HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-7-16, Page 2Iluron ILLedical Association. The regular maetiug of the auto - datum took place on Tueeday, the 7th inst., et. the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, and was very well attended, and eeverat ossees of malt interest were presented, as well as reported. The ix ereeering interest in the wore and ittlfluty now be considered a I receipt Qt a good eatery, aodialthongh new to oaten the fellows. They begin permaoout institution. The mem— a Ieesee of a box in the vaults in the to thin!; Fru a good sort, the preps iet- bens present were Dr. Taylor, Neel. lUoion Sefety and Deponit Company, or takers a fancy to toe, and 1 end by sent, Drs. McLean, Young, $utohin- i.t has. been Ili0 practice for some time eating him a` barrel or two. The eon, Campbell, Nichol, Maid, past to intrust a large p,)rt1ou of his loan that can sing a song well is al -1 ]lame, Evans, Robertson and Worth- "earuinge with his wife. Sire, Smith ways welcome on the rand, If he; tngton. A. ease of injury to the fore -lis a stout lady, about 26 year. old. can't ting, he must be able to do I arm, in whioh the akin superficialIWheo her husband went to work something whioh will take with the laver of mate:lee Arid the radial artery jailer dinner she wee left alone in Cool And. ,fsrutal. I 'Why, don't you know ?' said the friendly drummer. 'Well. you see, The most deriug and adroitly Esse— all of ea fellow* to make ourselvea o#ted robbery diet b a�tatan place iu agtreeat'le fount know a lot of 'stories, Chicago for many years was cohnmitt• 1 gouge, Weise,. and a4 on. Now. if l: ed Wednesday afternoon at 50 EId- 'want to well a package of whisky ridge court, the residence of Thomas , when I go into a bar -room, I ask Smith, head draughtsman of the everyone up to drink. Then I begin Dearborn foundry. Mr. Smith to in 1 with a story, which must be pretty country towns. Every chap hunts up his own stories, and I know cue or two newepeper men in town who wake a trice thing getting; up Mutineers of this sort for the drummers. The were all severed by a circular saw, � their 'rooms. which include ell of the Quite oontrary to expectation, morti- apartments ori the first floor. A ring fication tools place, and the hand and et the bell palled Mrs, Smith to the part of the forearm had to be return— front door. Two men dressed as ed by atuputation. A case of loco. meobanic't were standing there. danger ie that a men may get a crowd motor ataxia, of fifteen Para' stand• iTbey introduced themselves as around him in mbar -room and do the I who WAS t -gent i e Shu this is a Plumbers ra a bythe c , 8110WIA ill u e ai_ gdisease of Wsodic d, Afzsr, same stuff that the man passed the epinat cord, progressing very Smith, who was unsuepiciourt, lad the through afew dap before him di& gradually blit certainly, and ushered. way to the kitchen. She atood by This is fatal, though it ain't very iu by peouliar lightning -like pain the door as the first one entered, and hard 11 hit a oouutry-roan right, he along the nerves of the leg and to the after waiting a moment, Inured to hates to have a chestnut passed off foot, lasting for a ellort time at tarot let the second man pries. As etre on him, and likes to show Iiia smarts and eluely increasiug in length until turned he struck her w terrible blow nese by running down the drummer they hoe rule nearly uueadurable ; lo- with his fist. which oau+ell her to fall who hawk's those stale loge around. motion, or walking is performed with on her knees. Before elle had tinge When you get in with a lot of drum!. great dtfiionity, and sendstion is grad. to cry out her assallen 'd Angeles were triers and begin to tell your perinatal ualiv 1 fat. A. smite of tetanus, or look. faateued in her throat. Then the experience, they are piping you ,law, wa•s reported. is which .the per- son mai afflicted with tetanotd spasms for about three weeks, but finally re. covers;!. The opaline were confined priuoip;tits to the muscles of the ab and both ends tied together back of tell that story all over the state, dames, legis, arcus and neck, the mus- her bead. The robbers then tore! making himeeif the hero of the tale. ole, elf t i,e fewer jaw being salty open the bosom of ;lire. Smith's dress t Ile may brush it tip so, end improve slightly affected. .A cave of probable and got hold of a wallet containing lit by wedging in a lia or a joke There lymphadenoma, or Uotlgkin'n disease, $1,080. Suddenly the door hell rang, t and there, that you would h udly was *shown. LI this disease the red One of the fellowe cooly answered know it, but it is your story. It he particles of blood become greatly re—, the summon.. Mr. Timothy and i is a good imitator of the Irish or duced in