The Exeter Times, 1885-8-13, Page 3Explo The power Cong meat' come the le Afric tent a tions, the pr the or young But under Born who u age, h he res Ile tl: shippe where name1 was P His and St ccs, upon t taken the U• cosign as 0.0 emplo; To To whom for tw 1871,8 for the In No Tangai for fu Engle distinE Whl plane?( To Gca shared Lando toriNj by des with tied nil Liviag ruche rope hi geogra was pold at poditic borne 1 ,00untr' clety r -flan In. The of 6,00 ulation reaeiurp and` vs Quc 4The ital. of Vona, new ci ary Pe of unb more in Pe -ing th these feet hi rows ter to by the oentur Never. trance Sarace been archin and o India. windin .00nrty ing to of two oomm are fill of the there sands them. his co how or fo the an tern ex is rase r wealth nevem out in are w wives ►11 ali tle, w form. apertu The 1y deco yards; with c to the have d foes& rugs. mattre I'ersi night._ their c I often o ui an cation about court ra walls whatever. clever seta riginated urtyard oor ur rued 1 etched hJoh as HENRY M. STANLEY. --^'^ ser et Ariteaand the Congo Free state result of the recent conference of the s at Berlin was the creation of th. Free State as a nation. This achieve the progress of civilization is an out in this. way in other coutries. It 'does not "Shoot Polly as She Flies," create dampness, as the climate in Persia is was the way pp P pMany; y it appeared in the moo£ -elf very dry, There is a separate room for the The argue -eyed proof • reader, however, knew bath and its appointments are often luxuri• Pp the quotation intended sold ehauged it to ons; Christians are obli ed to have separate .. „mm g F read: Shoot folly as she flies, Pope, Of baths from the D2ohamm:dans, course it was an error, yet how many are Prevention Better Than Cure. of the diseases so prevalent in these dare are caused by utsing soap containing impure and, infectious matter. Avoid all k risk by using 1'ERFEGTIOH Laundry Soap, which is absolutely pure: Ask your grocer® for PERFECTED:Z. Manufaotuzedonly by ,: •. �x Sj�l�� ' - .... ... „ , ( "*' ` a *0 s }a AAxt1 b . A Q�� �a iilG' "• J1.; " ° ' E- PURPOSES. , NT �R,�oNis.erccaAver, T�„ „• A the work done by Henry M. Stanley, tiding naive in the houorable record of M daily committing molt graver errors by al- MEOHANIOAL ITEMS. lowing the first symptoms of consumption to unheeded. If loss the Toronto Soap Co" A,P,240i travel, not only because of the ex• nil matchless difficulty elide explore- p go afflicted with of•appe A good-sized whale will produce two tons lite, chilly sensations, or hacking cough, it o£ whalebone if treated like a gentleman, ran SALE. -ail meets -.Bene for lint �. pig, Gnelnn: i e u the which h a rpass t o all others, but of, actical statesmanship that has made is suicidal to dela a single moment the use A machine has been invented which 'wraps y u ora P of Dr, Pierces '"Golden Medical Discovery," ' in tissue ASK YOUR GRO0ER"FO1f IMPERIAL k RENCH SHOE BLACKING . 1' ugea. paper more neatly and and olitieal recognition of thean ne y -the great and only reliable remedy yet State possible. g rapidlythan le laced mend is from four t known for this terribly fatal malady. Send p p o few, if any, persons have begun life five times as durable as maple, and equal- two letter stamps for Dr. Pierce's complete treatise on this disease. Address World's as unpromising conditions as he. iy as durable as the hardest baked tile. Dispensary Medical Association Buffalo HZ IS A WELSHMAN „ p y ' " End -wood flooring can be h produced with as . Y. tDenbigh, in the year 1840, of parents finely finished surface ee that Vie_ f?u th - An "home-made" fluid uRE BRED AsfRSHnSF•S for pale, two oovva, tw ten, Price aagdpedigrifersee to nd (i�Ir, eAssx Tte ar or ° NTALOAlikt FAIGll FOR ..