The Exeter Times, 1885-8-6, Page 4E EXETER TIMES,. iehedevery Thursday morning, at the STEAM PitINTINU NOUSE et,reearlyoppposite Fitton', Jewelery ,ter, Out,by-.Telan White t Son. Pro- prietors. awes or AhVIeRTES tt{ csertion, per linele cents. Ebaeclueat insertietl,per lihe.,,,.,g eeets, taupe insertion advertiserneuts sheuld nt in not later than Wednesday morning. n or off aline let the Reflector sot the manly part and say .eo plainly, Plead guilty or justify the assault. It ap- pears our neighbor has not igaallad els t , In tl or Ind eeud enc• b y oh ISI Ais I'll �' + IMPARTMENT oner $ I Gc Ex' $ iiI>aiCT a e largest and best equippal in the Oounty ` til Stork entnisted, to a will receive i priui;IA attention: i ewslons Regarding News papers. C Any person who takesA paperreeulerly from ep ost<iffieo,whether directed is his name or � thez'e. or whether helms subscribed or not , eepoarsible for payment. If &person orders his paper discontinued all e o h may must & *mars or publisher P lt 9 p P sauna to send it until the payment is made. then collect the whole *mount, whether per is taken from the offtoe or not. emits for eubeeril.tions. the snit rasp be used;L the place where the paper is pub - though the subscriber way reside of rliilee away. Tips sat rtle Is decided that retastng to e uewspapere or petfodioala from the poet - or removing end Leaving theta uncalled rima lege evidence of intentional fraud. ; au e P p of proprietors. It seems that when the late owner disposed of the plant, be threw bis inspirlug mantle into the ,'sal'`litt. DAY AU UST Oth, 1885. bargain. EDIT013I414 NOTES. i s ' i ' s endorse tithe tour a of the Min steriali is IT i$ reported that Osman Digua iu #iiia wetter? aud'ta participate in the ob- w killed Ia a battle before Ka.eele. noxious grab is a just cause of surprise no ilialldi's followere are reported to and sorrow to their constituents. Titan be everywhere demoralized. some of their number plegded poverty and necessity aa a reason for oonscl.tinl to the steal, ?,ve eau well . believeBut t Qaor,Eai having killed 80,000 pec. ought riot to have been silo.. wed to prevail;hisplea p1e in Spain the Spanish Govern—, The leader of the Opposition lied a plana Recorder and call.eaohotber a "thing," after whiob, in the interests cf the pairty, the whole gtlestiou be referred to the G1uhe for arbitration, THIS Nroodatook .heat (Grit) in disquieting the part Mr. Blake played in the disgraoeful salary grab, allows au a proper light the: oonduot of that gentlew;n. It Says ; "That tho reformers amid consent , to meat as furnishing its 4old1ere ip the duty to perform under each oircunastauses,. infected districts with pennate!. This I o ought to base asserted his authority. Ito should have preeervkd defended, 1 scourge r alioeffect, io ! t and' on ht 8211 g 1T0 the so nrg a d aw the reutat n of b s par y, Inch t;, The people will die to slow music. , always- to be paramount to Ilio intereeta of individual members. Farligment ought not to bare been prostituted to pension parks. TAX traffic) receipt; of the'Canadien Q mentary paupers. 'tio one will suspect the I?aoefio railway for last weak wore loader of the t?ppoeition hiresell of a desire, $82,000 Inose ttutx tho.e of the cor- responding week Iasi yes'. 'Phos• of the Grind Trunk for the iamQ period PB were $87,000 1044 than re 1884.. h cultural Boeiety of ilia conatitneney. >lnt 11hIt does not atone for the mistake made by Tarn Provincial Derail of Ifsalth Maul final bis fzienda in Sequievcing ill and has dine good work (luring the past not opposing the increased grant. It makes Snore Oleo ap Out the Obnoxiolisnees of year, The regulations kepi conga.we grant. If the members ar the lioul>a to participate in the 0500 grab. Ile was donbtlesa personally opposed to it and. As ire now announced, baa declined to pocket it. having handed over the amount to the WI" sally before the people have led to a were right in voting for it, they have a per- EL 7'0 Z 1 47.1701, 'F.P. better elate of sanitary education ° throughout the Province generally, be jury last brought in a verdict i t " tJ against t LDale Rie 1► the Ala. TgONIAO Drone, M. P. fo solart agreeing, with tbeln in their 1 Cardwell, was Sworn is yesterday air dSOiaian, and be has bean sentenced Minister of the Interior, at Toronto, Ito d9atkt at Regina ort the 18th of by the Goveruar.Generai, the neoee- September next. In the face of eery documents being brought from 1 **evidence given by witnesses of ()twee by the Cleric of the Privy the crown uo other verdict could Council. have been rendered. Thor,. is no I doubt that Wel was the ithatigetor of IN e000rdsnoe with the provision.