The Exeter Times, 1885-9-3, Page 1LEGAL, LH. DICKSON, Barrister, Soil. . altar of Supreme Court, Notary Public Conveyancer, Comnaissiouer, Eco. Money to Lean. GIIleelae'ansen'sBleak, Exeter. AIc ADDFN, Barrister, Solicitor, UouYeyancer, Etc., EXETER, - - ONT. Office Saa7.ttelt"aBloelt (0.alt's old oMoe.) 1'ENTAL. .R . AiiTWRICI T, L. r J rJ ill MIV Ilse opened dental roomltts over ROUND THE COUNTRY. O'NEIL'S BANS, where he will be la s prepared to extreeeteethwithout Petty's Choice Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Lard,Cracked, Ciandeboye, pain A I op etageres performed with ease and ritt "" HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WH RE THEY MAY." VOL. XII., NO. 49. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT'R 3, 1885. JOHN WHITE a SON Publiebee*stied Proprietors, elan. CIold fillings a speciality. QHie& Thome Wheat and Rolled Oats Oranges and Lemons 9a. nit, to 5 p M. ORAaeltS ALonanhre. `Meat r a 1 Dir, Wm. Smith lied several fine a&se, sheep killed by dna• one of the ems - 1.11, I INSUAN DTNTIST.b.D.B pelt. U' reraoy ed to Sam rreU's'tlWk Teeth eXe trraoted without ME iIOA LUrZ, Di, D., • w Q$lceat hisresidenee Exeter. $.IRVING, GRADUATE U.K. VlilliSIT] Trinity College. Idembee of Celle¢O pppt,ysial nae 114 eursgonl Ont...)Ai• ea,>rtrktoa. nBe DI»AN.--OORON.liLliFOR abeCoi.utyot Hnrou. Office, oppooite tfr.l,Carlina's store.11xoter W. BROWNING 11L D., M. tr r r.d,tlraduateVfateriaVnfver1ity.Orttce andfresldsnee,Demirioa lAboratol V. Exeter,! rbc. 3. A. ROLLINS, 1 . 0..C. S 1 .i.t 0. Ofdoe, Main St,&xeeer.Unt, 3iesidea 00]louaerecentlY occupied by V. MoPlulllps, laeq. VETERINARY.. MENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri- nary Surgeons, ere testae of the Ontario 1 oterinary ,� College, Toren. to, have op for the trey cued all Office tweet o fa a 11 buttals.- OA hl,ltlatreetal�r T�,'"1y, EXQter. 4;ala from a elle ,..,.. - -^M^ tarot prom t'y attended tot- Atediof ne far Roreea Gattle.&e always on head: AUCTIONEERS. EN1i«Y ElLfiil" R, Maaneed Auo- ttouaer for Key. Stephen, and ALeGilli. vrieeTownahil+a: Salasooaductetatmodorete rate. Office --At l'oat•etAee, Gretlitoa. Ont. TOUN GILL, Auctioneer for the to Toweteepa of thorium, Hag and leabarne attend 1 ear guaranteed. Sales • the Vitiate of Exeter. All galea prowutly at >rattataatiasl uararttaad erraoged at thia office. MONEY TO LOAN.�...^.�,! FROM THE ' T G. A- JYND ,A,.,N fuss that rook part in the onslaught FANSQN'S BLOCK war tied up by ale owner the prey roue evening, and what is etraugs, has not been seen eines. This cer- leinly is a znyeterious trick or fxeek of nature for w wellfed dog. The owner of the missing dog says, "Snow talus was gone the morning. and snow and /gyp COUGHS ,7{� ((,}/['�,77^���QQ (I tell. !lava what thee situ gat for 'the Olt tiQL1Cr' ll$� AND cows, F dilnagii. A 14W elft is Impending. The only Tilarle+y'e IL d 0 Food, Quay 10o. per lb., or $8 per otirt.. BDDOATIONAL. COAGU.LINEi.---Cement for Brok- V Anal,rtic]as. Sold everywlaero. ! Salo lital ens •Ile 8i3US., ssookport Wesleyan an Laches Colla England li�1M>EfL7'QN, CANADA. The oltieat and the moat complete ZFatliea' College in the:Dominion; has over 190 grade• mea; haat educated over 2,000 young ladies;. has over 1S0 rooms. and every00nvenfenoefor comfort and health. Unusual advantage' In P140 _40. Art, agony Sept, 1, Address thersiaeisti. Mention this is per) A. IiU>:t+ism.D.,1..L.D. Alma Ladies' College ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. .7F Z'Tbe finest buildings. Zruraiabiage, Qronaeo &a, for the p sofa Ceaada, Full. Matt of 18 ;Graduates and Certificated Telegram in Litetrature.Idleela, Fine Arta, 83omluerolal Science. 1teeepeue Sept. loth For d0 -pp, el. nnounoement, addteaa rnin011'M, A,US1711'r,1LD, PROPERTY IIT _. 