HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-7-16, Page 8�p praira life single handed, and extend to the by1` h f i%;er+,r uewly married tipple aur beat wishes for I their future happiness. Wo publish the manage notice iu the assail eo4ulnn, --.-... � - pe gree terpiliar has *ppe glif Peter lightning, mite of which, TRURSDAY. JULY 161b,1885. , in great numbers in Buron and some arm `parts 't of Perth, andet aokiug the apple trees. The same pest ie creating considerable trouble in the orchards, where many of the not been a heavy rain falling at tie in the a Kame, 'J is S PRING- est* was burned to the grannd, while t►new bank barn, ten feet distant, es•-, , vs int having the roof burned off, and which, no doubt would have been completely destroyed ,had there tllit3 Season's trade a more than usually attractive assortment '85 We beg to advise our friends that we are offering for Tt,S• ,IENI'S per for Ptrst$nsertiou, enc trees are completely stripped of beth. Liu time. The building destroyed eon- sertion will be charged for notices agpearini and fruit. If the pest becomes general twined 200 bushels of old mita ; 50 in thlscotmm�. throughout the country, farewell to the bushels of barley and peas ; 3 loads 'V incus _z_ I" 8Dry r Good prospects of a good apple crop this season. newhay 1 ed drill ` 1 chaff out attacked b tez 11 than ter _ noir bib sleighs 1 can¢ clow^ FOITEt l K:NI es per tine for soon subsequeaat to — In some erehards'the russet appears to be ; ee. LOCAL NEWS.—We shaft be ha to re- t ao y the es pi ars more an any '"'" "'�'""" PPt other variety of apples, It is said that by ceire at all tinges, from, any part of the getting up an the meriting just before sun - County, item of local rigtar. auc)t el fig- rise seal spreading a white sheet on the cidertts,or any interesting incident what ground below the tree yen can shake the de - ever, front, any of our subscribers or read- stroy-ers to the ground, where they eau be ers generally for the purpose of public- killed Eeep this up for several marnmgs. ation. On Monday, tho 6th inst., a person who gave kis name as 0, S. Lewis, Toronto, and said he was buying hides for a New York firm, came to Exeter and hired a horse and buggy from Bissett's livery, saying that he wished the rig for a week and that he would Allan Line Rates. return it to the stable every night. Re The rates to Earope per Allan Line are set out. but tailed to return as agreed, and this year lower than ever. Cabin passengers, 960 to 980. Intetmediate $30, Steerage. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. on Saturday last the proprietor, becoming somewhat anxious concerning his rig, set to $13. These are the rates from Quebee to work to discover its whereabents. After Liverpool and Londonderry. Railway fare. , some advertisiog had been done, the horse from Exeter to Quebec very low. For par- and rig were discovered at London, the thief titulars apply to J. Speekuaau, *gent l:xe- , having sold the horse to Mr. O'Neil, V. S., ter, Ont, and left the buggy and hereon at a livery stable. The horse in the meantime had bees+. .lira. Wal. Muir, of Clintou, is visiting traded to a Sir. Marshall, but the property friends here, wee restored to btr. Bissett Tuesday, Look for Itanton Bros„ ebinge of hirer. LAST and final Dell, Don't wait and gat tiseruent. It well prat, t you. left. Our 876 Caab Prizes amounting to Over one hundred tickets were sold at Fifteen thousand Dollars are soon to be di. Centralia for St Thomas on Monday last. Tided among aur Certificate holders. Remit Any quautity of Raspberries taken in ex- by P. 0. Order, Registered Letter er Rif change for cheap good at Renton Bros, in postage stamps $1.43 and we will mai you 'renders are again called for the carrying at