The Exeter Times, 1885-8-13, Page 5IUelpless Upon a Friendless Seal A. Berrie telegram Says : Ou Fri- day last Mr. Obadiah Harman, of the' Who,, in taltiug passage in a great township of Flop, teas gored to death. traps -Atlantic steamer, does not feel by a young bull. He was leading a thrill of exultation ever her uiag- the animal to water when it because nifioect power. Against her the unmanageable and gored iritis iii a Storm King may hurl his elemental horrible manner. Airs. Harman rau forces, nor pierce her armor, nor stop to the assistance of her husband, her onward course. 'whose legs wee entangled in a rope ,But let me describe a Beene when, attaohed to. the bull Aa She op, matter, and un that account are peeuliary one morningin mideooean, therewell adapted for the young, delicate; and preached, the bull tossed her' away, a;ed, As this peerless medicine has gained Game an alarm from the pilot house but again she attempted to Sown- fame in thepas soe will it )reserve it in followed by a. cry: ""The 8131 a. rudder pod, ;ter object, and succeeded in the future by its. renovating qualities, and is lost !'' From the Confident er- doing no. The bull thud a ra,i made tho impossibility of its doing harm, pressiou, consternation came to every to Weak tier, but a deg came to her ENOWN BY THESE SIGNS. face, The wheeltnau being helpless assisttine.:, getting between her and Dyspepsia may be known by Iieartburn, to direct her course, the vessel was bull. An adopted sari c,tlnv to the Sour Erections of foots, Wind I3e1ehing,. at the mere of wind and wave. Weight at the Stomach, Variable appetite, resell° and sueoeo,led iu driv;:of away Costive Bowels, etc, Burdock Blood Bitters The captain bad bean neKligent— the infuriated animal. Mr. Harman will positively ewe Dyspepsia, although la died as lie 11.4 shin{ 0131'1 41 inth its worst chronic form. the house, The open season for Woodcock shooting eemmencd on Thursday last, and several of IIottowtzi's Pitts, -Changes of tezupera-! Over�i q Over tore and weather frequently upset persons Aeras, Fon>.ti i11 Nurseries 00 flares, alio are most careful of their health, and particular is their dint. These corrective, Th. l Largest In the T>onilni,ln. 'File fabo purifying, and gentle aperient Pills are the n best remedy for all defective notion of the z?A , 'ziS` 1TEN WANTED xI3'zD inferior io WAIFeaD1 e reward will be -paid for, the conviction o those Merchants who are selling digestive organs. They augment the ap• To heel; canvassing at once on t d petite, strengthen the stomach, correct biliousness, and carry off all Haat is noxious Steamy empiaStueutto succeEsful nhoa. Good from the system, Holloway's Pills are cum- agents arc oaruing from $40 to :: ,:. per pinuth• posed of rare balsams, unmixed with baser and expetses. Terms and outfit free. Address STONE 4 WELLINGTON. McColl rah Pales. Machine t pts, a the hangings of the rudder were allowed to wear weak, and suddenly it had dropped deep jute the Sea Stroug iu intellect, in physical The Rex'. Geo. H. Thayer, of 11,>^lrbols, our local sportsmen went after game, but Intl., says : ""Bush myself an+i .