-1E10 tiaras, 8 miles east. Abe city 01A474-100 mamas. For partloulara address J.1J, LEWIS New Sartim,Qat. "--�•" --'--i — -Qs - ~'-- O RENT- WEST"CALFLOT 33; CONCESSION T 81114 Ninoty.Seveu acres clear, rood forgraiu,1 grazing, half-ni;lo tram corporation Uxbridge. Appy to N. 31s;N$O . Uxbridge'', O. _..-.... _.__+�.....___... 3 21.1100 3P174$1 -3E3 0 fsX �y3,il, Tlae ChetipeEwti int the Market. Warranted, first• _ 1 class or lever r6 ,,,,,j-. .. :��� FK funded, Send di -e ��,,..._�_.. rent to mumble• ; turers, or procure a from our Hard- Y; y r ware or lianas- _ Burnishing dealer: �l LITU Ta. N� BTR] WO S 011 I' Ql•Tl�a7rt� Cltitluea or An "Ilea y s l - ,� Fad ," FF MITI" . Mangl ea,, c.; r � Railer iter- itoll@x, ilPxt particulars. UFACT REBS, # excellent washing ere abjectly poor, When 3 years of side of the grain, g was placed in the poorhouse, where An ordinary looking cane of very peculiar that will not rot the clothes is put up as fol- oained until he was 13 ears of age, Tows - Take one-third ounce um camphor y g construction has been invented by a. Madrid g P ten taught school and subsequently man, It contains a complete set of toe- dissolved is half pint of alcohol; also one• al as a cabin -boy for New Orleans, j, e - third pound borax and ahalf pound'sel soda grap neat and teiegraphfeinstruments, aheli- he was adopted by a merchant whose agmen and a lantern, It is intended for the dissolved in one gallon of hot rain water, de assumed instead of his own, whish and the fluid is ready; after stirrin all the mos of engineers in the army service. y, $ ;owlands.. Impermeable floors are now regarded as ingredienta together add one gallon cold CQFSoulvEZ tr' napalm poral Er.&I1 ab Bore and Cattle Liaameat iud Waahror Domeatfo been istI lwt inteodnoed from 1&nq.� tend, wbwa it hast been is nee ares L7 maims. Veliat sena aoa°e. ; heals ants, bruises, and; metes, ogre. tirppu full too dogs. and th) pa:Mealy dolma9a de , j and nit i�aeots an d poutt�y, o: any other animal Rfl, Iles , anon'� Leo each oirenital tr°a ; ,nits mar tb N 1138 Jt,bo•, to Oneg tra i[ er: tsr= waited erertwbara Hood ]ndnoimana to goodmen Apply at onoa for term, asdparUcutau. • •,�•.� :Cps 3EX CP CP •tip a Zs M 431. tlli AFF1L ATbolr wtTR Q14Tii$IA >I +I 1zsITv, C000;nSll BEi LErIT,z•B, Or; This wage, noose is 1651, hie hadkre attendance over aw. oe didaaaut elutants, It offers unenaiwrad • • *or "gAnuer.i Filters and lac anitrtonlat1oc is APS, Law, ease at a da Sal The eaoneaiat• + maroon boat "mt,trioalatioo work" ' d aaieaied panties. igt3eieaaaand Plitt:4 ti.: The Aetadeegy Af. lane awarded X diplomaa of gradnittoaA in revert graze. It was Awes so patshar to Cris. Tta le ander the direotion t a Magian sec "uataet. Qrnament'1 r,cmaaatip a speeliltj Tree eateat et far' A fpr coarse of koturia far IA affittittaa Vital 020 Movie etch* oe twee etudeutai of the Methodist Moab, la Welt MMI1i,ar, l tip Mat" ueto iReev. J. B.Bekaa mat L.and oche taXe part, a'wi.l h: given durumthe 'winter Ai:44 4 of a de anile a us. f neair yl Waimea to Banti or mare Ilwpar1aaanto. Both teMei and pease:use tenoned. Frau Tarns be,capAtetember Sib. FOR "" ANIIf�i, I; ANNOTINC ENT'" AND CIECTILAR9. ADDRk:SS ' KENT,. "Vire s �VE, .A.,, '.SI�M adaptive father died without a will indispensable in housesconstructed on h .rain water before adding the gun. camphor y L anley was thrown upon his own resour- gienie prineiplea. They must be so treated and alcohol. In tieing, add about four table- Se enlisted in the Confederate army that the wood cannot absorb moisture ; spoonfuls to a pint of oat soap,; apply to the he breaking out of the civil war; was rough places meet be made amaoth, and parts of clothing moat soiled, and soak in risoner, and upon his Blease joined - waren wanes half an hour thea proceed with p r p release j such creaks or depressions as give rise to the a 1' sited Statex ns. and became actioyour watching as usual, vat hoilin over five of dust are not per" minutes, g g ironclad. In 1567 he f Will eel ver grind fon