The Exeter Times, 1885-8-20, Page 7and a n d then steps is w w it ie ve 'OUR YOUNG' FOLKS. = The A%atio Power. There is a subtle, mysterious' influence about some reons that is trulyremarkable. Pa ne of the singular features about it is that those possessing it have Iittle or no control over it, and those affected by it have no power to resist it. What this power is or whence it comes, is the mystery. It is generally believed that mind has in- flnence over mind, independent of the will of the person concerned. A great many may they can feel the pressure of certain onee without seeing or knowing they are near, while almost everyone is more or leas affect ed by the pressure of others, either strangers or friends. Thus it may be traced down to what fa generally called like and dislike, The plain truth i9 that there is often laseblood, mutual affection between comparative strargere. It Ie generally supposed that twine are devotedly attached to each other, but such is not the case. Even the Siamese Twins were constantly quarrelling, and had it been pee- Bible toget awayfrom each other; would have done so moat cheerfully. Occasionally twin•brothera are found who apparently are only happy in, each other's presence, Such instances are rare, however, r call it magnetism, spiritus -rasa it is the affinity of the soul, but those who have it do not bother themselves about its nature or cause, being satisfied wase the affect It le the same influence that renders preachera, actors, and tacturere popular. To th`mkthat theeuzeessof tbesebefore the pub. lie is due to what they say, or the way they toy it, he a mistake, It is this royale:: pow. er, and it malice little difleronce about the of tbeaon, the iluAl ty of voioe, or the nature of the disooente. Some cf the popular aotara have most marked defects in their voice& The uncultured reacher, ane who heti P never seen the inside of a college, very often preaohea all around those who are atoonAted profound scholars. Those preachers who are noted ravivaliate poseeae this power in a greater or leas degree, according as they are more or lava etesoesaful. It is said Int. SuuddslAnd, the elder, was so wonderfully and Weil with this power,those that be quit reaohia on aeoount of it. He q F g feared that poraans were drAwn'iuta the folds re the church by hie influence who did not realise what they were doing. He Is said to have been able to direct *allow of rsona p° simply through will power, And that without aid of wards or Aimee Henry Waris Beecher is filled with the same power, tut not to as great a degree es Dr, Sunderland. He has the fAaulty, how- ever, of tranamitting it to the written page, so that those who read may feel his influence as well AS those who see and hear him, The question *at arises just here is whether it fa good to poetess such power er to bee influenced by it. There are plenty of instances where it has done A great deal of harm. It is the strength of the libertine the chief agent of the conspirator, And the talisman of arch deoeivers. This done not prevent it from being pro. ductive of good results. It is the power of God to influence the wicked, and that which. renders music charming and social inter. course agreeable, It is not at all strange that 000meionaliy it should be turned to an evil purpose. Bad uses are made of things given to support life, but that done not ren- der thane th ngs unfit for proper nae. It is the use to which means are put, and not the means, that is evil. This mystic power is as much a gift as any of the special talents, and its exercise no more sinful than that of the other gifts, if only exercised properly, It is not love, but it is often mistaken for it. This is a *serious mistake, and one that is very difficult to correct, One of its peen- liarities is that itrianot mutual. The parson who pause -sea it to such an extent ae to be able to greatly influence others rarely feels drawn towards those who are attracted by it instances where it is mutual it forms a strong bond, but where it it one-sided it is very unreliable. It is the. secret of the conjurer's spell, the mind-readers Skill, and spiritualist's power. To be effective these must possess it to ex- cease, in which case it becomes a dangerous thing, as it gives them control overrot only the physical life of persons but also oyer their ebul life. OONSTANOE $ENT, had come to her from her George Igrandfather,how- g II., as an argument. She was, ever,tried and not onlymaintained the truth of her ooefesaion, but pointed out corroborating circumstances which had es °AIed the notice of the police. of comae, she was convicted, and the other poor girl pardoned for the crime, she had never corn- mitted. Then Constance was sentenced to death, but interests were made in favor of a commutation. Her youth and beauty pleaded Strongly for her; so did a certain feeling that, while confession waa