The Exeter Times, 1885-7-23, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES. Is published every Thursday scorning, at the TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Main-streot,atesslyopposite Eitton'e Jewolery Store, Exeter, Ont.,by John White d< Son, Pro - RATES OF AnVEIiTISI\ti First insertion, per line.. ........- .1e cents. Eaeh sabsetlneut insertio,per kine 3 dents. To insure insertion, attvertfsem8nt8 should be sent in not later tart Wednesday morning. Our JOB onierntiG 3aer aTa4E*'T is one of the largest and best equipped in the County. of 'fever,* All work entreated to us grill receive cur prompt attention; and 1882 respectively. In the United States there were 1811 failures report: { ed to Bradstreet's during the week, as compared with 170 in the preceding week, and with 211, 162, and 131 re: speotively in the ocrreepondingg weeks of 1884, 1883, and 1882. shunt 20 0 per cent, were those of .Small trader' whose Qapital was less than $5,000. Ilas Midland f3sttalion received a raguifieent reception from the oiti, tens of Toronto on Sunday evening - Sunday though it was, the streets along the route from the station to the hotel where the me'i took dinner, were lined by thousands of people,and 'every ,available window and roof wee utilized. The inert must bane been. almost taken aback at the tempest of cheering which acoouipauie(l them down Ring street, but the greeting was abundantly deserved. As Cana- dians we all rejoice in the heroism displayed by Csuadtans. The recep- tion of the 9th Quebec Battalion later in the night was, just as warm and entbusiee'io ae that accorded to tate Ontario men. ht 1858 the L egielature of Canarle tsiet on the 25th f:f Februry, and prorogued on the 16th of August, the only eeeaou whiob hoe lasted longer than the one just closed. This is the eigtttla seesion of Parlament since Sir Joh Macdonald took office in 1878, duping phials tine the Opp: fusion have worked extremely hard, but gained nothing. After the last Ria month; of political ag tetion all that has been impressed on the public mind le that the Uoverntnent have (a) Blade two splendid financial snooesses ia the London market ; (l•) Enfranchised :t quarter of a Million of Canadians agaiaat tete will of the Grita ; (c) Aseiatod the development of the oauutry by oouregeau• railway nub: sidles ; (d) !.'tet down a eerions rebellion in a way that had deserved andd received the warmest tbanke and gratitude of the whole people. THURSDAY, dl'143i: HBO, 1885. rtil.° fl 1'tECIOR AND l','I,F,BI> nOliT'ISM, Our up -towel cstem, grew eloquent, weal. -knead and scholastic, last week, over its former article on "Qlefscal 1i,owdyisut" and our reply. Our ex - ceesively scholastic and truthful neighbor, Ails professing the great. ear valor, yet seeke in this article to recede from its peri;ion of ceiling the Members of the Presbyterieu AS#etu-- t bly "Clerical P:pwdies." ""Clerical tAer.luce hardly quail fed In Ow ages" Applied to. the discussion that occurred in the Assembly, on the beet Menne of suppressing iutewpera:lea, is a phrase easily unwar*:a'ited, «aurae, and unjustifiable. is eo alerting we have tate Globe report before ne, and we may state that our exchange list embraced almost all the respeeinble papera in Ontario. Our neighbor quotes the trl"ate report With unotion, but even that report, ono -aided as it is, and as it generally is on all ccoa-, cions, cauuat at all justify this ooaree'; attack ou the sacred profession. Revs, Menace. Martin and Fletcher, and Mr. Geo. Monteith, who ;rare present, state that shore was nothing in the discussion to justifythis gross attaok, and we have no hesitation in sayiug that their word is at least as good es the (Vote's, or even our valorous neighbor's. Nothing was said or done that would !ewer the dignity of any Christian assemblage. We an- swer our cotem's olianepge by stating th.t no paper in Ontario, but itself, no minister or lay delegate who at- tended. the Assembly, or no parson of professed deoeucy, in Ontario, but the scholastic editor, can as yet be