oatalasut. toxo ]ions. sweets, 5 Qts our worked liarlf>dtroef, V1th9LT, BORING BUY THE ST incl hole; hand or. horse Dower: s.6 ocmbiaed ma, sad P.oak Thais by swan or Lorne p�wer, Eland 1Rsasailtori, mitt. on au was sent �syible.acMumulatione trreepoudout of the New fork herald A vegetable teacher, said to be fullyequalDelicate diseases radically cured.. Con- g , metals, and subsequently to Spain and to the animal product, le made in Paris from siltation free. Addrefs Vorid"e Dispensary :ountries. In October,1869 be WanMedical Association Buffalo, N. Y. gutta percha, sulphur, raw cottou, zine ' Ped by the Herald taholkona, andoxide of antimony, Don't papertoga anwhio LEMI AN 1TIRDIov INTO AFRICA, The frsttwQi�gredients are neeessay, goda eonefromtheatare. Remember the while the other arts mayto etermhna the .foto of Llvjngatatta, irony p be replaced by uaea to Which they can be applied. They • cavern for the lampa only vague intimation had been heard ellemicals of similar character. The proper- matte handy chimney, o yearn. He reachedZenzibarin. June tions are varied With„the purpeeea, keeping off flies and dust ; they are just the ;An English paper suggests that F" if a one thing needed to lay on the top of the and toward the @lid of March net out hod, bread or aalrein the oven when bakingtoo mai Wants. a carriage or implement 1 interior with a oompgany of 102 men. p p 'ember he found Livia atonenearLake graphed so as to make a working copy to fast ; they are useful to Dover glass jars of OR, Cls. vrsmd;ahllnaG label, �j "' . �A STANDARD PLEAS s 1cSW mor Si A 1.8. Fi —use ONLY-... Spool itu ,_col Cotton Laadct Oaxnrnaamaat aIle bg all nor. laodt nowt*. ��. _ . ..___ 7 ! t g A SCALES tL� _ ll 1 1 II _ _ f ""�� /1 Reward ,�+ Conviction Lei. .i i. ward for " fhe ,Onvic Q ?e ere who of far and Sell In. '" ' es. to ca , LARD I Eureka cutting,a Wool OilsBelt . Oils. I l'oi hale by � lading Boatel t. ,{. " io feria F Oil of s Ma tufaoture _ . N E !McCall B oiis. hen the pride canned fruit standing on the closet shelves nyika, and furnished him with supplies scale, all that is necessary is, whot rther explorations, He return is bei" taken that *leer and distinct three and keep the fruit from turnip dark. In id in July 18, 2, and wasreeeiv0 ed is g + _ g ., p rriage ? , d with foot rifle be laced on the os. this la feet the fn anions housewife can find is.@ -g the ;sished; haliors, photographed slang with the carriage, and for all of the a x bags that naive to the 111 the death. of was placed atwae an- no'matter what the else of the print or neg. house, and still wish she had more of them. liaiv@, will alwa a be a tree seal@. It en- Stanley•pY John I;4 hough. ie said to nava boon quits larges and diininisliea in exactly the same breken u b thereca ti y TUE BRAD ono AN pease f wh 11 y e id natal l given kiln proportion as the carriage. in Boston. Thou hila did not talk tem r• ural Afritra, the oapena Heraldwhich Was In certain. French steel works a workman g 0 by the New Ye* eraand the anca cacaotly; th@x@ayes. water %n his eye. in cutting fifteett•inch ,files Masa a hammer There is as mush wisdom in bearing a Telegraph. He reached Lake Vice . g with &'P weighing s@venand a@veu-tenthspouuds and clear ale's defeats. as in beingsensible of 'maga in February, 1873, having lost• people's wears out a haft or of holly wood bo t about ,ah or desertion, 104 of the SOD men their good tluallafes; and w@ snonld make one year, after boring struck abut 11,250 , the r goon Sof alnei'a rather a e ;should and an pain he started. In April h@ cattliu- 000 blows with the hammer, In cuttingS i explorations along the Congo or inetruetion to °uxaelves than a subject of triangular files aboutfiveinches long, and in stone River, the mouth of which he mirth and mockery of those who commit " metal somewhat softer than the above, the them. I iii August, 1577. Returning to Eu hammer used weighs two and two•tenths a was made a member of the variouspounds gild the holly htor andle tants. about two Out., haslma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, phical societies. From 18"FO to 188.. ,full atldF and complete course in Y 1: ,, ,l 1 1 1�. _ ,. i, �? m-'"�► � _ ;r' •;: ° �'�•- tMaoist. .. s 1 « :, ° � ��' �,,; �+tiltr�" *,'�.