HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-8-27, Page 4r THE EXETER TIMES. Is published everyThursday moriaiug,at the TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE gage these women as *entente, for inhabitants. In the period between au experiment. The soheme is a 1840.64 the deaths were 430 out of preposterous one, and every rota ioi- every million of the people, Iu the polity in the Dominion should mem • period between 187148 they were lkzain-atraet,uearzyappoa to FiEtol:'a Jewalery oralize the Government so check em- 178 out of every million. Iu 1880 etore,Eseter, Ont.,byJohn White S Son. Pro- Igranka of that asses coming to Canada, they were 100. From the 8,000 per praetors. for the people way rest eatiified that million down to 100 per million re-- Iriretinsorta/erns or Aisomrixtetsol the United States aulbvritiei will riot presents la the rough the benefit to per line .,..... ......10 cents, Each sbsaquutiertton,per 1no....,.3cants. permit them to be landed o ntheir the human family from Jenaer'e die - To insure insertion, advertisements should shores, oovery. Something, of course, ie due be sent in not later than Wednesday morning., 0.4,N AD. to greater regard for cleanliness, Our JOB PRINTING D$PARTatENT is one; stricter sanitary arraugomeute, aotl 1 equipped. in he Count of the largest and Bost equipp t • y, ^—^— elRuxou, All work eutrustedtaus willreceive Looking all round the board and the Bremer in(luieilorial police powers nxpretnptattontion: ; , of modern times. but iu theepidemic • judging from, the experience of of i huudrods who have travelled and 1881 the returns allow the follow - Decisions ltegardiixg News. lived in different parte of tie world, ing reeulte for Loudon :_out of papers. every 3,440 deaths, 3,850 were deaths i it ie safe to say, and no exaggeration of unvaccinated 00 Any Person tvhotakes herdir aperroaularlyfrorn either, that Canada 18 the beat plane deaths of persons iwhoshaddbeen vnoe the post -office, whether Ureekted in bis uauao or another's. or whether heli4e sobscribed or not to live. The agriculturist is free dilated, larospo pees nfor orders t. That is, out of Avery shirty 2 If a, person. orders bis paper +i#scoutinuee from devastating floods, tornadoes six r c ar e ore wi 10 die. d b s .110 iemustpdyallatrearg or the pubhsliermayt anti laud•slidea, and lits never ileacs p y map x eosea it the payment n lunoto instil 1 tai u t o u n ill' Irt- y fixe bad I s never e r eel i and then collect the whole amount, whether of laouate arts dranghts t0�deetray his 0,y -five t vaccinated thepapor is taken from the offiee or not. and one had been vsooivated. Dar - the The traveller i s cev u er ,ms MN, meets s s In sorts for subscriptions, the suit may bet Franco-German n a 1 h the fishedinstituted in the Place where the paper is pub- . With a tropical sun or sand storm; yrerich lost 23 500 wee by g war 1lundr'edstof melee awas4beeriber way resider the citizen is free from scourges and t+bi a the Germans, who bad sill beer take new spats have from the'p o to plagues and a hundred and one other p revacoluated in barracks, lost on offiee,orremoyingauealeaviug thein nasalis,, things we might mention, tar isprima facie evidence of intentional frau "In this fair world of ours," says �G5 men from the s:ttno disease. L' �= the ll.xitoba: , "there are many , he (i . '�fer IlillBa'". ' places more urgently olaiwing to be �Z4RTGAGh, SALE. __... __. _ __ .. _ _ ._. more desirable placea of .residence ` Lender aua by 1'irkua of a power of sale sou- TI3UR$DA ', At7GCiST lith, 188a thau Canada. But it is doubtful If, taineu in a certain ruaepturo or 3fertga o, whic w after all, there ie a spat On the face G# h illliaproduoea at Veer of sale, ^^ — titters will be sold by I'ublio auction by JOHN 'the globe presenting a more beakhy alr;ra, A401°11ear,au 40ottoa Reserved. Ills, and The b •eleotcn took Ince ou moyet more agreeable alimete, or on yp i re diversified and pleasing aced- Tnesday,15t5 day of September, a. d.1885 &Ionday 1:0t, in East Durham, to fat matte itoleic tatio,rttauto f the foreigners tlo the vaoaucy in the representation of Toil.. that riding in tiro Id'ouae of Corn- Canadians are justly proud of VILLAGE OF CENTRA.LIA 111o4s1 caused by the lameatsd death their native land; their appreolatiou of the late Col. \Villiar>as, And while of it being shared by strangers anti pt 711 The Landow Free Pres the body of the late tllember woe points otic the faot, anti it ie oorrob- aoarcely cold iu death, the Reform arative of what we have been saying, party had their candidate