HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-7-16, Page 6HE DOETS ALL THINOSWELL.
I remember how I loved /ler, when a little
guiltless child,
I saw her in the cradle as she looked on ate
and smiled,
XTlr cup of happiness was full, my joy no
tongue can tell,
And I blessed. the Glorious Giver, Ile doeth
all things well,
The Peasant and the Emperor. lees solar atmcephere which really
Pereiau Emperor, when bunting,
perceived a very old man planting a
walnut tree, at;d, 41yau01ng toward
lrim, asked his age.
The peaaaut ;replied : 'I am four
yenre Obi
An attendant rebuke. him for ut•-
Mouths passed. That bud of promise was 1 tering such tut Absurdity >tt the pre-^
cnfo/dell hour by hour; scarce of the Emperor,
I thought that earth had never smiled upon tY_ ou eenrure we without cause,.
a fairer flower, re lied the So beautiful it well might grace the bower Peasant• `I did not speak
where angels dwell. int out re eaten, for wise do not
And waft its fragrance to Sia throne, who reckon that which Ilse been, lost in
doeth all things well, folly and cares of the world ; I there,
Tears passed, that little sister was as bear as fere Ooueidor that to be my real age
We to roe, which has been passed in serving the
w ke i my uucouscious heart, a wild Deity and discharging my duty to
I worshipped at an earthly shrine, lured by Sonet.,
some maghh spell, The Earaperor struck with the sing.
platys the part of a reddish veil, lot-
ting a little of the blue appear ou the
centre of the sun"s disc where it is
thinnest, and staining the edge red,
tie that to delicatetests the centre of
the eon is at palalaquamarine and ns
edge a garnet. That affect I found to
be ao important that if this all but
inrisibte solar ettaoepbere were dim-.
inielled by but a third part, the riseteen-
peratare of bovethat She of l
f the torrid zoned
and this directed ray attention to the
great practical importance of studying "
the action of our CWn terrestial at-
mosphere on the, eun, and the ante.
cedent probal:ility that our own air
was also and independently madding
the really blue eau into an apparent-
ly wrhte one.—Pry/ Langley, in ,Set.
Forgetful of the praise of Him, who doeth all clarity of the remark, observed. once
things well. `Thou canat not hope to see the
Tier's was the beauteous star that round my o trees Shoo art planting come to per— A tied Bread .
pathway shone, 1 lotion ?'
.amid the darksome vale of tears, through ! 'True,' answered sbe sage ; 'bat
which we journey on, tlinoe ether/ have Tented that we'
Its radiance obscured the light, which round i p
Histhrone doth. dwell, might eat it is right that we should I
And I %rendered far away from Hien, who a plant for the benefit of others.
doeth all things well. i 'EiCellent !' exclaimed the Em- ,
That *tar went down in. beauty; but it cllilt- a peror, ova which, as was the custom'
eth sweetly now. when any QUO was ilouored with the
In a bright end da,zz'iu; e-:'roanet that decks applause of the sovereign a puree
the Saviour's brow, °board"r presented the old tuau with a
She bowedivay r to the Destroyer, who shafts mute thousand pieces of cid. On reoeiv-
may repel, .1. p t;
But we know, for God Lath told us, lie doetb t lag thew the shrewd peasant ;aide a
all things well, flow obeisaraoe, and added
1 remember well my *arrow, es 1 stead bei. i 40 King ! other teen's come to per,
side Ler bed, faction to the space of forty years,but
0f wy deep and Leartfelt auguieb svbea they ;.mice have produced fruit as aliou ate
tell me she WAS dead, they ware. pleated.'
.And oh , that cap of bitterneesa., let ,not ray 'arm t' said the monarcb ; cad a
bead rebel—
tiod gave, Ile took. Ile witl restore ; fie duetlt d second purse of gold was presented,
all things well l j when the old men exclaimed
'That trees of others bear fruit only
loons a year, bat mine have yielded
Going. :bike The Indian.
Ile looked in at the door, saw
Of eight aisu around the stove,
then he drew back to arrange his totl-,
et. It hie belt were two revolvers.
Down the back of his noir was a
bowie-kuife. In his eye the lightiong
lurked, and around hie month was'
expression to freeze the blood, When
ho entered the saloon it was with a l
war -whoop which ehould have lifted
every man a foot high, butno one
moved. When he advaaoad to the
bar and asked .for a glass of .double -
and -twisted deetb at forty rods, his
voice and manner should have driven
the bartender down through Ibe floor,
but he didn't oink an iuoh.
'This is my day for gore r bellowed
the stranger as he held up the glace
and surveyed the audience.
Nobody seemed to acre.
'Who put Tiger Jaok wader the
sod ?' he demanded in an a wfu voice.
Nobody answered,
'Who run Bloody Pete out of Dead-
wood ! Who made Awful Smith take
water at Denver ?'