clearly proven not to have resulted from 7inherited msantty' the deed Itself might have done, Her sentence was Gosnmtied to penal semi- Inde for life, and good behavior brought theticket-of-leave mentioned. A niece in though not by marriage, of the queen, aha has spent all the beet years of her life in a °envie* prison. Put such a story be a novel, and what critic would not scout at is too ah enrd for anything? of' It is not eas Signextensively Dsnmption. known as it ought to be that in the large majority of cases con- gumption begins with a slight lough in the morning on getting up. After while it is perceived at night on going to bed; next there is au occasional coughing spell some time during the night; by thie tune there is a difficulty of breathing qn any slightly tin. usual exercise, or in ascending a hill, and the patient expresses himself with some eurpriee : `" Why, it never used to tire me eo," ; •Next, there is occasional (toughing after a full meal, and sometiruee `" casting up," Even before this, persons begin to feel weak, while there is almost imperceptible thinning inflesh anda gradual diminution in weight— harassing cough, loose bowels, difficult breathing, swollen extremities, daily fever, and a miserable death. Miserable because it •is tedious, painful, and inevitable, How a m much it is to be wished that the tome S P of this hateful disease were more generally studied and understood, that it might be detected in its fist insidious approaches, and ap; lication be made at once for ita ar- rest and total eradication ; for certain it is that in very many instances it could be ae. oompliahed. It must be remembered that cough is not an invariable attendant of consumption of the lungs, ivaamueh as pernme have died, and. on examination a large portions, of the lungs were found tp have decayed away, and yet therm mama persons were never no. *iced to have had a cough, er observed it g ' themselves, until within a few days of death, But such instances aro rare, and habitual oqugh on getting up and on going to bad may be safely set down as indicating con gumption begun, tough, ae just stated, is originally a Gera. tive proaeaa—the means which nature uses to rid the body of that which (deeds, of that which is foreima to ttse system, and ought to be out of it ; hence the feller of using medicines to keep down the cough, as all Dough remedies, sold in *hope merely da, without taking manna At the same time far removing that state of things which makes cough necessary, SWALLOWED A MOUSE. — TWO NerQea• School Enemy. By Daley'W--• Of all the beautiful creations of Dickens, if all the noble and heroic forms (and there ire many) which we have learned to love ao yell, there are two which stand alone ae ex- implies of courage and heroism; yet whose pAthetie; histo>4iee era in no way linked to. ;ether, save as both serve as models of sub- ime self -forgetfulness. They are Thomas ?inch and Sydney Carton. Poor, awkward, hreadbare, gentle Tom Pinch! The butt of ;he thoughtless and ill natured, thelaughing- stock of the young ladiea'and the unconscious supe of his employer himself; the pack -horse is itwere, on whom were heaped the burdens xi other's aelfiehnesa and all the indignities and insults which cruelty and malice can ,uggest, And yet his heart ie so pure, so ree from guile, that be suspects it not in ethers; but rather seas all men glorified in ale light of his own lofty ideal. Some of he sincerest martyrs have been crucified on nvieible crosses burned byinvisible flames ' it sometimes costa more to peri; rm a ample act of self. deeial than to achieve many victory fn honor of which the trumpet of ams has resounded. '"Tho greatest battles se fought on the battle -field of the heart,"Scientists int the hero who like Tom Pinch can con -say •nee his enemies b the fares of a sire heart t y F aid an example of unaelMah devotion, is ig- noise bypm whose sesta are outward latxls of de ug and acts of physical courage, Cam Pinch is net unhappy—far frain it. lie .onsidershimaelftbemoat favoredofmortals; or does he not enjoy the patronage of Peck- nisi himself, and has he not the opportunity >f hearing the pearls of wisdom which fall ram that worthy gentleman's lips, And hen there is aiwaes the organ in the village Olerroh Where he can sit and la soft] to play Y liiriself when Mr. Peckenifi'dgee not require f :cis services. But who can describe the an ;nigh of that gentle, trusting heart, when he a told that the man whom he has been actaetomf d to reverence and rasps°t, whom se has taken as his nada] of all that t honorable and upright, is a s and t sneak: "The star of Tom s whole life ram bo}'hao':1 had Ireewme in a moment put. `id vapor. It was oat that Peekanif', Tem's ?eckAndti, had ceased to exist, but that he „taken saver had existed. Ilia soul rises in the trexag revolt with whirl the right mast an rays meet but this