The Exeter Times, 1885-8-20, Page 4MANHOOD, .5 THE EXETER TIMES, republished every Thursday niorniug,at the TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE gain -street, nearly opposite Fitton's Towelery Store, Exeter, Ont., by Toha White S: Soo, Pro- prietors. RArza OF ADVERTISING Firtt insertion, per line 10 cents. Erroll su seguert itsaviren,per lin .:..spents,(Sy sympathy as a persecuted party. In To insure insertion, advertisements should that respect, at least, the inspiring be sent in not la ter than Wednesday morning. p mantle of the former proprietor assed a Our JOB PRINTING DRPA'RTENT is one, With the plant, 'Tway aver SO. But ee a ate i "u a unt of aha larg t utl be cin piled z kit t,a y, of Huron, All work entrusted to us will receive' our (totem., who to the article referred our prompt attention: t to, holds rip his hands in holy horror i at personal journalism, professing Decisions Regarding News- r all kinds of pure principlea (while papers. ° disereditiug the Clergymen) and Any pereou who takes pa erreeularlyfrom 1throws himself on publi:. sympathy the post -Mike, whether directed in his trance or 1 as clad persecute(' far conscience ?axe, another's. or whether hehaa subscribed or not . - p is responsible forreyn;eut: ±tnthe very article and almost iu the 2 If aperson ordera his paper discontinued same ylBntanCe ; a he mast pay all arrears or the publisher may i , Politely hurls at our eontinao to send it until the payment is made,! bead +tie euphonious and highly lig- and then collect the whole amount, whether! the paper ie taken from the office ar not. Blued name of "snarling our" --no In x s subscriptions. s a s ed t for ribs r rapt.e the suit may be abuse or nothingpersonal about instituted in the irises tillers the paper is pub. 'Batted, although the subscriber may reside that, you kuow 1 (Jonsisteut, too, 'hundreds of miles away. , 4 The courts have decided that refusing to isn t it for the ex -principal of a town take newspapers or periodicals from the post- public school ? Our cotem. probably otfice,or remo'iug and leaving there uncalled tor is prima facie evidence of intentional tome. mean t it as a dose Of taffy. He evi. dently thinks that the intelligent and lie tr%tIer I les,reading public in acidaround Exeter are a parcel of fools. abusing biro. We did nothing of the kind. 'There is uo word of personet abuse in the •rtiote. We leave his personal cbarao.er to the St. Marys Argus, who knows the man better and louger Chau we do. But that was al- waytt the way with the Reflector-- eternally whining and seeking vubfio THURSDAY, AtGUST 20th. 1885. , THAT HACKING OCt1H can be quickly cured by Shiloles Cure. We guar. O VR 007'1-2.11, el :VD CI. RR1C'4 f. t antee it. Sold by J. W. lhewniug. lit?it"l3l'IS3f P1)12"O I,4L .NOTES. "It is eerteinly nut at ail creditable to the Tao$ic volunteers who served in representatives of the Presbyterian Church, who eompoited the (enerel Assembly, that the quelliog of the north-west rebel- wr, •+%rant, Dr. Laing and Be.vlir, dohue, very lion must be favorably impresit• ton sheltie be biased ape interrupted, be,y p eaune they dared express opinions sowe'ehat ed with the country, as cumbers of opposed to the views of the majority prey eat. That either of them should be hissed applications leave been made to the f Oaoverainent for the land grant of 3' sores, Undoubtedly there will be large increase of settlers next cease oa the fertile plaine of the North west. and unseemingly interrupted by a body o clergymen, is au evidence of clerical intoler- euce hardly equalled in the dark ages." The above is au extract from au editorial in the Reflector of Jolt' 2nd last- Foroed by our artticism and an indiguant public to reply, the sobol- aetia editor says last week ; "We did not charge tate Preabytertan General Assembly as a whole with being cleri- cal rowdies." He says that he only meaut those who hissed. Anyone reading the Oret paragraph' will see exactly what he Meant. He said the whole A,aeetnbly whether be meant it or not. We are not responsible if be don't say what be means. Than last week he says :---"That the hnterrup- tious tool; place we again assert, that they were of the uuaoetniy and rowdy - like character heretofore described by us we reiterate. We challenged our cater. to prove their falsity, and it failed to do so," We thought we had proved their falsity. We gave the Rev. ;lir. Martin, Bev, Mr. Fletcher and Ur. Monteith, who were present, as authority for their falsity. We took their word for being good, and we pr;ivsd it by them, as well as from other sources. But the scholastic editor evidently thinks' their word, or denial, not worth a button, for he totally ignores it, and in the very faoe of their denial, reiter- atee h e elittementse. Then, aur