One man, said something about the
weather, but no one minded the in-
'And I've come down from the
mountains to get a dozen scalp -looks
for a new table-olotlt ?' howled the
stranger. I want a dozen --']even
wouldn't do met Whoop ! Whoopee 1'
At this point one of the men who
bad been trying to catch a nap got up
and walked over to the stranger and
took him by the ear and led him to the
door and gave him a lift. As he re-
turned to his chair one of the crowd
'Who was he ?'
'Donna, but he made me tired,'
was the reply, and the entire affair
dropped without another word.
hood -bye, Catamount Sam, Panth-
er Jack and Buckskin Bill ! You've
had your day. It's no use ringing up
the curtain on empty benches.—De-
trait Free Press,
Backwoods Customs,
GiIhooly, accompanied by several
strangers from the north, went out
on Onion creek for a day's hunting.
The party did nut have any great
amount of luck, haying only succeed-
ed bagging a few doves and quail and
one squirrel. Late in the afternoon
they came to the thick bottom of
Onion creek. As the strangers were
rather tired they did not care to tramp
through the braes, so Gilhooly made
a proposition to them :
'Now, gentlemen, 1'11 go into the
woods for three or four hundred yards.
You slay here and rest yourselves
and listen. If I want you to come to
me, or it is time to go home, .111 fire
off the right band barrel of my gun.
If I see signs of quail or doves I'll fire
off the other barrel. If I see plenty
of game I'll fire off both barrels at
once. Now, on the other hand if I
don't want you to come on, or it is
not time to go home, I'll let you know
by not firing off the light hand bar-
rel of my gun. If I don't see much
game I'll not fire off the eecond bar-
rel, and if I don't see any game I'll
not fire off both barrels at once as a
signal to let you know it. So yon
keep yoar ears open until I, come
back.'—Texas Siftings.
two crops in one day.'
'Delightful !' replied the Emperor
4 a third purse of gold was given,
iter which putting spurs to hie
area, the mouarch retreated, laying :
not star only longer, father,
wit should exhaust my treas.
H4 Couldn't Pall.
Well Street News.
A New York drummer the other
day ran across a retail grocer in this
state who had boon in the retail busi-
ness and In the eamo store for thirty.
four continuous years,.
deem 1'eterby, a merchant from 1bei
interior, white attending the Mardi!
Gras festivities at Galveston. united
bnsinees with pleasure by purchasing
a hill of good" from a prominent firm
lie was very politely recurved, and r
one of the propietore 'bowed him
over the irumenels atore. On reach.
ing the fourth floor the ouetomer per- ;i
calved a speaking tube on the wall.
the first thine of the kind he had ever
'What is that ?' he asked.
'0, that is a ebeaking tube ; at is a
great convenience, We can converse
with clerks on the first floor without
the trouble of going down stairs.'
'Can they hear what you say'!
through that ?' asked the visitor.
'Oerteinly; end they can reply at
the same time.'
'You don't say so 1' exclaimed the
visitor. 'flay 1 talk through it 2'
'Certainly,' was the reply.
The visitor put hie meth to the
speaking tube and asked:
'Are Sam Poterby's geode peaked
up yet?'
The peoplelin the office muat Have
euppoeed is was Soule body else speak-
ing, for a wawent later the distinct'
reply came back:
'No; we have not packed them yet.
We are waiting fora telegram from
Ibis town. Wo believe he ie a slippery N
Tableau Texas Siftings.
'And didn't you ever fail ?' asked S'posen a
the drummer. -----
'I:iow oould 1 ?' Detroit Frec Preps.
Ile was a dried-up, wiltot] looking
little old Meal, and when be talked
his voice put you in Mind of all the
crimes you ever committed.
'Your honor, we will e'po"on e, cadet'
he shouted as he stood on the mark.
'Go ahead and a'poeen, but lower
your voice about eixteon pegs.'
'S'posen I was going:along Seventh'
street, your honor, a carryiug a pail
of milk in one hand and two pounds
of butter in the other?'
'All right prisoner. I presume the
butter was artificial and that the milk
had been watered.'
'And s'poaeu you inet a street oar,
and the conductor was mean and the
driver druuk, and the car wouldn't
give you half the street?'
'Ie it customary for street cars to
turn out for pedestrians?'
'And e'posen you insisted on your
rights, and that you bad a fight with
the driver, and that an officer run you
in, would you be guilty?'
'Was that your excuse for creating
a row and disturbing the peace?'
'Your honor, I don't allow no street
oar to sun over me nor bluff me off
the track!'
'But youlbroke the law.'
And I don't allow no law to run
over me either!'
Prisoner, 1 shall fine you $5.'
,I'll never pay it!'
Then you'll go up for thirty days!'
,No I won't!'
He would have gone up but for his
wife, who paid the fine, order ed Mm
to 'shet his old head,' and hurried :
him home.
'Why, any business wan can fail ?'
'Perhaps they oan ; but when a fel
low can't get credit for over $75 be. -
fore they draw on Mw 1 don't see the
object in shutting up.'
'And didn't you take advantage of
the pauio ?'
'Nut a copper ; I didn't awe any-
thtag, and the only goods whiali went
up were clothespins and codfish, and
I was short on bath.'