found to speak of ministers as "rowdies," or display the studied and repeated discourtesies of our neighbor. We did not arouse it of falsehood, but our neighbor, by implication, states that the .Rev. and other gentlemen wa have quoted and all papers and per– sons in Ontario who have spoken on the subject, are lying, but itself. Our scholastic cetera calls us "erudite" in irony, and "insinuating" in earnest. We may not have the literary attain- ments of a Principal of a Public School, but we can assure our educat- ed friend that this paper will always be found on the side of law, order and publio morality. We have sufficient "intelligence" for that. Ministers of the Gospel, laws of the land, and public sobriety, should, at least, be -spoken of with courtesy, and we would pall our neighbor's attention to the fact that the general public will not tolerate coarse or even educated Abuse of either. We are glad to learn that the Thins is keepiug up its former reputation, and we may ex- tend the same compliment to the Re- flector. Alternate doses of soft soap and "intelligent" attacks on sacred and moral things, was the past and is the present policy of our cotern., and under present auspices is likely to be its polioy for the future. EDITORIAL NOTES. OWING to the heavy expenditure cocasioned by the rebellion in the North-West, the revenue will have to be increased, and oonsequently the Government have raised the duty on liquors and tobaccos. These, being luxuries, can bear the increased taxa- tion much better than tea, sugar, and other necessaries. It is supposed that the entire cost of the rebellion will be somewhere in the vicinity of $5,000,000 Ws again tremblingly, and with the deepest feelings of humility -ren– nin to address a few wards to that important, euperior and August, per– sonage, the editor of that world-ro• nonmed king of the weeklies. the ,iitchell Recorder. We would n -k this euperior beiug if ale does not hold the position of license commis• siouer under the Crooks Aet,aud if he was nut notil last spring a very en- thut;iastio supporter of the Scott Act. We believe this oonr.teous, geutleman- ly and superior personage was so deeply interested in the temperance cause that he was accused with vie• biting the law by forwarding "War Notes" through his noted journal, and his sudden change of opinion last spring looks rather strange, if not suseiolous. In bowing ourselves ont of the presence of the sublime editor we would advise him to got the words "creature" and "thing" copyrighted, or the Globe, when it runs out of missies t0 fire at Tory papers and their editors, will catch on to them. THE Exeter R@fdector, edited by Mr. George Moir, ex -Principal of the Pub - lin Schools of St. Marys, is probably without exception the greatest falsify- er of all its compatriots in all matters where the Scott Act enters into the discussion. Taking its cue from the Stratford papers, it ab..ses without stint the Rev. Itir. Tully, Presbyterian minister, of Mitchell. It goes farther, however, than even our county town papers, and charges the rev. gentle- man with even more than they did. Abasing a minister is base enough even for one professing the doctrines admired by the editor of the Reflector, without knowingly lying about and abusing ladies as he does the ladies of 81, Marys, to many of whom he owes nothing but gratitude. Here is wbat he says of them :— "When the "spiritual" teachers of the people thus display their Christian charity (?) can it be wondered at that some forty or fifty members of a so-called "Ladies' Chris- tian (2) Temperance Union" should organize for the purpose of disturbing a public meet- ing in the hitherto orderly town of St. Marys." The man who could calmly write and deliberately publish a statement like this, that the W. C. T. U was organized for the purpose of disturbing public meetings, ought not to be tol- erated in any community. If he ever had any reputation for respectability he is fast losing it. The ladies of the Union were neither organized for nor did disturb any public meeting