HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-7-16, Page 4er �f�'mes. "During the ei hteen ears that the farmers for miles around market ghs �ffarmershave passed since tine eeyen prow- their strap] there, and two years ago Fathers!� "d 11others one atrown with frozen W T LURSDA.Y, JULY 2Gtb, 1885. territory) were forigad 100 ono Do- wheat as the moo offered was so • minion, all of $130,000,000 have' small that some in anger dashed their 1,„'D1TORI.1.L .NOTES. beau expended on our public works, SIR Jona A. lttaodonald'e speech o the Fishery question on Monday. wa the effort of a alearmiuded etatesmau and was characteristic of the old,chie tain. In striking contrast with th leader of the Uppasitton, he took bu hail an hour to put the matter in clear light before the house. Blak or Mills would have taken four or fiv hours to discuss a matter of stmi'ia importance. THE following from the Brando (Mau„) San, is what every right thinking man would plaim t-- "Mr. R. L. Patterson, of Miller & Richard type founders, Toronto, was in the city Saturday and Sunday last. During his sta took a drive through the neighborin country, and expressed himself highly as t its beauties, No doubt the report that bI Patterson will take bank with him will be Mania tb Mea of sending out here many of th staunch yeomanry of the east, who 1141N) a ready done so much towards giving this rlame all a farming country. wheat to the ground. showing a net inorease of debt by The crops are looking remarkably well, sled a Large yield is anticipated.. J. J. $88,000,000. But what is the Not ? s No nation in the world has so much to show for Oe public debt, in the way f of canals, railways, light houses, pub - e lie buildings and other improvements 1 —not to speak of the general increase a in the value of property --aa Canada. e And this i+ the estimate • farmed of e our country by British, European, r and American financiers of the high- est ataudiug, who have either risked their money iu our public under.ak- n ings, or, as recent events have shown, t - have loaned to the Dominion ou the strength of its national resources a s second sum of $25,000,000, ata pre - ort minni of neatly two per cant. Thin aY is by far the moat favorable loan ever u effected for t,wnada.—Goderich Star." tt' irti i e $ . Mr WILT. YOH STIFFER with Dyspepsia and e Inver Complaint R Shiloh's Vitalizer is W'@sleyan Ladies/College l guaranteed to cure you, For sale by J', W. +re Browning. HABIT_ TON, CANADA. The oldest seethe most complete Ladles' West Huron Cousei,vatr es. Couege in tbelDominton; has over 100 grade., �, ates; has educated over 2.000 young ladies ; hoe over LSO Towns. and every convenience for comfort and health. Unusual advantage.in Music and Art, Opens Sept. 1. Addreia'the Princilial, THAT RACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guar- antee it. Sold by J. W. _Browning, .-+..+ ]F' arlington's "Quininte Wine and Iron” taken according to directions, produces buoyancy of spirits, vigor �f mind and gives lartinp strength to the whole sys- tem. See that you get "Haniugton's," the original and genuine. TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the Cr Townships of Stephen, Hay and Uaborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promutly attended. and satisfaction guaranteed- Sales arranged at this office. A SHOAT time ago we accused the editor of the Mitchell Recorder with es ddenly changing from a supporte of the Scott Act to an opponent of it fearing that the Act would carry in .Perth and he would lose his salary a Itoense inspector. The reference t his somersault appeare to have rile the 1?et:order man's temper, and in stead of denying the truthfulness o our statement, he calls the Tlarks "thing,'" and the editor a "creature.' 