The Exeter Times, 1885-8-20, Page 3Agnea Hedenstrom.
One of the beat known among Engnett
' philanthropic institutions is the Scandina-
vian Temperance Sailors' Home in London,
and ane of the most interesting biographies
of the century would be that of its foundreee,
Agree Hedenstrom.
Left an orphan whoa quite a young child..
she wise brought up in the house of wealthy
relatives in Upsala. Here she was netted
and indulged to the last degree,
" Let the child have her own way I" said
her friends, "She hes no parents, poor thing!
All her pranks were overlooked, and elle
grew u ani largely it
p .mated la ge y by the desire to
enjoy herself and have her own way. Still
a donee of dissatisfaction would make itself
felt in her life. She was not seine happy„
though she could have given no reason for
her despondency.
One day, however, she listened to an em-
inent Swedish preacher, and then, for the
firt time, became conscious of the religious
element lacking in her own life, and of the
faot that the only needed to fill her idle hours
with thought and labor for others.
She began preaching to her eountrymen in
the North, where no woman had been allow'
ed to speak ist pubiio, first addressing small
meetings, and finally vast assemblagea-
p'or some years she continued this work,
becoming at loft persuaded that it was her
duty to go as a miss ol;ary to India. Sat
while b* oudon, awaiting an opportunity
to engeeein work abroad, ahs wee impree.
sled with the great need of laborers among
the poor in Ent London. She began preaob..
iag to them in the streets, and it was there
that the amend of heeown language broke on
hereat, half•amotbersd or inertioulate. There
homeless, drunken Scandinavian sailors were
ensnared by the hnndrod, In horrible pitfall■
of evil.
For two years she worked among the gat -
ors, preaching and pereueding.
She still ebudders at the recollection o,
be firth address to some of her oonntrymen,
at at&ea called the strangers" Best. Twenty
drunkest miner* bad been collected in this
room, and, alone and trembling, their country
woman addreased them, while they ahrleked
and blasphemed.
One after another, they haoame quiet, un
til the whole scrawly was finally subdued.
Next evoniag they eamo, bringing some com.
radon with thorn, and it was net long before
4 8aandinavian'octare-roomwet; permanent-
ly establlibed..
It was some yeas before Mlu Hedena:rom
could rales eut iieIent fundi fora' larger ea.
tablishmont, but in 18SO the Homo was
01 this Miss Hadenet-om is sole manager.
$he correspond• with the members' of her
company, when they am abroad on voyages,
receives and invade their money, and al.'s
many a oapteia in picking out lila crew.
Beyond all this, she superintends the Home
and eutertalos the "boys" who are tempor•
arily on shore. For their benefit, bedrooms
are kept in order, meals are served is a large
dining -room, end plenty of space hi provided
for them to pass their leisure hours amid
hooks andewapapor.. In short; the Home
is an immense boarding-house, though of
course it cannot be entirely self-supporting,
some of its patrons being quite deatitnto.
Mite Hodenatrom my* of her oherges:
" I have never yet had a sailor among the
five thousand that have been in this home,
who htln resturned from itto his former haunts;
and, thank God l there are at present a good
many dooent dressed men among the Scandi-
nevitta sailors in London, whereas, when I
began my work, there was not a single one
of all that cane ander my notice who did
not look ragged or slipshod.
" I can do little o raise funds; but never
yet have I asked anything in vain from my
Heavenly Father."
It requires strong character for a work
like this. But this woman seems to possess
it, and to oweto it her fitness for her calling.
The Powerful Steel Sam of the BrittalbNavy..
