The Exeter Times, 1885-7-23, Page 3A GENUINE IRISH A TANKER EDIT'OR'S VISIT TO RAS SERVANT OIRL'a MOTHER IN IRELAND. Rockland late.) Courier. "Oen you direct me to Uri. Rel- etter's ? I said, accosting It bare arm- ed woman who had just picked up a bundle of baby that had. rolledout or an open door, 'Right beyent, sir,' she cheer- fully responded, uuceremouiouely tucking the baby under one arnl, that she might more freely poi;tt with the other. On the corner of two streets oppoe• Ole a public pump eland a malt two- story structure, built of stone, of course, and plastered over with mortar of a yellow hue. Abovethe door up- peared the name we were searching for. We pushed into a lost', small shop, whose stook-ia trade consisted of baker's bread, milk and otlher eto-. tuacllie necefta9itioa, to whigh were ad.. ded the dispensing of suet* liquors as the thirsty population might regeire and pay for. behind a sort of 'bar were eangregated it number of men and women whom I took to be friends of the house, and one of theso,a stout proportioned lady, with her hair combed very close about her head, stepped forwe'd and wanted to know Whitt we woald have. le this Ur*. Kelleher ?' I asked. (Instant attention ou the part of the people behind the bar.) 'It le, sir,' she replied respectfully. 'Well,' I continued, 'can F find itIre, 1ifsheney bete ?' (Attention of people I:ehind the bar vieihly increasing.) 'Yon cannot, sir,' wee the reply, in rattier hies of a brogue than we yet bad encountered. litre. Manny (the old country pro- nunciation of llfahoney). 'lure. Man- ny, who is me (rGuein. air, is not Liv - lug here now. but at Dire. Jonea'a.the conetable"e--an' a daoent place it ie too. Would you he after want- ing to see, eir ?'' 'Very much,' I acid. (People behind the bar getting al- most to impatient too wait. A bare. headed woman starts forward.) 'Plane, eir.' the berebeeded Romain exclaimed, 'T can tun and fetcil ber.'1 1I0 how long a time ?' 'Oh, sir, not above fifteen minutes, jilt.' 'All right,' I Paid, 'start along, and tell her,' I added, 'that a geullemen ,(rem America wants to see her, who mimes direct from her darzeliter Norah,' 'What ?' the woman screamed, while her eyes stood straight out from her bead, 'from Norah Manny ?' 'Aye.' 'T'hen, aura,' she exclaimed, whale her face stretched and gleamed with joy, 'it's myself that won't be gone a jiffy.' And with that she was off like a shot, while the people behind the bar have by this time fairly exploded with excitement. As we started out the door, the proprietress haiied us loud- ly. 'Hould ou, gentlemen, hou'd on 1' etre called, while she made speed to get through the little half -door lead- ing behind the bar, and for which she was a very snug fit. 'She's going to hug you, whispered the judge, as we stopped ; and faith I thought she was—but she stopped on the verge of that demonstration and fervently ejaoalated : 'An' sure, you don't mean to say that Norah is after living at service with yez own blessed self ?' 'She certainly i3,' I replied, with a North American smile. 'The likes of that 1' she cried, look- ing alternately from me to the now completely petrified observers behind the bar. 'Well, it's right glad her mother will be to meet yez.' Hereupon, after several interchang- es of like remarks, the judge and I passed out, promising to return di- rectly, which promise,' after a short walk along the narrow,crooked streets we ful ailed. A. fine•lotrillug• old lady, in a;H'hite oap ayd the, ..prevailing blaok.eapeer hood, met u, at..it e shop door -',r She was :trembling violentlywith emotion, rind Its she was introduced as Norah's mother and ae we shook hauds she burst into tears. I fail utterly in bringing the scene before you —the curious little shop, the in- terested and sympathizing knot of Irish people at the background, and. here the judge and I and this old wo- mau, handsome still in spite of her years of struggling toil, quite broken dowu at this unexpected meeting with one bo short a time from her girl be- yond the sea. It was not a scene to be easily described -far less could it. bo lightly treated, for the element of pathos so largely predominated. The - bustling ' Mrs. Kelleher with great thoughtfulness invited us at once to ascend a pair of winding stairs to the beat room above, and here site read aloud to the still weep - ping woman the letter I bad brought, uuotuously, with utter disregard of my embarrassment, upon the person, al encomium. with which it :;►bound-. ed. 