HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-9-3, Page 71 a e e e It ii e s 3 'r= d d 6 L. ret :e d ,o tr I- ra 1, 1' ren c- and of of is h• 10 n - at 11 - le ly 1n rd of n- ag in !al ie• ill of n- m- ,n- tt- sof he ve A en at 90 re ;h - my .he len by Led me we as- ira wn to sat DIV ant les eer a at the the mme but the Sel coal I Elm Suter Emla:. THURSDAY, SEPT'R $rd, 1885. FOUj CENTS per line for each subsrequent i e aertlouwill be ohargedfor notices apm earint in this column. LCCAL NEWS,—We shall be happy) to re, serve at all times, front any part o the County, items of local news, such as ee-: cideitso r any interesting esti ng incident what .ever, front any of our subscribers or read.. ersgenerally for the purpose of public- ation. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. 'When at the Provincial Exhibition, Lon- don, call at the Exeter Refreshment Booth, kept by as. Ferguson --south side of west door of Crystal Palace, for eatables of illi kinds. Tea, coffee, and temperance drinke always ou hand, All you eau eat; for 25 eta. Come one, come all. JAS. FERansoN, • Without exception, the best and cheapest .lines in Boots and Shoos we have as yet seen, can now be hal at C.Eaorett's. Children'a Carriages, Express Wagons, Bioyolea of all sizes, Felt Boots and Men's Hand -made Boots ; also harness of every desorlption constantly on hand. Gall and see them. Butter and Egga taken in exchange for coeds. 0.IJ'`ACRETT, wedding Bells, ( Farmers who have thiesbed their fall On Wednesday evening, 19th ins;„'a few wheat should be particular to 800 that it is invited friends met at the residence of F. properly ailed. In mauy cases the crop was Batch, Esq., in this 'village, to witness the 'lensed before being thoroughly dried, and marriage of their daughter, Miss Carrie when threshed and large quantities left in a Hatch, to J. C. Shannon, Esq., the ceremony bin, it heats and musts in a vei!y short time. being performed by the Rev. Jas. Goodwin. Sunday bicycling is becoming quite cont - The bride was richly attired in fawn satin, mon around here. In this connection the with the usual long veil and orange tilos• question might be asked, what difference is sores, which made her look very pretty. The bridesmaids were the Misses Hatch, of trip than any other game? If the one is rep- Moose. Creek with the Souris, Mr. C. miles beyond the Souris crossing, and while the lightnings flashed and. heavens artillery boomed my tom- )union and I by the dim light of a lantern out green oats for the horse with a hay knife and a jack knife. The next day we again approached. there between a regularly arranged bicycle the Souris, and here at theunion of Whitby, cousins of the bride. Miss E. rebensible the other is also, and neither is 'Toyer )las one of the boot farms in Hatch wasjottings, beautifully attired in pale pale fourth keepingewith divine precept, or the the North Weft Territory. ]gown en satin,and 'ettin s and Miss Ida, s gin pink satin and jottings. The groomsmen A preparation called Wizard Oil is being the banks of the river vegetables were Mr. Frank IIatoh, brother of the bride, extensively sold in many places now grow to perfection, cod grain ripens and. Mr. Reginald Shannon, nephew of the the proprietors going from place to place much earlier then on the high prairie. grown companyretired to the dining room and par -sale by an open concert. After that the oil > of God rich After the ceremony the with a concert troupe which precedes the Last year he hada toed of wheat in took of the sumptuous festivities, with the goes off lilts hot cakes. 'Phe following is the t M oosomin for sale on the 25 of Aug, usual toasts for the happy bride and her formula for its preparation, the materials of ' He is located in range 2, Weet of the parents, witioli were ably responded to. The the finest quality oat be purchased at any / 2nd Meridtau Line, Nearly all the presents were numerous and costly, The drug store for 48 cents, bottle included :,. land East of this for ranee has been happy couple left by the midnight train for Tinct. camphor, 1 or, ; aqua ammonia, a oz.; R takes Buring the past summer, Buffalo, New York and Qaebeo,—Waterford oil sassafras, oz. ; oil cloves. 