The Exeter Times, 1885-8-6, Page 1LEGAL.. LH, DICKSON, Barrister, Soil- • cher of Supreme Court, Notary Public Oouvoyaucer, Commisafontr. 4:e. .honey to Loan. Office in .r'anson's Bleak, Exeter. Aff McFADDEN, a Barrister, Solicitor, Coaaveyancer, Etc,, EXETER. ONT. O0100Sattrweil'sRieek (Hairs 914 47,0100-) DENTAL. C CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., Has opened dental retinae over O'NttWL'S BANE. wberehewill be prepared to extract toath without Plan. All operations performed with ease and S'raldfluiugs a speeletity. Office hours 9 a, ru: to 5 p m. V naRoas ATOri tt rE. TERxa TT KINSMAN, DENTIST.it.D.B 1tsaarat• Rain, MEDICAL Haaremoy ed to Sam well'gRric eetrr owe trwoted without "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE °HIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL. XII., NO. 46. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1855. L.J L.y t .P ?+.,L.1 C 17F M D Petty's Choice Hares, Breakfast Bacon and Lard, Cracked Wheat and Rolled Oats., Oranges and Lemons, AT G. A. ELYND .A.N'S JOHN WHITE & SON Publishers and Proprietors ROUND THE COUNTRY. our energetic pathmaster gr. W. C. Charters wheby the way is melting Usbarne. the boys all pay et work out their poll HORSE DIED. --On Tuesday. the 21st vet's, white Mr. Wm. Taylor was en- Raged mowing, in a field on hie farm tax-- DOt7e ezCu.red, not even station masters. ODDS AND ENDS.--*Harveei hands IrAiSON'S BLOCIf) one of the horses which he was nein era getitog a rent. --A very heavy g rain storm herein the beginning of Tho duty Thoriay's H; .t 0 Food. Only 10o. per lb,, or t£8 per cwt. 1 became sick and drnney, tend appar. the week. --Crop■ are looking well. COAGULINE.--•.•-cement for Brok- VOTERS' LIST.-1885—Munici- J en Artielea. Sold everywhere. salify of the pillage of Exeter. County Sole Dtakrira.-dIAN IMr.OL'r.. Stockport of Haran, Notice is hereby given that I have Euglena, transmitted or delivered to the various men - rimed in the Third and Fourth. sections of the "Vetere' List Act, the copies required by said Sectioua to betraueniitted or deliveroaor the list made pnravant to the said Act of all per - sone appeanee by tate Last revised Aseessuwent Roll of tits *aid muainipality at elections for Members of the Legislative Aaaeinbly Red at laturttolpal electron aad that odd nit was prat day o1 Juuly. at lbS. end termit tEsthereofar'pipe°. tteu. Elector% are called upon to exemia° Raid Itat. and it any omiaatons or otber errors are perceived therein. to• taketuunedtete proceed, lugs to have the mid errors eo,rected emceed - FOR COUGHS A'tiD COLDS. LU "Z, M. D. th ceett his relidence'Exeter. 'KAY'S GOMPQUNII' OF LIN. R.IRVING, tIIIADUATi': tll`TI. VZRSITY Trinity College. Member of College pbyitoiauaatttl auraoorr Out.. ,1f l' ee. r?inwn. .-CORONER FOR thoCountyof limon. Ofiiea. opposite #Ir.I,CarllaR a atoro,1Exeter J W. BROWNING M. D. M. 0 • P.13.fi/adn0A4ViotorialIuiverst$y.Office and raaldanee.DPIL; iouIaboretotT.kXotar. DL J. A. ROLLINS, 11.0. P. ( (1. Office. Main St-F.xeter.Ont. Rerideu cehoiserecent'y occupied by P AfePbtlilps sRI P Auiseed.,$eueita,8grtilt,Toluatte with Chlorodvtio. !TAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent expectorant for Oounhe and cods, AX'S :COMPOUND, kr lCoug Mel Colds,. to e2naily eerricabte Stites%arelOkttle. ed it to tide Poet meter F.ostmasta ea? s he unlocking akaffieekjet after We himeeU-4-b The poet office delnirt arranged that it is a letters or hags to go ae 1 BEL .FOUND Cr To be Hanged 18th Se Biel's trial, which ope 26th slit., was closed on The evidence brought Out against the prisoner Judge Eioheirdson, hit charge to the jury, self chiefly to reading the evideoos. He then law upon which the court hefted and the trial con charge was concluded jury retired. The oa tared to the guard to keep, fitlY suffered terribly. It tear re- Farmers have cheerful oountelaanoes, l moved to the stable, and after a few with the exception of the ohmic; without pleat or drink, Are pimento expired. The cause of death cranks. who are never at peace wills. ing• to enppoaed to have been colic. themselves. Largs anmbers of bind. Al S:15 there was: a rano The animal belonged to kr. Albert ars have item delivered here by our *nett, and it was whisper Pearson, frcim whom Mr- Taylor had Wolf agents W. R. Fulton end W. B. 14ry had agresa. All was bot rowed it, he leaving lost one of Lia Moteaa. They are Sivica To, 094„ excitement. Rel' prey a. s few days previoo by std ustroke. oral etitiefaotieu, working equally kneeling in his holt,. an. Tbo beast was not very Valuable, but well to bsavy 41 in light grain.