shook S g 4 his faith. in humanity in no wise tarniahee ria own character. He lives on as noblythe ,6 Ind unselfishly as ever, (rushing out of sight iia dearest hopoa, *attics shadow of a cloud nay touch the happiness', of his Wendel. It a pleasxit to think of him, honored and be• oved in his sister's home, whoreyonngvoloese vhieper loving worde in his ear, and gentle sands minister to his wants. Sydney Carton Is a man of a different stamp. There is nothing partionlarly roman- its about him, And his appearance le untidy —nay, even 'loyally. We see him in the soma roam of the Old Bailey, his eyes fixed in the coiling, and his wig put on just as it sappenesd to A�ight on his head after ita re- t novel, appar by oblivious to everything ,round him. Again peeing the streets of London until far into the nicht, and return ng to his miserable lodgings by the gray fight of early morning to weep bitter tears Iver his own worthleeaneaa. "Sadly, sadly ;bo sun rose; it rests upon no aaddor sight hen the man ofgood abilitioa and good emo- iona, incapable of his own help and his own sappiness, tensible of the blight on ht. -n, and •esigning himself to let it eat him away.' Che years plea on, and the atorm which has man threatening Franco at last bursts in all to fury. The tumultuous times of the French ]evolution call for prompt action and physi- :al courage. Mere pasaive unselfishness will sot save the life of a friend, and Sydney Car- on, all the nobility of his nature at last trollied by his deep and tender affection for army Darnay, has determined to save the ife of his friend—the husband of the woman ie loves. The step which he is about to take seeds the concentration of all his faculties Ind the mustering of all the courage he pos• eases. He mayhave valued his life as little to others valued it, and yet with the near. prospect of death, life grows soddenly sweet, and the most miserable of God's creatures will cling to their wretched existence rather brave the unknown terrors of eternity, be the black prison of the Conciergerie, Merles Darnay awaits his fate. Itf's not easy for him to compose himself With his be- oved wife's face fresh in hie memory. The hours pass on—eleven gone forever, twelve ;one forever, one gone forever. Suddenly he is interrupted in his meditations .by foot- outside his cell, anda man enters. It Carton. There is a bright, attentive look >a his face quite (brei ilio it, Darnaydivines q & lis purpose, and, resisting him, is struck iown insensible bythe man who has come to lay down hie life for him. The changes are quickly, made, and the supposed Carton borne oat1 by the prison officials, "so afflict- ad," as one of them remarks, "" to find that ais friend has drawn a prize in the lottery of the Salute Guillotine," ;,' •• And now the fioui has arrived, and the prfrondre, wi ll Jsound hands are conveyed to the guillotine;that �iastrument o vengeance by;wliieh: ' riahed th€e• flpFwar of Me <b'rench "" r1 • or tijl etc . r . U - '' Brave and steadfast to the last, Sydney Carton asses away,and thepeaceful lis P P seem to say : " It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done ; it is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known." _ She *tory of a t onfeesed ffinrderear Said to lbe ]gelated to the Queen. Tfie other day the cable brought an item of news which revives the memory of one of the moat remarkable crimes recorded in the history of English trials. The item ran to the effect that Constance Kant, convicted twenty-five years ago of the Heade murder, had received a ticket -of -leave. The woman thus briefly mentioned waa at the time of the commission of the grime a young girl of la or thereabouts, and the victim waa her 3• year•old half brother, Arthur Kent. The event acquired unusual prominence owuig to the relationehfp all the parties immediately concerned bore to the queen William Kent, the father of Constance and the murdered child, was a gentleman of private fortune, living at a place called Roade. He was said to be, and the state- merit was never contradicted, au illegitimate eon of the dude of Tient, fourth eon of George Ill, and father of Queen Victoria, and his Private fortune was euppoeed to have comep from his royal &same. Mr. Kent was a gentlemanquietgination of and cultivated tastes, enjoying a life of -Tettered ease. His first wife,mother of Constance, bayingdied when she, the eldest of his children, was about 10 or 11 years of ...gee he employed a lady of educat>on as governess and, superintendent of hie family, This lady he married, and by her bad a eon, young Arthur, All seemed happy in the Kant family, though the eldest den bier C°n-tan°m, was occasfonall sub- $ ° Y lett to pia of moodiness, fcr which she as- signed no reason.. r Early ane Sunday morning in summer the nurse girl,whoaenameis not recalled, alarm* ed the sleeping household with her cauterise. p gbad 4he