The Exeter Times, 1885-8-27, Page 3HEALTH . • MOWING W AWWTY HIS IIQNFY,
rutting Coins ire the mouthThe Freaks ata Temperance lecture
We often eee persons put a piece of mon-
ey between the lips to hold it while their
haute' are o00u lod in putting an their glovee
or adjusting the dress. It is not only untidy,
One evening recently a man of ;6neappear'
ane and good address coated quite a sensa-
tion, in the Central depot, 'Buffalo, by a dis-
tribution of his money, of which he appeared
but it is unsafe, because coins may thus con-
to possess a fair amount, Neer the ticket
office he threw away a 42Q bill, which wae
voy the seeds of disease, picked up by a gentleman, who thought it
Mad been dropped by mistake and retuned
it tc hint. The stranger again threw it down,
palled out a handful of bills and change, and
scattered it likewise. The craved wae net
slow in appropriating what he threw away.
OffieerHughea succeeded in having all the
money returned to the stranger, and then
took a walk with him to the police station.
The strane
r saedhianame waAnsley
and that he came from Fergus, Ont. Papers
found in his posaeesion.bore out Chia atate-
meat, Ile acted like a man jnat recovering
from a protraoted spree, but the condition of
hie clothes and hie general appearance did
not indicate that suoh was the case. Mr.
Grey stated that he expected to meet his
wife and mater -in-law at the depot, and join.
them on a trip to Chautauqua. Ile could
not find theist, and waited to go on alone.
Ae he could not take care of hie money, the
officers advised him to go to a hotel and
deep until morning, when he would be ail
right. Apparently he agreedto thin,and
left hie money,wbich amounted to $1,603.90,
at number 1 Station. pour dopers were
returned to him to pay for his lodgings and
anything else he might went. (Minor Hughes
then safely installed hien at the National
Rotel. After regietering he wanted another
drink, bat being refused be retired without
it, and threw himself on s, bed. The min'
Utes later he left the hotel, and was not
aeon again last night. Prom papers and
lettere in Grey's poaseaaion it appears that
hem a prominent tewpor-anee leeturor.
The Ilan, Ansley Grey is an American
temperance lecturer who took en active part
in the Scott Act campaign in Halton, Ont.,
lest year. On several 000aeione he was too
drunk to fiU his eogagemieuts, but he was so'
eloquent that bis failing wae overlooked.
Ile wae not by any moue a hypocrite. Re
did not pretend to be a teetotaler. Iia only
said he wee trying very hard to he ono but
wasn't able to roast the temptat3en. He
argued that there were thousands of others
like himself who couldn't save themselves'
send for the aaa.e of such wretches be urged
the people to prohibit the tra#Tie in liquor
and so remove the temptation. Ile was at
one time a member of the Semite of ons of
the Western States,
Drs. G. H. Fox, of New York, and Graham
of Toronto (Medical Record), after a Ifitit to
Trundle, in New Brunswick, where there
are, at present, twenty-four inmates confine
ed in the lazaretto, which is under the charge
of theSisters of Cbarity,aubmittbefollowing
1. Leprosy is a constitutional diaeaa,
and in certain cases appears tobe hereditary.
2, It is undoubtedly contagious by in-
3. There is no reason for believing that
itis transmitted in any other way.
4. Under certain conditions a person may
have leprosy and run no risk of transmitting
the dreea
5. It ie not eo liable to be tranamittnd to
*there ae syphilis in its early stage. There
is no relation between the two diseases,
6. Leprosy is usually a fatg disease,
ite average duration being from ten to fif-
teen years..
1• In rare instances there is a tendency
two recover antler the Meuse bas existed many
ft There le no valid aasou for pronounc-
ing the diseaaeincurable:
9. Judicious treatmentimprovee the con,
dition of the patient, and often causes a die-
appearanoo of the symptoms,
10, There le ground for the hope that an
improved method of treatment will In time
elect the cure of leprosy, or at least it will
arrest and oontrolthe disease.
The Thyroid Gland.