-- 1heoved as the jury a supplied the place of a better one in $. Mines P. C, is imprauing ns with verdict of guilty. Fran a busy time, the dignity of the law which must be the foreman, while crying BARB BuitNED.--About 2 °'01°0 reverenced at all hetartle.-.Ddatlaanissajuthat bo was 41 ou Tuesday Inorni:ng, 21st ult., a barn has been in our ►Midst --two parrots fellow Jurors to recarumead belangittg to Mr.Wm,Garnish of t liare turned up their tees --ons died °Ret to the moray of the or of sniffler the other of grief—but the judge saod the "nein ,,Rise. Alumina,Alumina, our ootlasey yet would be coaaidered. Roil remsiae."-•'.Che healthful abnawberry tsnasrl TO so uancxn is s thing of the pail, the 'savory as abs 16111 of Saplsmber 11 raspberry has *orae and gels and btw ritistot*w, 11,> ACEETP, : a4 the 9th con., wee burned to the for Clerk of said M iuicipalit'. ground There were ten loads of new T, d,Y'S TIC PILLS, a specific iu Neuralgia leace•eebe tto. ` EDUCATIONAL. Dated 30th July'. lbi5. , 1 bay, a email quantity of rein and a number of agricultural impic:ea . dt:etrayed, The toes is oatimated at About canes $6fire is unknown,. No bet iTb. itt now the snoouleal anion, the piping culd►gno p=ospsi t of w reprild he we eu oet;4i to have been a mishap of encumber and the jaiey parsecs !evince by her Her iklajeety pk p are the it 1't t „ took the result coon w 4' ""s'"' ° -�''' � some lclnd, The foot of ill}! antis• fruits s .hat tickle the palate y - g of the Epicure and Deco 'c }I oriog (�n� �t /7r, inaurauce thereon, should be a (dila- preebyterian church. is prospect, A ENNI NT d: TENNENT, Voter!- Zigl:skaa�itW�`L overs O Toone ladies • o l R 4I, aV aloe to every "mer to nava a lloliey Subsariptioue for the Immo are bing Io rril'It probably be tteasotl,f Io a obviate :thee ce4aaait�r astir sarsaoaa, Gsadatttea at tits Oatar,a has over lea rooaas, and t VETERINARY. Wesleyan, Ladies' College HA IZATON, VANA.DA. The oldest and the moat complete Ladies' Mali C Mau having his barn btlriued and no ttw00 wos and lsmeate ou ' —New It is nob yet rattled bow t helfbreedprisonersi iI w l he ►a�ttlinicet'heiro a µ. vrr 100 ere' every cao+r011ietaaafar solicited wi gra 1 jlaiz lttcaelq ttterii&rr Co11oFo. Toxon- comfort and health. Unusual adventage%in -'-•• C. estid it IS about 611 years slug° b15 Village versa' country its to site are o.havaop Partite tree, anent of all lnneip&1 on ilia per:sbable property, lilt, 't$ mid - ' ing an indictment ten da Eiawagtie 1t1..inRueet from a die's... • tined au office Mime end Art, Opens Sept. I. Address the Anitiale, on %Mention tidepeper.t A. IRLR $,».D,L,L.A. lSxatar. Calls tauee it'y QTALED TENDERS, addreaaed to A, the Postmaster General. will he received at Ottawa uutfl %lean, on FRIDDAY..Af.ITST ltn a1 p i g av excited, and ha thou ht It was the pointe al leen*. tela . A majority of the useless to renew. •t! 1 k' 1 will be charged with murder. attended tat- lta.11eiio for !loxias Cattie.do ' 7 ,�y' Ise5. for the cauveraneeot tier Maiaety'e brills f1 u(I("1'.tOit a uric flouring milli aisrayaars baud: � � ' L�'d S �"OjlOtaA' ou apmp •ed Contract rears and to • sometimes 'spreads to here. Ours ;a felony or levying war. Thf, monies atx tints• ter Rank between W serer -- Building colli-� • mince are looking up pieties eta -- I some may be indicted for Gas from ill Zurich S 11 AUCTIONEERS. TIIOMAS, OYTARiO. avrThe finest buildings. lfurnisbinps, Oman4• etc.. for tbo Pu rein Canada. 