1 ARDI FOR SALE IN STEPHEN. Lot leo 5, iu Atli 000.1eaaion, 100 scree, Forperticalars apply to B.'1. ELI,IOT, $o5elt4rr,ito., • Exeter th Feb., 3 AITIONS. GRAND DOMINION AND VORTIETiR' Provincial : Exhibition Under toe anapioea of the AGRICULTURE AND ARTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO, TO BE HELD AT LONDON ObNEYTO LOAN ON RALESl7th to 12th, Sept., '$ tete for the Herren it Sri eLoan i Sav iu(tttaHuofety, Low vitas ofinterest. Apply to Jl John 8packalan,EXeter. Y.Afl. ON "tY TO LOAN ATO AND 0* Apply .to Funds,B. V.F:LLIOT , Aug'uet15 '85 / Soiioitor, Exeter , Ilvfii.,ltANO E. porgan t.aucurtl)nl toter/a. Priest* NT 3, OLARK, Agent forlthe Ue- 1 a.. l • borne sue 1I lbbert Mutual Fire Dunn *Luca Company, Residence -3rd Con„ L'eborn° Orden; bvmante) Exeter 1.G., promptly at- tended to. �MARRIAGE MoD NELL, ISSUER OF q5 LI"JENS]ES. OPT= Ili' 1'ANeON'9 nLOCIt. Aleoagentfor the LondonMutual Inaurauce Cotupanp of Canadn,Mereantile Insurtwco Co Carnet 9500,000.00 Head Office Waterloo; f Ont. Glasgow tt London Insurance Coy-Cair- itel $2,100,040 ; Head Ofiloe, Montreal ; Stand- ard Life Insurance Co., Road Of]ice, London, , Ofnfiee,rToron erenteo & Accident Go, Hoed JOHN McDONELL Exeter. THh; WATERLOO MUTUAL Fi11 INSUItANCSCO. Established In 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This oomxanv bas been over Eighteen pears fnsuccessful operation in \Veatern On- tario,andcontinues to insure againstloss or damage by Fire,Buiidings,Meronaudiseellan- utaotoriea,and all oth er descriptions of {insur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on. the Premium Note or Oaoh System. During the past ten years this Company py has issued 57,096 :Policies. covering property to the amount of S40,872,038 ; and Paid intoes• os alone $709,752,00 Assets, 0170,100.00, consisting of Cash n dank, Government Deposit, and the unass- WrWs Emits D. Pron ii Lt a0. nt rAynon, Secretary. J. B. Hv'GBEs,Tnsrector. CHAS: SNELL, Agontier Exeter and vicinity. IMPORTANT NOTICES . TRY I. DEARING'S Central Shaving Parlor For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair cutting, &c. Clean Towels for every customer, 9 Next door to Central Hotel. NJ.. CLARIt, COMMISSIONER • in the Court ofCommon Pleas• -Deeds, Wills, Mortgagee, Leases, and all forms of ag- reements drawn and executed according to law. MONEY TO LOAN oNBEAL ESTATE. Parties wishing to borrow money on account of re - can t purehasee ofland,or to pay off existing mortgages will find a great saving ny giving me a call, Can lend money ate and 6e per tient. acoordingtoterme. J.CLARS. • Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, -Butcher & General Dealer —IN ,ILL LLND50F^--- Oustomers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. uaitinsome mummers envies Entree mast be made with the Secretary at Tartrate. an or before the uadermeattoned dated, via : Horses, t'atue, Sheep, Ewine, Poultry, Abri- cultural nnptemente, on or before Auivetl5th. Grain, Flail Roots,autl outer Farr Products. efacbinery and Itfanutactoree generally, on or before August 'card. Horticultural Products, Ladies' \York, Fine Arta, etc., on or before Auguet 40th. Prize Lista and Blank roues for tuakiug the entries can bo obtained of the Secretaries cf all Agricultural and Horticultural Societies and elochanic ii Inetir utea throughout trio Pro. vine ; from Geo: Mailroom, of Western Fair, London ; and from the Secretary. HENRY WADE, Agricultural Yell, Toronto, CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR -- AgriculturalAgricultural Exposition, 1881, WILL BE HELD AT THE CITY of TORONTO SEPTEMBER 9th to 19th. The largest Prizes end tho bast show of Horses, Cattle, Shoop, Piga, Poultry, Agricul. tura], Horticultural and Dairy Products, Ma ohinery,Implements 'and Manufactures of all kinds in rho Dominion of Canada Prize Lists and Entry Forma can be obtain- ed from the Secretaries or all Agricultural Societies and Mechanics' Institutes, or they willbe sent anywhere on application by post- card to the Secretary, at Toronto. ENTRIES CLOSE AUG. 22nd A LARGE NUMBER OF SPECIAL AT'1'RACTIONS Are be In g prepared for that time, for full par - ti culare of which see Special Programmes. Cheap Rates, and Excursions on all Rail- ways. The best time to visit the City of Toronto. J. 3. WITHROW, H. J. HILL, President. Manager and Secretary, Toronto. THE SIXTH iinnua1 Exhibition —OF THE -- SOUTHERN : C -UNTIES FAIR ASSOCIATION Will be ]role at the FAX'S COMPOUND OF LIN- SEED, Aniseed.. Senega, Sgnlll,'l'olu, &e with Oblorodvne, AX'S COMPOUND, a demulcent eznectoraut for Cattalo and Codi. AX'S:COMFOUND, for Coughs and Ca}da, is equally servioab4E: for rloraes andCattle. AX'S TIO PILLS, hl specific ill tours:we Faeteseee 1e. Ialarcolo�ialRailway The Direct Rotlta from the West for all paints in NewBrunawihk, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Wand, Cape Breton and Newfoundland. :111 the remitter sea bathing. wiling and pleesere eaorte et Comte.