The Exeter Times, 1885-8-6, Page 5A Daily petition—um':
The Hon. John Kelly the head and
Trout .of rlmur:emi Hall, a man of
atria integrity, an indefatigable work,
er, early et Itis office, late to leave, so.
burdened with busiaees that regular
meats were seldom knownby hint,
with mind ie constanttension and
The Rebel Prisoners.
Begin*, Aug. 4.—Twenty-two of
the prjenere from Baioohe will plead
guiltyto treason felony end the
Crown will not indict these for any
offence. It is understood shoe who
plead guilty will be treated leniently.
rho trial of the Iodien chiefs and
energies eleadily strained, finally murderers will be postponed for ten
broke down 1 days to permit of witnesses arriving el
The wonder is that be did not .soon' Regina. W'Vendoring Spirit ie very
er give way. An honest luau in all low erase he tetabbed himself. He
else, r1euoced unfairly
with gill probably die.
h' p y was ever After his sentevoe Biel attended
drawing on his bank without ever 1 mass. He *eked to be allowed to go
depositing a collateral. The aaeonnt
overdrawn, the bank enepends, and
both alto now in the hands of medical
It is not work that Wille men. It is
irregularity of habits and mental
worry. No mann in geed health freta l guaranteed to cure you. For gale by J. W.
et hie work. Bye and bye when the, Browning,
bank of vigor suspend., there men
will wonder hew it all happened, and
they will keep wondering until their
dying day Waite, perchance, some
candid physician or interested friend
will point opt to theins how by irrega
laxity, 11.1 excieiiva mental Mort, b
constant worry and fret, by plzangila
in deeper than they had a right, to go,
'bony hove *41100 that loss of herr.
ono energy which almost invariably'
expresses itself in a deranged condi.
tion of ate kidueys and liver, for it ie
a will -known feet that the poison
which the kidneys and liver should
remove from the blood, if left therein,
orlon knooke the life out of the moat
vigorous roan or woman. Dail build-
ing up of tbe.e Ord organs by so
wonderful and highly reputed a speoi•
fie as Warner's este cure, is the only
guarantee that oar Lau.wass men Can
have that their etrengtb will be a incl
to the labors dally put neon them.
Mr. Holly bee nervous (Vspopra,
We learn, indicating, as wo have sail,
a break-d"wn of nerve farce. Rio
1 ease should be a warning to others
who, pursuing a like course, will oer
bialy r.aet>: s like gratia{,—'lana Sunday
Sporting News..
to aonfesaion, but the priest refused
unlees be should publicly recant his
profession of k'roteetsniam. This be
W. J. Guppy, druggist, of Newberry writes: Acres. riOnthill.�' Acres.
"Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry is just the
thing for Summer siolrness, I sold out my The Largest in the IAominton.
stook three tides last summer. There was
a good demand for it." Dr. Fowler's Ez
traet of Wild Strawberry ie infallible for Tohegimcanvassingatonoeontall9ales,
Dysentery, Colic, Sick Stomaekh and Bowel
Complaint. Steady empleyment:tosuree etalmea, good
Lillie St. Clair, daughter of a prominent agents are Darning from $40 to $75 per month
resident of Kingston, Ont,, three weeks ago and espouses. T'errus and outfit free. Address.
eloped with a cook who bad been employed
at the Thousand'slanas. The cook desert,
edher at Long Branch, N. J. The gi r1
was found at Coney Island, N. Y., on Sunday
evening. Her parents have been notified.
The reason why disease is so soon expelled
Irene the system by Burdock Blood Bitters is
heeaase that ezcelleet remedy acts in a four-
fold manner ---that is to say, upon the Row-
els, the Liver, the Blood and the Kidneys,
driving out all bad humor, and regulating
every organic function.
-T-It is interesting, about this time, to
look over the newspaper aeoourats of the
death of General Grant, and note how
Many of the editors talk of the "obsequies."
Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Stawberry
will never fail you when taken to cure Dys-
entery Colic, Sick Stomach er any form of
Complaint. Relief is almost in- HARKNESS
e0us; a few doses earn when othercs fail.unay eening a little boy about Restores gry
years of age, on of Short Iahu hair to its gar
WILL YOU SUl~FEll with Dyspepaia and.
Livor Complaint ? Shilolt's Vitalizer is
Interesting items.