•*r " (me our got t vecry light returns. ` ' vigor, in energy and in ambition a sixes to Shilob,s Cunsumptiou i s'' . Sold Years of experience and successful oriel man confronts, undaunted, gigantic by I, W. Erowusitt', bare proved McGregor & Parke's Carbolic tasks and commands applause for •s.. Carate the most complete and satisfactory his magnificent achievements. But, all unexpectedly, an alarm cornea-- or Felons, and for keeping HAIR SAW the rudder of lira oores%itntion 1S gone. Lo:►Ir, John I e.r, of the TA ueh.1, of 1loin cut the cola and 1l g *ems of aisrlost thc which sir 04 e. iT:ef Fs 201 to cleanseor prevent proud flslt.llMliegor' Restores gm Ha lies been catalase of illi reserve- , or decd Insist on having Interesting itch's, tree d f healing aid f t' Burdock BITTERS pauu for ea zng sores, es ectege, r Glees, Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Frost Bites l HARKN L' SS p. teen ; meatal strain, nervous excite passing Cr T. R. leeomottrl melt, irregular habits, over -work, A Qt ADIEU PLB FO1:cE iirowzim-' moves Dandrn". have destroyed the action of bis kid- The reasonwby (iiYsase is se seen expelled IT'�I%YER FO.II.S. stops the hat neya and liver. Thie would not oa• from the system by Burdock D1(., i Btttersi,9 Dr. Fowler's Extract of wild, tawberry V from falling; cut, Parke's Carbolic Cerate, sold at 2.5c. by Dr., hair to ri s Pl tura! Colo our were Warner's safe ours used to maintain �' I,,gor, And even now it may restte vitality to those organa and give book to the man that which' will lead hila to the haven of his am- bitioe.—The Traraler. because that excellent remedy :tots in :s !env- will never fail you when taken to cure Dye. fold manner -that is to say, upon the mar, eutary C't,lie, Skil Stomach or any form of els, the Liver, the Bintxl and the Eianeree, Simmer Conplatut. Relief is almost in - driving out all teid humor, .nut re•4.mlatin3 stautaucous; a few doses stir(" xvllcn other every organic iunction•. remceiiee fail. 'When a tlwothy t::•,d has born= o:te: step :t: 1-....�- hay, that is month for one veer- Th. CATARRH -A NEW TREATMENT. fkr-growth is xct 7o1'te to 31(S 08 tit0 ground as p'oteotiln for tile roots than ': }:a. been aellreved lit modern medicine heal I.1'arkne"'^ i'il CoATr, Robert Siva, the ]"dell Mills' Ater. can be as pasture. . eru,ittalnedl,ytlle Bison tretttutentiurca- ca;l ing them Mco11's Laraine Tllc, owl}• gennilio manufactured by Bros. 44 Co, Toronto. FOR:SALE BY JAS. PICKARD, EXETER. Bur=dock BLOOD BITTERS Cures Igzzerow, .T:lca l itept tit4', Irdi:j(,st! yin, Biliousness, .Dyspepsia, Jtundlic'e, A jf •diens ( the Lic r and, ,. 7,1z eys, Pimples, .Blotches, Boils, !lutnor,>, ,S'alt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, ala d r.t 1, t7_:.•s ai,, ny from Im,ipure .mood, Deranged e t%`+,1 :'r^; �, ;Pro yak,. action (:T t ,- Bowe?. . >.i RENOWNED 1tEMIIWI.ES. tucrease. ter:: growth, an wi:. : not soil the skin.. As a hair fires sing, - it i3as no superior. Gr. anteedh r.,e1ee 1'erEial�sthe meatextraordinary succesethat Prep -at :I ur ., . r •, z. • amdan e , .at U. u T h. G Bud A C o i) t Out f d 1 patients ( , Ci t. an , y r, era m a S#ofuach B ttcxs osis i tic a txcatc 1 during the ie by fertile beat selling preparationin that aAtt & IritiiSipri QI l"f:l'Es Net nix mouths /oily usuety per cent have $514 by oil it in;iiis (• , Cad Wet* 011, with Sypopbosphtta.. l' eu0:arc(1t+lth'i ottibburn malady. 