11L I.Yt) ' �'ILfER Lioe need slue- i'iltiitaft aria :(ira'Iuatew dna Cert1Aeated Teaclttrr ii 1Literatttre. Muair, 11na Arta, tioaeer tar. Hey,. Stephen, and !te(lillt• Commercial Science. lie -opens Sept. loth vray;Toweshipa: Aaleaoonduettd et moderato For 30-1p.Announootge tit, address rates. Offtcw-dt Post-otsee.arotllton. Out. P"ltI*1CIPAL A,l'hX*N,1t.A. _-OIWN /.TILL, Auatioaeer for the Townehipe of Stephen. tray and Tabora* and the Village of Exeter. All melee protuutlr^ ar angel at thiwtaulee. ,g',txrenteeti. 6alesl FAR �,j FOR SALE IN STEPHEN. PROPE T MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES lata forth* Hum et IE'Lotman .M Sea- in`sliaoietr. Low ratesofiaterurrt. Apply^to Jolie Spacknan,F.xeter. V ON3 Ye TO LOAM AT 0 ANI} 6} pereent.accoraliun totertna. Private ruatls. Apply' to Augest14,85 Solicitor, Exeter, INSL`htANCE. NNA.J, CLA1iiC, Agent farathe Us- •borneandti3bbertifutual hire!cant anon 00mpaug, Rae1deuce-3rd Con,. Lisborue Orders bvtunlit° Exeter P.11., promptl'y at- tendod "'OEN i11o1)ON '`Lia, ISSU ''1t At&ltltleOE I.LJENSES. %wenn IN IPAN8oN'd BLOCA. Also agent for the Loudon Mutual Insurance • Company of Canuada,lforcautile Insurauco Co Capital x500,000.00 Head Office Waterloo: Ont, Glasgow .t London Insurance Coy -Cap- ital $2,500.000 ; !load Of11ce,Montreal : Stand- ard Lite Insurance Co., Head Office, London. England ; Guerauteo . Aocidout Co, Bead Office, Toronto. JOHN McDONELL Exeter. t�E WATERLOO •11IUTUAL• FaRE T SURANCECO, Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This cOmr.anV has been over Eighteen years in successful operation iu Western On- tario,and.:ontinues to insure againatloss or damago by Fire ,Buildings,Merch andise,Man- ufactori es,and all otherdescriptionsof'insur- able property. Intending insurers have the option oinsuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the pest ten years tl is Company has issued 57,090 :Policies. covering property to the amount of 340,872,098 ; and paid in loss- es afone$700,752,00 AssetS, $1766,100.00, consisting of Cash in,$ank, OovernmentDoposit,and the unass- essed Premium Notation handaud in force. J. W,WALDEN M D. ProaideAt. O. til. TAYLOR, Secretary. J. ft. Htremes, Inspector. CHAS. SNELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity. IMPORTANT NOTICES . TRY I. D Z... E.IIIT C'i''� Central Shaving Parlor For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair cutting, Rio. Olean Towels for every customer, Y J, Next door to Central Hotel. NJ. CLARK., COMMISSIONER • intim Court.:! Common Pleas --Deeds, Wills, ,Mortgages, Leases ,and all Corms of ag- reements drawn and executed according to law. MONEY TO. LOAN ONIIZAL ESTATE. Parties wishing to borrow money on account of re- cent purahases ofland,or to pay off existing mortgages tvi11 find a great saving by giving me a call, Oau lend money ate and 6i per cent. aocordingtoterms. N.J OLARPi. Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, Dutcher & General Dealer —IN pLL BINDS 03'— MMI.t~> ITI Lot re G,iu,illi Gplioeiiiou, ILEO acres, Par particulate apply to I3. V. EL.LIOT. Solicitor, &a., Exeter 4el, Feb., frtti5. I.'"AIUti FOR SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, -Luta 10 & 17, con. 7;900acres, of which aboutlt0acree are !retied stumps. and under goodenitlration. 50 acres pasture • 50 acres good bush, which contains from 34114 to es500 worth of piuo ; only 13 iuilesfrom the Village of ('rediton, -I n311ea frau l•: I x ter a Alms.