The Exeter Times, 1885-7-23, Page 6Dust Ari ','Par, ;brigade deeds of heroism, which 'de- on the Evans girle,klioebe and Carrie,
I serve special mention and are not who live in the, third story of a time -
The Yagais, that tithe of Indian": here alluded to. The troops engaged meat Louse at 1,208 Deacon street.
that is giving the 3aexicati govern -1 in them wilt have tolook to the de- The girls were out of bed but not
sent so muolt trouble, are not fight- tailed reports of their individual oorte- dres-ed. The room was so warm that .
ing for aheir original rhgh't of domain, t mandere tor the full history of those clothing was uncomfortable. They.
butlave their claim upon a title . deeds. had arisen a few minutes before
from Mile Einar of Spain, They do The first volatile, as well as a por Gusele game in, Carrie, the young -
not recognize the feeublic of flexion, tion of the second, was written before er, a girl of about 15 years, well de -
No tastes err= levied on them, or if II had reason to auppose I was in a veloped and rather coed louping,
levied they Base net been collected.; oririoal condition of health. Dotter I found a box of cartridges belonging
They area her„t agrleultural race.: was reduced almost to the point of to her brother on the floor and plotted
living on small patehee of fertile soil, (,path, and it became iiaposetble for them up.
on the Yequi River. They steal stook !me to attend to anything for weeks. 'Put them aside,"
cried Phmbe, 'or
when an opportuoiee offer€,: but have I have, however, regained somewhat they may explode and eat the house
rarely in the last few years commited i of my strength, and am able, often. to on .fire, or kill ua,'
an murders; (Niemen their ol:Ief, to i dexote as any hours A day as a par- 'I am not afraid of them,' answered
of fair edueetiou for ,J1exico, and is ason should devote to such work. I Carrie, with a laugh.
stork ruler. He has absolute contrail would have eters hope of satisfying 'Rut I am,' said her sister.
over thein. Tbe nxiione combined the exptetatiou of the public if I could
number over fifteen thousand.. 00 have Alloyed myself more time.. 1
'Wait till I ,:how you Will's new
pistol,' Carrie itaid, goine to a drawer
which at least five thousand ars ad- lucre used my best efforts, with the end taking out a shall Defender re_
olt males. Their nrinoipal arms are Cx aid of my eldest eon, F. D. Grant, as- velvet of twenty-two calibre, which,
bows, Arrows, spears, and a three- "tasted by his brothers, to verify from without cooking, alto pointed at her
cornered bludgeon made of ironwood. t the records every statement of fact easter.
Some of the arrow.e are poroonons. a given, The comments are my own. 'Put it away or I will leave the
They also carry a penetered atone in t and show how I saw the matters mom.' the letter cried ; and, ae the
emelt saeke, used by them ie throw , treated of, whether othere saw them only antiwar she got was a laugh, elm
dust in the eyes of thou adversaries. iu the save light or not, left tate apartment.
--.......40vovivoripor Hassle Mortimer then name in and
Learning' the Thermometer. The Destruction of they D lllbtltr the girls began talking, Priebe having
'Thertuomater'a, gone up constder- „ SIR Ln p 1860 the tourist and Ogee returned to tiro room..
A JEALOUS GiitL'S 1)1~41,?•
since I Hasse( here an hour ago,' he wire Meeker who traversed the western et went to show you aninethiug,'
said,putting his heed in at the door empire on the 1. nien Pacific or North- Gusaitt began, with a pleasant stella,
of the jeweler's store. 3 ern Pawtho vont( frons the 13494°R She held out her left hand and chow
.0e, L pees not,' enid the jeweler, d arsine see gest herds of buffalo cud ed the girls a ring. It was on i.a
its he affixed hie magnifier to his eye antelope. Wren# Fort Benton, ?don- engagement finger.
and slicked no the work, of a svi:tob. , $au., to Bisrnarlf, Dak., in 1078 th.l , \Vhe gave it to you ?' both girl*
'Tony,' auswered Gussie.
Carrie Evans uttered a cry and.
tnrued pate. Thou her face became
flushed with auger, her lips quivered,
her noetrile dilated and her eyee Basil-
think I'm an idiot ? Came out and is. indeed a rare thin to da for the'Bid Tony give li to you niche ask•
g y ed Ler hand moving mechanically to-
m: alit timers to kill .one of tate original ward the pistol where it lay on the 1
I'm a little busy,' observed the natives of the plain;, At Miles City, }loor a short distance from where oho
jeweler, as he brushed a peck of duet Montana. iu the spring of 1852, there
off the mainspring, were shipped from this paint over
•W het'fl you bet it buiu't gone up?. eighty thousand robes, and fast spring
shouted the other, as he danced into not ane thousand, Cull Brisbine and
the store. 'Whet'11 r"'u bet ?' Cast, O'Toole, the post trader at Fort,
'Well, I'tu willing to bet you A . Keogh, near hiilee City, mated to this
dollar,' replied the jeweler.' carrespnuden that they were positive
'Done 1 Come o.nt now and see. that out of the 100,000 buffalo killed
They went out together. in that country there was not ten par
'What do you think of that, now ?' caul. of the meat utilized or used,
'But I tell you it has, cried the Oh- ^steamer Fu Nest was forced to matte
er, excitedly, while be mopped his; a landing while a herd of from twenty
brow with hie handkerchief. :to thirty thauetted of these natives.
