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The Exeter Times, 1885-9-10, Page 1
LEGAL, H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soil.. eitor of SupremeCourt, Notary Public Conveyancer, Commissioner. &e. Money to Loeu. (Mee in eauson's Block, Exeter, IOFADDEN, Barrister, Solicitor", GOUVeyancer, Dec., ESETEB, - ONT. Ofacegaunwa1raBlock (dell'sold culls.) DENTAL. CARTWRIG13T, L. D. S., Has opened. dental rooms over O'NEIL'S BANE, where he will be prepared to extrecttoeth'ssithout nein. ltll operations performed with ease atlt d skill, Golci fillings a. spooielity. Office hours " ax Wheat and Rolled Oats, Oranges and Lemons, 0 oL tn: 'to 5 p w. Caseous ))TOn8BATtt, TE.n}ta ores "':HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL W .sRE THEY UAL" VOL. XIII., NO. 3. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING', SEPT'R 10, 1885 'EST SMC;" IVB 47011X WTEXTD' • & SOX anal oprieters ROUND THE COUNTRY* amount of $75. The whereabouts of the thieved has not yet been *Boor.. Petty's Choice awns, Breaktast Bacon and Lard, Craoked LTsbormo. tofs, a,iilaskied. JuliThuseyTh,alteren,edtwhhe ere twagson hey shgotop � SaLs.—Tbe following valuable brood the toots which were need in gaining 1 lT A. I - 1sT: 3 L21�..ti aS *look, the property of G. W. Holman, T3 KINSMAN D•F.NTIf3'I'.i .D.S Ii Iimville, will be offered for sale by pain. ItaAremov ed to Sam Teeth eii- treated wl tiao u t AIFFDICA:t_, I LcUTZ, M. D., • Oillceat. isiereeidenee Exeter. I(.IRVI1vG, GRADUATE,TNI• YF SITY Trieity College. Ntember of College yeleianee Ad Surgeon Pet.. JAI, oe,l?:ir1. na,U: rNJ) AN.--00BOIv1+. Oho Comity of Huron. Wilms, appeait t1r.I:.qarUuR'a store atxeter W. BROWNING- M. D., 141. C • P, J,GraduataV iatoriail nivereit3-,Ocoee sandireeidancc,norr. plea Lehoreterv.Exeter.' DR. J. A. ROLLINS, :tf, C. P. Q. Officia lttaip F,t.Exeter,Qut,Residen sea homierecentiy occupied by P. siaPhtilipa,. Esq. i'ETE fNAI I;. p NEb1T R: TENNENT, Veteri• leery Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario College. Tema omd an 4fftca Veterinary to,haYeopfor ttnot,t of all Dente arta tray Anituale. au Mein itaetrcaet F7soter, Calla • rout t' from arils --� ,••�.-.s'�'-'• tt►ttco P 1 } attended tot- aledieine for Rome Cettle,lte *Ivey* ou Muni: rt (1 ltY EII,HER, Lioeueed A.uo- uoerforilay,Stepheu, and McGill!. gala( v, Hetes cenducteaiatrunderete tc a �.\ t Pent-ofilee, Crediton, Out. OHI GILL, A.uotiotfe.er for the Townships of Salami, MIN and rsborue and the t illago of Exeter. AU sales prunlntiv rattendera, etn•l satisfectiun y,earanteed. Solea arrauged et this office. MONEY TO LOA:T. AfrONEYT() LOAN ON REAL 1* tate for theHerta &EritLona •t' Sem. In • saaetety. Low rates anatomist. Apply to Joists Apit okataa,Fxt!ter, MONEY TO LOAN AT 0 A> c N JAL. menet;:ccor"?ing totems. Private Fttude, £ Apply to 11.v,F:I.T.IftT, Autple:tl:s.'K:t Solleiter, Exeter, INSI.TUANCE. Xr J. CLARK, Agent forrthe Ue- • • borne and U Usbert atutual vire luster riater rtOders.mltResidence-3rd O., promptly tendedto Tfl�IN rIal)ONELL, ISSUE11 OF f! 1111 i t . lit I. �1.NSE8, OVTICE a r r• sysoal's neer)*. Also agent for the London Mntuial I_tsurauce Company G s ado liorcautile Insurance Co f. t. t —Capital Lt10.Dtk:.00' Mead Office \Yatorlooj Out, Glasgow tt London Insurance Coy—Cap. and- atr i Lite Insuranceoten.. Heal Office, LMontreal ondon, Engles '1OYOluaraidee tl: Accident Co, Head JOHN McDONELL Exeter. T1'tHE WATERLOO MUTUAL 1 MICE INSURANCE CO. Established In 1803. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This coml.anv has been over 'Eighteen yearn insuceossful operation in Western On- tario,andcontinuee to insure aggainstloss or damage by 0'ire,Buildings,Illerciiandiso,Sltan- ulactories,and all otho rdescriptious of'insur- able property. Intending insurers have the Wien of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash system. During the past ten years this Company has issued 57,096 :Policies. covering property to the amount ofS40,872,0a8; ancipaitl in loss- es alone$700,732,00 AasetS, 8170,100.00, consisting of Cash n Bank, Governmant Deposit, an d tate uunas. 'eased t'remitunNotes onhandaudinforce. J, Sear©tary N T. 15. Huonns,lneide spector. TCHAS. 'SMELL, Agent for Exeter aud vicinity. T MPORTANT NOTICES. JUST LOVELY, SAY. AGL THE Ladies who see IKE. J. DEABING'S LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS. The only Thorley's. 11. tat C Food, p AXSON'S BLOCK auction at 'kr, Wm. Snell', Gala lot, only 10e. per I4., or $8 per cart. 10, coir, 1. Ueborue, on September but had a or OD. A, reward of $25 guilty of 01104 ootidllet. ,possess ""un- impeachable oharae#ere.'Ilefore talk- iag leave we wish to state haat one. intention in the drat place wee to dib - courage such eoladuot and we tlliuk such actions should be discouraged, not only by an account of the affair being published, but also by paaieh- ing those who were guilty. We would also warn these guilty parties against the danger of oheriehiug Their feeling* of envy and hatred, for they iii'Pa1r`i+' ably bring down punishment won item who cherish them. Cosi, IPt i'ar Frons Moate. Mime Cow:UW(04. au entrance. to Halt's store. it shot; The barn,, outhouses and content., gen belonging to Ur, Thou was also inoluding this season'scrop of grata, found in the store. Ittwae unloaded, of Mr. R. Mackenzie, a few miles one of Kincardine, en the lake shore, were destroyed' by fire a few drys ago. lila young grandson had been play. trig with matches, No iesurauee.- The other day a man ender the itlfluence of licinor went int Moore's tannery, Clinton and being allowed to sit down he went to sleep. When he woke up he started out of the door, whirls bad a ten -fool efairway to the ground below; but he wal#eci off t e top step and fell to the ground; He wag not hurt, but as ho picked . bimeelf up he remarked, "Gosh, tins* wee* high step r A breach of promise ease, iu which the defendant 1e a farmer oil the Ham Road, not far from Clinton, ie. threatened. The fair plaintiff claim 411000 as a aohlrtiona for her wounded feelings, and will place d*ntagee at that amount if The matter goes into court, but is said she offers cal accept $500 and be satiafed EDUCATIONAL. Wesleyan Ladies' College I Ait11G41'ON,.0A•DIADA. The oldest aud the most complete Ladles" College in the Dominion: has over 100 grades. atea ; has educated over :,000 young !ashen; has aver 160 rooms. and every conveutence for comfort and health. Pnusual advantages in Music and Art. Opens Sept, I, Address the Prineipel, {Mention Chia paper.) .. B! R S,D,D„]<e.T,.D. Al xl i,..1 aadiesCollege ST. THOMAS, ONTAlltif0. s.'rnefinestbuildiugs.'Suruishiags,Granada 4e.. far the purposeiu Ceuada, EMI Staff of 18 fraduatee and Certificated Teachera in Literature. ifxusie, trine Arts, Commercial Science. 1te-opens Sept. 10th For 5O -11p, Au nauueeoteut, slimes I'RLNCII'.tI, 4L'ST1N, IUD. USINESS COLLEGE 1x c0at4'it TI0N wrrn WOODSTOCK COILE1E, WOODSTOCK, ONT. The college has been thoroughly reorge,n- Jred. and bleed fu the bands of a snort able stag of Teachers ftncludtng two wire haus beau Principals of similar endaucoeseful lestttatione?. COursoo most ritorough, aud practical. Fees very moderate. Far full taterinatien addreasa— Ir', \1'QIaYES �ooOtiat1II'Akcolliega. ' xxnuirrioxs. VA NA.DA'S (tr1tEAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR --AND Agrioult ral Exposition, 1885, WILL 14F1U 1.0 A'rT1IF; OXTIT of TOE.OTTTO SEPTEMBER 9th to 19th. The Iargeat friars: cad the hent tarot, of Itorara