HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-9-3, Page 3izeiwormas on the Weather. 41 wm, piwkweerikowo. X end my aweetheire true together, "id "Wket think you, let we hear, Will lie to-monow's weetherr Thee *toed we. on tee top step Mere. My sweet/woe end timsell together. 1 peed to the bright blue sky, Tee vilent teem th Weet w*e pally Modem; oa the fteldsot waving rye. The noonday was warmly glowing. 1 mule not tell,lAdtGef, not ; I Wel 'twat knowledge met my knowiog ; Them might be. rale, thew wightbe Mine, Or eaorrewe' WOW; past undoing So oft,1 whtepered, weior sign Dolltfeil fee elmdows °Imo Purte/lull. kissed my lip* VI 000 I Mood Alan Meet eoele do for bluelatog t Them ertiel om pretty mood. Youttztt most, rudsey crushing 1" Ite Mummy ; I eon 'twee' wream Tet joy went Aro' my hurt wilt ruslainT lie held mein his armee etweig. My potty sewed quite oreehing. The morrow bout i ei1t1io beams And eirawed theta all the meadows ovor, And tom heat brought brighter given. For M brought to me eny lover, De Mead my live ; %dud. oetetd. I do? Ad Wird me WO 10104M1013r0Ton "AVOtOtt 41104mod�ZLOZOMpordtco," Bald be, " Now 40 my prayer sate. And jet us Mate the wedding ow." The Teilleek0 UAW. The friiheoeo habit U one of the thrum of both sedative and. atimultateu, which them to be roweled by the rudest, es well as the most thoompliabed being Smoothing In man impale him to be happier, The rude Merican pounds the century pleat till he eon got fermentation la it, and then he drink' hinnelf drunk. The methodical Chineman, who ling a duty for every day in the year, and awes his Placards denouncing the puma We of money better than the roleer, had the citadel female ampere' ee "more in; harmony with elide nature stormed by opium, and against votaries of the shrine of Babel than the hum - the oonemend et Ma goverommet end hie hie penitent seeklog poem with God" We religion, he sits down and sraekes himself been posited on all the audios of Norfolk, inth stupefaction, The Turkarooladed from liquor by hie mre. mebeth cedy swoon* wbo on. religion, todtuelblmuUbotwt444 harem kindly &dam that the Chriatith religion andthe pipe. IAEA heoelited wemou to any tamaiderable Tho F -4814b bt'or'dvitaca ct"" te**Igi"" :dent, le roniuded by the lUerery women where melt and hope will no longer sedgy, of the Boston Tript that It has at keit end he must drug bia beer to reek* it pale- given atm a phaco In willett to mossy thok table,andthopublichouse which he frequent* munnev3,. °Wig" Mu' that "'Peet by °Pelliig‘g the At a spirithel serene a worn= desired to bung -hole and cl ropping in tobecee or pepper, oeuurtunicate with her dead huthand, "Is or aomething 'efficiently strong. it really ouch a dreadful place, John I" "Not Nothing le mere remerkable in the United et all ; Heaven le a delightful plum." "Mr. Stites than the growth (lithe cigar hub:toss. Medium, said the widow, turning to thst Before the ljebolibu, Mamma unnufactured personage, "you have called up the wrong the beet, and prebehly the most of,our eters. „ After the dation were made high, the otgar. P4"7" making bneinees was transferred within our revenue juriedieteen, Grst to Key Wes, and then to New York,. The war itself wee pro. vocative of the smelting hetet, se it multi. plied excitement, and left bemired* of thou - sande of men in tents, waiting for battle; and there they smoked bowie* they had no other form of enjoyment. So 04 growth of tole= wall iatrfwluood Into the Northern Stains, and nowthe North relies the best smoking toba000 for cigars, and the tobecoo interest 1111 some of the Western States, amount to millions per annum. There are said to be 