HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-8-20, Page 5r A Campaign. Secret Given Away. In the cempaige of 1884 the two csndidatee for governor in a t'pivotal" Western Mute arranged for a series of joint diseuseioue. Both men were very popular, both, of fine appearance and were so well matohed in mental force and as oratora that the contest between therrt Promised to be a mag. nt$cent one. For several weeks the scales balanced evenly. But oue day the brilliant Republi• LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE, R'Y. Gorse NoWru. Mixed. Aail. Leud.00,xeter depart6..... OC A. M. 4 60 rat, 0 Ilentiall 8 45 20 6 24 Rrueelle14........ 9.'15 698 Clinton 9 35 7 05 Landosboro.. 3018 7 2Q Blvth10 05 7 27 Belgrave . Winghamarrive it 030 8 00 (*arr'G Soon(. bfixed Mail; Winghanr,depart 130h/rave Myth Ironidtshore Clinton liar Brucelield Nippon SRILQII'R VITA( IZER is what you need Over Over for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizzi-( Acres. # oath 2�, Nt1rSEri'1 .5 eaxes ness, and cif symptoineof Dyspepsia. I'rioo 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. W. The Largest the Dominion, Browning, �, _- Aocording to the sworn statements of the t ) assessor of South Ohicago, the division To begin canvassing et once on rail Vales. which contains all the great business part of the city, and some of its richest residence Stosctvemploymen_ employment to suceat OWmex, Good quarters, there are 28 steam engines in his agents aro oarntag from S•f0 to $75 Por tuonth district, 54 safes. 68 billiard tables, no and expenses. Tozlns and Duret fres Address 7 204 u Il 804 xs watches, no clocks, iio gold or silver plate 8 40 32 03 .3(, 150 1225 r. 808 1237 8 35 1 2b can oaudiclata came up ailing. e' s s1 2 05 05 seemed.overoome and spoke labored -t• st d a a, s 0 .,London ly. the next day he was even lase r~ d n arrieo. IQ 45 5 30 effective. Later he was compelled to '------- ' ----= -- ---- ask Lie. oppauent fora poet cnraent Interest na Items. Years of experiencill and successful trial of certain appotaimeutd, \vLich was have proved 3lcGrego do Parko's Carbolic t granted. Before the campaign ended' Cerate the Meat complete and satisfactory he bad abandoned the field altogether. compound for healin,, i Ofd sores, feateriugs, 3feantime the Democratic candidate Ulcers, Cuts, ZYound, Burps, Frost Bites continued his canvass, seemingto o. Felons, and for keopiug crit the cold and i Ing frow his angling tour, he was caked 11oW to eleanee or pceveut proud flesh, ilouglling� ranch the trout weighed, when he uttered grow stronger, cbeerier and more el. or decay. Theis; ou having ifcGzegor t>i these memorable words, viz.: '1 =mot tell fectiee with each succeeding week, Parka's Carbolic Cerate, sold at 250. by Dr, a lie. It weighed seventeen and a half Ile was elected. One evening in De- Browning' pounds," Typhoid fever is said to be very Preva. eember while entertaining several gen- lent m Mitchell just now, Over 20 casts are Scott's Fa11111slon of rare Homer lie said : reported. •t.1 will tell you a campaign secret— Not a particle of cola and only ono diamond. For the cure . of all delieate disorders to which females are subject' no remedy has been devised that eau be compared with Rauiugton's Quinine Wine and Iron. It renovates the entire system, the laioo animates that on rat re tares e m a resp de , s of health to the sallow cheek, and replaces melancholy with vivaciousness of youth. See that you get "Haniugtou'e," the origin- al and genuine. Qenexal Washington went fishing at lel once. And on that occasion he eauglit a, trout four fucks long, While down at the eorner grocery in the evening after return. Cod Liter 011. with 1Typap*osph.