HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-7-23, Page 1se
Vol. XII., No. 44
- 14,200 baslteta ; 1a lrapanee, 2,000
• - •t**+ - + baelsete ; per steamer Alexandria,
Petty's Choice TiaiEA:s, Breakfast Bacon and Lard, Cracked oo baskela ; 4' ,in Qd the "q11411-
Wheat and Roller] Oats,Oranges and Lemons Th a pas t the nin
r, r ttty of berries used a canning
AT , G. A. ., •- AIN ,s 1 faott,ry t?1)d those sll)lapecf by express,
Wiridaar Telegram se 's te--Joe.
A\SQ t't3 BLOCK Fontaine, over 60 years old, living
FiXttiTER ONT THURSDAY XQ NING, talyvyJULY 23, 1885, Publishers URWRITS 4 O Proprietors
rest taking effect on a large dog neer enjoyed the right of voting for election
by and Laying bite) out forever. A , of members of . the House of Commons
negro in the same house 'wag knocked ` and render such representation free
senseless. The boy uemeined Re if from frequent changes by the ancon -
dead, for while, but recovered, and"certed action of the Provtreial Legis-
wheu the donor caned to see hint he latures,
was able to go about. tlaougb corn-' The settlement of all mattera of
plaiulitg some of nnmbuesa, It la one R di.cussi.on between the Federal Gov-
The only `Iho6rlay's If. S G Feed. Oaly 1(#c. per Th., ar13
ts per cwt. near the Canard River, went in a I of the most wonderful ewes ever : ernmeut and that of Manitoba. will, 1
malt rocvboet with his 5-•year-otct , known, and given add)ti91)41 prcof to trust, satisfy the expectations of the
greudeau aandey evening fora short ; the already well -formed belief that if people of that Provilnce.
T FI. DICKSq:1, 'B fainter, Soli
..R. 4 • ettor at Supreme Court.2 otary x'ub1ie
Cunveyauaer, 'Cou:3Riseiuuur. Se. Mousy
Office iu r news's iiloak. Exeter.
• was onTneadaY etroolt with a son& Canal, et Merriton, an ;u;anday, and
Barrister, Solicitor, SonveyauCel', Etc., bag and stabbed by an unknown as- a het floatinfi in the water near by.
RiGEZ` % - • ONT. sealant. Hie injuries are souous. The canal being searched, the body
Qtnceu=uutvalt'sFilack ttlall•yoii calces Jacob Miller, of Kelvin, Brent of a Loy about 9 year of age was
seessessewealesewreeetesoweoessiwaseameatoweeete county, on Sunday, while in a frcriz}.
t•as about 15 rods from laud the old him en the head. Chinese t'eople into f,; nada will, I
doubt not, allay the feeliag of ditcon.
eau of Mr. John Swartz, of Danville, erboard. '.:`be water was only four i I ROROb %TIWN OF PAILL Lt% tent in relation to that subtext which
sera killed on the Greed Truax Rath feet deep, nod Fontaine went to the 6 T` •J
p has soma liana p2evailed in I3rtislt
The Speech from the Throne. Columbia.
tide on the river. When the boat you Rauf to keit anegro never strike The bill regulatiug the mane of tta
tjotday evotitog a child aged 4, the man was taken witb a ft! Rud fell ov:
ay by a passtug Itn,n- honour and was drowned.
Wm. Forsyth. sou Of E. Forsyth, a A lunch basket was found hanging 1
The aid of the C. P. R. Corn.
well-known farmer of Scotland, Ont., to the gate of Leak 15. Old Welland Ottawa, Joy 20, 'Tia third see. 7 pithy will secure advauteges which are
aeon of the fifth Perltaneout of the . justly expected Esta the oemppletten
Dominion was prorogue' at'0 o'clock' of that great enterprise, whilst the
to•dttiy by His Excellency the;Goyern grants in land and money to other
or•Generel with the usual ceremonies greil,vaye in various portions of Can-
ada may be expected to accelerate the
.wmer. I btabb:.d his wife with a jackknife,. he -
found, which proved to be that of 3 rag Speaker took the Chdir in the
„ * Jaules t;aatieic, rt }dung English lad ; House of Commons at twelve to eft • progress of eetttenteut Ana ftu'tnent
Heating weuitds that it was thought' who had been sant to the cnttot) troll l able the Boase to dispoae of any the oatnruerce of the Dm ainion,
would prove heel. She is now r4• with his brother's dialler at noon, and
covering. had aCOidCutnfiy fallen i1 and bee° ;from the Senate in the shape of per cent. halide which have reeeutly
Bruce county bat pn3tied a by law drowi:ed. amendments to WIN preciously seat . matuted into f nr per cant. rime:tttee
Ilse'sway , wliieh provides that 010 ttey for nom. On Saturday afternoon Hon. &ilr. ', td from the f` u ruui)A, but no amend- ` nit'I the 4 ueecaa of the leen far f;Y ;x
PA to Satat+ '.. It
Neu's2ilaek;; illation of ca23did*tes f„t reeve', deo- me.,,,,'elan. J liatater of Markle and mute- were reported, at:1 the Haute millions of pounds sterling lately of.
