The Exeter Times, 1885-7-23, Page 2Iverybody's Air -Brake. • Yee, .ah, ' said Until* Zaoh, I'ee, watched it forty years are its as 1 atm ; Da feat of Itty nit` Chriat- mas day of de same year *Vera o >ip.es. on de same week day. " " Further a inversation proved Oriole ZeOlt a► mush inoretilulotte person. Cheucing to mention Dr. Carver's feat: of breaking glaea balls with a rifle, he timid ani'%, Mr. W. B. Howley, refer' to , ly given !trot in Boston. Te _owe ee the astenirhiug yield of seed' by or- t did not talk temperance exactly there elude. Darwin calculated that a siu • I wise water in fu;~rye. ole capsule of onus macidata eintain E Tneodore Thomas will probably ed 6,200 eeeefp, and a dingle cl�tt not continue his summer concerts 186,600; ac that attar deducting 12, throughout the Kummer, but the, old 000 as bad there would! retrain 1 familiar strain, of the Themes sloth• auli'tojaiht to oOver an sore of ground, Darts on the hack fence will still reach siar inalhae apart, By the sauce coin us. putattion, the next generation would Gov.1toee took the oath rte Gov- e,rl►tar of New Mexieo at Sunilse in deference to Ofonteznma, hie earliest p'edeceesor jn that office, whose fol- l�rwere look l,rr him every day at that tune. Daniel \\Venter, .maid to be the best Celtic s helar in America, is engaged in sweeting the streets of New York for a !hum;. 'The demand for pure Celtic language in the United States ie smelt. *over te spade larger than the tele of Anglesey ; and the forth generation I Heard 'lout chit ehootirt' tired would yield sofiioient seed,.. to carpet knowed 'right off it wasn't 'Naar' ; a the entire tall►i serfage of the globe. dot was a Y tnkee trick. bias` eh r'. you born. " ' ' ' What wee the trick ? ' c 1 Dar wnz1 eel ttoaa put int de glace belle, au' likewise onto de bul- lata; so when de bullet de oaten de gun, it en' de trill jet drawad teri;e4 dor, which, in course, brakes de gisse i the eoutheastarn part of the 1114nd of -- data d• trick l ' ' New Guinio,e, It grow,; to a height lister, Uoole Zec h observed a rope of antsy feet, and bears a l rgo globose side eof the e running slunk the e car, truth, wltoletswa itud 'relatable, with ' ' Boca, enlist',' dot line for ? '' a flavor r'a'mbling that of the pear, " To epply the a,tr broke :in oaee'of Baron Von Mueller, the Auetraliatr &evident. " ' Ttten we had farther to botanist, has named the tree Bowra explain how the force of the hrake fOrseineana, end the fruit ie known to was obtsino.l,. t r which U:iole Zaoli the natives as k?•iyi-Pari, reeponded ; In recen% etiperirteate in 'aril it wad ' ' honk ati here it ire, y to *holy alto •s a ilia% a Imam holy of average don't "itlietit nue to b'leeve dot ftoliah idea could be entirely burn',l in a 4043 ? Witr, de biggest harrio'tne aomaaon stove in tarty hours, without whatever Mowed couldn't atop dis train, ruttnin'' f•rrty toile a hath, An' you think 1 g viae t•r b levee a little lupe full of wind ander de kyare can do it ? No, melt -roe t " ` 1 It appears that olirnete iii regarded There are a good mime' Uaofe as treeing so moll effect upon heir-- Zsoh_s who ju•igo avarytbing simply ing that laitl{liilh physicians oma - by appeeri eoes. The air -brake dose thud' seek to loose the danfnesa of not wooer to be a very powerful thing, pettoute by rending them to the dry but power said efficiency are not parte 01 Nal Zealand, necesaurily equivalent to bigneee :tins Europeans fad the heat of Algeria pretense. • a greet obataale to agricultural work, Phillip Bear., Egg , who 11,4106 at and, to avoid much of it, propose the United Swett Hotel, NOW Y)rk !uniting harvest' at night by vii of oily, and is seg teed le reieinir Hub- eteetrio light., eoriptfoua for the \e et Yerk Kiehl t Every spring the eel' of certain Barthaltlt ttedeetaf rued, wag once French lakes aro+y several miles of upb:.ailed by a di'tincuished relative land to roach the Seine and the who was a physician, for commending vireo, in such enahuaiastio terms, a remedy STaereet oreeront—Tee 'fitad' eters %bat cured hind of bright'' dieait'te are not et rest, but their proper me - eight years ago, Ile said; ' " Sir'', tion ii only revealed by ecc'ir*te and has the medicel profession with e11 a repeated observations. In settee caeca, it' power and experieoce of thou' rude 1 remark' the Astronaut tr II mil far of you', anything that oan cure this F Ireland, the star hardly appear, to terrible disorder ?' ' No, uo, that titLeave in- the course of centuries, at- true, there is uo nieteke anent u but ; though in other a twee the motimmn is 1 that Warner's safe cure ie real!)' a suflioienlly rapid to be detection with 1 wonderfully of eettve preparation. the meridian °irate in a year or even I That remedy is an' ' air.braka'I' Litt loss, Even the most rapidly -untying every man can apply and torr foot 'far, which hurries along with stun- ez.plaine why it heel esus,! au ne toy 1 endoue speed of 200 mil of a second, hundred' of thoneaad2 of liven.