HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-01-24, Page 4iuN TO PLEASE
• the lo,di you. take to tho
Collegiate *School .Dance
orti of Oune wit -want Iteito.have perSaiality COrkiger
ac sons
• ee
ying J1111110TS
Show Good Style
Defeat Iiiringh7ro,-74 in Retur;&
Game Ude Monday
YoutnoW darn -well you.'W;111 want a corsage for her so get
it off your flind, call 105 nd: plaK the order NOW:
49 BRUCE ST. --PHONE 105
twat_ Meeting
of the
Monday,, Jan. 28
AT 8.00 p.m. -7"
, the
Red ross Rooins
All eitizenS interested in the Red
Cross are invited to attend.
•••ltA •
4A A •
treatetle toaerie Of tile heat exhihitio
of hockey seen here in years when
Ivan Lonzon's Flyees decisively de-
feated Winghtun' 7-1 in a Junior "0"
. gameon Mondaa evening. It
was the Flyers' third etraight win.
eek for Cederic
Ti1111113114X, ANTIARY %tia, 111346
Yr the tdtivaate in vacuum oleauer yerfaeiteo see the
Ali three ClederickhOclieY teame '•
still• tuidefeated ite they lieu" lato chiltoni:13ee.ateil 12‘,12e•
theirafourtb weiet of. COVIIIretitieue
local heeleey teazels ha-ve 't'von on u uwn C
ayrelVe straight garnets withOue a de-
feiTith, •eanjuveenjires Icto-rhectii0edei,r third and Li $ jUVenlies °Keep Right On
fourth straight evith decisive•WIne over in theViotory
Myth and Clinteea, 31-0 and 12-2 re- • . Way
(SpeQtively,, Thursday and Vridazalast• ,
•against Winghans on Monday evening, powerful: 'Juebillie Lions cal -
7 -1, and the Midgets added their fourth tinued to bowl over °all opposition in
and fifth wina with a 12-1 decieion their. league when they administered
against Exeter here on Tuesday and a a 1-2.2 beating to Clinton at the neigh --
10-2 win over Clinton last night at
Clinton. ,
Other games plaYed in the district
during the peat week • Were: Junior,
A "lilg time" hockey atmosphere Lucknow 17 -Listowel 4; Juvenile
pervaded the West street rink for Exetet 5 -Clinton 2; Midget, Clinton' them a total a 43 goals 8coxed ia the
two ganaes.
the game, with a loud speaker pro -
boring town on Friday night. It wee
the 'seemed decielve win for the Lions
within twenty-four. hours ,and Vire
viding information on scoring and
Goderich, Badminton Club held a -
penalties, and also serving to introduce
Suceeseful round robin tournament at , the players of both teams WM-packed
--theearniories on Tuesday nightt -Mrs. house befere the 'beginhing of the
game. The Flyers augmented the prot
Audrey Akeroyd was high scorer for
feselonal touch .by appearing for the
the women and Mr. ateleSlaider for" the
A large number turned out -or the new OsIgewa
first time on honks ice in their smart
General -patteened -guests- of -the juveniles: •
-space! sweaters and wearing prbtective head- •
teurnament, tilling the seating THE RECORD .
gear. The headgear drew a variety of -
. almost to capaeity. Lunch O.H.A.JUNIOR "C"'
was served =entrails. comment,e from the, spectators, some Won Lo Points
It is, intended to hold a round robin -thinking --ihey were "just Pie thing"
cola_ and others complaining that they
every second Tuesday. for della
found it diflicult to distinguish their
petition, with tournaments with out -
own "pets." -Small pregrams, -coutain-
of-town clubs proposed for the alter -
4 -Exeter 1. •Jim Bisset was the big gen in the
The Juvenile genie with Clinton Lious attack, with seven goals going in
which •was to fee played here this off his Stick in' the course of the night.
(Thuraciase) evening has been post- The elassY rightwinger has filially
Paned because of injuries to several 'found himself after a poor start and
Clinton players. Instead,
tiou game is egclieduled for -tonight,
an eeheee_i should be in for a great season.
Others prominent the Goderich
with Stratford Juvenile Sqair1, spring were "Porky" Newcombe, with
, -two goals and three assists, and
"Ticker" Mere, with one goal and
three assiets.
Bisset started his avalanche of goals
early id the game and before the first
periodi was over he had dented the
Clinton net peer times. • Newcombe_
drew down two assists on 13isset's
goals•and Mero one. Newcombe com-
bined with Mero for a fifth goal in the
opening period.