(tes. reel or auy other In Loss of 4ppetife and General Debility. ' seas. AadsFx & Co., of Sharpsburg, Pa. .flyer's. Catlfartic Pills. O,1 the makes the following report : "That they re - contrary they prove of special service to oaring for my liver, I liuew that a those who have used calomel' and other diacrtiere'd or torpid liver meant dull - mineral poisons and medicines, awl feel Hasa attd. 1,o eible aiekueee, X took tltolr lnlurtous efieots.. lit such cases Ayers something edeery day. When a y op- fills are 4k.WIaE ,tL WISE PitECAL'TiO;tT, poneut began faihncc i knew Ins During the Summer and fall people are trouble to be his liver arid felt like liable to sudden tlttaoka of bowel complaints prescribing for flim, but feared if I and with no prompt remedy or medical aid rat hard iiia a b c which gave we the election. With deletarious substance enters Into the comt R the opening of nay campaign I began post io Xof did so he might beat Me l I grew me y ern larger. These whaso experiences leas given theut wisdom, etrongor aa the campaign progressed, ; always keep Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild often making two speaolloa a day. Even toy voice, to my surprise, did IBA fail met nos. Ml because Warn- er's safe cure kept ale in A1 trim." Ex•Governor, Jacob, of Kentucky, also made a campaign tour under pre. oi,ely similar ciroumstanues and saye he kept upunder the exhausting strain Strawberry at fiend for prompt relief, and a Physician is seldorrm required. 1'. Curtain, .Adore, received two fox hounds by express last week, from Oltio. They are the genuine article, and valued at two hundred dollars, .[1 0 1.:]. R D. To all who aro Sn fteriri5 from the errors and indtseretione of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of lfauhood, do, I will send a by lute of tltb same weans.—Ia'oGhester receipothat will cure you, FaFaloFCUAI1C.E. Unt071. This great remedy was. discovered by a mis- sionary In $rititlt dtuorlt a, Send,a salt ad, dressed envelope to Itrv. so rpn T. INnta;•; The inquest into the 0iroutrotauce9 Station -D Ntrw York City. connected oath the terrible death of among the tvlttat this year, Ftuluera Catarrh. Tht atsplitatian at the rewetay is :ICs. Fred Souders, her ohikd and should beruri'fa) to clean their wlu:at frets prccentseasauof tbovevoiattb* io. anti h pr a h most a sa e p o a r from "chess" Dempsey, whoto , ' r- n- r, � manti other t, ret b oche i law 111 at substances, r ti1Cee ab . 1, yle Sara speedy f;'' u and permanent as they will thereby secure t e auto, tete were killed Ntl4rMtood�9 crossing iii Trach higher 'majority utcases being cured at one treat St. Thomas ou the 7111 met., was concluded Thursday night. Mr. Oro - tiler delivered a forcible addreaa va behalf of the Crown, after which the jury considered the evidence for over; three hours, and finally et 11,80 o'clock returned a verdict, of which. the following is the enbstvnce ;-- lie jury are not satisfied that the from Sciatica. One bottle ave me instant ucceseary precautionary signals. wore r gave given on approaching ;il t cr"Psiug. have drIVetl fourteen lililes Wetly (some - The jury find that the (*reed Trunk thing I scour not poo;sibly have lona yvcra it Railway Company are culpable to net linin Lightning) for trio expressl ��, !*•-�, , ,1 purl>.oE,t of l+roctluu� aeznther t + t S it is said that there is much "obese e.orumendeda fr end suffering from loss of appetite and general debility, Scott's Emul- sion, Butt after taking belt dozen bottles, be reported, that he ate well, feola well, and is in fact a new ratan, and recommends it highly," Jackson, liiel's secretary, adjudged to be insane, was brought to Winnipeg lest week to be placed in au asylum, CATARRH— A NEW TREATMENT . I'erhapsthe mast extraordinary suceesa that , hag been aolsieved i,n modern medicine tees . seen attained by the Dixon treat,nent for Car tarrh. Oat of 2,000 patients treated durin rha teat six months, fully ninety per cent. WINO been cured of thin stubborn malady. T13s its noire the lose startling