Tbaisiseitnated on both aides of the trachea'
(windpipe), near its top, the two parts being'
joined by a eo•ealled Isthmus just below
"Adam's apple." It is relativelytnueb larg-
er in infante than in adults. It Averages
about one and a half blahee is length, and
is about half aa' thick as long. It le larger
in female' than males. It isaometimos want-
ing; and in aged It aometifnes wholly de-
While secreting gl*.ndabave ducts, through
which they empty their secretions, either
out of the body or into aoma cavity within,
the thyroid and come *there --the spleen, for
inetanoe--are ductI ee, Tbey abnply with.
draw some elements from the blood, effect a
chemioal °haugeon them, and thou give them
back, through the absorbent, into the cir-
Among the aeration's to which theca glands
are liable ie goitre, in which they become en-
larged. The enlargement may be slight, or
it may be no greaten to reach upward to the
ears, and extend downward to the breast,
One case is recorded in which It reached be-
low the thighs In some parte of the world
the affections Ore quite rare ; fu *there quite
common, though in the latter it is largely
confined to certain districts'.
In. England it+ prevalence in Derbyshire
baa given it the name of the "Dorbyahire
peck." It markedly °emu late itself with
some mountains, and yet it *aura in some
level trade -At is generally thought to be
clue to something in the drinking water—
eome say magnea.anlimvatone,but it is more
probably due to some metallic aubatanoo.
In many casae the goitre may be merely
a deformity, In othort' it may obetructthe
breathing by pressing against the windpipe;
or may cause headaobe, dizeinesa, fulness of
the head, singing in the ears, by hindering
the circulation in the vessels of the neck ;
or it may interfere with swallowing, by prea-
eing on the cesophagno (gullet).
It is quite frequently associated with cre-
tinism—that peculiar idiocy in which the
brain ceases to grow, and the whole body
becomes stunted and hideously deformed,
but the latter is often found without the for-
mer. Donbtleaa each is due to a common
The most effective treatment consists in
the removal of the patient to another lo-
The gulf Bar Fan.
Zulfikar, or Zulfigar, lean the right bank of
the Hai Xtud and acme to the river. Prom
Serekha aonthward on the left er weetero
bank, is Persian territory, a distance of about
70 miles, thus giving Resales, wider clasp iu
her embrace of Ettoressan, a province expect•
ed to be absorbed, or at least utilized, when
the advance an Rerat and India takes place.
The Paas of Zulfikar is a long, narrow defile,
which at the northern end divides into two
rude, one turning to the Garmab Paw on the
west and the one on the right tends toward
isungruelli and the welt lekea which have beer
much talked of in relation to the frontier.''
The road oomea out at the south and very let
tie above the level. of ,Fieri Rud, and the
ground, although with some elevations upon
it, is somewhat level, About ten or twelve
miles to the south are the Chahar Dowli, fens
prominent peaks ; these are on the banks of
the lied Rad, where the Stoi range comes
down from Persian aide, and among them is
the Tengri Dario or gorge of the river, at
which place the roads on both sides icavethe�
stream, On the east of the Chahar Dowli,
the elevation are not eo high, and the uenal
road runs south to the Nialsheni Pass, and
the great plain leading to Horst IS reached -
From Zulfiger the branch of the Iaropalui
elan range trends to the south -must,. It ought
to be remembered that the ground between.
Pul-i-Khetum and the south entrance of the
Zulfikar Pass contains within ite ;pato the
most important art rategicel posltion between
Sarehke and Rerat, 7.'laia feet will explain
the desire of the Routing for its poaaossioa,
The Wheel of Fortune..
bfovea incessantly-- the meet buoyant to-
day may be loaded down by adversity to-
morrow. Ogee peculiarity of that famous
Alleviator of bumble suffering—Putnam
Painless Corn Extractor, he the fact that in
iand substi-
spite a:# hundreds of Imitations i-
s b
tutes it has retained ite pines in the very
front rank aa a remedy for corns, This
mut ever be the case as every person who
has used it teatiflee that it is prompt, pain -
lees and certain—three grand essentials
which, when combined, aa la the case with
1'utnam'a Painless Corn Extractor, Insure"
a sure pop corn care. Sold everywhere
An exchange has tide heading to a long
neers -e
Highland Communities.
In bygone times the majority of the clans-
men were grouped in village communities.
Their townships or farms consisted of arable
land and hill pasture, and the arable land
was cultivated in runrig; that is, it was per-
iodically redivided, the occupiers obtaining
as nearly ae possible an equal share of the
soil. Other clansmen lived as cotters on
he townships of the tacksmen, who were
generally immediate kinsmen of the chief
or chieftain ; the chief being the head of the
whole clip, the chieftain the head of a sub-
ordinate Opt. In return for their labor
these cotters received a hut and a little
land, with permission to keep one or two
It is obvious that even if the people of the
Highlands had always been quiet and Indus-
trious, the mass of them would not have had
mach chance of improving their circumstan-
ces under such conditions as these. And
they were anything but quiet and industrious
Against the Lowlander& all Highlanders
were united, but among themselves they
were constantly at feud, each clan regarding,
its neighbors with jealousy and suspicion,
and sometimes with bitter detestation.