'i'tis is and 1'a .ett!+4 delight?rhofit and that All e large quant area thew; tfio less statieopu� when It l eme:a1zret[ I delighted with it. lie .e1Id large quantities dlmo, f tt iFer 4'ut3;,rrly+f <.n.. ,Hutt eat "1v01(0Y relit Pf puri(+ntF Presont[4 Ti tI 1 i :. hii it T'. of it. Have Fon D}olicnxia try it to leve e e u teC,t1111n,n'a1 ,r:a+ h t Erich, olve5 to the regularru,riitlrnt.,r are be-, "" • - received from s ufer: re who !I+tve. T a s; -. i n.•atte t. while the :latent menu:meiandither inanently carol by :;:o,t s t:4nti1 Exit 1 wharf x:41 cures never record a cure at ail. f . , ,.titin„ with tine claim now generally oehevcd DAH i 11.L1 TO Jfil (c�! l; ti, y ties ria that it will caro eon. cirri! tl•a�t in,s,-7,7.1 ,; the most scientific soon that disease is Sue early sEsgey, au.1 aisaxittt it ' ,H , •+ tElt trn-otncrenof living ,1rteite.in the ti'- ue. ca zn4trt his w Three PCrSonti Instantly latters.a r c ' •,u ulatlen tlitil aicoutpli-I a I, 1 eelan;:s± t 1.11 esa obc. p+ It cu rUZ r-lr1 r i . • t at ar'-h ispractically curd. iiia, i' r- �fan iPl'lible railway nqC°d+lrittllb(nt. scutes hila 5 sbou,l b(e +1a, 1 f'f , °I'4 "flrqu0ylio/e.1. ax cuzcx cticctnl lex'' ” thl'ill porins.; tit, , .eft IU ,ire 3L, l I t :aro ate surei 65111. iso Oat• have happened at and abntlt Sr, chard #ilea tlr e"" ...,pdi la Y:.'.:.: :71= .4:totevt,'tt ccs sura tt�tal•iIY in this t 1 v t fit t .:_14:1140 et511•r treatteent tier cured Thome% but it is doubtful if a Wrote' ua,l. r tli,? la€ �::1' [ 1t:+114e. T➢t, a11i 1ie.ttiau of the rellte.tyt is [[" a .q "i1: I un i,It•`O au.t ones ►m d(eu(s at h,intc.. Sufi tilt* t melancholy affair ever transpired ,. -eat . ..=.up rat a➢.0 %eta' uses nio,t favor - there then that which eecurred Fri- W. d t'allpy, 111 •,ht, a 11, q'le t..¢• .1r I.., ;a s5ucey i' ltertaaurnt t u:a the f. •N 't +t :.. a Ming', furs, L eA e t thing reit :slttihtil� - ':nf• :+. Ira" ➢ ria( ut tiuHerurs t.laould c.,rrc'sleoud tritit '1ti.�.r* A. 11,1s1Sl1tiS i+AS,:it,hinrt etrectl driving in company with trni t cif 1t'ibi Sir `11/4 11' 11 irlf tilt IA t, ' �q= her little child, a� boy aged about si3 PyFenterv. eohc e1::➢t.:etn^cit yearn, and her brother, 31r. pam se C(rulllaiut. JC7I3 7' 8I .'V�T'N, years, the Pact (t'lico Department, Ilam. l.•im tarn in; , .ti *; p sem hi+ t i1r(i to J sort !^.n 1 u C f , t. t',, I, Q Ilton, wtio was in the Cray on a visit ta(.s. Mums, lilt: +i l 11tsr"ins! n 1 c i . tr [ t UNDERTAKER lilt when three persons ..1r 1" 1 iia .t,t I. i i S r• tc ':c 1- l a I rcat melt deans. it appears st Arlt t ri tsnieg 1 r .. summer. t9. �.. Rr3-t 1'rsrnutf�t'd t,Ansi r+lzeiOle itt11U11 for • , wife of :xtr. Fred. San- a gor4l ditrt n',I f, r it-"' lir. Vo .1. r :• l;; 17,1T"'"'" I(•4r ri^'tt Ace (iia t':ttaraa,-.IT4,e7to('rl Sti0, `',1'. .: day aftern to - Iiia au unto -eels Hits. ;lenders dere was out to his sinter, and about five o,clook approached the i.oudou ire Port Stan- ley railway °roaring, near the South- eru Conntioe' Fair ('rronndo, known