HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-7-23, Page 7, ;Fetes!' gimes. THURSDAY, JULY 23rd, 1885. TeS it)i.YTe eer tine for tirstInsertion, tine FOUIt C N :3 r a p.3r ilea for each subsequent in sortie's will be eleLrgodfor notions appearing In this column. LOCAL NEIVS.—IV'e shall be happy to re- ceive at all times, frons, any` part of the County, items of tocat nears, such es ac• cidents,ar any interesting incident what ever, frons arty of our subscribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of public- offenders. ation. Swenertou's bridge on the Lako Road is being rebuilt rapidly. As it is, farmers and others who have occasion to drive that way find. it very disgusting, as the road along side the approaches is in a mucky and rough condition. Allan Luta Dates, The \�i ingham Caledonian Society are The rates to Europe per Allan Line are preparing for a gains celebration, which will this year lower than ever. Cabin passengers, be held shortly. It will be the. first annual 560 to 580, Intesniediate 530, Steerage, gathering of the clans. The secretary will 513. These are the rates from Quebec to Liverpool anti Londonderry. Railway fare, from i;xeter to Quebec very low. For par= Oculars apply to J. Spaekutan, agent Exe- ter, Ont. Losr; -Iu Exeter, ;on Tuesday the 14th July, a pair of Gold Spectacles. The finder will he rewarded by leaving them at Buten Bros. Store. • • •+ . We return our thanks to Mr. Harry Piper, Presbytery of Huron. Ile genial proprietor of the Toronto Zoo„ for a e season ticket. rebellion,wilser}la ed in This body met in Knox ohurcb,God; The exhibition. y ° on erieb, lawt Tuesday at 11 o'clock a. mil The Rev. E. J. Robinson, of this place, Rev, Mr: E ritebard, in the absence of e h occupied the pulpit of the Chapter 'House, the nroaor Occupyin th London, cu Sunday, and preached two very able sermons to large congregations. So says the Free Press. Raspberries are being brought to market now and the price paid for theta is very fair. being 16 quarts for 90 emits. the black berries are ripening fast. The crop in some patches is very good. Owners of vacant lots in town are sab- '85 1iev. R. Y. Tllornpeoniwas elect d this season's tirade a more than usually attractive assortment moderator for the ens uing six months. i in the . A report of the assembly was read SPB1N&. '85 We beg to advise our friends that we are offering? for to the effect that the Presbytery would l �� to allowed tretain the name of Rev. Mr, Thompson, late be o of Bence-- irario is L N s Dr cods -R To which we Ea. specially devote our attention, among -which we would mention Dress CoQds In large variety of fabrics and many beautiful cle- he an now of d fI{rittShL0nl b re, , m jeering themselves to a heavy penalty by on its roll. neglecting to cut down thistles and weeds Rev. Dr. Ure, Mr. Barr, and hr. growing ou their property. The statute em J. R. Miller, were appointed A cera - powers municipal autuorities to prosecute all mittee to prepare resolution on 'tile, death of the Rev, Chas. Fletcher. Ase appligation from the congrega- tion of Rodgerville for leave to change their church to Hensel!, WAS enter.- tained, and the neighboring +teseione cited in accordance therewith. Rev. Mr. McCoy waa appointed to moderate in a call from the eougregee eerrespond v rill Kincardine Tilsonbdrg and tion of Brucefield. LOCM. HAPPENINGS. Fersonai.. Slgil': , Dress M iieliat.s Plain, Checked, Printed, &c. Lac :s h Black, White, Cream, Colored; various widths. and qualities. Exeter with reference toaeliqu pioa!lose-reel A call from the ooegregationa of! Lace Curtatiza and tlt ,stain Wet race. Bayfield acid Bethany, %n favor' of A. meeting of the hese hell club will be Ileo. 1a. Forest heti itt the Central lintel to• ierrow (Fri- was euterta • d, alld day) evening at 8.30, when a full attendance gentlemen from the roepective con is requested to deteripsine whether the club gregatious being, heard in support will continue or disband, mit has not re- thereof, it was srletaitaett, and ordered eeived that support from the public which it to he transmitted to Bev. Ma, Forest deservCa;. That valuable lairds and residence of the I in the usual way. Arrangements I late H.. W. Hall, was sold under power of 4 were made for lath induction --In caee a mortgage at the Central Hotel, yesterday, to of hIe aeceptanee...00 the second spending e fobl tof is ais eonaidered a low figure for the property. Bright, of Seaforth, formerly of Exeter, is atIli, Trick moved to Toronto a ))licit time age i preside, Mr. Rameay to ,preach, Mr, present visiting friend Isere. -kir. Whitnpeter, to retire, bat finds out there is no place; Acheson to addrees the minister, and merchant, of Aurora, is at present visiting like Exeter, and is going to spend his days ! 