Clinton gave the Lions some opposi-
tion in the second session, but they
Lucknow 3 _ 0 '
Wingham 1 0
0 2
Listowel • , o 2
i'nate Tuesdays. . - , W.O.A.A. JUYENILE "
Additional members tire Invited. - Won Lost Points'
Gederich 8, •
MEETING OF NORTH STREET - 4-- 0 For two periods it was nip-aud-tuck' Exeter , 2 1 4
all the 4way, with Goderich grabbing -,i
• ' e. — - - , . : r desperately 'to pull even-, but in, the t Blyth
eau early lapel und Wingham seriving - 0 ' 0"--
111k 2
The Evening Auxiliary "Of' North final stanza the Flyers rattled in four W.O.A.
Won, Lost Pointh
meeting of the year ien Monday. Last in
Street United church held its first goals and were away up on pie play •
at the -finish. The• game was rough Goderich • 0 10
5 ,
the church` hall. TheClint -re ---,to --d-god-throughoutrewith-eseyenteen-peuelties. E t e°r11 S 4
attendance- of members and we ome
mg the line -Ups with neunbers opposite
the names of the players, helped in
distinguishing them.
• The lalattuke meeting of the Goderich
Bridge Club was eheld on 'Tuesday
with -thirty-eight players present. The
what:wee were: 'North and' South -1,
Mr& F. Saunders' and, Mr. B. Tennatit
•20 F. Curry and P. F. Carey; 3, F.
Donnelly And F. Saunders. INEest and
West -1, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. VierplaY;
Mr. and Mrs. reed Sturdy ra, .Mrs.
ennau an r. F. Saunders.
. The ofEcerie for 1946 were elected as
-foltioins: president, P. Freeeftrey ; vice-
- preifident, Mrs. F, Saunders; secretaey-
-Areaeurer, J. M. -Murphy; advisory
committee, Miss McNaughton and Mile
V., L. •Deane " •
It was decided to have a:membership
fee of -11.00 and a charge of 35c each
-ea-ening. The -club will meet each
Tuesday -nig-lit at 8.15 and new mem-
bers will be welcomed- Partners will
• be drawn each night.
• First Class Ekhibiiion
LONDON (Rinior "B"i •
(Junior "0")
FridayJan. nth
le • meted out, but it never got out of •1C --q e- , 0 4
; .
guests.' The president, ales. S. Snider, control of Referee "Rooster" Muir.
presided-- and the theeseug wee, opened ! -One pleasing 'eature of the Elyere Midgets Also •
Wari• thei • willinguese . to false e ,
with - a hymn, followed by prayer by- play
Mrs.' F. Noble. Annual repeets were the I -lave Winning -W
pude. At times their passing •••
should be more•polished with practice. Exeter Youngsters -at Small
The heat -filiation a -officers was cons
-lacked finish, but at least they were
read and adopted and a spieudid lin-
ancial year was shown. • to share the • puck • and they
ducted- by Rev: R.11. Turnbull. , Up to the last -few years •Goderich of Tweive-to-one
teams were never .known foe their
The olneere-, for 1046 are as followS
PresidentWe. nider It le; esee_ generosity with the ;peek, and it is a Score
, . Sa .ns
.vice- gee.d. omen- of future Snceess • to see,
presideute Aire. . Nob2d
all three local teams "puss it atound"
Pridlaam s treasurer, I
; seCretary, airs, M. this year,• •
Cranston; corresponding-- seeretery,
eares Moorehead; ' associate secretary,
Miss' J. Saunders; recording secretary,
Rennin ' •
Your Hooier. Dealer
on West Street
Mrs. MiNegaret H. Wright wishes to
announce the iliarriage of 'tete drily
'always bogged down aireand the Gode- son, Chrystal Albert Archer, to Diana
rich goal. Mere) and Newcombe com-
bined well about halfway through the '11."