The most important feature of this unique
craft is a, terribly pugnacious looking sort of
beak or spur projecting twelve feet out ill.
front of the Main body of the vessel. This
lies low down and le so placed that when
rammed against an enemy will rip into the
unlucky omit several feet below the armour
line. at is of enormous strength. Strong
ail It is, however, this eeeel spur can be un-
shipped and taken off the stem if desired,
and beneath it a torpedo port from which
Whiteheads can be ejected right ahead of
the ship; and there are also porta from
which those destructive messengers may be
also despatched on the broadeldea. These
and the ram are indeed substantially, the
whole of the offensive armament of the vele
eel.. When afloat she is little more than a
huge steal cylinder lying on Be side and pre-
senting to view about 4 feet 6 inches of the
actual hull. The oylinder is tapered at the
end, and flattened at the top, and on this
flattened top there ere a hurricane deck, a
sigual. mast, a funnel, aril a, few other object*
not of vital importance to the craft. All
that can be seen is not a bit in the world
like any tort of a ship, and if it were all
tahot away everything in the way of en -
gizmo, bailors, torpedoes, and ram would
still remain, and there would be nothing to
fire at but a convex lump of steel armour,
ofl' which the moat tremendous hail of abet
and shell would glence with very little pow-
er of mischief. Should the Polyphemus be
attacked underneath, she is a perfect honey-
comb of watertight compartments'. Every
holler has a compartment to itself, and so
lute each pair of engines driving the twin.
screws,. The ship has a double bottom,
and many of the compartments are ordinarily
so packed with coal that there would not 140
much room for water even if they were
broken into. But should any acoidentooeur
by which the buoyancy of the ship was
seriously dimicished the Polyphemus pos.
seared a remarkable power of spodding her
keel, ail to speak, She has, in feat, two
keels with a apace of n foot and a half or
two feet between than, and in this space
huge mild messes of iron are held awe -tided
by a simple end ingenietu mechanical device.
Altogether the ship carries 300 tons of
this ballast, and it is in ;action,, 10 that
should any orae compartment of the bold re-
quire lightening, the block of ballast in the
vicinity of it may be instantly dropped. If
needful the whole centre of the keel may
thus be let go, and the ship lightened to an
extent reproaanting a bnoyanoy of a foot or
fount -en inohea ant of water. The ballast
represents s ninth of the entire weight of
the ship, The Polyphemus, it may be added,
la 240 feet long and 40 feet wide,
Wire Siege Suns.
Siege guns built of wire are the newest
description of ordnance for the national
service. A very tough steel wire is used,
having a breaking strength of 100 tons to
the square inch, which is wound over a
steel tube as tape maybe bound on a ree
being frequently fastened off to secure its
cohesion, and so neatly put together as to
look precisely like solid metal. An expo ;-
mental howitzer has been made upon this
principle, and passed a satisfactory proof at
the Royal Arsenal It has a calibre of 10 ins,,
but weighs only about 70 cwt. In its trial
this howitzer threw a shell of 36D lb. with
a charge of 28 lbs, and attained a velocity
of 1000 ft per second—a remit may be com-
pared with two guns of a similar weight
which are at present in the servioe. One of
these is the 8 in. howitzer, which fires a shell
of just half the weight—viz., 180 lbs—with
a velocity of 950 ft; and theother is the 100-
pounder gun of 6 6 calibre, which, with its
iglyti'shot of 100 the, manage to reach a vel-
ooity of 1390 ft per . second. The trial
weapon seems in no wayimpaired by the
strain to which it has been •aubjected.
"I'll Lie Doon BesideYe."
Two Bellies of a northern . town in
Scotland were boon oompanions, and on all
occasions of festivity it was their special
aim to drink their fill. Once, dining a
little way out of town in, the summer season,
they left the table .at different hours. They
had to walk home along a narrow path in a
field of standing corn. The latest toper as
he staggered on stumbled on something soft
and warm right across his path. Stooping
down, he hiccoughed, "Is this you, Sandy?'
