The Exeter Times, 1885-8-6, Page 8pit leveler Times,
TENCE TRperiinefor firatinsertiou, and
FOU1tiC* NTS per lute for each subsequent in
sermon, will barged for eotioes appeaxint
In this column.
LOG'AL NEWS. --lire shalt he happy to re -
care at all tfriea,frora any pert of the .
Cure la sold by us on a guarantee. eare
on hG 1 J n
C u i u, W. w 1 ,
County, item* of focal flews, such. ,is ac- s mp ,SG d by J. Bio n g
eidente or anyinterestingincident what The Rev. W. Craig. of Clinton, will preach
ever, from anof our subcribers tar react., In Christ & hurch, Exeter, ou Sabbath next,
ers generally for the purpose of psrbfic- morning and evening,
atiott. Roard and neatly furnished Room for re -
veritable gentleman. Apply to W. Grigg.
The plant of two of the Wingham papers,
the lidette and :Girds:, have been seized. 3o
says a correspondent to the Clinton New
.ibis year lower than ever. Cabin passengers, Rubber Slugs, Sealing was. and Corks,
960 to 31801, Intermediate 430. Steerage. of all eines, for Preserye jars, at Central
918. These are the rates hoax Quebec to Drug Store. C. Luiz, proprietor.
Mr. Londonderry. Railway fare, ting• w Senior, who has been in the tato
from Exeter to Quebec very low. For par. To ionto in a, few ittiness da for
a rhe ha some time, uroaase4
} . dug p rob d
Mr. George Soethoott's busiuesa in the pity.
Found in Exeter last week,; a Pocket Book
eontainiuga quantity of money. The owner
can have same by proving property and pay-
ing cost of advertismeut. Apply to W. D.
Weeks, Marble le ale
Exeter Matoom Lodge, will beauu along the The Rev, Geo, IL Thayer, of Bourbon,
line of the London. Huron a Brace to Port , Ind„ says : '*Both myself and wife awe our
Stanley. The kaki will leave this station lives to a Shiloh,Consumption Caro. Sold
at 7.35 a, et., and returning wij l leave Part by ee lir. Browning,
tAiereley at 6.90 p. zn„ allowing eight hours. The new railway bridge erossing;the Bauble
ally by she besatiful waters, of i,ake Erie, at this place is now oompleted. It is au iron
The fare from Exeter ha 900, ebWareu 45o. structure, and presents an appearance of
The management claim that a good time is neatness and sabrtantiality combined•
**ewe for all who go. I A, Mau with a wagon load of parrots,
--- oauarhea, cook-a•tool, white mice, etc., for
-ae,eesaa h• 'sale. attracted considerable atteetiun the
Ilia oats tad duty this weak to ehrtuiiele other day. Mr. John Spackman. and Air.
Qs dell of Lydia, eldest daughter at 51r. Fish arch bought a Dock -a -too.
Rata(. lord of Exeter, whi 1 tuo number o the members o I od of
dtt'irard t 1~ oto . c.x k Ana r t m w ra f tltq, ge
Itwe on the 31st ult. after a alekneas of
*st te4 Simla 41014ti0u, The canoe of her
silettteaa held 4w h was a savers oold, which Theraday. They were well treated by the
sits bed oenteacted, supervened by blood brethren there and apent a very enjoyable i
]abosiaa 1. mppoeed to hale been derived
•Swed Ile lite of some incest, Ileosased
tante as ataiable tidy of 331 years, 'and was
siasriadlsdby all who knew her. The funeral,
irltttole Leek place on Sabbath, was very larges.
Now is the time for aeries regarding the
large yield of fall wheat. Who'll be Ora(
Revs. W. S. Pascoe and G. N. A. h', T,
Dicksou will exchange pulpits gabbath next•
Remember the Masonic excursion and pie.
nisi to Port Stanley the 7th Aug. Special
train. All invited.
