HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-9-3, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES. Is published every Thursday nrorning,at the TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Main-stroet.nearlyopposite Fitton's Jewelery Store,];zeter. Ont„ by John White Qr Son. Pro- prietors. manse oan x la First insertion, per line 10 dente. tach anbaequeaft iuserthon,pear line 3 cents. To Mauro insertion. advertisement* should be sent iu not later than Wednesday morning. Our 3OR PRINTING DEPARTMENT is cue' of the largest and best equipped in the County of limon. An work entrusted tone will receive our prompt attention Decisions 1-tegarding,` News- papers, Any peremit who takes a pa erregulerlyfrom the post-otfce, whether directed in his name or another's. or whether hushes aubseribed or not t* responsible for payment. 2 Iispereon orders hispaperaiscoutinued he must pay all arrears or the publisher may continue to sena it until the payment is made, and then colleet the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from tee office or not. S In suits for subscriptions the suit may be instituted in the place where the paper is pub- lished, altbougb the subscriber may reside hundreds of miles away. 4 The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the post- offiee,orremoving and leaving them uncalled EDITORIAL NOTES. found genuine, and not at all flatter- ing to our ooteal. Bat we moat let our cetera. into a mighty secret ; The general public were aware that we were formerly a cobbler long before either the pseudo -Mark Tapley or the scholaetio editor came to Exeter. The laoott .rl`ot has, not been iu question It all, so our eo$ara. need, not e try to esoepe by bringing up foreign subjects. Oar opinions and dots in regard to that are our owe private bueinees. It is only neoeaeary to oorreot soother of our ootem's false- hoods. We never attendeda secret conclave for the promotion of the Act. But we meet bid adieu to poor Mark, with his hoots, lasts, leather, tobacco grids. Greek profundity, deep learning and settle wit, together with Peokstaiff and Fogey, only reminding the Eatauswill organ that when it writes so learnedly another time not to mistake Don Quixote for the wind- mill, but to spell the oourageoue fel- low's name with capital letters. far is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. Tux Reform party of the Dominion has struck very cold weather, and it aeeme to have been expected, for the Hon,E. Blake was carefully absent across the ocean, while hie subs were fightiug in East Durham and Card- well. The oouteets its bath these oouotiea have given evidenoe that, despite the nix haunt' apesobes made by Mr. Blake in the ]douse of Com- mons, the Reform leaders iu Dotni- niou affalra are es far distant from popular favor as ever, and fiat the now Franchise 13111 has had no bad effect. It is evident thatthe party is in want of a neer leader, and one ought to be trotted out mighty soou, else the party will scatter, Hon Geo. Brown, in his tinea, Gould alwaye rally the Reform forests when in the deepest waters, bat now there is no one to put ou the armor and go forth to the fray. "la fact," as a Reform journal says, "the grand old Reform principles are for sale—price, $500. in the shape of additional seesioual in- demnity." Hazelton, Pa., Aug. 29, --over Tun Canadian Paoifio between four hundred Sungariana alid Poles he > E ttlltts Montreal and Winnipeg will be open left to -day for the Canadian Nor:ll-- within thirty daye. Five lines of west. It is expected a great many - = raiiwh , are now nudes ceustraotion more will leave for the same regime TRI'RSDA), SEPT. 3rd, am. into Montreal besides tho main line in a few days. f the C. P. three of thein; being la- r_ - n _... _ Q r COT F;tf. os THE B.431, dependent of the Canadian Peoifio, Psi le. Tur United Stakes Government We arrays euppoeed that the osier have at last admitted that the etatia- oharaoterietica of Mark Tapley were houoety, heartiness and jollity. We never before knew that he was of a literary turn. But he has now madeOARbe provided for procuring trust. name and fame by his contribution to worthy returns. last week'. nrri'eetor. For leftiuesa of , THE eleotion for Cardwell took place tone, elegance of laugusge, purity of ou Thursday last, which resulted in diction and learned vhrase(,logy, the the return of Hon. Thomas White, tics hitherto published regarding im- migration from Canada are worthless and fraudulent, and have decided to euepend their publication until means production deserves a place in fire Minister of Ilse Interior (Conservaative) literature of the present and the by a maa'ori'y of over 7. . a r. E'White's friends