50,000 persona i New York, rolling cigar, or stripping the leat.'"In almost every little village there ore oigar fooleries. The Germans and Spanish ware formerly the most onokeful of nations, but we are aloae upon them, now, although it is mon *0 in thin country to find men who never smoked a cigar, and .1 have often Noticed that some mon who drank to exoeee had never put a cigar in their mouths. The drunkard fancies that he is to save hie lila, notwithstanding the liquor, by re- jecting some other bad habit. The beat cure for both liquor and tobaoca, is the open air, and not the open air of cities, so much as that of the country. Country people are inclinolto ehew tobac- co instead of smoking it. A ride of thirty miles through the open country is a cure, in part, for botb liquor and. tobacco. TEMININB GOBeir. The average enameled watch hanging et the waist -belt of the averegegiel contains e powder -puff -nothing else. "One High Jane and Fizzeoligy" was a North Carolina school teachers requisition for a new manual just published by the State, Mrs. Mary Beneman, sister of the famous Commodore Perry, in still enjoying good health at the age of 112. She is living b 'owe. It 32,000,000 women eliould deep hands they could roach avowed the globe, but the had better be at home attending to family mature Mre Mayo and Miss Cleveland ie the Presidential ticket for 1888norainatedby the Sixteenth itfmndrnenf, a paper published at Buffalo. The craze amen young ladies for military buttons has brought together severe' collec- tione, which it/elude army insignia from every nation in the world. Chrietiami. Lancaster county, Pa, has "housekeepers' club," whom =tandems meet weekly to &mum the Meet Oleg in cooking and exchange recipes. The Philadelphia rillta, a authority on ouch mettere, eels gide who do not flirt ati rule die young. illt0 &LA may govern them- eoluee accordiegly. "They my there le nothing, new under the eon," eeld the old amid as she Wad helm the mirror, "hut I know better; that wrinkle wasn't there yesterday." Penang is beaming a O1S.T.0 amoug girlo. Thom of us who have mem a girl trying to get over e barbed-wire team ow that there la plenty of room for improvement. General Grant kept this open-air treat- ment up nearly all his life. Either on horse- back or in a carriage, he has ridden con- stantly, and down to a very late period, and his trip around the world, in steamers, vessels and vehicles, gave him inepiration of the same sort. A Olergyman'eatania. " I had a curious case last year of a minie- ter who was afflicted with an imperious pas- sion for clog dancing. He bad a queer hn- pulse to dance jigs even on the most solemn occasions. His only explanation -which he gave me with tears th his eyes -was that it seemed to relieve hie mind. His brother, ;who was a somewhat rough Connecticut -'farmer, begged me to give him something strong for it, or he might lose his job. 'Only last night,' he explained, my reverend brother excused himself from the company at his house, and five minutes later I found him downstaira in a corner of a room, look- ing mighty solemn and putting in a little private jig on the dead quiet. It appeared, also, that a deputation of his parishoners had waited on him to enquire into this habit. I learned that on this occasion the old gentle- man took down his bible and read from II Samuel vi, 14-' And David danced before the Lord with all his might.' This silenced the deputation, but the good old man felt the need of advice. I recommended him to saw wood and adopt a milk diet In time he was cured." 14111-011,411110.