% brick us rt k ho e � well u in colbir, g good , 2 bank barna, root bona(, •Y:ivlagl shed, a wall that has not yet been empty.with v fd-null , shout 3 aerem of first-class Orchard, a large seloction of tho bestgraftod apple trees, pluntstrace, %neatly moan 1pouta do about abot�whada trees aloe g the concession road. Price meder- ato; terms easy. For further particulars, apply to MATTHIAS MORLOCK, Crediton P. 0. Ont. •Customers supplied TUESDAYS, .THURS• DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence .ORDERSEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. L RE EXHIBITIONS. GRAND DOMINION AND FORTIETH Provincial : Exhibition ! Under the auspices of the AGRICULTURE AND ARTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO, TO BE HELD AT LONDON FROM THE 7th to 12th Sept,, '25 HANDSOME PREMIUMS GIVEN Entr:es !oust bo made with the Secretary at Toronto, on or before the undermoutioned dates, VIZ : Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Agri, cultured Implements, on or before Augustl5th. Grnin,Field Roots,and other Farm Products, Machinery and Manufactures generally, on or before August 22nd. Horticultural Products, Ladies' work, Fine Arts, etc., on or before August 29th. Prize Lists and Blank Forms for making the entries eau bo obtained of the Secretaries et all Agricultural and Hortioulturai Societies and Mechanic's Inetirutes throughout the Pro. vines ; from Geo. Mcflroom, of Western Fair, London ; and from the Secretary. HENRY WADE, Agricultural Hall, Toronto. CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR — AND— Agricult'. ral Exposition, 1885, WILL BE HELD AT THE CITY of TORONTO SEPTEMBER 9th to 19th. Tho largest Prizes end the best show of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry., Agricul- tural, Horticultural and hairy Products, Ma chinery, Implements -and Manufactures of all kinds in the Dominion of Oanada Prize Lists and Entry Forma can be obtain ed from the Secretaries or all Agricultural Societies and Mechanics' Institutes, or they willbe sent anywhere on application by post- card to the Secretary, at Toronto.• EXTRIES CLOSE AUG.. 22nd A LARGE NUMBER OF SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Are beingprepared for that time, for full par- ticularsof which see SpecidVPrograuxmes. Cheap Rates, and Excursions on all Rail- ways. The best time to visit the City of Toronto. J, J. WIrTHROW, H. J. HILL, President,. itlanaler and Ser rotary, Toronto. and liirittnn,from the let of September next. CI1racit No71:s.—Tho Revs. Masers, the steady grind, not the occasional uutarge a naf: neoersariiy oapli Printed notices eontainiuu farther inform*- TUE FEELING AT THE CAP ! I this th df Lieu .fait*conditions of Proposed Contract n.ay Usrris,:llethodiet,and Fletaber,Pres• whiffa ie centres' a grindi .The oonvielion and sante, be seen.and blank forma of Tender may be ob• b lerian, Cxobnn ed Wanes between resines* and mode' taireit at the Pact Mice* of Exeter aid EON- y g putpite on the • .1 S Biel ie the all absorbing topic It. W.lIAREEII, Post OOlcoInspector Post Office Inspector's Office., London. July e. iN9s. !n1or1nia1 Rai1ay The Direct Reale from the West for all points in New Brunswick, Nova Sootia, Prince Edward island. Cape Breton and Newfoundland. An the popular sea bathing. fishing and pleasure resorts of Canada are along this line Pullman cars leaving Moutreal o.t Mon- day Wednesday. and Friday run through to Halifax, and on Tuehday, Thursday and Satur- dayto St. John,N.B.. without chane,. Llose connectons outdo at Pointe Levis with the Grand Trunk Itaiiway and the Idichelien and Gntario Navigation Company's Steamers frotnilontreal,mud et Levis with the North Shore lfatlway Elegant ,lrst•olass Pullman, Buffet and Smoking Cars on all through trellis. Piirat•aleae Refreshmeutliooms at convtni- oat diatanses. I3IPO1tTEIt.S SNI) EX11'ORTEILS wi1111nd it advantageous to use this route as it is the quickest in point of time, and tho rates aro as low as by auy other. Through freight is forwarded by fast special trains and exporienoo bas proved the Inter - colonial route to bo the quickest for European freight to and from al1 points in Canada and the Western States. Tickets may bo obtained and also informa- tion about the route and about freight and passenger rates from ROBERT B. MOODIE, Western Freight&Passenger Agent 93Regain House Block, York St., Toronto D. POTTINGER, Chief Superintendent, Rahway Office, Moncton, N. B:,May 14,'S5 -1y: CENTRAL DRUGSTORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family rocip- 'w carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C.:LIUTZ. i9, pa•esents