in the field, that a gentlemanof that city has backed up by about fitteen advocates returned to Canada, after a residence in his behalf, amongst the number visited several mouths in California, Ile visited all points of interest acrd un- lacing Sir Richard Cartwright, Pat- portance but found that the "glories" aeebsra orauot tee ag0" hea#u 'the" o, W terson and the Han. David ,stills who of California climate have beau exalt• The .said lata is distant from c'euzrana, Mills,who 2 miler, and from l;xeter about 0 miles arraigued the Government ou. Avery Berated. lie prefers Canada as a sad is eroseto the aehoalhouse. i!'or further partiaular8. apply to the :enc. or to n ly NOT GMT At Three ()clock in the afternoon, at 111QFF 't"S 111.QT1I , :in -the the valuable farm described as follows : Ail anti singular that certain parcel or truer of Ian:laud uretu6es situate, lying and being in the `i'owrishie of Biddelph, in the County of aliddleeex,and Proviree of Ontario, contain- ing by adweaeurotnent ono hundred aeros, be the Ramo more Or r 1esa b iu e g composed of Lot Fiye, in the Second concession of the Said Township of Bid,lu#ph. The laud is of good quality. over SO acres of which are cleared, anti ou which aro erected a 8malLEratne Rouse with Brick Cellar,. trains Earn in r;eaa condition. Rowed Log Stable and chetge--old and new, known in the place to Ilya In. Let Canadians remember this and( B. V. ELLIOT. record of crimes which the Reformat a consider well the advisability of "pul- 1 Dated 261st Au ;., l8sa7. Vendor's Solt E tetar have kept, among them belng the ling up etakoe" to remove to other grave charge that the Premier had climes, For our part Canada is the TE TSthe late outbreak in the North- boat and happiest place to live and TEST YOUR BIKING POWDER TO.BAY! west, by ini rnanagemeut and ince- die in, 4/ pability, and they held him roapon- EI)1TCRZ.4t1NOTES. THE TEST: Bible, and not rhos who rebelled, for' Brands advertised as absolutely pure Cc7W '1l.:Slcr-E1.37rnercztzwxA. place a can top dowon a hot stov'until hcatet,then Grip,which recentlyspoke of the I remove o doto t the smell. et ammtat will net be rw rein, r to detect the Koonce ammonfa, Dominion Opposition as a "rotten party led by a "coward," advocates the organization of a third party, with frohibition as owe of the principal lanks in its platform. TneuB 19 such a tremendous mo- tion against the Government that the .Reformers were actually afraid to put a Grit in the field against Mr. White in Cardwell. The Opposition can- didate is labelled ;‘Conservative." A Gm contemporary says Sir Tobn McDonald is "able." This is Itlalutiffa fully expected a verdict in 1 an awful warning to people who do intend - their favor, trot were dienppainted, as not write legibly. What was the loos of life and property which resulted through the rebellion. But the electors of Eat Durham, by the verdict which they rendered on Mon- day last by recording 870 of a major. ity 1n favor of Mr. Ward, the Con- servative, over the Reform candidate, Mr. Preston, honorably acquits the Government of having committed the innumerable crimen charged against it by the Reform press and leaders and upon which charges it was tried before the electors ou Monday. The thepoticy cf the Government has been+ ed was, of course, "a fool," or some- thing of that kind. fully endorsed and sustained. And --- the voice of East Durham may be KIEL told a Montreal Star reporter taken as indication of the opinion of the other day that be had a divine commission which was given to him in a mountain near Washington, iu 1874, by"the spirit which appeared to Moses iu the midst of clouds of flame." The spirit, addressing .r him, said "Rise, Louis David Riel, yon Price's lupulin Yeast GIME have a mission to aecontl liatt forYeast in the World, or Light, Healthy Bread, Tho hest Dry Hop the benefit of humanity." The mis• FOR SALE BY CROCERS. sion, it appears, was the raising of CHICAGO. - ET. LOUIS. the uproar in the North-West, It is deplorable i ed thine that a mon di- :f.