HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-7-16, Page 3A WARNING.
They met beside the sea -beat shore.
Ili dog-daye apethet ;•!:
He was a learned pedagogue,
.And she a maid poetic ;
They met, they loved, within a fog,
The maiden and the pedagogue.
She doted on the picturesque,
And he on natural history,
And while be mused above the shell
Which made the clam a mystery,
She sweetly chanted poetry
On summer by the dark blue sea.
Or tinkling of her light guitar
Upou the wit'relets; iiowiug,
Ae in pursuit of jelly deb
.And her came lightly ro'viug,
The, moon blinked softly through the fog
Upon the maid aud pedagogue,.
They wedded ere they went to town ;
But oh, the sad. confusion 1
They found in clearer atmosphere
Their love it was delusion ;
That droama and natural history
Would not by auy means agree.
And now they lift a warning voice.
Fraught with intense emotion.
To all the summer men and maids
Who tarry by the ocean.
"Deceit," they cry, "is in a fag,"
The sad wife end the pedagogue.
11AR>sl.ax Swtrr,
the beet, cheapest, and most oonren, A Useful Dog.
WA material to be the ter obtained
when Well wood is d'ialilled for tt(#o- 'Expect they had some fine pups
be meld.
Correcting existing misapprehen•
sinus. fir, Pryor, the traveller who
recently visited the bard caves of "What breed is 110 '
North Borneo, stales 111►1`.tlie edible .Don't know exactly, but gall l►it11
birds' neats ko highly pieta by the cgaly.'
Chinese *.a made front aloe worked 'Collie, Y" nlern ?`
up in the bird's meeth with ,saliva.
They cannot be find from 'elktuva
Alone, The nest* are of twp Wore,
the Week ueete beteg simply ' wIIItte
ones grown old and frequently repairs ago 1 trained him to bark at the rail-
ed. way train as they 'mood our houao. 9
SAFETr or tIt'Iua-PRo0F PILL R$. --- That'a Ilia sole business—barking at
Prussian authorities regard mutt iron trains. He dies whoop her up, espe-
pillars as very dangerous incame of aially at coal trains. Well. be au-
at the Chicago dog show.' remarked is
a Passenger from Uhitt, but I have
t; dog at home I wouldn't trade ter
the best of 'ern.
'No 1'lean jeet what 1 say—coaly.
Money wouldn't buy that dog. He's a
a our but we couldn't keep the *lou -e ;
without hien. You; are, several years
Pains and Aedes,
nay mom in the WOW 1,
fireman and brakeman an the road OW OSI Bow ReS4ased
has lad Prof, DauachinQer, of I+"<unioh vatttahle .--g.* •t to DR. ULVERWL'L pb CE ,EBRATFD ESSAY !
to make a long series of mclnttl trials. in, I can't see where the volae cornea ei m0 fN i ons' b toy envtxai (withoutannsical,
which have shown bite that cast iron - p a 1?edlm. uta to Ifarria¢e, etc.,ro.:
lie really much the more relieble dna- 'You cant? Well ifyou were in myauibiingiram exc3O flV .
Price,iusealeclenrelar+e.auil• 6aents,artvsow
aerial of the two. He loaded pillarit:place and bed an Ilio coal you could pestapestate g.
a ! a TUoaeldllaradattt}ld>xafthta sdtntxgblooagay
burn end anmdt:lo moll, t11r>J`tru rigid ole'xlyaemonatratoe,tromtlttlrtyy4atxs*attacwto»s
off at your beak dour, free of cost, fulpractico. tltatalarmtngaansequonagatnl►pba
fire, and have forbidden their use in goy.+ the railroad men so 'het every i t
inhabited baildinf;s while Allowing
wrought iron to bo employed This heir sworn to kill Lim. Oh h is h . \v h tl
of these lib/lances with the weights
They ere usually expected to bear in
buildings, and healed them mon
- you coald.
,h'arin Gleanings.. lVely to vnrient, temperatures np to a
reel heat. letting a etrearn of cold wet- 1 ti 1
er la on them, exectl alt would 'lie
The averal;a, ocusuwptinll of egg. the ca a in tt fire beiagyelttinguiehed 11
throughout tt U ited St les ie esti grey milli
le n a
mated to be 40,000,000 daily. by fire engunee. The °Rat Iron pill -
acres of grape vines in bearing, tibiob by this treatment. but annitaneti to t elAta in NtltttBrunew1ck, Neva Scotia,
aside from the fruit sold and the wine sustain their loads safely, while those 'Runts
Cape evaSc ti
and braudy made t,toduces auuaally of wrought iron were muoh bent be- and Newfoundland.