antem. wiles the Globe {which had no report- er present) and tlse Uontreel Star as better evidence than the word of the rev. and lay delegates named. It re fuses to accept them as evidence, said is etill wilting to stand by the Globe. Well, we ill vo kou o edger evidence, s will conclusive t I ( lie COE1C ns �19hii:ly lii't, think 1 with the public, if not with the unbe- lieving and "Globular" editor. The }9y; rrineipn1 0riinif writes ;--• "nave %trilled tb ih # @ingot of the Re- flector, informing liIIII that t heard no hiss- ingou the night in question and that • there were no interruptions save such as are usual fir debate when the question appeals to feel- ing. [sgd] G. M. GRANT." Why did not our cotern. publish Dr. Grant's letter ? He meet have had it when lie persisted in his stale - Mont last week. So that he ignores not only our local clergymen, but Dr. Grant also. Outside of the Globe, now, who would the eeholastic editor believe ? Then the Rev. Mr. Ham- ilton writes 1— "The slip from the Reflector contains a wilful misrepresentation, which the Beacon and Reflector have been bandying about for some time, with apparent pleasure. But I have not time to say more on this miserable slander of a village newspaper. [sgd.] B. HAMILTON." Then the Rev. Dr. Reid writes :-- "I have no hesitation in saying that noth- ing at the Assembly in the discussion on the temperance question euuld justify the state- ments made by the Reflector. [sgd.] W. Rein." Small Beginnings -Great Developments. In contemplating 411 the works of Nature, the moat striking fact everywhere apparent le the small beginnings of her grandest productions. The towering oak began as a small acorn, and the largest annual as a mere speck which a piu'a Tread would cover. It is very frequently the same in the busy f walks of life -great wealth, or great die. tietivn oaten emerges from the smallest, the humblest begiuniugs. Among our mer- chant princes how manyiustancea crutd we not reeount iu illustration our theme ? There is one, however, whose career, as reported to us, is one of the most remarkable in modern times. Some forty years ago the name of Thomas Holloway was unknown, unheard of. lie was only ono of the multitude, each of which eclipses his neighbour, and is in his turn eclipsed. tut now, owing to the eminently successful medical theory and inedieiues which he kis inreoted ancl' iutru- dueetl, his name is known in every town of too united Kingdom, and in almost every town and city of the habitable globe. The late King of Siam not only constantly order- ed Holloway's t Holl sy s atedicinea, but even directed his ambassadors when over here to visit :lir.. Holloway at his establishment. This they did in one of the Queen's earriages, and resented hien with a large and magnificent jewelled ornament of great price in the name of the: King. %jabs of India have in like n+anuer fre.lnentli visited air. 11x1 - Quay ; so has the seeretar•y of the f,>,mene Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebliey, olio war knighted by the Queen. Other foreign princes have thought proper to inspect the famous estab- lisbmeut, whence their subjects hail obtain- ed their most approved medicines, aria one of them wrote eu autograph letter in Persian and fiudustanee, that it mietht he *frown and publishes throughout India es a mark of the Appreciation in which the remedies Ware held by his highness. Thus is the career of Thomas Holloway -one of the atrikiog tustattoes of a great derelupaweut hem small beginpings,--.1'ltr tltatt about 'roan. Wm. Aikens, the Thor'udale lintel 20 keener who told iiie liquor tit that act the unfortunate loan Jult't tor* diuttk on the eight that he leer. kill, tl an the track, al dt berib..tl 1,s+t rve•t•k, 1+5.44 peen arreiiterl for selling iiel'l•ir after hours. As Johnston lei* ti wife end fawily It is (pita l ..4blltie thnt Aikens may bs ettirlpelle.l tit s uep•ert 'hem. For latae leek, side or elseet, use Shilob'a roreuus Plaster. Price• 21i smite. Sold he 3, W. Morning. Wx uuderataud there ie Eta politica �siguificance iu Sir Charles Tuppera return to Csutu a. HO ooules aololy to consult more fully with the atoveru. mane with reference to the Colonial and Indian I;xpoeition, wbiolt is to be the grand European event of next year. All the colonies are preparing, to send exhibits, and every effort; should be made to have an extensive display from the Dominion of Canada. S3100GLniw from Canada to the United States has been very brisk of late. That it is a paying occupation may be Rimmed from tbo following advertisement, which is inserted in the papers along the border :-- "For Sale—A farm within two miles of the boundary Iine at Leone, Prov: ince of Quebec, on which a row of buildings has been erected specially s for trade purposes. No other