�rQT13F,Ii F1IIIGR3TIQa'1F jIQIFIs'. � atnely appvinted should !lave offered to abandon hie work for X35,000. Sia A. PITTSBURGER, who has been tra• P SPECIAL yelling in this couutry, thinks that I eQ1w` the native Canadian is a "queer" (l1AvoRiNe fellow. "He does but little of the I business of the country," lie says I ., VORO while the Jew, and the German, and the Irishman become prominent in affairs." This may or may not be so, I RMO but our friend need not go so far E)(1RAC1'S away from home to find people quite MOST PERFECT MADE as "queer." Take away the Jaw, purest and strongest Natural fruit Flavors. the German and the Irishman f'i'om Vaniilla, delicately ynd,as e Roineltetc., the men in prominent positions in the n�Y^A^PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., United States, especially in the Northern States, and how many native Americans will be left? the electorate of the whole Dominion, and that the lone -looked -for re -action in favor of the Opposition is yes far distant. The result of the contest meat have had a very wonderfully demoralizing effect upon the editor of the London Advertiser, Hon. David Mills, as that journal has neglected to mention that the Government can- didate was elected. DOES NOT CONTAIN Al1Wi0NIA. ITS IISALTICFtHSESS 0A8 NEVER MN QV/STlosap. Hi a million homes fora quarter of a century it Lae stood tiro consumers, reliable test, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. PRICE BAIaNG POWDER CO., MAXIMS OS Dr- price's Special Fluorine E racts, "• ronred,moat deneioua and salami Savor known, and A. project is on foot among the philanthropists in England for the reclaiming of disreputable females. The plan proposed is to receive those who wish to rejoin a house of refuge, and to let them remain there a abort time, and then send them out to Canada and the United States. The reolaiming of these uufortunates is praiseworthy, and the people in Can- ada can have no objection io it, but to the wholesale despatch of such a glass of emigrants to our shores the Canadian people have serious object: gone. We have already an over: abundance of the degraded from the large cities of England, who have been sent out through the efforts of TEE Bicentennial celebration of the these philantbropio societies, and a introduction of Christianity among great number of them have, shortly the Six Nation Indians held on the after there arrival here, relapsed into Mohawk lodian reserve, on the bay their old ways ; and as a result have of Quints, Napanee, wae'bronght to a increased our criminal: population. enocessful conclusion on Saturday This scheme has been proposed by evening. The celebration was under the Salvation Army in London, Eng., the management of a committee of which denomination is endeavoring Indian ladies of All Sainte, or the to raise $100,000 to be employed in Upper Mohawk church. Sufficient shipping these fallen women to Cana- money was realized from the colo-. da. It is a disgraceful proceeding.' bration to pay off the debt upon the What will Cauada do with a host of organ for All Saints church.During worthless, characterless women ? the celebration a beautiful birch bark And we could have no guarantee of canoe was voted for, the candidatea. their remaining reformed.' It is the being Sir Sohn Macdonald, Hon. Ed wildest folly to rend to this country ward .Blake, Hon, U. kfowat, and ,511 any class of men, women' or children uukuown Independent. The result With a predispositiou to irregular at the close of th.poll WKa 880 votes habits, in the hope that a change of , for Sir John, 51 for Mr. Blake, 25 climate or medicine will reform them, for the indepsudent, and 1 for Mowat. for obstacles will confront them here as well as in England. The majority of those who employ labor in this country are very particular as to the characters of the persons whom they engage, and the Canadian house- wires would hardly be willing to en- La La Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted to euroiseasea d of the scalp, dna the first suc- cessful restorer of faded or gray hair to its. natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has had rosily imitators, but Itoue have so folly met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp.. 11AI l "s slain 1tExrtvEn loss steadily grown in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to ever} quarter of the g.obo. Its unparal- leled success eau be attributed to buoue cause; the entire fuljilnten(,il' its promises. Thoro ie p pr tots boyo often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote coun- tries,whore Dzhad oth they uevermade au effort for its introduction, The use for a short time of IIdr,L's Hint `lc - - tita ICG n wonderfully improves rhoper- sonal appearance. It cleanses the scalp front all impurities, inrlties, cures all humors fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth. The effects of this article aro not transient, like those of aleohol#e prePara- tions,but remain a long tinle,trhielt makes its use a u:atter of economy, BUCKINGHAM'S DYE anis THE W$tSI ERS WIU ttbange the beard to a natural brown, or black, as desired, It produces a permanent color that will not wash away. Cousistingof a single preparation, it is applied without trouble, PREPARED BY P, P, HALL & CO,, Hasidim, Sold by all Dealers in Medicines, FOR ALL TEE 1'0EM0 0Ir Scroflulotis ll%reurin1, and Elootl Disorders, the best remedy, because the most searching sod thorough blood -purifier, is A.yer's Sarsaparilla. 