200,000 boxes of rasit.s, fore rednere was reached. had Po
`Though the wheat, export of iudia twieted when cold water hunk them pl+amsure the poeuler ur C'tabaatt are ,dont; `testa lice
datoa bank about iii; veare, there lice that they could not carry their lend.. Pnutr an cars le�.ving Ateurreal a.l Alou-
b astonishing I d In experlmente with other material. 4°47,tivet.nes,cal. ilia i♦•rlaaa• run tltroagb to
in 8B 80,000 000 t aeration ordinary brick stood very U 1tu
grata or 1t* fact tiny otaeo pleute, to lay;mantle. eentttttone and other nal. su.trel;a:l+rat:
Elegant Arst•elasa Pullman. Buffet and
Smoking Cara on all through trams.
Fir+:t-dust. ltetrealnueutitraeitiat ...one -mi.
mut distances.
California is said to have 12,250 ars vera numb cranked anti damRgoa
lite Direct Rcttte fi;ain ilia bloat for
exported 100,000 oentaierin 1879, taut " Relifax, alas *i T1. U.1+v, TU 1;`,1 anti tidttur-
concrete resisted afire of three hnura da�r to Bx.,IaUn, 1V. li., truUaut eUaaGe.
PClat:a cdtanwitinns wage at Pointe Levi*ctu with
1 4 over , (lactate, � alae l*rnt*4 Tnluk lttdwav .lid t e 12 eo
'Ate proper method of watering well. bolt 1041 raaiettmee was shown f'olti�t mile 1;i1nC ,�Qntr�u syti teit�r
obta:u vigaroue growth, ie to thor- ural ptona.
mighty /oat' the eon occasionally, giv Eatcraierrir 13r MEtALLraay. Th e
ing the water an opportunity to eiuk remarkable effect of electric discharges
in deeply, aud allure the plant root' in cin duel andsmoke in the ai.r
after it. This is nature's 'uethod, and to setilt', wee some time age pointed
whoever pattern/ after ber in rural out by Prof. Lodba. Thin led to in.
pursuits iii rearonably certain tlt iso- vostigetiane by an English smelter.
cess, ;which leaving resulted in the import-
Too little attootiou ie paid iu break- ant discovery that a annetant die-
ing a 'torso to Oland still whets lie is charge of elentrioity in the fines of lead
bitched to a poet. They are cootie- works canoes the load fame to onn-
wally backing and moving forward, donee and nettle very rapidly. Muole
acid rubbing and being restleee. One time ie thus caved, while ihe(lead;fnme
way to prevent this is to block the is greatly reduced. The discovery*
wagou,wheele, so that it is hard work
to move the wagon. This can be
done by a abort piece of heavy rope
with au iron hook on each end.
There are very few fttrtns on whioh
there is no waste of land. Much now
that is 'waste can be a little product-
ive. The wet places must be drained.
By this means we may add to the
amount and improve the quality of
our crepe. The colt of cultivation
may be reduced, and the health of
the family and the horde protected by
draining elougha aud awnmps. The
drained farm is more reliable, more
productive, more healthful.
applies to other volotilizabe mettai'i
besides lead.
Since 1855, rt to strand, 4009 per -
sone have been *truer dead by light-
ning in France. 1000 have re:eived
fatal injuries. 4000 have been ;seized
with momentary and temporary par -
ideals, and 20,000 have been etraok
without receiving any injury.
Soarpiona, spiders and various in
octets have been observed to remain
motionless if any person blown uuon
them in a vertical direction.
A. remarkable illustration of wind fer
tilization of ground le found by Mone
As the country grows older those Aldaurd in the fertile Frenolt valley
farms which are supplied with springs of Limagne. From the chain of the
which never tail become relatively Dotnes the wind brings vast quanti•
more valuable, In dairy, and eapeci• ties of vulennic dust—rich in phos -
ally butter -making, districts a spring phone aoid, pctaell and lime—the
of cool water iu Summer is worth the annual deposit in the valley being
interest ou hundreds of dollars a year estimated at about three-fourths of a
Ou any farm water is often needed pound per square yard.
for irrigating purposes. If 'there ie
no natural spring it is often worth
while to develop one by sinking au
artesian well until an unfailing supply
is reached. When successful it will
pay good interest on its cost.