'I think you roost be mistaken,' were crossing the l+iissauri River.
said the jeweller. as be picked up a The vast horde of the original ani -
pair of tweezers and tightened up a i ,,hale who oovored the vast plebe" of
screw. „ the Northwest Tertetoriete, aed Man-
'Mietslreu 1' yelled the other ; 'd'ye tall& and Dakota, are no mere, and it
Guesiie earl, the movement and
ideated to her feet.
'Yes,' alio said, anewering Carries.
Carrie had cooked the pistol, and
now lumped up. Holding it out at
arm's length she cried :
'Then I will ahoot yc u.
he yelled you am' bland, are you ? Hundreds of Tau made a huntress of Both Gu a rand. T'hcebo eau aoreatn-
m m.
The ihermemeter has gone up five Milling the animal for the robes Duly, Then f �I can't shoot you I'll shoot
degrees since we looked at it before.' many for the mere tipnrt of eltooting
'Pardon me,' said the jeweler ; 'thethem, and not Afen raving the robes.
thermometer is in precisely the fame An old buffo hunter understands
place that it was this moretng when 1 fully how to make what they call a
I hong it up. I1'e on the same
kook. I see, however, drat the Bier•
cury has risen five degrees, a change
in the temperature ethical the cher
'killing' and in au expert et the busi-
ness. Tbey find it email herd of twit
or three hundred, and before a shot
is tired select out the leader of the
mometer faithfully registers. A titer- herd and shoot him only to wouud
urometer, my, friend, neither rises him, so he will lie down and .make
nor falls. It is a measure withal' , such a distressful noir:° that the
whole group will congregate round
him, and the wily hunter ofttimes
kills 50 or 100 befot a they depart. If
the leader is not woauded first it is
impossible to make a 'killing.' Rhes
are becoming scarce in the Western
Territories and the N, W. T., and
within a few shore years a buffalo
robe or coat will be a ouriosty, While
the laws were exceedingly strict both
in Canada and the western frontier
in the States regarding the whol ole
alauollter �s
killed jn
on a to
indicates a rise or tall of the uieronry.
Please hand me over the dollar, be:
canoe I am busy and have uo time
to fool.'
'1 shan,t pay until some better
authority deeides the matter.'
They started off to hunt up some.
eminent authority on soientifio ques-
Gen. Grant's Preface,
By the courtesy of the publishere
of Gen. Grant's book the New York
Tribune publishes the preface. It is
dated at Mount McGregor :
'Man proposes and trod proposes.'
There are but few important events
in the affairs of men brought about
by their own choice.
AIthough frequently urged by friends
to write my memoirs I bad deterwiu•
ed never to do so, nor to write any-
thing for publication. At the age of
nearly 621 received an injury from
a fall, which confined me closely to
the house while it did not apparently
affect my general health. This made
study a pleasant pastime. Shortly
after, the rascality of a bueinesa part-
ner developed itself by the nunounce•
went of a failure. This was followed
soon after by a universal depression
of all securities, which seemed to
threaten the extinction of a good part
of the income still retained. and for
which I am indebted to the kindly act
of friends. At this juncture the edit-
or of The Century Magazine alike&
me to write a few articles for him. I
consented for the money it gave me ;
for at that moment I was living upon
borrowed money. The -work I found
cougenial, and I determined to con
thine it. The event is an important
one for me, for good or evil ; I hope
for the formes.
In preparing these volumes for the
public, I liave entered upon the task
with the sincere desire to avoid doing
injustice to any one, whether en the
National or Confederate side, other
than the unavoidable injustice of not py, my poor ikriorant poy, good py.'
making mention ofteu where special
mention is due. There must 'be many A Strange Suicide.
errors of omission in this work, be-
cause the subject is too large to be Philadelphia News:
When Gussie Mortimer,who boards
al 924 Hutchinson street, left home
this morning at 9 o'clock she said
myself,' the young girl said.
She raised the weapon on a level
with her right temple.
'Here gees to die,' the other girls
heard her say in a tone of anguish.
There was a raper,, accompanied
by a loud cry, and the unfortunate
gift fell heavily to the floor. The ball
had entered her head and lodged in
the brain.
When Phoebe saw what her sister
had done she fainted. Others living
in the house heard the report and felt
the vibration caused by the girl's fall -
hag. They paid very, little attention,
however, until the girls gave the
Policeman Wolfe, who is on tem-
porary duty in the Twelfth district,
was informed. He found the girl ly-
iug on the floor in an unconscious
condition, a small quantity o blood
ng out of the wound near her ear.
iepatehed her brother for a doe -
but before one could be found the
was dead. When he arrived he
, on examination, that the girl
sen in a delicate condition.
is fact probably a000uuts for her
isle. She was of a lively dieposi-
and had never seemed depressed
mplaiued of anything. The wit -
esti of the occurence tell a differ -
story, but from their varying
ants the real fact. of the case,
ted above, were ascertained,
e will tell who Tony is.