Teeth ex-lutyreeyea an4 coslneillurs in totivu- :Fieherios, preaeuted to Joseph Yui: adjourned during pleasure. Shortly fared iu the 'Loudon market allow the
uc Va.".
"hips Itt the cttut ty shall bo upon the c'aut, of Montreal, ill reaaguition of before two o'clock Mr. Speaker re• ` eaiiefactory state ditto credit or Car -
tart Monday but oue to December. eertioes he had rendered to hatnanity l owned the chair, and the Commons ; oda-
June Daily, a young farmer living in saving lives, a mageificant gold : welted for the menet:ger from rho , 1 congratulate yon on the ueef 11
,. iseer Essex Centro, tried to steal a watch and chain. The welch bore Sonata. 3Ir. 'Trow *unproved the iu I mealuree, both of a pubic and prrvate
ride on a Cauvdh bautlsern ['eight ltbe following inecriptieou : The Gov: terve/dog time as rt -flet in reviewing 'nature which von have passed,
R.IIYNDMAN,--CORONER FOR ' train cW Meads,' at L%'iridFor alai ern,t:.cwt of Canada to Jo•epll \ ir;c: the leading incidents ct the Genstar] .
the Count) arlirrrau. trf'Atrc+, alq,ayite to slipped nutlet' the win* le, Ilea right crit. Testimonials fir act• of bravery and in ot•tttnerating gooJ•aaturedly ! D` "ti,>itteu <.t tl:, li r ,:.•f E' rusa;>ns :
lir.i:,7rtrlin itstere.Exetes taut wad aruattcd. and devaliau, ire ]raving aavrd tiro ;ilia many coiumeudabla r uQlitios Af In Iter 3.tajoal3 b uatne T thank you
bIS3It1A fi, DENTIST. i.. I) -r3 •i bueiueee which uttdbt crtnle down The ready conversion of our five
ria unknown tnau Rea found on the , , I f h I'
W. 13itOWNIN(tr 1I- f)., 'l- ( beck near Elul] elation en 1ues8sy, Iger of drotrnar.R, in the port of 11an: The praeeedingv were vitt sl; tri by public service.
tee•esidenee.ii m .:top xzi i xol(kl c. i41;iurdintcl;: were' a frci;:itt ie iiit irntu fres! and elsewhere throughout the ktlto arrival ata few n mutes past two llrn.tt ntl.;turtci tri >Gnate.; et nth :t
()flaws arrivtd, tiie batty being et- DOrnirtioir.,. ' of the L'elrer of the Black lead, who oldie Howe of L'aintn=;•:ts
lives of 88 Pomona trlto were 10 dant i the Crtbit et Iiuiaterr present.or 1 e eupp rite Lod have grauteti for
R. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. V. tticba4 to the brake' beam of the carr, Philip W. I%ueobtel, a farmer Of !entennoned dlr. Speaker and his faith- The readjustment of the tariff will
a. alllce Main St.i.soter,nat. Residence - f t train. '.• `
,oasgrueeutee occu)te) fal by t'. titcl'htltiii3<,1.eq. nba.tf rho Iliidille c !34 t Wallace, while cr ,flag his eon -in-law :At" i:olnln ns t0 the Senate Chevalier. tend to iucreaso the revenue and en.
Martin IIeroott, a young renter Louis 'Weaver, mar ]Heidelberg, met I In the meantime the tiring of guns able the Government to melt the
I,U'1:Z M. r !living user Waterloo, one felling to with his death almost luetr1ataucoualy. from the battery et lvepean .faint au• venom; engageneeuts cif the country,.
