HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-01-03, Page 6r p unity for Youn , LLIco eVse e. !pee ' Cjo otN) v,ow czt..1%cl • 1._1 4v,(1, Wee keel, te leaen to i ef Cie) Cep eeteer,F e%ettiver Itilevwtese Ca) nc•cialL sa4 4,7,411143- ."N.onu.g V;(„'n_7, .cmAlaz4c,..,,,u, eseestee, ee,see,1 • i'vestreCe. :^„ees1 eiseVetes, tieseseeleTee wee to. -far iti.ovew 'Qeopleseasnt itteltele eeelieatioa ‘eeeeseteissal ars4' ee4r4eleil, etaneme viiiieZe., that lezte sa,,Inditiene are net nerniel. are Liud!olan(,:ja,3.-1 gthse natienos- Wes,le leables, need to be better. Con- beeeeiee and eafetY , cstaet...„enivhig from wee „Vett to an -1 eoitaa4it_lca dep.Q.,144 upon Other not seelv‘ihee the Yoathein their eviCete„and intelligence. peacetime. He reitet leern to be 're- isAti isQt-ttlYed in the vani30 e 0 • all VeliMrice: Ulu neEt :(lVArte;s0eilist lias et. plan, inlet guard against centkity via° Eco au inseeateek, denrdethe danger OE it$ tatang him into all ioe kir° ,asel Ileettaative in their !valuers'. ezetapation eemote from his ability. to 8,ept from Lie swede to place more emphasis on the 31,1i.k4*. bt 'Toting- "Teeple are tbe :‘lcariiing-thatr'-ozrwoKk,avo.tU deed-elid daY8 of opportunity are type ji)bs, and.prepare himself for more tiaet-;.• the.t thee 'iS 110 loweeers'a thaneroutine. ' Pronsitint on &irt". Wnen exOut#Yea "Youth iS.being,eidedeles-tles4_nerviaee ' telt. Vinng 13ceple" etartingewete.kethat understanding of adtilis, -wider edvaecement depends, urge their own interest of Communities, more omen- effeete;--it:' 43 a ,ebaceta and serioua tunities for participation in orgaulz- warning. „12putt, elleoees to' ations for, their'. own 'welfare, greater regard the advice; of successful busi- attention by governmentS, constantly liegsnlen, It faee the fact that broadening ;scope a sc.:11001s, training tlite ulternatly,-:,-lt:,1 a totalitarian state in private, government„ and inaut gOvOlOnaeent, -suck as those the demo- schools, and the guidauce,-Tefered by Oracles le-4ve Plat defeated, er rah in.- unselfish citizens whose ouly dbjective 411WAil eptebe.rnalistne Eitheresis CM-. is •the good of youth and --the- better- etil.ted -to relieve the- worker of the ',tient' of society. These efforts and eees.sityto thnike, and, force hili- into itc/ii,evOments-, ticiweverieshould not hi- es- • ;ranks, of thoeei'whe de nothingb# duce complaceneYs because -in spite of ObOY- -order UndsperfOrm: the s eaeleS- tb-1 thiu :7--yealthr lititit.':iteeelleeat=aerinoet, „ which they are assigned. critiCal stage -,iii -life: Even in a set - 'But youth eannot just sit andwaittied world, eonfiiet marks all th'e years 'for the adult World to solve its.,problems of growth tdward adulthood, and the The war has disorganized the -cou- problems el -today's young people in- Tentional way 01 slife, and hasgivenelude, in additioe, the "(et -deem froni -411 ages and all, parts of- Society un-- pressures of, walr„ eheeepsets of recon- "° familiar situations.-‘ JXL times'of peace version, the need for suitable jobs,, and eulturale changes are -eloW, and een what- to o with leisure. -be, taken in their stride by adults and "Joined with the -veterans in seeking youths alike,. but war abeeler,atea the 4olutions will -be -thousands of youths e speed of evoluyou, and makes broad: who were hot of age to join the ser - - does,, eeeebese4,..agee „xlexie.tez , _more vices, but who flocked f tom schools to difficult. . • - • I engage in war production work: •They, , oplagnosis and realization are like the veterans, will require advisory the firiet needs of an appreciation andreadjustment services which, in - of the- problems, , butit if; stead of giving them the feeling of necessary • to , proceed toward , cure, 'being problems in the national eeonomy, .which is a joint responsibility of , will give them the sense of being needed youths an4,,,their., elders. Training IS ill .peace AS they were in war. They. not everything.' It. ,i,e7,-.1finecessary to should beipeeouraged to takesaidvantage provide advige whiCh 07* • enable young el. every -facility of school, college, people to,'chooSpeXlie„.