HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-8-27, Page 5The Epidemic of °rime. Interesting items, Years of experience and anccessfut trial ce comes. this epidemic of have proved McGregor & Parke's Carbolic When suioidos hale murders? Cerate the most complete and satisfactory , Recent, die- compound for healing Old' sores, festerings, oasstons have named severhl opuses. Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Frost Bites Mu. C. H. Reeve, of Indiana, or Felons, and for keeping Gut the cold and g teachings—hold- to oleanso or prevent proud flesh, sloughing char ea it to 1easne t or decay; Insist on baying McGregor 4 mg that hopeleasneea of a Entero state Parke's Carbolic Cerate, sola at 25e. by Dr, cripples fortitude for bearing life's ills, Anotherdeclares suffering from the 'universal business depression the cause.. .A. third writer attributes it to increasing insanity, a physician tbiuks much of the tendeuoy is inher- ited, while temperance advocates lay the responsibility upon strong drink. Free thinkers have committed eui- tide, but so have orthodox cliuroh- men. Financial straits have beset many, but the wealthy have aleo taken their life. Insanity and dissipation have per - ceded suicides and family murders - One feature common to almost seely snob grime challenges attention. Well nigh every report of suicide and family murder mentions the perpet- rator ae having t'for some time been subjeob to melancholy. " Whence comes this? All recognized medical authorities tell us that the fire which consumes the brain is always kindled by derangements of digestion ; that good digestion ie impasible without pure btoW. and Pulte blood is never known when the liver and kidneys are out of order. Linder Buell eir- cumetauoee, a preventive shoul& be sought, and for thie Whiner's safe ouxe is eovereigu--•-a fact conceded by the best authorities in the land, and it is especially 001111i1ended by the eele- brated. Cr:. I3io Lewis., .., ochesfer Denhocrar. Shiloh's Cure will immedietei relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitie. Said by J. W. Browning. News Notes. Voting an the Slott Act in the °aunty of Peterborough is ;fixed for September 24th. The Mudir of Dongola thinks the Mature movement 1 n the St udan is dead, and that the next outbreak will occur in Algeria. A otoamer ran (town and sank, with all on board, the yacht Kalifisb, off Obau, Scotland, on Saturday, Only two persons were saved. The Pail .heli Ua;etio publibhes' a letter from O'Donovan Rosea to his dynamite agents in Havre and Ant- werp roproachiug them far inactivity. No abetment is reported in the ravages of smallpox in the city of Montreal and its suburbs. There are now forty-five patients in the Browning e Slat July last was $17,161,561, an increase Jaya I txlgshselected as I, orb trator in ictiddy' over the circulation of the same date 1884 of of Warwick, x.warden as Iiia arbitrator 1,233,OQ0. litigation on the Hodgson creek drain, A WISE PRECAUTION. A NATIONAL EVIL. During the Summer and Fall people aro Thera is no question but that Dyspepsia is liable to sudden attacks of bowel complaints the national disease of our country, and and with no prompt remedy or medical aid when complicated with disease of the Liver at hand. life may be in danger. There and Kidneys is the cause of untold misery. whose experiences has given thein wisdom, Burdock Blood Bitters still almosternvariably always keep Dr. Fowiex s Extract of wild cure the worst case known. Strawberry at stand for prompt relief, and a A servant giri named Annie Brace got Physician is seldom required. her hand caught in a mangle at the Wind - Small -pox has broken out at Cardural, €or Rotel, Montreal, and crushed so severe- niue miles from Prescott, on the St. Law- ly that the skin had to bo entirely removed reuse. There is excitement there. from her hand. Delicate women, Pale -Faced Sickly Over {, 1 Over Children, the aged and infirm alike, are bon- Acres. 