The moat deadly fee to all malarial disease
s Ayer's Ague Cure, a combination of vege-
ably ingredients only, of which the most
valuable is need • in no other *mown prepare, -
tion, The
repare-tion,The remedy is an absolute and apeci-
faeoure, and auceeeds when all other nredie
cines fail, A sure is warranted,
Aaliouay'e Oiefetent.-.•Minors and Work -
in the Goldfields,—Tama invaluable an
re gowned Ointment la extensively used and
patronized by such people to their very great
advantage, being easy of application and
portable iR small compare. When used in
eenjunotrou with Holloway'e fills in accord -
puce with the clear and concise direotiens
for nes which acoompauy erielh pot sod box,.
there are butfew of the daaoasee which afflict
mankind which wilt net yield to the sanative
powers of the combined remedies, Hello.
way's Ointment and Palls do not deteriorate
by keeping nor by change of climate, and as
they contain no deleterious mineral drug,
they can bo used with the moaiperfect safety
under the moat adverse Dalmatia and sanitary
Maud S., the queen of the turf,'
beet her former record at Cleveland
on Tburedey by ,1 a eeoand, making
a anile irr2.08e. She'. is 11 seconds
faster than any ether horse in the
In race at Detroit, between Han -
len and Lee, the two oarsmengot
away together with 40 strokes per
minute. They bold this gait for per-
haps a quarter of a milo, when they
dropped to 28 strokes for Heiden and
80 for Lee. Leisurely they rowed up
to and around the turn, and dowu
the course tp within a qnarter of a
mile of the lintel), when both set out
and came home at a genuine racing
There is now being manufactured here an
article for instantly removing pain of any
route external nature. and it is certainly the
moat perfect ears for Nourelgie, Headache,
Toothache, and the like that has ever been
tried. It is called Fluid Lightning from the
rapid manner in which it acts, and is mann-
factored by McGregor .11k Parke, Sold in
Exeter at Dr. Browning's drag store
The 11 Hayfield Dir nit
Th shut+ e:. an the aJA d a
contributed the following amounts to the
general church fund during the past year:—
ear:Bayfield, 5140; Cole's, 8240 ; Bethel, 6290;
total, $670.
Scott's Emulsion of rum
Cod Inver 011, with Ilypophospbites.
Most llenfjaciat in Bronchitis,
nolda, Hallett, fend the miefortane to
a hie leg broken. He wee in a buggy
with others, and in turning aronad to
the yard. tco abort a turn was taken. and
the cramping of the buggy frigbtered the
horse, which started to run away., time
throwing them out. This boy had his leg
broken abuvo the Ankle. and :leo dialocst-
edat the ankle joint, It will take onto
time to heal up,
1'orlraps the most extraordinary successthat
has been achieved in ruodern medicine has
been attainodbythe Dixon treatment for ca-
tarrh. Oat of 2,000 patient, treated during the
last air months, fully ninety per cent. have
been cured of this stubborn malady. Tbis is
none the less startling when it is remembered
that not 1vo par cent, of patients presenting
tl1ahnselves to abs regular practitioner are bin
xientied, while the Patent mealotnee and other
advertised cures never record a cure et all.'
starting with Ilia claire now generally ]relieved
by the Pratt acienttfa man that disease is due
to the pre.eno. of !Wagnerasitee to the tissue.
Mr.Dixvn at once adapted hilt euro to their
extermination -this aecompltabs. , he olaim.
tato Catarrh is prim Wally oared, and the per-
manency nx gnealioned, as cures effected by
hint four peeve aro are auras still. No one
el** ha* attempted to cure Catarrh in this
maun.r.aad no other treatment *vox cured
Catarrh. Th', application of the remedy in
ainapls said oar* be done at bolo, and the
present *eau's* of theear is the most favor-
able fara speedy and permanent cure, the
majority of cases being cured at ono treat-
ment. Sufforera should correspond with
Moans. A. 11. DIXON a SON, SOS Wing street
wept, Toronto,cauada,and euolein stamp for
their treatise on Catarrh.-afonerenlStar, ?Ton.
17.1F I,
turas color. re
moves Dandruff,
stops the bar
front falling aut
increases its:
growth, and Wit,
not soil the skin.
As a hair fires
sing, it Ilan rlO
superior. Gear,
antaed harmless
Ilarknesark Co.
London, Ont;
sold by au Dmitri
and rationIfNolen.