'or egn Proverbs Oonoerving Wamen'
The number of proverbe and aayings ex-
isting oonoermieg the far sex would Dila
book, did any one take the trouble to collect
them from the works of all .nations, The
following are c'$etly foreign and unknown
Anacreon is supposed to have written that
"A beautiful woman can triumph over iron
and fire,"
A Persian proverb says, "Women is like
your shadow; if you run after her she flies ;
if you fly, she rues after you."
article: " Insanity and Divorce." But the
writer dace not tell why marriage should be
called insult,.
Joy in Every Drop,
This' may be truly sold of Polecn's
line, the greateet pain remedy of the age
It brings comfort to the weary anil'erer when
failure ass attended the= of every known
remedy. Nert'iline is an absolute ,cure for
all kinds of pain, internal, external, or local.
Purchase a 10 cent maple bottle and try
this great remedy, Nerviline, nerve pin
cure, Don't forget the Hama at any drug
The presiding officer at a political meeting
be probably called " the chair" on account
of the apparently very general desire to sit
upon bin.
Alma Lediee' Colleee, St. Thoume, Oet.,
baa full ata and complete. coarses in Lit-
ereturo, Music, Fine Arts, and Commercial
Science. Reopens September 10, 1ti85.
For 50 pp ounoement, address, Wind -
pal Auatin, B.A..
As malariasl air may endenger a good con-
stitution, aabad corapamfonsendanger&good
Prevention Better Than Care.
Many of the diseases Iso prevalent in theca
Jaye are caused by using soap oontatningg
impure and iiafectiou4 matter, Avoid all
rislc by using Penni/MN Lauudry Soap,
which is absolutely naso, Mk your grocer
for Faarl;orrox. Manufantured only by
the Toronto Soap Co,
Very nobby—A boarding-house bed.
A. vew:el mado of paper and driven by
steam has been constructed at St. Peters-
burg. She la twenty -lave feet in length and
five in width, and her draughtis but it few
fa thee.
"Memnon" he: said, " what uxakeepeople'
die, anyway " "" Everybody's got to die,"
said the mamma, in the usual evasive way
in which people atmwer ohiidrents queatioua.
"If God made people whist does Ile mean by
making them die'" " My child, you forget
that peagle moat die to make room for the
new children that aro always being bora.
There would not be room for *honing people
if nobody died," Thet'aae," said the Uttte
fellow, asateaaepletively, "nnd then there's
io many, dogs."
Lite in the Paris Sewers,
is possible, for a short bine to the rabust,
the majority of refined persona would prefer
batimmediatedesalt toexideuce in their reek -
lag atmosphere. /low muck more revolting
to be fa ones self a tieing Reirer But thin's'
A French proverb eaye, " Without wo-
man youth and age would be without sumer
and middle life without pleasure."
An old. English saying does nob agree with
these proverbs, for it remarks, "Like blood,
like good, and like age slake the happiest
Thie is pretty, from Limayraa's writings
.""The heart of a maiden inlove is a sanctuary
of gold, in which usually reigns an idol of
potter's clay."
An Oriental proverb says, "Fear more the
love of woman than the hate of man; while
an Indian one says, "A woman in love is
never wise."
A true saying of St. Prospero is that "A
woman's heart is like an instrument of
music; the beauty of its sound depends
upon the player."
And another charming saying by Duvay
is "The mind of woman is like the Garden
of Eden; it produces beautiful flowers with
out any cultivation."
Here is a sad prophecy for the profession-
al beauties : Ahandsome young woman is
always an ugly old one," This is both
German and Italian.
Dionyains Cato accuses women of always
disliking their husbands' friends ; while
Plato says that Money makes men into
slaves and renders women overbearing."
AGerman proverb says, "The beauty of
women, of the forest, and of the rainbow
last but a moment." An Italian one on the
same subject is prettier : " Beauty is like a
$ower—it quickens, it blooms, and it dies,"
Another Italian proverb was perhaps the
original cause why men marry women young-
er than themselves
If of thy wife thou wouldet be master,
Thou must by many years be past her.
