad or here*. Karst; ]wrist Lod mak dt**knR nuedm*nil es i*ee dna Mploreaa. Scrod coos Orta aloaf;eIS ti1i'►r! Street, li'laescit.s, cassias. af's1j ILBAS.axgr tong= oNI.Y,s.^., Cott l erto f Spool . Qt rsago4h warnaWted ire th, a0ul tern 14 ib'l.serine r se r of , rase rD fan ]shat. #riR"7Ror Baia aa+slR noudt UT OU ']lie New a( o.OperatUVe tiVlitg lc B --1S TlEdE IN nor WAND S mew mamma idea Improved Attaohme .&gluts prit a for sib rna8ie Our priori 011ly 125 each, 'sore baying send as etsrnm a MO= elaeame and semviee of *swine. tguaraateedfortbreereara anS i atm a a e,g(tea wtit 4ewwell to was* T moi`-OIB tl.TI.V. wing i.adiIii gall?, ROUTH. HAAAAterOIL ST,aDABD SCIS 0 0 rrallOS01 1 si ll' *ad (*tepee* In r ream Fans 1*Irriage Blase. 't'Nrii sire els avlrre. sed+ rr. Taste ao CAUTION Each Plug elf the MYRTLE NAVY Three attempts have been made to illk French sovereigns by infernal machines ono of whioh has been directed against each of the three last sovereigns. On December 24th, 1800, St. Regent tried to blow up the first Napoleon with a barrel of gunpowder. charged with grape shot, He missed Napoleon, but hit 73 others, killing 20, Fieschi attempted the life of Louis Phillipe on July 28th, 1835, by firing an infernal machine as the King and his sons rode along the lines of the National Guards on the Boulevard du Temple. The machine con- sisted of 25 gun -barrels fixed in a frame and charged with various missiles, which were fired simultaneously by a train ofgunpowder He only grazed the King's arm, bub killed MortimerrMarshall and seven others. On January 14th, 1858, Orsini, Pierri, Rudio, and others, made an attempt to kill Napo- leon III. by means of hand grenades; this was also unsuccessful, and by it two persons were killed and many wounded. • Stricture of the urethra in its worst forms, speedilyby cured our new and im- proved methods. Pamphlet, references and terms, two three -cent stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. ■ In Bronze Letters. HAMILTON. NONE, OTHER GENUINE.. twiwcw..1/00.. l an ww4pe IS MARKED l.tce omit Your Best B. y t Gem part and 58111 TSraeFor ks, appib► btustratsd in buying arta be fully warranted droa )kaf]roan. WereW .darn, Moray Pram Rardware Trade generally. and Rrlea I let forwarded E RNEY & WAR A.P. 244. Y� tlZAWr&n2 yrolt eA (lintels.k*a.L.-thud for 11at. 7AAI* YOUR Qi thil1B'ree IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING I'ik2TcwMiilLAr kY .sarr. 3t8 'rale -Zero coni, rile . vowel* hollow sod one bulL Write ler delimip- Neu, prloe and aedarree t..O it BA gra. 'rat Wear VALUABLE FARM nu SAM.L-lieu sores ey miles east of the city of 84. Thomas: For pa-ticuler. addrese 3.3. Lewis, New Sarum, Ont. It is ooneeded by all that the Dcatom a iy�1 Btlsl,aee Cos.n*on, Ringeton, Is deserved- i^l ly tae most popular business tralefng school in Canada. CHICKCHICKS lorSare, iromtherculrh.hred imp�rt- S i111*? cd Stock. Rose and Single Camh, Brown and White Leghorns, Plymouth Books and Wyandotte• W. 0. 0. PETER. Angus. CLEAN GRAIN-SENDTO MANSON CAMP- BELL, Chatham, Ont., for circular. Fast clean- ing fanning mills. Beet In Canada, Alaeo warehouse mdle and dustless separators. S CCES0 AGLLTST ALL P2.E3UDIOB 2,21„ Williams' Eye Water hes prov.d itself a euoons by ell mho h veusedit r wording to directions if their eea certtitio rtes.�Is oared Inc. 8 Jean ti'ymd,quo nllist faded 0. F.,rtin: it has owed me, , a 1st would not try me. Alesandsr wand; 6 prays b1t'd, Chan. Aeu..ott; 4 Syea•a,,TIi0 Dolour; 33 roars blind lad navel nee, NT LeoroiL Ask goer drapgist; fur 16. waolue.le-7+r man pot a k 0.3..:83 Rt. r and 8t., M1'n`.resl. )NTARIO VETERINAIIY uOLLEtiE-Temper anon St., Toronto. Petrone, Dov. Lien. of Canada, Lieut.