8.4110 Druggists; $1, six bottles, SA THIS (11'T and return to us with 1Oc or Se stamps. and you'll got by seturu snail a Holden Box of (;roods that will briug you in more money than anything else in America. You, fortune if you startquie'r. CIT8 NOYELTr CO., Yarmouth. N ;S, MAC KI N AC. The Most Delightral SUMMER TOUR Pelson Steamers, Low Rates.. 3'our Tripe per Waek Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And $very Week May netweea DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contain. Salt Partionlare. 3rat1Rd Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Ci, ,,C. D. WHITCOMB, 050. PATI. Aar., DETROIT. MICH. ORTHERN PACIFI R. R. LANDS 1n Minnesota. North Dakota. Mon- tana,idaho, Washington and Oregon. Fr•ora Lake Superior to Puget Sound, • Rt prices ranging chiefly from $2 to $6 per acre, sn G to 10 years time. This is the Best Country ,or securing Good Homes now open tor settlement, FREEE 3 2 0 noes of Government Lanes Free under the Homestead andimberCultureLaws. NOTE 10.818.433 Acres s Orr. NOME TITAN rr.1LF of all the Public Lands disposed of in 1853 were in the Northern Pacific country. Books and Maps sent FREE describing- the Northers. Pacific Conntiry,tlie Railroad Lands for Sale and the FREE Government Lands, Address, CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Land Com' r. N. 1'. It. 10.St. Paul. Mina Tmt titatistical argument in favour of vaccination is very powerful. Take the experience of England. In the forty years between 1760 and 1800, .he deaths from smallpox aver- aged 3,000 to every million of the C. 8c S. GIDLEY, UNDERTAKERS ___AND ---- f=urniture Manu faeurers —A FULL STJOIi OF— Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above line, to meet 1 immediate wants, We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, And Funerals furnished and conducted at extremely low prices. EHBLENE O: ALL THE DIFFERENT Soc1E7IEll.' MA N 1.10Qp; How Lost1 how Restose& we have recently puG1ished a new edition of li11 (1TILVERW ,r,L'S C.ELEBBATED 115 - SAY 011 the rn,ciieai e:i,i perm nent cure (with- out medicine) ofNcroons Debi) ty,Alen tit) mud physical capacity impediments to .1T,arsiage,. etc., resuitiug iron excesses. Price,in sealed envolope,ouly,6 eents,ortwo postas•o stamps. The celebrated author of this admirable es- soya/early demonstrates, from thirty years' succeesfulpractice, that alarmingeonaeguen- ccs may be radicals y cured without th a dang- erous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife; Point oat a mode of cure at once simple certain and effectual, by moans of which every sufferer, no matter whathis con- ditionmay be.may cure himself cheaply, pri vateivand radically. Ia'Thi lecture should be in the hands of ev- ery youth and every man in th 0 land. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY, 41 EOM ST„NEW 1.011,11 Pont 011ice Box 460 0 2 114 Ca M raTI E A12, 0a� W •, jIFTI 0 0 Q.? r szl r-1 444 See our Black 0 (.4 c4 Eisi z c6 0 El Q fes. Z d cs) H El t1 z 4*4 '4ctie nen g 1-64 tt164 Q .41 Lim 72 41 Latest Novelties of H Season OTTE. DRY -GOODS STOCK complete in all departments, and at Prices to suit the times.. TAILORING A SPECIALTY Remember we keep the place to get everything you Want and at right prices. ILIF Alit= I CHARD, The Old Established House, Exeter GAZE ON P1118! I. FOR THIRTY DAYS BISSETT BROTHERS OFFER TEN PFIt, CENT. FOR CASH OnIFORSS of;all kinds, CRADLES, SWATHS, SCYTHES, ETC., BINDING GLOVES CHEAP. Machine Oils,Itock Bottom Prices American Water White and Canadian refined Oils away down. BISSETp BROS THE BANK of TIME Main Street, Exeter. T=308. PITTON Keeps Watches Tha Are Watches And are warranted correct for Tirne, Tide, or Railroad Train, and to please the most fastidious. JEWELE-,y That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable for Romans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides, Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely Wives, Children, Hus- bands, Etc,, Etc. SPECTACLES: Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy J and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age. Give him a call. No trouble to show Goods. Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought ,t Time.