-, To the vixens belong the broils. The first of living French Canadian poets is M. Louis Fechette. Oil producers know how to get along well. All they bale to do is to drill it deep. Tto Slips of Oretore. Irish °niters are peculiarly liable to trip in their imegery. The extreme, mobility of the Cottle mind, the rapidity with which It aoceniplishee its prooesses, while highly con- ducive to fluency and vivacity, is answer- able at the same time for a large share of the bulls and blenders edible Irbil speakers are notoriouily liable to commit, and which even the umet ffuleheel Irish orators have not always been nom -sofa in guarding agethat. Halt the so -celled Irblebulle are mixed met aphors, The Home Rule member who spoke of a recent measure as "another link add d to the ohaia of Irish freedom," may be said to bave added another gem to the orown of ibernian rhetoric, and the agitator who complained about theme:no time that "LIMO - dent iten ere being conetently ;tent to the gallows, where their blood was shed by the English hangman," allowed the boldneee hit dealinge with language to which. Angle - Saxon speakers never rine. Nor could Sir Boyle Roche himself have Improved on a passage in a 'speech ef one of the Land League orators in which he drew a ;Arrow- ing *tete of the woes of his country. "Ireland," he said among other thing% "le overrun with absentee landlords. The cup of her adore is overflowing -aye, and it is not fell yet." Gide la Idle weer Tinge in their Aosta. It MAUI% be Wt/mating for a young men, jot as be la about to thatch 1, large and, folleblovel kiss, to have about eighteen ker- ;de of bre; drop into hie month and take all the AW0400111 out of the experience. Professional Etiquette preventa Pomo fledtOTA from advertieingtheir *kill, but we are boned by PO nal COOV011, gouge rules; end think that if we make a die - mown tint is of benefit to our fellows, we ought to spread the fact to the whole land. Therefore we OttUk0 to he publiehed through- out the lend Lite feet that Dr. lie V. Pieroe'a "Golden Medical Demovery" is the beet kuown remedy for mintimption (ecrofula of the lunge) and kindred disamee. Send two tamp" ter Dr. Marcelo complete treatise on ooneumption, with unsurpassed mean' of self-teeth:teat. Address, World's Dispose, eery Medico/ demelation, Buffalo, N. Y. ti-GriZet wlU beIrWei"ed Wee* some st the home, projaete Composed of Sraert•Weed, Jamaica Gin- ger.eunphorWaiter and beet Freuele Brandy, Dr. Pierce's Retract of StoarteWeed Le the beet remedy for diarrhea, cholera merlon. dysentery at bleedy.flux,colic or crimple/end to break up odds. 111 homer often 0911146 likeichemicel pre. perallons, Iron i retort. * ' Sean*, involuntary drains epee the system cnrad *0 thirty dap. Pempleet latiOTOoltAPII queerer FOB SOX -Buyer je- ineteucted it not waqualated with. the Meitner@ Box 058, St Cethatines- - LEAN GRAIN -sant TO MANSON CAMP - /MU, Chatham. Oote„ for °Imam Feet Mem- Meinleig Mills. Beet la Cemebs. Also warebou*e wide met deetime separator% IS is conceded lay arthet the Doemme Bueixess Comment, Eingaton is dammed- iy e most vomiter *business training 'school in Canada. Bc0048.3 AO tlatiT ALL oliESIUDIC len liiea Ere Water has proved Rea er all who have used it emording o direations. it their ells; ware curable. fut Will be it en br the undereigne e.,rteieetes. It owed me, 8 years hmed. omega hued. O. sere ; i bee re.mullet would net toy ine elexax der Wan d. 6 team t, rnd, t hes. Andott ; 47 aro, EFe Amen; 33 y. blind sold now X pee, John Le cr. ix. .&i2 your draughts for it. Whotenue-14 ea au Boas k 00..3845e Paso at., Ileetreal 11111 MWELMeel DISINFECTANT SACHETS, X paced in Drawers, Trunks, Wardrobe% el0.