settee. prepaid, (per parcel post) a Box of (25) Prme Phoenix Cigars, with era l ign: s of the mail between Exeter and Iitrkton vena numbered Consumer's Certieteate en - daily. Seo adv. A. portion of the Exeter Orange Lodge titling holder to participate in our prize dis- went to St. Thomas to celebrate the 12th. tribution ;closing sales day, the 27th of this month. Order on or before The others remained at home. Hasa date.. A 111 snuimar Dry -Foods must be cleared splendid opportunity to secure a fortune ; out. Go if you want big goods for little 40n't Miss it. TAO. Reliable, Cetleu,seeure, money—go to Rainton Bros. Addresa, The Exeter Cricket Club are doing some PHOENIX CIGAR CO. slue playiug on the grounds at the rear of I Sr. CsrnattINES, O, r. the Teens u0bn. This .following are the respective amonuts Hellebore for Currant Worms, and Pure of the legislative school grant to well mani- Dalmatiau bent Powder for sale M Central '�cipaiity iu tbia county for the year 18'5, Dog Stare, 0. Lutz, based upon the latent returns of population Remember the Ifaaoruc excursion and pia- for 1884. These atnounte are to be supple. nit to Port Stanley the 7t1 Aug. Special weasel by equal amounts from each muni - .rain. All invited. cipslity : Mr, the Toronto Janet Oke enippea t,om this atstion Townbbipe-- -Monday lest a car load of fat cattle for Aeb6eld ...$507 Stanley,—.$316 Toronto market. Colharnc ,., 804 Stephen.- . ,,. 44I Tbe return match between the Exeter f,oiiar lie .. 830 Tue hen. ith 896 and Ailsa Craig base ball teams will be Grey ,. 500 Turkersml 357 played shortly at Craig. 346 ilcixlrae... 850 Lose.—In Exeter, on Tuesday the doth EloW ck .. 6G7 Wawenoaii E ,. 267 July, a pair of Gold Spectacles. The finder 871 Waaanasb W279 will be rewarded by leaving them at Renton Sic&iliop 438 --- - Morras,.,,,.,, 430 $6,427 Towns and Villages— Clinton ,.,,,.,$85d Blyth„ ,. 9181 ttoderiob......,. 447 Brussels. , , . , 172 Seaforth...,.. 315 Exeter ,,, 219 Wingham .«,. 278 Wroxeter,61 Bayfield... ,.. 01 The village council met at the market house ou the 10th inat., all the members present. The minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Aeconamanioation from Messrs. Ross & Taylor, concerning Inmber, was laidover until a future meeting of the council. Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by A. G. Dyer, that the reeve ha authorized to go to Goderieh, and if he sees it ada'isable, to purchase 80,000feet of pine lumber for side- walks.—Carried, Moved by J. Pickard, sec- onded by D. Johns, that the clerk negotiate with J. N. Howard for cedar muffing.— Carried. A petition to water a portion of Main -street was referred back to the peti- tioners for amendment and sufficient signa- tures, on motion of D. Johns, seconded by W, Bissett. Moved by A. G. Dyer, seconded by D. Johns, that Mr. John Dignan be al- lowed to remove a shade tree in front of his shop, it being found a nuisanee.—Carried, A statement from the Co.. clerk, requiring 673.90 for county purposes was receive°. Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by D. Johns, that this council adjourn until call of the reeve.—Carried. Bros. Store. A letter written from CrystalCity, Mani- toba, by Mr. Josh. Johus, who went there recently froux Elimvine, may be found in another column. :hissers. Essery J« Abbott Lave rented their store at Centralia to a gentleman from Zurich, who, it is said, will open a harness end shoe business, Rev. J. 1V. Holmes, who some years ago was stationed here, was presented with a parse of gold before leaving Listowel last week for bis new charge in Guelph. A very heavy rain and thunder storm passe3 through this neighborhood on Mon- day evening. The lightning was sharp and the rain fell in torrents. One week from yesterday Stratford