'Au' now, gentlemen,' raid the beaming bootees, after these personal ;natters had bean fully discussed, 'what -will yrs be pleased to take ?' We murmured with a deprecatory shake of the head that AA repreeenta,. twee of the good old ;state of Maine it would hardly become us to accept. of anything in the way of bibulous, hospitelity. '° But such .au occasion ae title was nut to be too lightly passed over, and even if we didn't care for beer there were others present who did. so On descending to a larger room below evetbody was invited to driuk to the hoal.lh of the two Ain. eri• eau gentlemen. Sc with a shout fend a rust deal of hustling and confusion the Qonlpauy disposed them elves about on benchee and stools, and royal bumpers of beer were ordered in amid great hilarity. 'Your health, gentlemen, an' God hies, you!' hatirtily cried the hnateee,' and wilt loud acolamnatione the toast wit tt drank, while tits judge and I bow- ed our acknowledgements eourteoualy. A.; this juncture a cin;d;tr•lo,k:ug individual, hugging a bagpipe of seedy api'earaneo folder his arni, tot tared in at the open door and hobbled slowly across the uneven floor. 'It's Blind Jerry, the piper,' wit -p. ered a woman who eat ou the beach neat the juldgn, 'Au' it's noble gintlealin yez is, I'm certain of,' the blind piper ejaou tared as he ambled pass and sought out a stool—'noble gintle;nin both. aII the way from Ameriky ne yez is- an' hero's lee health, an' God's Dines. fu's on yez.' A's we both tarried to seriously re- gard ;hie einguler acooseu l' to our number, the woman neat the Padua intimated with marry a nod ruts viol; tart 11 Ire. Kelleher could turn a red with the bait of them. The judge imparting dill valuable int •ttmttiou to me I promptly celled for a di -play, thou alto there, of that lady'. terpei choreal' two 'mplixhnianta. 'All, be off wid yd, lire. Fitzgerald,. for .uggortiu' it,' Mrs, Kelleher re. pronohtully ►std : 'Why, [ h t'ea'l flinty,' a step this ten year--auit's nott for enc, old as I arra an'a hundred and eighty pounds to be dauciu'.' But Mrs. Mahoney iuforming 08 10 an undertone that. Mrs. Kelleher had on Moro thin cure occasion 'deuced dawn a man,' an achievement rarely accomplished, let me tell you, and we redoubling our solicitatioue, the lady was finally persuaded to give us an exhibitiou of her powers, and a plea- sant -faced young woman in a new eilk dress, who had dropped in to see What wits ging en, being prevailed upon to stand up se a partner, and the blind piper having after a tre- mendous deal of backing and fiddling gotten his asthmatic bagpipe to wheezing, et it they went amid un- bounded applause. Arrah 1 then but how tiny did g it --arms akimbo ---now heel—now ton —now shuffle —whist 1 but never was there anything to equal it. Sten it up there, Jerry ; fie'er luau. Now they're at it strong 1 Whoop 1 how the floor shakes 1—hut' th3 vary raft - ere rattle 1 b[usl►a ! bat was thero ever a reel like unto this ane, with the weighty Mrs. Kelleher, bnrdened by her eizr, bot warming to the work mightily, linking her opponent square iu the eyes with the sternness and gravity that the occasiou demanded. Jerry, man ; are your pipes a-shlap- pin'. Faster, ye spalpeen ; d:) you hear ? Ab, thin ; rattle it out with the beels--now cross—now swing— tare an' -hounds, but what man c,nld stand up before it ?