1 drachm uP Star. @Miss Hatch is well known in Exe- ter, the family having removed from here to Waterierd, We extend to her and her bus - baud our very best 'niches. En. TiiEs3 brevetios. tt Don't forget to read Renton Bros.' ohmage of advertisement this week. Snow fell in the vicinity of Zurich, on Tuesday last in, a suflioiant quantity to cover the ground. WANxE».---.A. good General Servant (young) Apply to Mrs, H..4. Smith, 26 Alma -street, London, or to Mrs.B. V. Elliot, Exeter. Auction Sale al'i'as The Liman Agricultural Society will hold Farmersand others purposing to hold atm- ber 24th,nat fait fair on Thursday, Sepiedt- tion rales this fall, should order their posters Something Lilo U.. -..Over one hundred at the Toles office. Correctness and despatch Oasts' Searle and Ties to select from at guaranteed. Cuatemers bringing in. their Renton Brae. ordora can have their bills Thome with thew, Aa the days gradually groan aborter, the 1 Orders reca ted by snail tilted and forwarded price of coal oil grows longer. by following snail, post paid. • Highest price paid for White, Gray, Gold en or Red ]lair at I. J. Dearing's Central A. 1M:de s Animal, a Barber Shop, The other da) a gentleman while trying to The Beard of Health shouldtake atepa to lassos ono of the Mexican poniae, he was have all oliSdrou attending school vaooisiated Itttoolted down and the pony went through a as 040 8ma4pox may reacts this section. heavy board fence, apparently not injuring Full range New Vail Printing in Cheeks itself. Theao animals are very determined and Stripes just in at Banton Bros. at flret, but with a little handling can bo A number of our citizen "took in” the Managed very easily. Anumber have been excursion to Port Stanley on Thursday last sold here, all of which appear to have given. satisfaction. Pheasant Shooting. Pheasant shooting became legal on Tues- dtty last, September let. The law wldoh permits woodcock and duck shooting to cum - Silence in August, invites all parties to go It was the annual Sunday school excursion The Weekes Bros., of this place, inters making au exhibit of marble work at th Provincial Exhibition, which opens in Lon don next week. The St, ldarya Arles says it takes nearly a week for au answer to reacts Toronto to letter sent to Kirkton. The Argus man is out abootfug, and leads to the seettering and surely exaggerating the matter somewhat. destruction of pheasants. lithe Icegislature A scientific journal says that many dims - would make the shooting ssasoufor all game ea are apread by the circulation at bank except quail eommence on the let of Sop- notes. This explaiva why editors are more ;ember it would be a great stop in advance healthy than other people. Of our present law. Walter �4 estoatt says he can drive more naile in a plank sidewalk in one day than any To Teacher and. ?uphls. other roan uz town.Walter is certainly an Asa entrance examination for High Schools expert with the hammer, will be held as usual in December, but will An Irishman watching a game of base ball extend for three days, viz., the 21st, 22nd was sant to grass by afoot, which struck him and 23rd, no regulations and subjects re. under the left rib. "A foal, was tat ? Bcgarra main the same, except that in Drawing, I thought it was a mule, candidates are to submit to either No. 2 Overtweevo dozen mouths or amonra just or No. 3 of the Public School Drawing opened at Banton Bros. Sple;did assort - Course, For those who have adopted the meet of latest and oheapest goods yet shown. stew fourth reader, certaia lessons are as. Mt Saturday last Air, John Blatchford Bold eigated for I'.+itorature. The list will be fur. to Mr, Writ \N oil, of Exeter, a brood mans nished cut application to head masters. weighing 1,700 lbs., for a good sum. It is considered the largest inaro in this section. 