will be inaugurated as a city. Vast preparations have been made, and doubtless a great num- ber of people will he present. We return the management our thanks for invitation. We have been informed by Mr. John Tay- lor, carpenter, that during the present season there are more buildings being erected here than for some years previous. Among the number are several fine brick residences. Mr. Pratt Fisher has disposed of his farm on the 3rd concession of 'Osborne, to Mr. Welsh, for a good sum. Mr. Fisher is er- ecting a fine brick residence onHuron-street, and is going to reties here. Rev. E. 3. Robinson preached his farewell sermon to a large congregation in Christ Church last Sabbath morning. He is to oc- cupy the pulpit in St. Paul's Cathedral, in Loden, next Sunday. He will shortly sail for England. Messrs. Spicer and Pickard are the posses- sors of a light Brahma hen, which, a few days ago, laid an egg which measured 8 by 51 inches and weighed 31 ounces. Who has hens with better laying qualities than those owned by tnese gentlemen ? • ?We have since 'received an account of an- other enormously large egg, laid by a Buff Cochin hen, belonging to Master Samuel Kellaway, which measures 7e by 6 a inches, and weighs 3 7-8 ounces, being slightly larger than the one mentioned above.] Keep a sharp look out for bogas $2 "Do- minion of Canada" bills. They are dated Toronto, June 1st, 1878, but Lord Dufferin's head in the centre and the red numbers on the upper edge are badly executed. The bills are nearly new. The Brussels Post has entered upon its thirteenth year of publication, and shows good signs of continued. prosperity. We com- pliment brother Kerr upon his energy in Exeter. July 8th, 1885. supplying the people of Brussels with a first- ' class local paper. Next Wednesday our firemen go to Strat- ford to contest in the five hundred yard hose reel race. The boys have done some prac- ticing, and have made very good time. Al- though there will be some good companies compete in the race, yet we predict a victory for our comeany. Take a slip of paper and place thereon in figures your age in years, dropping morths, weeks and days. Multiply the sum by two and then add to the result obtained the fig- ures 3,768 ; add twit and then divide by two. Subtract from the result obtained the num- ber of your years on earth and see if you will not obtain fignre9".you will not be likely to forget. On Tuesday evening, 7th inst., the follow- ing officers were installed by D. D. G. M. Thomas Hamin, of I. 0.0. F. Exeter : J. P. G., J. J. Piekard ; M. 3., Ed. Spackman ; V. G., John Davies R. S., A. Fuke ; P. S., W. H, Moasnr Treasurer, H. Lambrook ; Warden, F. Sanders ;' Chaplain, R, Crocker; Guardian, J. Westcott ; L S N G, W. H. Trott. A very pleasant affair tvas the marriage of Rev. Ch. Teeter, late of Exeter, to Miss Mary, third daughter of James. Zimmerman, Esq., of Burlington, Ont., on the 8tle inst. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's father, and was attended by a large number'of friends, We are glad to learn that onr •friend is not embarking into M. EscazTr, Clerk. The following is a copy of a Resolution parsed by Court Harmony, No 61, at its re- gular meeting on May 6th, 11885: 'Whereas it hath pleased AImighty God to lay the cold hand of death on our late brother, William Weekes, and remove him from our midst; Be it resolved that while we bow in submis- sion to the will of Providence, we regret that one of our Chatter Members, who took adeep interest in onr Court since its organisation, and was beloved by all its members, has been called away ; be it also resolved that we as a Court, deeply sympathize with his fam- ily, who have been bereaved of a kiud and affectionate father. And we sincerely pray that this bereavement may be blessed to their good ; that we all may meet the brother gone before in the High Court Above. Signed on behalf of the Court, William Harding. John Taylor. D. A. Ross. To the Chief Ranger and Members of Court Harmony, No 61, Canadian Order of Forresters.