^^•... �,'�*..�' Are tl'ae woe. ,sf� tented l/rthelt'aet that Glraroaramareat ,, our wiles in use in - • - aha .Dominion than '�.„ ce ail other makes , t Markasierldel aa.OR1 ” ; z Scales, Ferro' ere" --- _ ..... -�... _ .R,,•.. �. & c • " ""-Mia ar """ M ES ` ----A D CM/UR— sir' .6�. +P : 3C A` ::1 = 3131 tp GOLD MEDAI''S' AND near ? *W'o EVER ESRt&ITED. •y� • • Queen.City I Virorks ' ' „ engaged at the inatanae of Xing Lee' :yearn, and lies. been used fn atrik[ttg -5, 480, 000 blows, This is attother instance of the Ilelgium in the *mama of an ex- constant, but leng;oontinued, drooping that m to the Congo. The expense was is said to wear %way stones, by anbaarfbata of Belgfum and other A correspondent of a mechanical paper lee wito formed themeelvea into a PO. says: " I have had great trouble in procar. rhiclt is. 'known is history as the rifri- • texnational Aesaoiatiaa« ing a ama11 loose pnlloy that would .stand running at a high rate of apcod with a very basinof the Congo cottta'ne a length tight belt. After trying a largo number of D rllilea'oE navigable vateraand a Git@ratuxa, l4lum*, Fine Artie, and Calmer- •Ong Scione°. Reopens September 10, 1885 For 50 i p. announaemont, address 1'riucm- pal Austin, B. D. Of no ase are the men who etudytakda ex actly as was done before, who can never un. do eratand that tc -day •is a new dap. If the public; are fairly and faithfully dealt with they will come to appreciate it sooner Loi scant Dairy Stoics, (lrOcerli".1:Isntcliers' 6c�iea, Scales for Donnestie Lath Housekeepers, Consult Tour Best Interests purchasing a soils, and in buying ons be sura tc R°tabs baso Cur a°al°s aro fully warranted is eve Particular. All•lzesEaifroxtl.Manhanse an Mill Tracks, Antral ;Honey serawers. For sale by tLa Haelware Trade generally, 11• ]nstrated Catalague and Price l.tat forwarded upon '#'pikoatloa, MERf DEICAUTI RR ITA ----By N N I d ` ' gm. OM, goods stamped COMPANY � # ` < < •.,_, ' .Ls' �. -- -�:: den Silver Pia are not . ouwantreliab pop different kinds of wood and iron, with long :computed i to number 43,000,OD0, Its and abort bearings, bushings of babbitt, :es are of incalculable variety,. extoai,i,� copper, etc., none of which would stand more than two months, 1 at last procured or later. This fact is well flluatratekin the experience of Messrs. Tuckett & Son, with' their well known'' Myrtle Navy " tobacco. Throughout the manufacturers of T. & B. GURNEY &WARE H A MIL T 0 N • F =BST Electro Plate ` "r' - ,. ' F' i Y .: r, -' s F i �1•' e d F �: --' rr�°",y;ri' .- +Y "a=, insist on get mad@ by the 1IERIDEN 3B'°% + NTA CO gyriIY;TOIfF '*' some sole -leather; I put the fiat surfaces tee have stood firmly by their originalj»Yidea to Waluuavase-]lonttea2 and Winnipeg,. LIPE IN MODERN PERSIA. gether, and bolted through with four bolts; after boring and turnings I soaked it well :r Scenci and t aatonte in tee Lana tioverard by the Shan. in ail and put in place. It has .now been running about one year, and is still apparent. 