Monday, being a ;web day, business was
lively in town, the farmers cowing iu 7n
processions. •
S13ILOl'S' COUGH and Couqumption
.lean Lino Rates,
The rates to Europe per Allan Line are
tutelars apply to J. Spaokman, agent Exe-
ter, Ont.
>Ricuralon, '
To morrow,(Friaay) is c riclholiday, and
an excursion uuder the auspices of the
TtUS SEA•SONStS 113UIVD[Ne A. firs occurred it Toronto last
Alondaey on the Esplanade, ,, which
Exceed that of Many Previous destroyed over $1500,000 vrorth of
Year% property The ruins present a sod!
spectacle, and the view of the city We'beg to advise our friends that we are offering for
fora the bay has been destroyed, this season's trade a more than usually attraotive assortment
in the
Of late it has been frequently intimated
For latae hack, side or chest, use Shiloh's
Porouua Plaater. Price 25 cents. Sold by
that the number buildings which aro al- d. W. Browning;
c let
readya t
om ed and in i rhe erection p oa of reo ton. +-..te..r..,.-.-,.-
skits season far exceed* that of previoue After a fair trial, iu which all that
able aouusel could urge ant his behalf
was laid before the jury, including a
very tufteaions plea of iussnity, Louis.
Riel, the loader of tho rebellion in the
own, and can show as good a building record i North west, hma been found guilt
as any other phoe of its size in °uteri°. p
Tho structures are mostly brick and are "wad sentenced to be llallu,ged. Tho
neatly and strongly put together. Indeed, verdict is alai hi *Web tate eaunlry
they are creditable to both egntraotors and will c.tucat', ae It (CAN quite *r1t41sn1
prohxietors. The amount expended may that Riel, even if afflicted with Rag--
8eem to some to nor be very large, bat owing loci niat to al oa1'tafn cf was be-
to the cheapness of brick and lniaaber in this
vicinity, a very fine building can be "put yond question tulip copilizaet of She
up'" for a comparatively small sum. • nature of his aotioue# atod Ras sante to
Cohnuienotnt; at 14ain•street south, we no- all intents and purpoeee. There will
lice that our very enterprising citizen, Ur. probably be au appeei egsiuet the
Thomas Fitton, is erecting 8 fine brick reel- , ,
deuce on the corner of Main and Huron auriedictiou of the Dominion, but. it
streets. From foundation to roof eyerytixing will be overruled. and Riel will pay
is first-class and substantial. Cost, 91,200. the penalty of the 11orribfa oritllee ot
The next residence, uilt by, .Mr. D. Spicer. et It is situ -
atm whtoll he 111a be.n righteously con.
along F
just north of the Twee office, and ie. viotedd.-•--Oellevalle Inteltiieneet•,
indeed, creditable to bar. S. It is well and
conveniently laid out. Cost, 9700. Mr. Why will yon cough when Shiloh's Curb
John Spaekmau has ereeted two offices -one will give immediate relief ? Frice 10o., Woe
years, bat there is seaway a resident who
would imagine that the cost of these build-
ings animated to 320.000 to say nothing of
what may yet be built Exeter, notwith*
standing the ory of depression. holds her
for himself, the other for Dr -Rollins.. These and 41. Sold by J. W. Browning.