Gatilt, Sheep,Pigs, Poultry, Agricul- tural, id oni- t ial ffrticturn4 Dairy lra tarts hi cr),lmpleweuta•uulAlaatatactureaot\7 all kinds in the I)oiniuiou of Canada Tarize i.ist+sttd EntryFor ins cart be obtain- ed from the $ecretersee of ell Agricniturai societies and Vechaui.s' Institutes. or they willhe seat an wiit'ie cu application by post- esrd tri the Secretary, at Toronto. ENTRIES CLOSE AUG. 22nd ALU., r� Ifli•.11t r „ G7, . U. 1 . >I SPECIAL ATI'R;AOT'IONS Aro beingprepared for that limo, for full Par- ti culare of which sco Special Progranunos. Cheap !nates, ani! F,xetarelone an all hail.' ways. The !test thtto to visit the City of Toronto. J, J. W'ITHIIOW, H. J. HILL, President. Manager aud Secretary, Toronto. THE SIXTH annual Ezchi.bita:ox. —OP TILE --- 1 SOUTHERN C-INTIES Without a doubt they are the.moat beleming styles ever introduced. Ladies. for something in very fine style, such as the Langtry and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches, Puffs, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike.1. Dearing, at CENTR9�.l. BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Where YIe win supply all your wants in the Hae Li e, T 3. CLARK. COMMISSIONER • in the Courtuf Common Please—Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, Loaeis,auil all forma ofag- reements drawn and oxen -dad according to taw, MONEY TO LOAN ONlILttt ESTATE. Parties wishing to borrow money on account of re- centpurthases ofland,or topay off existing mortgages will find a great saving by giving me a pall, Can lend money at6 and 6j per cent. accordingtoterms. N.J.CLARS.. Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS 1Dea Dealer Hera er y� ch & Ge B m6� —11,7. ILL RINDS � S I i. l • II tolners saxFp list! TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AN» SATURDAYS at their residence ORDERS LE ?T AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE P11'IOMPT ATTENTION. FAIR ASSOCIATION Win be hold at the CITY of ST. T SOMAS —0N-- Tuesday, 0,/_ Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday & Friday SEPTEMBER 22, 28, 24 & 25,1885. Open to the World. Very Liberal Prize List. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. --Farmers' Race, Races for Papers, Trotters, Pairs of Roadsters, Lady Drivers with Double Team, Ruining Races for Horses ridden by Ladies, Gentlemen's Road Horses, sec. ODDFELLOWS' SPLENDID BAND Passengers and Exhibits at Half r aro on the railways. See Mammoth Posters, Send for Prize List. EDWIN NICOLL, JOHN A.EALNS, President, Secretary MORTGAGE SALE. Under and by Virtue of a power of sale non- teinee in a certain Indenture ox Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of ems, there wilt be sold by Public auction by JOAN GILL, Auctioneer, subject to a Reserved Bid, on Tuesday, 15th day of September, a. d.1885 At Tlnee Ocloclt in the afternoon, at MOFFAT'S HOTEL, in the VILLAGE OF CENTRALIA the valuable farm described as, follows : AU and singulartitat certain parcel or tract, of land and promises situate, lying and being in: the Township oflliddulph, in the County of Middlesex, and Pxovirce of Ontario, contain- ing byadmeasuroment eue hn nilred acres, bo the same more or less, 'being oonhosed of Lot NumberIlYa, in the Second concession of the said Township of Bidduiph. Thelon() is of good quality. over 80 acres of which aro cleared, arta ou which are erected a small Frame lions, with Brick . Cellar, Prams Barn in good condition, }Sewed Log Stable and other bnildings. There is a good bearing Orchard of about two acres, Wells &c. The said len i is distant from Ceutralia about 2 miles, au.l from Exeter :about 6 miles aud is close to the school horse. For further particulars, apply to the :enc• tioneoror to B. V: ELLIOT, Vendor's Solititori Dated 2Gth Aug., 1881. Esetor PROPERTY LI;tT TOARlli FOR SALE IN STEPHEN. -� Lot ?:0 5, to 4th Concession. 