house within two miles on either side of the Iine. Coal house under sheds, stables,' hay, scales, etc. The stand is well knows to the Americana, and ell kinds of goods, anoll as liquor, butter, horses, grain, hay, eto, find an easy way into the States at all times. A. good active business man eau clear his $100 a day, or night, besides Making on en average $100.000 a vear of net profits." Hand hills con wising the above bereface4 invite- tiou to etuugglers arc seen iu all the border forma, i I Tris following is the way in whish I tlte Ifuroat News- Record refers to that noble and exalted being, the editor e-,`.1 the Mitchell Recorder, in reference to his going to Seefor'h Rud testing tate Soutt Act :—Up this S' wA Ills ma- jority jority of people ao not think the ed- itor of the Mitchell Recorder either clever ar gentlemanly, notwithstand- ing the $eaforth Expositor's opinion to the contrary. Many think that au officer under the Crooks Act who will visit an adjoining County and break tate law by obtaining liquor in vin- lat'ion of the Jauada Temperance Act is Walther clever nor gentletnanty. Bat when such an one prates openly of having violated tine law without entering on a prosecution of the guilty parties, we wonder bow the Crooke Act is run in Perth under his personal supervision. There are pee• pie who think the Mitchell editor is decrying the Scott Act to Dover his aondnct in the reoeut election iu Perth, he having, after a cane:stoat support of the Act for years, turned round and opposed is. Was the sud. den conversion brought about by the fear of losing an office? WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's j Vitalizer is guaranteed to euro you. For sale by J. W. Browning. M News Notes. Then also Rev. Dr. Laing, one of Farmers id Mulder', Essex, are the interrupted and persecuted party, suffering heavy loss !rein she ravages the Reflector's tate be true, writes l of cholera ernongst their ewiue. anis says among other things •— 1 The agitation iu favour, of church "•I have nothing to complain of either at i disestablishment in heirs very actively promoted in England by the radicals. A curious case is reported from Pelhamvitle, New York. A. boy swallowed a kernel of corn which the hands of my brethren or of the public. [sgd.] Joxs Lame," u this evidence does eat convince the Iefue hr, l lodged in his windpip, and which, nm, and if it still swears by Ipref e1e b nce, a wi11 kindly •having,begulr to sprout, threatens to Oar Cote cause his death by suffocation. and Bays it ie Lifetime all personality, journalistic to i n emaoly and nu• CATA BH CTTlt1D, health :and taro Rbuae, It obargee ue+p jn pereoaal breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price tic cents Nasal Injector free. Sold rereonally by y. W. Browning. TEST YOUR HOG POWDER TO-EA,Y? nr,wd. 44.551.01 44 as abaolotelr pare CorerWr a rrr .rs aanstartrT A THE TEST: Musa sa 4 ran top down un a hut store until heated,thre .:•,nwre the corer and weal!. A visitant.; Klan nut be re• iuirvq &sanest the presence or ammonia. DORS NOT CONTAUI AMMONIA. yrs usstrnpraarsg 1tAS NEVER BM( Qrlisrrclsn, In a mignon homes for aqarter of a century it bar stood the consumers' rsflebte test. THE TEST OF THE OVEN. PRICAKI G POWDER CO. Nteros ear Er: Price's Special Flavoring Extracts 1 • rang mt, mast delleloesaudsaluralOmar iaoera,.ad tlr Price's Lupulin Yeast Genie or Light, heaIthy Bread, The root Dry n. p Yeast in the World. FOR SALE BY CROCERS. CHICAGO. w ST. LOUIS. JtPRI (11PRIcEs • aSECIAL FI.YYSSRIKe SPECIAL , EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Lemon, range Almond, Rose. etc., flavor as delicately and naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER do., CHICAGO, . ST. L0V18 C. & S. GZDL ;Y, UNDERJAKEi S Furniture Manu faeurers KING'S EVIL Was the name formerly given to Scrofula because of a Superstition that It coutd be cured by a kingg% tomb. The world is wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA ran only be cured by a thorough, purifies, tion of the blood, If this is negglected* the disease perpetuates its taint through eeneration after enerati0 g arlier symptomatic developments its Eczema, Cutaneeus E.tinT- mors, Boils Carbuncles, ru Erystpeos, llasu, i?uruteut losers, Nervous and sisal Collapse, etc, If allowedOWed to coa, time, Rheumatism* Scrofulous Ca - tare), Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and vad'" cis other dangerous or fatal maladies, are produced by it. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is theonly powerful j t and ttizcays reliable itlOad.puri ing 2)Leclicin4 It is so effect. nal an alterative that it eradicates froth, the system Hereditary Scrofula, and tbe ldndrecl poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At the sante time it en- riches anti vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful action to the vital oto and rejuvenetingtiteentre system. 