period, each of them pasth
eing to e Mrs. lEluward Butterfield' of Van -
other • for a tally, sending . the • score , couver, B.C., on December 31st, 194.5
back With two goals of 'their own be- After a short honeymoon in Seattle, the
fore the period ended, Bill Hanley 'Young couple httise taken up residence
1.0.127, ..,....Gover7ent street, ' Victbria
Bisset got back in his scoring stride" e
licr—_B•,_._._MAN -,
earry- in the third period, roundihgl WATSON
two Clinton, men for the "-prettiest goal A pretty and interesting Wedding
of the •Ovening. Needham made it 9-2 took place at NOrth street United
a few hainutei later and, Allen added
auother naldwaY through the period, church at 1 -o'Cloek Saturday after -
end, H. Warren assistinge Bisset fin-- Mr. R. J. Bowman, Brussels, and the
neon, when Ida Irene, daughter of
scoring from a faceoff at the Clinton
wiled off- hese-fine ' performance with late Mrs. Bowman, was united in mars
.1 _Jape& Durnin, Quebec street, an
employee of the Goderich Elevator po.,
suffered a fracture of both legs while
working at the harbor on Thursday
• .
„up to 7 -9 -for the Lions. Clinton came • afternoon. A heavy chain attached to
a vessel -broke and struck him in the
back of the legs. He was asslareng
and Knight being the iniarksmen. , in moving the Ontedoe from ber berth
' to the elevator for unloading and
was standing -on the wharf when the
• cable,_ • attached to a post on the
wharf and to . the boat, suddenly
snapped, /dying up and striking him
in the legs. Ile- was reinoved to
Alexandra Jdospitele.vvhere he will be
„confined fee.-- several months.
g in seven goals .in.an big twn,,,,,soaeg goals, •theassisted, in the riage to James. Stuart W'ateon.,'son of
.first period, twci in the secorid-Iffid•-diing moments of the game. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson, Baylield.
The gain° began almost on schedule.rthree in the third; the Lions Midgets The Lions _were trying a Seeforth Rev. R. H. Turnbull officiated. Mrs.
tithe and Some of the latecomers were
snowed Exeter under -/2-1 in a faee- boy, Swan, in goal, for. -the -first time Murray HetheiNgion presidecrat the
still -p.ushing• hito the riuk vvhen Ken , ; a.nd he turned In a creditable.performa organ and during the signing of the
Miller batted in the disc from a goal- -• ance
Airs. M.• Cranston; press secretary, register Mrs. _Elliott E. Bredin„ L.T.
game here on Tueeday evening. It •
ears. N. Cla•reinont; emperance secre-
mouth scramble, with Bl MD
ilaconald was the fourth win for the baby al
Lions The teams:
Wingfiam evened- thinge..sup without a' defeat. Jackie. Price,. fa -et , , I C., Toronto, C-Ouein Of the bride,'
tary, Mrs. C. Holland; supply secre- „assisethig• GODERICH-Goal, Seaan sedefenceeresang "1 Welk 'Beside ,You." The ceeee
eines, Mrs. P.' Jenkins, Mrs .• L. Q. 'site 7.10 Wben• Tenipleinan stele The - left winger, stood out for the Goderich Mere, G.' Westlake ; centre, Bruce' Mac- mony waseperfortned-before a 'bank of
es hets tone ; finance secretary, Mrs. C. puck from Dentin at the Goderich kids with tive goals„ four of his tallies Donald; wings; J. - Bisset, W. New- white chrysanthemums and ferns with
13axtere Missionary Monthly secretary, defence and sifted in to.. beeet Ginn ' coining ineeethe first period. • Little combe; alternates,' Needhani, R. Allen, lighted candles in fall eandelabre. 'The
'Ries M. .13eticom; COmmunity trieud- witte a f oot-high • -shot. •"" . I "letter" McPhail with two eels was `11... Warren, D. Warren, •• Shantler, bride, given. in marriage by her 'father,
• •
I FALLSC' on. Spain, C.N.R. foreman; is- in
Alexandra' 'Hospital' suffering from ' a
fractured pelvis, the result ' of an ac..
-cident at the harbor on Friday, ,eftere
noon: Mr. Spaineeteaseaasistitig firthe.
shifting of etirs to the track running
' to the •elevaeor and wes in the 'act
eeifetteeettaingenue.:of-the•box-car's steel
ladders when he lost his grip 'en the --
ley rung' and Tell,. striking the edge of
a supportiug the tracks. e. .
This was Mr. Spain's ',third ilacident
as an emptoyee- -of thee`C-.N.R.-e-4,1e
injured himself .seriously about the
thigh in arima-ccident at ForeeErie---
several-years ago, and last' winter he
laiii-aocetuk. red. his' afficre: while engaged in -
his duties near the Gbder_ iela•Salt Co. e
Ile" will •be -confined -to- the hospital
for 'Several weeks. 1
• An accident liiVelving three members
Of the family cif Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo.