'anthll,�, �urserzes. Acres. ()flied by the Strengthening and Blood -mak- ing Power of "Hanington'a Qniorne Wine and Iron." It stimulates the -circulation, improves the Appetite, and remoras ail im- purities from the Blood. It is the best medicine you can take to give you lasting strength. See that you get "i3anington's." the original and genuine.. The circulation of Dominion: notes on the A- O A, R D- CATARRH- A NEW TREATMENT. To all who aro suffering from the errors and indisazetions of oath, nervous weakness l'orhapsthe most extraordinary suacessthat y " has been achieved in modern uaedieino has early decay, loss of Manhood, &e, I will send a ',men attained by the Dixon txeatteent for ea,' reeeipethat willcure you, FRFF:OFCFIAFtnE tarrh, Oat of2,OOOpatients treated during the This great remail was discovered by a cis- last six months, fully ninety per cent. have y beeueuredof this stubborn malady, Tb,is is (denary in South America. Send a. seURad.. nonetheless atartiiug wham itis xewewbered dressed envelope to Bar, roshrn T. Insult that nottiveper emit. of patients presenting St:afou l,. New Tori City. themselves to the regular practitioner are be - The Montreal and Sorel Railway xvhioh I Refitted,while the ne.teut meuielues and tther advert sadcurea u0ver record a ouzo at all, has been for many mouths closed to traffic, is at last to be re -opened. Wby will you cough when Shiloh's Cuts will give immediate relief' Price 10o„ 50e„ Starting with the claim now generally uelieved by the most scientific men that diseese is due to the presence at tiviug uarasiteaic the tissue. ]ir. Drxan at once adapted his cera to their extermruation-tbie eccomplisbod, he claims and 111, !'fold by.d. W. Browning, the Phthiri is practically cured, and the per - Mex. Wylie, Painter, of Grosvenor avenue, mlauency nugaes4ioned, as cures carcase by y bm tour peat's 6" Rio cures still. Ntr Ona Ottawa, auteidsd last ?light by cutting Ilia throat with a razor. t RADICAL CHANGE. The hest eradicator of foul humors of the Blood is 1lardock I31cod Hitters. A few bot- tles produces a radical change for the better in health and beauty. It removes the blood taint of Scrofula, that terrible disease so common is this counuy. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a_ printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh'e Vitalizer. It never fails to euro, Tltessrs. Sinunous +& Quarry had two steers valued at 1180 each, killed by lightning at their farm in IDelewaro. cu Friday last. Fluid Lightning is simply a marvellous Rheumatic Remedy. I was for two mouths a cripple, unable to get o'it of the house trout Sciatica. One bottle goo lee instant relief, and nlaeed hie on my feet again. I bare driven fourteen Miles today (come. thing I could not possibly bare done were itI not for fluid Lightning) for the express purpow, of procuring another bottle. So hays Wm. Dixou, fiaaauoquo, Only 25 cls. per lwttle at Dr. Browniag'a drag store. Sir. David 31aephcrsou, at present 1i iii Cernrany, is improved iii lieeltb. NQn BETTER. There ix no more wholesome or delicious fruit ou earth than the wilts Strawberry, and there is no More cfftctual remedy for Cholera, Pysentery.C'rainps and other sum. mer complaints Of infanta or Quite, than Dr. Fowler's Extract of wild Strawberry. else has attempted to care Catarrh in this maauer,audno other troatateut ever cured Catarrh. WU) appltcatton of the remedy is simple. and can be done at home, and the favor- able r a sp edytAuttepermanent oeure, the malortty of cases being cared at ono treat- ment. Safferers should correspond with Messrs. d., DIXON'iT.dt SON, :t05King street west, Toronto,Canada. and enclose stamp for their treatise oil Catarrh.-¥ontreat Star, foe. 17.1682. LO\I)O�I, IIIIRON AND 13RUQt,1 Gou n ;burn hired. tail. Landon, depart 6 ee A. K. 4 60 rat. F.xoter. f 20 U le Fleusall 0 4;, 8 24 Kippeu 9 00 6 22 lraceae;d...... ...... .... 9 15 6 58 Clinton 0 fa 7 05 I.ondesbere .... ,10 is 7 2e 1llvth..................... lit :iii 7 27 11elgTaro 11 00 7 {f. SVteglianl arrive _. 11 $ l s io Genie Sorra Mixed SIMI. ttiinghaar,depart , 72O a -w It 30 4.)4. Belgravo S 4't' 1' til.e-,X,. 111,1111.-- 5 v',1 1' 2 Laudt.sbcre 8 00 19 37 Clinton.. , .. . . 