are situated on the property adjoiuirtg Mr,
S's, residence, on Nein-street, and are neat-
ly eortatructed fraise bnilding8, Cost, about
4550. Ou the opposite senior, Mr. W. H.
Parsons has reoeutly oawpleted a new brick'
blaoksnaiw shop. It is ono -story but is lesedlunru.0 to „„pees. uiy thanks to the Irl-
quite leugthy and agorae considerable room recur; and#fauageretthe UaboxneAt$t.bbert
or workmen. Cost, 3450, Prooeediag farther M,.iro lusurauee 0o. for the very prompt
up Main•street, one cannot but nothco that nlannertnwhiehmy elaftu agslaa4 the Dora-
large and fino-laakiaq structure au tba oar- 000ut ntvwoaia doiOtoyeti y ii lite uq b an& au
ler of Main and Wellington etreeta, which is the 15th rho 1?treatora urea alt Icy plana sad
being erected by our worthy townsman, Ayr. adjusted my claim aatisaraotor£ly, Soclr
Tames Swenertose Surely :kyr. 8, has good and mans amau this bdeserves p*u Mlllwga w an
f nib in the fatnro of Exeter, otherwise he to bebonestly and squarely 4ealtwlall. Allow
would trot invest away $3,500 in the erection me also In sots connection to return my sin-
" core thaalra to my neighbors and, rrlonds,who
so nobly and heroic ally assisted at the Are, and
but for whose tirnelyarsietanoe qsy toes and
boat or Lite company would have been rendered.
0.,R41 01; THANES.
To Natter of the li'r'eter Times,
Sin, -Allow me tbroagtx your wtdaly.n'ou-
Oddfellows in this plead attended the doth- l f
ration oT the Oddfejllows' hall in Clinton on
Mrs.. White, wife of Mr, John White, pro. i a bon voyage. •
prietor of this paper, left on Tuesday for a The way to keep the Mood pure and r
visit to Maeda kin New York and Phitadel- coal through the hot summer months is to 0
plebes -The ttissos Sperliug, of St. Marys, take au Bcesiou theose beat f Stomach arsons
are at present visiting tweeds in town,-•-, Sivcr teditteo made, In large Rattles
Mina Aggie Millar. milliner in Hamilton, isg , C
spending her holidays Isere, -?Jr. J. R. 60 (luta.
td the lad book of ' the old Ontario Readers
are forbidden to be used in schools after A,u• P
gust lit. by regulations issued by the Edison.
tiouai Department. The 3rd, 4th and 5ti1, $
traders may% nmol till January ist, but no t h
longer, •
Appropriate thanksgirin;r s:trmous, in
honor of the sato return of the volunteers 0
n1°a' and the satiefactery termination of the late a
On Wednesday of last week a pleasant af•
fair took place at the residence of Ur. C. rebolihon were ?miscued on Sabbath anal in
Christ Church, Exeter -morning, and. S;. a
Tom, it being the marriage of his eldest Paul's Church, Hensall, in the afternoon, by
daughter, Lizzie, to Rev, W. Down, of t
Cloyne, Ont., formerly of Exeter. Tho Dere.
Rev. S. F. Robinson.
On Friday evening last the Exeter band
'loony was performed by B. W.
S. Pascoe, serenaded Mr. wall. Andrews, one ot the 7th D
u Exeter, assisted by Rev, hall, of Hen fusiliers, of Loudon, at the residence) of his a
Erie in the promo* of a large number of bretber-iu-law, Mr. James Fairbairn. Mr. 0
friend' and aequaintaaces, They left on Andrews corresponded to (119 Trims during °
Wednesday evening for their new home at the rebellion, and his lettere were read with s h
Cloyne, bearing with them many good whe uza R
from their friends in lixcter and vicinity, much interest.
We wish them long lite and happiness. 1 Shiloh's Cure will immediately yellers
time geueralty•
Bev, E. J. Robinson, lately incumbent of
Christ Church kern, sails on the 7th inst. .
for great Britain, where Ito will remain ft.r
at. least six months. If the country, olitnate,
ic•, suits him, he may ueret come back, no •
less on a. visit. We wish the Rev gentlemau
of two stores and two dwellings, which ltttie.