Owiug to the fact that a Large pro-
portion of what a cow gives at milk -
An observatory for public use Las
been opened in Cllrlatinia. It is pro-
vided with a great refractor—said to
be the fifth in size in the world—to-
gether with numeroue (Iberia and dia-
grams of the beaveus.
A gigantic stone spear -head has
been unearthed in Northern Italt•. It
ing is secreted during the process of lie too large to have been used in war,
milking, it must naturally follow that and archaeologists conjecturethat the
primative people or the stone age
employed it as a religious emblem.
A. sample of preserved tomato ex-
amined by a French chemist seemed
to be chiefly composed of carrots and
unless the cow is in a quiet, contented
state of mind, and satisfied with the
milker, that the usual secretion of
new milk will not take place, It is
generally owing to this cause that
oowe oftentimes hold up their milk, pumkine colored with some aniline
and this cannot be obviated so long dye.
a9 the cow is ill t1 restless state of ! SELF FED ELECTRIC LAMPS:—In re•
mind and dissatisfied with her milker.
A very serious enemy to the apple Deal electric experimenter it has been
grower • has made its appearance aur- attempted is give; each lamp its owning the past year or Iwo in Brant- battery. Perfect success is reported,
ford and vicinity in the shape of a
parasite known by the name of the
"Scaly or bark Louse." This insect
iofeste the orchard trees, absorbing
the juices of the bark aud stems, and
ultimately "destroye tlie;!trees Trees
will be found•in tlieeprtug"to be boy•
eled viih what m'ay' le called the co- is known as the Skrivauprimary
encu ?orl.aet' year 0 vbt'min all$ *oh buttery, After b time ahae a chloride of
silver is reduced to metallic silver
when it is easily restored by washing
in a mixture *=nitric and hydooloric
acids:. With eaoh renewal, a small
battery will feed a glow lamp twelve
hour s. •
and portability has been gained by
the use of a battery of great power
and of small size: The elements are
a small package of chloride of silver,
and two plates of zinc, which aid'
placed in the cell with a weak solu-
tion of caustic potash, forming what
of ,E'heri teetfo ys, whoti laced 'undo,
the:>i ieroacepe, is found• to contain °,
number of eggs. The usual dirootion
foi their dictruction is to recommend
saturating, with solutions of coal oil,
soap --suds, tobacco liquid, etc.
scientifie Miscellany.
DRY ROT'—A Russian experimenter
has found that thorough dryness
maintained for twenty-four hours
will destroy the parasite producing
dry rot in wood. A concentrated eol-
iltion of common salt is very effioa
oious, and still better is a strong sol•
ution of blue vitriol; but be considers
will find it a.lvautegenus to ;, J'" *Lia route as
it to the quickest. in itoiut of time. and the rates
are IAA laic as I+v auy other.
Tbr<mgh freight is a.rwardetl IT fast 8]l00111
train% and experienee has anted Me Inter -
colonial route to tie t►equiekeet for European
freight to ane from all point* in ('anada aud
the Western Stotts.
Tickets MON be obtained and also intermit.
thin 'Moat the Shute and 'dem* frtdyltt and
passenger rates train
'Festeru Freight le Passenger Advent
03Rose' n douse iilock,Yerk tit., Toronto
IS. Pe l:ISOM,
Chief Superheat:tient.
Railway Office, ‘f outlet', N.B.,:day 14.'*443'.
Bunds adrerttsed as absolutely pare
cower -TT 11Madrcrewx. e.
reeve the reversed hell hot chiuunlit will nott bo re.
qutred to detest **presence of ammonia.
178 UItALTII}tL.E8S n.S NEVER 8558 Qrtsf' eXan.
In amflltonhomes for a quarter of a century it has
stood the ennsu;ners' tellable test,
In a communication to the London
Royal society, Shelford Rowell has
bhown that iron bars are elongated,
by magnetization: that steel bars are
elongated, but Hot to the salve extent
soft steel being elgouased more than
bard steel: and that niche! is shorten-
The flora of Ceylon includes 8,000
floweriug plants and 250 ferns, 100
genera of the flowering pants not be-
ing found in the peninsula of India
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
_.;,,, • ,rongett, mod deltetoe, and eaten Amor Imown,and
i1r Price's Lupulin Yeast Gema
• or Light, Healthy Bread, The Best Dry Hop
Yeast in the World.
radlleellycrredwithout the "len emelt usoc in�
toxnslmet Leine&ortheus's of t knife; Point-,
tetual 6snteerie which every ag5urergna tdiitt-
ter•whatliiaconaitionma he.nzay eurebituseltl
cls 'aply.ltrivately and radically.