- They dike &Ivey and destroy moths and other inseete imparting & deligettul and delicate perfume to the clothing. carried or worn upon the person they are by their powerful conoeutrated dieiateetant peeper - um, a pelmet meatie of protection Against infection of disease, giving off at the eame time a wet delight- ful odor; menot ale tirely satin in assorted comm. very prettyunique end neat. Every one mould , balm them. lerim Vie *sob -three foreec. Timone UM0Q1 Soap, the great English dilinfeoliant toilet«ap, map, awarded the cold medal, Loudon, Eng.. 183% Large ohm price 15%, or 350 pet Mx of 3 mime, postage t3aid to any address upon receipt of price. Address Tiirini-CruniOn COMMIT, 759 Craig Mon- treal Citculareand descriptions of our Eog4sh Thy. Ma-(rettol preparations mailed free as aPPliost103. Agents wanted. Write tor Woos. Ontario Agricultural College WILL RE.OPIIN ON FIRST 007onM ETANINTATIONO reit 401404SION Mt 2ND OUTOBTL. Cue of Instruction SPECIALLY ADAPTED to wants cd time* Mae. For circular giving latortna, to tame of Aeleniselon, °o*,poem at study, etCI &3))b7JAMES MILLS, Ka... game Miepapew.) Frealdeut, Guelph. uouRs Wilt bore 3 to 14 Web holm lune or bornepowe_r_t X feet per boor. Oar mesehme menu kat Book P1111 ctinct Wools, worked by steam or honeepower. Bea 08 Mr, alre4itA POI% PlaVASAILWT SEWING —on Ob!—' Clapperten's Spool Cotton 1 wwreoee vino1M0y1D, and to ran ornooth on au. mine amaldne. nee wet Ceerreeecnes name 11 0. so label. sillr Vet' iambs all Dudioodaleeelera tag parttouleme, %brae letter etemps. Addreee A. society paper gave an *cement of it so- World'. Mew:wary Medical Ansecietion, oloty (meet, and be speaking of one beautiful Buffalo, N. k. Ileavou is at very big place, else It would be crowded by hanged man who have gone shore directly from the gallows. lady, of quite Urge proportion, it said "Mrs.-posseesed a term that a Juno might eery," The editor went heave and left a subordinate to get out the paper, and the next morning he reed it his paper that "Mrs. poaseasode. form that jumbo might envy." Sack Bowline en Bioyole. Jack proved *0*0 an apt pupiLand before fifteen minetes had poweedhe headed his craft through. tho open door made for thepurpose, and out on the broad *wealth woman be went, in full view of the oerrieges bound to and from the Perk (hires, eayIngt-"I'm a flying fish ostler, I am, rye ateered a doz- en clippers round the Hera and I reckon I kin bindle a fancy yacht like this 'ere on a smooth sea." Whet happened in the brief interval during which he was lost to the sight of his shipmates be afterwards related tut follows :-"After I mounted the poop deck of that 'ere machine and hed fisted the tiller a. bit, I thought it a blamed sight eyed er to ateer than the 'Penny Loaf' with her guns aboard. So I says to myaelf, 'Lee take a cruise.' With that I plated. her for the Narrow* and rang the engineer to go ahead full speed. She took the swell outside like a clipper "hip, but jist aiX tried to gat a second look at an uncommon pretty girl as was driving by in one of them two -wheeled carts, I found I wesbroachinP to. In course that would never do when all them folks was a lookin' at me as represented the navy in its present condition. So I says to my- self 'Keep'er full, Jack, keep'er full,' and throws up my helm. She eased off ao fast that I e'enamost forgot to check her till a duffer as was in the cart withthe pretty girt, shouted 'Stiady as y'go, Jack, stiddy, ye lubber.' That 'ere riled me all over, his O&M& me a lubber and right before the pret- ty girl as laughed fit to hill when she saw me a steerin' all over the Western Owen, and 1 jist called all hands to save ship. Then