., Ott seat hisrosonce Exeter coutpatty with his father, brothers His sin -in -taw wits retain& a barn, Iiouficed the arrival of His Fxcelteucy' I now filth reiterated thanks relieve
and uncle near c emelt lake bear i and Mr. Rneehtel sedated. One bent
11 Ii. LI VIN x,'111 DUATL UNI there, when lis of beyond sir depth acid toile, who repaiddto the Sonata;Leu fttr the i+resent from your ilnFor-
1 A ' d p tsar raiser] acid was mu Gliamber. tout dirtier,
ya/ItSITY TriultyCollor,.tenibei Ceitege aud was drowned before his relatives brttcad. While raising tllc n•eet bent a Oa the arrival of the Gotumone
could render ]lint any a3eiet17.110e. the first one fell inward aelneg filo ' IRA Excellency gave the Royal assents •"'"-
.zC . A San 13enardlna telegram of Jut' rue°, striking Itttechtel, breaking lila to the various bills passed durlu the ; •r2trtt
Layeeek. aged 22 years'. living at death. The deceased w•aa 60 years, His Exeelleucy then prorogued Par. ° The f 11 d C t
, 1
f TPOIiT:Y:Ii:YUI ES• g l Lot] t3 A. 1;: . I.
jc Rays : Satitrtlay night Walter J. Anti itnd eausiuft almost install session. 1 t;
]ENIt EMBER, Licensed Auo- Iligltland4, six miles from that place, old at2d leaves a wtfa and family ' (lament with the following
T„nustuia: t•oili e,Creotcdatnin,loraterurev.
committed Nn1C1 a I) t Dur132g G Lhtandet atom ids 012 Ry 1 SPEEG1i PROM TUE TI1 ) iE, t Free teed Acce ted lt'aeona, which
.)11IOq-$tI'i/at•otnee,CsadltAF, Ont. twittery fit of 1i25Rniu. by blowing out ni,rht the bowie of Neil McKinnon, Of Ron. Gent1►211 11 Ji i) Senate Gentlemen his brains. He \9t13 a sou of \t r. t . were recorded at a meeting of the
Beata ick, about ten miles frolrt Dur- . of the hunt. a commons :— ;bodge held at Hamilton, a eery days
• ' ONEYTO LOAN ON REALES- Nelson Laycock, of Brantford, ham, tans struck by lightning, and 13lesire to convey to you my beat t y
' .i. tate forthc Rural: tEriet win t Saving A small fire °natured about fico Mr. McKinnon in.itantly kills& His thanks for the dillieence with which ago, will be of interest to our local
++ le o owtuF, a aslons, auduugs
tioneerfortlay,Stephen, and lreGillvray 1 d while tinder a mc,• bl d !others, of the Grand Lodge of Ancient
-I,toioty. Low rates of interesi. Applyton 0,01,,c1- Monday beneath the grand wire. ,a-,1)0 was i'2 brad w.t12 him wascu h.. . l+erfortned your duties der-1l,,dg00
stand at the exhibition grounds, To- seriously injured by the electric fluid, ling this lent l.•rotrauted session. Question—Can a Quaker, who dons
NJ. CLARK, Agent for the Us- route. During the excitement that hoz face, head and both ruins being
•barueaudIiihbortIfutnal1iirelustrrauce prevailed, Mr. W. H. Tucker, care: bruieed and blistered. She was in-
;;ompauy, Residence -Farquhar. Order:. by taker of the grounds, was running sensible for some home, tint she is
tnailpronietiv attended to.
It has been 1n 'Many respects an $ not take an oath or administer one,
eventful oessiou, in notte more s0 than be made a ;reason ?
because slued its commencement the Answer --No. An Affirmative, in
with Othere t0 the spot, when he Buil: likely to recover. 11 is only about peaceful progress of the Dominion ; lieu of the oath or obligation of Ma-
"tjONEY TO LOAN AT 6/ AND 7 douty staggered and fell back dela].
per cent. according to terata. - Private Cause of death was Mier! disease.