or meetings held during the Scott Act campaign. It is true that some speakers of the Liberal Temperance Union attempted to make it appear that euoh a thing did take place ; but it was flatly contradicted in a large public meeting the next evening in presence of the men who made the charge, and no repetition of it was ever made until fila Exeter man naught on to the shreds of an unmiti- gated falsehood. -St. Marys Argus. THE1tE were 14 failures in Canada reported to Bradstreet's during the past week, against 24 in the preced- ing week, and 16, 27, and 11 in the corresponding weeks of 1884, 1883,' I r. Robert Sims, the Eden Mills' Ater, .. 4hant, Says Dr. CarSOn's Stomach Bitters n is by fertile best selling preparation in that oo nd his customers are er1VIn1h neighborhood athat all delighted with it. lie se113 large quantities of it. Jitwe yon Dyspepsia, try it. Sporting 1erovottes, The Duffa:ins, (If .Iugerson, defeat- ed the Eurc1 as, of St. Marys, at In- gersoll, an Friday in three straights The Rey. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind., says : "Both myself and wife owe our Was to Shiloh.s Consumption Cur,), $o14 by J, W. Browning. REBELS, itUL'L`E17t:; Arab Loss 3, 000 Killed and wouudere ..Their t."ainp t,aptt red. London, July 2L--4 disoatoh from Cairo says the nava has re.toh a4 there from E.asPala that a large force of rebels attacked slant place and mads t'several attempts to •.arry it by ae- saunt. They were finally repulsed, and the garrison, following up their victory, captured the rebel camp, with 2,000 cxen and ¢beep and 7,000 rides. The enemy lost 3,000 men killed and wounded, while the Barri. s.au'a castittltiea were squall. Why will yuu cough when Shunts, (siva will Riva imweetiiate relief ` Price 10o., 5ik„ and $1. Soul by J. W. Browning. N. T. At 3areple, ova the 0o r. l'a'ter Mo1'Ma li» `iter.—at the Hien Thautee Road, oat Wednesday. Stir July, by the Rev. Colin Ftetsher, M. A.. John FotberingWen, of Hlausbard. to Minnie. dsw iltter of William Mousley. Est , of Usborne. O1LN (JILL, Auctioneer for tiara Township* of Stephen, Hs and rsboree avid the Village of Exeter. All Fates i,ronn'tly t gtttoariad, and aatlafactloa guarautaed. Sala*, strxaugea at thin oOlee. Wesleyan Ladies' College 1-1A.U.ILTON, CANADA, 1 The oldest anI the most complete Ladies' College in thelnerentiou: bus aver 100 gradu- ates; has educated over 2,000 pound; ladies; heac2rfr lea rUutu*. Rua every convfniencefor comfort and health, Unusual advantages in Music and Art, Opens Sept. 1, Ad tress the ��JJii1�� .1(- • ()fentioulchis i'ai,er.J A.13t'I3,F.D-,1.L.Xt.-�t-,txe 4 e�,� TniloriBg 1 • Itis said `"Many Miekles make a Muckle." So it is the world over. A few cents saved in every dollar amounts to no small sun) at the end of the year. Then go to RANTON EROS. ran BARGAINS In SUMMER DRY GOODS, Dress Goods and 1&uslios Cheap. PRINTS • and GINGRAMS CHEAP. araso s, Tweeds, Straw Hats, 8co. CHEAP MUST MADE ROO I FOR FALL GOODS. verybady Cottle ; bring along your Cush, Butter, Eggs, or Raspberries, and get Cheap Dry- Goods, Grid value is Sugars, Teas, Elc. RANTON BROTHERS Cheap Goods ...:Bit' SPRING GOODS85 JUST ARRIVED AT THE 1^ 41t,T! ETU Provincial : Exhibition t'u,lorthe auvpices of the AGRICULTURE AND ARTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO. TO OE FIELD AT LONDON Fit031 TUB 7th, to 12th. Sept., '8£5 H1i).NDSOIX111'R'F.:31R3iS GIVEN l.8ntrea must be made with the Secretary at Toronto. go or More thu undermentioned date*, vii 1for*u, Cattle, Shoop, Swine, Poultry, Agri- cultural rmplensenis, on or before Au^ustletIs. Grain, Field llcots,aud other Farm Products, ifaoiueryand Manufactures generally, on or Leforo August 2flud, Hortioultural Products, Lediss' Work, Fine Arts, etc., on or before August 221h, Prise Lists and Blank Forms for making the entries eau he obtained of the Societal -los of all Agricultural and Horticultural Societies and Mechanic's inatirutes throughout the Pio- vines ; from Geo: BicBroom, of Western Fair, London; and from the Secretary. HENRY WAI)E, Agricultural Hall, Toronto,' J'Z7'DXOSAL SALE. In the High Co11ri of yustice (ORANGERY D1VISION.) 