HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-9-3, Page 5what Sporting Men Rely On. When Lewitt R. Redmond, the South Carolina moeushiner, cornered, after for eight years eluding the Gov. •anentofficiate, watt asked to aur- render, he ezolaiuled 'Neiar, to Than 1010 fire et my hack 1' Before be was 'alien, Ave bullets had gone clear through him, but strange to reltiate he gob well, in the hands of a rude backwoods nurse,,' By the way, if Garfield had been in the bad of a baelia70ods nurse, he might kava lived, A heap of volun. tear teetitnouy ageinet t#ieinfal#ibilitlt of the physicians has been accumu- lating of late, and people are eaoour. aged to do their own doctoring more and more. It is cheape and quite as certain. Interesting items.Before detective Ourtin of Buffella caught Tom Ballard hat ' oovexed' ' THER IS No EXCUSE, him with revolver. Tom esw a h h" 1 T the Thete is no mesee for the many pale, sal. The following paragraph was clip- ped from a Britieh paper printed about twenty yeaxa ago, --An effyot- nal remedy for small -poi is said to have been recently found by a eur- goon of the British assay in Ciliate.. The mode of treatment ie ai follow*: .--When the preceding fever is at its height, and just before the eruption appoars, the chest is ;rubbed with erotou oil and tartaric ointment.. This oauees the whole of the eruption to appoint ou thin part of the body, to the relief of the rest, It also se. - *area a fell and complete eruptian, and thus prevents the disease from attaoking the internal organs. This is now the establiebed mode of treat- mena is the English army in China, and is regarded as *perfect cure. POISONED, Scarcely a family exists but that some member is suffering with bad blood and poisoned secretions from constipation rise to Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions, Catarrh and other complaints Whetting lurking blood poison which a few bottles of Burdock Blood Sitters would eradicate from the system. A Berlin dispatch say, it appears to be certain that, as a result of the telegraph conference, the Great Cable Company will e their tariffs 20 per cent. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Clare Is the remedy for you. Sold by 3•. W. Browning, Mayor Glory, of Windsor, has been author- ized to borrow 022,000 to meet debentures expiring this month. A Sun THING. A Sults Cans ma Susumu Ooussmxxa.- Procure from your "druggist one 8771 -vent bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw. berry and use according to directions. It is infa]liable for Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Canker of the Stomach arid Bowels, and Cholera Ivfantum, CATARRH- A NEW TREATMENT. low weary looking females throughout our Perhaps the most extraordinary success that point And tumbled. land, he Burdock Blood Bitterswill has boort achieved in urodern umilieine has . w _ n o wa re Joe Groes was "covered'' * few late their troubles and renew their health, been atOut a .00OpatDixon treatment ri d durtngtea- Qi vigorat so sa weeks age and: he fumbles, find ee strength and t; mall a cost. terrh,xOat of ,0 fully ninety per cent,ihave did. Dan neon. D3nth ` `fetched em" The Independence Belgo states that the been cured redox ethis stubborn .t laiepaeT is is with that dreaded rvoalien-Ktduey Afghan question is settled. Tho Ameer of ttltatnotaveper cent, of patients preeonting Afghanistan, it says, retains Zulfioar and tlietneelveatotire regular practitioner arebo- disease. But they should have been Russia Meruohak. uefltted.while he uz r drawn first, They could eaall,y have THAT HACKING COUGH can be so disarmed the monster' had they cover- .quickly eared by Shiloh'a Cure, We guar+ ed him with that dead sleet -War- n -War- I sakes it. Sold by L. W.. Browning. ncell safe,ours, whittle, drawn Gladstone s pltyaieian, air Andrew Olaelce, de:lares that ]lis patient is. better, and that proulfptly, always takes the prey. It 1a further ehango of air will restore him completely. HORSEMEN, ATTENTION. When your horse is galled, saratobed or out, or has an ugly sore, bathe twice a day, and apply AftGrregor de Parke% Carbolic Ce. rate. It is uudonbted]y the finest Sheeting and cleansing application for it. Be sore you get McGrigor dt Parise'a. Sold for 25a. per box, at Jr. l3rowning's drug acme. 1 is doublleee true that eporting men dread tide ouemy more than any mitt - bap of their profession, and presum- ably this explains ]oily they as a rule are so partial to that celebrated 4 'dead shot," Redmond was right. No mac should surrender when attacked in the beak. Ile should "draw," ' face about and peoesed to the defence, for TO THE RESCUE.. "When all other remedies fail" for Bowel eto seely atteeke, so common among all `thenDr.Fo ler'sCEsmtractps ofsW,7denteryStraw. classes, ]pili fetole a man every tilde berry conies to the rescue." Thus writes unless "covered" by tee Roeder- W. H. Crocker, druggist, Waterdown, and fully suooeseful , 'dead shot.'