8 S1 1 74 HiPPAn01i1 9 ed 1 005 Hauk atll. tt fav S Exewr.. 9 ai o o,: London arrli o ,..,. ... l9 31 630 JOI3y' 13B, A,'vtiia" Holloway's pills. -Liver, Irungs,. anis K.id �Ma ney3,-^-Xfost diseime of these depuretivo CABINET. -MAK P organs arise from obstructions, over the , f "� Iemtivel of which these celebrated Pills oxer.', circ tliu roost perfect control. A courao of 1 them is strongly recomlucndeti as a remedy for such chronic affections as liver enlarge civic lloapital. , meets, congestion of the lungs, torpidity di It is proposed in Montreal tc erect @ dill kidneys, mud other fanotionel disorders which cause nisch preaaut sutTer;ag, anti if neglected lay the foundation of organio dia. eases. Holioway'e filth are specially adapt- ed for the yonn>; and dedicate ; their gentle and purifying action, ranks them above all other medicines. In indigestion, nervous affections, gout, and rheumatism these Fills have achieved for themselves universal fame. They expel all impurities from the blood, ana thus restore cheerfulness anti vigour. The Governor-General has returned to Ottawa and will remain ten days. It is said that while there a deputation of French- Canadinns will wait on him to solicit itiel's respite. a statue to the late Sir Franois Mucks la the Parliament grounds, Ottawa, si$nilar to that of the late Sir George Cartier. Aden, Aug. 25.—A. nativd craft, called a 'buggalow, loaded with pit - grime, was wrecked in the Gulf of Aden to -day and 100 of its passen- gere wore drew ed. London, (Eng.) dispatch: General Iiiddletoii, the commander of the Canadian forces, and Hon. A. P. Caron, Canadian Minister of Militia, have been gazetted Kuights Com- manders of the Order of St, Michael and St. George. The Grand Secretary, R. W. Bro. Robt. Birmingham, states that about 1,000 of the volunteers who served in the North-west were members of the Orange Order. A. lodge is to be opened in Chicago with an exclusive Canadian membership. Already over 50 names aro on the charter. Gen. Middleton has recommended that a medal be struck for the volun- teers who took part in the North- west campaign. The recommend- ation has been approved by the Min- ister of Militia and forwarded to England through the Governor -Gen- I A HEARTY ENDORSEMENT. Tho people, the press and the profession all heartily endorse the merits of Burdock Blood Bitters as the best Blood and Liver regulator and purifying tonic now in use. Mrs. Charles Leriche has been arrested at Montreal on a warrant by her husband, charged with attempting to poison him with tartar emetic. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy --a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker mouth. Sold by J. W. Browning. I had for years 'been a miserable sufferer from Dyspepsia, and tried all known reme- dies and the best medical skill of my no. quaintance, but still grew worse, until un- able to eat anything without great suffering, or du any kind of work. I began to think there was no hope for me, and that I must surely die ; when, like a drowning man catching at a straw. I determined to give McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial, I at once began to improve so rapidly that in two months I was as well as I had ever been in my life. -war. BYERS LEAMINGTON'. Sold by J. W. Browning Druggist. Free trial bot- tles. The Muskoka Provincial election petition will bo tried at Drawbridge on 31st August. A.Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, price 50 cents, Sold by J. W. Browning. Small -pox at North Sydney, C. B. eral. Gen. Booth, of the Salvation Army, was mobbed at Hull Monday night. He was struck with a club, but he was not badly hurt. Arm- strong, the girl who, it is said, was abducted by Booth for the purpose of making false evidence, has been re- stored to her parents. At the late matriculation examin- ation, Toronto, une-sixth of the young wren were plunked, while of the twenty-one young women not one failed. Trouble is said bo im pending, as one of the young ladies is colored?: Of course the oallege can make)no aifferenee, otherwise it would not deserve to be called