—and all in heat the reel was 'finished—and the crowd applauding, and Mrs, Kelleher pant- ing, blind Jerry, who - bad followed every note of his pipe with grotesque contortions of his mouth, wiped the perspiration from . his sun-tanned brow and drank to us again with the utmost satisfaction. They Won't Stant It. Detroit Free Press. 'Yee, I come in after a hired man,' said the old fanner as he sipped hie root beer on the market yesterday, 'but I've got disgusted, and shan't try- very hard to find one,' 'What's the matter with hired men?' 'Too high-toned and important. Why, I had one last spring who rig• ged up an umbrella over the plow, so aa not to get tanned, and be refused to eat with the family y because we stuck our knives iu our months ! At the end of a week he quit. Said that labor was ennoblicg and so forth, but the landscape in that vicinity offend- ed his taste.' 'Yes.' 'Wall. I took on another, and h -e put on cuffs and polished his boots before going to work, and he quit at the end of a fortnight, because we didn't have a pienner in the house. Why, that chap never got up till seven, o'olook, and he insisted ou going to the village to go: shaved and perfurn- fumed up every other evening.' 'The third one glut me yesterday. fie wanted me to bay him a. guitar. Il[o wanted to paint ell the roofs red and put pee -green on the Gun -cribs. Re : uggt ated n hog pen tt ith a parlor in it, .aud he spent two days of my i time trying to arrange a way fur the ;stud -mill to milk tare oowe. I found I him writiug poetry in the e.iro and because 1 spoke up sharply he quit the job, puliilted it his b:,ota and sent fora 4oupay t.) .wring hen to B the slit, 1 iVilliam Geddes, Eden Stilts, writes :-1 have used Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters for Dyspepsia and prefer it to all other medi. vines I have over tried, in no case has it tailed to produce the desired effect, and I can cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers from Dyspepsia. Yours; truly, Witold AM GGEDDES. Intor1nia1 flail!a The Pinot Roate from the West for all points in NewBrunswick, Nava Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Cape !Ireton and Newfoundland. Alt tan popular sea bathit fi. fishing and plaasuro resorts bt c'anttaa at„ ,,Ione this line pullu uu cera lewg Montreal o.t Men - day, Wednesday._ anti Fluriday run through to Hattie -a, and on Tne, l t v, Thursday awl Satur- day to tit, John, N. N., without change. Ctoe oonueottous ma to at Volute Levis with the Grand Thunk lir ilwav aunt the Blcbeiieu and Coterie Navigation (:arltpenv'F Steamers frau yt(nitrea1, WO at Levis with the North Shorn lsaihway 1.1egaut rirst•cta,ss Pullman. nutlet and Smoking Cars on all through trains. Firat•chss Refreshment Rooms at convsuu. eat distances. 11IPOlt1'E1{S ANI) EXPORTERS; will And it advantageous to use this route as it is rho quicketa to point of time, and the rates are as IOW as by any other Through freight is,forwartled ley fast special trains and expertenee has proved the Inter. colonial route to be the quickest for European freight to and from all points iu Canada 504. the\Venters starve. 'J(okete utav b., obtained and aka fnfcrma•tiuu. a",out the route a=..1 about frcit,ht and passenger rates from ROBERT 0.33 )OI+II:, t We.teri, Prot t YO Mewl. :;tont t3 Russia House 11I ,cl:, York. St., 'P eront° it.POT tIS(i-IR. ('.hie; Superintendent. Railway Office, +f one toti, f.IL, May 11, 14:0Y. TEST YOUR BRING POWDER TODAY! Dreads adrartisad as ab,olutatr pure COrr'1'AZr+? AaiaiCirrxA. THE TEST: relloVi the cover ; down halt t' A chemist wiltanetilbl r . quire;; to dateet the pomace or ammonta. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA.. .rs•iiYAIT,II'VLSESB HAS NEVER 11885 QcssTtoxEo. in anmillioa homes for a quarter of a century it has .toed the eonstintor,' reliable test, THE TEST OF THE OPEN. [TICE BAIIINGI POWDER CO., MAKERS OP Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts, .