when it is remowbered that not Ave per cent. of patients presenting ' tbemeeives to the regular practitioner aro be- matted. while the patent ulenfeiues and other atdvertised cures never record a. cure at all. Starting wit11 the claiul now generally believed by the niostsciontine zpen that disease h due to the presence of living narasiteain rho tissue, 31r,t)ixt.natonce adapted his cure to their extermination• -this accomplished, he claims the Catarrh is practically cured, and the pter- maneney nrqueslianed, as cures effected by buns four years a^o gra euresstill. No One• el;eh'u atteianteil to euro Catarrh in this' tuanner,aud uo oUier treatment ever enlxtl prices. ruttnt C,aSerers s+heult# correspond with rl $ King street RAI)ICAI. C IANG1:. westToronto,(.anaOda.and encloss stamp for . Tho best eradicator of font hutuora of the their treatise ou Catarru. lfoutretaMar, Non. Blood is lbardock Blood Bitters. A few bet. 17,:881, ties produces a radical change for the better In health Hud beauty. It removes the blood taint of Scrofula, that terrible disease so common in this country. . Z'luid Lightning is simply a marvellous Rheumatic Remedy. 1 was for two months a cripple, unable to get out of the house i1ief, and placed me ort my feet again. I JOI3N' BRAWN, UNDERTAKER & CABI 'ET -MAKER,` not for bavint a argil bard alt tht arnsBillg. pays 1�n1, 1)ixi)u, (-lananotoutt, Quit ' • •tr. the jury are of opinion that, from 1110 per Lottie at Dr. Browning'6 dreg stor fore sin * facts and iliac from the The corpse found floating in the river below Windsor lust Tuesday has been ident- ified as that of Albert C. Clevely, a cigar - maker who formerly beanies' at t1t<, geod- g b daugeroue attuatittl of the said, cross= tug, the victims same to their death." It is believed that the tnattor will f man utilise in Detroit. Clardy had Won 1)e brought to the atteu;ian of that out of work for some weeks. hurl ,was ob. Grand Jury at the Elgin Fall Assizes, liged to leave the hotel ane day last week because he ltad no )Haney to pay his board roundnlaker Convicted. bill itis wino to provide against emergencies Boglua. Ally:.[ 18. --Tile trial of that aro liable to arise in every. family. A card may be a dangerous thing, or not, Pcuudmaller wito finished to day. depending inion the means at hand to cora- The jury retired at noon and in half bat it. In sudden attacks of cold, croup, an hong returned with a verdict of guilty, Poundtnali.er was asked if ha had anything to say why aenteuce should not be passed' upon Bila, replied --",I was good all summer. People told Hee. 1 flayed tti let of bloodllleci. I edhl Dudes etand bow itis that after saving so many lives I are, brought here, 1 Gould have been on the pr- airies if I would. Waving his hand majestically, he said, with a smiler -- am a man; do ne you like. I em in your power, I, gave myself up; you did not Well n ." The judge Ban -fenced Milli to three Walnut LL Uoewood Caskets :use COFFINS OF EvEar DEienlr'TION. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. asthma, etc-, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON - prove the quickest and most effective cure, and your best find. A Michigane entral °replay° at St. Thomas wits recently garnished for 30 cents, with $3.05 vests tbereon. NONE BETTER. There is no more wholesome or delicious fruit on earth, than the Wild Strawberry, and there is no more effectual remedy for Cholera, Dytsetttery,Cramps and other sum- mer complaints of infants or adults, than Dr. Fowlers %Extract Of Wild Strawberry. I had for yetis !been a miserable sufferer from Dyspepailj; and tried all known rem°. dies end the belt medical skill of my ea- quahtfanae, ime still grew Worse, until un- able to.sots at }ing 'without great suffering, Or do any kind of wc.: -. I began tp think years in penitentiary- there was no, hope fou. me, and that I mast On haring the . seuteuoo lh° r,. 