* ere along this flue Pullman oars let.tvieg Afoutroal od Mou- lts , Wednesday. and Friday ran through to He ties. and 0n Tueadar, Tlturielay and Satur- dey to et. John. N. B., without chauge. claire ooaaeetioua nolle at Paiute Levee with' the Grand Trunk 111alwav sad Me lUebWien and Criteria ;lavlgatIna Compaaq'a l teauaera fromiiontreel,and at Levis will► the north Shore hallway. 131egentt fltxt-class Pullmaa, Buffet and Smoking Cara On all Ihrang�lu, tritium. Firat•ctass ItetresbwentRo0rne et convent. at distances. IMPOlt.TER.S .tJ) EXPORTERS rsill And it edyautay;eou8 to nee this route Aa it is the rentakesein point of time.audthe ratoa are as low as by any other, Through freight le forwarded by fest spooial trefoil and experience hue proved the inter - colonial route to be the quickest for Fen origin freight to suck from all points in Caned*. and the Western ]hetes. Tickets may be obteintel and also informa- tion about the route and about froir,lht and passenger rates Irout ROBERT If. MOODIE, Western Freight itPauaenger 4yent 03ltoasta house mock. York iib., Toronto. P. POTTINGE,R, Chief Saperinbeadent. lead.ray Office, Moncton, N.Il:,May 11.8 ly: CITY of ST. THOMAS Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday & Friday SEPTEMBER 22, 23,24 & 25,1885. Open to the World. Very Liberal Prize List. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS.-- Partners' Race, Races for Pacers, Trotters, Pairs of Roadsters, Lady Drivers with Double Team, Running Races for Horses ridden by Ladies, GentIemen's Road Horses, &e. ODDFELLOWS. SPLENDID BAN 1) Passengers and Exhibits at Half is aro on the railways. See Mammoth Posters. Scud for Prize List, EDWIN NICOLL, President, JOHN A. KAIe S, Sect DRUC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at - the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. TO ADVERTISERS. A list of 964 newspapers DIVIDED INTO STATES AND SECTIONS will be sent on ap- plication -FREE. - To those who want their advertising to pay, we can offer no better medium for thorougn and effective work than the various sections of our Select Local List. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO', Newspaper Advertising Bureau,10, Spruce Street, New York. MORTGAGE SALE. !~ -Under and by Virtue of a power of sale con- tained in a certain Indenture of BMortgage, which will be produced at the time of Salle, there will be sold by Public auction by JOAN GILL. A uctioneer, subject to a Reserved Bid, on Tuesday, 15th day of September, a. d. 1685 At Three Oclock in the afternoon, at MOFFAT'S R1OTEL, in the VILLAGE OF CENTRALIA the valuable farm described as follows: All and singular that certain parcel or tract Oland and promises situate, lying and being is tho TownsbiD of Biddulph, in the County of Middlesex, and Proviroo of Ontario, contain- ing by admeasuroment ono hundred acres, bo the same more or less, being composed of Lot Number Fiye, in the Second concession of the said Township of Biddulple The land is of good quality. over 80 item of which aro cleared, and on which are erected' a small Frame House with Brick Cellar, Frame Barn in good no ndition, Hewe d Log Stable and other buildings. There is a good bearing Orchard of about two acres, Wells &c. The said lana is distant from Centralia about 2 miles, and from Exeter about 6 miles and is close to the sobool house. For further particulars, apply to the:auc tioneeror to B, V. ELLIOT, Secretary r] Dated 26th Aug., 1881, Vendor's SolicitoExeter, Daskwooti. Miss Nellie Bell, of Loudon, ie home on a. visit. Meeere. Monier and Yager, of Ham- burg, are