HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-8-27, Page 1LEG T H. DICESO , Barrister, Sofi- a 1 • alter of Supreme Court, Notary Public Conveyancer, Commissioner, &C. Molloy to Lean. WAoe ln.r anson's Block, Exeter, M McFADDEN, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., EXETER, • ONT. °Mee Sem well's Block (hall's old office.) DENTAL. CAItTWRIGHT, L. D. S„ Has opened dental rooms over O'NEIL'S BANK, where he will be prepared to extractteethwithout Pain. All dfill! ntgan.speoi allay. Office'houx 9 a, in: to 5 put. OKARoas Mopana,Ta. Tanars leant. KINBMAN,DENTIST.�,D.S { f pato. Haaremoy ea to Sam we11's;B1'k Teeth ex- tracted without Af4DIOAL CLUT.'Z, td. D., . Office at. hisresidence 'Exeter. T R.IRVING, GRADUATE OU VERw3IT7C Trinity Cottage. lkletmber of G211ega pbyeicia nand anrgeonr Ou,,, .fAn' 444/Oaten, ,B.RYNDMAN,--CORD NE11 FOR theQountyyof Hurort. Office, opposite'. kir I Carling's store ,Exeter W. BIiOWNZNCir M. D.,bl. 0 • P. ri,GraduateVietorfaUniveraity.RiT,ce aualreeidence,Do z.iz+ionLaboratazv.Exeter. It, J. A, ROLLINS, M, C. P. S O. ()fllce, Main St.I:xetor,Ont. Residers eah.su.serecently occupied by r .MoPhi111pa,1 VETT1iIN'ARE -t TENNENT & TENNENT, Vetere- nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toren• V), have op ea, oned an °Mee forthe tree tinted, o f AU Dbraestlo Anluaals, an If•hliareet 7- Exeter. Calla ritt nue "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE. CHIPS 'FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL.. XII., NO. 49. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1885. JOHN WUrTE & SO Publishers and, Proprteto' t V IST .. ✓ C.J�..1I l( J�J Petty's Choice Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Lard,Cracked Wheat and Roiled Oats, Oranges and Lemons, r ns, AT Gr. A A. YND.MAN';- FANSON'S BLOCE The only Thorlay's H, & 0 Food. Only 10c. per lb„ or $8 per owt. EDUCATIONAL. Wesleyan Ladies' College 180.#1114TQN, CANADA. The oldest and the most complete )Ladies' Collegein tho,Dominton: hes over 190 gradu-. vain; has educated over 2,000 young Iadies ; baa over 190 rooms. and every convenieucefor comfort and health. Unusual advantagea in Music and Art, Ops Sept. 1. Address the Principal, (Mention this paper.) A, IIERNS,A.fa„1:,,1411. . ilnaa Ladies' College THOM4tS, ONTARIO. IToe fluent buildings,b'urnlebinga, Grounds 4c., for the pu esetu Canada. yen Stair ot 18 Graduataa and Certiaeated. Toacbara in Literature, Music, Fine Arte, Commercial Science. Ile -opens Sept, iota For 0O -1,p. Announcement, address rnrweirar, Avsmer, xtao, PRO RTlt LIaT,...-_ T1ARM FOR SALE IN STEPHEN, I,ot?:o5,in 4th Concession, 100 sons. Forgarticnlara apply to b., 885. B. V. ELL/OT, Solicitor, tic,, Exeter EXHIBITIONS. from >\ ale tenet) prowerr attended to:- Medicine for Jforsaa Gattlo,So alwayson band: 'GRAND DOMINION OMNION AUCTIONEERS. AND FORTIRTIlf ENRY EILBER, Licenaed Auo Provincial : Exhibition tioaeer for Gay. Stephen, and McGflli- vra3;Towashipe: Soles conducted atninderato rates. Office -At Pest-oeloe, Crediton. Out. JOHN GILL, Auotioueer for the Townships of Stephen, Huy and Cabanasad the Villn oof Exeter. AU sales prosuntll• attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. MONEY TO LOAN. 1\,TONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES i its. tate forthe Huron. & Erie/man •+' flay. ing*Soofety. Low rates ofintorosi. Apply to John Speakman ,I•.xetor- t{ ONEX TO LOAN AT 6 ANI) 64 i . pereeut.aecortliva totems. Private Funds. APPlytc 31., V.FLLIOT, Auguet15,'8;. ! Solicitor, Exotet , INSUitANCE M J. CLARK., Agent for:the Us - a.,11 • borne anti Hibbert liutual Vire soca Company, Residence -3rd Cone Usborno Orders bvmail toExeter 1.0., promptiyat- tendedto, TORN McDFlN ELL, ISSUER OF te MARRIAGE LICENSES. Ora•Ica IN NAN8ON'5 mLOCR. Also agent for the Loudon Mutual Insurance Company of Canada,?floroantilo Insurance Co —Capital $500,000.00 Bead Ofllce Waterloo; Ont. Glasgow & London Insurance Coy -Cap - $2,500,000 ; Head Ofilce, Montreal : Stand- ard Life Insurance Co., Head Office, London, England ; Guarantee& Accident Co, Head Office, Toronto. JOHN 1tifeDONELL Exeter. TWATERLOO MUTUAL RE FIRE INSURANCE Established In 1803. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. This come anv has been over Eighteen years in successful operation iu Western On- tario,audcontinues to insure agaiuetloss or damage by Fire ,Buildings,MerchaudisoMan. ufactorios,and all otbordescriptions ofltnsui- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this Company has issued 57,006 •Policies • covering property to the amount of$40,872,038; and paid in loss- es alone $709,752,00 Assets, 8170,100.00, consisting of Cash n.dank, Government Deposit, and the unass- essed Premium Notes on handand in force. J, W.WALVENM D. Prosideit. C. IX. TAYLon, Secretary. J.B. HUGHEs,Inspector. CHAS. SNELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity. J MPORTAN T NOTICES . TRY I. DEARINC'S Central Shaving Parlor b'orOlean and easy shaving, fashionable hair cutting, &e. Clean Towels for every customer, Next door to Central Hotel. -NJ. GIARK, COMMISSIONER • in the Court cfCommon Pleas• -Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leases,and all forms of ag- reements drawn and executed accor,ling to law. MONE9,, TO LOAN OR BEAL ESTATE. Parties wishing to borrow money on account of re- centpurehasea ofland,or topay off existing mortgages will find a great saving by giving me a call, Oan lend money at6 and 63 per Dent. accordingtoterms. N.J.CLARR Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher ,& General Dealer J�VJ_ 113 I J� I S Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS 'AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE ,CHIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Under the auapdeo* or the AGRICULTURE AND ARTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO, TO 135 HELD AT LONDON FROII% THE 7tb. to l2th Sept., '$5 MANI/S01IE PREMIF.MS GIVEN Entr ei Roust be trade with the Secretary at Termite, ou or actor* the uedormeutianed &ante•, viz : horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine. Poultry, Agri- cultura1 implements, on or before Auguetl5th, hField aueneronMacinaadManufctresgally, or before August abut. Horticultural Products, Ladies' ,York, Fine Arts, etc., On or before August 29th, Prize Lists and Blank Forms for snaking the entries eau be obtained of the Semetariex cf all Agricultural and Horticultural Societies and Mechanic's Instirutes throughout the Pro- vince; from Geo: Molltoom, of Western Fair, London ; and from the Secretary. HENRY WADE, Agricultural Hall, Toronto, CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR AND— Agricultural Exposition, 18136, WILL BE HELD AT THE OITT of TORONTO SEPTEMBER 9th to 19th. The largest Prizes knd the best show of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Agricul- tural, Horticultural and Dairy Products, Ma ahinery,Implements:and Manufactures of all kinds in the Dominion of Canada Prize Lists and Entry Forms can bo obtain- ed from the Secretaries of all Agricultural Societies and Mechanics' Institutes, or they willbe sent anywhere on application by post- card to the Secretary, at Toronto. ENTRIES CLOSE AUG. 22nd A LARGE NUMBER OP SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Are beingpropared for that timo, for full par- ticulars of which see Special Programmes. Cheap Rates, and Excursions on all Rail- ways. The best time to visit the City of Toronto. J, J. WITHROW, H. J. HILL, President. Manager and Secretary, Toronto. THE SIXTH Annual Exhibition, —OF THE— SOUTHERN : C .UNTIES FAIR ASSOCIATION Will bo held at the CITY of ST. THOMAS —ON -- Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday & Friday SEPTEMBER 22, 23, 24 & 25,1885. Open to the World. 'Very Liberal Prize List. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. -- Farmers' Race, Races for Pacers, Trotters, Pairs of Roadsters, Lady Drivers with Double Team, Running Races for Horses ridden by Ladies, Gentlemen's RoadHorses, &c9 ODDFELLOWS' SPLENDID BAND Passengers and Exhibits at Half Lure on the railways. Soo Mammoth Posters. Sand for Prize List. EDWIN NICOLL, JOHN A,KAISS, President, Socrolary, OAG`.JI.t1NE.----Cement for Brok- enArticles. Sold everywhere. Sole Afekers.