given away. Send us 5 cents postage and by mail you will get free a package of goods of large value, that will start .you in work their will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America: All about the ,100,- 000 in presents with each box: Agents' wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare timo only, to work torus at tueir own homes. Fortunes for all workers obsoletely assured. Don't delay. H.HALLI•;TT & Co.,Portland:llfaine, list ult. Quarterly meeting mute loon yi held iu Zion Church last Sabbath. '''•`' A large number from hero attended. Not Far From Heinle. BEitax-Plcerso.—The berry harvest ie almost at an end. The atop this year has been exceptionally good around here. Some of the fervors have succeeded in gathering front 20 to 80 palls. Other fruits being scarce, the battles will be appreciated. New STona.—Our new store le completed, but set yet we find there is no &took to adorn its ehelves. A good store ought to command a fair patrnunge here, but we are of opinion that the um out is not com- modious enough to hold a suitable IPSOrtmellt Of garde. ACcmnmohT.--A few days ago, while Mir. Buchanan tvae assisting in nicer - lug a summer L•ltclleu at Mira. Hne- ton's, lie, by some means, got between the two buildings, and was crushed so that leo c mold not move a portion of his body, It is supposed his in. juries are internal and as a conse- quence his visit here will be prolonged for about a month. PaneoNAL.--Mr. Buchanan, and nine, and Mr. Huston and daughter, of Auetralia, are at present the guests of hire. Huston, of the 3rd line. They are taking a tour around the world, and after leaving hers they go to Manitoba and British Columbia, thence hofre by way of the Pacific ocean. The trip will occupy one year's time. They eay that the coun- try around here is the finest that they have as yet seen.—Miss Mary Thorn- ton, of Toronto, is at present visiting friends in this neighborhood. HARVESTING.—The fall wheit har• vent is completed around here, and the yield will be good. The rust has been light compared with former years. Barley is almost ready for the "delf•binder." Mr. John Robiu- son, of "Bloominghill Farm," has purchased a new 'self -binder." and says he would not be without one "for a farm." It does its work epleudidly. The farmer can now sit iu the fence corner and watch the wonderful performance of the machine with delight. Nearly every farmer on the 3rd line i; using one this year, while last year there were but few. Heusa►i- Onr village presents a lively ap- pearance. The hum of industry is heard on every side. King st. is the great field of action::. Among the changes noticeable thereon might ba noted:—The fine brick edifice known as the "Marshall BIdek" now cost pied by our enterprising merehantile firm of Jocksou Bros. It is neatly and cotuwodioueBros.ly fitted up, cofupar ing favorably with city buildings.—. McDonell tfi `'Vaaugh's stove and hard- ware establishment'; W. It. Fulton'° agriculture einporitlin. Mr. Ingram's Grange store and MoArtlmur tt5 Co's. two shops, are improvements which at Once attracts attention. Another feature is the fine plank side -walk. which to being laid throughout whole length of King,et,.w to accommodate •'fo wee planned, en i carried to News Condensed, Sir. R. S. Hodgins, of Luaan, handled over 145 orates, or 5.800 quarts4of strawberries, representing a trade of over $400 this season. It has been decided to hold the fall show of the Stanley Brandt Agri- oultural Society tine year at Bayfield on Thursday and Friday, the 8th and 9th of October. Rev. J. 1)aaaon, Grand Band, is holding Very aucceorful revival meet - Inge. Many are blooming anxious about their soul's salvation, and are making it their business to seek par- don from him who is able and will- ing to peas away all stn. Tha olovar weevil is iu myriads among the clover on the 2nd con. of Boeanqual. It has also mads its ap • psarance ou the lake road, though not to so alarming an extent as at the locality first