a British University. The Salvation Army lies issued an appeal for $100,000 to rescue fal- len women and to send them to the United States and Canada, where they eau have opportunities to re- form and live respectably. The ap. peal is meeting with great success. Mr.e youngas M I M P f Bristol, Dr. McCormick, of Peelee island, has been sentenced to 30 days at Sandwich jail in default of $200 fine for practising medicine without a li- cence. The doctor was convicted and fined once before on the same charge: The Rev. Geo. H. _Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind., says ; "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold by J, W. Browning. boys who will stand by us in our style of serving the waterinelon. The way to keep the Bloods pure and cool through the hot summer months is to take an occasional dose of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, the best Stomach and Liver Medicine made. In large bottles, 50 vents., Now the boy who. "wasn't swimming," and who wishes none to doubt. That he's truthful, can't imagine why. his shirt is inside out. Now the green cuecuiber cometh for a season brief to stay. And the doctors are preparing remedies for cholera. Are you made miserable by indigestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yes. low skin 2 Shiloh's Walnut & Rosewood Caskets, ALSO COITUS or,1:Viniv I)Eat'Rn'rioN.. A Complete Stock of Robes ik Trimmings Always an hand.' FUNERALS FUBNISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. ra-CiICE ME A. CALL, A FEW HINTS FOR THE USE OF Ow i44 s DOSE.—TO more the bola. rowels gently, 2 to 4 Pillt; 5 thoroughly, 4 to 5 Pills. Experience will decide alis proper dose in each case. _gab For Constipation, or Costiveness, na remedy is so effective as AYER'S PILLs'. They insure regular daily action, and re. store the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, AYSR't PILLS are invaluable, and a sure cure. Heart -burn, Loss of Appetite, Foul stomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Head- ache, Numbness, Nausea. are all relieved and cured by AYER'S PILLS. �t In Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, and Jaundice, Avzn's PILLS ehonld be given in doses large enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, these Pints are unequalled. Storms, caused by a morbid condition of the bowels, are expelled by these PrLL5. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Plies,, the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are oared by the use of AYER'S PILL&. For Colds, take AYER'S PILLS to open the pores, remove inflammatory secretions, and allay the fever. For Diarrhaia and Dysentery, caused by sudden colds, indigestible food, etc., AYER'S PILLS are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciatica, often result from digestive derange- ment, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the use of AYER'S PILLS. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, .are cured by Alma's Pam. Suppression, and Painful Menstrue. Utah have a safe and ready remedy in AY E R'S P1 LLS. Full directions, an various languages, as. company each package. PREPARED BY Dr.J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maes, gold by all Druggists, The Largest in the Dominion, SALESMEN WANTED To begin canvassingatonce on nail Sales, Steady employment to successful wen. Good agents are oarning freer $40 to 475 per month and expenses. Terms and outfit free. Address STONE 4 WR J-ING,TON $10 P.M -WA -1Z DI The above reward will be paid for the conviction of those Merchants who are selling inferior Machine Oils, and calling them Mco1,I's Lard to The only genuine is manufactured by McColl Bros. & Co, Toronto. EXETER. Burdo ck FOR $A&E BY JAS. PWKARD, BLOijD BITTERS JIARKN ESS HAIR BALM Restores ;;veil hair to it.: na- tura! color, ce- moves Pail iret„; stops the l;otia from railing out. increases its germartil, and wit not soil the skin. As a hair tree slug, it has no superior. Gnat. artteedharrmiesr. Prepared by Harkness & co Loudon, Qat, Sold by all !hoggish d Patient tfsiiieita� 7KINVX11 1E10 OF