'surely die; when, like a drowning man p' catching at .a str,3w. determined tog ive Boner asked that he be hanged at. miGregor's speedy' Caro a trial, I at once once, as he preferred death to ire,- began to improve so rapidly that in Iwo prisonment. Mouths 1 was as well as I had ever been in elle.-Ww. EVERS LsAIIINoTON. sold by 14lany people have woudeted Wow}t' i3 is that A police liiaeietrate rias riot beou aippointed for the proper '`en- forcement of the Scott Act, although the county oouti it; at its June ses- sion. recommended Buell au appoint- 4 ppoint FW. Browning Druggist. Free trial bot- tle's. Sir Chas. 'Tupper says his only object in returning to Canada is to urge the Govern- ment and the people •,a take• a more active interest in the Indian and 4soloniel Exhibi- tion, which comes off. in London next year. meat: One reason, and we aro given ed thinks that the exhibition may be turn - led to good advantage by Canada. to understand thatit is thetbt° f ono, A•Ii)rARTY ENDORSEMENT. is that the Warden haw kepi beek the memori3e►l which should have been Govern- ment, to the Ontario in accordance with the resolu- tion in council`. His r03150ne for withholding this some time ago, were that the Senitte\ might parrs the wine and beer °lenses. and consequently au appointment would not be required... This was - all'right while the House was .in t4e9810t1,- lint as the clauses did not pass, it ie;reg'trded as his duty to forward the memorial wislt,out further delay. We ..undterstttnd i brut he has The People, the press and the profession all heartily endorse the merits of Burdock Blood Bitters as the hest Blood turd Liver regulator and purifying tonic now in use. James Admits was arrested at \Vndsor on Saturday by the special customs staff for alleged smuggling,, ON 'I"'UE RISE. "Leaves have their time to fall," says the poet, but Wild Strweborry leaves oro on the rise jtlst now, being utilized in each enor- mous quantities in making Dr. FowIer's Extract of wild Strawberry—the infallible remedy'tor Cholera Morbus. Diarrhoea and Other Summer -Complaints. ' Holloway's Pills and Ointment are par- eicularly recommended to persons who have to pass their lives in confined and crowded decided.not to 210. so, truth the has places ; hundreds of thousands of aur fel d ae written 10 the reevesit I til 1< pU y lea^ creatures toil from morning .until over(,• reeves of the county, asking' if it is iug mann of the race. They sutler in cousequence 4 and', wall o froth indigestion, flatulent t f ' g e complaints,if neglected, appetite, sari these bring about nervousness end failure of the vital power. Holloway's remedies can be. used by such sufferers to their very great advantage, as they are mild in action,'and certain in their effects. No oue need there- fore lose a day's, work when using therd, a 4 will net in acoordanee therewith.— matter of consequence to thdse whose daily New Era, bread depends ou daily toil. A NATIONAL EVIL. Mr. Hobert Sims, the Eden Mills' Mer. There is no question but that Dyspepsia is chant, Says Dr. 'Carsoii's'Sto)hach Bitters the national disease of our country, and is byfarthebeat selling preparation in that when complicated with disease of the Liver ; t is that all his customers are and Kidneys is the cause of untold misery. • deligbted with lit. He sells large quantities Burdock Blood Bitters will almost invariably of it. •Hove `1'ou )Dysp'ensita try it.: care the ;worst case known, miliii in factories and workshops to tile detri- etill their desire --drat it Police IFlagie- t f their health, and the deterioration irate be appointed. We fail to tee ou u Nkat grounds 'he should b be influenced d 'I their opinioes now. There 1s a resolution on the ,r in le book, sup - Ported by a majority et 'members, that a magistrate be appointled, and if the Warden performs his duty he DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un excelled, r 'GIVE ME A CALL, A i ER9A7 Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich. brown color, or deep buck, asmayhe desired. By its use light or red hair may be darl:r:mil, thin hair thickened, and baldness earn, though not always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and silt.a- lates a weak and sickly growth. to rigor. 