-- g is so tar off that it only change.' ha Coper•tthee:f. r',tof Iv fiermissiott el impotent poeU on Abell' seven seconds American !.urs( Horne. of aro In, a twelvemonth. Nine years would be necessary for this star to 1 pass across an aro equet to a single minute, while about 250 years must elapse before a would traverse a diatsuoe equal to that subtended by the apparent diameter of the moon. And yet the watts of *sine Drctatda aro mime more nutnerone, time in single eapeule of one .seems being eetimeted at 1,756,440. A New FRUI'r TsEE,—A*'ention las bard oalled to a hitherto unknown fruit t-ee wl icb he* been found in disagreeartble erne!!. This is taken es ate erguntent in favor of oremetinu. It dhows that the procaem need nob be •zpettaive. Scientitic Miscellany. CULTIVATED PLa:TT3.—Of some 130,- 000 80;000 known speoies of plants, De Oen- dolls finds that only about 250 species . —certainly lost than 800—are cul- a One of the greatest disoovories of tivated. The Ameriaau Continent modern astronomy is that of a means has yielded about ole -fifth of those a of atudyiu:f the movements of the cultivated plants, Patagonia a ad r stars in the li {e of sight. With the the Cape of Good Hope have adv3nt of the epectrosoope it was cou- furniehed noue, and .Australia and Zieived that the dark !ince of a Atelier New Zealand have eeesneeted two spectrum, should be shifted more or less importaut one only. The oil- dlase to one side or the other of the ginal homes of the remainder were very unequally distributed. From temperate Europe have come cab- bages, turnips, o z,rrots, hop t, oats' raspberries, etc. ; from warmer Eu- ropa add western Asia, cherries, plums and apples ; and from tate Mediterranean district, grapes, al- mouds and poppies. The apricot, peach, sugar-oane and sweet orange plane of the oorreaponding lines of solar spectra n, according to the star's motion to or from the earth; and that the amount of the displacement, oon- eidered with reference to the wave theory of light, should show the speed of advance or retreat. The theory has proven to be correct. Its appli• cation bas shown that Sirius was re ceding from our system before 1875 originated iu China. Tea was furn about twenty miles a second, while iahed by China, Assam and Man- in 1881 the retreat was only two ohurio ; and coffee was given us by miles a second, and the star has since commenced to approach us. A microscopist, Mr. Spencer Moore, has shown that the bacteria which produce or accompany 'sweating of the feet' are identical with those pro - Euphrates region; and barley, of dieing chemical action in the soil. Western Asia. The misnamed Jeru- In the latter situation they reduce ealdm artichoke came from North tho sulphates to eulphiboe and phos- A.merica. The tomato was given us pbatea to phosphites, and both situ by Peru ; the potato, Peru and Chili ; ations are instrumental in setting free and quinine, by Peru and Bolivia. ammonia. Tobacco came from Ecuador; the pineapple, .rem Central America; :arrowroot, from tropical parts of .America. EFFECTS OF Conn.—In the experi- People. meats of Coleman and McKend- rick, as reported to the Glasgow Viotor Hugo treated eyery woman Philosophical Society, a live rabbit as a lady. survived an hour's exposure to a tem. Senator Plumb is credited with the perature of 100 degrees below zero. intention of writing a book on the It was not frozen, its bodyheat being south. reduced only to 43 degrees. Live Lady Braesey, at a recent London frogs became quite solid in half an ball, worn a garment that once be - hour at 20 to 30 degrees below zero, longed to Marie Antoinette. and in two instances recovered from Ex -Senator Chaffs thinks Grant the freezing. Intense gold for many will end his days at Mt. McGregor, hours failed to destroy mioroscopio and that the end is not far off. organisms, whose vitality was simply Dr. Hyde, the new President of arrested by freezing, and was resumed Bowdoin, was a crack ball player when a suitable temperature was re• when at Harvard. Talent will tell. shored. Commodore Godfrey, of Washing - The researches of Fol, a French ton, says the storms for the remain- anatomist, have satisfied him that der of this sailing season will be cold during the fifth and sixth weeks of its ones. We will have no more hot developement the human ombroyo is waves. furnished witha genuine tail. John B. Gough ip said to have been PROLIFIC Pr,ANTs.