bleak will eoutain. The buildiug le really a
large one. being tw6 stays high, The store-
oows are commodious, and the dwellings very hoavyby the toss or ray bank barn. which
„re well laid out and will be convenient in , `via saved actor a 1anp and hard Agbt, it being
oeapout toetdistsnt from the outer. Yours
very respect, Mr. S,, we uaderat~aud, will reepaotfull4,
also erect sheds for the convenience of farm. 8rw;aar itCNI>LE,
cre. On the Iona adjoining the Pre3byterian
burgh there is iu course et erection. alarge
ee.aiory brick manse. The plain was drain
y air, Jahn Boss. and the manner in whhch
be building is laid out does him credit. The
resbyteriau congregation are also to be con.
outdated on the energy put forth in secnr-
ng for their pastor a comfortable borne,
w ich he welt dearrvea. It will coat In the
eighborltood of 39,000 North of the river,
n the east side of Main•street, 4r. Jonath.
n Pickard is erecting a large two-story
rick residence, at a cost of over $1,500.
'then conapleted it will present a very fine
ppearance, as it is situated on a hill, one of
he finest sites in town. Mr. A. McPherson
a also building one of equally large pro-
ortious at a cost of oyer 31,700. It is aitn-
ted on the brow of a fine sloping bill on the
ppoaite aide of Maiu.street. There are otte-
r improvements going on in the north and
Mole gpace will not allow us to enumerate.
Weird Harrell is erecting a neat little cot
tap ou. Wellingtou•alreet, near the G. T. R.
depot, which will cost $700. It is being built
of brick, and will add to the beauty of the
street when completed. On Andrew -street
there are a number of new bttildins going
up. Mr. Solomau Manning is erecting a
neat two-story brick of respectable size,
which will cost 81,200. Mr. H. Smith has
finiabeda Comfortable resident)% on the op-
posido side of the street from the foundry,
at a cost of about 3600. Mesars. Davis d:
Randle aro building a roller skating rink on
the corner of John and Audrow streets , at a
cost of 33,500. It ie to bo nicely fitted up
with skate and dress ropms, and the floor,
which Is to be of mettle, will Dost 3600. Dais
will be the first roller rink for Exeter, and it
alrbuld, and no doabt will be well patronized.
Its dimensions are 70 x 1110. It will also be
a suitable building in which to hold concerts
and otber public gatherings. On Huron -
street, Mr. Pratt Fisher is building a fine
residence at a cost of 91,000. He is going
to spend his days of retirement here, having
labored on his farm, ou the 3rd con. of Us -
borne, for many years. Wm. Balkwill is also
building a complete little residence ou the
same street, at a cost of 3700. The, next is
Mr. [leo. Hill, who is erecting a snug little
house for himself on Hurou-street, which
will cost 3700. Iu various parts of the town
improvements are:going on, which will cost a
considerable sum. A new plank sidewalk,
two or three feet wider than the old one, is
to be put down on Main -street. This will
cost a large amount. Besidest he buildings
mentioned, a number of other residennes are
to be erected during the present season, 1 on
v ilio' will run the expenditure considerably
Leigh er,
1 num And faaru'ly have removed to Heuesil, l The old parts 1, 4111111 of the let book
Mr. E. having retired from busiuese. We
are cony to lose such a good citizen, but
las he will live within five milea of us, we
;say expect to see his face often. --Mr. and
lira. 13. 8. O'Neil leave in afow days for a
trip up the Lakes.
Oa Tuesday afternoon aranaway occurred
Dia Main -sweat. A team of, horses were
tisdin front of Mr. Peter Freyne'a harness
alrateoriu a, sad when the proprietor, Ur.
11Selly, of McGillinay, was in the act of
gettiag ilea the wagon, the hones became
itiihasaed au& started off, the wagon wheel
Soils over Mr. R's. loot and injuring it
aena4M1sa1, They ran south as far as sefr.
Baseett's harms; abop, where they were
stopped by Sir, Ira Spicer. In the act of
stopping them ono of the horses kicked at
Air. S., and hauihe not dodged would have
received a blow which would have hurt him
seriously. Nothing was damaged, although
there were a nunaberof rigs standing on eith.
ear aide of the street.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis.