'l'ho schools in cities and towns opened on iIlIj Succoaare►i, Monday last. There was a fair attendance At the receut examivation of the Ontario , during alto week put it might baro been chloroform, 2 drachms ;torpentine. 2dream; lntany 'rem the North have+ moved alcohol. 3e oz. 9 down end bikini un a second home - On Thursday evening last, what might steed, Timber is very soaroe in this have been a serious runaway, occurredon R diatriot, and ilia settlers aro erecting the Thames Road. In the morning Mrs. John Randle, her sister, Miss Agnes Afiller I concrete houses and out buildings. and two small children went to the country i The climate here is loss severe than with a livery to visit friends. They reached at the North, when the thermometer,. their destination safely, but while returning registers GO c at Brandon, it would home the 'torso became unmanageable, and re no more than 40 °here. Frain the ocoapauts of the buggy were thrown out oppotito Mr. Monteith's on the Thames Road. The horses ran three and three-quar- ter miles to Exeter and only damaged the dash. With the exception that one of the children was a little stunned the parties very fortunately escaped being hurt. Troyer's we took the trail for Mom - min and proceeded North and North Bast until we reached our destin- ation, range 1, township, 10, Moose 11:i. District. This section of the country is adapted for ;loch raising, Yarail, greet' and hay abound, and poplar Ur. Morrison a short ileac ago bluffs ate inilueroue, afl'ordinlfshelter, 1 sold 5r0 tuba of butter and. has now while smell Mee and the antler river supply water. Splendid poplar tie- ':'liret�hera in this vicinity report ber is abundant, The settlers here 1 have the flutist log houses and stables, we saw along the trail. On the 10th 1 we oowuhenoe4 our return, arriving al Crystal City on the 1604. oa hand 100 tubs, from five t'i twenty bushel.; of spring wheat, probably 12 or 18 bushels to the acre will be the average. Thos. Ward sowed fall wheat last The crepe in this district sever `I`htiraday, the first in this section looked so promisiug as they did up to this seaeou. Sunday evening, and tha farmers f Mrs. W. Duncan is laid up with The i' [A ti the rheumatism, and is gaining only ! were buoyant with hope. rail- ' ,1 e Very slowly. roadie being nous#rusted within ai I short distance of the city and ev- a ISAAC CARLING'S. C+E�TERA�, STORE Exeter, Ontario. GROCERIES, DRY -GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES AND MEROHANDISE Our Goods and Groceries are warranted of the Best Qual- ity and Latest Styles. Families in the village and ourrouud- ing country can rely on Good Value fot their money. Articles delivered promptly at your homes, in the :Village, if 0^g a desired. A Trial Respectfully Solicited ISAAC A m ING'S • G EN i STOR E . aha �'Valker, who line base nil erytbing looked favorable. But, alas! 1 long troubled with a calices, diad t shell' sp'a'ts received a damper anutrEggsjCoosfront the effects of it last Sunday. Sunday Rue; Monday nights by the1 He seas highly respected. frost, Vegdtablas are eoinpletely da- Johiaparrott, of the Parr Ifue, etratiod, and the damage to Wheat is with his self hinder and three horaes, not yet knowu, but it is not as bad as it was two years ago. Yours truly, ,ahool of Arts, Miss Hattie, daughter of bXr, better. (..,teorgo Walrond, of Exeter, very successfully passed in all subjects, and seemed the A party of tannic L°sll:lrnite3 picnicked at the lake ou Friday, They report t "Gradeliable it In arts. There were five subjects. spent a pleasant day, notwithstand g to In three she obtained 100 per cent. ; in the cold, dreary weather. ether two 20 per oeut. bliss W. has receiv- ed her dipiomn, and she is the first art on. Tuesday to see the Buffalo Bill sborr. scholar from this county who has graduated.' They pronounce it to be as good as the ay. L 'Phis young lady from her childhood has erage silo.v. Whistle marked progress in her studies, and is On Monday