the guesba of 3. Kellerman. ]Miss Hannah Fried is visiting friends in 0reditoa. blies 0. MOCalluln, who was vigils fug its London, has returned home. Mr. Chas. Ezstitre, of 3aokeon, Miob.. is visiting friends i.a this daily, Mies Flora Eaberherdt, of Urediton, Trail the gueet of Mise Fried last. Sun. Creditor'. day. The Sunday school oouventiofh of the Evangelical Association will be held in this piece on the 15th and 16th of this month, Miss Dora Turnbull, of Lobo town- ship, is visiting Mr. Halle, and Miss 3. A. Halle has jun returned from be r visit to London Township. Large crowd out to E ngliela °hooch lint Sunday evening. There will be English service here every alternate Sebbatb evening from ibis forward. Plume are cheap in Daellwecel only seven shilliwgs a pail ---and apples 80 ons. per bag. There is a big demand for all kinds of fruit. Or. lied, Wurte, who .pea been visiting ]lis cbntn, Roland II. Fried, of Beet 18aginew, and Baine of the eitieli of Michigan, elates that be had *jolly good time, and found Ilia old °buns in good health. The Dinh woad Bolter Mille are to be running in about two weeks. M. Fried bee engaged two more mill. night', Mr, i~iilverborre of Stratford, and Mr. Wismar, of $obnetou'a Milia, They are shoving tbluge right ahead, and will probably be through before the time above mentioned.. Mr. Fenn, of 1'lattsville, has open - ad out a No. 1 harness shop in Shia !hitt each rowdyiellh cannot be pre. village, and will be found M Weeloh vented. completed, for which Mr. B, flack There will be no council neat Mon- day, being adjourned until the first Monday in ()atelier. There will be a friendly meteh of fool ball played here between the Crediton slab sad Zurich ou B, Sweets field, The RIM manufacturers are having difficult tinge hauling their flax to the mills owing to the continuous stet weather. Servioe; were held is the German church les Sunday, for the Arab SIMS 'since being repaired and the trustees .Kirktou deserve credit for the handsome way !they have oouduoted the repairs. A handsome verandeh has juett been .i A row 000urrad in one of the briok erected in front of 3, Doupe k Coe. ,y"Aide load week, in whioh a couple of new store. young men made thatneelvin ridion' There ie at present a very heavy lass. It appears that while it number. stook of cheese, of excellent quality ora of the boys were bictliug cite on a band at Campbell's history, awalting ferua where the Sent Aot ie in force, be higher prise, than eon at prevent and whiskey not saaroe, they got ire obtained. quarrelling, and "After returniug house There is vein considerable harvest. and retiring to bed, ""Saint"" dared ung to be done AA a consequence of 40 ""Andy" to get nut of bed end hght. much unfavorable weather. Farmer* The challenge wee eeeepted, and after lave nut been idle however, es there doing aonaiderable pounding and ie already quite an ere' of fall,Rhe*t ahewiug, ""Suint"" ached enough 1 and amwu, "Andy" allowed hie] to retire, being Bev. lir. }Jerrie, Supt. of the Kirk. wounded considerably. It le a shame ton circuit, hes been absent for the past week, attending the futherat of bis brother, who WAR drowned in Rhode Ialeud, els S,eturdey reek. Ni. work ori sauday ]hat elm fallen by Rev. Mr. Stavin, of St. Merl'''. Misses Aunse Blister end Auuie fiords of tan bark. The child was Buchanan, who, in ct,mpany with noticed by a teasniter who was driv- Mr. Jubntton Huston, father of trine ling behind in another wagau, who Anuia, left Australia, w February ttp,,ke, frigbteniag the ebild. Tn tsar bait, ou a pleeaurre trip around tL-e endeavor to escape, ebo Kea struck by world, tie at present visiting at Mr. the bind wheel, knooked down and Wath. Staoey's. fair. tinesoa'a former bad one arra and one leg broken. She friends rang tont IItaus bard, ere, highly pleased to no hila after an abaonce of thirty two years. A Wertz' shoe shop until Isle shop is On Saturday last, while s child of fins take's the aontraot. We yob biro, Henry Swartz was *outing to Crede- Are;ry iuooeis and aaa reoommsnd ton it ondsevared to ride en the reach him to the pablio ate esu hosed