as ("Yartvnei 'e ('reesiug." As they were passing, this, the a4tei)mmodaticu able euro for all forma of S4v1t ,I -r Com. front Pore Stanley, oalt!e along and iy plaints that T, rtltla=_= Moult • ot,trnr?n . Struck he vehicle ib which thepar- A8" y,11tr madi 7t. i t awl all tical. c •+ 4 t pat.'111 caws. ties were seated, irletantly killing all :t, farmer named Shetritt on the l'ts'• three of them. Tho eight was terrible. Line .Stanley, Fowt Ai a number of acres t,.f to witness. bout 20 y arila from the fall wheat thiultiug it was spring wheat and halt to plow it Hewn last week. Al a t111ring scene of tbetlatestrophe they body of s1 -...—•.•• ..r+;:t-:.•`.. I crop it was a failire. ,- Mra. Sandera was Iyini+, the head As wall expect life without air. f, lie,:Itb yr r, 1' r.4 completely severed fr to the body , without pure Mood. Cleanse the i 1 A 41 with r t111111ti C�; 1 x10tiG'VS cod (,,LS1iCtS + which was otherwise terribly mangl- Aser's Sarsaparilla. the Nile next i;xmnie-r.. 1'lti NO1' 1)I:IAY, Do not deltic•, if suffering ail a ) vi e f Bowel Complaint. le.r•t•vcr tiii➢<3 til trt fitly finny be the att-ser.,1. n is-' lit. l'et , a En - tract of Wild Strawberry. It i•; t' c l 1 re•li- CABINET-MAUBR, -We G'OFFS\x of Evz:nY DESeniP r N 1 ed. A little farther down the track IS IT ACTING RIGHT? .TO,. r O was found the body of her brother, If you are troubledwith Inactive Liver I trej your cemp1t ion will be r;;allow, frequent sick' A Comp lete Stook of Robes & Trimmings 1 i ,-- whose head bad been frightfully out, headache, aehlug shoulders, dizziz.tss, wear- while the li•1(le boy had been carried inns, irregular bowels. and many otherrilways on hand, H to the depot by the cow entailer,, to serious complaints. Burdock ]flood Bitters I''lJNL11ALS FURNISF-El? AND CON- place the ether bodies were regulate the Live • and all the secretions to a 'healthy action. r DUCTED AT Low RATES. afterwards convoyed. The ground :lir. El', Holden, of tlio 1'2511 con..W'. t ill around was dyad a orimeou by the Niseouri.lza,1 It span of horses killed 1.c , l --i life -blood of the victims. lightning the other evening. t►tlwr farina: My Stock of Furniture is un- • `-i The grief of lir. Sanders ne being met with a similar inisllap If informed of the affair was terrible to The library of the :'Jothoili.t :•a.'-', Eirkton. excelled. 1---1 has just been replenished witlz4ii worth of y behold, he being almost crazed with ,taw books. t. ---GIVE ME A CALL, f 1 grief and could hardly realize tbat Laad ies who feel that the+y are tirott:iro' ..._. _ ..w i his wife and child and brother-iu-law, old Wore their time should use. Ilanin;ton's, so short a time before in possession Quinine Wine and Iron.Be :Sit of ha. p stations. Sine that you ge` •'11h:uznt.ton':1; " "LELAND of life and strength, had been hurled - ' the ori nal rind geruille. For sato Ly all " a fi into eternity without a moment's druggists aid genenil dealers in Canada. ^YTS as the so.oc 44fni w The erosaing at which the terrible - �' To all who are suffering froA m the errors and •1 ! affair occurred is in a Very dangerous indiscretions of youth, n0rx Ona 1 11(l:n'41 J Ellt13 +n`l Condition, and the ueaessity