Feagan, Beiimillea-Beetraraeameethea
one hand. and his two young sisters,
Loren, aged eleven, and Joy, aged ten,
on the other -occurred at Benmiller
about' 5,30 Thursday afternooe 'of' last
week. The two girls were joyriding
on theirhandsled down the road lead-
ing to- Benmiller, while their brother
was proceeding up the hill in an auto-
mobile. They approached the sharp
cprve near the store at; the ..same
moment; neither party knowing .of the
other's approach until it was too late
to avoid collision. It is 'believed the
:wheels, of the automobile passed over
_the. girls on thefaled. The girls- wee -
immediately brought to Alexandre Hos-
pital, here, where 'their injuries were
ascertained as broken left 'leg set-
fered, by Joy 'and. injury to the pelvfie
by -Lerua:
• PrevinCial ' Con'stable W. Gal diner
investigated the accident.
.„ • .
TOnly, two cases were on theeefocket
for today's Police Cutlet -and= both were -
postponed midi next Thursday by
alagietrate A. F' Cook. The eases
are a charge •of attempted safe-bleak-
ing at Grand. Bend against IIenry
Tiedman, 421„ of Grand Bend, Roy
Cornish, 18, Stanley Jones. 18 tied
Jaelt Eistone, 17, all ,,of _London ;amid
•••te Cha-.1•-ge a,. entry With intent at the
•Brussels creathery against -William
ROSS Kribs. • and Joseph- Prokopeky;
botheof Toronto.
J a so a '• shining, _fight in the Lions' at -
ship, conVenere Mrs. E. •Pridhani; The Flyers weren't long -in getting Ferguson. • , looked chirenrillg in' a tioor-length' gown
back their lead, however. An Ainslie ne • meriatu, Fulford, Smith, Doak , CLINTON-Goal,' Miller ; defence,' of white slipper satin. With ' lace yoke.
Lhetstiad•steevardship convener, Mee. -
to af'Skip " MacDonald to Miller cone. and Hbllandalso tallied for .Goderich.. Elliott, Fingland; ceatre, B. Hanley ;• Hersheirloonevell, edgedwithimported
A ne headdre,ssel
C. .Baeter; pia.nist, H. Turn-.
bell e--asstetapt-- pianist, mrso- M. binntion ealtje- sent Miller into the -clear_ Hajyter was the lone enarksman for wings, CAlanleyaJohnston eTaiternatese_lace, fewfronpa_Queen
isitors, his goal coming hite
for a low shot- that slithered- into the the Knight, Beattie, Falcenere Smith, She carried- a cascade bouquet a white
Hetherington. e •
the first period, Donaldson turned in-
- The president thanked the executive Winghani gage between the goalie s e BrightWell, Lippington. , toses and heather. Mrs. Owen R.
Referee-ellarold' Murney, Goderich: I Smith, Goderich, the 'bride's cousin;
- was matron of -honor, wearing a floor -
Joe Murphy's Juveniles ran up a matching headdress, trimmed -with
Goderich 3I -Blyth_ 0 length frock of turquoise satin with
skates at 9.1O.-- The Goderich. players a good game between. the Goderich
and members for their splendid sup -
started drawing .penalties ' wed Wing- goal -posts- •
port in , the past year. - Mrs. Walleom :
pain had a one-man'advatitage.for most : Krueger ased Price drew the only
read the seriptere lesson, which was penalties. ite•
of the remainder. of the period, but
toilowed by a piano selection by Mrs. • .
'M. Hetherington. ,which 'was very much the I lyers _ defence and Ginn in got i . he teams_ . , ... . n - - record '. score against Blyth here on plumes. She carried American Beauty
.1 EXETkal-GoaL Mickle ; defeneese
enjoyed. held the rushing visitors one Aiuslie, • Thurs'day- evening last blanking the roses. The bild'esffiitids, Miss Aileeie
'' 11 Price and Watson • centre Ila ter - k
• anss" M. Campbell introduced the . iller and MacDonald all had sue— , , Y i,iveri visitors 31-0. There were many Scott. Lindsaye•Couain • of the bride,
, Musser and, Kirk; alteenates, who
study. book on Angola, Africa, •ip. her cessive shots at -the Winghttin -goal ' -winisrs 'thought tbe Lions should have and " Miss' Ethel Watson, the : beide-
from close in- during a heetic ganging West,* Krueger, laelntnell, rientanee"laid off" the• young Blyth....team,•play- gpooru'e sister, weire floor -length frocks
usual capable manner. ' - • eV la El ft 1 '
-; lig orn; opero .