Aye, it's me ; help me up." " I canna
dao that, but I'll tell ye what I'll dae, I'll
lie doon beside ye." Suiting the action to
the word, down he lay, and Betty, the milk-
maid, as she tripped along in rthe morning,
found theworthy pair snoring in each other's
AWonderful Freak of Nature
are so_mttimes.exhiblted in our public ezhibi.
tions. When we gaze upon some of the peers
liar freaks dame nature occasionally indulges
in, our minds revert back to the creation of
man, "who is so • fearfully and wonderfully
made," The mysteries of hie natuxe have
been unraveled by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buf-
falo, and through his knowledge of those
mysteries he has been able to prepare hie
"Golden Medical Diaoovery," which le a
specific for all blood taints, poison', and
humors, suede 'ae sorofula, pimples, blotches,
eruptions, swellings, tumors, ulcers and kin-
dred affections. By druggists.
f An ho the an s praise is sweet and use.
honey which the bee makes ;
but the praise of the flattererie as poisonous
as the sting of a wasp.
A, fly is weld to have the ability to jump,
two hundred times its own length. Ono
may therefore readily see how futile the
attempt must be to strike a fly when the
latter is in practice.
$500 Not Called For.
It seems that istrange t t I4 necessary to
persuade men that you can euro their
eases by offering a premium. to the man who
fails to receive benefit. And yet Dr. Sage
undoubtedly ;lured thiiusends of came of ob-
stinate oatarrh.with his "Catarrh Remedy,,,
who would never have applied to him, if it
had notbeen for his offer of the above sum
for 44 insurable ease, Who ie the next
der for cure cashf
The Mourning Gowns.
Mrs. Gen. Grant's reostumela made of the
finest Henrietta cloth and heaviest crape.
The skirt is of crape, perfectly plain. The
overskirt is draped very long on the left
side, with a heavy orape revers, raised to
the right side. Postjlon waist, with a
crape tiohu from the throat to the waist,
finished at both ends with a crape bow.
Collar and cuffs of crape, The bonnet is
poke shape, with a long orape veil that
reaches to the bottom of the dress.
Mn., Fred. D. Grant's dress is heavily
trimmed with crape. The skirt is made
with a deep kilc plaiting with three bands
of crape. Long drapery on right aide, raised
very high on the left, and faced with broad
bands of crape, £olds running down the left
side. Pretty draped back, raised very high
in the centre, forming two graceful points.
The waist has a broad fiohn of crape gathered
in at the waist, with a belt coming from be-
neath two revers of orape. The collar and
cuffs are also trimmed with crape. A close -
fitting bonnet, with long crape veil.
Mrs. Sartorla's dress is made Henrietta
skirt, with two plaitings, with band of crape
on each. Overakirt raised very high on
both aides, falling very low In the front,
which bag two bands of crape down the cen-
tre. Two jabots lined with crape form the
back drapery of overskirt. The waist has a
very full fichu of crape, with two revere lined
with crape. She will wear a oloee-fitting
bonnet and crape vell.
Mrs. Jesse Grant's dress is a kilted skirt
with bands of Henrietta and crape running
lengthwise, a short draped overskirt, with
loops of crape forming pocket pieces on each
aide. The drapery, falling low on the left
side, is raised high on the right, combining
into graceful folds in the back. Waist is a
plain postilion, with jabot from the neck to
the waist. Collar and cuffs of Drape. She
also wears a close -fitting bonnet with crape
Reading Well.
There is no accomplishment which is to
fascinating as the power of reading well; is
is a pleasing, although much neglected ac-
compliehment. No music hath such a charm
as good reading; and where one person will
be charmed by music, twenty will be fas-
cinated bygood reading; and where one per-
son can be a good musician, twenty can be
good readers. It seems to bring back the
old authors, and to cause ns to imagine our-
selves sitting down and talking familiarly
with them. What is more charming or in
teresting than the "plays of Shakespeare,
when delivered in a full,' clear, distinct and
well modulated voice? There is no acoom-
plishment which pauses more ,pleasure in
the family or social circle, the invalid's
chamber, the .hospital, the nursery, ithan
good reading.
In all things throughout the world the
men who look, for the orooked will see the
orooked, and the men who look for the
straight can see the straight.