„,fleld for-Vviiich 'church, social agenayi communitrlorgan- '-t4e7 „are:- best fitted. -, tinpi,oyers are ization,..and plant,tfainnig. "fliat. they , well:a:Wart of the :fa7a.thetswialle.many "lean count upon:•41ae 'sympathetic • 'outb"ltppearht for netleing,i except sideration 1 empo.e1 n„niceting the utslrilledla iellectiu. se 6 or;efluea,,e needs. td-r-eseitlenient iSelliditated by tralhine, surprising .1 the number of rortS of:flrras -whith through sight .enetaxe malLn, eeryffort,g0enatirer-that shpetviSion, and en- Young emp1o.te-tfintritiltable jges in c�w1gn_ ante One the' other whichlee -,.."'Ititerested,. and . ”' • batittAilio. • et,.! usted:veorker meens Vs-heisle,:the Will be given training and efer Indus y' vs:Wee -ineffieleney, and experience - to -enable' thein to climb high turnover of employees. higher. • "The responsibility of adults is to provide the environment in, which yelling -people are allowed to be "ex- perimenters in culture, and contributors to it. As for youth,". the artfele-Ton, eludes, "if should recognize that this land is full Ofeoliportunity, which offers itself to men, in proportion to their ability; their will for sa'etione- their power- of vision, -aed their. knowledge. There is no greater lolly than to sit by, the roadside 'Waiting for Eibinelnie to game ,altitig and carry one with him to 'wealth and inftuenee. -Thespirit of dependence upon others is, tihherrent tb successful men. . They speak truth- lulfy When they say, "There is plenty of room at the top," but they add: 'frou can't start climbing without Best elbowing yOure Way to the foot of the ladder4., The wise' youth, facing the poet -war world, Will make 'more op- portunities than he collies upon ac- cidentally, and he willefind businessmen and educational leaders eager to give ..as helping hand _to anyone who has' }let his mind on ,advaneement.", WESTFIELD. "From the standRomt of society, it Is obviously desirable that e:very,.youth, Briiphey's Funeral 'Ijome (..3 MONTREAL ST. --10ur. Funeral Chapel combines. -the-dignity of -a Plite..C.Of worship and the relinentent of a quiet reoldence. PHONE 120 FIWYD, M. WINDE, Dirmeter -VW are. „invited to ifiten to . "Music for Sunday' program over " .Winghain,-oacli-Stinday afternoon at. 3 p.m. „- •.. 4 - •.• • "WINTER LOGGING" Based tiporr-a--picture- painted for Carling's by feelc Brisk -This -is one-*ci-f of illustrations- on- -the- -- subject of Conservation ' . of -Canada's iv:thud assets. . A full colour ...reproduction size 9" x 14"„, without'advertiaing - And suitable ,for framing, will be sent - to each member of The Carling Coneervation :Club upon,. regiest Dept. (C13), The Cneling Breweries Limited., • '"Waterloo, Ontario.„; R wi tor, the) W ruing pry of "Timborl" oahoos throughout to , C na.clian forootp ao-PAitglaty tre(Y- Whia. stb.at re.,ealweo Vito every • Cangelfarl home for, • all oitzr natural - productp, wood i,s the. ritioa verzatile‘ . Its eliversified haile proVided o. livelihood for approximatOly 250,000 ..,Caiiadiane ail& wood, produats have been, r3ince the -earliet dayp.„ among °in most important ezport0..- , ' - s , • -And yet—for 'every twenty logs that Are cut in Canadian forests,' even .,are stn./ 'destroyed by fire, insect depredations and disease. „ - This drain on a vital nathial resource -•-c9n,be lessened only iv' coa, awaieneSs on.the part of each one of us of the wdys.. by which our forest wealth can be protected and conserved: to • matutaitr a 'confirmed:prosperity: '9.-ZiiiiAbiroirure Catliaig'S have •formed The- Carling Conservation Club, through :which you may gain knowledge on. the publect Of. conserVation. *Join this club today sirnply by writing to Dept. (C13),_ The ;Cixrlitre4 ; Breweries Limited, 'Waterloo, Ontario and e current, authentic infonnation„ on • conservation wiR:Av sent to you, 4ow and • in the • future' as it be -denies. _."..vailable, no costto yo, • - - Ar -r. iCOPYRIGHT ey CARLINWS. 041 eter. D-239 Cemetery Memorials _WESTFIELD, Jan. 2.—Mr. Lbslie „.„ • ',godger of Catharines is visit:frig- Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger and other friends. , Mr. Maurice Bosman was at Lonclon on Saturday -to meet- his son Jack- •oxe Ms return from overseas,- where he spent almost three yetirs. _Mr. Bosman and Jack spent a -joyous tired together, before Jack' continued on his journey .to Leamington, where he would- be raet by his wife and daughterei Mr.- W. F. Campbellnitten.ded- the lmrial service on Satulday ' the Union cemetery, Blyth, for his aunt, You are .invited to is:r • • stock hi -- Clinton Exeter Seaforit •Phone 141- - EnquiriesmpromptlY attended to. Cunningham Pryde, (THOMAS _MIME) L Agnes Isabel .Hiles, Widow of Rev- Mr. and Mrs, T. (A.