11 prevents and curds scurf and d;:r n r• 1 heals nearly every disco pini:', r to scalp. As a Ladies' }Fair I)r.,+d 1:1 VrGOIt is unequalled; it contains a .ucr c. i nor dyo, renders the hair soft; 1: cd;•, a.. l Silken In appearance, and imparts a agreeable, arid lasting perfume. Ma: C. P. Batman a writes from Kirby, by0. July 3, 1882 : " Last fail my bairn mitt elated falling out, and in a short time t became nearly bald.' 1 used part of a 111,1t10 A SEIR'S HAIa Via° r,, which stopp lite f:, - lug of the hair, and started a new growl t I have now a full head of hair q rnu, ti n:•. t e cosy, and am convinced that .but use of your preparation 1 should have Mot entirely bald," .T. \V. fl0w1117, proprietor of the Arr.tett lir (Olio) Enquirer, says : "AYER'S 11 la V:unit. is a most excellent preparation for the bs:e lspeak of it from. my own experience. Ln use lremintcs the growth of new hair, snakes it glossy :u«1 soft. The V itatit is u.so a sure cure for dandruff. Not a eu. usy ]tuou.ulg, luta the preparation eiter failed to give entire satisfaction." MR. A\ruS Il'.irltnAtnv, lender of the celebrated "Ifatrbairu Fa.utily" of Scott :vti Vocalists, writes from Iles oo .L•. tet,. a, SSO : " Ever since any luui beaus to gi, u s... very evidence of the change a hien fit v....4. time proeurethI have used A s ti I lt t o V1441,11., iid SO been' able to lstalllt1ta of an appearance of youthfulness -n matte considerable consequence to minister' ora- tors, tors, actors, and in fact every one who lives in Lau eyes of the public." Alas. O. A. PRESCOTT, writing from 13 Elm a Blass. April t( 1.4 -78 s ivs / tw ea oto 8 St. c t f "'lrwo years ago about 'two thirds of my lair thinned ve r t tidl and i t: its It me elf 11 fast growin • bald On using Act t* S litre. VIGOR the *.1111. stopped and a new growth Commenced, ,and in abort a month my head was completely covered with short hair. It has continued to grow, and is now as good as before it fell. 1 regularly used 'Mit one bottle of the VtaoR, but now use it occasionally as a dressing." We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of Aran's HAIR VIGOR. 71 needs but a trial to convince the most akeptl• cal of its value, PREPARED RY DO. 0. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. STONE .2 WEL7,INGTON. Burdock DLOOD BITTERS The above reward will be paid for the canvictieu of those Merchants who are selling inferior Machine Ails, and calling them Moon's Lardiuc HARK BALM Restores ;:,w hair to i:;,' ra• twat color. re• moves rD ed:tiff stops the hatr from falling 04. increase; it growth,i.;iii, not soil the ate, l Asa hair ores. sing,it hasr superior. Cu._ aattecdls, r.olc,: ;. Prep.red l " 1'Iarkr,es€a 4.4tra London, 0.4. Fehi1sys l lint r and I ria )lt 1 .,.: Liavr.., 0 17-1 0 0 �-t ,U id IANI SHOD e. sessmele imeteuml amiptS o2 FOR The only genuine to manufaetured by Bros. az Co, Toronto. SALE BY JAS, PiCKARD, EXETER. Burdock i ooD BITTERS Cures Dulness, Loss of Appetite, .Indigestion, Biliousness, ,Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Afeetionsaf the Liver and Kidneys, Pimples, .Blotches, Boils, !tumors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all ` diseases arising from .impure ./ 1aocl, Deranged Stomach, or irre;ulizr action of the Bowels. RE NED REMEDIES. OWAY'S P1 LLS &OINTMENT THE PILLS Purity tit: Illea1, Cotreet all Pisortit-rs t•1 the Itlti'I 11, STOXILel.I, AND BOWELS, hey invigorate and restore to health debilitated Cenetituti t.a, and are invaluable in all oltlplaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children anti the aged they are uriceleee THE OINTMENT an infallible remedy for Bed Legs, Biel ilri:asts, (illi Wound , Sores and 1 161'al. Itis famines far Gout and Rheumatism. 