• r.nte.ymostdelletous and patcralansrleowe,a.d - Price's Lupulin Yeast Gets or Light, Healthy Bread, The 'Best Dry IIop Yeast in the World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - ST. LOUIS. 3PRIC SPECIAL �1AV0R� EXTRACT MOST PERFECTggMADE V'0a110, and moh,onOrange,,Alntn Fruit Eoset etc, flavor as delicately and naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.,. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. 1 Vt. E. DOWN'S GOLDEN LINI- sJ MENT.--Tho most Reliable and Scien- tific Liniment in the market, effectually luring Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sprains, Sciatica, Poothache; Headache, White Swell- iug,Cuts,Bruisea, Burns or Rc:rlds. Stings of Reptiles or Trisects, Sore audUlceChroat, Frosted Peet, Hands ,s hod Brea st InitownToenails.Soft Corns,Chill Mains, ,Qunooy, Paralysi, Soreness ad Pain of all kinds prgmptiy relies ed,if applied to tbe at. f rioted part, Itis given internally in Diarrhoe, Dysentery, Dropsy, Colic. (tramps. cholera In orbits. obolera, di phtberia, croup. coughs and colds, fainting and palpation of the heart, for suppressed and painful monst nation, lay' sptpsia,eta. Sold by ail medicine dealers; satisfaction guaranteed or. money 'refunded, See testimonials. C TTHIS OUT feud -return to n, with 10e nr 4 Se stamps, and you'll get by return mail a Gol len Box of Goals that will bring you in more money tt1an anything else in America.. You, fortune if you start quiet. CITR NOYELtY CO, ' Yarmouth, N. S. ARNICA and OIL LINIMENT ORES ALL Pains aid Aches, AND IS THE MOST PERFECT um D=Gai: in tht nu! SOLO BY ALL DEALEIIS. PRICE, 25 AND 54 CENTS PER BOTTLE. MAN HOOD How Lost, Clow Resdosed, 1aR C'LVERIV�LL'S CEILEBRATE 1ESSAY on theradicalaud permanenteure (without Ino- dieiuelofNervous DebilttyAfental and physical Incapacity impedimenta to Marriage. etc.,re. suiting from excesses. Price,iaseated euvelope,ouiy &teats, or two postage stumps. 00elobratadautttaroftitIe adutlrlbleesfaay t alearlyderaenetrates,fram thirty years' 80000as•, radieallycuredwitht al outthe dangerous me sof in ternalraodioinesorthe use of the knife Point• out amode °fermi et once air) decot ' factual b r a ,1,(Q e- terwliuthyiecon itionmaybar may cure"h mmself cltaaply,privntely and radically. ter Thi lecturesbouldbeinthe hand sof ever' youth audevery man in tine laud. A'Idresa. TRE CULV!'RWELL MEMAL. Co 41 ANN ST.,NFW YORK po.t 041ce lion 410 855. X-Tarper's Magazine. ILLIJSTA'LE1).. With the uew volume, beginning in Decent a Iter. Hanei;a•a us txg will conclude its 1 thfrtyflftlt year. The oldest periodical of its type. it is yett its each naw volume, a new tyre, not simply because it presents fresh sub acts and new ptotores, but also, and chiefly lteoause it steadily advsucee in the method it, self of ruagasinernakine. In a word, the MAG. mirror of courrren life and movement. Leading features in the attractivelrregreaume for 180.3 are: now serial n(vete by 0O\1TANCE Fcx nonr WOnr.FON and W. I), BQWELI.i,; a now novel entitled "At the ]sod Glove "tloscriptiye Ulna trated papers by P. D.Iliana.T, It, SWAIN Gip. Tont. E. A. Akar:', It. (autsON, au(1 others ; (iolds,ulth's"She Stoops to conquer," Mustn't - ed by Aunar; inlnortantpap ors on Art,Science,. etc. RARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year HARPER'S MAGAZINE,, ...$4 00 HIARPER'S WEEKLY IIARI'I•:R'S BAZAR 4 4000 PI YOUNG PEOPLE IHARPES h1Lt: LIBRARY. Ono rear (5s Numbers) 30 00 Postage, Free to all subscribers in the t'nited Status or Canada. The Numbers for June anod Decembebegin alttyear When te bcserswill hslsr'bil a toU nwiih he cuireut Number. Tito ILl1 uEn'a 1llAOAZ1\nst eleven �/neat cloth Volume igdin will be sent by mail, postpaid, (01 rooipt of 39.60 per volume. CW0101805, f. rbinding, SO cents each—by mnil posthali Analytical, n t ('lnmailed,for,Volumne1 to 00, inclusive, front Jtlne,)(&',to June, 1180, one vol., 8vo, (:lath, s,1,(0. 