_ .The' meeting was closed with ii. attack late in the firSt period, but . I) till . • . • ing in its first year -of-Juvenile hockey- of gold satin with ibrewn' accessories
I . Winghani took command of theplay ' defence, ,I3. peak D. •Holmes; metre, absenee of three playere from Wing-- man roses. Owen Smith \Vas the r
henin and Miepah. benedictiops _ . ,.couldn't lift the •dise in. •GO ,ER1 -Goal, J. DolialdSon; •and weakened for the genie by the and carried cascade bouquets of Tails-
• .
' 13. Beacom ; wings,' J. Peice, T. Fuliord'; ham.. 13ut there was sno 'holding off bearer. -John Watsone-Bayfield, was
GEO. McNALL WEL XII7KNOWN- es- the. second period . opened and
. man combining,. ga.ve Genn some- hot J. Aferiani- Mihail. Hollaed, and they milled aroun'd the B yth het were Harry Cook and Oiven R. Smith,
Simms, alone; aud ,aild Temple- alternatea J. 'Saunders, J. Westbreeh, the goal -hungry Goderich, yotingsters bis brother's best -man an -d the -ushers
• ,
One of the most colorful figures ha 'austoditin rose to the occirsion'eand Itereree-Haytete--.Exeler. s _sides nt the Blyth cage. • Merritt, a' reception was held in the eharch
• .
emollients, but the clever Goderich cage -E, Jenkins,'" ahd Smith, continuousleAS -firing rubber from all -both of Goderich. After the ceremony
• Ontnrio barnese horse -racing circles, keeit the puck telt: Ginn had to go , Goderich 10-Chatitr- 2- ' visiting ',,-'-i 4_J;___ • kicked 'out, ter parlor where ,Mrs. J. R. IVheelet, aunt'
George eleNall, dropped dead at Ble•th to. the ice to smellier as Templeman The Miliget Lions crashed to their- more goals than he allowed in, but of the bride,' received, wearing a •drese
'on, Monday, in his seventy-fourth year. worked in again and Brown just fifth straigut win by %tippet:Ts-Oil/1ton he would have had to be 4 superman of pearl • gray with black accessories.
He died as he welled JaaVe wished to-' missed the corner of the net with a at that town on wedeesuay night, by. to stop indefinitely f1- '.4'-
of- ehets Mrs. Watson, • m'other of the bride-
Praetically Mr: .M.cNall's whole ere, eWheneletAmeselied Mere -went to the- ' -... •.' -were -the' h•-16. The Lions- punro-d-stir -thirteen-going hat. Both Wore- coraageSe.of---orebeids.
• .1.eading a horse to a -blacksmith shop.. di...cult angle shot.
a score of 10-2. Price with the goals aimedaat• him. groom, 'chose a fuchsia dress with *Week -
thee had been spent around the *race cooler almost ainellteneousty, -meg_ for the Lions. Other tallies ,added eight in the, Luncheon was served in. the: church
ing 'training atables of l'eCetern ham held a two-man ad‘autageatind went to pull:0rd, elephaele etaitby and 'second, and finished off with ten in hall by the ladies of- the church.% The
Ontario trtiCRS.. In, his time he raised. commenced to gang the Goderech met! • the last le• me. The -flashing of the prettily deeorated bridal table was
• and raced soine .of the best harness tOr the equalizer. Atpenalty to Lock -,,e
eThe Goderich kids took a 5-6 lead red light bXind the Blyth cage became centred With the three-tier wedding
. • - horees to petioem in these parts. He ridge removed the pressere.
. iri-A-Irealerst period, had it 6-2 at the alinost Monotonous as the game wore cake. Later Mr. and, Mrs: Wetson left
had been active as a sulkyman almost • With the second period almost up, end of 'the second, limb einished with oil.
•ordered now takes eight
'week§ to deliver.
.• means nearly Spring. ,
Acire+7,tidggest.. you order -now.
Rerrairpag Service..
Call 317W West' St. •
fer a trip -to Toronto and Mentreal,
up •to his death, having driven in etikip eleclania.a in.eke away' alone ' "Porky" Newcombe was'ethe big the bride frevellitiin a three-piece
four 11101V goals in tile third.
competition only Met Summer, at the , from centre ice and The raced lie to pump., . , .