I- TUi lectureshould beinthe band so every
youthandevory uaall in theiaitd.
Address 1
Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors.
tranilla, L'elhon, Orange Almond, Rose, etc.,
flavor as delicately andnaturally as the fruit.
Port care Box 400
l arper'$ Magazine.
With the new volume. llegluuiut3 iu Dereni
ber, RAIIrIIL 8 elstis a will conclude its
thirtyAfth year. Tice oldest periodical of its
tale. at it yett ten clock new volume, a Mfg,
ttlnpaairso. not amply because it presents fresh
subjecteaha. now pictures. but elan, and chiefly
because it letealily advances in the teethed it.
self of ina¢ariu4.makiur. In a word, the MAo-
of nsntoetdinmirror current life ad and
features ID t_beattrectivultrogramme for 1.11.1
are: now aertalnuvel8 by C'eNhTANC$i?'glit? 01411
Visor sots ands W. D. II'uwt,r r.a; a new novel
eutitictl "At the Red Glove ;" descriptive Oleo
trued nepFersbv>;.IP I1itt.14`.1*. SWAIN OM.
Fenn, E. A, il1HY.Y. 1t. t.ItdtCN, and attune;
Ootdsmitl es'•f,he Stoops to Conquer," ill ustrat-
od, by Asnow; huportant payors ou Art,Seieuce,.
Per Year
HARPER'3 WF;F.NT.X ............................,. 4 de 1
One Tear fey Nambarst.. 30 ell I€
I'oatage Free to ell subscribers in the rutted 1
!UAW or Canada, f,
Numbvolumes ontotaud December begin
When notime Is specified. it will he understood
that the submit -ler wishes to begin with the
entreat Number.
The last eleven Send-al:nuel Volumen of
I1AmRIt'8MMAOAZINa,in neat cloth hineingwill
bo sent by maii.postpaid, on recipe of X340
per volume. Cloth Cases. f;rbinding, 30 cents I
each -by melt 10et15li
index to HAnrrn's afAciaars t Alphabetical, '
tclsi,u Chiselled, efrodune6OoJe18,oneo.
8vo, Clntli, Stmt.
ltemlttauces should be mode by Post Office
Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lass,
Ncw1paitersare net to copy this advertise -
meth without the express enter of Hama, &
.tddro'.s iidl1l'1'.It & BROTHERS, New York
Cherry Pectoral.
for working people. Send 19 cents
postage, an awe will mailyou free,
a royal, valuable sain),ulo 1711x- of
goo•Is that will put you 1u the way
of making more money 1n a few
days than you ever thought possi-
ble at any business; Capisal not
!required. You can live at home and work spare
time only or all the+ time, All of both sexes
of all egos grandly successful,' 50 cents to w5
leasily earned every evening. That all who
Want work may test the business, we nlake'this
unparalleled offer: To all who are not well
satisfiedwe will send 61 to pay for the trouble
.of writing us. I ull particulars, directions, .Sec.
sent free. Immeusepay absolutely sure for all
''who stout at once, Don't delay. Address
,STINBON &Co.,Pertlaucl,Maine.
No other complaints are so insidious In their
attack S8 three affecting the throat and lungs:
cone so trifled with by the majority of suffer.
erg. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting
perhaps front a trial':¢ or nttconscioua eat•
posure, is Often but the beginning of a rata;
Sickliest, AVr.ses Ci1;:tittlr I'ECrURAL has
well proven its et .e acy Isla forty years' spa
with throat alio tu1:g diseases, ansa should lie
taken in all cases without delay.
A Terrible Cough Cured.
"In if I i<,ek a severe cold, which affected
fry iuncs 1 hada terrible cough' and passer'
ni;' c ;.1t- r el bt w itltout sIeee. :rhe peters
g:,n,1110 ui,.'i tried AYzars CBEHBY PaC-
letett, x)11011 relieved my MAgs, il.dttced
eie. i,. and afforded me the root necessary
ter 1.,e recovery of my strength. By the
c =t:t o.nc,i use of the racronai.r. a pertna-
n. rt ewe was effected. I acs DOW EM years
old. tittle tool hearty, and sin sant-stied row
1.111;111117 1.2:-TORA7. sated 17d.
Rockingham, let., July lb,1*4!.
Croats. -4 Mother's Tribute.