'Remittances should be etude by Post Wilco Money Order or 3 ;raft, to avoid chance of loss, Niotteps hwhuh(Src8cony advertise- meth.nl 1trrOTtilsnR. Address liA1(PISR x BROTHERS, New York Butter &Eggs WANTED, J. Matheson Has opened out in Currelley & Co., Old. Stand. (Exeter north Post Office) .Jost received a splendid assortment of Spring Goods, which we will sell at very close prices• Splendid value in Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scarlet Canton and Home- made Flannels. A. nice lot of Table Napkins and Covers, Splendid Wineey, Grey and White Cottons very cheap. Tweed and Beady Macle Clothing very cheap. A GOOD SUIT for $5. GROCERIES.—We sell 4 lbs Tea for /4f1 75 cent Tea for 05 cents, Sugars as low as the lowest. BOOTS & SHOES.—We have added some new lines and are prepared to sell the best goods at close prices. - A House and Lot for sale or Bent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. Exeter -Butcher Shop R. DAVIS,. Butcher &, General Dealer —IN ALL RINDS 01.— - MIMI A. TIS Customers supplied TUESDAYS,, TRUE 5 - DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. in presents given away. Send us 5 cents postage and by mail you will get free a package of goods of large value, that will start you in work that will at'once -bring youin money faster than anything else in America. .411 about the 5200,- 000 in presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere. of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work torus at tueit'own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. HALLETT .5 Co.,Portland.Maiue. KING'S .EVIL Was the name formerly given to Serofata- beccause of a superstition that it could be cured by a .kiss's touch. The world is wiser now, gild knows that. SCROFULA. can only be cured by a thorough purifies', titan at the blood, If this is neglected. ,,he disease perpetuates its taint throu TAR ea (the kindred po and mercury. At the riches and vitalizes the bio healthful action to the vital organs rejuvenatfngthe entire system, This great Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the_genutne Itondttras Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock, Sfit- Tingia, the lb -aides off Totassium and Iron, and other ingredients of great po- tency, carefully and scientifically com- pounded. Its formula is generally known to the medical profession, anti the best byslelans constantly prescribe .4Y1R's HARSAP'ARII.LA aS all Absolute Cure For all diseases caused by tite vitiation of the blood. Itis concentrated to the high- est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which tike effects are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best bleed purtfyingmedi- cine, In the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREF.LEED WC Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. tAnalytical Chemists.] Bold by all Druggists: price 01;, sits bottles for 45. w to 0 IL D O TV.N J' VZOZTA3LE BALO„Ald:c E .x R; Has stood the teat for Irl ry • t in:l:r: Z Waits, and has ,proved itsAf the la -‘t ' remedy known for the cure Consumption, Geu7hte,. Colds,WtF1hoop(.'i�rr:„' 0 t�z"a„ ,r and all Lun ; Y%1J446J tun tar rid. S, u , 1. ;'.. , Price 25c. mei. SI C4 per Bette, Lulrv1.,,' 1 LIXttt ta,AA!sal sa•'� FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS.. Are pleasant to take. Contcin their own Purgative. Is a safe, sttro, and effectual * trnyer of worms in Children or Adults, WANTED AGENTS —to sell— TUNISON'S New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts. As paying as any agency in the world. For full particulars, free, address, IT. C. TUNISON Map Publisher 388Richmond-st.,Loncion,Ont. Established 1871. G. W. SHALLCROSS&E CO2. - NEW YORK, Pills orders, sells on Commission, or willpur-c. chase Apples, Potatoes and Poultty. Write 118. THE EXETEL Planing Mill! aeae, DOOR, and ELIII !1C0flT! ALL ;KINDS OF TURNING. Done to order. Remembeslthe place. river At 4.coward. 5TATION -ST.