- DEAn SIRS.—Allow nee ou behalf of the family of your late brother, Wm. Weekes, to tender you our sincere thanks for the re- mittance of the endowment of $1,000, and trust that He who has promised to be a Father to the Fatherless, may guide and protect your Noble Order in its endeav- ours to alleviate the wants of the widow and orphan, and thanking those who so kindly watched over him daring his sick- ness. I beg ro remain, Yours sincerely, Wm. D. Weekes, Administrator and Guardian. SIIILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cares Consumption. Scld by J. W. Browning. ROUND THE COUNTRY. Usborne. Oa Monday night, about 9 o'clock,. during a severe thunder and rain storm, which passed through this Sec- tion, the barns of Mr. Henry Bundle, of Let 3,Con. 3, Usborne, were struck and other smell trinkets, all of which To which v e specially devote our attention succumbed to the flames, The total y i t. for $200, and ordinary contents to Dr.= COCKIEJ Hibber the amtouFint of lues,uranoe in theComUabornpany.o In large variety of fabrics and many beautiful de - Dress Mus]ins The chronic loafers are againPlain, Checked, Printed, &C. afloat, or rather anchored, around the der a0 corners, Plock, White, Cream, Colored; various. widths and. Mies Woods, of Btuevale,. ie the qualities- guest of the Misses McPherson, of! Shia plane. Lace Ourtai s azul Chlvtakizi. Not Rev, E. J. Rei menu visited Hen- Large Stock. ,an this week to take a farewell of lose is $800.Tbe building is insured a wolf men : among which .tlensar•1 Ma friends here, preparatory to Nov- Exnbrotelori ere seg for Eaglet's'. Finest assortment we leave Mr. R. McIntyre is doing a rushing 'bneiness in the ice areata department, Cleves His epplioation to business and gen- tlemanly bearing jnrtity bis frionde in predicting for hire a euoceeeful °greet', The lecture given last Thursday evening, by Mre. Prendregeet was lig- trued to by a thoroughly appreciative audience. The eubjeot, "The Secret C'Gt0332t os t C. Cretonne Frirtgen. of Sucoees,"' was handled cleverly, To match ; beautiful goods. showing n depth of earnest thought which made the audience feel filet $215a13,17r$area' they had spent a profitable, as well In this department we aim to keep conatautly on band a full and complete as pleasant evening. The °hair was stock of *11 the lines, in demand, bothin Fancy and Staple Smallveares. A. call solicited. ably, filled by Dr. fepermid. ver shank.. Cotton. Lisle, Silk, Kid ; a very varied and e sive assortment. IlGsiery Codon, Lisle, Palbriggian, chic. ; full display, e J3utdullill.. The storm Thursday after noon. raged with great violence in the nor - them part of Middlesex county. During ite course Robert Verlea, st j well-known farmer, root with a sud- den and terrible death. He was areas- ing a field near hie home on the town line between McGillivray and Bid- dulph, carrying a fork on hie shoulder, when he was struck by lightning and instantly killed, about 5 o'clock. The electric bolt came with snob terrible forme as to tear an imuteso bole in the ground where ite victim fell. He was a comparatively young man, and widely esteemed for Isis many excel- lent qualities as a neighbor and citi- zen, his sociable disposition and gen- nal humor having won him mann warm and lasting friends. His re- mains were interred in the Moores- ville cemetery on the 20th inst., and the funeral cortege was exceedingly large. He leaves a wife and family. The following Orange Lodges went from this township to