--KaY BIROS.. Stockport Fngiand, FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. SEED, Aniseed., , COMPOUND S zO,To uI, &a'. with Cbloradvne. AY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent oxuoutorant forQoat;he andCelds. grAY'S .COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally serrloablo: for gorses autl0attle. 'WAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific iu • Neuralgia Face -ache &e. !nlereolosialRail�ay The Direct Route from the West for all points in NtlwBruuswick, Nova Bootie, Prune Edward laland. Cape Breton and Newfoundland. Ali the popular sea bathing, fishing and pleasure resorts et Canada aro along this lino Pullman ears leaving .1outreal cm Mon- dayY,Weduesday, and Friday run through to ilalitax, and on Tuesday. Thursday and Satur- da • to St. John, N. B., without change, Close connectlous made at Pointe Levis wltt+ the Grand Trunk Railway and the ltleballen and 5fontreal,andat LCompany's h the North Share Railway EllegAnt Arat•elaes Pulilnan, Barret and Smoking Cara no all throwtrains. First•class Refresbweutllooms at convene eat dtataucce, Iui'O1tTERS ANI) EXTORTERS w11111 l it advantageous to use this route All it in the quickest 111 poiut of time.andthe rates aro as low as by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast spacial., traius and experience bas proved the Inter. colonial route to be the quickest for European freight to and from all points in Canada and the Western Staten, Tickets may be obtained and also informs. tiou about the route and about freir,bt and pasaengorrates from ROBERT R, monntF, Westoru Freight A: Pannonger Agent 00Regain 'liaise Block, York St., Toronto D. POT'CINGElt, Chief Superintendent. Railway Ofllce, Moue tort, N. B:, May I1, `85.1y. DRUC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's , Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. TO ADVERTISERS. A list of 964 newspapers DIVIDED INTO STATES AND SECTIONS will be sent on ap- plication—FREE. To those who want their advertising to pay, we can offer no better medium for thorougn and effective work than the various sections of our Select Local List. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO:, Newspaper Advertising Bureau,10, Spruce Street, New York. During the storm on Monday night Iasi week ill Neil McKinnon, of the 9th con. of Bent'ack, was struck dead by lightning as he lay in his bed. Beside him lay hie wife and babe. Mrs. McKinnon was prostrat- ed by the shook, and badly burned, but towards morning slue rallied to consciousness. The baby becoming alarmed cried out and awakened a girl sleeping in another room The girl, as she lay listening to the cries of the child, imagined she emelt something burning, and proceeded to Mrs. McKiunon's room. where` she found the bedding in flumes. She undertook to arouse Mr. MoKinnou, when in her excitement, she rolled him out on the flcor, and immediately proceeded to extinguish the flames, in which she was successful. On ex, amination it was found that Mr. Mo Kinnon's left arm was blackened,' and that a black strealt extended across the neck. $30 Reward! CHILD DESERTION. Whereas about the middle ofJuue, an infant (male) about three weeks old, was left at the door of Mrs. Dinnin's residence, at Lnmley,by some unknown party er parties ; anal on Suit. day morning, the 16th August, another infant (female) about two menthe old, was left in similar mannerat the house of JohnideQueen, neard.umloy' io the Township of Uaborne: Th. Municipal Council of Uaboruo, being calledupon to proyide guardianship for sale children, hereby offer the above reward for such proof as Will lead to the eonvictlon of said parties for child desertion. Comwmppnnications, addressed' to the under. sinned at•Exeter P. 0. will bo kept private. N. J, CLAM, p,Caberne. ROUND THE COUNTRY. Ciandeboye. S. S. J, writes : -"1n your leaf Ione I noticed an item in the Granton news, etatug that Granton public school palmed, six candidates at the Nang entrance examination, being twine ae many as any other school in Eaa1 Middlesex, Ile says part of this requires modification, ae S. S. No, 12, Biddulph followed closely, passing five at the same examin-- ation,” [Indeed the number passed by S. S. No. 12 is very oredital;lo to the teacher