a largo number of sheep and considered vary clever. cattle were shipped from this station, They were shipped by Messrs Baikwill and Pilor Seott Act Convictions. for ilia Montreal markets. ie Pollee Magistrate Young, Of Halton, has A great many stockmen in this vicinity given decision on three liquor oases recently have already made entries for the Provincial .heard. F, Sanderson, of Milton, was fined Exhibition, t0 behold in London, and the ' 1150 and costs ; P. bt. Zimmerman,' of Burl. Industrial, b be hold in Toronto. ington, was filled 550 and costs, while his The new plank walk on both sides of the daughter and the bartender were fined. on business portion of Matt -street is completed two separate charges, the sum of $112 60, and is a great improvement on the old one. or $56.80 each. Zimmerman was also sen- A. base ball match played in Lucan ou tensed to two months' imprisonment. He is Friday last between the junior clubs ofLuoall applying the. law. Mr. Young lectured in and Ailsa Craig, resulted in favor of Craig by Exeter last spring, aid ho appeared to be a stern gentleman, and one who would be likely to mete out the law to offenders with- out fear or favor, The New Bridge: The new bridge crossing the Aux Sauble ear Swenerton's farm, has just been cone - reed, and it was tested on Tuesday morning the presence of a committee of County millers. The mode of testing was the ving of five teams, four of which drew eavy loads of stone and gravel, across it at raid pace. Below the centre of the bridge ere was a mark placed, and it was found at it did not lower a particle. It s ninety t•long, and is constructed of good strong n, presenting a very neat appearance, a n fleeting credit on the contractors, the Mon - al Bridge Co. arsenal. Miss Elliott, of London, who has had age of a dress -making establishment in wn, left for her home in London on Sat- rday last. She has accepted a situation as orelady in a mantle establishment in Brant- ord.—Miss Tillie White, head milliner in r. D. Mackenzie's establishment in Sarnia, home spending a portion of her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. SoutScott are at pres- t in town visiting friends.—Mr. Kerslake d wife, and Master! Frank Oke, of this e, and Rev. Ino. Veale, of Crediton, who fled for England in June last, have return- home.—Miss Watson. of Chicago; and iss J. Spioer, of this town, are at present ;'siting friends at St. Clair. Mise Watson 1 been visiting in Exeter for some time /going to St. Clair. lose Season for Game. We have beet requested by a subscriber o publish the following :—Deer, elk, moose, 'ndeer and caribon are not to be taken or led from December 15th to October lst. he penalty for violating this law is a fine of of more than fifty dollars and not less than en dollars, with costs. Hares (rabbits) are of toles waken or killed from March lst to eptember lst. Partridge are not to be aken or killed from January lst to August 5th. Snipe are not to be taken or killed ore January Lit to August 15th. Duok— allard, grey, blank, wood or summer duck of to betaken or killed from January 1st to ugust 15th ; other ducks and geese are not be taken or killed from May 1st to August 50. None of the eggs of the birds or fowls mein mentioned shall be destroyed, under a enalty of not less than 55 for eachegg so estroyecl. Every fox, hedgehog, skunk, agle, falcon owl, hawk, blue jay, butcher ird, and sparrow should be killedwheneyer" pportanity occurs. ,%.„%at out nine acres of grain one afternoon, and that over rough ground and one of the horses only a 2 year-old. Not Ear From Homo. News Condensed. The St. ?ttary's Journal alike that the Fishery Inspectors from Mitoaell to Lake St. Clair order the owners of mill dams to construct popper fish - ways at once. It adeia: —"The people are now thoroughly aroused, and are determined to press upon the Govern- ment the duty of seeing to Chia mat- ter at once," In (aoderiah township two mea bound two hundred dozen sheaves of grain in one hour and fifty fivo seconds, and en the carne day bound two stooks, of a dozen sheaves each, in twenty four seconds. The same two men can bind 10 nom of •the heaviest grain in 10 hours. Who can even up with this? A St. Mary's paper thus refers to an old resident of learefield, Stephen townships --A goad man, in the per son of Mr Thomas Rogers. an old resident of this town, bas gone to his reward. After wasting gradually away for a long time he breathed his last on Sunday afternoon at his residence on Wellington street. 