of a early decay, loss of Manhood &0, i wil. one n watchman being stationed there has receipethat will cureyou,F'RFl%tIECII+ll1t:L1, axvi111.i:, r f.nm been frequently remarked. It is 61111- This great remedy was discovered by a ` d C 11ro aced a short distance south of the eionaiy in South America. Senda self -ad. dressed envelope to Try, TOSEPht 't`, INxt&N railway bridge that spans the valley stattonD, New York City. A rather good joke was played en a Mitchell young man the other (ll+.y, He :lad (, ° o` ridden on his wheel to sec a lady friend in ::_ -. o S�,r5ap 'r .'.?.ia. town, enol left his bicycle at the gate. In cin„ i'I:,, Bir. LELAND has reconunen(ied the mean -time, some unknown person tusk Arr, : , y.:'. ;:sPAunLLA in many similar the wheel, redo is to a distant depot and case:., anti 11 hos never yet heard of its fail- ure 1.; e::.:e:. a radical cure. Sono yc4 .s ago one of Mr. LaLAxn's farm laborers bruised his leg. Owing to the bad state of his blood, an ugly scrofulous swelling or 1un11 appeared on the injured limb- Ilor. ribio itching of tbo shin, with burning and darting pains through the lump, made life alulnst intolerable. The leg became enor- mously enlarged, and running ulcers termed, diseha.rging great quantities of extremely offensive platter. No treatment was of any avail until the man, by Mr. Lcr,AND's direc- tion, was supplied with Avtlt's SAneAPA- IaILLA, whlelt nllnyesl the pain and irritation, healed the sores, removed the swelling, and completely restored the limb to use. Malarial poison can b., e11„i, el • ' 1,,Inevod Mr. LZ La.\D has personally used near Aima College, and its surround- ings are such as to render the view of an approaohiug train difficult to ob- tain. This is especially the case on the wear, for along the southern side of the roadway and upon the west expressed it to the owner allowing him to side of the railway track runs a section Pay express charges. It was slick. of the high bo ,rd fence that aur- The annual fall fair of the township of rounds the exhibition grounds.. Be- Fullerton will be held on Tuesday, October tween this fence and the track Ftaude b to. Tho bilis, announcing the. pt'ir�s, Vitt be out shortly. a disused watch house, and Ilia two Fluid Lightning 144 sf1: !fly 11 tsit'ce11006 objects combine to form a serious ob. Rheumatic Remedy, I was for two months struetion, rendering it utterly impose a cripple, unable to get oat of the house from Sciatica. One bottle gave his, instant I Bible for a person approaching from relief, and placed ma on my f,•-•: again. 1 the west to observe a train coming have driyon fourteen miles ,,,.11ay (some- from Port Stanley until almost on the thing I conics not possibly havo done w114 it 1 °eosaing,.s en is would be too late not for fluid Lightning) for the :•::press to do auytlliug. The high fence stud purose of So says Wm. D xon,lGananonn:� l Only et . watch house doubtless were the cause per bottle at Dr. Browning's of the unfortunate people failing to observe the oncoming trate in time from the ryctom by the est, of A , ''a •thio 1 �itiro, which Contains a sd C i,CC1 I in this to stop their horse. t � ►�Sarsaparilla form of n vegetable pro,:u ��. r