•Gov. of Ontario. Tho most success. 1al Veterinary Institution in America. Over five hundred graduates in successful practice. All ex- perlenoed teachers. Session begins Oot. 91at. Fees Fifty Dollars. Principal, PROFESSOR SMITH, V.S. FARM FOR SALE -CONSISTING OF NINETY. six acres, in the county of Essex, the Garden of anemia, lot 27, nth conceeswn of Maidstone, about 2 miles from the flourishing town of Essex Centre ; over SO mores cleared and under cultivation, and the rest bush; the quality of the soil Is excellent, being a rich clay loam; the outbuildings, barns, etc., are comparatively new, also the dwelling house which is a good storeyanii a half log; there fe also a splendid orchard of over 180 apple trees; price 54,500 on easy terms; cheapest farm yet offered in this locality. Further partioulara, apply to Jas. OLIVER, Essex Centre. ...-ONT A RI 0 -- AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE WILL REOPEN ON FIRST OCTOBER, EXAMINATIONS Fold ADMISelON ON 2ND OCTOBER. Course of instruction SPECIALLY ADAPTED wants of farmers' eons. For circular gi-.informa- tion ifm tion as to terms of admission, cost, oovl. 1 study, oto., apply to JAMES MILLS, Iia (Name this paper.) Preaie'.,m Guelph. JAMES PARK & SON, Perk Packers, Termite. L. C. Bacon, Rolled Spice Bacon, 0. C. Bacon, Glasgow Beef, Hama, Sugar Cured Ham, Dried Bee,, Breakfast'Baeon, Smoked Tongues, Mesa Pork, Plohled T.nguee,. Cheese, Family or Navy Pork, Larn in Tubs and Pails, The Bost Brands of Eng. lab Fine Dairy Salt in Stook. The Eagle Sten.. wanher. is the err.:. 'Washing Machine u, vented that awes]'• woman orrrir11- yours old 011100,, the use of a wag 1. board, nu with er• wash 60 to 100 piece in one hour. Ag nr wanted all over C1,1 oda, Sample sent treat andterritory given. T. adios Mahe good agents; no weave: clothes, and every lady will buy after trying it; W5rrant' to wash calicos m 11,m minutes, cotton goods in 20, bedclotue teatatero.78 Sar'''is StreFERRIS t. IO iONTCanedaBeaaadMuuc SAMUEL ROGERS & 00. --MANUFACTURERS OF— eaa m �' —AND 0113E11— Ake, 3IBE a MT ]LAA CO X 7.-u gii -an G.OLI) MEDALS AND FIRST Pt IZES,WUEREVER RI8IBITED. Oueen City Oil Works, Toront 10 Reward tor the Conviction. Of Dealers who of -an r *error Oil of Other for arld Sol I In. 6Y! C 0 0 L is S Manufacture for Lai ran = m L DINE y rrm.. Atil.( xi i M ct3ENr bins & noir e®il tt Tor sale by all]*lading deniers• 1OT Ie'pBrnatao. 8g i g1'3E3C]® STTATSMAL.: IVE " 171Z7'EY:ral" Glai1R ONLY 83.00 The cheapest in the* market. Warranted first - oleos, or money re- funded. Send di- rect to manufao- turere, or procure from your Hard- ware or House - Furnishing dealer. Hamilton In Metrial ONLY $3.00 Clothe' W era of all kind "Royal Canedi Imperial," ' c ' also Mangles. Roller, and Roller. Write particulars. Works Co„ Manufacturers, Hamilton, Oanad Examine Their Superior Merit' NEW HARRIS HOT AIR FURNACES 0 The Most Rttective, Clean, 4Drairab1e and Economical Heaters in the 'Market for warmin¢ i ventilating Ckarclftes, Schisms, Public Buildings, Snores and Private Iitesidences. Simp e construction and easily mar; aged, capable of giving more heat with less consumption of fuel than any of hosting apparatus. tiff Absolritety Bas Tialltt.'Cli Seven sizes are made and can be set either Brink or Portable Form.' Correspondence solicited. .Foe Catalogues and further information address, TIS E. & C. GURNEY Co. (LIMITED.)