3011 UI'ORDERS 07' 'TOOK 41f ST I:T 1148 NO 1191741:, ro Throats. Brouehititx, Coughs, Colde,Glandrilar liwcllings,, and all skin diseas it has no rival and for contracted and stiff joit,ta it aetslike a charm. The Pa!s and (Nutmeat aresold At Tnox.ts IIt.Il olr,ces Establishment, 78 NI:'W QNFORD,STIt}ET late 4483, ONFQI111-ST1tEF,T+, LONPON; citta by es aril. every respectable V,odor dlf ifedieiuo. in Vous and I'c•ts.et ta, lit(:,, 28. Tilt. 4c. Cal., lis., '„''>a„ tool 33a. tacit. m.+'.c. J1. rime c,tutaiva three blocs the wieldier of tj1e iA lid. 8170 ; the te. Gil, sire six ; the lis. viz,' cixtc+n ; tl:t+ 22s size thirty-three ; and tTfe 33a size fifty-two time the quantity' of the smallest Bove anti Pott,. Full printrd directions etre affixed to uaeh Box And I'ot, And eau Le 140.1 10 any taus:age 1'urc1Asrera should look to the ou the rot, titA Itoxt•s. If the address ie net Oxford Strut. IA,nnon, they are spurious. WTLJaL,A 1YI DREW 0 tv fog a M b ,Undertaker and Cabinet-maker. C M 0 :Ea'T'JR, 01\72113.1R,=Q NONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. V THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE 4 SIMPLE 0 O - ' nb?'Cd •�^S-LFN�'HttMr�`Y•'I"'�1 .':1a+Ye i to =.t,wr 1 Ar ^I 1". THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE =• THAT GIVES . PFREECT S,4T/$ JCTION r HAS NO EQ NCElityrfolfG)CljUit w I UAL SEWING G MACHINE CO ORANGE MASS. 30 UNION SQ.N.Y, CHICAGOILL. ST.LOUIS MO.ATLANTA •GA. `icon SALE'S - PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDU {`ED to make roollr for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly. FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on Maud. All. Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and Superior Finish. It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur— chasing good and oheap Goods. A. call is respectfully solicited. 0185. SOUTIICOTT. Fai.hi'•nable Tailor, Exeter. Exeter Post Office Time Table. SAILS Kirkton, Woodham Winchelsea an .., ... South,east and west, including L• ndon, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, Itfanitoba,UuitodStates,rnghithand foreign mails ... ... .... .. ... South, east west &c ... .. .., .,. North and east, including Goderich. Wingham, Kincardine and all points d Toronto,Montreal, and ,. north Strattoin 1'astorn States... North east &c ... ... ... ..• ,SareptitTuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ARRIVE 8.15 a.m 9.15a.m. 6.45 p.m. 16.0011.in 3.30 p.m, . 7,15 n. ni. 8 15 a CLOSE. 1G oo a.mt 9.00 a. nr. 2.30 p. m 8.00 a. m 5.30p. m 6.30 pins. 1000 am IdONEY ORDERS Issued and paid on and from any Money Order 011lce in the Dominion of Canada,Great Britain and Ireland ,BrittshIndia, Newfoundland, Italy, Australta,New South Wales Tasmania, New Zeland, France an Algeria, the German Empire, Sweden .Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Belgium, the Nethriauds, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, Itoumania, united States, Jamaica and Bar- bados. POST OFF SAVINGSBANK. Deposits willbereceived atthis Orme from 81 to 5300. Depositors obtaining the Post- nta er-General's special permission eau deposit 51000. Deposits on Savings Bank account re- etlji.Vedirom 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Interest at per cent per annum Will be allowed on 011- deposits.., ' Office hears f,Oro 7.30a.m.to 7 p.m. Lettersintended for registration must be posted 15 minutes before the closing of each mail. T�R�� T 0 IN 1 1108. N. b. -[tis p rticnlnryrequested that the senders ofmatter will DkindlerJOBNadd the na EXETER, ON'PAr.IO, t'.ie Counties to the addresses. mea of S, Postmaster.