200 arras, Forpextie Stara apply to 401 Feb -„168+. IL Y. ELLIOT, Solicitor, &e., IB;eta C0AGULINE. Cement for 1 sol `.1 en Articles. Bold everywhere. Bole kera.' --1 aX 1iI;U1f-. Atoakpo Fnglartd. i Olt 00t QUi AND OUID8..— 1 AY'S UO IPOUNIY OF LIN- E,EED,rtniseed.,Senega,8quifl Tole, 4a with Qhlorodvne, S CONIPOUNP, a demulcent tectiorant for Cost elm and COM,. • :COMPOUND, for ()allele and Chide. is equally srvricabta: for soraeaandOettle. (AY'S TIC PILLS, a speolfio in I+surtslgta iraee,a ebe dm. IndersoloaialRa1Wa 1'he Direct Roate from the West' for all points in Nov/Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Reward ],eland. Leaps Breton and Newfoundland. Au the panuler sea hatpin;;, 141.hfta: an$ pleasure resorts et eaua;la are Moog this lilt, i uliu'au earn hewing afoutreel o.t Mon- day. Wedueselay. and b'rfday rate through Io itialifata, anti oat Tuesday. `1'hurediay and sator- day to $t. John. N. B. without eLtuige. Clove einmectiatss mall ut Poiuto Levis wig, the Greta Trunk ltaiiwar end. the Richelieu and Company'•s Steamers front Montreal, en.i at Levis with tiro North Shore hallway Elegant tIrst.elnee PulJiuutr, Buffet and Siuokiug Carr on all thri,ugli trains. Firet•eiass 1RofretilamentRooms at convent- ont ilit)tancee. IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS will and it eft entegeoue to nen titin route as it is the auiekeat in taunt of titut'.ant ,the rates ,, ,. Are s ion a 1,� nu t tt 'r. nae c u Way Through freight is forwarded ay fast sneered trains and esperieut•e has proved the Inter - colonial route to be the quickest for l;ueopetal r freight to and from all points in {'uuada and. the Western States. Tiekets may ),e obtained ao l nlan inforinn- tion shunt the route and, elitist trelf,ht And passenger rates front ICO t' T l .: B R BI:)n DIE \Vestcrn>;reightd;PaseenWer Agent 93 Bassin house Block, York tit., Toronto. 1), PQTTINORIC, Chief Snperietendont, Railway Office, llonotou, N,11.,.May 34, 'S.-ly. CENTRAL DRUC STORE A full stock of ail kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Dritg Store Exeter C. LUTZ. TO AD V ERTISERS. d list ox 964 newspapers DIVIDED INTO STATES AND SECTIONS will be sent on ap. plication -FREE. To those who want their advertising to pay, we can offer no bettor medium for thorough and effective work than the various sections of our Select Local List. GEO. P: Ro-WELL & 00., Newspaper Advertisiu6 Bureau ,16, Spruce Street, New York. $30 Reward! 17th, via.: ---1 two--yeer•old filly. by is offered for :the capture of the bur - "young Clear Grit;” 1 one year-old glare. gelding, by ‘',Itlohawk Chief ; 1 tett! _,... . four moutis old, by -*Old Clear Grit;" Stephen. 1 black mare seven years old (dant of the Abnye) by "►Young Royal Re— MYWIERlorra Occ0EnElcca--A strange vertge." All of 1110 above tinitrlale aro and mysterious occurrence took phos wall bred and perfectly tarred. Terme at the residence of Mr. F. Evitue-, on. as perlarge posters. lot 0, eon. 4, Stephen, last week, Mfrs. Evans WAS away from dome easing a Gfarr(>Rstbe ra. sink daughter, Ur. EvtiUS, Sia .on, (a Tenni( mau) utile daughter and a DitaaS1a,. -I urtica that my state • hired girt being in the house and all Itlent that S, S. No, 12, Biddnlph, tteleep at 2 o'clock on Tuesday morn. ave pupilla art the reeerlt H, S. illg of last weak. It was a nice moon- entranse examination" has been taken light night at the time stud no thnu- exception to by Mr. W. F. ilsay, Now der or lightuiug. Thera was it sudden Sir, in stating thin I did not make s. explosion like the fli•ing of a gun, only gronudleatl assert/DV, uor do 1 ROA 1 I rider, which awoke the houaebold. acid