13y his death the Methodist church loses a score of 35 to 6. one of its best, truest and moat ele- A number of our local sports left for Ma- voted members. MRogers was a nitoba on Monday morning last. We hope r. g they will return will ladened with game. man whose catholicity of spirit was rhey seem determined on hayiug a good time. Ur. Walter Carley, of this place, has got the contract for carrying the mail from Exeterto Kirkton. He commenced on Tues- day. The oontraat is for three years and ton months, at $375 per annum. A farmer writes ander the heading "N'tltice to Greedy Farmers,' that when farmers have a threshing they should not ask for two men from a neighbor and send their own to do something in a back field. An exchange says :—If a elan wants to concentrate in one solid hour all the excite- ment of a dime novel, a mother-in-law and a night howling canine, he should turn whis- key informer. Another game of base ball was played here between the junior clubs of Lnoan and Exe- ter last Thursday. A few innings were played when a quarrel arose, which ended the match. This will probably end base ball thie season in Exeter. The daily mail for the Kirkton route now leaves Exeter at 9.30 a. m., and returns at 2.33 p. m. This is considered a decided improvement for the Kirkton folks commu- nicating eastward, for they can reply same day as they receive a letter. All the Huron candidates for teachers' cer- tificates who passed and were recommended by the local school Board of examiners at the county examinations have been confirm- ed by the Departmental Board of Examiners at Toronto. An exchange'says :—A minister has planed on record his opinion that there are two jus- tifiable occasions for profanity, namely, driving oxen and travelling rotten broken up plank sidewalke. In the latter respect, a portion of the streets of our town will now offer no temptation. P. K. Hyndman, Esq., brother to Dr. Hyndman, of this place, has been appointed engineer by the Government for the exten- sion of the Interoolonial Railway to a point at the east end of Cape Breton, from which the voyage across the Atlantic can be effected in four days. The new pipe organ in the James -street Methodist Church will be opened on the 19th inst. with an organ recital and sacred con- cert. Professor Birks, of London, will pre- side at the organ, ane the church choir and others will give the concert. Tickets 25 and 15 cents. All go. An old gentleman was heard to remark the other day as he saw a horse pass, which was reined up extremely high : "What use oan a horse's eyes be, when they aro viewing the stars instead of looping where it is step. ping ?" Ye fancy men, consider the question. very marked, and his liberality was displayed in everything. No man 1 enjoyed the respect cf every person who knew him iu a greater degree I than he, and his joyous disposition and kindly sprit will long be reme, bered by the entire circle of his ac- quaintances. AWAY OUT WEST. From Crystal City to Glen Adelaide. (CONTINUEDII '1'o Editor of the Exeter Times. SIR,—Proceeding westward from Deloraine the country along the trail for the first five or six miles is poor, but from that onward gradually im• proves in appearance. On both sides. of the trail for a distance of about thirty miles the grain has been badly damaged by a very distructiye hail storm. Many farmers have had their whole crop dietroyed, and sever- al are saving what remains for hay. The nearer we approach the Souris the more gravelly the soil