1.urapeaa colony at T@heraa, the ca)1- pp Pers?a, comprises, including the legs._ ly as good as new, It requires very little 300 persona, and. they live in the ohl. An iron ore boulder that had been on ar- ty. The majority inhabit the ordineach rsian novae. This is one story high, hibition for some time in the Louisiana De- brick, partment of the Expositional Now Orleans, built give the public the beat article possible, at the lowest possible rias, and In the large P P g demand for their tobacco the public have manifested theirs reohation. pP On one of the Azore Islands, St. Michael's the people invariably drop the fondly name, being known by natirelyielifferent un- like •titles. The same names are also applied to either sex indiscriminately. - Cheap Telescopes A Portable Athromatio Telescope that wilt tell the time of the church clock in Toronto at "three miles eft, with extra astronomical eye ,piece and sun glassy for aaEroaamiwl use. It viii Moor Jupiter's lacca spots on the sun, mountains in the moon, &o. seas 10 any sddrese on moeipt of I;ib.1W, CSAs. POTTER, Optician, fin KIN Gi ST. EAST, TORONTO. [ESTaaLrs$En 30 -ream.] ' � a , Examine 'Thee 4Superlor Mel"]. �.g.r D 11.11 al N E �YHARRIS u 0 T AIB E UT I� A C 1 3 - `�� arned and around one or was smelted the other day at a foundry fn courtyards. The great thing sough y g g 8 41 that city after beiagbraken up. The lump, issealusion and privacy. In walk - which weighed about 350 lbs., was picked rough a street one sees nothing but up on the surface of the ground in Clair- of houses, some fifteen or twenty borne Parish •in the aorthwestera section of gh, with fiat roofs, and with no win- the State, and in a county that appears to They are covered with pine- have been upheaved by volcanic action. keep the brisk from being worn away taut, and if kept in repair last for Upon being reduced the specimen referred to about 50per cant, of ure metal- Os. The monotony of the walls is re- yieldedPbt lie iron, report say, free from sulphur. bmouldings and cornices, The en- They Speak for Themselves, µ Picxoir, .Feb. 17. -This is to certify that I have used Poison's Nissvllclxs for then- matism, and have found it a valuable reme- dy for all internal pain, and would greatly recommend it to the public. -N. T• lirxgs- LEY- LEEDS CotrxTs, Jan. 9. -We are [not in the habit of puffing epatent medicines, but _ m y Q Farmer's Sons We offer you a means of making from 1O to SW per week, right along, in your own ns. egati agog by noting as Agent for our Toast andcoftee lIe gnaran- e them to please or we will refund the purehaser'st money. No capita! needed -just a little push. The04 Teas need only to be shown and theywill sell them- 'Age t Wes.viii a appaintod Indeachadietdot Lose Oely no time, o PETER �1 LT E ST O N, L on don, Ont. - --"" a . p is.. J " O .. 5M *x" !1' �� Q , rt a;; , �, 0 r"•' •' - -. `Y'� _ p `- ` ` o . '"- ;� _ :1- --" �: v s 'ill a . �� d,; 1 CAP . 111 ; s : - .,c..,-,,21.-: - "Z : _ 7.t.-:- -_ _ ` �,PL-•---X,, J-" _ V; p • "ill qf„ L•. '.." ` l., .- As the supply of the ore is practically hunt- s a small door richly decorated with neo work. The Persians have siva a hauatible, Louisiana, it seems, will scan be y ranked among the •iron producing States.. decorative architects. Persian we cannot withhold our testimony as to the great value of Nerviline as a remedy for sin. We havepleasure in recommendin p g it as a never -failing salad .—REV. H J. g y " R� ' i--' $ ,t; as CC r� d CO ° 0 a W •W �k rs l:� ;' f,,. V - e :r: —' 0 r r ••, : ii \ �`'��-.. '-. 44' "� ' • ''' -+ *' . r a r -- 'Till' 1'•! built the Alhambra in Granada the Mogul architecture of The Age of Niagara Palls. And after going through a narrow The age of Niagara Palls has been underbe g passage, you suddenly step into a the consideration of scientists for many aril more or less magnificent, accord- Years. Bakewell, an eminent English geolo- the of the owner. Courtyards gave personal attention to the problems ALLEY BENZ. DILLON and manyothers. " " P. A. Churchill states :-There seems to no end to the success of Nervines. I send you a few testimonials, and can send you plenty more if of nae'to you. r +x 013 , y a • __ F a rs 1- o ''; ' N x' ��', . • Q eat �� r� aa. =` %�"'i"M� �" a �I M s I '^^. .... p ., 1 f r 1 - ; _ - ., . .I , f c- 1 1 911; ' b a - ! _ __ _ _ __ -- rhe Most Effective, Clean, l)nrable ad Economical Heaters