and is worthy of notice. En.] Kirkton At the first annual gathering of the clans et Woodeto°k on Wednes. day last, our .esteemed friend, t1r. Autos Doupo, an'.oeeded in carrying off several prizes it: the athletic epode, as follows;. ----L lual eompet. ition, running hop step and junto, let prize; distauce, 41 feet.101 inches., Running higtllblemp, let prize, 5 feet, 7 inches. in the eauted; open to the world, he seemed third prize in ran• ning long jump; distance 20 feet, also second in tate runnmug sigh jump; 5 feet, 7i inches, We consider this exceedingly clever for our young friend, and if he foll,tw3 tlris up by improving, will make itis mark in the world amciuget the celebrated athletes 'rhe Blauehard fall exhibition which is to be held Oct, 8th and 9th in this village, premien to be a grand affair. trttd for prize list, Mr.1 Rob t. Be ee oroetar Y• Usborne. A special meeting of the council was held oil Wednesday, the 19th inst. AlI the members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed, This Dloetiig was called by the Reeve, for the purpose of putting a stop to the nefarious ,traffic of child desertion reeently indulged in in tins township In the neighborhood of Lumley. After mature deliberation the following resolutions was passed : Moved by 11. Gardiner, seconded by H.,Horney, and resolved, that a re- ward of $30 be offered by this mun– icipality for such proof as will lead to the conviction of the parties guilty of the crime of child desertion in the township, and that the clerk be authorized to advertise such reward iu the Seaforth Expositor. the Exeter TIMES and Reflector. (See advertise– ment in another: column.) N. J. CLARE., Clerk. Usborne S. S. No.3. WAYLAID.—On Friday evening last, when a young man, of this section, was returuing home from Kirkton, in company with a younger brother, he was stopped opposite the school house by another of our young resi- dents, who demanded him to state to his face what tie had beau Baying to others about b;rn. The young man thus addressed, replied "Oso thing I said was that I could pound you." He was told to "come on," and jump- ing out of his buggy, he opened fire. A brother of the assailant, who had concealed himself in ambush, came forth and began encouraging his brother, but to no goad effect, as he was apparently receiving the worst of it. The reserve then joined in the combat, and after a few minutes of toil and battery, the assailed party concluded that he would po,tpone the light until be could meet the enemy on equal gronul, and accordingly got into his buggy and drcve off, while his assailants showered rocks after him. Fortunately none of the missies took effect, for if they had struck the Sating ,mate Redone resuite would have been the consegnenco. Such conductis a disgrace to our neigh- borhood, and should be put d, wn by making those who are guilty of it to feel the penalty of the law. Com. William Geddes, Eden Hilts, writes have .used Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters for Dyspepsia and prefer it to all other modi-, cines I have ever tried, iu no ease has it failed to produce the desired effect, and I can cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers from. Dyspepsia. Yours truly, WILLIAM GEDDES. Centralia. wiemememeert Not Jri'a1l?'ront Horne. Nowa pondensed, Mr. Joseph Foster, of the Parr line, Stanley, threshed twelve acres of fall wheat which turned out fit bushels per acre. Mr, Joe. Temple, ton, of the BAbylon line, also tilted'. ed 10 acreswhich yielded 40 bushel; per acre Mr. Gorge Anderson, of the Parr line, Stanley, was reaping, when, he thiuks some, boa .stung the horses and they made .a sudden start, and threw him off his treat. His feet got tangled in the linea, and he was drag. PEannsu,.--43,7', Callander and ged a cousidearble aistauoe and big brother, have been visiting at Mr. baok and lege bruised, but he was net Abbott's during the wit number of seriou,rty hurt, The hone ran away, days.—Joseph Anderson, is making making a total wreok of the reaper. ail extended visit to St.