, team: •in the Lions'- attack, scoring eight goalsgun , browieavool snit wig
th hat of Ruseian I
age of seventy-three. ' '-e• low shot et McLeod in the Wingliani • GODERICII-Geat, J. Donaldson ; and assisting in four. Three of his squirrel and corsage of prehids. Guests I
At one time he owned his own stable, net. alcLeed blocked the puck- but defence, D. Holmes and J. Doak ; geels„came within two minutes, •in the were, present at . the W-edding frora
Otitis- stamina . horeUalleinteNile ler the rebound get away lioni-hini and centre; • elee--Bett-coneeeswengs.;-,- --Futter& °time eerieta Jtm Bistlietmwftlf-aseveri ' Lin.dene, Toronto-, - Brussels, -Clinton,
Bey. It is recalled that he sold Nile "Skip',' slapped it in with onls- three and J. Price; subs., Westbrook, -Dixon, goals and - three assists ran his line- . Bayfield and Goderich. . -
Bev to a wealtlayeetabie •-• bet- had to seconds. left of • playin.g thee- . ' Saunders, L. Smith, McPhail. ' e mate. a close second. Mer ce had four Tbe bride was a popular . member
, buy the hoese back, because no one . The Flyers lenetheited...theli_ lead ' CLINTON-Goal, .Riehl; defence, .0:as feed three assists Dois wereee• of the teffeehing staff of Central 'Sawed, •
else could drive_ hem. lie realized a toe4-1 at 5.30 of the third period when ' Calhoun; Street; centee, Garand; four goals_ and one assist, Harold War- al -1(1'111e bridegroom recently returned •
good preet • on the deal. Anothei. oat- Bobby Needham ponneed oo a rebound wings. -
Mathews, Miller; subs, Ashton, ren three goals and One assist, Bob from overseas. Prier to -her marriage
etanding hoese which came,,outeof, ,his ' from Mere's. shot end banged it .past C"wei'
breeding stableWas September Morn, McLeod. Bruce MacDonald also was --
1.M.e.t.telee..-Marehall, Taylor, Denennue, Allen •twe golds and two assists, West- the bride was the guest of honor et
_ lake twogoals and ealaceleinealdeseneamiseeellaneousesshew.ers.....at- thee .homes
-ichielialie * ' lit -e -Dr. J. '13. Whelp. iif-. in on the play. Fifteen seconds later , ' - - . .
• goal. of Mrse Ranald MacDonald aud Miss
Gtiderich puiThased from eta eNa-11. Ili combined with .Bruee MacDon- I PUBLIC SCHOOL HOCKEY '1 The teams :
Marion Chapnian, and, a kitchen shower
Among the eacing siablee he drove ,ald and Evans for a eleeer tally, ends ,LEAGUE • BLYTI-I-Gottl, D. Merritt; defence, at Hie home of 1V,Itseeeeiedie and Pearl
- I Wa teem; celitee Ti -Johnston ; Farrant.
. •
for were Dr. Whitelyze,'--Stewart after a change of -lines., Ainslie, Biln - • -
• K le 13
Stablee of Peterboreugh end --Vves.---MacDonald and Miller pulled ‘off the.' Scores in the Public School Hockey
• Sibthorpe, Staples,eJ. Cowan, D. John- •PROGRANI BY STUDENTS
etings, y Cowan ; alternates, • •
Litt's :stables, Stratford. • - ill ! t - ' n play o the night League :
Mr. MeNall is serves ed by his wife, for a goal --by Miller at the six-minutel Rangers 4 -Red Wings 3. step, 'Todd,. AT MUSIC CLUB ,MEETING
who resides. in-Goderichm
, four sons, ark. it was ehree, goals fee -the Bruins 3-131ack Hawks 2. • GODERICH-Gonl, Mac Roberts"; • •
George and Wellington of Blyth, Tom Goderich ' tenni. Within thirty seconds. Canadians 6 -Leafs 2. defence, G. Westlake, Mena: centre,
B. aflicDonaId ; wings, J. El gar- AV There was a large attendance at
of Auburn and Saui of Goderieh town- • Miller finished off • the scoring .with. Goal scorers: --s----, - • 'the January meeting of the Godeeich
ship, and a daughter Mr Bert Craig,' his fourth goal Of the_itialee. 'at 13.40, i liaegers-G:Willis 2; D, Goddard 1, Music ' Club, held, On Tuesday at Mac -
i --- Warren.