7h isgreat Regenerative Medicine Iscomposed of theenuine Honduras Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock, Stil- lingia, the Iodides o Potassium anti Iran, and eater ingredients of great po- tteoitey carefully and scientificaly con- to the corn- minded. 1 rafese generally, hee hest pbysielana constantly prescribe A TER'S .`1ARSAPARILrei\ as ori, Absolute Cure , For an diseases caused by the vitiation. of the bleed. It is eotteentrated to the We. est practicable degree, tar beyond any other preparation for which like effects ars claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as Well as the best blood purIty'ieg medi- elne, !auto world, Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED 1$1- Or. xDr. J. C, Apr & Co., Lowell, fad;. tAmalytica1 GItemiete.I field by all }Druggists; pee° el.; Wiz Y ott1es for f G. Tats nl'T met return 5,, u+ with lite or 4 Se statup:, and vt.u'il get by retnru omit a Holten UoNat tioala that a In briar: you in utero tueney tit -u anything else iu An.erica. Yee, renew if youstartquic'e. V1Tx NOVEJ.rt' ('0. k .rnu'utb. \'S• MA KI N AO. The %lost nataghttttl SUMMER TOUR Palatte Steamers, Harr Estee.. Pour Tsdpa Iiar Wank Between DETROIT AND MACKiNAC And Zvery Week bay Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write far our "Picturesque Mackinac," lliustrated. Contains J7'an Parttaulars. iranad Sr... Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co. C. D. WHITCOMD. (MN. bass. Aar., ncrao'r. NI ICH. N°RR. TRll E. R LiN APN1 CDI r in Minnesota. North Dakota.Mon- tana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. From Lake Superior to Puget Sousrd, At prices ranging thletiy bete $2. to ;G per acre. as 6 to 10 years' time. This is the Best Country ar-:enuring Good Homes now open tor settlement. FREE 320 acres of Gover'nrnenf Land Fre under the Homestead and T'• rt'niturc Laws. NOTE -10,818,433 Ares On MORE TISA€ MIX of all GOrol,tir l.rwdadisposed of in 1si3. H .. a. r , in 1 Northern Yx ,. t ere the h ... ,t. I`CG.:q mid Maps sent FREE desrritdne file Northern IPncttlr C•ottntrr,tlse Railroad Larxio for gale and the riermHoverament Law Address, ell AS.11. LAIISORN, Land Cont'r. N. 1.1L II., St. l'uul. Minn. How Lost, How Restosed. WO have recently oubiishod a new edition of 1)It.CIIILVERWDLL'S CBLL1$ItATh.l) 118 - SAY on the radical and permanent cure (with- out medieine)of Nervous Debility,non-Wood -•.. F Jbtti•,'ii`PJCIK O -f - physical capacity impediments to NI 'tillage, etc., resulting from excesses. Price, in sealed envoi°pe, okay 0 cents,ortwo Furniture, '00ffins, CaSiCPtS, L.N.ostaaestamps. Tire celebrated author of this admirable es- sayoleariy demonstrates, from thirty years' And everything iu the above line, to meet I immediate wants. We have -orale of the very best Hearses •in'tbe County, 1 And Funerals furnished and conducted at 1 extremely -low. prices. EMBLEMS OF A'LLTHE 'DIFFERENT SOCIETIEE. successfu •practice, that:alarmtug consequen- ces may be radically cureswithout the dang- erous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife ; Point o'rt a mode of cure at once simple certain and effectual, by means of whiohevery sufferer, no matter what his con. ditionmay be,may cure himself ohaaply, pri vatel a end radically. ,Thi lecture should be in the hands of ev- ery youthandevery man in the land. 1 TUE COLVENELL MEDICAL COMPANY, Post Office Pox 450 41 ANN Sr ,NEW YORE Greatest value yet sown. the New Colors. See our Black 711N zx 4.\4 0 z (:::) U in w .e.a� 4. w pseltf o V pip t�f c3 _ c -F-f r"7 44 01c4 -100 wensienswel atest Novelties of H Season OUR DRY -GOODS STOCK complete in all departments, and at Prices to suit the times. TAILORING A SPECIALTY Remember we keep the place to get everything you want and at right prices. PIC. ARD. The Old Established House, Exeter GAZE OM TIIIS! ---.--_,.--.,-., FOR THIRTY DAYS BISSETT BROTHERS OFFER TEN rzli. CENT. FO rt, mama OnIFORKS of,all kinds, CRADLES, SWATHg, SCYTHES, ETC. BINDING GLOVES OftEA.P. Machine Oils,RockBoomPrices American Water White and Canadian refined Oils away down.. BISSE'Ti'r EROS THE BANK of TIME Main Street, Exeter. TIIOS. FITTON Keeps Watches That Are Watches And are warranted correct for Tirne, Tide, of Railroad Train, and to please the most fastidious,, JEWELER" Thai, is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable for Romana, Friends and Cou11 trymen Lovers,Brides, Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely 'Wives, Childen, Hus- bands, Etc., Etc. SPECTACLES.—Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age. Give him a call. No trouble to show Goods. Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to. Time.