had awakened to find her young charge, little Arthur, who slept is a cot by her bed- aide, lying dead, his throat cut from ear to �' The horeor•atr`cken parents at once sant for assistance. The lice and the con p° oner were promptly on the spot, and invea. tigatlone commenced, It war then noticed that though there were trace& of blood on rho antblanket on u onowhicthe child lag, there no saturation such as world have been the cane had the murder been oommitted while he la eleP io . portlier examination Y p g reve.leti the fact that the ahild had been to a water -closet in the house, and that there the butchery had been performed. A carving -knife, sharpened almost to a enact eadgm,•wAel also found with trace* o. blood upon it,a Of course, all these elrtumatancos tended to fasters aaspleion on the unfortunate nurse• girl, for who else could hallo carried thechild to the scene of the murder without causing him to make some outcry. At the time of the alarm being given it was shown that every ono else in the house was sleeping peacefully, including Constance, agataet whom suespicion was not one a directed. An attempt was also made to fasten suspicion on Mr. Kent, the unhappy father, and the whole of England took sides, one in favor of this, the other in favor of that theory. l� inall the testimony clearly exonerated Y, Y 7 Kant. s0 there was nothing left but the con- elusion that theservant was the guilty party. It is true that no motive could be shown for the deed; that she was of a moat amiable disposition and great favorite with all the children, but there wore the facts, The con- olueion was irresistible, and the poor girl wag arrested and thrown into prison to awes her trial. Meantime the hent household waa broken up, the bereaved parents trying to seek te- lief from aorrow in travel. Constance was sett to a sort of conventual school at Br'igh- ton, on the south coast. This echoed waa an attachment to a high ritualistic Jpieeopal church, the rector to which had eatabliehed the cc nfeseional as a part of his church die- eipline. The time came nigh for the trial of the imprisoned nurse -girl. Controversy waxed warmer and higher as the day set came nearer. When it arrived the papers were full of correspondence on the subject, and all sorts of theories were broached to account for the deed without the interven- tion of the accused. Various arrests were made, bat always without result. Finally the girl waa tried. and convicted. But the public was not satisfied, and the home sec- rotary was persuadedto grant a respite pend- ing further investigation. The case seemed hopeless, however, nntil one morning Constance Kent, accompanied by one of the Sisters of a convent school, oalled on the rector of the church above spoken of, and the two asked a private audience. Constance had come to confess. She had evidently already told her story to the Sister. She then, calmly and lucidly, as the clergyman afterwards said, told the whole story of the crime. She had deeply resented her father's second marriage, though she had given no outward sign of her resentment, Her anger was still more heightened when her young half-brother was born. She had studiously concealed this feeling. But her jealous hate grew in intensity as he grew from infancy into laughing childhood. Gradually hate meter- ed into design, and she determined to de- atroy the little fellow. Providing herself with the sharpened knife, shortly after dawn she had slipped into the nursery bed- Stoo in over the cot she awokehurtin' P g the child with a kiss, and, wrapping him in his blanket, carried him with her to the closet. Here the knife was used in such a way that the flowing blood went down the pipe. When life was extinct and the blood had ceased to flow she gently returned to the nursery, replaced the little corpse in its cot, wiped and restored the knife to its loco in the kitchen and then went to bedI F' and to sleep. One can imagine the horror and excitement thiel awful confession created. Thousands refused to believe it, saying the girl was demented,and pointingto a sup -prayed 8 posed . hereditary taint of insanity which A 1GIi llorseo= Glri't Yotstlk 7ltilntaLen'lios ss MO Kole, A short time sinoethe3-year old daughter of Dank Picker, & locomotive engineer, re - siding at Laramie, �Pyoming, was playing in a clothes press, when her mother heard her suddenly scream as if frightened almost to death. Mn, Pickard ran to her and found her convulsively clasping the balm of her dress, and crying out that a mouse wept in her clothes. Her mother instituted a rape id search amid the shrieks of the little one but could find no mouse. The child than screamed out that the mouse had gone down her throat, and a physician was sant for. At gest ha could not believe that the little girl had swallowed the mouse , but she persisted that she had, and a few daysf attendance g ave undoubted