11 we lied, no regard for the truth, we aright say hs was a gentleman. Tint following is clipped from the Brandon (Man.,) Sun, winch paper has, invariably, run down Manitoba and the :North west, but judging from this item ono would imagine 1 had become somewhat changed in its aversion of the country ;— "The raising of stock in this country 1 now no experiment ; it has passed that There is scarcely a farmer who bas gone int it, but has succeeded much beyond what he had any reason to hope for, Messrs. Janie - mon and Firchnofter, of Plum Creek, have de At a meeting of the West Huron t)oneervatives, held at Smith Hall, on tr Monday last, the following resotutione • were offered and adopted, after other iaipurtetl business had bean transact. ed Resolved, that, as reps«wonting o the Liberal Conservatives of Weal d Huron, we hereby express our hearty approval of the oonrsn pursued by f 11ir, W. R. Meredith and his follow - a ars, of her Afajeety'e loyal Opposition in the Ootario Legislature. We be lieve their views on provincial affairs to be well e%lmitated to advance the best interests of the province, and hereby assure them of our cordial sup- port against an unscrupulous Mims - 'try. Resolved,that we heartily congratu. I late the Rt. Hon, Sir John Unction- a'd, the veteran leader of the Domin- ion government, on the bu .easeful e manner in which he has conduoted the affairs of our country. We tip- - prove of the Dominion frano.iise bill ' as a liberal and just measure, and we strnnt ly condemn the obstructive tac- tics adtics resorted to by the Opposition to of farming and they aro now being repaid A few days since they sold to one of th butchers a 13 mouth's old steer for the mag niticent price of $14." (Afentton ails paper.) A. DVRNS,D.D.,L.L,D. It is said"Many Mickles make aMuckle." So ib is the world over. A few cents saved in every dollar amounts to no small sum at the end of the year. Then go to RANTON BROS. FOR HAR6AINS In SUMMER DRY GOODS, Dress Nth and Mu:lin: Chcap1 PRINTS and GINGHAMS CHEAP. Parasols, Tweeds, Straw Hats, ,fie,, =CHEAP._ MUST MAKE ROOM FOR FALL'" GOODS. • - - Everybody Come.; bring along your Goods. Mali Contract SEALED TENDERS, *damned to the Postmaster General, will ba received at Ottawa untiiuoon. on FRIDAY,AUGTST J. 1885, for Che conveyance of Her 5Ieesty's Haile on a proposed Contrite* for throe years and t0 months.siit tithes per week, between E=ater 00 rated n. notices ti oe l t win September i o next. SPRING ��� GOODS �� Printed notices containingfurther Intortna- iflC , tion cs to conditions of proposed Contract n sy 85 be seen.and blank forms of Tender ray be ob. taiued at the Post 0f11oos of Exeter and Kirk - ton. Cash, Futter, ggs, or Raspberries, and get Chem pry - Grand 9alue in Sugars, Teas, Etc. RANTON BROTHERS For Cheap Goods. l;. W. BAASF,Ii, JUST ARRIVED AT THE Post Olf ee iuspector PQ7tonicohlspnci.188Offtee,, Exeter Tailorin � Establishnl't Landoa,Jttl8. , o, prevent its coming into force. The FORTIETH importance and benefits of the C. 1'- Provincial Exhibition dr is now being suggested that while. the government are recognizing the services of the volunteers, who have been iu the North-wdat during the recent troubles, they should not forget Geo. Middleton. It is under- stood that the subject is uuder consid- eration, and a testimonial in the way of a purse from the Government is spoken of. The proposition;is a worthy one. for it is now evident that Middle - ton's skillful generalship was the means of saving the lives of many settlers and at the same time crushing out a serious rebellion. Such an act on the part of the government would show the people of the worldjthat Can- ada is not ungrateful to those who lead her soldiers through a successful war. "The village council was compelled last week to borrow O8O0 from the bank„ to meet current expenses. This in the first instance of the kind, in the history of the village, when money bad to be raised by such means, so early in the year, The license fund, between 0500 and 0600, usually tided affairs over till the fall, Main.street, too, has al- ways been watered till this year." Our village eotem. of July 911i con- tained the above item, which was ,published without the slightest folio - dation for the statements. If the -editor will but examine the audit ',sheet for 1881, be will find that on .July 3, one thousand dollars were .burrowed—two hundred more than this year—to meet current expenses. 'The portion of the item regarding the street watering is also incorrect. Dur- ing the season of 1883 the main street ,..was not watered. 