I got right down onto the tiller and heeds up on My course agin. Just then I sees a licensed vendor'e hand-waggin a-comim around the corner with a load of strawberries. It was dead ahead and my engines was a makin80 turns to the minit. Them 'ere pirates in the cart, they sees it too, and be- gins soreamin' and laughine and the Dagohe sees me a-000min' and jist dropped the wag. gin' and cavourted mid humped his shoulder. But he didn't do it but onoet. I shoved my helium hard down and thelittle wheel a-starn riz up and pitched me :head first into the middle of the strawberries, while one foot carried away the Dago's figgerhead and Vother got mixed withthe fiyin' riggin' about the machine. I wouldn't Mminded the wreck only the pretty girl in the clog -cart when she sees me all tangled up so, she got 'mart and jumped out to eee if I was hurt, a -looking real sorry like till I riz up as red as a horse marine. Then she burst out laughin' again, and I thought I beat make port to oncet for the neceseary repairs." A scientific journal says "few fishes die a natural death." That .is not our fault. Just as many die a natural death as if we didn't go a -fishing. ser Alum Ladies' College, St. Thomas Ont., inn fall staff and complete amuse in CAtereture, Muse; Fine arta, and Comer. cis.' Sokoto, Re -opera September 10, 1885 For 50 pp. aemoneeement, address Prim - pal Austin, IL D. An ovine the London printing trader& minds ito readers that Lord Salisbury was a strong opponent of reduction of dutiee on nearepipet...2Lampttrid peper....t.Ltittt Mitt ere have neethee to love him. Prevention flatter liCinin Mitre. 1fikay of the diseame so prevalent in them days see mused by urging soap containing impure and infectious matter. Avoid all risk by using PERFECTION Laundry Soap, which is sboolutely pure. Aak your grocer for P'ERPROPION. Manufactured only by the Toronto Seep Co. WIrjelelits 120 faydllerities beelts.g tutlems_tLeflhe house" advertised for a situati6, and slie- iecitZier 580 la: ewers he two dams. 0 K Testimony The testimonials we publish may be veri- fied by any person who may doubt their truthfulness. Elgin, Dec. 18. -We, the undersigned, have need Nerviline in our families as pre. pared by N. C. Poelon & Co., of Kingston, Ont., and certify that it never fails to give relief in colds, coughs, and rheumatic pains; and we have nobesitation in recommending it to the public. W. Pennock, Postmaster, Elgin; Henry W. Warren; Eliza Powell, Elgin; Cephas Brown, South Crosby. Ten cent trial bottles may be purchased at any drug store. Polson's Norviline, the never -failing pain cure. Try it now. Mr. Bessemer's' areal process patentshave yielded him $600,000 a year for twenty-one yeara. When Report Reaches us that counted* bank Mlle are in circulation, we caref ally examine every WI1 tu order to protect ourselves against loss. How much richewould we be, how much sufferhig would we escape, did exercise in all things the same careful mutiny. Im- itations, cheep and dangerous, are being of- fered for that great corn eemedy-Putnam's 'Painless Cern Extractor. Beware of all remedies offered you as being "just as good as Putnam's" Is it not proof positive that it is the best when such arguments are used to effeot the stile of substitutes. Use Put- nam's. painless Corn Extractor. Sold by druggists everywhere. Thought is the first faculty of man ;.to ex press it is one of his first desires ; to pread it his dearest privilege. The ptiblic are otter very unjust but nev- er menemoiusly so. What they sae olearly to be justice they always approve. It often takes a long time to bring them to see things as they really are, but in the end their ver - diet is always right. It was faith in this idea which induced the manufacturers of the "Myrtle Navy " tobacco to stand by their superior brand under every discouragement at the outset. The public verdict has been rendered at lest, and it is emphatically in their favor. MIIMMCIMI•11110111V FAMSB FOR SA.LIC.