HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-7-16, Page 1"HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY."
Vol. XII;, No. 43
J778'1' I Z C I V ED
Petty's Choice Hams Breakfast Bacon and Lard, Cracked
Wheat and Rolled Oats, Oranges and Lemons,
A T GT A . 1-3-Y•ND:MA.N'S
Tb only Thorley's H. sft C Food. Only 10e. per lb., or 38 per cwt.
H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli
conveyaikter, comm (siontr. etc, stoney t
office in sratuanei M oak. Rxoter.
.J,,.t • otter of .B upi*la Court Notary Y 1'ublt
-u,.V,l McFADDEN,
new features to the case were that ontoe wall declared a draw, each club
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Eto., Day, the note given hard the words 'or securing two goatee, Several of the
Rev. Mr. Turnbull, of St. Marys, order, inserted fn them, when the , pleyere were badly injurea during
1 who has been itI for some time, has defendeut swore that they were pay- the game.
sufficiently recovered to attend to his able to Jones only. The Federal The Luau Irish Terriers were to
pastoral duties. bank sued on the notes, wlhtoh were have played a game of base ball lies
At a recent ooufirmation by Bishop far $800, and a verdtot wee brought Saturday with the Landon Towuehip
KINSMAN,DJ,NTIST..i,,. ELS Walsh in St. Mary( the 80 candidates in for the plaintiff, i3oehwhaokere. Probably they antiei•
Marr Far i(.''totnn new,
News Condonae4.
Publishers and Proprietor'
Gordon : At the Star Salt Works, to (peak when the rain cut the pro- I by John Mumbo, of London, fair and
Golerioli, id a boy of sixteen years ceedings (hurt. A very irate„3sting i impartially, tber„ being but little Pang
who, during the five working days of time w,ts had, and many expreas#one l ling. Following ie the score :--
last week, packed 580 barrels of salt ; of oommieeration were lel fall for 1
hand a year ago he peaked, nailed the deluded brethren who went from!
branded and: treaded. 40 Write iu this part of the county to Stratford 1, f.,�Villis R 3 a” Oete
three hours and now east turn out 120. and wllo consequently missed par- a b., um .................... 3 z
per day for ea or more ooueeeutive, tioipatiug the good time in Bayfield. 2b., Rear° . ,......... 0 4
days for looney, Any Goderfeb pack- If our friends will run atter a shadow C• f-.1lniRht 0 a•'
er of mature yeses would consider and seek strange plkce•r whoa the , reR,f.BB den , , .,, I 3'
100 barrels per day vary little to brag reality is right et their ltonro door so a, s„ atepenelt ,... ..... ,,. 2 3'
of• mush the worse for them. The Cline 1 b., Weekes .....«2
At Oagoode Hall: Toronto, a cite* ton town baud was nue of the inter- P•, Elliot ............1 ... ...... n
of optimal interest to farmers, was eating features of the ooaaaaiotl.
Rob'. Turner of the Parr line, ' decided on Monday. *lames Great,
risrule ,sold ins 50 AmiPro to it of Middleeeu, lied signed the custom Sporting
y rte4`4.
14r. Stewart kr 2,400 doll a, y g gt:
Ar nate a *tern to be au
agent fox
A. and W. Doupe, of Kirktou, OW. hay forks, wttioti turned out to be a The lacroa.+e match at Toronto Sat-
rigid off ih Ile prizes 1u the Caledonian note of hand for "$800. The only urday between the Outgrips and Tor-.
games held to Guelph On Dnmiuio'l
EXNTItn, - • ONT.
oaaco gamBlock titan's old office.)
L11N'AL •
13 27
Puns. outs.
1, b., Ward... 2 1
p.,1). ltlegay ....... , .. M•4.1.91. 1 3
2 B., Munro 0 4
S. s„ Bell ....,«.,, 2 2
r, I.., Arnold 2 3
o. 1., McLean ...... , • 0 3
1. f., Shipley...... , 1 3
8 b., Bolan it
c., 3. McKay = 1 3
tl 27
were alt pledged to total abstinence i Mr. Duncan i4fcOnaig, of Goderiob, patad defeat, and very wisely remain- Vann -Man.
until 21 year* of age, a few days amts fiutahed the allinment ed at Home.
od to soma. s ee.mnw wag pita et,ee to the of the square timber that had been Ata game of cricket in Detroit on airs. fleury Hill, of
Ont. was thrown from a
Teeth ex• batt) morning by the kletha list in'n the peat winter. It Imounted to over ' iudsor, while howling;, accidentally ? y.
ztetasiti>; first
irelt'e8taok 13iddulph Orange Ledges lits! Sat-• got out under lint supervision dnriug' Tuesday, A. Wigle, pastmaetee of '
200,000 eubio feet, mid—
out pain, er titer, at Centralia. The diecourde
was pointed and intoreetiug.