'Tun members ofParliment ale not without the instincts of common hu• moonily. Many of them feel that if 1,000 dollars was thought to be fair remuneration for a three months' ses- sion, a1 least 500 dollars more should be added for a six months' session. This matter now forms an item of conversation in the lobbies and hotels and it will in all probability be intro• duoed into the House in the course of a day or two. Without discussing the merits of the question,orthe ,mem- bers to this additional indemnity, it -is only the plain truth to esy, that the Grit policy of obstruction is entirely to blame for the grounds upon whioh the money is claimed. Had it not been for their useless attempt to break down a Government measure by a process of physical exhaustion, the members would have been away home some months ago, contented and happy, SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough., Shiloh's (lure is the. t_arandy for you. Sold by J. W. Browning. Railway we fully reeagnize, and re- • _las ree;:ived a Splendid essorttuent of CL OTIIS and TWEEDS very Choice t=ends, and joins at its near completion, evidono-- Under the auspices of the will sell them cheap for CMu. ing an energy and skill whioh chat -1 longed the admiration of the world. i AGRICULTURE ANA ARTS ASSOCIATION Suits Made to Order Oxi Short Notice. We congratulate the Minister of Fin. OP ONTARIO, TO BE HELD AT acne on his successful management, I�ONUU�'-------A. FIT GUARANTEED.-- which has placed Canadian credit at the bead of tbo world's money mark. FROM THE eta. Wo gannet but express our ad- ,7,� t� Zet� S8 t. miration al the firmuess and ability p , '85 shown by the Hon. the Minister of Miiitia in the suppression of the Northwest rebellion,aud to the Major General commanding end the brave volunteers under his charge we a000rd the warmest sympathy andasmiration for their brilliant conduct and nu - daunted courage in so trying a cam paign. CHAS. SOt THCOTT a -,.N William Geddes, Eden Mills, writes have used Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters for Dyspepsia and prefer it to all other medi- cines I have ever tried, in no case has it failed to produce the desired effect, and I can cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers from Dyspepsia. Yours truly, WILLIAM GEDDES. To the Editor of the Exeter Times. Crystal City, June, 1885. We arrived at Gretna on Sunday, June 21st, tired of travelling and glad our journey was nearly over. The day was exceeding cold and the view rather unattractive. A great many horses and mules were grazing on the prairie, having returned thus far from the North-west where they bad been used for transporting goods dur- ring the rebellion. At Gretna we boarded a C. P. R., train and moved at a snail -like pace out to the junction at Rosenfield,where we had to lay over for twenty-four hours. The jonotion consists of a section house and four or five movable oar-houeee. Its chief point of interest is the overflowing salt well. 11 was here we bed our first introduction to the much abused Manitoba mosquito, and certainly the introduction was not of our own seeking for we do not court his friendship, although he does etiok closer than a brother. While waiting for the train for Moulton, Mr. Vegan arrived from Winnipeg with twenty one orphan boys who he had just brought out from England, nine of them found homes around Morden, the other twelve near Mani- tou. While waiting for the train the boys employed the time in catching frogs and phasing butterfliee,a health- ier, happier lot of boys I never saw and Mr. Fagan is their idol. • We arrived at Maniton, the present terminus of the South Western branch of the C. P. E., at half past eight p. m., after the slowest ride we ever had on a railroad train. A wonderful amount of business has been done in Manitou since it had. railway communication, as al. ILANDSOME PREMIUMS (FIVES No credit given. Sold ONLYfor (JA.SFI, and that means Cheap Goods. Call and see his stock before placing your !order. n Exeter.'th 3tareh,188:. $a5. SO''THOOTT. Entries must be made with the Secretary at -"® Toronto, on or before the undermentioned cuultral turalimLatest Noveltieso