GOODS tfi. COMPARISON OF .PRICES INVITED. )mut ilmeme i J ti • 0 tp 0 a BurdOtk BLOOD :BITTERS Ores Airiness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affectionsof tffe liver and Kidneys, Pimples, .Blotches, Roils, .Humors, &it Rlteuln, Scrofula. Rrysipelas, and all diseases arising from. Impure Blood, i, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PILLS Pnrifl; the Bleed, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOW l LLS, hey invigorate and restore to Health Debilitated f.'onbtitutiong, anti are invaluable in all oiupiaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are priceless' THE OINTMENT a an infallible remedy far Fad Lege. Hall Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Misers. It is famous for flout and lteuluatisiu. FOR DISORDERS QF THE 411MST 17' IIAn No EQUAL. ro Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, ('olds,Glandt'lar Swellings, and all akin diseas it has Pio rival; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Ttroxas llotrow►x's lastablishiuent,. 78 NEW OXFORD-STIIEET late (533, OXFORD -STREET). LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor t'f Medicine, in hoses and i'ot.,at Is, lits., 2s. ed. -as..flit,. i1n„ 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s,'24, size coataius three times the poantity of the 1a lid, size ; the 9s. fid. size six ; the Ile, Biro sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; oath* 33a size tifty.two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions, are shined to each Box and I'ot, and eau be lieu in any iantraige Purchasers should look to the Label ou the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not ft33 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE 0 <n SIMPLE 0) 'r7 THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE L.— THAT GIVES ° RfECT tS'AT/$'FACT./ON HOA'S�NO EQ UAL'1 QFYERYP�''`I�U SEWING MACHINE CO. ORANGE' MASS. 30 UNION SQ.N.Y. CHICAGO'ILL. ST. LOWS MO.ATLANTA.GA. -trap 5ALE•IlY� RANTON BROS. EXETER, ONTARIO. Undertaker and CabinetMmaker,. 0 bTT E I0 ONE DOOR NORTH 11IOLSON' S BANK. FIIIJR COIIRR4BOW PRICES CONSIDERABLY RED DEED to make room for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly. FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on. hand. All. Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and Superior Finish. It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur- chasing good and oheap Goods. A call is respectfully solicited. CIT.®,S. SOUTIICOTT. Fashionable Tailor, Exeter. E ater Post Office Tima Table. MAILS Birkton, Woodham Winchelsea andEli.mvillo Sou BI nitoba,Un tell States, English and'foreignlmahs Toronto Montreal,�l South, east west Sc ... ... North and east, including Goderich, Wiugham, Kincardine and all pointe north, Stratfo1d, Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States... '... .. North east, &c ... , Snrepta Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ARRIVEanosj. 8a.m iCOoa.m 9.15 a.m. 9.00 a. m. 6.45 1). m. 2.30 p. m 1C.00 a.m 3.30 p.m 7.15 p. m . 8 15 a 311 8.00 a. m 5.30 p, m 6.80 p. m, 10 00 a m MONEY ORDERS Issued and paid on and from any Money OrderOtMce in thoDoininion of Caneda,Grea t Britain and lreland,British'India, Newfoundland, Italy, Australia, New South Weiss, Tasmania, New Zeland, France an Algeria, the German Empire, Sweden,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Belgium, the N,athrlands, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, rioumania, 'United States, Jamaica and Bar- bados. POST OPF LOB SAVIN G SBA NK. Deposits will be received at this office from 01 to 4300. Depositors obtaining the Post- ' maser -General's special permission eau deposit $1000. Deposits on Savings Bank account re- ceived from 9 R.M. to 4p. m. Interest at 4 pet cent per annuli will be allowed on nil deposits.. Office hours flona 7.30a.m.to7 p,m. Lettersinteuded for registration must be posted 15 minutes before the closing of each mail N. it. -it is partieelary requested that the ..enders' of matter will kindly add the names of tic Counties totho addresses. DtTOHNS, Postmaster.