becomes. and the crops are much farther ad- vanced than farther East. Althcugh the land here is all taken up there is as yet but few settlers, but anticipat- ing the early completion to the coal fields of the south western the settlers will soon be on their claims. In the afternoon' we crossed the Souris, a beautiful stream, at present not more than three feet deep, and enter the antler district, considered to be the finest wheat growing distriot in Man- itoba. The soil is light and .sandy but with a subsoil of white clay. The crops are good here, with straw muoh•shorter than at Crystal City, but will Sield equally as well. The late Col: Williams, owned six sections here, and there is several stacks of last years grain as yet unihreshed. Weput up for a night about fifty August 22nd, d. Of. BORN. LCXTOn.--In 'tiaberne, on August 26th, the wife of Mr. Fret!, Laxton, of a son. BtenaN;IA,.—/11 Taokersmith, on tho lst inst., the wits of Mr. Alex.Buehannau, of a son. 111Teitxan.-111 Stephen, on the let inst., the wife,pf Mr, Wm. Mitchell, of a laugh. ter._ _ • MARRIED. S nANNON—HATC11,--0n Wednesday evening, August 19th, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev, James Goodwin, J. 0. Shannon, Esq., grain merchant, to Miss C'u'rie, daughter of F. E. Hatch, Flags, hardware merchant, all of Waterford. Fenn—O te.—At the Methodist parsonage, Ailsa Graig. on the 31st ult., by Rev. D. Rodgers, Mr. Geo. Ford, to Miss Maria Green, both of thetownrhip of Stephen. SALE REGISTER Tuvnsn.tv, Sur 17th.—Farm Stock, imple- ments, Sm., the property of Wm. Snell, lot 11, con 1, corner St, Marys and Lon- don Roads, Usborne. Jas Oke, auctioneer. 13 Parties getting their talo bilis printed at this office, will get a ram notice similar to the above. Fall Shows in 1885. Provincial, London, Sept. 7-12. South Huron, Exeter, Sept. 28, 29. Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 7-19. Southern, St. Thomas, Sept. 22-25. Hay, Zurich, Sept. 22, 23. Mitchell, Sept. 22, 23. Hullett, Clinton. Sept. 24, 25. Tuckersmith, Seaforth, Oct. 1, 2. West Huron, Goderioh, Oct. 1, 2. South Y erth, St. bIary's, Oct. 6, 7. Fullerton, Oet. 13. " Blanshard, at Kirkton, Thursday and Fri- day, October 8 and 9. HENSALL.—Wanted at the Hensall Oat - Meal Mills, fifty thousand bushels of good sound Oats for Milling purposes. The high- est price will be paid. Oat -meal exchanged for oats. HENSALL ROLLER MI ses,— One of the most complete roller mils in the Province, is constantly running and giving the best satis- faction. Gristing done to order on short notice. The roller flour takes the lead. Try it and be convinced. ' 20 tons of good Mid- dlings on band at low figures. A few oars of Corn and Corn Chop on hand. RANNIE Il' URQUHART. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected at5o'clookp.m. Wednesday.) Italie WHEAT Wnit[wee a, Ned ... White Wheat New ... Red Wheat New SPRING MURAT• !fife (new) ... , Barley, .,. ... ... Oats 3 Clover Seed ... ... Timothy ... ... Peas Corn Batter ... ••• Flourperbbl.... ... Potatoos,per bag ... Apples,perbag ... DriedApplespr b ... Geese per ib. ... Turkey per lb Dunks perpr ... Chickens per pr' . 4fogs,dressedper100 Beet .. 00 10 6 00 Hidesronhg ... 00 to 6 00 dressed . ... 00 to 6 00 Sheepekine,each ... 40 to C 75 Calfskins .. 50 to 0 70 Woolerlb\ .. 18 Ray porton . . . 600 to 8 00 buionsuerbusi ,. 60 to 0 75 Wood per cord ,., . 2 50 to 2 75 HENSALL MARKETS Fall Wheat per bh .. $ 0 80 to 0 80 Suring " 0 80 to 0 80 Barley (bright) 0 50 to 0 60 Barley (feeding) „ 0 45 to 0 46 White Oats, . 0 28 to 0 3C BIack Oats0 3I to 0 33 Apples per bbl, ' 1 00 to 1 00 Potatoesperbh 0 25 to 0+62 80 to 081 80 to 061 80 to 081 80 to 081 81 to 083 48 to 052 28 to 030 00 to 625 25 to 200 55 to 000 68 to 0 60 13. to 011 11 to 031 00 to 555 27 to 032 40 to 0 50 04 to 0 00' 05 to 0 06 08 to 006 40 to 0 60 25 to 085 50 to575 4 WANTED. J. Matheson, Ras opened out in Curreltey & Co's. Old Stand, EXETER N OIiTH Complete stock of Groceries. 16 lbs. Sugar; .