Funds. apply to Principal Buchan, of Upper Can-
t)etoborl5.:e0 nSoio t rx Exeter ada College, Toronto, died on Sunday
—TIM— from congestion of the kidney's. He
X. si S A, R. x N C x s has been ailing for about tseo weeks
He was 43 yeara of age, and became
Central ShavingParlor principal of the college about three
yeare ago. Prior to that he way high
For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair school inspector,
cllean.Towels forevieary customer. The proceedings at Montreal under
Next door to Central Hotel. the extradition treaty 10 the case of
la\viaLLING HOUSE audouo more oflan d.
situated on the Thames Road,2l miles east of
Exeter. Goodlargo frame stable and driving
shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing
trees• goodwelland cistern. Suitablofor a re-
tired farmer. Will bo sold cheap for cash. AP
Ply to T1iOMAS ALLIN. E.ceterP 0 . iv 10-tf
• inthe Court of Common Pleas -Deeds,
Wills,aiortgages, Leasos,aud all forms ofagree -
ments drawn and execufed,accorling to law.
ingtoborrow money on account ofrecent pur-
ahases ofland or to pay of existingmortgagss
willBndagreassaving nygiving me a gall, Can
lend money at 6 and 6i per cent. accordingto
terms. N,J.CLARK ,
Also agent for the Loudon MutualTusuranco
Company of Canada,'lleroantile insurance Co
• —Capital 5.500,000.00 bead Office Waterloo:
Ont, . Glasgow k London Insurance Coy -Cap-
ital 62,500,000 ; Bead 0BIoe, Montreal : Stand-
ard Lite Insurance Co., Head Office, Landon,
England Gnnroutee & Accident Co, Head
Office, Toronto.
Fong and Yu, were concluded Satur-
day, when Judge 1Iattbesva fully com•
matted the prisoner. The .-evidence
advanced so conclusively shows that
he is the murderer that no unneoes-
'eery delay will be allowed.
A. collision occurred ••n the Grand
Trunk Railway, near the oove bridge,
London, on ])Monday by freight and
construction trains. Engineer Moo
Fayden, of the construction traiit Was
killed. The ongiues were both
ecnsideriibiy smaandd, while a num:
ber dears were. wrecked. The aea:
dent was caused by ;he mismanage:
went of the despatchers.;
The Aylmer Express says. Last
spring, when the excitement was up.
about - the disappearance of. Dr.
Moore,.Mr. A. J. Davis made the bet
of a rocater with a gentleman in
London that Moore was alive. This
week the bet was paid by the rooster
being handed over' to 111r. Davis by
Dr. 111oDouald, to whom the delivery
Tl WA'1'ERLOOi1IUi'UAL• FIRE was eutrusted.
A Galt matt, named Gray, who NV as
Established in i8G3. ander the iufluence of liquor, claims'
NEAR OFFICE - WATERLOO,'ONT. to have been robbed of $1,000 on the,
This conlyanv has been over Eightteen years G. T. R. on Friday. Hs fell asleep
asuccessful operation in Westorn Ontario,and on the train after leaving Niagara,
continuos to•insure againstloss or damage by
Fire ,$uildings,Merchandise,Irlanutactories,aud and on awakening found that two
all other descriptions of insurable property, In- packages, each containing $50'1,
tendingiueurers have the option of insuring on
the Premium Note or Cash System.
During the past ten years, tlis Company has
saued 57,006 I'olieies.covering property to' the
amount of$d0,812,038;•mud paid in losses alone
three weeks since i11r. 11IeKitnnon had . uubroken for so many years, has
five head of cattle killed by lightning been interrupted by a serious inanr-
sonry, is not admissible.
Question—Candidates for Masonry,
while they wore lying under a tree, I eectiouary outbreak in the North-west batore initiation, require to declare
about 50 yarde from the house. Territories. I congratulate you upon their belief iu a Supreme Being who
On Tuesday borings to teat the the prompt and complete suppressive has revealed His will to man. Is the
quality of the soil on the bed of the of these disorders and on the restor- Bible meant by that revealed will ?
St. Clair River, on the route of the ation of public o►nfidenoe throughout
proposed tunnel, between Sarnia and the regions in which they occurred.
Port Hurou, were commenced. Chief The insurrection has been encounter -
Engineer Hobson has been to Sarnia, ed by the military 'force of the Do -
and made arrangements for the tests.
If satisfactory, work on the tunnel
will be commenced the coning fall.
11 will take two years to complete it.