Horses, Cattle, Sheep, 8wino, Poultry, tgr-- f np)oments, on or before Augustleth. %+ Grain, Field Ilnote,and othor Farm Products, lrachfneryand nanufaoturos generally, on or before August 22nd. Horticultural Products, Ladies' Work, Fiuo Arts etc., on or Delon) August Mb - Prize Lists and Blank Forms for making the entries can be obtained of the Sea:otaries cf all Agricultural and Horticultural Societies and Mechanic's Instirutos throughout the Pro- vince ; from Geo: McBroom, of Western Fair, L ondon ; and from the Secretary. HENRY WADE, Agricultural Hall, Toronto, OUR DRY -GOODS STOCK JUDI tit aSL SALE. Is complete in In Me High Court of 5ustice, (OHANCERY DIVISION.) CARLILE vs. CURRIE. Pursuant to a Judgment or Order made in t his cause and dated the 12111 day of May,1::5, t here will be sold by and with the approbation of Sutherland Malcomson Esq., one of the Masters of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario at Godericb, at REYNOLD'S HOTEL, In the Village of HENSALI,, At 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, the 25th day of July, 1885, The following lands : - FiR3TLY.-The north half of lot number nine- teen, in the seventh conecssion of the town- shiPitof Hay, in the county of Huron, 'contain- ing fifty acres more or less ; and SECONDLY. - the south halt of the south hall of lot number nineteen in the seventh concession of the said township of Hay, containing twenty-five (acres more Or 1e88. ,Abbut one half of eac,i of the said parcels of land is cleared and well fenced, and - tis re- mainder istiuiberodwith Black Ash and Soft Elm.' About half of the uncleared land con- sists of a black ash ewule with tim tier suitable for fencing purposes.. The soil is a clay loam. There are erected on the firstparcel of land a new frame barn 60x40 feet with brick founda- tion and stable underneath, and a dwelling house. There is also an orchard of about 1 acres and a good supply of well water. The said land is situated about 4 miles from Hen- sa11,2( miles from Zurich, and10 miles from Exeter. TERMS OF SALE. • Teu,per cent. down on the day of sale to the plaintiff's solicitor end the balance to he paid into court within 30 days thereafter, when the purchaser willbe entitled to a conveyance and possession. The said lands hill be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid In all other respects the conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of this court. For further ;particulars, apply to John Hoskin, Esq.. Q. C., Toronto; Messrs. Garrow & Proudfoot, Barristers, Goderich, or to the un- dersigned: Dated at Exeter this 23rd day of June, 1885, B, V. ELLIOT, (sgd) C. MALCt1MSON, Plaintiff's Solicitor. Local Master, at Goderich _-s all departments, and at Prices to suit the times. TAILORING A SPECIALTY Remember we keep the place to get everything you want and at right prices. JAIYIES PICKARD. The Old Established House, Exeter 50 Lovely New Style all OhromoCards,with ■ ■ name and a prize, for 100: 12 packs, 12 '••1 names, for $1. A sample pack and ag- ent's outfit with illustrated catalogue of Tricks, and Novelties, for Sc stamp, and this slip. A. W, RINNEY, Yarmouth, N, S. HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases its. growth, and will not soil the skin. As a hair dres- sing, it has no superior. Guar- ariteedharmless. Prepared by Harkness & Co. London, Ont. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicin; Dealers. �Ulv�dii; ealth is Wealth DR. E. 0. WEsT's NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT- MENT,a guaranteed specific forE)steria, Diz- ziness, Convulsions Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache,Nervous Prostration paused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Men- tal Depression, Softening of the Brai u, result- ing In Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Loss- es and Spermatorrhoea, caused by over-exer- tion of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence. One box will cure recent cases. Each box con - 1 ains one mouth's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure: Guarantees issued only by JOHN 0. WEST & CO., Sole Proprietors, 81 & 83 Ring S. East, Toronto, Ont.