sad obliging young man. Al the reaidenoe of the bride's fa- ther, on Tuesday last, Mies Laura Wurta, of this place, was married to Mr. James Mitobuer, of Ionia, Mich. A large number of friends were pres- ent, and the bride received mauy very boanttful and costly presents. She wore a beautifat cardinal silk dress and bad a wreath of orange blossoms in her hair. We enjoin in wishing then! much Happiness sod smell in tbo married life. of a wagon ladeued with about 4 • watt brought to the village by hotel - keeper Clark, when medical aid was at once summoned end the broken Stepxt. ' limbo eet. The child ie reported to __ be progressing ate favorably as poe- Tlre following is a correct rapert of eibto for one so 'tamely injured. the put'ile of S. S. No. 3, Stephan, ••w for the month of Aug.. based in at. tendauoe, geed conduct and geuerel proficiency : The tine new brick residence of Fol:itrrl. Chess.---Dlaiise:4 Jory, 564. Dr. II. Lang'', ou main street,, is THIRD CLASS. ---Diary Sanders 610; nearing completion and will soon be iliorrieonk540; diary Dimly, 514; ready for Gemination. Henry Pen hale' 499;I!ialityJory, 427; !Aflutter -Wilson Sandburu, n ;midi .Arabella 4orish, 235; Jane 1Iorieh, of the Grantor) pubiio school, was 151. enccesaful in tensing the recant third Swaim (Less. -Elle Shaptcn, 855; elm teachers' ry n.professional nx- Edmund Shaptou, 829; Ide Sweet, amination. 578; Cara Saudera, 427; James Sou- Rev. Mr, Campbell, pastor of the dere, 378; Susan Harrison, 835. Proebyteria s orngrevaiiont has gone klttsr CLASS. -PART Dee -Minnie an a holiday trip for benefit of his Merriam', 007; Frank Sanders, 283. health. Rev.glir* premium, his FIRST CLiss SENxon.--'1'holutls ul it dnrin his absentia.. Sanders, 572; Otitis I)inuoy, 800; p A large ni+llnb3r of the villagers Wesley Dearing, 856; James Saudera, tack in Buffo] r Bill's aambination at 249; Victoria I3ngshaty, 209; Bumstook last Illouday, and all speak Penhate 196. highly of the performance A. few of FOIST Crass, Juvlall. -Charlotte them must have been illustrating the Delriog , 165; Maud Harness, 100; scenes of the wild west after their re - Mien Stanlake, 142; Daniel Sanders, turn, if we are to judge by the noise 141; Maud Mitchel, 140; Wesley San. created at midnight, and the dilapi. ders, 139; Rose Dearing, 138; Wes - dated condition of the nasal organ of ley Xestie, 132; May Dunsford. 131; Sydney Sanders, 126; Wm. Beaver, one of the individuals. We would 121 Isaac Duusford, 99; Tilos, Din- advise one of these young men that nay, 98; Arthur Kestle, 96; Henry bis besotted felayf he llfuraj riahgath e Kestte, 94; Henry Dearing, 86; Litie f,lenda with it lasso and have the Sweet, 85; Samuel J. Slanders 79: Sbiriff of La Platte ready to despatch him. Mrs. Richasd Jermyn, died Iasi Thursday at the residence of her hus- band, 12 con. Biddulph, and was buried on Saturday, at Prospect Hill Cemetery, Rev. Thos. Magahy, ofiiei• ntiug. She has been ailing for several months, dropsy being the primary cause of her death. Her taking away at this time is particnlarly un- fortunate, as she loaves behind her a family of five small children, the youneest of whom is Bevan months old. Mr. Jermyn has the sympathy of a large circle of neighbors, who have done much to lighten iia sad bereavment. !Grantor'.. Edward Sanders, 79. The average attendauoe for the mouth of August --32i-. Centralia. Large quantities of flax seed are being shipped from this station by the Crediton flaxmen. The harvest is ve:y backward iu this localii) on account of the ex- tremely showery weather of the last two weeks. Some of the grain is badly sprouted, and a great deal has been taken iu before it was thoroughly dry.,.,The general outcry is look oat for bard times. The excursion to Port Stanley last Thursday, was fairly patronized. Aboar 80 tiokete were Hold at this station. The usual occurrences on excursions were the order uf the day, missing trains, losing bats, &o., &c. There +tilt+ a large crowd present, there being two other excursions, one from Brantford and one from London. A very pleasant time was spent. PEnsoNAL.