number sometimes, while wife, friends of the Smiths, had stop. Dutch dtaleote, he will ring in a 'rub - the white ones usually remain as in ped to make a friend'y can. While man or Dutchman for the nupnr-- health. A ease of granular lids (of one of the robbers held Mrs, Smith ;unity of lotting himself 1'o'e. A the eyes) was shown, of some two on the floor with his hand pressed real firet-ulass bright story or money years' duration, iu which there were over her mouth to prevent her titter in the drnmmer',s pocket for all (line. adhesive bawls soul a growth ou the int; a sound, the other informed the So is a dialect piece for reaitation-- inner angle, of a fleshy character in callers that Mrs. Smit!' was ill and something pathetio---because the an iutiamed condition. The disease unable to see any visitors, Then he countryman likes to havt, Ins aunt— ie curable. The members of the as. closed and looked the door. tions a.oneed. Now, if you liners a soctatiou are always glad to receive ,'What shall we do with her ?'said point on the budnese, and—sec hero cues for examination, after which Ire, —it you hear of anything pert in the the case or condition of the Daae is "Kill her; tint's the only thing to stery line floating about, drop the a discussed, and the party can then get do,' said the other, 'Thou she'll line, so that I may copyright it with the opinion of the members as to the never squeal.' the gang, lar I have to work the nature of difficulty and their ideas of 'I don't want to kill a woman in southern counties next week.' treatment, without costing them any- cold blood,' rejoined the first speaker. -- _ - other man drew along rope from a 1 you may be sure. If yon tell of some• sack he carried, and prom led WI thing that happened to you in Boston bind her feet end handl. A towel New Ycsk or Halifax, and it has a WWI brawn tightly maces her inoeth funny endil.g, one of the fellows will thing more than their loss of time and 'You needn't do it in cold blood,' expenses. Not Far 1' o u Rome. wows Condensed. Answered the other. 'Just set fire to the house and let her burn up ' Then Mrs. Smith saw the man who spoke last seize a kerosene can as if to execute his threat. The can An old and respected resident of proved to be empty. Ho cast it from Sim with an oath, and cried 'let's dump her into the bath•tub and turn on the water. She'll drown like a rat,' A moment's ooneultittion ensu- ed, however, and the would-be mur— derers quietly went out the front door, closing it after them, and leaving Mrs. Smith upon the flour, bound baud and foot, and almost dead from 1846, and was for a numner of years fright. Half an hour elapsed before in the boot and shoe business. Dir. she regained strength erlsngh to at - McIntyre was one of the first ooun— tempt loosening the bonds about her cillora of the then village of St. Marys and in the years of 1.866-67 was mayor of the town. He had been a justice of the peace for many years, and was at the time of his death a license oommiesioner for South Perth. The deceased gentleman was also an active member of the First Presby- terian Church, of which he was treas- urer, and was at the time of his death million clerk. During the lass few yeara of hie life Mr. McIntyre had carried on the business of s private banker, and had the reputation of being fortunate in his transactions. The Drummer's Repertoire. He leaves two sons to mourn his loss. 'The funeral took plaoe Wednesday afternoon and was largely attended. St. Marys in the person of Mr. G. McIntyre, J. P., died las; week. The deceased Lad been indisposed for eome time with a chronic complaint. Mr. Diolntyre was born in the town ship of Dalhousie, county Lanark, in the year 1827 and was the fifth son of a family of seven sons and three daughters. Ile came to St. Marys in wrists. This took another half hoar. Dragging herself on her knees she finally reached the front door. A. passerby was apprised of what bad taken place and the police were noti- fied. Up to Thursday morning they have obtained no clew and been able to r000mplieh nothing, except, as usual, cautioned Mr. Smith not to say anything about the affair I. re. porters. Mrs. Smith has been. pro - eluded by the shook. • She is now seriously ill. "Love Honor, and be Gray." The minister at a recent wedding came very near being broken up right in the midst of the ceremony, and all by the bride, a pretty. fragile, young - little thing, and one of his favorite parishioners. She had insisted ou the most rigid of the Epie; copal Church forms, and her Unitarian minister had Humoured her. Imagine, then, his surprise, as he dictated the Hues, "promising to love, honour,and obey," to have her distinctly alter her oath to "promising to love, hon- our, and be gay," looking him directly in the faoe the while. He had some difficulty to control his inclination to laugh, and, not being prepared for the emergency, let it slip. So there are some very young brides of awful nerve, and that pastor probably feels as if one suoh had carried the whip hand with him. If ever trouble does arise in that nest, the minister must expect his share of the blame.