'yfr. Pritchard the people. • A special his hister, Mrs. David Johns, of two place.— of retirement here. air, Ban. McKenzie toft'1'nesday manning for A report was circulates) here anal in ad - meeting of the Presbytery iu canoe°. the old eountrye The ;Kisses Lee, of Lucan, •scent villages that the Commons heti eon- troll with both till above Dell® will be are at pry scant tate guests of Miss Holland- -- cursed in, the Scott stet amendments, which held on theta/0i of August. kfiss taibl on, of 00,1( 004 who has been via- caused considerable exeitteneut among bath Ring the, jlissea Clark, of this plates.*, re- tits party oppo.;ed to the pr.,pesesi chance turned hums last we wh, aecampanie,l by hiss iu that law awl the ono fav,ss;tive to the al- Not For rioter Ranee, H. E. Clark. terationa The Parliament has been pro. roved ai� the amendments have u.s. Won Sudden Death. earried in the Hoose. F News Condensed. day ev,rnin� a va.v !II, d+ stir Next Aloud* • evening the Sons of 'Cern- •' Oa monde) mums in the ttwuship of usberno. In perauce will give au entertainment awl ice; the afternoon Mr.. Jaques Clarke, of the loth cream social in their hall. good talent has con., went to visit airs, Henry Francis. a ; been secured to assist iu the entertainment, neighbor living oar the same coticeesiou, and and wilt be au abundant supply of ice while there appeawd to be feeling well. Int , eream and,atber goo,! things. The pries of the evening site stnrfe.l for home, in her nen- adnriseion,15 sent)) for single ticket anti 25 al health. Her husbarsl waited for Iter re- cents for two, is so Inv that no one will miss turn until late in the evouing, and as she it, and therm should hes guard turn out. did not arrive, he fears!l that something, haat On Tuesday last the selielars, c+llkcers and happened which delayed her, and started for friends of thee Presbyt1riaur and Jamas-st. Itis, Pamela' to see what was wroug, but he Methodist Sabbath Schools held their annual had not gone far. before im observed sonic. picnics. The, Presbyterians spent the day After the usual cheere the chair.' man, Rev., W. Johnson, dismissed with prayer. It is underdog that the Bishop of Last Friday a Colborne man nam- Ilurou Itae ppointad Rev. Wm. John- ed Isaac wisher, employed sty Mr. anon, of Ailsa Craig, to be assistant's Wm- Ball, Baste Line, +s'ae in a wag - minister of St. George's Church, Gots-;;ton in the hay held, To the waggon orieh. e waa attacked a putout hay lifter. The Mr. 1?. S. Rupert, of St. Diary)), horses took fright at this and started was re-elected Deputy Grand Master to run away Mr, Fisher finding Large Stock. Er.o.broicieries Piriesf assortment we have ever Sjiew Il. gloves • Cotton. Lisle, Silk, Kid ; a very varied and exte>a sive assortreel t. - Hosierg Cotton, Lisle,Balbr'iggian, &c. ; fills display. Cretonnes Cr4 Cretoraze Fringes, . . • To match ; beautiful goods. Snallwar'os In this department we aim to keep c-•usfant1y err hand a full and c ilii lore steel: of all the ttuC'i, iu dewaust, both in Fancy and Staple Souttlweres. A. call -olieit.-J • ISAAC CARLING. nevi's Notes. Riel'a trial was commenced yester- day al Regina, N. W. T., when hut counsel raised the quatiou of jurii- diction of the court, and applied for a change of venue.. the ru on ttdnidC, and on goiarq very l leasautty in Mr. Strang•)) beattti of the lluroas 7Ji4trict by the utteoreo l that he could not control the animals thing lying eThe French :llisrieter of Marine close wee surprised to lied that it was the fel ,trove, in T. i borne, while the Methodists Grand Lodge at its meeting in .iiatn ;Jumped out of the wagon and thereby States that tunic than 80,000,000 Lifeless form of Iris wife. Heart disease, spent a happy time iu Mr. James ames f ickard's, • broke one of his lege which is a seri- fiance$ will be ret uirud to rQ air the was the cause of dead)). The bereaved ones shoat !asst weak. g 1 p grove. Innocent apezts ens ailment of , r nus matter this' arm weather, images caused to the I'rencii various kinds were indulged in at bath pic- nics. The quilt of mangy, pieces has been it though no fatal resttita are ttntioi ar, by the recent war with China. navy nice. The by Mr. W. Baker, of Strat- g ,p ed. The tea lifter Waal cam Istel A Fenian, who had just arrived Ou