Sold by J. W. Browning.
In order to secure the nomination and.
election of Trustees on the same day attain
the same manner u 'Municipal Councillors,
a resolution to that effect moat be passed by
the Board and notice given to the Town
Clerk on or before the Brat day of October.
Tho change has been asked for by the people
and can only ha frustrated by Boards neg-
lecting to pars the resolution and give
Au editor who thinks he eau turn his
band to anything recently sacked all his
hands aod issued the following "notice" to
journeymen printers •-"oWINg }O Tha
eoeoupetent Wyges neiii linden be driuterst
Wu gave aspirin tO ao oar Oat tare get.
fine IN tbE lutuse, Ana sltrmn3h Aie hems
nevelt ley'.mod Tree Bns1NesSwe See
No8ueetT MySiora ase the alt."' lie has
Local Patronage. never been heard of since that paper was
There is more truth thau poetry in the issued.
following paragraph, clipped from the col- Our young friend, Dr. L. L. Hooper, of
umns of a contemporary: "A printer stood Exeter, Las succeeded in obtaining the Be-
at the desk of a business man the other dad gree of L. R. C. S. at tae Edinborough col.
and noticed him using letter and note heads lege. He leaves London. England, in a few
which he bad bought of a New York or But- days for Vicuna, where las will take a three
fele house. Said the printer, who was a sus- months' course in the ltosl-rita1. We believe
tomer : 'what would you think of me if I it is L. L's. intention to settle down in
were to go to New York and bay your line of Exeter' after he goes through a thorough
goods for myself and family f' Tho merchant 'training. He bas thione remarkably well in
replied : 'I would think you a fool when I all his exams., having passed with honors
know you eau get the" same goods jntt as in ovary particular.
cheap and aid a fellow citizen.' When the Papora aro requested to copy a letter by
printer oalled1his attention to the imported W. S. Howell, of Sembra, upon wild =s-
later and bill heads. the merchant coughed lard, He eve : "This weed plloniti be more
and walked up behind the counter to wait on dreaded than Canada thistles or any other
a customer. When biils from the paper weed I knot';• of, as when it gets a foothold it
mill and typo foundry came in, the printer will ruin the farms and farmers too," He
thought of these things. 1+oc(1 batikorsr dry says hand pullitjg is best when there is but
. goods merehants, grocers, druggists and a little, and suggests this as a task for boys
other business mea should think of the and girls in the holidays. Rather late now
above facts sorlletin3eea" for this season, but those interested can
! paste this no for next year.
Under the head of exhtbitione la this issue
it meetiur of the viae presidents of the lo -
thethe 1'r1Fia appears the h will eemeld of
the Industrial Fair, ' which will be held at
Toronto !rain September 9th to 19th, Its
promoters claim that this year they present
a more extensive and attractive prize list, iu
all departments, than ever before, and there
are, besides, a large'number of special at-
tractions. Cheap railway rates and excur-
sions are being arranged for. For full par-
ticulars write to the eecretzry, H. J. Hill,
A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Pride 50 cents,
Sold by J. W. Browning.
Now that the farmers have completed their
fife circular distinctly invited the vice-presi- a fall wheat harvest in this section, they find
dents to consider the question, those who I that the rnst has made worse ravages on the
chanced to be present were summarily I crop than was expected. Heavy dews at
(shocked off from the election of a 1;anciidato night and a hot sun during the day have
who should be recommended by the .county caused the result. Between too speedy rip-
aseociation. hl motion to leave to, the I cuing and rust, the fall wheat crop will not
county council the nomination of the "condi- be nearly as good as expected, although
date who should leo recommended to the
government, was 'not allowed to be put to
the peeling. '•: e think the proposition a
Vitt Puiteg
cal Stott del associations of the county, with
the Executive Committee, was called for last
Monday, .t Clinton. Owing to •the short -
:ices of the notice given, tbo local associa-
tioas were email, represented at all, only
God:erioh,Exeter and Blyth being there but
the Executive were all on deck. '1'he object
of the meeting was to consider further the
appointment of a Police magistrate, it being
understood that thee* Government were averse
to appointing a layman to that important
office. From what we can learn the Execut-
ive acted on the matter in a somewhat arbi-
trary, cat -and -dried manner, for although
some fields that have escaped the blighting
influences of the rust will give an average
yield, Spring wheat, too, in some fields, is
very fair one for everybody, as the council! completely .ruined by the rusl. Host farm -
represents the c'bunty more than the associa- ahs are ntovieg it down .tail feeling it to the
tion does aud the county as a whole is in- suck.