1 CARLILE vs. CURRIE. Pursuant to a Judgment or Order made in this cause and dated the i2th day of May,1885, there will be solu by andenth the approbation of Sutherland Afalcoreson, Esq., one of the Masters of the Supremo Court of Judicature for Ontario at Goderieb, at BEYNOLD'S hOTEL, In the Village of HENSALL, At 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, the 25th day of July, 1885, The following lands : FIRSTLY.—The north half of lot number nine- teen, in the seventh conecssion of the town- ship of Hay, in the county of Huron, 'contain- ing fifty acres more or less' and SEOoi x.w. the south halt of the south half of lot number nineteen in the seventh concession of the said township of Hay, containing twenty-five (acres more or less. About onehalf of each of the said parcels of land is cleared and well fenced, and the re- mainder istimberodwith Black Ash and Soft Elm. About half of the uncleared land con- sists of a black ash Swale with timber suitable for fencing purposes. The mills a clay loam. There are erected on the firstpareel of land a new frame barn 60x40 feot with brick founda- tion and stable underneath, and a dwelling house. There is also au orchard of about It acres and a good aupplyof well water: The said land is situated about 4 miles from Hen - sail, 2I miles from Zurich, and 10 miles from Exeter: TERMS 02r SALE. Ten per cent. down on the day of sale to the plaintiff's solicitor end the balance to be paid into court within 30 days tbereafter, when the Purchaser willbe entitled to a conveyance and possession. The said lands will be offered for sale subject toa reserved bid In all other respects the conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of this court. For further particulars, apply to john Hoskin, Esq., Q. C., Toronto; Messrs. Garrow & Proudfoot, Barristers, Goderich, or to the un- dersigned: - Dated at Exeter this28rd day of June, 1885, B, V. ELLIOT, (sgd) O. MALCCMSON, Plaintiff's Solicitor. Local Master, at Goderio CHAS.. SOUT IC'OT .i, FF1t rec" iv Sl r. 5gl" aids 1 1: itntcl:t,of CLOTHS and TWERPS wry l'11°sic . (la • l ,, MA Wilt sell thins cttf°ap for Coon. Suits Zits,de to Order Om. Short Wotice, A FIT GUARANTEE D.v No credit given. Sold ONLY for USI -i, and that Menus Cheap Goods. Call and see his stock before placing your order. Exeter, 4th Marchi" 3 $O'C'TMICIOTT. Latest Novelties dr.,- Season OUR DRY -GOODS STOCK Is complete in all departments, and at Prices to snit the times. TAILORING A SPECIALTY Remember we keep the place to get everything you want and at right prices. %T APMES PICKARD The Old Established House, Exeter Lovely ew o C12 ds,with Health is Wealth ■ name and a Prize,for 100: 12 packs, 12 1 names, for 41, A sample pack and ag- ent's outfit with illustrated catalogue of Tricks, and Novelties, for 3c stamp, and this slip, A. W. KINNEY, Yarmouth, N, S. HARDNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases its growth, and will not soil the skin. As a hair dres• sing, it has n. superior. Guar- anteed harmless. Prepared by Harkness & Co,. London, Ont. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers. DR. E. 0, WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT- MENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Diz- ziness, Convulsions Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Men- tal Depression, Softening of the Brain, result- ing inInsanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature 01d Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex.Involuntary Loss- es and Spermatorrhoea, caused by over-exer- tion of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence. One box will cure recent cases, Each box con - rains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six bo'¢es for nye dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt ofprice. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure: Guarantees issued only by JOHN C. WEST & CO., Sole Proprietors, 81 & 83 King St. East, Toronto, Ont,