evidence that the child's statement was correct, and that the mouse had been swallowed and di sated. It is $ hardly paas.ble that the first leap made by the little animal could have been in the child's month while she was in the rens. The most remarkable theory is that it first ran under her clothes and that she really felt it as ehe stated tohermother at the first alarm. While her clothing was l,e-rug searched and she was ecreaming it was prob- able it was brought inclose proximity to her month in the folds of the drese and ae-ixed the first opportunity is e3aGapa by leaping down her throat. --,. A Morbid Imagination Oared• In reference to the influence of the ime- on the body a doctor tells the follow- lug story: "A big hulking fellow about ten miles from the townI was practicing in got the idea that he was going to die at just 11 o'clock in the forenoon of a certain day. About 9 o'clock a messenger Dame to um. I hurried out, Wham I get there the crank had fifteen minutes to live, e000rdiag to lila oalculations. Be did look like a man on the verge Of eternity, is eyes were dim and sunken, hie face had thatpeculiar pallor which heralds the near approach of death, and his breathing waa very labored. The family were gathered around and weep• ing as they, took a final leave, Something to be done quick. There was a smart- looking woman there, and I called bar aside, Pointing to the clock on the mautlepleee, which the patient was watching, 1 said : 'When I have his attention, turn that ahead• Then I crowded into the family group, beetled them into the next room, sat down on the edge of the bed and began tailing that fellow ora of the moat horrible. murder stories you over heard, I located it right in town where he knew everybody, named the woman killed, went into blase-Gnrdlied details, and so completely interested the man that he forgot his eleven o'clock ap- pointment. When I gave him e. chance to leak agars it was twenty minutes to twelve, seal he waa actually mad fora time, claim• ing he had boon tricked. He finally got to laughing, and we all took dinner together. The next dal be whipped two men ata batn•raising for twitting him about the pro- gramme cf death that miscarried. "' ifor Pearls and Diamonds. A London expert tells me that of 4d the world rim/teed each year new diamonds of abenft $250 .000 in value on the average. Suddenly,f , gu 1 torn South Africa G°visa a new PPY, exceeding 5:.'0,000,000 worth Saab year for ten years. In consequence, the rice of diamonds has steads] f F y ellen from $1�> to 3.;,; a carat. Of (tour, e, it is known that waren they gc over a sem arativei • ins] n fi P 3 g z cant nnmbel of carats diemonde take a leap inter the thousands. Brazilian diamonds are very fine stones, but 330 stoma found there, or in the South African dfamcnd fields, are au inetrous And beautlfal as the gems in the gala dmcwrationa of East India princes, sad which have been obtained in India during the past century by ecuquost sad Furthers. These came mainly Iran the min a of Golconda, The ez-Khedive of Ep pt, Ismail Praha, is Bald to have the finest collection of da monde, rabid,, and emeralds In the world— ra atio several hundred thousand dol $& g g here in value. Large rubies of A lurid,, lux• trees red, without a blemlrh, are entrant thea big diamonds, and are eoneequentle more valuable, Ex Queen Isabella of Spain is to have the finest pearis in the world; and the um ccount ably lose of many of the most valuable gams in the apeuish crown jewels set the tongues of Spanish courtiers going. Kir g Alienate Isabella's affectionate non, probably thinks hie mamma's oantinued ab&emccs a pearl be yond price, .e..�+�►+ Legends of the Strawberry. The people of Bohemia are the oldest dwellers in Europe, and retain many of the moat carious anperatitiona. Same are unique • and aro scarcely to be traced elsewhere. For iaatanoe, certain units have (anions fanoles (onnactdd with them. The strawberry is especially reverenced. When the first traps are gathered in the first handful is set aside the poor, and Placed upon a tree or stump or convenient spot in the open air, whence :they oan be fetched away. If a mother hes Most bat child during the previous year, she must gather no atrawberrfee before St, John's d iy, for if she dopa her child will not be per- millers to join the blessed children when they ge with the Virga to Fick strawberries in the fields of Heaven Another version of the same saperatition says that the child may So many se others when have a few, but refrain' mothers hays refrsained from eating. The Virgin will say to her : "" See, darling, your share in small, because your mother has eat ea them." In a valley at Tetsrlsan there is a crag which the villagers say is in the form of a human beat, and which is called the Stone Strawberry Lase, because s legend as- Berta that on St. John's day, in 1614, a