-Mr. Jos.,Auderson, has ret,lrned from a visit to St. Jo.ephs Island, lookiug hale and hearty. Ht' reports biz. very dull.- Mr. W. Sande, son of Mr. R. Sando, of this village, is expected home on a visit it: a few days. -Mrs. J. Parsons, who has been visiting in England for some timo, returned 'tome on Mouday last. She enjoyed the trip vorymuoh.-Mr. Thos. Murray, has sold his house and lot for a good figure, to. Mr. Hod;,ins, who takes possession shortly. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bron- chitis immediately relieved by bhiloh's Cure. Sold by .1. W. Browninf'. EDITOR TI;rins,--I am not the per- son who furnished the items of news to the Times from Granton, nor do I know who that person is, but the statetneut mottle by your oorreepond- ent to the effect that Granton public school passed double the narnber of pnpile passed by any other rural school in Middlesex is correct. A Ciandeboye correspondent says the statement needs modification, as Ciandeboye passed five pupils ; but on referring to the list of successful candidates I notice that Olantieboye sobool passed one pupil only, while four others made the neaeasa''y total of marks, butfailed in hist ry. 1 do not wish to speak one word of dis• paragement against the Ciandeboye school, as I am well aware that it has always for the past four years held first place among the' schools of Bid- dulph at the entrance examination. W. P. Mex. •,•*I S. S. No. 3, Usborne. \VAvsAIn111. What a depth of horror is conveyed in that awful ex- pression 1 What terrible pioturee of Woodshed end Often are conjured up before us as we contemplate for an instant tlhe usual results Attending such pervereioua of law and order 1 It would seem as though the floodgates of war and desolatieu had beau let loose in this hitherto peaceable no- tion, and riot and rapine run ram- pant through our highways. We do not wish to condone these unseemly affairs nor hide our sins from the pub- lic, but it would be infinitely batter, and far more in the interests of soci- ety, law and order to not publish mos things at all than to publish a biassed, exaggerated and untruthful account of them. Such things are bad enough, nut make a tenfold worse impression on the publio when black- ened by a dieintereeted party, who has De other iuterest, to save than swing his diction in Ile public prints. The truth of the matter is ibis :- This "waylaid" inilviduai, this terra• bly abused martyr, has conceived a terrible and uua000untable hatred for two or three brothers of unimpeach- able character living in the same neighborhood, and has so far lost all teapot for himself and everybody else as to be ooutinually outraging all souse of decency by connecting with their names all sorts of unseemly epi- thets, pronouncing against them ter- rible threats and t•aesing unmanly remarks of every description, worthy only of a maniac. This diereputable and cowardly mode of procedure has been carried uu for some time at threehiuge and gatherings, but of course always at sash planes where - the wentouly libelled were --for the safety of the libeller -absent. It was then, with a view to find out what all this was being done for, that one of these brothers met (not waylaid) hitt and demanded an explauatioa, Si any reasonable person would desire. The rest of the story was told last week, but with there corrections : (1) No one was waylaid. (2) No one was concealed in ambush. (3) No one threw sticks or stones, hitting a mon or (a thing) in the Tread. And de- manding an explanation of bad Oen- duct is not waylaying. We mast also state that tho'•waylaid" did not prove too much for his oppsneut. Good and sufficient reasons One be given for the third party interfering, and not to the credit of the "waylaid" party, either. ONE WHO WAS THERE, William Geddes, Eden Mills, writes :--I have used Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters for Dyspepsia and prefer it to all other medi- cines Ihicve ever tried, in no ease has it failed to produce the desired effect, and I can cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers from Dyspepsia. Yours truly, WILLIAM GEDDES.