` Joseph's A young man named' Wild,. of Ialaud. •)kir, Dereham, who has been Hollnesvitle, employed with Ur. A. ill for some time is recovering. Halstead, ct the Maitland eon„ met .Brieta,—The Coughlin Bros. ship- with an accident which eubeaquently ped a oar load of sheep from this resulted in his death. He went ont station a few days ago.—Mr. John into A f eta to catch a horse, and bad Parsons has shipped immense quell- just taken hold of it by the mane, titles of tall bark from here and Port when it lifted its head with a audden .Blake,-.-..Abhett St Bleary are bold- jerk, throwing item pioleutly *Pied ing an auction sale at Woodham,. a fenoe, and injuring his spine.. Quite a number attended the Cale- I gediaai assistance was called in, bull (Ionian games at London on Thurs. be only lived three or four days after day last. They report having a good i the accident, tinge,• --.The first load of new wheat 1 Mr, Oberlin, Harris, of Lieury, was was marketed barn by )kir. ItIurloak, ,passing by Mr. Win, 8raithora, with Messrs, Neil & Rollins have the s laud roller tied behind his waggon contract of building a stable for Mr. last week. °aa of Mr, Swither.' m Marehell, The sae gentlemau is little girla ran Out, and attempting having a very neat oottego built and to climb on the roller unnoticed by will move into tt as soot as possible, her, Harris, elle fell before it and was NSPCC Away --Another old and inetantly kilted. hlr. Harris' little respected resident, in the person of i boy, rrho was riding with hie father, Uri. baa. 'Wilson, of this village has drew bis attention to the child's con- puled away to jaiµ she majority,' dition, wheu Mr. IL stopped, went She had beau ailing far somue ;inns, back, sad found the child dead. but on Sunday evening 16111 inet., Last weak Ale.. John. Dobson, was suddenly taken worse and died in fisherman of Southampton, naught a few minutes. The deceased had in one haul six Iron; which eggregat- been a resident of Stephen township i ed 195 lbe, One of them *tete for over thirty years, and was ohariv4. turned the scelee at 48 lbs., which is about the mond largest fists ever caught in take Huron. We bays only heard at one being caught that ad by all who knew her. The family have the sympathy of the people in this neighborhood. The funeral oortage, which took place the follow- f exceeded the/ weight, and It was ing 'Tuesday, to the Fairfield bury. taken, at Hayfield a good many years ing ground, was quite large, end ago and weighed 62 lbs. Port Elgin after interment, an impressive sermon Times. was preached by Rev. Mr. Kershaw, —The auxatljii," the newly:appointed minister to the Centrally circuit. ll 8a11. Cale Roldp,lx. Our annual 'toiv," TolioN'ro, Aug. 25, --Dr Bryce, of the Proviaial Health Board, proposer, ae au iuteriw it:canto to prevent was last Thursday—a delightful day the importation of emali-pox from —and rigidly observed by all of our g outresltht all the frontier local buelnees mei, who seemed to hail a d 011theline of the Grand with joy the day when they could Trunk and Caonbiaa 1:'aoi6° Bail - leave Ilea °area sad worries of ebap aftdstheir e should il ortose be unic dwith, and d desk behind them and take an outing with their families and friends. 8 of the act of 1$S5, for making A large number went to London to' further proviaiou for public health} witness the Caledonian games held and, iulimation given that, it they there, and all who did so express have not already appointed a 'melba themselves as more than satisfied omcer, aha oirautar sent should b with the sports, The shrill pibroch considered a formal regnest to thse strains awakening menioriies,of heath Cduuoii; sed if, five days after receipt er glad hills and "peat reek" dear to' of this request, no such officer has every sou of Auld Coils. Another been appointed, the Provincial Board party pickuioked tt Bowman's grove, would apply to the Lieutenant Gover- fortifying their systems by the lake uor forpower to appoint to such breezes and a liberal supply of those mnixcipalities. Circulars to this tempting and luscious viands which effoot have been sent out, the good Indies of Hensall know so hiNusrox, Aug, 25.