The. Talmud writes—"Ascend a. step to
take a friend, but descend one to take a
wife." The Turks have a proverb, "Let thy
wife be thy inferior ; and do not marry thy
daughter to a man superior to thyself."
"Woman and moon—to-day serener to-
morrow cloudy;" "Woman and wine—
sweet in the evening, but acid in the morn-
ing," are Tuscan proverbs. Another Tus-
can proverb must have been the original of
"Punch's" famous advice to those about to
marry—namely, "Don't 1" for it runs,
"Who marries does well, who doesn't does
An Indian "proverb, which] was most re-
markable for its astuteness and its undoubt-
ed truth, is the following: " It must alwa"ys-
be the women who are in the wrong, and not
the men, because men have reserved to
themselvee the right to decide what is right
and what wrong."
Although we don't eee Judge. Lynch, he
must be hanging round somewhere,
tif EXn
.wt,ED g
co 3
7t n1;8YxssrSY,A for sal awoe0w1, twit
yeaxil?,.7 heifers and ono boll. Writ* far Owls
prlaa cal rtaltirrea on. 7f. Baxua,'r,efaleay.
ALirr1BL FABM FOR SALE -100 sore*, $
rt4itee east of tee carp of S. Monne 7QQ
ftxoiars, adeitese J. J. Lewitt, Now nexus, Ont
Pork. Paekera, Toronto„
C. Bacon. Roiled Spice Moon. C. C. Bzeau,
G ow Beet lime, Sugar Cured Nem. Dried heel.
B rfast B*eon, Smoked Toaguea, Mere Pork. FIoLI-
ed Tongue%. Chow*, Family or Nary Pork. Lard in
Tuba and rein. The ,Beet Brenda at English Pisa
,hsfry Salt iu Wok.
Provincial Exhibition.
MO Ina alrsrt,1s4 e.r,Sit
grl^ulnue and Arts Amenie0tien of Oattarlo
To Mt B*1,a ar
•i 17401E 7114
o 12th Sept,l 1885. of ail *a
A3trs8 P031 x341$. O1i$
J. Daaar, !sleds.
ASK XO'1JLl; 0R0
akil aditat t ,-Q0
earantart POLL y tyr Ina Ike 004k► tm -
ae"• s a • n
I1K R r.r i
130,000 IN PREMIUMS AND 3!i1 P4I,5
Owing to the Dubai= resat of silo con* .app'e.
mesaaryeditke the Prise ties Ma »son Mork
.s 60011e17 new Itis ter the Ester; SO pages.
go 40 drift tdltita t3if1 to tw:d.
Ito to come from the Narth•Weot rind the
Preview& Oa Maas exhibit* *z*ao.ort
or passengers and freight on all pxiecip*l
roads let tee Dominion.
ow to be made in all doom cf Pre Stuck sad
lliotl by .lam.! ; ilairticultural rodents,
(s'1 L,a�lfe rk, eio.. by An Eo
te be o2 nue by Ms Rxxsileeef atto
bath editions and RUA Foram can be
£le; by pro card or otherwise to **0
1110NR k- WADE,. sea-ea.t.•
+a *$.lk"rs"italesaa itafevleear,
combined. l
Mirk yawl e`!
Seateae ?aramene
Grotto awl Paivy a srdla ..4ireterera'
Scaled, apnea ler Domestae.
U In keeDec1, Consult Tear meat
Br purobaa*laga orals, sed in buyte one be sass
toot Oa beau Oar *rale aro folly warranted fn
every pertittsiar. Ail magas ir.4i:eaais lrareamise
and Mils Troche Alarms A*eaey araweal.
Far calla by thea li*reware Trade getae lls7. 3i.
lootritad Condom& & and Psics List fonr*rd4d timet
w, mouv3--3la41traal and wlealpeg.
he; no aft *3 tool p,w lt^_nr, hand or horsoorvrer
actually the con with them is whom the in•1Ararat p ori! molatlaranas ; "'maOens
for La
activity el the liver drives the refuse nmeteri els elwatx aiyA7GMT, t•U W1LTON us'
" Now," said a college professor, "be-
fore I begin I want some one to give, me his
idea of an angel." The young men looked
at each other and snickered, but no one
said anything. "Dear me," said the good
man, " has no one even heard of Lucifer?
" Oh, yea," said the book worm of the class,
" Lucifer was the man that started the Ger-
man reformation,"
at the body to taupe through the lunge,
breath, the pores, kidneys and bladder. Its
to eatonishleg that life remains in suck a
dwelling, Dr. Pferoe'e " Golden Median
Discovery" restores normal purity to tleol
system and renews the whole being.