-4.11 Idiots. -fiend for lie Joint J. De.L.1414 Guelph. ASK TOM GROCER FOR IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING DUE BRED AFRSHIRES tor We ; two cows, Inv yearling heifere and one bull. Write for deserip. %ion, price and oedigree te G. F. Barran, Trafalgar. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE -100 aorss, miles east of the oity of St. Thomas. ,Fo partioulata address J. LE5118, New Sarum, On The Eagle Mom washer the only Wubteg 3i$oWeaW. »Wad that ow.00klr woman erste. le yam old, without peo moot wools. Mood, 0111 with *ate voult 80 to 14:0 Amu to ono bons. Adouto 'meld All Mr Can. Ada. Simple puttee itttl wadtorritory gloom, Lodtoo mote doll agate; AP /Mr oa erolto, sod story lady roll bey ahar trytat oratroNtod to weak 0111204 tri ere minutes. cotton voile *0 4.boddidtlled 11", or now* Adams. IMAM* CO.INtiotoosead/loato i.0.004.14 mires 0000t,T014,41/1TO,Conodo L.v.4%. 4'ii 3ny a11 tamotit,. .Mot I trim Mow Nom POrtIo041 room rhend,4 tad WM.: every cuourarts Usstacci, 104 50 'UMW h5re 0.14J040 every hamrday aoLinettost, eallIge At Lc Imuistry 1 A !sal malisitod mammas for rhothisul at Raised, Axto tuft Wilmot ,,,v1oH,slYfir sod fit.Johr.., ze, teeereoei foeutheatly daring ammo most". Ika mamma 01 th. ClItmam thsca catt during triuso to ast treat Ilallfax, Portlehd, Raton and Mandel. this ; nod daring rummer hawses, Glasgow 5n4 Mos. troll weakly; s name, mid lieeeou, weals; rea Gltwoo wa4 PhIladelphlajortelitittir• Ete *MO% prratasga. or teener informeeee to teenumseeer ae. no.. Baltimore . arl X I/O0 Halifax; Bhagat 00., Bt. Jr:"..c 14. F. filinmenn *PA.. Jobn, 4:31an Chicago I Lore ft Aldau. Mos 3.7nrit R. cAnntlitte. %.:A1110,,) Anitre, Rpm lalletlXVIS Wen. •frockla, Fhiladephie: W. As Jima. Portland. Magma, mamma GRAND DOBINI0111 AND FORTIETH Provincial Exhibition 00015100 AMMON OF TUN Agriculture and Arts Association of Ontario TO 1111 BOLO AT Xop CI) 141W ri Co MIT 31*05101 JAILERS PARK & AMC OA.$ ADA PRBILANZNT LOAN & CO.AVINGS I Pork Packers., Toronto. _ L. O. 1340011. Relied Opiee Biome, C. 0. BegA Sgibsobi urpilltboed:Oall:pital"."...:.A....»... . .1.685. 0.,00o.reo Bet4Wstr Arr Eillketet 'V's4P"Xt°41"" 41/4°84.4"QQ1744111114 114144' *4" 1-4'-°4 2 e00,000 Pickled onguee. Chew. Family or Nary Freferm Reeerve Fund..„ „ law (At Lard in Tubs and Pas. The Beat Roads of Eago Total Amets.......... . . ....... 8 000 000 Ugh rine 1)4"Y 81" Irk 11/13" , . 9 CompanY's Buildings, Toronto , GI, EtNEy wARE8- . Toronto. The Company has now on hand a large STANDARD SCALES amount of English money whioli 13 10 pre- pared to lend an ferat-olass securities at le tv rates of intereet. Apply to 10 lliZRZERT tiiiON. If411.: 1; c.f.ro' CUT THIS OUT The New Co -Operative aces --ARE M- UST IN DIE MARilla 111ZW ST.hirbt MEW MOVE= Latest Improved Attachment Apatite -bora almilarmacbla $&1 Our price only 125 eaoh. Barote itaarl; tar Par slaws; patra, graph tiatitlara tuaraTattot three sear* and 000 Aar WY Wentdaa 5Machine MD do Mar to TR. COOPERATIVE Sowingliachine Co Are the /Rost. Al;. tested by the Fact Mattson:ars more of out males In use la Die Domintoa than of all other makes combined, Way: Stark ford Caal Stales, Farmers' -- 5 rail d mory scram, Orocers,ere Butchers" scales, emit* for Derasnilc Flee Roosokeeperol Commit Tour Beet interests By putchming a made, and in buying ems be Mali to get the best. Our sults are fully werrentiel evargr Particular, .6.114006 Sallsglid,War011•11100 AWL rani Trucks. Alum 3l1.ney seraweene For We by the Darawans Trade getterally. instrated Catalogue and Price List forfrd tipos appileation. 