ger. willful m,iden persisted in dancing and gating strawberries instead of going to meas, and added to her sins by laughing at her grandmother when she chid her. Thereup- on the old lady said, " T wish thou wert a „ atone, and the lively maiden became trans • formed. The legend further seserte that she will ratnrnto flesh and blood whenever a pure and pions youth is found,who has never neg- lecied his church from his seventh year, nor looked at a maiden during service, who will strike the atone three times Ile high sinaes is being said. However, the flesh is weak, we know, and the youth ie yet to be found who has kept his epee in his prayer- book from his seventh year, so the inaiden remain- petrified. Diteeotiag Elephant Albert. It will be remembered that a week or ten days ago an elephant named Albert d•veI- aped an ugly and pugnacious disposition at Keene, N. H, where the menagerie wit}, which he was travelling was located, and killed his keeper. He had been ugly and treacherous on previous 000asions, And it was not considered safe to permit him to Pe live longer. By order of Mr. Barnum the authorities of the Smithsonian Instituto w• re notified that the execution waa to take place, and that they could have the carcass if they desired it. Accordingly Mesare. Houidan and Lucas of the national museum were despatched to Keene. Through the aid of City elarshal E. R. Locke and Chief Engineer George Wheelock they secured the services of Mr, J. F. Kerwin, a wed -known local knight of the butcher knife and cleaver, and two other experts, and began the work of dissecting the enormous pachyderm. The head and trunk were firat removed, and then the hide was taken off in two plaices, being split on the back and belly. The hide was in many places an inch and a quarter thick, and the work required nearly three hours. In the afternoon the skeleton was dissected, and every bone was saved intact. The firing party consisted of 29 men, 12 of whom fired at the heart and 1; at the head. During the autopsy, so to speak, six bullets were found in the heart, and they had all been flattened. In the eveningthose of epicurean tastes P dined on elephant steak at the Cheshire House, and it is reported that many who did not know what • they were eating pro- nounced the steak unusually fine in flavor, but a bit tough. The hide weighed 1,043 pounds, and the Skeleton 1,455 pounds. The beast alive weighed about 7,000 pounds, was supposed to be 30 years old, and was valued at $10,000. The preserved portion was shipped to Washington and Messrs. Houidan and Lucas consider that they have secured an unusually perfect specimen for the national museum. About 500 Keenites witnessed the dissection with groat interest, Why Indiana Love the Warpath• Colonel Royal' of the serol le ane of the best•known Indian fighters in the service He is now an leave, his health being much impaired by many yuan' life on the frontier. Speaking of the present dui fu Ancee and the logo for murder Whi(k every Indian seems to poetess in a greatoi or leas degree, he said : I once asked a re markably intelligent Indian who was known to have killed a white man some years Ago why it was that his race enjoyed so roue] going on the wet -path and killing people The conversation which ensued ran some thing like this, the Iodine beginning : "Dig you ever shoot a rabbit ?' " `Yea•' " `Did you ever shoot a deur ?' "`Yes•' " `Didn't you get more fun out of kinin; the deer than the rabbit ?' " ` Yes, I guess so.' " ` Well, there's a heap more fun for as IrdIan to kill a man than a deer.' gore "" That was Indian logic, and pretty go logic, too, I should say," Colonel Royal' re marked, and added: " My experience ha been that the minute an Indian shade hum as blood, it seems to affect the whole tribe 1 the same way that the smell of blood wool a pack of wild beasts. It intoxicates them They become devils. They are bereft of al reason. They must satisfy their lust fo: murder, and the settlers on the trail the; take become their victims." •-»�-•-- How He Saved Himself. About three years ago, I waa working on a five -story brick building in New York city. The scaffold which •I was working on was near to the top story. Well, as I was bang- ing away at my work, I became conscious of a swaying motion, I had just time to look up and take in the situation at a glance, when the scaffold began to give way beneath me, Instinctively I threw up my hands and clutched the end of a rope which was hang- ing above my head, when the whole thing fell to the ground with a crash, leaving ma suspended in midair. Here was a situation calculated to trythe nerves of anyman. Seventy-five feet from the ground with noth- ing to sustain mebut a small rope. Glancing at the pile of rubbish below me, I realized that should either the rope or my muscles give out and should I fall on that debris scatterea below, the shock produced