The i11 following, terested %u the office. -Star a •o wl t,,, from an uacllauoe., is appli-
cable here, and the sentiments are the sane
as those expressed by us last week' : "We,
urge otir citizens, and more partictltarly the
f8tntile portion of tliem to ive travelling.
a n.
p.dll ra
and 117L
•t wide berth: Buy:
what you want from your local merchants,,
whose good £situ and reputation aro always'
et stake, and *he contribute to the support
.and growth of the town. 1a 'dealing with,
510 in'the shale. The hottest der of the theta our money is kept in circulation•in the
•ComMu ity,and mere or1084of ifis sure to'
8088011. ' esma
e back to tie lir some shape erAnother.
Vv. John Blatchford nes purchased a.fineLet it be born,
t, in mind that -in-n successful;
brood mare from a geidlotttae near itieniall,1 town We 01nat re0Ogliize tate Ceernm laity of
for a good sum. interests uruoug ri11 Ltize,t5.1'
breveties. •
Read John Matheson's chanve of adver.
', moat in another column.
A. number of fine cattle were shipped from
this station last week.
Rust is showing itself on several 4ieds of
wheat in this vacinhty.
On Thursday bast the thorntoiveter- stool
Booz a, -'Iu I:xetor, on the alit ult.
w Ie of 11r.. A. Q. Bobier, of a son,
Dow -Tom. --At the residence of the bride's
father, by Rev. W. S. Pascoe, of Exeter,
assisted by Rev. W, Ball, of Hensall,
the Rev. W, Down, of Cloyne, to Miss
Lizzie, olden daughter of Mr, Chas. Tom,
of Exeter.
rAxtetr-t oeAN.-At Christ Church, Lon•
don, Out.. ou the 4thlast„ by the Bee,
Canon Smith, R. D„ waisted by the Rev.
E. W. Hughes, Bernard Stanley, Eat., of
Lnoau, to Mrs, Charlotte 1f. Logan, of the
city of Stratford, relict of the late Rev.
W. Logan, R, i)., of Lunen,
1fCDQ8'O4;r..-.In. Laborde, on the 3rd hurt
Agnes McDougall, aged 92 years and 9
IIAttDFORD,—Ill Exeter, on the 81st ult.,
Lydia, daughter of Biobard Handford, age&
80 years.
The meet interesting feature of the recant
exhibition at Montreal W a a company of col-
ored Jubilee S£ngeraongs ed £u mannfactnring
the celebrated (fold Goin robacco, and at the
acme time delighting the crowds of spectators
with exquisite southornmelo8£os..t gold med.
aland a apecialdinlorea were awarded to We
thanksoPtl0Ootnxnit eeito eared to the the
ame Tobacco Co. for their attractive exhibit
Genie Nona, • Mixed. Mil,
London, depart ............. 6 OC A. Ir. 4 50 P.M,
Exeter 8 20 6 10
Hensall 8 45 6 24
iiippen 900 020
Brimfield ...... ..:9 15 6 38
Clinton 0 55 7 05
Loudosboro 10 18 7 20
Blyth 10 35 7 27
Belgravc 11 00 7 46
Wiugham arriye 11 80 8 00
GOING SOUTH, Mixed Mail.