'Never got burned out ?'
'Never, Every tire jumps right
over me ; no freshet comes within
ten feet of my walla, and the only ay -
alone we ever had missed me by
forty rode. I tell you, stranger, when
I think of howlhoneet I've been oblig-
ed to be it makes me shudder.'
Wm. Macdonald, a Toronto 1•.bor-
er, a few days ago knocked his wife
down and kicked her breaking ber
ribs. He was tent to gaol for two
The ladies of Kingston have start-
ed a movement tor a public reception
to the Midienders on their return
from the Nortwest, and are now can-
vassing for subscriptions.
A cow owned by Thomas Flynn,
Wolfe Island, is discharging a crow-
bar eighteen inches long from behind
her shoulder. She is healthy and a
good milker. It is not known how
she Dame into possession of the bar.
John Wigeine, Deputy -Returning
Officer al the last Toronto municipal
elections, who was sentenced to three
months in gaol for ballui•box stuffing,
has been released after serving two
months, a numerously eigned petition
having been forwarded to the Min-
ister of Justice praying for bilk release.
Is the Color of the Sun Blue?
It may be asked, What suggested
the .idea that the sun may be bine
rather then any other color ? My
own attention wall first directed this
way many years ago, when measur-
ing the heat and light from different
parts of the sun's disc. It is known
that the bun has an atmosphere of its,
own which tempers its heat, and by
cutting off certain radiations, and not
others, produces the spectral lines we
are all familiar with. These lines we
customarily study in connection with
the absorbing vapors of sodium, iron,
and eo forth, which produce them
but my own attention was particular-
ly given to the regionsof absorption,
or to the color it caused ; and I found
that the sun's body must be deeply
s}rTr,OH'S VITALIZER is what you need
for Constipation, Lose of Appetite, Dizzi-
ness, and all symptomsof Dyspepsia. Price
10 and 75 cents:per bottle. Sold by W.
Fire andrife Insurance Agent and Issuer of
Marriabro Licenses. All business transacted
stirctlyconfidential. A Ca11 solicited; Office
at the Post Office: "
to all applicants FR
Will be mailed E
and to customers of last year lilt out
ordering It. It contains illustrations, prices,
descriptions and directions for planting all
Vegetable and'Pi werSUEDS, BULBS, etc.
D. 1 ECM 2'Ct1` tItl B, bntario.
rn iti6➢i V. DErao;r, ]t1caiann.
poisons residing throughont the
United States and Canada for desertion, non-
aupport,intempGran c e,oruelty;incompatibility,
oto. Advice free State our ccs
light, except for this apparently color
bluish, and that it would shed blue , , y o audaddress
ATTORNEY WARD. World Building,
6 Broadway, New York.
The above reward will be paid for the conviction of those Merchants who are selling
Machine Oils, and calling them Mall's Lardine
The only genuine is manufactured, by
McColl Bros. ct Co, Toronto.,
Cures diixrtness, ,Toss of Appetite, lactigesfzan, .Z?Wl ousness,
I .Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections o, f the Liver and Kidneys,
Pimples, .3'lotches, Roils, humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula,
Rrgsipelas, and all diseases arising from impure Riaoc,
Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels,
Advertise in the Exeter TIMES.
Main Street, Exeter.
Keeps Watches That Are Watches
And are warranted correct for Tune, Tide, of Railroad
Train, and to please the most fastidious.
That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable
for Romans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides,
Bridegrooms, Lovingand Lovely Wives, Children, Hus-
bands, Ete., Ete.
SPEOT -.CLES.--Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy
and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age.
Give him a call. No trouble to show Goads.
Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to
Unr,?ertn dor':
those wh intend
purchasing to de so from
the manufacturer. The
dealer who buys tc sell
again must necessarily
have a profit. We niaizn
to givethe purchaaersthe
benefit, which cannot fait
to meet the views of the
Grangers: Our expenses
are less thanthoso ofotto
wocan sellchoaper.
fit 31 � b'Z 1. n i.e172'et rru e't111' e T S
1 1 matt epeola1attteOntio
to our undertaking deport
mont,wbich is more cow
w _ w pletetbenover,as we have
of late The beat cofllna
caskets ebrcud■,and every
uueral requisite at the
1nwestpricot,. Our now
Beare t is judges c to be
competent judges bo
second to none in, the
...-4._..� .-- provinces
of alt the Different
to1olIIi�T B1P ,&I T`II�
Funerals furnished a
conducted at the very lo.,.w.
est ratterAIy;Stock of Undertaking
goods is large, Complete
and too assorted, and any
person requiring anything
in this line will Sndit to
theiradvantageto give me
o call and examine for
I have just react veil a
large stock walnut and
Rosewood Caskets; also
Coffins of every descrip-
tion. A complete stock
of Robes and Trimmings
alway on hand.
Tho latest styles of
Chamber and Parlor Suits
All kinds of Furniture at
thelowest rates. r .-
Remember the place—Nearly opposite Romp's Tobacco Store, Main -street, Exeter.
Exeter Post Office Time Table.
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