would j rr my system terribly. This I determined to avoid, and I was not long in forming a plan to save myself from an awful fall. j let go the rope, and—" The crowd breathed hard. " Yer don't mean ter say that yer fell all y 1" that distance thont erself .'wouldn't " No, sir ; I let go and fell till I came op- P osite the second storywindow—" " An' what d'yer do then ? " " Jumped in at the window," The crowd breathed freer. "Didn't it take yer breath away to fall so far ? " inquired one, "No ; but as the morning was a chilly one hadput a bran new coat on. After I had jumped into the window I looked for my coat but found that of it I had only three buttonholes left. The remainder had been torn off bythe projections of the buildin as F I g I was making my descent." s-+eeme- Do Eight the First Time. If you will teach the children about you in the house to do things by the " first in- tention," or what ie sometimes called the primary movement, half the work of house- keeping is saved. For instance, a boy sharp- ens a lead pencil ; he cute it all over the sofa or the floor. There the shavings lie until somebody has to sweep them up. If he had been taught to do the cutting or any whittling over the waste basket or in win- ter over a newspaper, then emptying his chips into the fire, the whole performance is finished when it is done. Just so with the peeple who strike matches and then leave them where they fall, on the top of bureaus or washstands, or on mantle -shelves, Every burnt match should go directly into some receptacle provided for it or into the fire. In cutting up materials to make up it is erfectl eas to ather u the scraps as perfectly Y g Proom. they drop under the scissors and put them into a little basket. In dress fitting do your cutting over a large sheet spread on the floor, which can be gathered up every day, and its contents assorted for the piece -bag. In eating fruit teach the child to put away the skin and pits at once where they should go,eatingthem over aplate or paper instead P P of over the whole place, There is no need of two movements to finish what can be done in one. , A Ido wish I wBoas a cls ock—got of a face as don't have to wash it—got hands and don g have to keep them clean, and just gets 1 be looked up to by everybody—just r one all the time, and dad never once Saye, "no run the legs off of you, boy." Reckc its a boy, seems to be pretty good on t he strike, or may be its a mill-hand—anyho its a pretty nice thing to be ; of course can't eat 1 No good fried "" latera" for eiou ciockio I No licorice water, either. Yon' got hands that might shake it, but no mot th for to drink with. Neither can you go bar foot. Oh I'd hate that. But then you do don have to wear an overcoat, or mittens on yo hands, I hate that, too ! One of your ham is smaller than the other,I 1 that—wouldn't like to be `" unformed '*would be such a plague—all the bo; would find it out. Tick 1 Tick 1 Tick 1 Tick ! My what runner you are 1 I bet if you was running a two dollar pair of shoes that dad had pay for you'd be stopped mighty quick. My dad ain't a bad man, but there is son thingabout him that I do not like,and his name, and I don't know why eithe Only the big boys at school asked me, o day, what my father's name was, I said, N Schott •; then the said I was only"" h Y shot," and laughed so, Pine Baths. At some of the wateringplaces in Germanydon't the very simple prescription of the physician is that the patient should spend several hours a day, walking or riding, through the pine wood. This simple treatment is said to be sometimes supplemented by the taking of pine baths, and in the case of kidney die- ease and for delicate children this is claim- ed to be highly beneficial. The •bath ie prepared by pouring into the water about half a tumbler of an extract made from the needles of the pine ;this extract is dark in color and closely resembles treacle in con- sistenc and whenpoured into the bath Y, gives the water a muddy appearence, with a light foam on the surface. As an adjunct to this daily bath this infusion of pine ex- tract is said to induce a moat agreeable sensation ; it gives the skin a deliciously soft and silky feeling, and the eflect on the nerves is quieting. - ," How do you like the character of St. Paul ?" asked a parson of his landlady, during a conversation about the old saints and speaks. ' ` AL he was a good,clever P + old soul, for he once said, you know, that we moat eat what ie set before us, and' ask no questions, for consience s sake. I always thnnnht I should •like him for a boarder." a, ,.R. A healthy body is good, but a soul in right health—it is a thing beyond all others to be for,the most blessed thin this earth P Yg receives of Heaven. T Prof. Huxley is, it is understood, going to retire from the variousposts he holds under Government on a uenaion of £ 1200 a year, a n 0 0. is r. re r. >If