anything unkind of the Graviton Young Eva;aa tad once sprang ant of 'cheat Wei should give riots to thie..bed, and running down stairs, kneed'' I would refer Alr, Nay to en' item i'o the front eittin room all cn fare. the London FrerIiecu•of September •'With the assietanee of the girl, be at 41h, that bears me cut, 'W"areeneider ono° tried to pot out the tire, and loek Thllraidsty meriting ti* our record quite a`:'good as oar "pre- atter a bard fight,: at length succeeded most diasAt 3 o'alook fire broke out life vitals" Ones acid eeeaet al' to few.. in doing so. Mr. ,TAlI 1 was so Oen*i oo e iof the ostofl oe i11 itTkSlll - ned that he way unable to do any- doors fail p , (thing for some lime. The roost!, and outer let6ly dea%roying a line brink olrerl►tlalug in it was a luta) rrreek. Sleek, the property of Wm, Diokeoa.. l looms were u 1 Tili i a os a Macro be o Y p The t)rgan, asf�t}. chain. wi(ulow . . ., r •-- -he' Bede and curtains, books, window i Br"'"�4i alines Grsabataa, Wm, Dick" re "d f ll of rliutatl and door casings and aim 'at every. eDO tend Aiby $abiaaou. Iteattrs. have been oowpleiniug of t3ie disturb. >Ibing in tale room was left a bho'kand Nobla .S; llarrieon and Tura, Benham eauf eretad largalp by damage. snstatineil, R a► es that have taken place in their �ailarrad rain. The carpet was: alta tliidat, The last occarreoee of the °'least injured of a;t. XO nue was in removal of effaefs, I*ortanataly l:iltd wits (Wring :IbandaaF' night ---or she mom that u gilt And there ween no ` a" late tart ea are insured. The. tiler early on Tuesday morning !!asst! in the scent stout nano of the cratoffice and telegraph offlwa were o:ltn lately gutted, lilt the eller stiC row llappeoed- • it aPPears drat a of the room was a largo mat, ill the q°anagerrhatd both open for ....iiueea} sk 30 o'clock a.0), A: dreadful accident occurred in Mitchell on Sunday evening last, which resulted in the almost instant dealt* of Katy. daughter of �1r. Richard Stone, who wale 1u the thir- teenth year of her age!. Io emptily utmost skill. of Jr, Lang to preaeut that the eerie of glans was out and with others alis! avae wrllkiog along the belninotbage from resulting' fat- this reg, soaked in inflammable or ex file railway tra.ok, rind having reached ally, se hie "080 has bittlly bteurct%e°i plosive substattae, thrown into the tt13 Arch which spans St. (:reorge et., and his nostril penetrated by as iron• room en fire. Bob whysuch au.lAn alio and :anntlter little" girl, ?tflnie ,"1,1°- a n ee to Ia or . r ,nal race down the ofthe clink.. A. shoemaker who3 a l' 1 tion a u should E r ba ltd be doue• is a in e e its Ile, y y is generally known a9 I'Etlil btrxaaral'e I�vaue' is it inau. meek S41?lE !!Perls and latC,p3 .sal. Inc east abutments. which so enthu+aastic'that be rushed from highly respected by all who know bine Tile onl}� about two 1)7, side in width_ tae hotel arnieil with a double.bar• rolled shot gun, and begin blazing away regardless of consequences. At n length a stalwart citizen became so disguested that he went ont and wrested the weapon from the bands of the infuriated Wan. Tbwarcls the :trainmen young Middleton was ar- rested for nisanitiug emit direr:ler]nug to shoot nue of the boarders. Flea }.a..�, at les was brought before buil+ea James Grant and P. 1lowbray, and. was mulct in the slim of $1O anal costar or sixty days.. The fine was promptly paid, the constable )stivanoiog the necessary:amount. Mr. Mi:dilletolt, tea have learned, wishes it understood' in regard to a barroom row at his ho -tel,, that the statement published its contrary to the facts. A party of Gralxtonites arrived frim Stratford about the hour named, but they were not permitted to enter the barroom, which crag nob open.. The shooting affray occurred in, open day-hight the nest afternoon, andi had no connection whatever with the alight disturbance wbieb took p?ace there. 