—Dr. Fee, the well how to prepare. No wonder the medical ofilaer, has asked the Mayor boys like picnics 1 Surely scones like t0 adoptthe system of compulsory these are well calculated to ennoble vac°lnation, and not to permit any the mind, improve social connections child to attend school who has not and impart feelings of love for country been vaccinated. and home that wilI beet, PRE:scoTT, A.v„ 26.—Smallpox has ODDS atm END3.–Our P. C. is still broken out at Cardinal, nine miles doing his duty. In on affair of do• from this town, on the St. Lawrence. mesh° infelicity his services were cat. There Is excitement here. led into requisition. His august pre- MONTREAL, Aug, 25.—The of aaial sence struck the oo::lbataits with 'ter- report at the health office this morn, ror dumb" and now "peace reigns ing shows that there were 69 new ' supreme."—Scott Act advocates are oases of smallpox reported yesterday. sniffing the breezes and think they The Health Department have decided can discern the adox of "tangle leg."to give no information of oases repurt- If so It must have Dome from afar. led on the same day, but make an offi- Nothing so low in our town.—The Ciai report on the following morning griud still goes on ; our mill is ship- When the new wins of the hospital ping large oonsigumouts of flour to is built Dr. Nolin will devote his time their sale room at Hamilton. The exclusively to patients there. firm means business, and their in- MONTREAL, Aug. 25.— About 80 creasing trade shows it.--illacarthur's cases, so far as known, were reported stores aro being completed and pre: to -day, but only a portion of these sant a tidy appearance.--Sehoole are have been investigated by the health again open ; our energetic teachers, officers. Of the 69 reported yester- Mr. Case and Miss Calbiok report dey 17 were verified. A naso has good full classes at the recent exams, occurred in St. Rosa pari h, and the patient, a young girl, is nob expected Our pupils did well and considering the character of the papers, the teach: to recover. It is reported that the ars deserve no small amount of credit disease has broke- out a Richelieu, for the result. Few schools can some miles from Montreal; also at make such a showing. Faruham. Following are the cases ��- in existence iso far as known: St. Ann A curious case has been reported ward,2. St. Antoine, 8; St Louts, •52; from Hibbert. A. little danghter of ` St. Mary's, 62; Hochelaga, 3. Fol - Mr. W. H. Gray was taken very ill lowing are the deaths up toiyesterday: last week, and medical aid was sent April, 6; May, 10; June, 13; July 46; for. The medical attendant soon dis- August to date, 145; total, 220. covered that her ailment was a stop- Lieut. Col, Hughes was detected page of the bowels, paused by dis- by a special watch in the act of tear - placement. He applied the usual lug the placard off his house, remedies without effect, and finally 'roamer°, Aug, 25.—It is reported called another physician to oensnit that three new ewes of aulallpox with flim. The two decided that have broken o it ou Bsrkely .e•reet. nothing caned be dole except to re- lieve the pain, uuless an operation was performed. The parents of the patient not favorably dt;'posed to such Daae of a n interesting experiment a course, the uled;cal attendant left '"'hich has jlust been made in Gies - with very little hope for the life of g°N• With a view to cultivating a the suffering one. Not so with the testa for flowers amongst Iho school parents, Thev had faith and lupe in board children of the city, as a part a mono thittt llgsa t skill, and alley of their fine art education, the Kyrle telegraphed on Saturday to LDndou Society in December last distributed for some of the elders of the seat to 1,236 plants amongst, -the pupils o which they belong, and on the arrival seven schools, to he trained by then) of the elders the latter placed their at how and 'returned for exhibition. bauds upon the patient and prayed '2lre result has been that out of the over her. On Suuday morning early 1,236 plants given clef 624 were m- over bowels resumed the normal con: turned for show, their appearance dition moved freely and the patient at giving Marked indication ot careful .once recovered. tending. Lovers of the beautiful in nature will learn with pleasure of the sue-