In ventilating Churches, Schools, Public Rnlldings, stores and Private construction and coons' managed, capable of giving more heat with lees consumption heating apparatus. ger Absolutely eras Tight, WA Seven sizes are Brick or Portable Form, Correspondence eolicited, For Catalog -neo and & H �{ Cj . U �, (LIMITED,) �g =L�7O th e Market for • ` 'Residences, '. of fuel th made and can be further info tie E Y C wealth gist, and three acres in extent are not un- as early as 1830, and, from everything he n,oand some cover five acres. Theycould learn at that time estimated,that the r ed with parterres of dowers and trees falls had receded about 120 feet in the forty most luxuriant foliage. Here and years preceding. He recurred to the prob. .re great tanks, some of them fifty lem again in 1846, 1851, and 1856, and was ion with ets of water la in in each time confirmed in the belief that the g, j playing g Eve householder in Teheran has apex of the horseshoe fall was receding on Every P g and tank of water,no matter an average three feet a year. On the other y he is. Frequently there are three hand, Sir Charles Lyell, upon his first visit Sold everywhere, " Let everyman sweepthe snow from be. fore his own doors, and not busy himself about the frost on his neighbors' tiles,'; says a Chinese proverb. No such evidence. Can be offered for any other preparation Ba supports our claim that Putnam's Painless pp Corn Extractor is the beat corn y , The Eagle steam - Washer is the oN1 I me1il" �' ` ` na•�>na Machine in. zoatad that aweakly 7') - s Arman orgir. fa • ." . , i , board, can with pp ease r, i ; i ., , e • ;� 11 ne hour.Agents . x •', ? ea Iv wanted all over can• oda. Sample.entfor trial andterritory given Ladle. make gond agents; no weeps! clothes., and every lady wilt buy after trying it warranted to wash calicos in flve,mtmltrn, eottoa code 3s. 40, bedclothes its oraoeate. Adare.e, TEltxte a cid. Patentees Rad Mann. factnren, 78 Jarvis S'-^ ,. T,1RONTO.danada e. ONTARIO VETERLNARY COLLEGE • TEo f Can anoeSt.. Toronto. Patrona,Gov. Gen. otCan- oda, Lieut,•Gov of Ontario, The most successful Veterinary Institution in Amerloa. Over five hum dred graduates in successful practice. All er ern- Fgty Dlars. teachers. Principal, PROF. Pion ROF SMITH, V.S. Oot. 21st. ems' CUT THIS 0 The New Co-Operat courtyards, and there is one called 151841, conceived that at the utmost the daroon, into which no man ever en- rate could not be more than one foot a year, cept the master and his eunuchs. It which would give us 35,000 years as the for his wives and concubines. A mininum time. But it appears the result of y Persian can. have four wives and the recent survey is to confirm' the estimate concubines. These women drive of Mr. Bakewell, thus bringing the period carriages and visit one another, and down to about 7,000 years. -Philadelphia with thegreatest care. The Call. and safest cure remedy in the world. Dr. Consadine, Port Dalhousie, writes :-" I can testify to its efficacy together with many others here." This is a universal opinion. TryPutnam's P Painless Corn Extractor and avoid poison• ous and chew substitutes. Sold bydrug. P g gists and dealers in medicine, It is sold that the crime of parricide wail O NTARIO WHITBY, will reopen 1_1eptember popularlby ansuccess. counted tog by lbs itselegaa buildiupeand char es, and its su finished education in studies. Four Professors, specialists In their departments, walking, riding and ADIES' O.LLE(liE' ONT. 8rd. esti The inareaeinq of this institution may be ao• pleasant and healthful location, gravers,ireor derabeV�Z� °riot ffiog ee for aft:I:1 a literary, musical, and fine art and ten lady teachers, all besides a teacher of calisthenics, are prepared to do JAMES PARK & SON. Pork Packers, Toronto. L C. Bacon, Rolled spice Bacon, Q. C. Bacon, Glasgow Beef Hams, Sugar Cured Ram, Dried ap lachi Beef. Breakfast