; alternatesz_ IT Warren, H.
Auburn. Burial took Place at Blyth poking the, puck into a corner 'of the M. flatland 1. warren. R. Alpe, •R. Needham, Forge- Kay Hall.. 'Vac program wile put 'on
on Wednesday. afternoon. I son McGee -
Wingham cage after sloppy elearing Red Wina-aa tiitie, 2, a WM0 ', MeGee, - - . • -by studentS of irleademes Hetherington,
I by \the visitor. * •
. • •
.55.0110.5.00811110001110.101101001110110011ixer,"' 1
NE 585W
TO ',quit ausTontEns:
Wo 0.,ploaoea to announce the appointment! of
as disfributor for International Motor
Trucks, parts and access.ories
Rouse bag .04111e.ble. eXporionce tho'A.utordotive
link 0,11a if5 Ave)1 ettalified to;talte care of your ,Seivice and
Parts requir' ements. •„ • .
- Woai.e carry-hm reprobilitatiVe fitOOk of IntethatIonal
15iirts at this Goderioh. Agency and reque6t 'that you. a,11
on Mr. Rouse for your ,requireraento.
ItOtise'A Service is. located on Kingston Street, Goderigli,'
one 686,0 •°
•i. "'"`‘ „ • Referee-Murney, Goderich, ' Jesson- and MacDougall. and was much
Ken. Miller was the star or the night Bruins-1SL Sparks 1, Ge Spain 1, J. enjo;ved by the_ members. Itawas 118
with his four amps. His dinemates 'Mere 1.
Skip MacDonald and Ainslie played . Black Hawks -1). Hawthorne 1, G. . e
Min°, ``Prett,st-Molly Oliver." Pier -
heads -up hockey,. too,' -John Holmes Johnson 1. •• . Readers 'of , The Signal -Star are ,-elice Wilson. , - . '
was a tower, nf -strength on, defence -canadians-A. . MacDonala .2, M. invited to send us the -name's of . I Mane, "Ituseian 'Cradle Song" and
Gand ied it lot oseertiShes, while- Getty , Straughan 2; W. Feeeth 1, W-aleriam their visitors and other items of 14"Tales from Vienna Woods," Lois
itiiiwas his ustial cool,. reliable self 1 personal udt. •-•e• .--• - ---I Stewieetee.""M> * - - " ---; -- ---:- ' *
'Leafs -Bill -Elliott ' 2 .
• . ' ,Mr. Etigar Shepperd. et :-'2See-tVtif:•.1 Solo, ..,`..Wy lbear J'erushy," 'Jane
The teams: • arines lee -spending a week In town Graham, accoinpanied by Mrs: Mac -
Rangers -Clarke, Harrison, Goddard, and Vicinity. . Dougall
to the sin bin.for -the-fornaer and. three Rill's, Robinson, Holland, ' Young, Dr.-eV:L. dole was In', Ironto this Piano',
"Spiraling Song" arid
1" ce RI SON A!, .Nre,NTION follows:
"Ticker" Morn and Holmes were the
had men of the -effete, with four trips
i.for the latter. Ainslie. W. eleeDonald, Sager, D. Graham, Bell, Bull,„ Mills. week'attending the midwin er Optoms' "Seldiers' March," Barbara Griffith."
and Dernin a •Goderich and Sims. (2), •Red- Wings --L-11 - Graham, Erskine, Orient sCongrese. ' 8 , • • Solo, "The •Merry-go-round," Betty.
ee• Lnekridge (2), , Bell and Brown of Ieutnerford, Little, MacKay, .J. Hilo. Mr. end Mrs. IT. G. Vines of Guelph- Bowra, accompanied 'by "-Mrs. Mac-
I, Winglrinn also dre* penalties. . I theme, Rivers, Ileleeic, D. Sallows, Mc- were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Dougall,
The teams:. • Itilloueli Re Bell, D. Sanderson, -• C. Austerlierty, Brock street. •
r P, , Piano, .."111i9 Three Billy Goats
I , WINGHAM-GOel, McLeod; defenee, , Bruinde---Wisser, Costello, Sparka. - Afiss Marion Chapman spent the Gruff?", Joyce Breckow.