••-,+ adds that "its sales are large And inareaaing,' Sportsman's Yews. It is estimated that there has been a de- crease of about $3,000,000 zu the United States national debt daring August. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and EEDITORIb L NOTES. Liver Complaint ? Sllitoli's i Vitalizer is guaranteed to erre you. For sale by J. W. lar ow r nrug. Is no part of the United Staten The total value of the corporate property has the depression of the past few of Detroit is estimated at $7,522,220 01. years beeu more keenly felt than in FLUID LIGHTNING. P3aueylvauia. Ito no State of the All sufferers from that terrible torment, Neuralgia, eau be made happy in oue mo- ment by a single application of Fluid Light. wing briskly rabbet on painful parts, and without using any disgusting medicine day after day with little or no result. Fluid. Light - fling also cares as effectually Toothaobo, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Headache, and is only 25 *outs per bottle at Dr. Browniug's Union is the business outlook at present brighter. �iauufacturers are busily preparing for a "boom." The iron mills are beginning to work full blast,and some have already advanced the wages of their employes anti put them oa double time. Additions aro drug store. 1 being made to some mills, and others The lumi al meeting of the Ontario Fruit that have been itilo for two or three Growers' Association will bo bold at Wing - that halnan Weduesday and Thursday, Sept, 1G' years ars gaffing into wonting order, .had 17. Tbore is, iu fact, every prospeok that not only Pennsylvania, but the eutito Hauin ton's Quintile Wine auel, country, will soon resume its old. iru, and Tonic Dinner Pills, cleanse and Y enrich the blood and may always he relied time industrial nativity. • upon to euro e11 eruptive diseases. Beware ! of imitations. See that you get "Bening - ton's," the original and genuine. For sale form journal could not twlsl iulo a do all druggists and general dealers in Cana - misfortune for the eonntry would be indeed a very blessed state. When the syndicate wanted to borrow the five, million last 'maim", the Reform pre s,' tried to show that the loan would` be five million lose to the country. Now the 0. P. I. people nese, and alt symptomsof Dyspepsia. Price don't want the money, and are hand- 10 and 75 cents por bottle. Sold by T. W. ingit back. A few Grits in the back Browning. A BEAUTIFUL SEASON. township' naturally supposed that The fruitful season of the your is prolific the country would be $5,000,000 with many forms of Bowel Complaints, such ahead, but not so ; the Globe now as Diarrhtoa Dysentery, Celle. Cholera Mop. shows that the C. 1' R. people had bus, Cholera Infautum, &o., as a safe-gnard deposited $8,000,000 in bonds to se- and positivo aura for those distressing and often sudden and dangerous attacks nothing cure the $5,000,000 loan. Canada can surpass that old and rebebie modieine Pacific bonds are at 95, therefore the Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stawberry. $8,000,000 of bonds are worth $%,. Holloway's pills. --Factory Opperativos 600,000. Now that the 0. P. R. Co. markable rers med esMwhichthavo been die+ has repaid its loan, the Government covered and perfected by Thomas Holly must hand baoh the collateral. AA way, and which have for more than forty, the loan is only $5,000,000, while years been anecessfully used in every the coll'Ateral is worth $7,600,000, quarter of the globe, are especially useful in the treasureris est "2,600 000 out (Tarter manifold ailments whish afflict those 3' J bP who by reason of their ocanpatiou aro Con - on the transaction. And thus the fined for years, or all their lives, in orowdod country is being ruined 1 buildings and workshops. Holloway's Pills and Ointment are asaociated remedies, the — former restoring the vital powers when dim. THE Midsummer 1885 Advance