Friendship' closes its eyes rather than see
the moon eclipsed, while malice denies that
it is ever at the full,
wiIlIs a Rya Water has proud itself a ,noose*
by ell who h vis used tt woodier; to direoticnt it their
Doe were curable,. ss. wn 1134{E by _+Le Hitters wed
certeigate,. Is cured me, 8 years blind, too AA failed;
O. PTM.rtin; line cu ed me, orcu(id would not try me
Alexapder worts; 6-yeu be, di, has. am.att: 4
yes sr Bile Dolour; 33 year, bend end now I sae, J ha
I',rcr ix. Ask lour drwaists far it. Weole4rdo—Ly-
Boss n ,
Ina tin kOx A
: 8i Rt.
The Royal Fngll,h;;orae and Cattle Ligament, and
wash for Oometgc Animals gnat introduced flow
land, where it hu been 1n use orer12years. Oared
skin diseases, hula outs, bruises, and sprains. averamuse on doge, and when used fn the bath, (abont a
tour rontu: to a bath] pDoi d1vtiydestroie teal, Si,,, end
all insects on dogs, poultry and other eniasal,. Bettie,
35o 50o. and sloe* amebas. ;me; write for thorn.
N» t Op„ 758 Osis Si, itoatreal. Avail.* wanted
everywhere, Good inducements to good men. App;*
at owtoe for terms .and particular,
$20 Per DoT
has no, suparier; 10 feet per hour; hand or bereft -
Myer: nom iued'bodes and rook drilling machin,
emeo /; Sot paw and diplomas. o.n3 tor Oa,.
68 Mary Street, Bamiiiton, Canada,
Pork Packers, Toronto,
L, C. Batton, R9ii,dSpree ewe, C. C. Been.
Glasgow Beef. Hams. sugar Cured Ham, Dried
Beef, Breakfast Bacon, Smoked Tweezes, Mees Port,
Plotted Tengnoa, Cheese, Family or Navy Pork.
Lara: In Tuba and Pails. The Hest Braude of Zoe-
ist, Fina Dairy Salt in Stock-.
2' 1 P ANT- SE &f
,..DOL ONLY....
Clapperton's ert�n
app s Spcol Cotton
warranted FULL I,oigttt, Had *o root smooth en set
+IewI'.g &thin,. Seothst OntereO' ;AMA's
pt* 1s
*s 44(44* hosiers
quiet you are teeday! You
haver soaroaly spoken a word, llo-.--Hush,
my darling. Don't you, understand? I'm
—I'm "unspeakably happy 1"
"I like the mild spring air, " said Gilpin,
aAs he ant down on 'Squire Mct:ill's porch
floor,the other morning, for a friendly chat,
".Haw freak everything asems. Do you
know of anything fresher than the gentle
spring zephyr?" " No, I don't know as I
does," replied the ',quire, Talose it 1, that
ere paint you're setting In. "Taint been
on the floor over two home."
• Rupture, pile tumors. fistulas
and all diseases, (except cancer) of the lower
bowel radically cured. Book ofparticular,
two letter stomp*, World'* Dispensary
Nodical Association, Bnffelo, N. Y.
All the doors that lead inward to Lila se.
(net places of the Most High are doors ant.
ward—out of self, out of smallness,, out of
," said Peterson, eatring a store
and throwing down a very gaudy red-and-
blaok-;tripod suit, "take tbis thing back;
I dont want it." But we don't take back
bathing suits, alter we have acid them once."
"1 doa'toare; you may have this one; I don't
want it," "What'. the matter with it?"
"Why, I was swimming In it in the lake
and a whole fleet of yachts took me for a
buoy and rounded Ise. 1 don't want any
more of that."
Prevention 'letter Than Cure.
Many of the diseases so prevalent in these
days aro caused by using soap oontaininy
impure and infectious matter. Avoid all
risk by using PERFECTION Laundry Soap,
whdoh is absolute y pure. Aak your grooer
for Pertszo Iox. Manufactured only by
the Toronto Soap Co.