—Bos ton Home Journal, A French scientific, authority states that hens, ducks and geese having drrk plumage lay earlier: and more frequently than those of a light color —this difference only holding good, however, when the birds live in the open air and are freely exposed to the Olin. Alta California. Half a dozen drummers were lunch- ing in a downtown restaurant and making lots of noise. They were not talking about their samples, but crit- icising the respective merits of some members of their profession. "Tommy did mighty well on that Oregon trip, I tell you,' said a stout little fellow with a huge red beard. 'We swapped stories at Eugene city, and I gave him a bunch that just captured the countiy.' 'I hope none of you fellows got on to my story about the pig and the old woman,' inquired a dudish young man with a scarred lip. 'No, no, Billy, that's patented, though I did hear that you weren't quite on the square up north.' 'Wasn't square 1 Who dare say so ?' 'Harry says so, He said you tcld Jimmy's yarn about the goat and the hammer in Virginia, and sang his boarding -school song.' 'Yon may tell Harry for me that he is lying,' said the dude, angrily. 'And what's more, he's been using my yarn about theZsea captain and the boa constriotor, �in Los Angeles, I know it. I heard ib from folks just up from there.' To get at the bottom of this "mys— terious business an Alta reporter button -holed an acquaintance among the party, at the termination of the. lunch, and inquired what it all meant. Everybody's system should be strength. ened and their blood unrifled for we may have Cholera in Canada before the summer is over, Dr. Carson's Bitters is the prepara- tion to use. Large bottles 50 cents. Fifty Dollars for a kiss. A form story was told of 13 loth when he wee here last says the Phila 'delplila Press, which illustrates hid indifference to the glass of women who always find something irreaiati bty fascinating in the ,lion who earn their Jiving behind the footlights. Bonth was travelling on the Boston and Albany road one day, having just closed an engagement in the NEW England metropolis. He beard an expensively -dressed, handsome, mid. d1e-aired woman backiof him sigh and say to her companion :—'I world give fifty dollars to kiss that man.' Booth turned suddenly and looked at the speaker. 'Do -you mean that ?' he demanded, fixing his fine dark eyes upon her, and causing the blood to mount up to the roots of her hair. 'Why, yes, of course I do,' replied the woman, confusedly, looking in a helpless sort of a way at the great tragedian and at the smiling passeng- ers. `'Vell,.1 accept the terms, ma— dam, exclaimed Booth, solemnly. 'And I stand by my prot•osition,' said the woman, recovering her self pos— session, and rising, she Imprinted a sound kiss on the actor's lips. Booth's fade did not betray the slightest em): tion, He received the kiee stolidity, and did not return it ; but waited until the impetuous woman found her purse and handed hila a$50 bill. He took the money, thanked her, and turning to a feeble, shabbily—dressed woman on the other side of the aisle, who was travelling with two young children, placed the money in ber hands, and with a courtly bow, said: 'T'hie is for the children, madam. Take it; please,' and without another word he left the car.' CATARRH— A NEW TREATMENT. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been attained by the Dixon treatment for ca- tarrh. Oat of 2,000 patients treated during the last six months, fully ninety per cent. have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per Dent. of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are be- nefitted, while the patent meaicines and other advertised cures never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed b y the most scientific men that disease is due to the presence of living nareal tesin the tissue, Mr ,Dixon at once adapted his cure to their extermination—this accomplished, he claims the Catarrh is'practically cured, d'nd the per- manency unquestioned. as cures effected by him four years ago are cures still. No ono else has attempted to cure Catarrh in this manner,andno other treatment ever cured Catarrh. Thi application of the remedy is simple, and can be dons at home, and the present season of the year is the most favor- able for a speedy- and permanent cure, the majority of oases being cured at one treat- ment, Sufferers should correspond with Messrs, A. R,DIXON er SON, 305King street west, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on Catarrh,--DfontreaiStar, Nov, 17, 188g, CVVOAGULINE.