Be- inished, and always acting as an efficient port of the Ontario Experimental blood purifier, whilst the latter relieves local Farm is out. rhe dairying interest maladies, checks inflammation, and acts as it is the chief topic 'considered. From cleansing and healing agent in cases of bad lege, bad breasts, Mesas and unhealthy it we learn that the bast butter and sores of alt kinds. cheese are made from new milk, or a For working in his photograph gallery on proportion of new milk, -that is milts Sunday. Henry W. Simpson was fined S5 from recently calved cows. One. and costs by a Toronto magistrate. Y CHOLERA PREVENTATIVE. twelfth new milk Prof. BroWrr88'8le In order to withstand Cholera aud such like necessary to produce gond butter and epidemics a perfect purity of blood, and the cheese. Hence be advises the brood- proper action of the stomach are required. ing of cows so as to have ono calve q`° insure that end, in the cheapest, most aver month, or, in the proportion of available and complete manner, nseMoGreg- yp ores Spoedy Cnre for Dyspepsia and Impure one to twelve to give character to the Blood. There is no purer, safer or more re - milk, Summer milk is richer thou liable remedy in existence for Indigestion, (inter .milk. Though an equal gen- Dyspepsia,bor e nCostiveness, opeivenesn , ole.ns Ask ou8idgh- by Airy of cream from a given quantity Dr. Browning. Trial bottle given free. 1 of milk may be obtained in winter, an A DANGEROUS CONDITION. equal quantity of butter will not be One of etre most dangerous conditions is a' made from it. Aa 10- which Cattle negleeted Sidney complaint. When yon are best for Ontprio, Prof. Brown suffer from weary aching bank, weakness says :--'The special dairy wants of and other' urinary troubles, apply to the and take 'Ontario Can be fully maintained by Burkilook Btiaod Bitters the us beatrsystem reg selection from her couitnon cows- ' uiator known for the Liver, Kidneys, Stem - the acclimated, hardy, rangy, non. ash and Bowels. beefy and liberal milking grade. The A million days are 2,730 year ; rather us beak to special and conjoint beef and dairy `therereatioe than n of Adam.wo lSo larges re lumbar is wants of Ontario can best be upheld two Affitin i by the orae of that stamp of Shout ; SHILOWS COUGH and Consnrptiou Cr isu.o Cure sold bye n a guarantee. It o vas o tre ou res fe Horn-- so sae to select and so t g Y Consumption. Sdd byJ.Browoing. 'net with Y think the Province need p W. Br w ng. The vacancy on the County Bench oausea by the retirement of Judge Boyd is setting the gossips going. Messr>e. Tilt. Q. 0., Nicholas Murphy and E. Morgan are men. tinned. SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizzi. not trouble about 'the best breed for _'.. O A RD. the dairy, so long as we attend to To allw suffering i m e o y, g t patent euieines and other advertised cures never record a cure at all. Starting with too claim now generally believed by the moat aeionti5c men that diseese is due to the presence of living »arasites in the tissue, Mr.ttixanatoAeo adapted hia cure to their extermination -tide accomplished, be queue the Catarrh le practically cured, and the per. maneuoy unquestioned, as cures effected by hint four years ago are Cures atilt. No one elect has attempted to aura Catarrh in this manner,arrdno other treatment ever cured Oatarrh. Tb3 application of the remedy is simple, and can be dotte at home, and the present aaason of the yeer is the moat favor- able for a speedy and permanent cure, the majority of cases being cured at one treat-. meat. Sufferers should correspond with Misers. A. If .DIXON th SON, 305 Fling Street west,'i'orauto,tianada, and enclose atamp for their treatise 08 Catarrh.•-Afontreat Star, Ifov. 17.1883. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE It'Y. GOING Nonni. Nixed. Mail. Loudon, depart G OCA, 3r. 450 P,)$, Exeter Hensali Nippon Bruceaeid 900 622 ie 6 38r 05 I:oudeaabor................... 3018 720 i Birth - 10 85 727 lieisrave 11 00 7 46 Wiurabarn arrive.- .... it 90 8 00 Gonia Sousa. Mixed Mail. Wiugliamolepart.........- 7l0 a 11 $04.31. w.at, Belerave ,.... s 40 12 al1rh I,oudteboro 8 08 0111110118 55 11 25 Seo 2w Goudou arril0 l0 4 590 Brueo3eid............ Nippon Henson Exeter 30.13X ,. ttW2 ', UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER,, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets Mao Corms or•Evzwr Dttscuzrrzos. >� Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand.; rUNEBALS FURNISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. r3GIVE ME A CALL. AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as inay bo desired. By its use light or red hair tnaybe darher•:d, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. 11 checks failhsg of the hair, and sthru. lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. it prevents and cures scurf and dan,lru.f, ri I heals nearly every disease peculiar to t'.: scalp. As a Ladles' Hair Dret. ng, VSGOR is unequalled; it eontalus m ser o.l nor dye, renders the Stair soft, glassy, a:• 1 silken in appearance, and imparts a doiic:,:e, agreeable, and lasting perfume. - Mn. G. P. Barcaxic writes front Firbi,, O. July 3,1882 : "Last fall my hair commet.ca.i falling out, and in a short time 1 beet.nie clearly bald. I used part of a bottle ,f Aran's 11A111, VIGOR, }which stoppett the, fa.. ing of the hair, and started a now growth 1 have new a full heart of hair growing vire,. ously, and am convinced that but for .:.e ase of your preparation 1 should Burt iww eutirely bald." J. W. Bowi:f, proprietor of the geArThtr (Cluny Enquirer, says : "AYER'S 1.1.4111 t r,:,,rc• tea most excellent preparation for the hu r. 1 speak of it from my .owit experience. Its use promotes the growth of new flair, aid. ,nahas it glossy mid soft. The V Kon 1, st i a sure cure for dandruff. Not within my knowledge has the preparation ever Suited to give entire satisfaction." Mu. Axons 1+'Arnntirnv, leader of the celebrated "Fairbairn Faintly" of -Scottish Vocalists, writes from Boston, Mawr., 1880. "Biter since my hair, began to , h..e : - very- evidence of the change which sit: time procuretlr, I have used Avuu S it An: Viuoa, and so Have been able to menu u an a , earance of youthfulness -a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, ore - tors, actors, and itt fact every ono who lives ilk the eyes of ;the public." 1MIas. 0. A. PRsscOTz, writing front 18 T;Isn St. Charlestown, 4fass., April 14, 1982, says : ,.a. , o rn h it years A+ about two-thirdsf 1wOP} 6 ati eoil. It thinned very raillt, and [w fast glonino, bald Ou wing Aylcns i1 ra Mope the fel ling stopped and a new glow til commenced, null in about a mouth my Load ho aro s @ f o tb rrora and was completely covered with short hair. It indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, bas continued to grow, and is now as good as proper selection by Short Horn grad • before it fell. ' I regularly used but one bottle ing.,, , ecu, , Mr. Robert Sims, the. Eden Mills' Mer. chant, Says Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters is by farthebeet selling prefiaration in that neighborhood and that all his customers are delighted with it. Be sells large quantities of it. Have you Dyapensia try it. early decay, loss of Manhood, ?se, I will send a reeeipe that will cure you, P.RE]EE02 CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South Amerioa. Send a self•ad. dressed envelope: to Buy, TOME T. INMAN Station D, Now York City. Tho Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind., says "Both myself and wife,owe our lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold by J,. W. Browning, of the i'rootz but now use it occasionally as a dressing." We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the oflicaey of Axsit's IL&ut Vloon. ' It needs but atrial to convince the most akeptt- cal of its value. mutrARND by Dr.J. C.Ayer 840o., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Aver Over Acxa . ,'ontbl1i Nurseries Area. The Largest in tate I'lominion. SALESMEN WANTED To begin canvassing at once .on wall Pales $10 IRoZIATA,IRMT The above reward will be paid for the conviction of those Merobants who are 851big. inferior • Machine Oils, and calling thane Mars Lame Steady employment tosnaaoasfnlmez. Good agents are earning from 440 to 875 per mouth and 04mi:isea, Tonne and outfit free. Address STONE .2 WELLINGTON. Burdock BLooD ThTTERS HARKNESS HAIR RAW Restores grey hair to its na- tural Color, moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out. increaaou its growth, and wii: not soil the slan. As a hair ares• sing, .it bus no superior. Guar, auteedlr. unless Prepared be Iiarkncss tic Co London, Ont. $ 14 by all Pruagiot ani i'atont lis•S1^'n Dealers. YOUR EXAMINATION OF GOODS c COMPARISON OF PRICES INVITED. cia Cen 0 mit 711 ibt A 0 et The only genuine is mauufaettzred by McColl Bros. & Co, Toronto. FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD, EXETER. Bui dock r BLOOD BITTERS Cures Dir mess, liossof Appetite, Indigestion,,t?itiousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the _Lever and Kidneys, Piniptes, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, 'crofuia, ,Erlyszpelas, and all diseases arising frarrt impure Blood, Deranged Bromach, or irregular action of tyle Bowels. RENOWNED RE1 tEDIES. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify tl.t' Lilco"), et>rnect all Disorders of the I,IV•`R, STUMACII, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Gerstittuiene. and are invaluable in ell Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. Fur children and the aged they are prieelesls THE OINTMENT Ia an iufallible remedy for Bad Lags, Red Breasts. u1d 11"uuntls, Suras and Ulcers. It is faalona for t.=.int anti Ithtiurrsetisiu. 40R DIROEDERS of 731E CHEST 11' Bab No 1ti43rAL. For Sore Threats. Bronchitis, Coughs, Cctlds,Glandelut Sweliiugs,sutl all skin dims 1t has no rival ; end for contracted real stiff joints itactsliko acharm, The Pills and Ointmentaresoltlat Dion* Hot&armee IJtitablirlment. 78 :dBW OXFORD-STHEEIT tato t583, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; ' also by nearly every respectable Ve•tJor of tIcdicirse. in Moues and fids, at la. ltd., 2s. 9d. 4t. Q., Us-, 22.A., and 33e. cress. The 2s. lei. sore counting three time the quentitt of the ,1e lid, size ; the 4s, Gd. size six ; the 1T', size eixtc'tu ; the 226 size thirty-three ; and the 1 338 size fifty-two timet; the iplautits of the smallest B:txea and Pota. 1 Full printed directions are affixed to eaelr Box and Put, and eau be Last iu any lteu{e r Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pota and Boxes. If the addrese is fret' :483 Oxford Street. London, they aro aparious. log 4.4. — en' W ILLE8m BREW K0.-:"" "11.1 Undertaker and. Cahinet-maker '• mmmirrHIR,, 0I'T.. ..P 0tali (01111111101' r THE LIGHT RUNNING'• ; 1 g SEWING MACHINE SIMPLE nr. ; sf I"' its to THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE L_.. THAT GIVES .____J FPERfECT SATI$MCT/4N r- HAS CIO EQUAI-1 �t F tri Y � EKY P,-�--„. SEWINGECO MACHINE ORANGE MASS. SO UNION SQ.N.Y. CHICAGO St LOUIS MO.AT.LANTA •--rcoR•SALT' BY ILL. GA. •- ONE DOOR NORTH MMOLSON'S BANK. PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDtTEED to make roof for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shorty FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on hand. Sha4es, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting a Superior Finish. It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pu chasing good and oheap Goods. A call is respectful s0'CT,i. solicited. �.tIShp OTT:. ./ O.. Fushi' noble Tailor, Exete Ezceter rost Office Time Table. MAILS Kirkton, Woodham Winchelsea andElimville Soath,east and west, •inoluding London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, afanitoba, United States, 10ngli.h andforeign inane ... ... ..., ..,• South, oast west So ... North and east, including Godoricls, Wingham, Kincardine and all points north, Stratford, Toronto, Montreal, and flastern States... .. .., North east, Sareptn, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays `+ MONEY ORD VMS .amps br .30p.m. 9 8ef 9.15; a.m. 6.45 la ru . 0.00 a 2,30 p 1C.00 a.m 8.00 a 3.30p.m.5.3i1�I 7131.. tn. 0:90 1 .. 9I.3am 1000 issued told paid onand from ,any Motley Order 0dice int)t lomin ion ofColima a,GreatBr and Iroland,Britlsh India, Newfoundland, Italy, Australia, Now South Wales, Tasmania., Wand, Prance au Algeria, the Germ an Empire, Sweden ,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Bel€ the gethrlands, Switzerland, Austria-Eungary, Itounrania, United States; Jamaica and bados, POST OPPLOB SAVIN06BANK. Deposits willbereceived atthis office from 41 to 5300. Depositors obtaining the maser -General's special permission can deposit 81000. Deposits on Savings Bank accou ceteed from9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Interest at 4 pet cent per annum wilt be allowed on ell cloy Offtoohours ftom7.90a.m.to7 p,m. �' t� rLettere intended for registration must bo posted 15 minutes before the elasiug of gaol RAir'ON -t-, DJtOS. N.15-1tis articular re uested that the senders of ,natter will kindly adtlt e n EXETER, ONTARIO. t'.re Oo,intiestothe addressee.. y h a , , is:3'01tlis, Postnls