a ` in no other remedy. Warranted The recent issue of (ltbenta:'ea er. til, Conuty of Peilb- 3•lti,000 a, liar' 1 nen '.1 for twenty y(,lrs, to till Spat; ,1 t•11x lilt, emotion O1 rho new (aner, heti=o A4111 jtlil tx.) :., to c: ..emotion 1vorc sold ill Toronto at 1) 17:03ilc4 4 o.:e /tile inn, e,):.,.,i :'.o seven pot• cent premium. This i:1 s:t.11 (,i) be 'or::.ous f..::•asc' . , ..... the hest sale on record We have 3.ir Lm,.::;, -',i -.1,...,.:,iii to n x -to I lints for ,years thesis a 210804(11.111 i 1"'C r all who may desire furter 0 114:.:: in 1. 2,:1111 Y.nm Dyspepsia, and tried all known reale- to the extraordinary Cu1'14L v0 powers of dies and -the best medical wilt o: ,uu 11e• ArEI4'4 ,S.1lis,lr_xr.ILL& to see 11;11 persnn- quamtance; bat still grew worse, ttul.il un- able to eat anything without out n :• 1 the river, and before assistance could eurely.•0112; when, like a drowning luau good donebythisunoquallederadfcatorof catching at n straw; I determined to giro blood poisons enables him to give inquirer: reach him 11e sank. It is asserted by McGregor s Speedy Cure a trial, 1 at oneC much valuable information. those who witliessed the: drowning began to improve so rapidly that i i two that the boat hands Could have saved months I was as well as I had ever been in PREPARED BY him if the had exerted themselves. mylife.-Wal. 14valls Litanrrsc1Tov. Sokiby Dr.J.O.A er&CO y J VV Browning, Druggist Floe trial bot- ' ., Lowell, MOSS. 1 tol.itl- 1 •, .. 1.- I. • u .ects of : dle4c.3u v;, L . -" ui A man, supposed to be W. H. Child - well, wes drowned in the Red giver, of the morning of the 5th inst., at Emerson, Manitoba, between Park street bridge and Carney's saw mill. When the swing was opening to al- low the Steamer Marquette to pase down, the victim was aeon bolding by ally eitlior rat his, manlmbtli Occait I_otel r one hand to the 1400 work of y g q f.e,tttg, LongDranch,oratthopopularLol li(lilotbl, the awing. 'When the bridge was or di, any kiucl of work. I began to think L'roaawiy, 2ithand2SthStreets,Now York. about half -way open, he dropped. into there was no horse for mo, and that I must 141'x. LELAND's extensive knowledge of rho for 1 r .rinatin-n w", 4,1:!'!-:4:11-1-445; and, 1111:1 air • , . , in tii • r. 1to11f,n ; Et is supposed to be a ease of- suicide.,. ties,. Sold by all Druggists; S1, six bottlesS,erf& V ,A� Immerse rree iieeeee cfi Irras THE PILLS Purify the Dlc.,sP,,:aerre';t:t.1l";r r:lr4,obi at' 1f.IDNEYS., AND BL) VEILS. Phty airigorate and restore 1.4 health 1'41Aili* :,:i 1.:“14411111ti',1:8, ,t*s(i. art: invaluable in all Cotnplaiut incidental to Anodes ;iii 1'.e'.4zil,➢rtu and the z: -t• I eh( y'are priceless Is au iliftlllil,lu THE OINTMENT " molly f,.r Bad LO a hies Bo vele.f la n We1:U3 t', ,tt 1'1'-'e'tis, 11 ill fd0)0.11N. f.45 41.,455 4'2.5 Ithentztatit rat. FOR I4I4i011141:Itt1 OP Tfii: a'ii; ii" 11A's No For Sore Throats, Bronchitis. Hugh . t ..i•. ,!,°tet, ➢t=lar SWt-liitlg: 4.14(34 ail 1diin dittoes it hits no brat ; and fie teelige , ;. 4 tied wits joints itaetslib.- a I:liarua. The fills and 1)ltetaient a.: • . 