Wingham,dopart..... 7 20 A.31 n 304.11.
Gly ti n oro...• 8 50 12 25
Be. rev e 8 40 12 03 P•As,
35 1 25
Brucefleld 8 51 1 50
Kippers 900 2.05
Hem all 9 05 2 12
Exeter 9 31 3 05
London arril o 30 45 5 30
We do not hole ourselves responsi'rl0 for opin-
ions expressed by corronponlente under
this heading.
To tate Editor of the Exeter Times.
Sin, -Your eloquent, and learned
cotem. beats Shekespettre'e Fluellen
hollow as a dabbler in historical para-
lells. lir. 11'W: ru•luiup a p.trailel be-
Iwesx) the Cov..naaters' 8D1'osirir'n of
the (hnnventicle Act end his awn crazy
crusade in boll„of of hie ,clients, the
publietuo, it to ,.-too exquisite. The
furrier, ae.ording to the poet Gra.
hum, "died for ri lits unspeakably
bold ;” the latter bluster, barn and
blaspheme, '!'lie Thugs of India
would afford a beautiful parallel. As Mile (new)
a sect of religious fanatics, limy re- Barley ...
gard wholesale harder as a tenet of
Clover Seed
their creed. Why, thou 511001414 Timothy •'
government IZ2l6+'p.ise between !Bern Peas
all i butchery, u•td whty eltoui,i the trlggs
Scots Act -Ahem 'i Let, Itfr. h- butte]
ply 111e outer 1)1)531011 of the parallel. Potatoes,per bag
Tile lfryetiee of Sntbve writ Shit do•cu Dvied±pplesAppporlespbagr L
b a ',!,,wertleme,rt -
1listened iflce
with (*cc"y Turkey per lb
Nii ei.lary t.,wucari,,t; ,•`f a (Jere; 1411d ,t Ducks per pr
Chickens per pr
Duff ; to drunkurrl'e wide,v, siaecls It iiogs;lressedp'o1•io0
Hsxsain.—Wanted at the Hensall Oat -
Meal Mills, fifty thousand bushels of good
sound Oats for Milling purposes. The high-
est price will be paid. Oat -meal exchanged
for oata.
HENSALL ROLLER MIees,- One of the
most complete roller mils in the Province, is
constantly running and giving the best satis-
factiofi. Grieting done to order on short
notice. The roller floor takes the lead. Try
it and be convinced. 20 tons of good Mid-
dlings. on hand at low figures. A few care of
Corn and Corn Chop on hand.
(Corrected at5 o'clockp.m. Wednesday.]
1VuitWhaNa tet Nv .e..w .... „ ... •
oo00000o08868881tieu 1PRlNGwmAT
410 48 to 0 52
••• 600to625
e. et 125 co 200
065 to060
„• •,. 05860065
ie • 0ll
..• 027to032
0 40 to 0 50'
•. 0 08 to 0 06
040 to 060
... 025to035
5 50 to 5; 75
few maudlin dears over his c ,tan, an; 'i3eef 5 00 to 0 00
1'11'. H. w 1 I Hidesroesse :.• .. 5 00 to 6 00
1 1, I supply the rest o -f rho dressed ... ti 00 to 6 00
haretilia•. •litnrlon c1 hv.,te s thr'ow'i 8heeptkins,eaaii 0 40 to C75
t e
Cnlfsktns .. 0 50 to 0 7U
-11et1 milt
under t
t ) wL.lI wheels of Jug- Wool e•
gper lb ., 0 17 to 0 18
geruath,' a0d at;.viheious government Etayperlou •' 600 toBOQ
o ouionenerbusu 0 60 to 0 75
interferes us usualthe, ,]f Woodper er cord 2 75
ai ; Moloch P ,., 2 50to
011i•steetlomc the.cries, of widows' and
1 &tl Whe;it per bh ... 0 80 to, 0 80
orpitue s unheard. Mr. Al. file Doti Suntig 0 9u to p so
Q Ko to of hotel -k r:elite has ,Ws lance Barley (b,'ieht) (3 50 to 0 60
Bttrte fee iia h 0 45 to 0.46
ie Nest, so ye boott Inert; and thou, White Oats, ) .'.. 0 28 to (1 3C
tl' e:,.f1c.1N i; e]l osttoe. yield or die. IBlack oats 0 3I to o3sa
I Opp es her bbl. 1 00 to 1 00
A%O0 L4XC i RANDOM. Pottdtoes per bh` 0 25 to 0 52'"
Various L? sDry Goods
To which we Especially devote our attention, among whish
we would mention
l' retie Code
In large variety of fabrics and many beautiful de-
=re;> le Must its
Flair, Checked, Printed, &o.