• and prime mover iu the whole aff*ir, of so Act pasted last eseuion, the and he richly deserves a pilo• of the.I Dominion Govefnm•n.t bare perfected urderet'e rope. The plea of IMMan- arrangements for taking a census in feat right #o keep it, and not to donate it either for the promotion of their political fortunes or for the promotion of agrioniture, ' tie., etc. The money ,presented by ;tr. Blake , to the *grioaltura' sooieiy was glveu with the eti ulation that the eooiety invest the Mtnourit null give the inter• est each year to prizve. We have no desire to accuee Air. Blake with any di,bunorable nlottve lit donating the interest to (the society, but it looks as if ha wanted tate money placed eo (bat it would do better sal ervioe fotitin• self when nea.e.ity demanded. was broegt't forward by i eel's ? Manitoba, the North•West Territories,' hire Robert Biwa, the Eden :dill,' liter. sal, with the !hope of mitigating ) and tit,! disttact at Eeewalln, and the ohms. Bays Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters Ilail2ous animas, but at was quite - tent that his insanity was of a .miry and seifiilt mature, bis object having been to blaw",amail the (losers - u2001 out of a large sutra of money, wbieb ha expected would have bean t order to familitate the operations of offered him is Ieave the country. The the Caaxeda Temperance AO, 1878, Verdict is a righteous one, and no distillers are permitted to remove court could but pied sentence of death spirits from their re.peotive distiller— upon him, and theta is no plea except tea into oonutiei where the said sot le that of humility cm be brought for. H in force,, in quantities not lo.a than X-I.A.1.21-0151 Vegetable icilian HAIR RENEWER work trill shortly be oomuyenoed in ;is b7 fartbeheat seltier( preparation in that the :+rorth•�T.at Territories. neighborhood and that all his oustomere are delighted with it. /doodle large quantities --- of Dr. plate you 1y.psesiu try it. Aa erder.ia sonnetl is pabllaked in the Owned* Classed, stating that in. ward in his favor. Having camped the gallows through the leniency of the crown for hie previous grimes, he cannot with good grace be pardoned on this occasion, as his offence this erne was oven more aggravated than first. Reins associates should receive juertoa ; nothing more, noth• ing less. Some profess to believe that the Government will interfere in Ilii behalf ; 'Wo do nos, but we do believe, however, that, no matter what dispo- sition is made of Bial, the majority of the Reform press will do their very best to make political oepitaI out of it. We also believe that the Conservative press have no ground for making �.ltloal capital out of the affair, and eh .uld not attempt to do so. The Lower Canadians will send in an ap- peal ; in fast they are now preparing a petition to have Biel pardoned, as they claim he is insane. Had he been sentenced for insanity, an ap- peal would have been sent in from the people of Ontario, and we think the Ontario people world be justified in appealing against any Soon censure. The Canadian arch -traitor cannot eseape the gallows. and he deserves nothing better. It is unfortunate, but such are "politics" in Canada, that what one side agrees to the other sternly opposes, and this rule is not departed from even when the trial of an enemy to Canadians, of all classes and creeds affords an opportunity to rrytiore a point. CUR COTEM. AND CLERICAL ROW— DYISM. from the echo of some rumors we beard, we waited with 'bated breath, expecting annihilation in last week's Reflector ; but, lo 1 the mountain has not even brought forth a mouse. Not a eign did our cotem. snake. Not a 'fiord in defence or explanation of ire former unparalleled attack on the sacred profession. What does our eatem. mean ? Is it trying to shirk out of its position by a policy of sil— ence ? The Case is just this The Reflector characterized the ministers -of the Presbyterian General Assem- bly as "clerical rowdies" and charged its members with "intolerance hardly equalled'in the dark ages." We took exception to that statement, but our totem. insiated that it was right, and allenged proof to the Contrary. Ia gave some proofs that the article was wholly wrong and unjustifiable. In reply to these proofs the Reflector si. S NOT A WORD. Then, its silence must mean that it misrepresented the 1 facts, and that it is aware now, at least, of misrep:resenta,1hon. The only way