$1 Tea, 25, 50 and 75 cts—Good Quality. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Law Prices. A nicely assorted stook of HARDWARE. FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES, (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil Kers per Gal. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER, rte' A reduction of 1.15 Per Cont. ou Tweeds, and Beady -males. A greed Suit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for 57.50. Suitings and Overcoats Cheep. Our Dress Goods are !narked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A House andLot to sell or rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. 0,_ BUY ONLY THE BEST. L49P8D60'9 Celebrated pc1ac1i: Tho Lenses of these Spectacles, being scien- tifically ground from Pure Pebble, are without exception, the best adapted to preserve perfect vision and restore the sight when damaged by old age and other causes. They have the ren. commendation of the most eminent members of the medicalprofession in England as well as in Canada, and a large number of our most prominent citizens, (RE,ID THIE FOLLOWING : Chief Justice Macdonald, N, 3„ writes : They give the highest satisfaction. Senator Archibald writes : I have experienc- ed great satisfaction from their use. Chief Justice Sir Wm. Young writes : They give a clearer and purer light under gas than any I' have previously obtained here or else- where - John F. Wood, Al: D. writes : For ease or comfort they excel any ( have ever used. t J. Mackenzie, F R C S, Kingston, writes Carefully constructed, good defining power an glasses in each frame of focal equal len gth. A O Blair, Esq-, Premier, N.B., writes : Of the l comfort and assistance experienced. L't. Gov. Haviland, P.E. I., writes: I never experienced any strain en my eyes after; using them. Rev. Father Bolduc, Quebec, writes . That he finds them superior to any previously used. Peter Lynch, Esq.,Q.C., Halifax, writes : Using one pair of Laeranoe's Spectacles for 13 years with great satisfaction and benefit to my eyes. De Cure De Quebec, writes : 13e is more than satisfied with the selection made, M. F. Walah,Esq., See. Minister of the In- terior, writes : The glasses suit admirably and give every satisfaction. Dean of Ontario writes : Of the great comfort and relief found in wearing his spectacles. Lt. Gov. SirIP. McDougall, K. C. a7. (le, writes: He is greatly pleased with the selection made. Dr. Phelan, Kingston, writes : They supply to those with every derangement of the vision a long felt want. SOLE at.OENOT : Dom a or � b atr Y EXETER. J. W. BROWNING, PROPRIETOR. Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that belles opened out a B t aid hoo Shop iu the t,orner Store North of Samwell ds Piekard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o? ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. flay 14th 84. 111, :Uri. tVAM. LYE is prepared to da CUSTOM TAILORII At �Tirktoil. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction . guaranteed in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satisfaction. WILLIAM LYNE. EREEMA1V'S WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a cafe, euro, and effectual EN4royer of worms in Children or Advil tti Health is- Wealth DR. E. 0, WEsT's NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT- MENT,a guaranteed epeoiSofor Hysteria, Diz- ziness, Convulsions Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Hoadaohe,Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Men- talDepression, Softening of the Braiu, resu4t- ingin Insanity anct leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Less- ee and Spermatorrhoea, caused by over-exer- tion of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence. One box will cure recent cases. Each box con - 'tains one month's treatment. One dollar a )box, or six boxes for five dollars ; seat by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure: Guarantee' issued only by JOHN C. WEST & CO., Sole Proprietors, 81 & 83 Icing 131. East, Toronto, Ont.