'Bad ? Thal isn't bad, is it ?'
'Veil. I eboult say eet vos. Vy,
my tee, poy. Ye' tidn't you follow der
exsample oaf your poor olt 'fadder"?
Ven he sill, Moseeb, fide years ako,
bis assets vete tventy tousand toilers,
vit liapilities ad vun million van hun-
tret and ten tousand toilers. In dot
case. uiy poy, you Gault leaf retired as
I hat done ; bud now, my poor poy,
you vitt haf to porrow ten tousand
from me, and York along °sefferal
years till you haf learned how to do
p.iziness in der right vay. Here is
my shek for fife tousant ; trop me a
line ven you need der palance. Good
treated of in two volumes in such way
as to do justice to all the officers and
men engaged. There were thousands
of instances, during the rebellion, of she intended going to her work. She
individual, company, regimental and did not do so. She instead called up.
for working people. Send 19 cents
postage, an dwe will mail you free,
a royal, valuable sample box of
goods that will put you in the way
of making more money in a few
days than you ever thought possi-
ble at any business. Capital not
ed. You can livet home and work spare
my or all the Mile, An of both sexes
ages grandly successful. 50 cents to $5
earned every evening. That all who
war.: work may test the business, we make this
unparalleled offer : To all who are not • well
matisfi.edwe will send $1 to pay for the trouble
of•writingus. Full particulars, directions, &c.
sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all
who stat 1 at once. Don't delay. Address
Brinson & Oo.,Portland,Maine.
Fire and rife Insurance Agent and Issuer of
Marriage Licenses. All business transacted
stirct1ydonfidential. A Call solicited; Office
at the Post Office:
FpR 4444,
Will be mailed ��
to all applicants F E E
and to customers of lastyear•wit out
orderi ngit. It contains illustrations, prices,
descriptions, and directions for planting all
Vegetable and Flower SEEDS, BULBS, etc.
D. Iii. FERRY & CO. > STENT MIcatlmi>;.
10 7 .A. D T
The above reward will be paid for the eonvietiou et those Merchants wlio are eelliug
Machine Oils, and calling them Lardin.e
Tbe only genuine is manufactured by
McColl Bros. & Co, Toronto.
But dock
tures Dizziness, ,Loss of Appetite, Jndigestltm, Biliousness,
.Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the .Laver and Kidneys,
Pimples, Blotches, Bons, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula,
I.Erysipelas, and all diseases arising front Impure Blood,
Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels.
Advertise in the Exeter TIMES.
Main Street, Exeter.
Keeps Watches That Are Watches
And are warranted correct for Time, Tide, of Railroad
Train, and to please this most fastidious.
That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable
for Romans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides,
Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely Wives, Children, Hus-
bands, Etc., Etc.
SPECTACLES. --Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy
and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age.
Give him a call. No trouble to show Goods.
Watches and Clocks Repaired and. Brought to
C. ez, S. &IDI'.EY,
Undertakor mud ] 'xi.rnittxre
V1'v theme wb intend
nurahaetngto de so from
Use manufacturer. The
dealer who buys to sell
again must necessarily
have a profit. We claim
to givetho purchasors the
benefit, winch cannot fait
to meet the views of the
Grangers: Our expenses
prelate than those of cite
we can sellcheaper,
peaons residing throughout the
united States and Canada for desertion, non-
support,intemperance,crue lty,in com patibility,
etc. Advice free, State your case and address
ATTORNEY WARD. World Building, 1267
Broadway, New York.
to our undertaking depart
ment,which is more cora •,
pietethanovor,as we havoc
Added several newidesig.vs
of late Tbe bast coffins
caskets shrcuds,and every
funeral r equisite at the
lowest pricea. Our new
Hearse is pronounced by
competent judges to be
second t0 none in the
Emblems of all the Different Societies.
rjoii3.I�T .(Af WI
Funerals furnished
conducted at the yery low.
est rates*
My,stock of Undertaking
goods is large, complete
and WO assorted, and any
person requiring anything
in this line will and it to
theiradvautage to give me
a call and examine for
I have justrece vod a
largo stack Walnut an4
Rosewood Caskets; also
Coffins of every descrip,
tion. A. complete stock
of Robes and Trimmings
alway oil hand.
The latest styles of
Chamber and Parlor Suits
All kinds of Furniture at
thelowest rates.
Remember the place—Nearly opposite Kemp's Tobacco Store, Main -street, Exeter.
E eter Post Office Time Table.
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South,eastand wesi,including London,Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, Mania'
oba, United States, E nglish and foreign mails:—
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Deposits will be received at this office from $1 to $800. Depositors obtaining the Postmaster.
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