Black, White, Cream, Colored; various widths and
Zane Qurtaina and CUrtai.12. Net
Large Stock.
have ever shown,
Cotton. Lisle, Silk, Kid ; a very varied and erten
sive assortment.
Cotton, Lisle, Balbriggian, 4fiae, ; fail display.
_. r o s C a .. ,
C et x> a,e t re 4xl~° e Fringes,
To match beautiful goods.
In this department we :alta to keep constantly ou lxand a (1111 and complete
stack of all the lines, ill itenlaad', bath ifr Fancy alai Staple SSmallwazeo. A call solicited
utter &Eggslcoos
r. Matheson
Has opened ant in
Currelley & Co's. Old Stand,
Complete stock of Groceries.
10 lbs. Sugar; Si Tea, 25, 50
and 75 Cts --Good Quality.
Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices.
A nicely assorted stack of "
.A. R TJ W .A. B E.
(Cheap.) Beat Machine Oil 60e per Gal.
tri' A reduction of 28 Per Cent. on
Tweeds, and lioltdy-mades. A good Suit of
ALG -WOOL SERGE for 97.50. Suiting!: and
Overoostg Cheep.
Our Dress Goods are marked down ti
the Lowest Notch.
A House and Lot to sell or rent. .Apply to
HAY P. 0.
Insect Powder
Dominion Labii'atrg
Wishes to announce to the inhabitants o
Exeter and vicinity, that helms opened oat a
in the corner Store North of Barnwell
cC Pze3 x4('1. where lie is prepared to =aaka
all kinds o: ordered work.
Sewed work a speciality..
Repairing' promptly attended to.
Late Manager L', Eacrett'a Boot and Shoe
May 14th 84.
NE, T!!1L fl I
MR. WM, LYNl is prepared :o do
At Ku,kton.
nestle in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction,
guaranteed in every respect.
Ladies Jackets a Specialty
Give him a trial and be convinced that
will give satisfaction.
IntEE, 1ti'nor
Are pleasant to take„ Contain their own
Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and effectual
t£lirrt8oyer of worms DeChildren or Adults,
Health is Waith
tttiNT,a go al Dittoed specific for 1l)81+eria, ;Qin
ziness, Convulsions lits, Neryons Neuralgia.'
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the
use of, alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mon-
talDepressiou, Softening of the Brain,
ing in in Insauity a
nd lon,diug to misery, decay
and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness,Loss of Power in
either sex:IuvolnutarY Loss-
es and Spermatorrhoea, caused by over-exer-
tion of the brain, self-abuse or ov er-tndulgenco.
One box will cure recent cases. Each box con-
rains one month's treatment. One dollar a
box, or sin boxes for five dollars ; sent by moll
prepaid On receipt ofsprice. We guarantee six
boxes to cure any case. With each order're-
ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with
five dollars, we will send' the purchaser dur
written goal -tattoo to refund the money if the
treatment does not effect a cure: Guarantees,
issued only by JOHN C. WEST & CO., Sole
Proprietors, Si &, 63 .Bing St. Bast, 'reroute,