'Vince truly, 5. Si. 3. ;Re3tFA=ISM —Par ao;wie t ideate o the vt rage whet) » moat dlagreeeful bar roan amps, were reissitt1$ In the centre t FPS young man named Mlddlaton l eoome centre of which was a large cirila ao much into:lorted that he 1i:arlad a buret through and a large folded rag chair at bis father, but unluckily: for was. found ,baro. One pane of gives biniseif, Speucer German ohalleaad to wasalmost oatirc+iy gone. the rest get le the wav, aud received • a vary being more or lees cracked with the severe blow upon the nose. Re bled waster. The only solution of the if- moat fmoat profusely, and tt regl,iretlb the fair that at present presents itself (1HILP DESF4RTIOT. Whoxcas about iho middle of June, an infant. ., t weeks olcl, was left m the ale about brae a .sol t s f G (male) Mrs, u'u' residence, um] b doorcilli ,Dani si do o L ev some unknown party or parties'; and on Sun- day morning, the nth August, another infant (female) about two menthe old, was loft in a similar. manner at the house of Joh n McQueen, near Lumley' in the Township of Osborne': The Municipal Council of Uaborne, being called upon to provide guardianship for said children, hereby oiler the above reward for neighborhood az in the word t0 hint start, but on the seeofata stela being knowledge.T11a dog \vas 'verylist- reattbed Katy was accidently arewded g off, and she fellto h ro b the and a ow easy- that eight and lir, Leans got '� l out of bed about 11 o'clock to nee if sulking 00 Ilex face and hands. anything was amiss, but found uoth- \V beu picked up Rile was insensible ing. So far the affair is shrouded in said temained en for nearly half an mystery. lir. Evans' loss is oonaid. dour, when the poor litho thing tlrable, breathed her last. One of her legs and neck were broken, but fortunately et n0A sheu she felt pain,s was u on- C scions be whole time, A. spirited young woman, living at it village in the neihborbood of Lon- don, having found that her name was in "every body's mouth, as the say- iug goes, took steps to ascertain who her traducers were. Having found: ont one of the long tongued people,a well to do elderly farmer, she nought an interview with him after leaving church. Suspeotiog nothing, the farmer went to meet the young lady, but before he well knew what had happened, received two cutting slashes of a raw -hire's. across his. wire. Hs grappled with Sia fair assailant for possession of the weapon, and atm of the elders joined the melee, and se— cured it, bast not before there was a little family fight all round. The whole matter was put in court, bu1 there are few who will have pity. for Iyasharec (T. Miss Mitchell, of Exeter, is visiting at lir. b1itcbeil'a of this place. Miss Basa Ball was home oo n visit last Sunday. The Misses faritybei Erre array „n their bummer vacation, to Michigan. Mr. James Mitehnor tiara wife are away an a visit to Guelph. The Temple al Industry ix under- going repairs. Seeding is now ikm. hIl'1 biast, and many fanners are' through. Some big ta!k an 1 bad ;langusgs were indulged iar at the Union Sonne the other evening. Three new dudes same to t,'Yirll lest week. So boort oast. boys, that yon don't get left some night. Another champion bicyclist came to town last wee!;, and lits makes S. S. 