Sundnylaetayouuggeutioman,accom- ford, who has just completed a side y p y uiod b two ladies drove ata :lfain•strsset $mA9 e . Thefg tiLGllead, ens when opposite the tai ytcriait church i t�2,2u0 planes of veoad. i Opt Monday afternoon last Mr. Jas. in London, charged with the murder funeral of the late William James the horse he was driving stopped under , , Hearn narrow!, escaped barn killed of Stephen Gateley,a Brother Fenian, Stewart which took lace last Thursday a shade tree and awtihtnot be coaxed or forced Mr. iu. Lee and Andrew Parish, a y p g t have the sine. -so sympathy of all in ,the neighborhood in their sore nud unexpected affliction. Ir i h ti I' b h I pa y I beard of the ordinary size containing h d from Aulertea, was tweeted yesterday was largely attended, the firemen and ilio to go any farther, as it was unable to do so, of S. S• No. 2, AToGilliveay, each lost members of the orange Lodge, of which so- having been driven fast for a long distance. on Friday evening oiliest week 20 and cieties he was a member being present. At Lite animal had to be unhitched and put iu 30 sheep being the stork of of neigh - by lightning. He was out on the 14 In Warwick in 1880. con. Qoderich township when a storm Two hundred persons were poiacu- suddenly came up, and with; a couple a with ice cream in iteposti., Slaty. ono o'clock the funeral cortege was formed, the church shed to rest. Such cruelty to basin do •a. ' of others he took refuge beneath during a public holiday. The vendor the baud, playing the dead march, tun auimals is a shame autl any persons found g b members of the Orange Lodge and the fisc ' guilty of it should be punished. Mr. P. Nevin had his certificated ou the farm of 1Ir. Jas. Bowden. rt as Attacked by the crowd and barely department marching ahead ofethe hearse, Iter. E. T. Robinson, of Christ Church, raised to•gratia A. at the reoent exam- i A flash of lightning struck the end of .escaped with ilia life. and six firemen acting as pall bearers. The previous to hra departure for England, was inatlon at the Normal School ,Ottawa.'the barn, and ran right in their midst, The roe Nit of the immediate remains were conveyed to the Engiish an d tb recipient o[ lI 3 °laurels, whore service was conducted by' the Ileo. E. T. Robinson, after which the cortege was re-formed and the remains were taken to their last resting place in 1deTagger•t's ceme- tery, tlsborne. The burial service was con- ducted at the grave by the newly appointed minister of Christ Church, Bev. F. S. Robin- son. Deceased had been slowly failing for years, being affected with that slow but surely fatal disease, consumption, which carries off so many every year, and on Tues- day last his spirit took its everlasting flight. Tandem Team. A. runaway occurred a few days ago, which, although proving disastrous to the vehicle, caused considerable merriment among those who se.v it. A. gentleman in this town, who had occasion to call at a resideuce on one of the back streets, tied his horse to a fence, leaving it standing across the sidewalk, and the dog in charge of the rig, and then pro- ceeded rto transact his business. Shortly after he had .entered the house a scow, whish was walking along the ridowalk, was • heeTed by the canine, which caused:it to run between _the horse and the fence, breaking the tie. line and getting the lines entangled about. its horns. In this sbapelthe two animals set off at a terrific speed, presenting the) sight of a tandem rarely scan. Those ,,,who saw the •runaway were so convulsed with laughter that they; were powerless to stop the fran- tic auimals. After mining a considerable distance, then leader (the bovine) got a little tired, started to go around in a circle, closely followed by horse, until the cow became badly sent visiting frieuds'here. . mixed up with the rig, which brought the j race to a close, The horse was unhurt, but Ouiou parties are getting quite the buggy was completely wrecked. The proprietor of the rig knew nothing of the occurrence until the fun was all over. • a e u many valuable prep- He has secured a position iu Trenton : r- earn seeming to be eooireled by sue of the new Egyptian loan of 2300, tors of the aleehauics.' Institute, of which ho At a meattng on Friday of Cana- ant bub sustained no injury ' further' went, has infused new life into busJi- has boon president for the past number of adian general freight agents it was than that Mr. Hearn suffered from news and Government circles in Cairo. years; also an addreaas of condolence on the decided to impose au arbitrary