Mr. John Calbeab, of f-folmeecille,
)4EDICAI'' owed to the front with the Iargoat
• 'strawberry of the Beason, he bringing
R. KYNDatAN--CORONE1?i FOR one to Cliutou recently that me toured
buggy teed
regoired :tear- struck wicket -keeper Begole on the Ezparte of Aral+tau and c,tele from
ly 250 Dare to heal it away. A core- left temple. felling him to the ground. aloutreal this Naxeau show a great in.
aiderable tumidly of it wag secured He expired a short time afterwards. Crease over those of Inst year.
along the line of the L. H. & 13.. and The Jlitlieter of customs has to j The 'aSarcl►icness of -Lanadowt:er
ale° as far north as the Georgian , atraoted collection'of customs to admit sailed from Quebec, un the SS. Sar -
Bay district. Mr. MaOuaig states , bicycles and tricycle@, accompanied a diuiau on Saturday.
tbeAcuutycfHttran. l,tttoa, ot,posita to 0 inabee. that ship timber is hemline @career by the owners, under the same regu• Charles Mo0onacthie, a preventing'
ttr.x„srllutt`aatorai«E7;otor year b par and anticipates that a latioue as: provided for travollera' ve young roan, was drowned while, bath -
Mr. la, W. Dalmaga, of Kirkton, y y• • l 4: mg in the Welland River, at. Weyand;
W. BROWNING M. D., M. 0 has placed a fire proof safe iu his molt smaller force of men thea es. tholes.
t'7 •
• I'.ts,'•tradua;o'.lotoriali,itvaraity' °me store for his o vn user The weight nal 8111 be engaged nest winter in The manufacturers of bicycles are ion Sundae.
tu4-e*tdsuoe.Oen ,tor''abnrata+v.Exeter • of it i( 1700 Ib@ erns is a model of getting cot timber. said to be oantemplatiug large reduot• A eon of Mr. Thomas Tracy, St.
' *popwaggon, complains that on the era, atas n his foota few days ago.
houaerecontlFoccupied byF.stoi'bi##fi,s,Faq. ,Marys, lovas in hie garden a 'vegetable 20tH ult, he wee refused passage and the,targe profits. accruing the past
Y'Laakaaw and dents followed,
tonality in the bbape of a pear tree over Bayfield bridge nobles he would few years eau be easily cut and yet ? ami Il Ray, Uig wife and daughter,
stock -
which ie u054 blooming out in pal td, pay the reeve of Goderich township make handsome dividends to stock• 1 of Toronto, ad a narrow escape from
although the rest of the tree is well
and the workmen a dozen battles of holders, poisoning on Saturday, haying erten
neatuees iu workmanship and design. Mr. Jolanstsn, who drives Philips' iou in the price of machines to retail- Catharines aged 12 years, got a piece
R J.A. liln St Fret O C P. f, of glass i 1
o Office Alain st Fxeter tint Restdenca Mr, Geo. Raper, of Llgtn-at., Si.Stgg p e , as (rad felting off
percaptlbly I
C LUTZ, Itf. D
• i)fi[eent hisrosl teuee ESeter.
EtiniaitiusinY d eureaouroou . inee'girlttonn
laden with fruit, pop by way of talc. As the pip be- Night tidings au exquisite pleasure strawberries on which Paris green
Mr. David Fothoringham, of Metro- longed to his °wieners, Mr. John- to3the wheelatan and no other can had been sprinkled.
politan, hag made the beat anis of fat @ton very properly riiiieed to steal it enjoy it so perfectly as be, If he is j It it atuted;that the Minister of Cue.
cattle in that neighborhood this year, from them. On the Friday following, skillful, he need not thick of the road, toms has given a decision in the Ayer
Ho sold four head of steers at $6.15 Mr, Johnston was also stopped for an and his wheel is simply a part of him ;& Co. great medicine seizure by fining
per 100 lbs. They weighed 5,700 hour because he wouldn't pay kir, for the time being. Thus his mind the firm fifty per cent of the whole
is perfectly free to take iu the plea- duty.
sures afforded by his swift and silent a1 young man, arit 25 dears cf
motion, age, named Dobsobon, niarbi' cutter,
A base ball reporter who got inside
was drowned in the bay at Barrio on
the field where a female nine were Sunday while bathing. He was un-
der the influence of liquor.