'No. 3, Usborwe. WAr'rdzD,--1'Ve are eofceedingly sorry that we are forced to again draw the attention of the oublio to the unseemly affair enacted in this section on Friday evening, 21st of a.uguat. But every statement we made waa•so flatly contradicted that either we or otir )earned friend who wrote the last apisatie a+ guilty of a wilful misrepresentation. It is a mystery to to i how those a'nnimpeao't. able characters" knew or even sop - posed that they were the parties we referred.to in a former communica- tion. They had nothing to do with the disgraceful proceedings of whirl! we gave a correct account—'at least they say so, and surely no one wou:d for a moment doubt the word of young men t f "animpeaohable char- acter.' These blameless characters, these upright young male never away. the to :u w )o could not !govern his laida any person. 'That moy all ars unruly L'aaembsr, He wav cid enough true, but the peretans we refer to did to know that whatever the lady's o an - waylay a certain. individual. They alto say that uo one of them was con- cealed in Ambush. \Ve don't doubt but dice of tlao e to whom we snake ;reference was concealed in ambush. "Again, theca estimable yonug men Waver used a board. Possibly not, but one of the individuals at which we write did nae a board. Tires "unim- peachable characters,' these terribly slandered and fearfully hated brothers duct or character might be, it was acne of hta businetas to snake it a eub— jeci ofto.)mnion cozsyeraation, and hbe deserves all he got.. 1propos. of the, asselt,, the young girl. who is stated to be only seventeen, further vindi- eated the untruthfulness of the Atones circulated about ber'bv ample medioal testimony in court. Squire Niles ren, dared decision Satnrnay upon the niarges against Piisoilia Taylor her also mistake the waylaid party we father and brother, for assarflting had refera>aloe to kr same one else, l William Warner and Robert Jaol;,on. because, the young men we mean was He fined the feather $5 an each of the never guilty of either slandering or tllrwitsnuing any one, much loss young it toe grand rlir'piuys with Iiia. ma. men of "uuitupeaolieble character." chine. be never even threatened or libelled t Air. N. Fried, of this n1;Itxs,.thrtish• this inveterate enemies, who attacked ed 129' bushels of ,ants from 73 him in the shameful manner before "ebonite.' !tori' i, that :i'b'r a t,audy described. The party we refer to farm ? also proved too much for his assail. Callas Bros. say they. threshed 86. jaut, and we have little doubt that he bushels of Stott wheat in 18 minutes, would have beea.more than a match at i1Tr. M. Moalook . %II concession fair the, two had. they not acted so of Stephen, with tte•ir machine, and oowarilly. Noor, hew these brothers 1 a they thinkwixle�lae bents that nratt•:t could have made such a granas mistake be "rattlers." as to think that we alluded to thein, such proofas lead: to the couviction of On. Friday 'sighs last some tramps we cannot til, but Possibly' they are said parties fol.childflosextion. Com/ uuuicat•ions. addressed to ,thenuclei- went throngil our sown, and 'catered the parties are refer to—hula thin call signer!at- Exeter P,O.will be)reptprivate. the store of Mr, John Dail,, where; hardly be, for we wanl'nt say for one !). were Oleric,Tp,Umoney sborne, whey stole ,oney aud. g,00!1,., to, alae rtotlaont thatt be le,rsana who h a va e N J two charges of assault, the son .$4 and the 3anghtor $1. In rendering judgment be complimented the young 'any very highly upon her modest demeanor and the s•tti.sfaetota n hi- ner illwbieb site had given 'testimony, and expressed' his belief that there was no doubt, that rho stories 'cirou. fated 1n reference o the girl were Le ut lly False and without foundation. r1'illiatin Geadles, Eden MMfil's, writes have used Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters for Dyspepsia and prefer it to all other medi. eines 'I have ever tried, in no case has it to failed e enolase rho ilesirocl effect, and l can cheerfully reeomslaond it to all sntierers from Dyspepsia. 'K Tars truly. VILLI A'11 (EPDDES.