$ L0 . ?. M.A.P.D T
The above reward will be paid for the oonvietion of those Merchants who are soiling ''•
Machine Gilt, and calling them Neon's Larding
The only genuine is manufactured by
McColl Bros. ft Co, Toronto
Dr. 3,. 1', NRsDa, Hamann Mills, N. 0., Says; s
I axed Scott's Emulsion in case of Bronchitic A �}
of six months' standing and the patient was UNDERTAKER &,
well in ten days.iI meat coufeas my CABINET-MAKER, j
prise at its heeling and atreugtheningpow-
our -
Do eat delay, if suffering any form of
Ilowel complaint, however mild apparently
may be the attack. but use 1)r. Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wild. Strawberay. .11 is the old reli-
able cure for all forms of Summer Com -
plaids that require prompt treatment.
Ask your druggist and all dealers in pateut
The dispatch of mails via San Francisco
for the Australia Colonies having been firs.
pace, Hanlon being several lengths 1 continued, all correspondence will go by
ahead of Lee. The time recorded f, r way of London,, Eng. (via Brindisi). Tho
Ilanlau was 18:88, rate by the latter route is higher.
The "Actives," of Exeter, played -.1. -If you 'lave to work early and
a game elf )rase ball with the "Irish" late, and get little or no exercise, take
nice, o canon Friday last, on the Hauiugton's Quinine Wino and Iron to give
you strength. See that you get "Haning- Complete Stook of Robes & Trim' min' S
grounds of the latter. The game from toga's„' the ort'pinal and genuine.
first to laet was very one-sided, the .Peterborough, Aug. 1.—Tee Peterborough Always an hand.
Luc:mites appearing to ba too much County
to Aurdedryo f Ottawa the the
tit prance i
for our "boys,” which can be so. p FUNERALS FURNISEID AND CON- 2
the submission of the Scott Act. Tho alli-
counted for on the ground that the mice ask that Sept. 7 be appointed for tbo DUCTED AT LOW RATES. c.i
"Actives" were short two regular ? r -a
playere, and have bad but little prac-
tice lately. The "Irish" did some
excellent playing, making only ono or
two errors in the entire game. The
score stood 28 to 10 in favor of the
Lucian club. The "Actives" are,
however, of 'opinion that they can
down the "Irish Boys" on the
Walnut & Rosewood Caskets
ALSO COFFINS eseEvsnx Duel:mum
grounds here, when the return match
is played, which we hope will bo in
the near future.
Coming Elections.
East Durham Conservatives met in
Convention at Milbrook, on "Tuesday,
and nominated H. A. Ward, Mayor of
Port Hope, as their candidate in the
election, to fill the vacancy in the
House of Commons caused by the
death of Col. Williams.
Write for new erections in East
Durham, Cardwell, and St. John, N.
B., have been issued.
Hanged While
aWRa Respite was on
theOonnors, the murderer, was hang-
ed at Regina a week or so ago while a
reprieve was belug cabled across the
Atlantic. It will be remembered his
counsel appealed against the jurie-
diction of the court ' which coo•
damned him, first to the Manitoba
Court of Queen's Bench, and ulti-
mately to the Privy Council. The
paper* contalving the appeal only
reached. Enpltind on the day of his
execution. The matter was at once
brought before the Colonial Office,
and a oabie'despatch was immediately
seut to the Governor•General asking
him to respite; the prisoner until 11
Judicial Comfnittee had had an o
portunity to decide upon the ar
The cablegram came too late, he
er, as, the law had taken its co e
and Connors had been hanged. I
not probable that the appeai won
have amounted to anything anyway,
as their Lordships said that the res
ons disclosed by the petition were not
prima facie, such as would induce
thein to grant its prayer.
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. 'We guar
antee it. Sold by J. W. Browning.
election. ----
HlcGiIEGOR & PARKE' My Stock of Furniture is un -
ofHamilton, Ont., are the manufacturers
of the greatest healing and pnrifyiug cora- excelled.
pound known for Sores, Burns, Cuts, Scalds,
Salt Rheum, Frost Bites, etc. It is called rGIVE ME A CALL.
McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Bo
sure and get the genuine McGregor &Parke's
Carbolic Cerate, sold at Dr. Browning's
drug store at 25c. a box. 5
11 you are troubled with inactive Liver,
your complexion will be sallow, frequent sink
headache, aching shoulders, dizziness, wear-
iness, irregular bowels, and many other
serious complaints, Burdock Blood Bitters
regulate the Liver and all the secretions to a
healthy action.