St. Thomas, on Monday, to take part in the celebra- tion of the Battle of the Boyne :— No. 493, Jas. Hodgins, M. No. 662, Richard Oouraey, M. ; No. 610, John M. Neal, M. ; No. 890, Bro. Arnold, M. ; No, 1,343, Geo. Lawson, M. ; Elirnville, No. 1071, W. S. Hall, M. Hay Council. At a meeting of the Council held. July 9th., it was moved by Mr. Hey - rock, sec by Mr. Ronnie, that by-law No 3, 1885, for preventing immoral- ities licensing billiard tables, &0., as now read the third time be adopted and that the clerk be instruoted to have 50 copies printed. Moved by Mr. MoEwen, seo by Iter. Surerus, that the Reeve be auth- orized to sign the agreement with Mr. Yroudfoot, P. S. S., Clinton, to make a survey between the 17th and L. R. East concessions in compliance with the petitions of the parties interested. In the matter of complaint of cer- tain parties Mr. Peine, hotel•keeper, for erecting weigh.soales on the road side opposite their property, no action was taken at present by the Council. The trustees of the several School Sections are requested to band in their estimates to the Clerk on or be- fore the let of August.". The Council adjourned to meet on Friday, Auguet 14th. b. FOSTER, Clerk. Stephen Council. A11 the members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and con- firmed. a. Moved by H. Elber, seconded by U. French—That the reeve in ooh• neotion with some member of McGilli- vray council see what fixing is requir. ed on S. 13. road near G. Towler's. Resolved that Wm. Follis, remove the dirt thrown on the road way near hie place, and have the ' same done forthwith, otherwiee legal proceedings will be taken.. Resolved that the debentures for S. S. No. 11 be not signed until the council are satisfied that all prelim- inary steps have been fully carried out by the Trustees of said section, ISAAC CARIJNG. Next meeting of council to be first for elle partnere of building a sew 1410"day in August, at or before which school house, was puttied and signed time it is desirable that all Trustee and received Ilio real of the corpora. requirements and path masters re- !ion. turns are received by Clore. The following orders were issued Interested patties will bear in mind land signed ; Thee. Murray, 6.87, thtreregistering papers If not sealed gravelling ; Chas. Skov, 36, culvert,. gograding and gravelling ; Thee. Mur The following orders were granted : ray, 75.68,contract gravelling; Thos. A. Jones, $20.70; Wm. Baker, $0,25, Elliott, 0.75, culvert on 4th eon.; C. W- Yearly, $19 ; W. Gower, $84.45; Skiuuer, 20, grant ; Jahn. Moore & Son, 75o., rep. scraper; John Donald, 11.00, gravel; Thos, ;Elliott, 66.50, gradiug and culvert ; Samuel Horne, 2.35, grading ; Wm. Lankin, 5.51, rep, culvert ; Win. Stephens, 6, grav- elling on W. B.; Jas. Gunning, 37.76, grading and gravelling ; Wm, Soth. erby, 1.50, spreading gravel ; R. Bul- yea, 14.50, grading and removing driftwood ; John Walker, 0.64, ditch; S. Moire, 12.50, gravel ; Rohl. Moir, 26, grading and gravelling ; Wm. Hutchings, 2 damage ; IL Garman, 19.00. grading and culvert ; E. Mo- Donald,41.05, gravel ; Jas. Perriu, 6.50, grant on S. B. ; Jive. Srouthers' 4, spreading gravel ; Chas. Sleaford. 5.50, rep. culvert : Joseph Mossey, 10, grant ; Wm. Powell, 19,25, ditch and grading ; Wm. Perrin, 3.50 cul- vert ; Wm. Dillabough, 23.20, ditch ; $6.50; J. Roberts, 83.25; S. Mittle- Wm. Staff, 8, gravelling ; Wm. Elle- holtz, $2; R. Fulton. 86.20; U. lett, 25.80, culvert and grading; Alien Prouty, N. B. approach ceps., 810; Stevens, 75.50, contract grading ; John Hallaran, 4, spreading gravel ; John Binn, 20.51, grovel ; D. Swan. son, 3,99, building bridge on 8th con; Robert Stephenson, 17, grading : Thos. Wood, 5, bridge on River Road; itobt. Stephenson, 17, grading; Harris Roadhouse, 64o tale ; N. J. Vernon, 5.60, gravel ; Ben. Wilson, 4, scraper and plank ; Wm. Fletcher, 5.70, gravel ; Jos. Mills, 2.20, gravel ; J. Castle, 17 ; grant and G. T. R. sta- tute labor ; Wm. Sutherland, 3.25, culvert ; P. O'Brien, rep. culvert and drawing gravel; Jas. Ginning. 