Love may he blind, as all old poets have
sung in unison, but there is no authenticated
lnstamoe of young Love kissing his grand-
mother by mistake,
Or Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas,
Ont,, has full deft and complete or uses in
Literature, Music, Fine Arts, and Commer.
OW Scieno... ite•opena September 10, 1885.
For 60 pp announcement, address Princi-
pal Amain, B.»,
An exchange wonders how all thelawyers.
get a living. They don't bother; that is to
may, half of teem don't get a living. although
they are dying to do it.
The bale burner stove, the telephone and
other improvements of a like kind have
worked a domestic and social revolution
within the last few years. Among these
improvements it is not unfair to include the
"Myrtle Nary" tobacco. The great major-
ity of men smoke tobacco; have done so for
centuries past and will continue to do so.
It is important, therefore, that they should
smoke the best quality of the article. That
is what they are supplied with in the "Myr-
tle Navy." All smokers who have used it
know that Be flavor cannot be surpassed,
that its quality is always uniform and that
the only care they have to exercise in its
purchase is to sea that the trade mark T. &
R. is stamped on the plug.
Yon cannot blame a German for his fond-
ness for lager. A language which calls for
such an awful strain on the throat as his
does is the party to oensure.
Meat and Cold
Ie a never -failing cause of disease. At this
season of the year neuralgia, toothache, and
a host of similar diseases are rampant. The.
great question, then, is to find the quick-
est, surest and moat economical remedy.
Poison's NERVILINE exactly fills these re-
quirements. It is prompt, efficient and'
most economical, for it exceeds in power
every known remedy, and is cheap as in-
ferior articles. A 10 sent sample bottle
will give every person a ohance to teat it.
Large bottles only 26 cents. i�,e`iee y,Seeiiauaws"e
Every human being is either a helper or
hinderer to his fellow -men.
Rochester, N.
Contributes its quota of praise, as to the
genuine merit of Putnam's 'Painless Corn
Extractor. Henry Heib, Oot. 23rd, 1883,
writes:—" Send. a dozen for distribution
among my friends, for it is as claimed, sure,
safe and painless, send quickly," Beware
of poiaonons substitutes and; get only the
genuine. Putnam'e Corn Extractor, made
by Poleon & Co., druggists, Kingston.
A.P. 241.
�j AAMS FOR SALE. -AU kinds.—Send for list
1. Joax T. DALar, Guelph.
PURE BIeED AYRSHIitES for sale, two Dorn, two
yearling heifers and one bull. Write for dearly.
tion, price and pedigree to G. P. BAwiR. eraraloa.
miles east of the city of St Thomas, For
particulars address J. J. Lewis, New Sarum, Ont.
8th, Ninety -Seven acres clear, rood for grain or
grazing, halt -mile from corporation Uxbridge. Apply
to N. MUNRO, Uxbridge P. 0.
anoe St.,Toroato. Patrons, Gov. Gen. of Canada,
Lieut, -Gov. of Ontario. The most successful Voted -
nary Institution in America—Over five hundred
graduates in aueeeseful praottoe. All experienced
teacher,. Session begins cot. 21. Fees Fifty Dollars.
Ptincipel, PROF. SMITH, V.9,
Ir -a
0 124
E•4 Eva di
C= P
o loyal Mai! Steamships,
ea dmina winter from Penland even TLwr,dse
and x every swards,b ISvsrtiocl, as its meas
'rose Cnebao every Saturday toLiverpooi, oaulag ea Loc
onderry w land mails and era for Scotland, an
reland.ALaCronBaltiimore, IaaW•afaxandS Iohn't
a• X„ to Liverpool foredsli5 during earn., rsont1,
rls. steamer, of the Gl a..ssgaw linea :all dnrtn Kum
to and frons $ante=. Pomtted. Some and.-FA,Wdsi.
,Phis; and during rummer between Glaagav sad Yon
,at, Via'• Ofaagowan4 B0004.11104.11; and Mester
and ElitmdelpASa tortaishalr,
for ireigez, pomace. or other tot COMAE or
+p91y *o 41. flahumentior ee Go., Baltimore; f!.