The bashful 'man always holds a "flush.'
Throw Away Trusses
and employ the radical, .now method, gnar-
anteod to permanently *oro the worst eases
of rupture. Send two letter stamps for re -
foremen', pamphlet and turas. World's Dix-
pensary hiedloal Assoclatiee, 663 Main
1 rnInED DIIIINCE['1A'dY Ii�CJiror*,
Oared inVrsaara, Trunks. Wardrobes. etc.-
iyd:duwIa insects,
mprag*elighsoddto pperfumeto t
clothing. carried or worn upon tae pawn they are
b7 their powerful ooneeetrated d1eirdee1* t proper.
tl a ar
si measa protsotto a a8si t
asst Izalco fon
of hues. givlag oft at tits woo tints a moatdel11tht-
ful odor; made entirely of satin In escorted Wore.
awry pretty, unique, and neat Every ono should,
bars Mom. Pylae 30o Garb -three for !So Thyme -
Cresol Soap. the great E*glob disiofeetent Wet
coop, surfed the amid medal. Loudon, Eng, 1se1.
!Argo cakes, prfoe Ilio, or iso, per box at S ashes,
neat paatne paid to anyaddraw upon receipts.I price.
Meese TnrtiaCssloLComm ,78PCr iggt.1Ioo.
treat Cheaters end dascriptionaofour OaglirhThy-
htreet, Buffet°, N. . , mo -Cresol preparation mailed lima on application.
ONLX 33.80.
01.0r1uE3 w*1:1ia7ARB
Royal Caaas-
DuzimKiang/ess, Twa
Roller and Theme
Roller, Write for
Despise not any rasa, and do not spurn agaafhwordd, writ* for tams
anything ; for there tat no man that hath not
his hoar, nor is thereanything that hath not
Vs place.
" Her face so f air, ea flesh It seemed not,
Rut heavenly portrait of bright angel a hue.
Clter ea the sky. without a blame or Not
Throiath goodly mixture of oomplexiona due,
aaad' in her cheeks tire vermeil red did*boe."
This is the poet's description of a woman
whose physical system was in a perfectly 1 to oar a'o sats n
Toa. Ufa, Blinn
Vulva is tea only
- fait 1ifaolanive
t ■ weak&,
an on earl l+
aexri ad without
'nrttaols .•• wan
bawd, toga win lase
Math eo to lee plata*
is mahout,stiau
traatadall eras 'at:
ads• aataplaaeatru
tsislaudta:rttw7Qaran rdadlesnAs,x•d-ranee:nowaa,Tos'
slather. sad awry 1sdY will her attar tryfa[ it-
to nnoo/ 1s'dArve aPSa iter cdaf1 bd11twaadSlantad
sound and healthy state, with every function tarloraa.,za bawls straet.soltoax°.Canada
actin;; properly, and is the unviable condition
of its few patrons produced by Dr. Pierce '&
" Favorite Prescription," Any druggist.
Some admirable brass fire -gilt mantlell,
broad and lofty, and oonetituting imposing
mineral decoratione, are finding their place
in modern mansions.
Our readers will be glad to know that the
British American Business College of Tor-
onto reopens on. Tuesday, Sept. tat" This
institution under its present management
offers to the business student facilities un-
*larpaaaen by any other educational eetab-
lishment in Canada,
Never confide your secrete to paper; it Is
like throwing a atone in the air, and if you
know who throws the stone, you do not
know where it may fall:
Milan Linc Royal Mail steamships.
Siilinednring winter *from Portland eveprry, Thunder
and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool amain ammo
from Quebec every Baturdarkonf,ervoo{,o Menet Ben
deaden*, to laud malli and p nng�en for So rani an
Ireland.. Also fromBaltfmore,iIIIIHaUf*nand St. Muer
N.S., to ',Warped fortnightly during summer months,
The &termers of the a i&Wmw lines sett during � winks
to andirons Halifax, rortiand. Boston and Plriladaal
phis ; and during summer between Olaanow and Boas
trawl weakly; ailasgowand.Bosdoni weekly; and Oladov
and 1°hiladelphia, fortnightly,.
Forfreight,aasaassasgse, or other tnformador
sppl/ to 3. Sohn msoher & Co., Baltimore; S.
Cunard & Co. srnlifa,- ; Shea & Co. 8t. John's.