8, rep. C. \Yelper, $82.50; B. Ward, $17.72; G. Tapsou, $7.18 ; J. Dearing, $2 ; R, Hodgins, $3.25 ; J. Walker, $i.7, 50 ; L. Stanley, 8117.50 ; J. Webber, $2 ; 3. Ileamen, $9.02 ; R. Handford, $00,90 ; G. Wine, 58,75 ; 3. Bolljne, $49,50 ; J, Wilean, $82; It. Barry, 8290.83; 3. McGregor, $2; G. 11Tawhinney, 86; A. Geiser, 82; J. G. Wine, 818.37; T. Lane, 822 ; 3, Clarke, $54; P. McKenzie, 83.12; J. Finkbiner, $5; T. Clarke, 812 ; C. Wiliert, $10.50; 3, MoKeever, 55; V. Ritter, 56; Wilson Anderson, $71.95; J. Malmo, 880; Win. .An. demon, $10.02; T. B. Martin, 82.87; A. Mclsaao, 821 ; A. McCormick, $4; P. Kroft, 872; E. H. Armstroug, $11.25; T. Flyuu, 814.35; A. Klump, $10; W, +'ayleson, .85; A. Dearing, 810; A. Learey, 810; H. McCormick, J. Moisaao, $43.80; D. McDonald, 825; J. Alleu, 85; S. Ford, $5; Mr. Folks, $6; J. Fahner, $11.25; W. McCann, 83.75; E. Williams, $3.50; J. Finkbeiner, 81; Moatz and Taylor boys, $$4; R. R. Interest, $5.25; Lewis and Banes, $3.50 J. Wind, $2; M. Finitbiner, $10; J. Schweitzer, $3.88; Finkbiner boy, 75o ; J. Law- son, $24.48; L. McDonald, 53; T. Wurtz $2.75; M. Finkbiner, $3; L. Wolper, $2; W. Cunniogham, 2 ; W. Ford, 28.50; S. Webb, 1 ; C. Prouty, 47.50 ; D. Grant, 12; F. Trebner, 3. Total orders amounting to about scraper and ditching; John J. Bragg. $1893.22. 1, culvert Wm. Hooper, 4, drain on ►� side road ; Wm. Elliott, 25 grading CATARRH CURED, health and Sweet Thos, Murray, 7.50, gravelling; Robt. breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Northgraves, 82, contract gravelling ; Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold Jos. Crouthere 50o., rep.culvert " by J. W. Browning. Wm. Brine, 5, culverts ; . Bovis, 2, gravelling ; S. Clarke, 1, hook as per Ditch and Water Courses Aot ; S. Haynes 5 ditchM R , Ruth Slanshard Council. The regular meeting of the council was hold on Monday, 6th inst., all the members present. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read au3 oonfirmod. Moved by Mr; Lawton, seconded by Mr. Graham, that the reeve and treasurer be empowered to borrow the sum of $1,500 from time to time as the expenditure of the council requir. ed it.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Spearin, seconded by Mr. Graham,' that 15 dollars be granted to gravel the lower end of the 3rd con.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Lawton, that the reeve and Mr. Hudson bo a committee to' let the contract for building abutments for a bridge near Mr. Boris', he haviug promised to put on the top and main- 1aigthe 'same as' long as he lives.-- Carried. By-law No. 126 for the issuing ' of debentures for s. a. No. 3, Blanchard, Lfver Medicine ;made.. In large bottles, to borrow the sum of 1,000 dollars,. 50 cents Riehie, 7, Mre. Foster, r 4, Geo. Wilk- inson, 3, charitier. The council then adjourned, to meet on the first Monday in August, at 10 a. m. 8. CS,ARKE, Clerk. The custom house at Port Arthur was broken into ou Friday night and a number of important papers stolen; these include the entries of the inward and outward -bound cargoes for two years bank with affidavits attached. M. T.Evane was tried before Judge Sinolair at Hamilton on Saturday for supplying Frank Young with an illi oit still and mash, and found guilty and sentenced to six months in jail and a fine of $100. The way to keep the Blood pure and cool through the hot summer months is to take an occasional dose of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, the best Stomach and