I Parker, Lockridge; centre, Yeo; wings, Spain, A. Smith, R. Hays, Mere, Kemp, week -end iti° Toronto with -her' brother, • Plano, "Waltz" by Grimm, Bob
13e11, Templeman; alternates, Shim's, McLean, Pattifdiin, Gaidner, McAdam, • Mr. T. W. Chapman, and 11r,S. .Chap- Peagan. Duet with "Mrs. MacDougall,
I Walker, Brown,' McConnell, Sell, Jahn, Thempson. .
man. ' "Echoes') of Vienna." e
:ewe,as s •_ • , . i Black Hawks - Bartle, Willis,• Mr. and Miee Frank ,Illeks, bholee. Solo, "Danny Boy," Edythe Jenkins,
I' GODERICH.--Goal,- G. ,Ginn; dee A:rbour, 'Grist, 3. Tliurlow, D. flaw- • lend, Sask., are visiting the former' e accompanied, by ,Il•Irs. Hetheringtone. .
fence, J. -Relines, J. Stoddart; centre, theme, Motilietle D. . Hamilton, G. , mother, Mee. Elitebeth Hicks, Goderich. • Plano, "Waltz \in B Flat," ,Brabnis,
Bill MacDonald; wings, D. •Ainsite, Johnson, Bitiyr Allan, ,MacArthur, G. tarrnsilite . „.- •
. _ Greee IImisete • , _ . .
•-• ,., e
K. miller; altetnates, G. Mera, 0. reiveli• '' . i / Mrs., C. M. Robertson la' vis.itinff-fi.or Plano, Waltz by drieg, Ruth Reid..
Duiriiin, Bruee MacDonalt1„. J. Evans, ' Canadiansee-Beadle, Freeth, aette-, daughters, Mrs. Max% Edwards, 'LOA- Duet with MrsaHetherington, "I/um-
13. Nem
edha. , „
Refeeee--Muir, 86ifforth; linesman, Jefficinie Strangle -ea T. Thompsine " ford. Rile' vveek. '
Donald, ' Htulaon, Meriana Pinder, don, and - Mrs. Don Croft, at lara:na. (gniairniea,nnaleceya.n,• N44. ,. fi"-.13raliams, (lath -
Johnston, Wingliam. • ' • 0-4tewart, Pirkering•
• Leafs -4, Macdonald, Elliott, Cli1P, •
POWER LOADS 3. Smith, Hutchins, Pritzley, Niallough,
• Ifyd•ro power loads in October, an Gliders, elements, Afacfarlane, „Mac -
reported • by the January nunlher of Creight, Vincent, Staniforth..
Mrs. D. to. McGregor lila rettirned Piano, "Two -Part Invention," Bach
eto her lionle Grinisby after spending ehrissIr
some time here Walk' her parents; btfsiness meeting followed the pro -
M d A
r. an Ira. XL F. 131ach: , gram and committees *ere'fornied and
iro Mr. and Aim% Chos. Pox, of Whitby, other business discussed and arranged
ewq Blvth, 11rusmls„ , There will he, three. games on Sohn:- Out, Mr. and Atm A. Stirling, of in preparatian for the festival to be
191; (linton, 7:1-.:3; it),,ashwood, 119; 'ilay: Nin,. Dian., and MM. A. W. Jones, held on..April 30th, May 1, Fl.and
nveter, Ggilerieh, „1770; nensall, 9 0'06(44 /tanners vs. Black ilawics; of fIrlondale, California, a.re visiting Mrs. Claremont and her committee
Naftali), IOW; ; Zurieli, 11491 I 10 o'ctr.eic, uroluti 'et the Dunne of Mrs.P Rrown, cambria served lunch at the close of the.
¶'7; '10.'mglianz, 791,
o'clock, Leaps os. lad 1 road. • meeting.
MO:Vika • ViFST
rminson Opine remit:Ars- mume
up and ship,116Uneltold l'in-niturt, Cott-
- Aldated Pool Cara to Manitoba, Saskatch-
e!wonAlberta, British (Olurribis, And to
1 ,a1,1t4.r tl 5a. Wir_ile--Are_or4nunte4orreduciad
TreI4 r ow+ • 1•• -tab fatted 1885.
,10 itongt St., ,t oronc,o, tAina.sdAde 5125
.tilknub .TORAGL
We have, a limited number of
the famous
Horse Sz Tractor Dra'Arn
• Side 'Delivery
• RAIMS and MOWElt
11. 8AER
• ti