—An English bob. quite broken up by the reception late - Africa. The olive is a native of Syria. India has yielded the citron the lemon, the mango, the cucumber, a kidney bean, rine, cotton and black pepper. Wheat is a product of the The grasses of the United States, according to Dr. Vasey, number 120 genera, embracing 675 species. Curious TEn ets. It ,i ee1as aremari cable fool that fleshy people never commit giui, °ides The Scienrifie finer can suggests rub - Nog the joints of stylographie pens on which the finger. reel with the thin edge ofee views of wax to prevent Boil• 1 ing the fingers with the ink that ea. o411e3 Pram the imperfect joint. An 1 nglieh loan -milker trite con etructed a lex with which he airtime' 040 he evened 22.600 patented lever locket alt of which differ in the ooin- bivation'1, lie hat worked at three years. & curiosity in the elrape c.f a well whlola prrlduoee warm water is emit - leg no tittle int treet among the resid- ents of Quinton, N. J. The wotl is aun't's 10 a witrdow glass factory, and it IS soppored- that the water from the springs teed -tux bbs well pauses under, the furnocei and ie thus'hemted. A tittle mordent happened at a dwelling house in New York which varves to itluetrato Ibtt mysterious ori- gin of Jame firms, A girl was sweeps iiiac a room with a carpet sweeper, when elle noticed atnoke coming from it. Qu exatntuaiion elle dioclvered that a match it'll been lighted by the revolution of the brush inside the ,sweeper. Mr, R. H. Se At, the English met. e rrol grist, has reaently'',taken ocoaslnn to express the via v entertained by 09 canny persona skilled in weather science, that 1110 Po called equinoctial gale is a myth. Most groat storms, he says, occur in the winter half the year but they are Po more frequent nt the time of the equinoxes than at utter tunes. Wedding outfit aro fregnently hired iu France, and many firma make s speciality of letting bridal 'oilettee,iu•• eluding prayer book, oraoee blossom wreath and drops, A most sensible. ouetotr prevails nmeng the Swiss neatsantry of having bridal dresses made up of stood blank silk, thus pro- viding the 'bride with a bandeau) ser- viceable dress for future dress. A. flea one -sixteenth of an ivah in length, can jump the distance of 20 inches. This is 820 times its length. The oommon;gray rabbit jumps about nine feet clear of the level ground. In proportion to length a borne, to jump ns far as a rabbit would have to clear 64 feet at a jump. 'There is no quad- ritped that has such powerful muscles in his quarter as a rabbit, and none excel him in the muscles of his loin and back. Some years ago a pair ;,o1 woreted stockings were made of such delioate texture that they souls be drawn through a lady's ring of ordinaay size and a machine has shale been iuvent- od whish epius woolen yarn much superior in fineness By this means a pound of yarn may be rendered worth ten guineas, producing 95 hanks or 560 yards in each length, 53,200 yards, or 80 miles 400 yards. Au:orange tree in a grove near Em- poria, Ela. has just had the season's Drop pinked from it, and still contains four distinct orope. One crop is from last Jane's bloom, and it is 'just be- ginning to ripen;; the second is from blooms in September, and is ;about the wife of a ben's egg; the third is from blooms in November, and is about the size of an egg of a partridge, and the fourth is the size of a bullet. .... . Hard Experiences. It is easier to tell a lie than it is to catch a fish. A Ivo:mania bonnet must be ortho- dox before her prayer book is. Winter sets in when poverty comes. Principles, not pulpits, make a church. The beat fitting coat is one that is paid for (*od makes the roses and the deyil puts the thorns on. The hand opens when the heart does. The sculptured face 'on a gold coin nay be beautiful, but neither tears nor smiles ever break its monotony. Hearts build religion for brains to tear down. Girls think men are all soul ; wo• men know they are all stomach. The t reacher turns Ioye'e young dream into a nightmare. Fortuna feeds soup to most man with a fork,-- [Merchant Traveler. CATARRH- A NEW TREATMENT. Perhaptt the most extraordinary suecesa that has been achieved iu modern medullae has amen attained by the Dixon treatment for ca. taut. oat of 2,000 patients, treated duringthe. last six mouths, fully ninety per cent. ave been cured of this stubborn malady, . This is none the less startling when it is remembered that not, five per cent. of patients presenting themselves to the regular praotitioner are be- neAtted,while the Patentxu0aieines .and other, advertised cures never reeord a cure at all. Starting with the claim new generally believed by the .ruostseientille men that disease is due to the presence of living uarasitesin the tissue, list