N. F.; Wm. Thomson es Co., lit. John, N. B.°
Allan & Co.. Chicago ; Love & Alden, New
York ; H.. Bourller, Toronto ;A:2311ae & Co.
AAlllan.Portland. B tion. Alerti ]3. dl
The extraordinary emcees which has
every year characterized the Toronto Ex-
hibition promises
xhibitionpromises to be repeatedthisseaaon.
In fact, in point ofiattractions and in the
liberality with which the prize list has been
prepared, the great Industrial Fair will this
year be ahead of any anneal exhibition on
this continent, if we except, perhaps, the
St. Louis Pair. The entries and applications
for space already made far exceed those of
any, previous year, and the' managers are
being put to their wits' end to know how to
provide for them !all.' . Cheep 'rates and
excursions will be given on all railways,
and our readers will not be disappointed if
they make up their minds to pay Toronto a
visit at the time of the Fair, A11 entries
must be made on or before the 22nd of
August, and intending exhibitors should
not fail to make a note of this fact.. Prize
Lists and any other information can be,
procured by dropping aped -card to Mr. Hill
the Secretary, at Toronto. The Fair will
this year be held from the 9 to the 19th of
The only way for a rich man to be healthy
is to exercise abltinenoe—to live as if he
were poor.
The aim in the manufacture. of Messrs.
Puckett & Son a, " Myrtle Navy " tobacco is
to develop and retain the natural aroma of
the tobacco. This requires great skill and a
knowledge of very, interesting chemical laws
but the results attained, are vastly superior
to all forma of flavoring extracts.
" Oh, you can laugh," exclaimed Fender-
son, with a Show of impatience, " but I am
not quite so much of a fool as you think I
am." " Tell you the truth," said Fogg, " I
didn't believe it could be poesible."
ONLY $3.*O.
THE 1C1014P L*T IY
TOR MAitrfll%
'Warranted lint -
claim, or money re
funded. Sanddi-
root to menufan
tnreray or procure
from your Hard-
ware or Rouse.
Furnlehing dealer;
The !New Co.Operative
Hamilton Industrial Works Co., Mlanufaaturers, Hamiltoli, Can.
Tide College, rounded in Ms. hes had is *ttendaaoe over 3,000 diderent oh/deals. 18 others
"450525.1 culture" and for mateknls tion to Arta, 'Law, eta , at moderato cod. The Co
Coarse embreoee bulb " roatrieulation work" and aeieoted curdle. in Science sad Philosophy, The
of Ruda has awarded M diplomas of lrraduatioa in throe years. It wae never so papier alt now. The
nem Collage is under the direction of a practical aoconntant. Ornamental penmanship a,peofalfty the
School of Art iala..MIMIon with the Ontario Soboalof Art, and teache* its (ourares-
133. A special course of lectures ter eminence atadsnto of the Methodist Gbur*. lowish* the Har. Des.
Carman,, Jethro, the Per. J. B. Charlton. ALA, and others take park will be riven during timidnessa ra ls.
6B. A ',cocoon 1s' taw of ill per rept. (Instead of a deft*ite sem as fosmstly) 1. wanted ,o stades* Midst
wo or more Departments. Roth lad* and gentlemen admitted. Pall forma mons September '8th,
REV. W. P. DYER, M.B., PrQaidents
Prizes Wherever Exhib- Qu f i J 1ntk
Medals and First n li
$1O Reward for the Conviction
Of Deers whoIVI! ferias Oil of Qthel:
Sell in- cCO Manufacture for
NO rpm
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Pool Oil1:3s , Eureka, Cylinder, Bolt
Cutting For sale bra leading ddealers.McColl BrTorontoCos'
Examine Their . Superior Merit !•
11:73EU3Eii pM
eying Iai1t1uc!lo
Latest improved attaehmentE
tgonts price for similar machine IOC
Our price only $25 each.
Before buying send us .tamp for our elegant pboio
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ni.u5 lady wan ins 1 machine win do well so write M
The Co -Operative
wig l Aim Co.
The Host Efeetive, Clean, Datable and Ileonomical'Heaterss In the Market for warming and
ventilating Churches, Schools, Public Buildings, Stores and Private Residences. Simple in
construction and easily managed, capable of giving more heat with less consumption of fuel than any other
heating apparatus. tar Absolutely Gas Tight.1101 Seven sizes are made and can be set either in
Brick or Portable Form. Correspondence solicited, For Catalogues and further information address,