The effect of a tunnel will probably face of a formidable and determined Answer --No. No person can be
Answer ---Certainly ; God's holy
book is his revealed will. It is one
of the three great lights placed on the
altar to rule and direct Our faith.
minion under 11iajor•General Middle- Question-- Can an agnostic who
ton in a manner deserving of highest says "Thera may be a God, I do not
cummondntion. The courage which deny it, but 1 do not know there is,"
our citizen soldiers have shown in the be made a Mason ? •
be to draw most of the railroad popu enemy their cheerful endurance of
latton of Port Edward to Sarnia. privations and fatigue, and the readi-
I3oinige will be made in eight other news with which they belie submitted
places on the line of the proposed to sacrifices inevitable. whenever a
route. force composed of citizens of all class-
Ou Saturday morning ttie three es called upon to relinquish the ein-
year old child of Mr, Wright, of the
G. T. R. depot, Kingston, tell into a
well. The mother saw the accident,
and, with a startling scream dashed
to the well, tore off the c)verings and
jumped in to .rescue her child. She
struck the side, and together with the
nervous stuck sustained, was consid-
erably iujurea{ She retained, how-
ever, sufficient presence of mind to
elasp.thechild to her breast, and with
one hand grabbed a half -decayed lad
der. - Her cries brouzht men to the
rescue. She was drawn out and
fainted afterwards. The child was
°earl drotvaed bot has since recov
Y ,
The Walkerton Telescope save.:
Dr. Reid tells' of a vary strange feat
of electricity on the person of Robert
Burdett, colored,_ Sunday afternoon.
He' and the family were seated in the
11ouee when a bolt descended the
chimney, struck him fair in the fore -
withal' he had in the breast pnoltet of head, then glaneiug, burnt his arm,
his coat, had been stolen. and running: down his .lege tore his
The extent of the strawberry crop pantaloons into strips, and after de-
Assere, 55176,100.o°, consisting of Cask in around Piston may be inferred from - mohsbing these passed ont of the bot- The measure for the ad)ustineut of
initiated who does not believe in the
true God, the great architect of the
Universe, the creator and preserver of
all things, who has revealed His wilt
to man, and who will punish vice and.
reward virtue.
ployments of civic life, reflects the Question --What should be done in=
higitest credit upon theta, I tun the case of a Mason who is taking ate•
active part in promoting and Mauler.
ing the so called Free -thought doe --
trine ?
Answer—An athiest, who denies
.the existence of a God ; a frog -think-
er, who discards revelation or who ex
presses contempt for God or religion
should be proceeded against according
which have been thus rendered to the to the mode laid down in "Itlasorio
Empire. I cannot leave this subject Trials."
without expressiug my sorrow that Question—Can an Tudiau, tvlto is
the success of out arms should have. not enfranchised, be trade a Mason ?
been purch,►sed at the cost of many Auswor--Yes. Color, creed, or
lives which (Jumada oanld ill afford to .country is no bar to initiation. The
spare. The memory of those who question of admitting a candidate is
have fallen either on the field or from one of expediency, and is loft to the
sickness contracted during their ser. judgment of the members of the lodge
vies will be girtefully cherished where such application is made.
throughout the Doininiou.- It affords Question—What are the oorreot
me mach pleasure to acknowledge the numbers in Grand Honors ?
prompt action of ,the Government of Answer --Niue for •Grand Master ,
the United States in taking pr'eoau- seven' for Deputy Grand Master, and
tions necessary in order to jrevent for 1)lbtriot Deputies ; five for all
any co -operation -with the insurgents other elected Grand offoers, three for
from their frontiers. other distinguished brethren The
honors given to Past Grand officers
are Mule as given to present officers.
The cash' c tpilal of the Grand
kratified to find That both Houses of
Parliament have considered the con -
duet of Major-General Middleton and.
officers and men under hie oammaud
deserving of their formal thanks. It
has been my agreeable duty to bring
under the notice of Her:Majesty's
Government the value of the 'services
Bank, GovernmentDeposit,andthe unassessed l the follotw-►uy statistics Shipped to tom'of -his shoe, leaving a hole as if the. representation of the people in
Premitun Notes 0» hand end iu force 3, W Wax,
AEN iii D. President.- C. Ii. TAxLOB, Secretor
J. B. Hueaus, Ins pector. CHARLES SEEL;
agent/or Exeter and yicinit:c. -
,Kineeton, 36,000 baskets ; to Belle- made by a bullet, a per iou of it. parte- Parliament will exteect the franchise
(villa, 6000 bush-te ; to Deseronto, iu through the floor, a pli,tiug it the to u number who have not hitherto Lodge is rep $68,394-
i R g f n• reported to be