—Cement for Brok-1 •V NE U ALED en Articles Sold everywhere, Sole Makers. --tial BROS.. Stockport 1 England. Sc say the best farmers, stockmen,gar- deners, and fruit growers of America of the est NatroThe beat wte snal in the world the 1 S Original throughout. Over 500 illustrations frond nature every year, Fine paper 16 pages -ask thoae wfso know. specimens gladly sent without charge, $2,800 worth of presents offered to subscribers for the largest clubs. Conducted by practible farrners. Its free Seed Distributions are invaluable. Over 600 contributions. Posters and outfits en appli- cation, Send for then!, RURAL NEwvonEEit. 24 Park Bow, N. Y. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. TrAY'S COMPOUND OF LIN, SM.), Aniseed., Senega, Squill,''l'olu. ekewith Chtarodvne. FAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent exnoctorant for Coughs and Ccids. KAY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally serviceable: for Horses and cattle. KAY'S P'IC PILL• S,' a specific ie J l,auraigia Face -*oho 4e. Over Over A2L. Fonthill Nurseries Zit.. The Largest in the Dominion, SALESMEN WANTED To begin canvassingat once on wall Sales. — m Steady employment to sneoetafrtl pies, Uood tgents are darning from 449 to 075 per month toll expanses, Telma and °.atilt free. Addrose STO;iI0 d'r W1iI.LINGTOIv. 1 QEN LELAND. • r• -,,..1y know* ae rho 58500€8118 .al t;.d aux Hotel Enterprl'sea + " ,1 111110 n ;.t:.'' t er from ,e 1'.•r.Laship g.' r:tt,udCah,e -•,• r • y.'ays of et •tion to Cal. :, .1 tri et ons o; rim ot"cers of , . ,1 hint•i. ... roti. . • s 4.ses4e by t1:•, uaa of _Y : r 3 Sarsaparilla. Sines 'n Mr. iirLeoD has recommended Arrat's s tr iAr $.tan t to many similar uses, arta he has never yet heard of its fail• tiro to elrect a radical cure. Some years ago one of !dr. L rbarcr'S farm laborers bruised his leg. Owing to the bad state of his blood, snugly scrofulous swelling or lump appeared on the injured limb. Sor• rible :itching of the skinwith burning and darting pains through title lump, made life almost intolerable. The log became trier. snottily enlarged, and running ulcers formed, discharging groat quantities of extremely offensive matter. No treatment was of any avail until the man, by Mr, LELA Nn'S direr). tion, was supplied with Avart's SARaAPA- 'ULLA, Which ailaycd the pain and Irritation, healed the sores, removed the swelling, and completely restored the limb to use. LZ.t.A.rD has personally used Ayer's Sarsaparilla for ItltottmatIsm, with. entlro success t and, after carsfuI o:.rerv.tt:au, ii.•o:arcs that, in his belitf, than' is n t tee. t t:,0 world equal to it for t:ai cc. • , :.,' ..•r l.: ostlers, Gout, the e:::cts of I,: ;it lit int;, Salt Rheum, Sores, 1:.t.,.,, n•+. and till the various forms of blood diseases. Wo have Mr. LuL.tt1's par:n:35iontc invite all who may desire further evidrnee in regard to the extraordinary curative powers of Lvrn's S.titsaPdiuLL.t to sco hiss -person- ally either at Lis mammoth Ocean Rotel, hong Branch, or at the popular Leland ]iota!, Broadway, 27th and eeth Streets,Siew York. ISI., Lua.t\D's extensive knowledge of the good dono by this unequalled eradicator or blood poisons enables him to give inquirers much valuable information. PREPAnED BY Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for fa. deo* anso Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out a Boot and Shoe Shop in the Corner Store North of Barnwell & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o1 ordered work" Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Eaorett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. TENNENT &P TNNENT, Veteri- nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, T'oron- to,have op ened an office for the trea tment of all Domestic Animals, "on Main street Exeter. Calls from a dis_-.-- o tance prompt)y attendedto!- Medicine for Horses Cattio,dro always on hand: [1tV3IOiJ amv THE IIGHTIRUNNING' SEWING MACHINE • SIMPLE THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE THAT GIVES ._ 2 PERTECT tS'AT/SFICT/O/V, r HAS NO EQUAL -1 FYERYPll NEW}IDME SEWING MACHINE CO. ORAMGE'. MASS. 30 UNION SQ.N.Y. CHICAGO'ILL. ST.LOUIS MO.AT.L•ANTA GA. --�'OR SAL;E'BYt RANTON BROS . EXETER, ONTARIO. ZURICH ROLLER : MILLS ! These mills are now completed with all the beat andvery latest improved machin- ery for the manufacture of:Flour on the Roller Process THE MILL IS NOW RUNNING NIGHT AND DAY, and we ar prepared to do Gristing Chopping on Shortest N otic e Also Flour and. Feed for sale as Cheap as the Cheapest. ERNES & WILLIAS, Proprietors.