A posse of Mounted Eclice, under Major
Crozier, left Regina for the north Monday
to look atter Indians and prevent further
A. CA- RD.
To all who are suffering from the errors and
Cherry Pectoral.
No other complaints are so insidious in their
attack as those affecting the throat and lunge:
none so trifled with by the majority of suffer.
ars. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting
perhaps from a trifling or unconscious 'ex
posure,1. often but the beginning of a fatal
sickness. Averes CurittiY PECTORAL has
well proven its ef:ieney in a forty years' fight
with threat and iu:.g diseases, and should bi
taken in all cases without delay.
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, , A Terrible Cough Cured.
early decay, loss of Manhood, ,be, I will send a "in Uri took a severe cold, which affected
reeeipe that win cure you , FREE OE CHARGE. my lungs. I had a terrible cough and passed
This great remedy was discovered by a mis- night after night without sleep. The doctors
sionary in South America, Send a self -ad- sauna ,e e which elievedYmyelungs,�R induced
dressed envelope to 'Inv, TosErse T. IN MAN sleep, and attorded me the rest necessary
Station D, New York Oity. for the recovery of my strength. By the
Continued use of the PECTORAL a perma-
Mr. Isaac Fisher, of the base line Hullet, neat one was effected. I am now 62 years
has a curiosity on his place, in the shape of old, tele and heauty, and am satisfied your
a young chicken with four well -formed legs.
saved me.
The two superfluous legs aro not in a po- Rocldngliam, Vt., July 15, 1882.
sitiori to be of much service, unless it
wants to walk upside-down, but they are Croup. -A Mother's Tribute.
growing all right. '''While in the country last winter my ]ittle
"WHA 1' SAY YOU. TO APIE',CE OF ROAST bo} three years old, was taken ill with croup;.
BEEF AND MUSTARD ?" it seemed a;; if he would die from stratait--
lati r, one of the family suggested the use
Well, there is much to be said. 'the quos- of Aviles CHEERY PECTORAL a bottler of-
tion beingasked of the banqueter at the av- whivii was at;"•a'}•s kept in the "house. This, q VMS tr- e lit .,autll and frequent- doses, and
erage boarding house, calls up reminiscences to oar r',clight ill less than ball an hour the
of close contiguity to the horns, andbeefsteak lilt, rani •nt has breathing easily. The doe -
three cuts south thereof. He, of course, will tor 14,I'• that, the Ct(EEEy PECTORAL had
saved ,n r *lar turn lin Can you wonder at
pass, unless it occurs to him that he needs a our gratitta.e, hmee rely yours, ��
hinge Mx kis trunk. Should there be any 1111.14.I'MMA.GEnyEY.
suffering, the effects of an indulgence in such 150 West 128th St., hely York, May 16, 1881.
sinuous fare, use MoGregor's Speedy Cure, " I have used Avrr s CEEEEY PECTORAL
a sure and effectual remedy;. for Dyspepsia, in myn family for several }'ears, and do not
• n 't the most effectual
.to a uuco r
•ra ,or
:so: Constipation and alt affections of the st rc , er y. for coughs and colds,we have ever
ach and liver. Sold at Dr. Browning's dr alt r A. J. CRANE.'
ore. Trial bottles free. 5 Lake Crystal, Minn., Mama* 13, 1582.
Tolle curative power' of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I el:Me e 1 for eight years from Bronchitis,
is' too well known to require the specious' aid n,1 d tr trying many remedies with no sue -
of any exaggerated or fictitious certificate: "„ `'of d by the use of ATER'S JOSEPH. WALDEN."CHER*
Witliessea of its marvellous cures are to -day „ ii ,:,r, 11iss., April 5, 1582.
living in every city and Hamlet of the land. r, -me,t env enough in praise of AYER'9
Write for names. if you want home evidenc). Cir 'uv ih rT,ltenr, believing as I do that
KNOWN BY THESE' SIGNS. but fan• i00 use ]'should long since have died
Dyspepsia may be known by Heartburn, frau irn:c; troubles. .til. BRAGDOE."
tr Emotions of food, Wind Belching, Palestine Texas, April 22, 1882.
' at the Stomach, Variable `a appetite, etite, No case of an affection of the throat or..