rate deafness for a couple of hours after The Serentil{c American states that death of his wifaa and a parting address, AC- the affair. The b trn was splintered companied with a costly Masonic jewel, from on United. States •imports on Sept. 1,plush geode and all articles dyed with ilio members of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. which will place Canadiau manufao- somewhat, analine colors, faded from es o$ure 133, A. F. & A. ;11. . • lurers on a more equitable footingAt the recent meeting of the On- p q to light, will look as bright as ever The following, who wrote at Exeter for with their American competitors. tarso Fruit Growers' Association an ,, . entrance to High School, have been passed The annual meeting of the Neat• interview was had with commission- after being sponger!, Lith chloroform. enth, among which was au address engross- at a salaryof 500 a ear, the flame. All were dazed for a mom -1000, secured by the British Geyer ed on parchment, from the Board of Dirac- y ,i by the local examiners Mary E Down, ern District Rifle Association took era appointed ty the Dominion Gov- The commercial chloroform will an - Josephine Perkins William Creley, Exeter ewer the purpose very well and is less John E. Stiusdn, No. 3, Robert Hodgsou,No. Plato in London, Iasi week. Among ernment for the purpose of arranging expensive than the purified. No. 5, tlaborne ; Alfred Moorish, No. i, the prize winners were 1);eeara. N. for a display of Canadlau fruits at the Stephen ; Alex. Denomy, Hay. Altogether Robson, John Johnston, Lieut. Colonial Exhibition which opens at In the woods near San Dona, fifteen wrote at Exeter- Candidates were re- Youue and James Anderson of Olin- London, England, on May 1st, 1886, eighteen miles from Venice, a mad- gnired to take one-third in each subject and " ' to continue for ala months. The iron- man was captured Monday, who was non - one -half, or 375, on the total. Several who ton, the Wilson Brothers and Messrs. obtained ono half of the total bud failed by Munroe read .rlrmatreng of Seaforh faience was quite satisfactory, and suspected of kidnapping children. a few marks to obtain tho minidrnm requir- A Blanshard man has concluded the Aesociation are now selecting and When accused he confessed that he ed in history, have been recommended for that if there can be a scarecrow there preparing epecimena of every known stole a number of children and had admission, cari also be a ecarebn So he slut% Canadian fruit as ib matures. A. eaten them to prevent his starving to --�-•�� -- a little stake in the middle of his cu• mittee from the Association will likely death. A special says as no children Our mails now arrive at noon hale bugs which were destroying his of Mr. A MRD. Allan, of Goderich, illusion.• every day. cumber hills on which he attached a be appointed to euperintend this de- are missing, it, is thought his con - cumber fession is only part of his insane small white reg. He says that the partment in the exhibition, the name cucumber plants are scared by the being prominently mentiuned. The The Sixty -Fifth Regiment reached Berries are plentiful this cabana and flopping of the rags, and vacate the display of Canadian fruits will doubt: Montreal Monday morning, and so are the pickers, pretuises. • less dowhat our cereal display did at were received with most enthusiastic the Antwerp Exhibition Last month— demonstrations of welcome, the rail - beat all other competitors out of way station and surrounding streets sight. being thronged with people. After The great debate held -in the Eng- receiving addresses of welcome from Bali Church, 2nd con,. McGillivray, A. good deal of fall wheat is now Last fall a member of the Blatt - ready for the sickle, shard Agricultural Society mailed to blies Gilpin, of Toronto, is at pre - lesfriend in Queensland several samp- les of first prize wheat, which was afterwards exhibited in Maryborough, Warwick, Brisbane, &o., and, though attracting great attention on account of being grown in Ontario, still it was pronounced inferior in quality to thab grown iu the wheat growing districts of Queensland. On the morning of the 13th inst., Mr. Robinson, of Kirkton, with his wife.and infant childwere driving into St, Marys and when passing the National hotel the buggy jolted so heavily at the crossing as to precipi- tate all three to the ground. Mrs. Robiusou recetved Bonne very severe injuries in the head, but Mr. Robin- son and the child fortunately •eso.tped uninjured. On Monday morn?ug, as Mrs. Rob- inson, of Kirkton, was going into St. Breveties, Reil's trial is in progress at Regina... Mr. R. Davis made a large shipment, of fat cattle from this station 'on Monday. Remember the Masonic excursion and pic- nic to Port Stanley the 7th Aug. Special rain. All invited. Haying is pretty generally finished through- out the country, The weather has been fine and the work has been done speedily. During the past few days the thermometer has registered high. We -have, however, heard of no sunstrokes mitring ae yet. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porouue Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by J. W. Browning. Hellebore for Currant Worms, and Pare Dalmation Insect Powder for sale at Central Drug Store. C. Lutz, ,' The wheat throughout this section is rip-. ening; fast, and some farmers have, already commenced cutting. The yield promises to be good. r e A mouth -organ band 'composed of fifteen Mr. J. -B. Starling, for the energy and members has been organized in town. They enterprise displayed in erecting such practiced for the first thue ou Tuesday oven- a fine building at a very heavy cost. • inB With all the latest im arovemeuts and Irony -picking is now in order with the 1 fashionable. It is needless to say they are held late in the evening. Twenty five dollars worth of uew books will ehortly be added to the H- ilary of the Methodist Sunday School, • The owner of that •superanuated mule that ranges the road destroying shade tress had better look after it as the nuisance won't be tolerated much leerier. Wanted. -The man who said that a solutiou of copperas and lime ivas good for potato beige. .The experience of a good many in this neighborhood is that it is good for them as they do° very well ou it: It's all for the good of trade, however. near Stephen, was a remarkable spe- rms. Subject—"Resolved the mar- ried life is more conducive to a man's happiness than single life." Affirm- ative—Capt. harebell Miller, assist- ed by Messrs. Thompson, Dixon. Simpson and Miss Humble. Nega- tive -Capt. Lewis, assisted by Messrs. Maguire, McLean, Dickson, Simpson and Miss Miller. Each debater hand- led the subject with much ability, bringing out very many Strong points ou each side of this all-absarbing question. So well were the points balanced as to quite undetermine some of the young men, who were alternately brought to the point of a resolution to propose at once, and then again made to feel that such a Steam watturaised in the new grist proceeding was extremely hazardous• mill on Saturday last, and the old, Marys in a democrat wagon, and when p fs Y familiar whistle is beard once more. -reaching the crossing tit Chalmers The referees, however, decided that Much praise is due to the -proprietor, hardware store, the jolt caused the the strength of the argument lay bind seat to fall out, throwing Mrs. with those advocating single life, Robiuisou violently to the ground and which has hada very depressing in- reudering her unconscious for some fluence upon courtship hereabouts time. She was pinked up and carried ever since. yours folk. The berries aro reported to be a miller who underatande his business to Dr. McKay's office where her in - young P ANasal Injector free with each bottle of ripening fast, but the yield is not as.Large as geed work may be expected. juries were attended to. She is since Shiloh')) Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents, that of last year. progressing favorably. Sold by J. W, Browning. • the Mayor on behalf of the citizens and from their military brethren, the regiment marched to Notre Dame church, where a Te Delon was chanted, after which they partook of a banquet -in the drill shed. The cholera has begun its march westward. A fatal outbreak of the. plague has taken place on the Frenal side of the Pyrenees, and fears ar entertained that it will spread to Paris - and other large French pities. Last year it got as far as the French cap- ital, but at a much later date than - this. Exp erienced medical men say that if we are to have cholera in this. part of the world this year,' an out- break may be looked for in August.. It is to be hoped that the disease may be warded off, but in any nage nothing but good cau come of the a"- fort ffort to be prepared for the scourge., • Let there be a united effort to centin-= ue the work of keeping the towu clean.. Thus far, the task has been well per - for rued. er•formed. • Shiloh's Cure will immediately. relieves Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis,: Sold by J. W. Browning.