'id at To, °: x.: II r 4.),AVA'er, I '-t,$1•:i=+19m1'n:, is 'NEW OXFORD-ST,Illi :1 lite :,311, t)it"+i1:04,iIlit:CT LONDON . s'i'arly eery resp; etatdej Vttalle4r 4 Mr 51^i1:Y'. nt3 Box -.- .:JD•! 1'i. -ns 1' . I'tl 28.9;1. is. Ile., t;.m:. tzf :l Vas. ea<•it. She 2S. Pt size a Soto. -inn three tit; s the gttantitr of the 1g 134. „be; the b.„ chi, vii (t is f tl:. 11 , .sister n ; thf 22- sib th5atx'411rev ; and abs :lifw :ize, fifty—two ta133e-.:sa' q111? +,f fiat, ynixlh:8t Il.axez+ awl Pots. Pali printed directions are pilin cdaal Pett. and t•1)) 1,0 Lae in any language Les- 1'atrcltast t(+allould le a; t1-4Ili ,1 is e1.-1':.tn int! 1177,4Us. If the addre s is not 4:33 Oxford Street. London, 11.,,y aar 6114,;:';,„,:s„ VITILLIAllti DREW THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE SIMPLE THE ONLY SEWSN'1' AG EINE Co THAT GiVES J HAS No EQ L ERFECT /sr G)*---- 7 a tl,ll� k Y C "i i f i 'r.j ;2 S s..' 1 SEWING MACHINE Ca ©RANGE MASS. 30 UNION SQ.N.Y. CHICAGO ILL. ST. LOUIS MO.ATLANT•A GA. . FOR SALE BY -• Undertaker and Cabinet' maker. EXETER, ONTAR20 ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S'BANK. '85 NEW P. TNG GOODS '85 JUST (ARRIVED AT THE Exeter Tailoring' Establislirn't CHAS. SOTJTFIC0 r Has received a Splendid assortment of CLOTHS and TWEEDS very Choles Goods. and will sell them cheap for Cann. Snits Uade to Order On Short Fort oe,• A FIT GUARANTEED. No UARANT i'ED.No credit given. Sold ONLY for BASH, and that weans Cheap Goods. Call nuts see his stock before placing your. order. Exeter ,• 1(11 Mar eli,19H,-, SOT .i, ITC®c�i(e, T .. ..^11=e' er Post Office Time Fable. - SI+1It.S A1Znxvn t1LO5E, Kirkton, Woodham Wluobelsca and.CiimviIlo ... 8.15 a. rah 10 0o a.m. South,east and was:' incln,ling Loudon, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, Slanitoba,Unitcd States, 8ugIic•iland foreign Mails ... .., ... 9.15 a.m. South, Oast west &c ... ... 6.35 p.m. 100 n.nt 24101". IA North and east, including tl•oderich, '.Viuglutm, Kincardine and all points north, Stratioid, Toronto, Smut, eel, and i,lasteru States... .•• ... ... IC.00man 8,00 a. m I.:vrth cant,&S1. ... 94301),m.45.30p.m 'ray ... ,,. ...X7.1551.1146.8014.©ln. ,815am 11009 am. 1\10:NEY ORDERS Issttod•and 11%50011 Alla frola ally Money 0rdei:me: lir tite'Dominion of Cunacla,Great Britain audit,cland,BritishIndia, Newtounrllancl,Italy, :4.o s tralin , Now Smith Weiss,. Tasmania, New Zeland, France an Algeria; the German Empire, S)veden .lorway, Denmark, Icelond, Belgium, the Not11rlanCs,Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, )aonman,a, United States, Jamaica and Ear-' badoe. POST OFFiCH SAVING SHANK. Deposits willbereceived atthis office from 51 to 5300. Depositors obtaining the -Post - mils er-Goneral's sp ecial permission eau deposit 51000. Deuositc on Saxlugs Bauk account re- ceived froro 9 a.m. to 4p, ni, Interest at 4 pet cent per annum will be allowed on ell deposits. Oficeiloursfaom 7.30a.nlao7 0,m. Letters intended for registration must be posted to minutes before thoclosing of each mail, .7.B. --Et is particalaryrequested that the 4en•lors of matter will kindly add the names of '10 0nanties to the addless0s. D:JOHNS, Postmaster. R..A..NT0N BIZ S.I r ETEz1, oal'r�itzu. '1'1400:I 4:i, Tulu•sdaysan(1 H1tr,rtlar4