1••••••••,,,m1. GURNEY 45 WARE HAMILTON. 22 44,110101 T. satyrs!. NAJOILI4 N. Oltax*.-bleettreal see Winaleto OD Reward for the Co3aviotion O Peg2s;111n.'ilaCCOLiiitSfePearugolitr e°14" t;LARDINE P4 =AOC XE 031EXs, Eureka CylinderBolt 1 1 McColl Brox. it e&- Cutting 4: Woof OM. I r"enleby 4144414 dealera' i To mute SAMUEL ROGERS & 00.s Mt(B1ACT*Y1t2120S 01 eerles 1W OTHER namiraszE OILS. Gold Medals and First Non Eflitv nii 'OP Prizes Wherever xhib. "WM' till ited. TORONTO. 7th to 12th Sept., 1885. $30,000 IN PREMIUMS AND MEDALS Owing to the Dominion grant of 010,000, a supple- mentary edition of the Prize LID bas been Mined, raking an entirely new lin for the first 40 pegs. From pare4o first edi on will be need. Exhibits to mune from the North-Weet and the Maritinse Provinces. On these exhibos transport will be paid. One fare for passengers and freight on all prhaelpal roads in me Penticton. Entries to be made is alt classes of Live Stook and Farm Products by Aug. 22; Rortioulturai Products, Ladies' Work, ate.. by Ang 20. Exhibition to be opened by His Excellency the Governor•GeneraL Prize Lisle, both editions, and blank forms can be had by applying by poet card or otherwise to the Sooretary, 'HENRY WADE, Toronto. GEO. MOORE, President, Waterloo. J. &J. TAYLOR TORONTO SAFE WORKS. ESTABLISHED 1855. MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE AND Burglar Proof Safes, STEEL VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, LOMBINATIeN BANK. LOCKS, Prison Locks, and all kihds of Fire and Burglar Proof Securities. Patentee* and sole manufacturers of Fire-proo Safee, with Non•Conduoting Steel Flange Doors,which have been demonstrated by aotual teats to be the best fire.resisting safes now made. A number of second-hand Fire.proof Safee now in stook, at low priees-aleo Five 50oond-Hand Burglar.ProolkSafee, suitable for Privet.. Bankers or Jewellers. FACTORY AND SALESROOM, 117 & 119 FRONT STREET EAST TORONTO f'114, TI 051.11.••4, 11" JOH STOWS FLIIIIPBEE it le the only preparation ot the kind which 'tattle all the neuritione. together -with Mustimuls, properties of beef, and the only one 'which has power to supply nourishment for brains, and and muscle. iiir134" 151:11NT3133ELAL3MC " ONLY $3.0. The Cheapett In the Marker. Warranted first- class, or money re- funded. Send di- reet to manufac- turers, or procure from your Hard- ware or !House - Furnishing dealer, 110171EtillerellEllit• ONLY $3 Clothes err**l ***AUK/eds. "Royal Can al," 'King,' alf Mangles, Ts Roller and Thr Roller. Write 1 particulars. HAMILTON INDUSTRIAL WORKS 00,1MANUFACTURERS) HAMI11011,0 MERIDEN BRITANNIA COMPANY. FINEST Electro Plate CAUTIO Goods stamped den Silver Plate are not our you wantrellable insist on getting made by the MERIDEN BRIM NIA co„ HAMILTON. - I Examine Their -Superior Merit 1 €31-1:73RalbT20 NEW HARRIS ROT AIR FUR1NACI1 in Bronze Letters. NONE OTHER GENUINE The Most Effective, Clean, Durable tad Economical Heaters Li The Market tor watt ventilating Churches, Schools, Public Buildings, Stores and Private Residences. construction and easily managed, capable of giving more beat with less consumption of fuel than heating apparatue. tar Absolutely Ca* Tight, 'MA Seven sizes are made and can be get Brick or Portable Form. Correspondence solicited. Foo Catalogues and further information ac THEE. & C. GURNEY C( (LIMITED.) MEAL= i3EAMERCENTil