Canard&Go• Haluas; Sb.ea 0o, tit. Joan*
.8,; Wm. Thoresen , Ga.. SL John, h. M.
Allan a Go.. Chic.Ino; Lox. t Alden. Neu
York;11. Baurl sr, Toronto ;.4tiana.Ras ASO„
Quebec': Nee. Bfgokle, Philadelphia; ii. A
alIan, I'coarrt rte t Satan i[aarreal
Ixooltroaazto A. D. 1155.
evasaateED oaxrrrar. „ .. .,,..paooAoo
PAID lee warm, NE„0fto
Itlraas;.vs . ,,,r.ro0.
TOTAL A83LTd.....4{•41111••••••••111I,600,11%,:
oPYZCE;—Coy'* Eldgs,Toront+8t., Toren.
The Oompanr has a;ergs ammo; of mom to lead se
Rant E tate econrithe at the lowest current rata of to
tarot. repayable either in one sum or by tostatmead
IS mak esteem by Cha borrower.
Applications may be mane dlreot to Ilia =earthmen
by tourer otberwtte, or to the total representative of
the Oompany throngooat Ontario. Ai the Commma"
elesrbail hinds CA baud no delay need ba expiated
ui :encs. radocedtomtotmam.
Morfgadla and Mun(e(pat Debenture Puralaard,
HERBERT EASON htaaagtng Wore,
COMkT$ATlO,1 BAN Lei 11iiS,.
Prison Locks, and all kinds of Fire and
Burglar Proof Securities,
Patentees and sole manufacturers of Fireproof
Safes, with Non-OonduotingSteal Flange Doors, which
have been demonstrated by actual tests to be the
beet f tc.radsting safes now made. 4 number to
8eoond-hand, Fire -proof Safes now in stock, et low
prime—idea, Five Second-hand, Burglar-proof Safes
suitable for Private Banken or Jeweller,.
Provincial Exhibition
USD= TEL stSPIcos or THE
Agriculture and Arta Association. of Ontario
TO int Hahn AT
7th to 12th Sept., 1885
Owing to the Dominion grant of 810,000 a supple-
mentary edition of tate Prise Liet Lae been issued,
making an entirely new list for the first 40 pages.
From page 40 first edition will be used.
Exhibits to come from the. North•Weet and the
Maritime Provinces, On these exhibits transport will
be paid.
One fare for parengera and freight on all principal
roads in the Dominion.
Entries to be made in all classes of Live Stook and
Farm Products by Aug. 22 ; Horticultural Produote,
Ladies' Work, eto., by Aug. 29.
Exhibition to ba opened by His Excellency the
Prise Lista, both editions, and Blank Forms can be
had by applying by postcard or otherwise to the
5-3 HENRY WADE, Toronto.
080 110ORE, President, Waterloo.
The New Co -Operative
ming aebine
Latest improved Attachments
Agents price for similar machine SOO
Our price only $25 each.
In fore burins send us stamp for„our elegant photo
graph and samples of sewing.
44'Maobinee guaranteed for three years and sent as
Any lady wanting a machine will do well to arise
Sewing Iaebiiic Co,
ND: 1"AT'E
`�'• t Iib+. . .