Bacon, Smoked Tongues, Mesa Pork Pickled Tangoes, Cheese, Family or Navy Pork, Lard Sn Tube and Palle. The Best 8rande of Eng- liehPine Dairy Salt in Stook --ARE THE -- of poorer men go abouton foot, but :e are covered with a dark blue man- For a liniment for burns, take, equal quan- falls to the feet, concealing the titles of fresh linseed oil, olive oil and lime Over the face is a white veil, with water. Shake well together. res for the eyes, Swans have been known to live to the age unknown in one of the states of ancient Greece until a law was enacted for the sped eta punts unishment of such a crime should it oc- 1' cur, "Laugh and Grow Fat," thorough work, and meet the reasonable expects- tions of the best paeronage. 5tudente arc prepared for teachers and maftrloul.tion examinattona g e91 secures board, laundry, and tuition in Eagiish and modern languages,music, drawing,and calisthenics, for one year. The ° desiring should make early ,aPrincipal.e application to REV. J. J. HARE, i : �-•Latest Each Plug 01 the myRTLE NAvy �� MARKED a In Bronze Lettere." NONE; OTHER GENUINE' BEST IN THE M = .� " NEW STAND: S NZW " Improved Attach ' Agents price for similar mac t price only $25 sac ,P Before buying send to :tamp for Ont s.1= - graph and sample of Revving >f:•Maohinea guarantee for three yearn trial. Any lady wanting 8 machine will do welt? TBE CO.OPERAT ', s • Sewing Mashie ) 22 aAMl 5 a sov H.: ,re rooms have large windows set in rich- of 300 years, and Cuvier thinks it probable rated sashes and opening on the court that whales sometimes live 1,000 years, frequently these windows are studded If you wish to our bailie hot liquid into q y y p g q olored lass giving a cathedral effect aglass or tumbler, it can be safelyac- g • g g jarr high•ceilinged rooms. All the rooms complished by first placing a spoon in the in floors, but they are hardly noticed jar. y are covered with matting and rich You can clear your room of mosquitoes In one part of the room there is a by taking a piece of gum camphor about se covered with rugs, and on this the one-third the size of a hen's egg, and evapor- site during the' day and sleeps at sting it by placing it in a tin weasel, holding Some of the rooms have tanks, in it over a lamp or candle, taking care that it entre, giving them an air of luxury. does not ignite. The smoke will soon fill wonder why water i not used more the room and expel the insects, ` is a precept easily preached, but not so easy to practice. If a person has no appetite, but a distressing nausea siok.headaehe d s- g , r y a sin, boils or anyother ill resultingfrom p P r inaction of the bowels, it is impossible tc get up such a laugh as will produce an al dermaniccorpulence. In order to laugh satis- faotorily you mustbe well, and to be well you must have your bowels in good order. You can do this and laugh heartily with Dr.Cunard Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets," the little regulators of the liver and bowels and promoters jollity. best of `ollit , Allan Lino Royal till' Steamships, Sailing .: everring y from Portland every Tbnrsda and Hiiihx emery Saturday to Liverpool and in a°mate from Qaeheo °.erg Saturday to Lherpoal, catlins •two donderry to land mails and passenger° [or 9aatland anOur usher. AiRE, from Baltimore,daHalifax and 9t,John't N, V., to Liverpool fortnightly during stammer mantic abs :reamers of the Glasgow linea fall daring wintm to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Phtfad:l, phis; and during summer between Gia.gow and Mina• areal, weekly Qtaagowand Beaton, weekly: and tllastsoe ,nil irseds eiphta, fortnightly. For lreighiS,o nmeaoher 1 of a Ba timpre;cii aiaply to dC Co, Halifax; Shea i& Co., St John °t Allam& Co., Chicago; L ve St. ta Alden, N. York; H• isourlier, Toronto i Aliens, ciao tt Ca Wm. Brookie, Philadelphia; E. A, aline, oral Allan, P Portland, Boston, Montreal.