"while in the country Iatt winter my little
1, t•tt,re., CC;.r.,,W,7i#ataken illwitll corm;
ie .tae t ids if be would. Ale front stream.
1 t
me dot the family 'magenta the tib
et 1t 1'. ('tuvtRY l'ATTPICALta battle of
' I...•h Was an':,ys Rept ln, Om Amuse. This
. Io 1.11,0 and. frequent doses, and.
to...tc• . ttt,ht in leas thaw half alis hour the
1.i cc i,.*t t I i W 1s breathing wavily. The deo-
e. 1' ,1 tl••, l nrit,tY r*. "WAAL bad
M.tt=I let .",rin`g'o life. r;alt yen Violater 'Aft
t..ri,r.di.L..t.:• Si,eir,Iv'.ours,
Mi;s. V. m. l.)FVr.Y."
lCes \1 est 1 th St .:tow a,uli., May le, 1E82.
"I have us,re's Cortaro Pr-C70$LL
it t v t t . i1t t,r sot. rat tears, one do non
1 • to 1,10t.0urea it idle moxa Slfeetnit
I. it.r cO:tj;1.11 and aeldi we have ever
tt A. sI. C*AZ:5."
i ..0 Crystal. vino., Morels 13,102.
1 +'. ar 1 for el,llt years from Drone/tithe
. • , t t:; I . IIIV n•u:. uu Walt Le sue-
• d t s the use t t Aviles Cit51A
tat dt.FaFiL WALDE*..'
tj 1.1 u. leg�-
eu , �h in gr;tire cf ATra'a
[ t, b.`:1.tslt lc se I do than
a. , 1 r:.euId len; since hove died
i „ie ,i1•ie- k: i4tcaul*vi2
1'..,o.t..it, i'eau, April' d. e.15c..
Ne case of .an affection at the threat or
lui:,;s exists which cannot be a;'reatlyrelie?ed.
by the use of Aram's Cllr air PECTOZAL,
Ord It will 'ramp/ care when the disease la
not 31:'04" t c;..-ia ilio control of medicine.
Dr.J. C.Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mie.
Sold by all Draggl/b.
Butter &Eggs
J. Matheson
Has opened out in
Currelley & Co., Old Stand.
• (Exeter north Post Office)
1 Just received a splendid assortment of
Spring Goods, which we will sell at very
close prices* Splendid value in Cashmeres,
Velveteens, Groy, Scarlet Canton end Home-
made Flannels. A nice lot of Table Napkins
and Covers, Splendid Wincey, Groy and
White Cottons very cheap. Tweed aud Ready
Made Clothing very cheap. A GOOD SUIT
for $5.
GROCERIES. -We sell 4 lbs Tea for 131 ;
75 cent Tea for 65 cents, Sugars as low as
the lowest.
BOOTS & SHOES. -We have added some
new lines and are prepared to sell the best
goods at close prices.
A House and Lot for sale or Rent. Apply
Exeter Butcher Shop
Butcher & General Dealer
-1111 ALL HINDS, OF-
Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS.
DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence
2 t9L presen t5 given CLlflal/.
Send us 5 cents postage
and bymail yon will get
free a package of goods
of large value, that will
start you in work that
will at once bring you in money faster than
anything else in. America. All about the 8200,-
000 in presents with each bux. Agents *anted
everywhere, of either sex, of all ages for all
the time, or spare' time only, to work for us at
their own homes. Fortunes for all workers
absolutely assured, Don't delay. H. HALLETT
& Co.,Portland ,Maine.
.41. DO W,S."•,
men= Bare :..;w
liars shied the :..-t for F1l 10-.
3l'Eege, end flag l r ve.,l it•. ,.. .
remedy a:• n:: s" r
Consutnpt1Ct:1- cc'.`„•
and all LunZ
runt k•1 t 3 3 ti..,• , .
Trice 25c.,.e=tet:
DOW a. ' t ...I::
Axe pleasant to take. ('natal.: their own
Purgative. Is a safe, sure, an:l effectual
(e/ndorer of worm; in Children or Adults,
94AC, RD
-to sell—
New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts
As paying as any agency in the world. For -
full particulars, free, address, H. C. TUNISON
Map Publisher 888Richmond•st.,Lnndon, Ont.
Established 1871.
Fills orders, sells on Commission, or will per
chase Apples, Potatoes and Poultry. Write -
Planing MIH!
BLIXD riCT0117!
Done to order.
Romembet•lthe pluce.
Myer .y 1a °ward.