our cotem apps i 4o know of to get out of the dole" ato whiob its biassed zeal a to.igno wi ton gallons. Tha Dominion Government have decided to send a collection of Lum- ber and minerals to the Colonial Ex- laibitiou iu London, in addition to the oollectiou exhibited at Antwerp. Prof. Selwyn has been entrusted with. the task of selecting the mineral exhibit, and It practical man will be chosen to supervise the lumber cal - lection. IT is reported that the Dominion Government bas deoided in the case of the patent medicines imported by Ayer & Co„ seized by the 11Iontreal Customs oflioere for undervaluation, I to claim the deficiencies of duty for I the full three years allowed by the Tariff Act, and to impose in addition a fine of fifty per neut. on the full duty. UST TOUR BEING POWDER TO -DAY! :hands adearalsed as absolutely para S T'X'1a.Zrit 41a1tIC.adrS?1f711a. THE TEST: riser• a awn tap deem on a hot 'tore uatlt heated ebea rwmun m the aen, A chemlat will nos d. re. qutr.e4 to 4eteot the !urines of ammonia, Fong hundred Northern Paaifie oars are now waiting at Tacoma to receive the 80,000 cheats of tea clue from Japan on the steamship Isa- bella. A great saving of time will be made by transportation to New York over the new route, and the eomple tion of the Canadian Paoifio will en- able the journey to be made in ova, less time. THE Premier is accused of the great orime of enjoying an inoome of $20,000 per annum, inclusive of his Wary as a Cabinet Minister. It is stated that Mr. Gladstone ligs from the estate of Hawarden an income of $25,000 a year and that he is patron of four church livings, one of whiob, held by his son, is worth $12,500. Imagine Mr. Gladstone's opponents quoting hie income as a sin 1 IT is " Poor Jackson" or poor Biel" with the reform press; but for the volunteers theta is now little but abuse and ridionle. The General is alleged to be cruel, one of the colonels is charged with fanatioism, the head of the tranepoTt service is maligned, the Surgeon -General is the butt of Course jokes, and the rank and file are alleged to be so mean socially that they cannot qualify as voters under the most liberal election law we have ever had. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. Ta ILC"LTIIFt71ESS HAS NEVER uses gt'ESTIoMM. was the first preparation perfectly adapted to euro disease,S of filo scarp, and the drat sue- eesstul restorer of faded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It hes had nutuy imitators, but none Ilave SO fully met all thee requiriuheuts needful for tate proper treatment of the hair and sealp, IiaaL's lysin 1tnxx er, has steadily grown in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to every quarter of the lobe. Its unparal- leled success can be attributed to but one cause: etc claire jIggisnent j ito froiniies.. The proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote coati* tries, where they had never made art atfortfor its introduction, 011e ase for a short time of ilavt'a IlAta. RE;sEwan wonderfully improves she per. Isonal appearauce. It cleanses the scalp from. an impurities, Cares all bunters, ferer, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness, It. Stimulttttes the weakened glands, and enabler theta topeen forward a new aunt vigorous, growth. Tian streets of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prepare.. ttons,bat remain a long ticse,whielt make* SO �tpcse as m#a�tterrett economy' BUQKIl.'fTGHAMS DYE VSA TEA WRI$KERS Wilt change the beard to l► natural brown, orkiack, as desired. It produces ape moment Cofer that will not wash away. Consisting of single preparation, it is applied without trouble. PREP./RED ItIr In n million homes far a quarter of a century it has food the consumers' reliable test, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., X.lx;:t:e OT Dr= Price's uncial Flamm Extracts, "a+.-,roacest,saastd.