O �G
. J.1SON(.4:ENGaRV0a VA.",aT •
a'Th(i CnAcge, founded in 3854, has bad re ettendaace over 3,000 different atuderts, It Offer* Ynaurpssaaed task
tie. far " general culture' and for matriculation in Arta. Law,.ete., eta moderate amt. ate CoApglatoMaerm'
Embrace* kith "matriculation work" and selectedeludiea a in Wanes ane rlriosaphr nosed ae,.w7 of Pieta
has awarded]?• diplomas of stemmata Ur three yams. Item) otv,-, Papel., ii now. 'PteBnaan,iiGonlg
1s.' wader the ,i,reetion et a Oractical aceonntana. Ornamental lrenmanstm a reseiilty. Ths School of Art Y w
•tOliatton with Ina 0 tarts S oboal of airs, and teaches its courses,
41 A Special course of lectures for conference studens►of the Methodist Obwch, be whtoh thoRev. Dr& flay'
mn JeApahl;vfJ B.m Oaeke,nfA ann othetkpanvrin bgvnbdeurihde wiaedonwon ha
ie{ eere
or 500lertment , ism andgentloadmitted. Tom bee temb,r8th,
REV. W. P. DYER, M.A., President.*
It Is the only preparation of the kind whloh cess
Ulna All the nutritfoes, together with the etin teals
ng properties of beet, and The only one whkh #as
end ow rtosepPlynourishnteetforbrain*andbtmae,
N[A;Frp.i.eTrAZUS OF
eerle's 8
Gold Medals and First
Pr es Wherever E�hb UJUJ fill
.ted. TORONTO.
40 Reward for the Conviction
Of Dealers who +ref• s tenor ?iI of Other'
ter slid Sets In. C O O L La Manufactlaret for
reg fat
i i AT4703ix1r
Cottevol*Ols,) or ate by animating denten. lke Ot
iso.q n] Wo!EToreuo.
O� t Y $0.00
The cheapest in the
maker. ow . w
Warranted drat -
class, or money re-
funded,. Send di-
rect to manufac-
turers, or procure
from your Hard-
ware or House -
Furnishing dealer.
ONLY 11113,0 0.
Clothes Wring-
era of kiuda—
"Royal Canadian,
Imperial,' 'Kin,'
Roller, and Three
Railer. Write for
Hamilton It Mistrial Works Qot, Manufacturers, Hamilton, Canatla.
• Examine Their Superior Merit. C31-tritalinEr°12"13
attii�The MestEffective, Clean, Durable and Economical Beaters In the Market for
vanulen,�gChurches, Schools, Public Buildings, Stores and Private Residences w Slm
and easily managed, capable of giving moreheat with lees consumption of fuel than an
heating impenitent. gor Absolutely Ons Tight. b Seven eizee are made and can be est either
Prick or Pottabk Form. Correspondence solicited. For Catalogues and further information addle*„
A Portable Achromatic Telescope that will tell the
time of the church clock in Toronto at three mike
off, with extra astronomical eye piece and sun
glace for astronomical use. It will show Jupi•
tor's moons, spots on the sun, mountains In the
moon, iso. Sent to any address on receipt of $55.60.
CHAS. POT fER, Optician.
31 'Hing Street, East, Toronto.
[ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS l lMtie e...1t
The Eagle Steer
'Weaker is the out
Washing Machine f,
vented that a weer;
woman or girl. 1-
years old wtthon
the use of wael.
board, can with ,•a-
wash 00 to 100 Plec,
in one hoar. Agra.
wanted all over Cal
ads. Semple sent f
trial aniterrttory given. Ladies make good agents; no wear 0
clothes, and every lady will buy atter trying it; warrant,.
to wash calicos in C"e minutes, cotton ggood, 3n 50,bedeloth,
l0, or no sale. Address, TERRis d: b0., Patenteesaad 11,..,
Iaoterers.75 Jerrie Street..TORONTO,Cenade - '
Each Plug of the
In Bronze Letters.
� itl�tgl
Are the Reit. At.
tested by the Fact
that there aro more of
our scales in use in
the Dominion than
Of all other makes
combined. Hay.
Steck and Coal
Sealed, Tanners'
Orals andllairy Scales, Groeere'.1tEntcher'a
Scales, Scales for Domestic Rae.
Housekeepers, Consnit Your Best
By purchasing a smile, and in buying one tg,
to get the beet. Our scales are fully ward";_
every particular. All sizes Railroad,'ay.
and 31111 Trucks. Alarm Mone
For sale by the Hardware Tr
lnetrated Catalogue and Price Lie
:A -RE
1 rad winntpea.