named. We rather think in both localities there will bo it poor look out for seed this fall. A very serious accident occurred in the quarries at St. Marys, on Tues- day last, when Mr. Edward Gross received a very severe soalp wound. He was on the bank attempting to pry out a piece of the atone bed, when the crowbar slipped, and he was thrown over into the quarry hole be- low, alighting on his head on a large stone. The scalp was laid open in a T shape, and eleven stitches were necessary to properly close the out. His wound is of course a very painful one, but his escape from breaking his neck was a very narrow one. John Shipley, who hails from the township of Blaushard, Perth county; has been arrested on the charge of firing the barn of Alex. McPherson at Bnrwell's corners, Thursday night. He admits his guilt. He says that his father is a wealthy farmer, and that be left home last spring and has been wauderiug around the country sines. He got tired. be states, of doing not.hiug, and oeasegnently vis- ited the barn and set fire to at. Mr. McPherson estimated his loss at $2,- 000, of which amount $1,600 is cov- ered by ineurocoe. Grand Bend Mail Bag.—On Sat- urday last Mr. W. J. Wilson, P. M. of Greenway, was iuformed by Mr. John Noble, distributing Post Master at Parkhill, that Grand Bend mail bag was missing. The posit: wear of Greenway examined his books, and found he waited on the mail himself the day the bag we.; lost, and gave a written stetemont to that effect. with the information Slat on that day he was hurried in hie store and the rv:ul carrier, being also iu ay hurry,' t' ached over and took the key and UniDoked the mail bag mutt 11.4i',re way bag, but col Grand Band In the ever i di5oove allot Venation at Ottawa. Oraugem other loyalists among the population consider it a righ judgment, bat among the Fr Canadians there is 000eiderable aitement. This latter element that the trial in many respects not a fair one; that valuable d wintery evidence from a mai' et point has been suppressed and portant witnesses have been de them, Preparations are sire being made for getting up petition the Governor-General for nom talion of the sentence. It ie eta that the party Levesque who down the Riel effigy during the oeption to the Sharpshooters was day presented with a gold watch ohaia. L anaalan. The Grand Trunk, oar ferry Lan downs, recently damaged ;n a colli with the propeller Clerio:l, at W act, has been drlydooked for repel Her damage is estimated at $13 Mir. Thomas Judd, of St. Ceiba ines, who was seriously injured by collision with a train at the Niaga street crossing of the Welland road few days ago, hes died from t injuries he then received. Mfrs. Kennedy, an exoursioni from Brookville to Kingston, di suddenly of heart disease on the sire Thursday afternoon. She was her way to an asylum to vigil her so wheu the fatality occarred. Annie Decker, a domestic aerva at Toronto, attempted to comm.' suicide Thursday by throwing h self from a bridge into the river D She was rationed in time. It is b lieved she is somewhat crazy. Charles F. Parrsett, who was un recently clerk in the St. James Ho Toronto, died suddenly in the tea at Brampton Thursday. The you man, who was'28' years of age, oonoumption, and was ou his way his mother'u home to Elleewor Kansan. • •re at William. Geddes, Eden Mills, w'ritee : have used Dr. Carson's Stomach, Bitters 1' Dyspepsia and prefei it , o all other me (dues I have ever tried; in no case has failed to produce the desired effect, an can cheerfully recommend it to a --safere from Dyspepsia. Yours truly, DDE While nnder the influeii ltquo' on Mouday, Henry \... eight, Nashville (Tenn.) banker, leap from the eusmensiott bridge en t Cumberland River to the water b low, a distance of 110 feet. He fur ed several timee it, the air and struts the •later with terrific force. will probably recover. Are you made miserable by indigestio constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, ye low skin ? Shiloh's atarrh Remedy—a positive cu ria and Canker mout