*Iel ussedastaralaa,arbeowe,aad Mr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems or Light, Hesithy Brand, Thek Best Dry Hop Yeast In rho World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - ST. LOUiS. THE ladies of St. Marys, the Argus man, Gold.win Smith and the schol- astic editor have become fearfully mixed up. First the Reflector mar, assails the ladies of the St. Marys W. C. T. U.. Than the Argus man, who is handsome and chivalrous, defends the ladies and seems to hint at an editorial rowdy, It also calls Gold - win Smith an "educated crank." In reply the scholastic editor calls the "bundle of prejudice and aria at his devoted head he ancient illustri- to a long- ^ ipture SPECIAL.. tIA VORI EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Rose etc., flavor as delicately and naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., an10AOO. ST. LOUIS. R. Pe Hit & CO, Nassua, N. R. Sold by all Dealers lit Medtolnea. POR Malt THE F0B18 Olt Scrotutonr, Mercurial, pad MINA Disorder*, beat remedy. thorough . Ayer's Sarsaparillaa $sift UT all 3:0214 t.; i2,sL t banes, iii, Fathers anlYlothers 1 Itis said (,Many Miokles make tb Muokle,'' So it is the world over. A. few cents saved in every dollar amounts to no small sum, at the end of the year. Then go to TtIIH OUT and retinal to us with lac or 4 do staatpe. and yawn get bit' 'Shat willlbriar: youail a Gold, n in more molima Q1 ray than anything else In America. Tour fortune tf you atsutqutct. CITY NO YTY arrmouath, I1.as. M:ACKINAC. 1 SUMM The ifostE>3sllAhtfn2 R TOUR C. & S. GIDL EY, UNDERTAKERS! ---ANiI-- Furniture Manu facurers 1 Palace steamers. Low states. Tour Trips per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Evbry Week Zay Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contains Tun Particulars. Wailed Frac. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nev. Co. C. D. WHErooms. Stet. PASS. AWT., RANTON BROS. FOR BARGAINS In SIMMER DRY GOODS, Dress Goods an Miin$ Cheap. PRINTS and GINGRAMS CHEAP. Parasols, Tweeds, raw Hats co.,c CHEAP MUST it;AKE ROOM FOR FALL GOODS. Everybody Corse ; bring along 6ur Cash, Butter, Eggs, or Raspberries, and get Cheap Dry- Goods. Dranaici_ hp, ORTHERN PIC1FI R. R. LANDS in Minnesota. North Dakota, Mon- tana,idaho, Washington and Oregon. 1'rc_n %taro Sup erfor to Puget i Sound. At prices ranging chiefly front 12 to $S per acre. sn 5 to 10 years' time. This Is the Rest Ceua'rf for securing Good Homes now open for settlement. FREE400 os'rea of Cover.,+oro, Linul f tee tinder the s. NOT• . nn l 1. ,,l•••, t5111ore l. sv \h]•: -1.0.018 ,433 Acrel Ort 3IOIr1 THAN =ALE of all the Publiv Iauals dlop'ostd of ,n Ira, were in the Northern Pacific country. )rooks and Amps sent FREE. deserihint the il'u,dlaern I'achlie l'ountry,the Ilei?•,•,ul Loodd tor gale and l.MIIORN. Land Com'�r. _ P.11.15., �St.1 aut., :Man RANTON BROTHERS Ivor Cheap Goods Latest Novelties of E Season How Lost, How Restosed. OUR DRY -GOODS STOOK s con plebe in all departments, tuid at Prices to suit the tittles. TAILORING A SPECIALTY Remember we keep the place to get everything you want and at right prices. JAMES PICKARD.' The Old Established House, Exeter Wehave recentlynublishod a new edition of DE,CTLVERWiLL'S CELEBRATEDES-, _ SAY on the radical and permanent cure (with- out medicine) of Nervous Debility,Mentaland —A FULL STOCK OF— physical capacity. impediments to Marriage, Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above lino, to meet immediate wants. We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, nd Funerals furnished and Conducted at extremely low hl iees. D7FFER1;YT Socxn .'IEs. etc .,resuitingfram excesses.. Price; in sealed envelope ,oniy 6 cents,ortwo postage stamps. Thecelebrated author of this admirable es- sayclearly demonstrates, from thirty years' succeesfu1praotice, that alarming consequen. cis m ay be radically cured without the dang- erous useef internal medicines or 'the use of the knife ; Point out a mode of cure at oai0e simple certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter whathis con- vatelyand radically. - * Tlli lecture should be in the hands of ev- ery very youth and every man in the land. Address THE CULVERWELL'MEDICAL COMPANY, GAZE ON TIIIS1 FOR THIRTY DAYS BISSETT BROTHERS OFFER TEN PEE. CENT. FOR CASEOn FORKS 'fall kinds, CRADLES, SWATHS, SCYTHES,ETC. BINDING GLOVES CHEAP. Machine Oils,liock Bottom Prices American Water White and Canadian refined Oils away down. EISSETT EROS THE BANK of TIME Main Street, Exeter. TILOS. FITTON Keeps Watches That Are Watches And are warranted correct for Time, Tide, of Railroad Train, " and to please the most fastidious. JEWELLERY That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable for Bomaane, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides, g l Lai 3 Bridegrooms, Ling and Lovely Wives, Children, Hus'. , bands, Etc., Etc. SPECTACLES.—Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy , and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age. ditionmay be, may cure himself ch •,ply, pry Give him a call. No, trouble to show Goods. Watches and'Clocks Repaired and Brought to Time. Al ANN 5T„NEW PORIS Post Office Box 450 t.