° Culbert and Mr. E. Medd, of London. Others from this and Mrs. J Kilpatrick. district attending the seiNice were Mr.1 Mr and Mrs. Palmer' Kilpatrick, Bert--Teeyior,---,Mess-rs.--Howard- andprim and Cheryl: of- Toronto, eare. Douglas Campbell. - Christmas visitors in -the M. and Mrs. Clifford Crozier and daughter, of Crewe, visited ou Sunday with Mr. and MrsjW..A. Campbell. Mr. ande-M±S. 'Geo. Wightman and Alberta, spent': a couple of days last week withe- Mrs. Cameron of Kin- eardirie. , "I called to make an --appointment withs-the_cle,ntist." "He's out just now " e`tAli -you ex -fleets him to be out again?" • Schoolboy writing answers . to an- atemy test:' Your legs i@ what if you ain't, got two pretty goodones ou ean'teget to-4rat ase, and-neither,can your sitter.—Dunnville Chronicle. To be sorry for your ' mistakes IS; good. To say so is. better:" . --TC:Wlien We put- oUr -bste-foot forward - we stop kicking. . - ,* Mr. A. E. CoOk of Blyth spent la's/ . week_ with Mr. -and Mrs. F. J. Cook and family. _ Mrs. Clarence Cox visited on Thurs.-. • day with -her sister, Mrs. Mex. -Man- ning, Blyth. Mr.' Ronald Taylor Is confined IA.. - bed with the measles. Messrs. Elvin, Harvey and Norman Wightman and M(Lsses Margaret and Hattie Wightman -visited an Aienday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse of Brumfield. Home frowthe,War.—We are glad to welcome • home Sgmn. Kenneth Campbell, eldest son of Mr. anci Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Kenneth enlisted' as a signalman* in 1941, and spent the past three yearii end three months serving in England, France, Holland Itnd Germany. Although he had some very Close' calls, .he is very :happy to be home minus any t injury,. - His wife hopes to be able to join him before, many months. , CREWE (Intended -for last week) -- CREWE,*, Dec. 24.—To • i'he readers and stiff of The Signal -Star your correspond'ent extends the _season's • wee, Winemorimmimos, EELER 'FUNERAL SERVICE o eXtra, eh Tge. for the use Of our Vatter#1*Eteme, Toren - .,Street. ProntiA' Ambulance Service -Pbonei 335 'Res. 365 or 7 GODER1011 InEritORIA1 - SHOP' -NEWEST DESIGNS -. BEST OF MATERIAL -Guaranteed-Workmanship at • prices that will please you. SAVE) ALL AGENTS rEES Call at our office_phone 2423 or _drop ifs Goder_ rich. We will be pleased -to can and help choose al snitable mein - .01.131 for your family plot. R. A. SPOTTON St, 'Andrevies St. -greetings. • Miss Mabel Reid is spending Christ- mas holiday "with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. Crozier and Joanne, spent the vveek-end with friendeein -London. ° Misses Shirley 'Slaerwood and Gwen. ,Treleaven; of Ludknow High ,Sehool, are -holidaying at their homes here: - Congratulations on their wedding an- niverserinege to Mr. and Mrs. Ra mond zilgan, not sen • IMMINIIMOINIM‘11.1.11!IMMiesirsofterirrivont... , ' Former residents of Goderioh are always glad to .13". • the local paper; our ont.41..toWn friends Are alwqs pleased so o ThelligliAL-- - Star will giv6 'them the desired information, and alio save you the.trouble of Wri'ting"letters.- It caili.03 a year-round mealiage. It is sent t� any. addreSS 111.0p,nad.a.„foro$2.00;, the. rate to -the United' Sta ° 4260. Send us'thes price --we Will do the rest. The Signal -St PHONE 71 Painful,. Psis Filled B�ils '- the (;alise of Much false su5ei'frorm hong von, *now litoti. Widc • mileraloe they mode- Yoti feCI: " ' • . Ben era areeetitsverd iedicetion of impatitie* s: -,,ton; AtEd itzt when pao. think you t'e etio etnt,ther ercIps .0 to ttto its,p/aeo,#nd prolong yottrinift.ty. t,lio lancing and poulticing you•cau do may tie stop • ovt-ret•Ina e:ell should ,purify die !!'11, to why not "A'Ves fleet 044. Iv iiftbl.6 floottraedieine, Pkadock Blood Bittets, A ehanee to show do in lielving '176-1.1 get till of them? Thomods hAvo used it for, , ,,for Ito p -ft COI yelrm. 1Vtly ziot T-ou? " rh:„ +J) 0:671to, CL.t. Good Health and Lofi of. Per.) . . Mates Kidney. -Liver lAve a long reveled fiependability as regalater ef liver and,, kitbloPt , and•hdkelerii .Thoytraickly.,aratle -theft orgittne ' toh'dtb( 11 actrvity-dittrpet.,k thePP, petite add help to improve thg Clem out 010 10iO4lit5 Vat f.IIQ&A 'Kidney-40er -Pills And gain your p And lu,kpiiiikees. °