exerted thewaelvea For tache batik, sibs or chest, use Sibilolee l?orouus plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by T. W. Browning. CATARRH CURED, health and Sweet breath recured, by Sbilolh'a Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents, Nasal Injector free. Sold by J. W. Browning. $30 Reward! CHILD DESERTION. Whereas about the rmiddle of Juue, an infant (male) about three wcete old, was left at the door of :dm D(uutn's resideuee. at Lumley ,by some unknown party} or parties ; au'1 on sun - day Morning, the 1Gth August. another infant denude) about two mouths old. was lett in a similar mannerat the houso of John McQueen. near Lumley' in the Township ofreborsio: '.rhe Municipal Council of t'sborne, beim; ergs Sarsaparilla. called.uposito lrovide guardtausbip for sato , Y children. hotel; °tier the above reward for r,ueh 'r°ofati will lee,tl to tUe ccuvtctie of Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER, was the first preparation perteetly adapted t1► euro disease; of the scalp. and the first ane- eessful restorer of faded or gray hair to its uatural color, growth, and youthful beauty- It has had mauy imitators, but none have so fully met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp. Mart% Hila RENS ER has steadily growls in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to every quarter of the globe. Its unparal- leled success can be attributed to but one cause: the entirepadEZ,nent i'f its promises. The proprietors hare often been surprised at the reeeipt of orders from remote coun- tries, where theyhed never made au effort for **s introdaetien. The use for a short time of ILenr's llArix Seeewrn wonderfully improves the per- sonal appearauee. It cleanses the scalp front all impurities, cures all burners, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth. The effects of this artiele are not transient, like those of aleobolic prepare• tions,but remain a long time, width maim Wiese a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE BOB TEE WIISi$ERS ifitll change the beard to a natural brown, or black, fadesired. It produeoa avermanent color that will not wash. away. Consisting of a sloglc preparation, it Is applied without trouble. PREPARED IIX R, P, II LL & DOr, Nashua, N, H, S4/10 by all Dealers In Medicines. ren ALL TIM rams or Scrofaloui, Mercurial, aria. Blood Disorders, the best remedy. because the moat searcblug and thorough blood punter, is 11014 ala ' >tl, alt: future, the majority would have been con- ouch'artieasws * 1ett,Igg's n 1)7 +ws bp42w,46. Bat is not dolly Mark rather out of place appended to coach 4 peoduofion Mark was ever a jolly dog under all siderebly larger. Colnluunica;ione, addressed to the nu es. sieved at Exeter I', Q. will be kept prisate. Tan conscience of Mr. M. C. Cam- R . J. (Therk,T C1erkTp. L'ebarne. or anyaircumt,tanoea The feral pare eron, M. P., for Huron. could not p stand the strain of the WO addition- agraph of this article is bone in ern- al indemnity which its proprietor timent and language that points di- accepted at the close of filo session. ready to Pepksnif'f. and on reading it We certainly thought it was hie Wtitiug. The second part, where legal phraseology and all the technicalities Sow in uureetrained ezuborauoe, mast have been penned by Foga of immor- tal memory. No ono eke could have done justice to the theme. In the third division, where the scholastic editor, after his late scath- ing denntrciation of personal journal- ism, and, notwithstanding his with- drawal from ithdrawalfront this controversy three weeks ago, makes a flank movement Worthy of Capt. Bobadili dodges be- hind poor Mark Tapley, and, like an ostrich, with his head in the send, thinks himself unseen, proceeds as an anonymous oorreepondent to quote Greek history to show his learning, and to fling at our devoted head old boots mete. slippers, leather, quids of tobacco, and other such missiles, we made sure it must be Waokford Squiera, sr., the Yorkshire schoolmas- ter, who stood behind the scene' After reading the Conclusion and summing it all np, we felt certain we must be rending the current number of the "Estanewill Independent," and that Leo Hunter was still lite editor. Any or all of those authors were appropriate, but Mark Tapley --never. Mark was too honest and jolly a chap to empty such a bucketful of slop on an unoffendiug public. Isn't it strange bow Mark should know what the editor meant in his first offensive artiole so much better than the editor himself ? In the column artiole there is no attempt to justify or palliate the attach on the elergymen. He ihinks to escape the issue by making Juges against us. He charges ns with being formerly