llixtn at Duce adaptatl his to their oxtorminatiou -dais aceomplisl;Tor,he claims the Catarrh is practically euros, and the per, nianency nrquesiiongd, gs clue exoct�d_ by thin four years ago are cures still. No one else bus attoanntod to our: Catarrh in this ananuer,audno other xroatniont over cured Catarrh, Thi applleatiou of the remedy is simple, end can bo done at home, and the present season of the year is the most favor- able Fera speedy and permanent cure, the majority of cases being cured at duo treat- ment Sufferers should correspond with Messrs. A. 21. DIXON d SObl, 903 ding street west, Toronto,Canada, and enclose stamp for their $treatise; op Catarrh,-ltfontreat Star. ?noir 17.;8 For Dyspepsia and Lleer Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on emery bottle c1 Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by JW. tlrowniog. • (JOAAUI Brig. .Vemonl for Brok- au Articloa. sold everywhere. Soto !!taken.--,hi•ty 111106., Stockptrt XDSUrtti. FOB COUGHS AND COLDS. ITAY'S COMPOUND QF LIN, SEED, A•u14eo0., Ssnefia, 8tia1l1.To1u. $ic witty Ohterodvne, AY'S COMPOUND, t► demulcent oxaectorent for t;oaghs and Celds, "(AY'S COMPOUND, for Cou,rha and Colds, is equally servieeble: for tfcreosandCattle. Y'S TIC PI To a rpeoiflc in. neuralgia Face•achc do, Oiym titer Fonhill Nurseries SAL. The Largest la than Donsinlon, SALESMEN WANTED To besin cenvesetug atones 00 va1L rales. Ste iu y employ�mmeut to sureetsfui meet. Good agents are oaruing tion* $ i0 40 g.;5 per mouth and expenses. Telma and outfit free. Address exoren re WEL INGTON% A FEW HINTS t*olt 'last tn>R or Doan. -To motet Oa bots f cls 9cnt1y, 2 to 4 Pitot Sthoroughly, 4 to 6 Mk. E.rperfonce wiilttt-oid. the - proper 40in cac.t care. .011111 For Constipation, or Costiveness no remedy Is so ouective as Avaata FnZZ.„ They insure regular daily action, and red store the bowels to a stealthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Arsa'a PILLS are invaluable, and a sure cure. Heart -burn, Loss of Appetite, roux Stomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Seed• ache, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved and cared byATER'S PILL'. r la Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorder., and Jaundice, AvEn'a PILLS should be given in doses largo enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a oloansing medicine In the Spring, thew PILLS are unequalled.. Worms, caused by a morbid condition of tho bowels, aro expelled by those PILLS. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Piles* the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are cured by the the of AvElt's 1'ILLs. For Colds, take ATER's PILLS to open the pores, remove inflammatory secretions, and allay the fever. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by sudden colds, indigestible food, etc., Axm t'l Pima are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciatica, often result from digestive derange.. ment, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the use of Am's PrLLs. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaint/10 and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by AYER'a PILI:s. Suppression, and Painful 1FLenstrna• tion, bare a safe and ready remedy is AYE R'S PI LLS. Full directions, In various language;, H. company each package. PREPARED BY Dr.J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Meet. Bold by all Druggists, UNEQUALED So say the best farmers. stockmen, : gar. dollen, and fruit growers of America of the great National Weekly, the Rural New York- er. The beet writersin the world, Original throughout. Over 500 illustrations from nature eyery year, Fine paper 16 pages -ask those who know. Specimens gladly sent without charge. 52,800 worth of presents offered to euorbera for the largest clubs. Conducted by practible femora. Its Free Seed Distributions: are invaluable. Civet 600 contributions. Posters and outfits on appli- cation, Send for them. nutter, 210W-xona>tx 24 Park now, N. Y. 0 N OLLVNIIuVXt 21110 0SIlIV(IPZ00 ' Scf000 t 'C ff LI .. I SSI cr d co IN H0Id IINV THE LIGHT,RUNNING SEWING MACHINE SIMPLE THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE THAT GLYES rHAS NO EQ UAL -1 �FY tTP11IjU �'rl NEWHOME SEWING MACHINE CO. ORANGE` MASS. 30 UNION SQ.NY CHICAGO'ILL, 8T.L01,15•MO.AtLANTA GA. •"•••••V. 6 114. S ALTBY1 ---. RANTON• BROS. EXETER, ONTARIO. ZvrIxCn ROLLER MILLS ! These mills are now completed with all the best and very latest improved machin- ery for the manufacture of:Flour• on the Roller Process THE MILL IS NOW RUNNING NIGHT AND DAY, and we ar prepared to do Glinting Chopping on Shortes Noll 'u Also Flour and Feed for sale as Cheap as the Chewiest. ERNES & WILLIAS, Proprietors, 'r