Weight ! P
Costive Bowels, etc. Burdock Blood. Bitters lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved
will positively cure Dyspepsia,' althoughin by the use of AYER's CHERRY PEOTonere
its worst chronic form. and, it will always cure when the dinned is
SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need not already beyond the control of medicine.
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dlzzi l'uneaRED BY
noss, and alt symptomsof Dyspepsia. Price DP.,LC,AyerafaCe.,LOWa3ll,M388r.
10 and 75 cents per bottle.' Sold by W.
Browning. Sold by all Druggist,. _ l
Bui dot k
Cures Diz:zne$s, ,Loss of Appetite, Indi iestlan, Biliousness,
1 Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and _ idneys,
Pimples, Blotches, Boils, .humors, Salt -Rheum, Scrofula,
Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood,
Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels.
Parity the Blood, correct: all. Disorders of the
They i nvigoreto and restore to health Debilitated Conatitutione, and are invaluable in al1
Couaplainto incidental to Females of all ages. For children ansl the aged theyare priceless
'an intsliible remedy for Bad Lego, Bad Breasts, Old Weundi, Sorra and Ulcers.:
famous for Gout and. Rheumatism.
roots. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Gla1dular Swellings, and all skin dikes*
gas no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it aotalike a cleanse.
The Pills and Ointment ate sold at Tao*as lioxu.owax'. Eatabliehwea3,
7t3 NEG QXFORD.STBl.ET late (583, OXFORD.13TREBT), !AMOR ;
by nearly ererr reapeobDle Vendor of Atadiaine, in Bozea and Fats, at Is. Imo,,, fen..
41. 6d., Iia., 91e., and 313e. each. The 2s. ed. size ooutaina three time the tweak* ofk�e
is ltd, also ; the 4e. 6d. size six ; the 11a, site sixteen ; the =Assize thirty-three ; aandtlAs
33* site fifty-two times the qu-.ably of the smallest Bowe awd rote.
printed directions z o a of and canb
p aro affixed t oath Boa and P nbe Not is my tarattasefre
Purchasers should lookto the Label on the Pots and Boxes. lithe Miarw is hit
y 533 Oxford Street. London, they aro spurious,
r' '
Under aker
Exeter Tailoring Establishrn't
r FAs 110 EQUAL
- `1
Has received a Splendid assortment of CLOTHS and TWEEDS very Choice Goods, and
will sell them cheap for Casa.
Suits Made to Order On Short Notice.
No credit given. Sold ONLY for (CASH, and that means
Cheap Goods. Call and see his stock before placing your
Exeter, 111i March,1885
E=eter Post Office Time Table.
Kirkton, Woodham Winchelsea andElimvillo
... .8.15 a.m ,1C Oo a.m.
Sonth,east and west, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal,
Manitoba,17nited States, English andforeig,n mails ... ... ...
South, east west &e ...
North and east, including Goderieh, Winghaut, Kincardine and all points4
north, Strattotd, Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States ,-. .,- 1C.00a.m
North east, ... 3.30p.m.
9.15a.m. g.00 a. m
6.45 p.m. 0.30 p. m
Sarepta Tuesdays, Thursdays`audSaturdays
...17.16 n. na.
18 15 a m
8.00 a. m
5.80 p.m
6.30 . m.
10 00
issued and paid on and from any Money Order Office iutheDominion of C anada,Great. Britain
and Ireland ,BritishIndia, Newfoundland, Italy, Australia, New South Wain,Tasmania, New
Zeland, Trance an Algeria, the Ger,nan Empire, ,Swoden,Norway,Denmark, Iceland, Belgium,
the tvethrlande,Switzerland. Austria-Hungary, lioumania, United States, Jamaica and Bar-
Denositswillbereceivedatthisofficefrom $1 to $300. Depositors obtaining the lost-=
masor,Gedoral's special permission can deposit $1000.. Deposits on Savings Bank account re -4
cejyer] from, 3 dein. to 4 p• m. Interest at 4 pet cent per annum will be allowed on ell deposit
CilArealacu?if:rore. 7 p, m, e
Letters intended for registration valet 'be posted 15 Minute abeto}r'e the :losing of
rticfti'aryrequosted that the senders of :neater will kindly itddthe
1'10 goulatletiko� ti,*i4ieaseS.
trirtilii£i s, x.`;;