a shoemaker ; (He graduates ua too high—we were only a cobbler.) of having advieere, and of having garbled the rev. gentlemen's letters. To the charge of being formerly a shoemaker ("so reads the indictment," as Fogg says.) we plead guilty at once, and oars be all the disgrace and obloquy ie to such a henious crime. To the second charge we Mr. Cameron has therefore relieved himself by donating $1O towards the prize list of the Wiugham. Caledonians Society. He can now look his fellow.l man in the face again. IT. is remarkable how suddenly our reform friends have discovered in Mr. White qualities whish they could not see in hint a few days ago. He is, we are told, "a speaker of more than average ability, a supporter of whom the present Government ought to be proud." This is one way, it might be mentioned, however, of accounting for his recent smelts at the polls. Tnu Reform story that the farmers are being ruined because they export cattle and sheep must be a new rev- elation to our agriculturists. But, of course, if there is anything in it, the farmers, rather than suffer any fur- ther ruin, will in future Bill their live stook and give it decent burial. When there is each a cheep and eery way of escaping ruin it would be folly to continuo to export. THIS London Advertiser has openly confessed that a Reform journal is in error. It Gaye of uur town ootem "Were he to scan the Advertiser more closely probably he would be convinc- ed of the error of his political ways and develop into a well informed man and intelligent voter." The Reflector is supposed to bo a Grit journal, and its editor a pronounced Reformer. Then why should the 'Boer maize this attaok ? This is a pretty hard saying fur the Tiser, TEE kind of Reoiprooity treaty the Reformers want is thus described by the Halifax Chronicle :—If a complete treaty really involved the closing of all the factories in Canada, we should not hesitate to still advocate a treaty. The number of parsons engaged in manufactures that could possibly be affected by competition form abroad is so small, compared with those who would benefit by the largest freedom of trade. that it would be ridiculous to make the interests of the latter give way to those of the former." The manufacturers and artisans now know what to expect from reform. TRE London Free Press says:— The troth at Net ! The Advertiser, in alluding to some remarks. made by the editor of the Exeter Reflector, says:—Were he to Goan the ddver- tiser more closely, probably he would be coutirced of the error of his petit - plead guilty also, ical way, and develo,, into a well. and feel harpy that, notwithetandiug I informed !nun and intelligent voter." Seeing that ilia Reflector is a Grit our former humble calling, we still organ, and its .atiitor Mr. George have warm friends and many of them. Moir. a pronounced Reformer, the Tizer's "open confession is one which should bo accepted by every peracn, The third charge we deny in toto. The extracts are not garbled. But,. 11larit wants to see the letters sent not blinded by party zeal, as the out- pouring of one who has become and the replies in full. We inform him no lettere were sent only the Blip from our cotetn. containing the attack and their opinions asked as to its troth. The replies in full can be seen at any time by the scholastic editor, or Mark, or any authorized agent on their behalf. They will be "convinced of the error of his polit•4 ical ways." Carried 1 1 The way to keep the Blood pure and cool through the hot summer months is to take an occasional dose of Dr. Carson's Stomach Fitters, the best Stotnaell and Luer Medicine made. In largo bottles, 50 cents TEST YOUR BRIG POWDER TO -DAY! ]!rands advertisedas absotutelr pure Cornmaxrr e1►MMca vxa.- THC TEST; Mee a ran tendons en a but novo natll hrated.then remove TAO racoranti small. A ehamist will not las N. quires tO duvet tka promo of ammonia CO THE VRERIORMIER11 Will visit London during the fair, and every young man who takes his girl or goes alone will want to '' look his best, and right he is if he wants his friends to respect him, ,;;,`.--4( his companions not to be ashamed of him, his mother to beroud of him and his country to say, "well done," Then, don't go with a shabby pair of pants under a fine vest, a rusty hat over a nice coat or a faded tie under a bright, in- telligent face. No, don't you 'do it ! Then notice, BAN'TON BROS. IS THE PLACE TO GET A COMPLETE OUTFIT. ZsiTevr Fall 1:1antig£ ,----Se- Leet goals, the very latest in styles and cheeks. THIS Orr and return to ua with return mail a Golden Roe of Goode lee or 4 ao atµ°rs. and sows get by that will bt;ug you in more money than anything else in America. You. fortune if 1-oustartquse CITA. NOVEI.1 V VO. Yarmouth, N.,S. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. yrs maximums nae NEVER 11I;ri QVISTIOSSD. In a million homes for a quarter of a century it has stood the consumers' reliable teat, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. PRICE BAKINt POWDER CO., NAliuS 01' Dr. Price's Sllccial Flavoring Extracts, l i.'.irongott,noLLdelleloua andaduntaaverkiox.,sad 5Ir. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems or Light, Healthy Bread, The Best Dry Hop Yeast in tho World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICACO. ST. LOUIS. MACKINAC. The ]dost n,ujhtful SUMMER TOUR Corkscrew Worsteds iheellsed New Scotch Cheeks fa it Fie S IXit abaci which we get up in the best possible manner and to give satisfaction. Vow Felt Hats In Biaoh and Brown. And such an array of Neck Wear we have never before thought of bringing into Exeter, but to -day we show over twenty -hive dozens Gents' Scarfs and Ties in most fashion- able goods to be had, both American and English. a ,A,N'1 'ON BROS., E'xetcr. Latest Novelties of E Season OUR DRY -GOODS STK. 'Is complete in all departments, and at Prices to slut the Talmo Stumars, Low Hatw. Tear Trips par Weak Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC :1 And 2very Wok Ley Iletwon DETROIT AND CLEVELAND The Old Established House, Exeter Write far oar tun.. TAILORING A SPECIALTY Remember we keep the place to get everything you wan and at light prices. JAraES PIC ARD. *'Picturesque Maokinao," illustrated; Contains Weil I...reenters. Malhed Prw. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nev. Do. ;C. D. WHITCOMS, GIN. PASS* AUT.. DETROIT. MICH. ORTIIERII PC1FI R. R. LANDS In Minnesota. North Dakota. Mon- tana, Idaho, on-tana,Idaho, Washington and Oregon. Front Lake Superior to Puget Sound. At prices ranging chiefly from $2 to $6 per acre. en 6 to 10 yeare time. This is the Best Country Tor securing Good Homes now open for settlement. 320 acres of Government Land Free under the Homevtead and Timber Culture Laws. NOTE 10.818.43a Acres Olt MORE T111AN SLtLF of all tTie Public Latlds disposed of in 1BS1 were in the Northern Pacific country. Books and steps sent FIRES describing the Northern the FREE Government dAddress CRAS.11 r LAMBORN. Land Com'r. N. 1'. 1h. It., St. Paul, Minn. FREE MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and .strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Lemon, Orange. Almond, Rose. etc., flavor as delicately and naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOAM. C. & S. GIDLEY, UNDERTAKERS ---AND-- Furniture Manu faeurers —A FULL STOCK OF— Furniture, ` Coffins; Caskets, And everything in the above line, to meet immediate wants. We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, And Funerals furnished and conducted at extremely low paces. ExtnrenS or ALL TUE DIFFERENT SOCIETIES. How Lost, How Restosed. We have recently published a new edition of I)R.(1T]LwVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ES- SAY on the radical auclpern* anent euro (with- out medieino)ofNervous Debility,Mentaland. physical capacity impediments to ?ferriage, etc.,resulting from excesses. Price, in sealed onvolone,ouly 6 cents ,ortwo postage stamps. The celebrated author ofthis admirable es- sayoloarly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that dlarm ing cause quen ces m ay be radically cured without tb a dang- erous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife ; Point telt a mode of euro at once simple certain end effectual, byy means of, whicheverybselerer, no mutter whathis oon- ditionmay be,may cure himself cheaply, pri vatolvand radically. • i Thi lecture shouldbeinthe hands of ev- ery youth and every man in the land. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY, Pont Office Box 460 41 ANN Sr.,NEW TORI{ GAZE OM TIIIS! FOR THIRTY DAYS BISSETT BROTHERS OFFER TEN PEIR. CENT. FOR. CAS's OnIFORIKS of,all kinds, CRADLES, SWATHS, SCYTHES, ETC. BINDING GLOVES CHEAP. Lachine Oils,Rock Bottom Prices American Water White and Canadian refined Oils away down. EISSETT BROS THE BANK of TIME Main Street, Exeter. TIIOSa FITTON Keeps Watches Tha Are Watches And are warranted correct for. Time, Tide, or Railroad Train, and to please the most fastidious. 473BIRt'ELERY That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable for Romans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides, Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely 'Wives, Children, Hus- bands, Etc,, Etc. SPECTACLES. -Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age. Give him a call. No trouble to show Goods. Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to Time.