Edward Withers, clerk iu the Hali-
fax custom house for several years,
shot his daughter and then poisoned
ball bits her on the nose, turue her himself at his residence, Quinpoo:
hands with a windmill motion, rune road, Tuesday morning. They are
after the ball, picks it np, brushes the both diad. The danghter was about
hair out of her eyes, and smiles, ae 18 years of ago. Wither,. has not
though her way of doing it could not been considered of sound mind by
many of itis acgnatntances for some
be improved upon.”
time past.
A Terrible accident occurred at
Stars, of Ailsa Craig, and the Actives Eddy's south store mill, Hull, Que.,
of this place. The game began at last Wednesday. Wm. Plante, who
2:80, in the presence of a large num- was working at a butting table, alipp•
ber of ladies and gentlemen who had ed, and fell heavily on a circular saw
assembled on the Huron -et grouas. going at full spied. In a twinkling,
The Stars won tha toss and -sent the his bode, from the right shoulder
Actives to bat, but owing:to Moray's half way dawn the bide, was rippedl
swift and peculiar pitching, succeed- open. Two doctors were soon im at—
ed in only making one run. The tendanco and stitched up the terrible.
visiting team as well made but one gash; He will not recover.
run their first inning, which was Shortly before noon on Sunday-
undayowing, no doubt, to curves put in by some children living at Welkerville-.
Elliot. The game was well contested discovered the dead body of a man in
uutil the fourth inning, (the batsmen a lane, which leads trona the upper
of both clubs being diligently engag- end of Sandwich -street to the Tecum-
ed in pounding air,) when the Stars, sell road. Chief of Police Baine, of"
owing to some slight errors of the Windsor, was notified of the ghastly -
Actives, obtained 4 runs. The &Dore find, and at once proceeded to (he-
at tbia juncture stood 5.2 in favor of spot indicated by his informants,_
the visitors, but the home team in where he found the remains of a man
their fifth inning scored 4, which put about 50 years of age, with grey
game 6.5 iu favor of the Actives. beard, and dressed in a suit of dart-.
Excitement ran higb,,botb:clubs work- tweed, lying in a fence corner. In•
ing nobly, the Stars, however, in the the centre of the man's forehead was,
sixth inning rolling np 4:runs, which a ragged wound, from which the,
made 9.6 in their favor. During the blood had oozed and congealed on the.
uext three innings the Stars failed' to side of the face. In the right hands
leugthen their score, while the Actives of the corpse was clutched a beilvy
made 3, 3, 1, respectively, a total of 38 -calibre revolver, one chamber of
13-9 in favor of the home team. The which was empty, indicating that the
Actives outplayed their opponents in roan had taken his own life. Chief
the field, every nutu doing good work, , Bains took charge of the body, which
but at the bat were unable to hit Mo- was conveyed to Windsor and placed
Kaye, with. the exception of a 3•bag• in an undertaking establishment.
ger by Bissett, a 2.bagger by Bawdeu There was nothing in the man's pock -
and single hits by itIoDonell and 1111!. ets to indicate his identity, but in the
Knight made two very pretty catches grown of a hat, which was lying a
at centre field, while Hill did some snort distance from the body, were
noble work on third base. 1i'or the the initials, "A. L. R." The body
"Stars," Ward, let basetnau, McKay, was in a good state of preservation,
pitohar, - and McKay, catcher, did and judging from She absence of
some excellent work. Owing to the wallop or valuables of any kind in
first-class battery of both clubs, the the pockets of the clothing, !Oa sup-
majotity of the batsman were put posed that the suicide first got rias of
out outhree strikes. There were six everything which be lilrely to
white -washes recorded` against the reveal his identy, and then went to
"Star,," while the "Actives" aufl'ered the secluded spot where the body was
throe. The nmpiriug was performed found and deliberately took his life.,
L.JEN1tY t'ILBER, Lioensed Auc- lbs., and one of them not three year Elllat and lila gang In p :l� for the
tieneerfor Hay, 3tol,hen,an,1 MOGillvray ala• privilege of passing over. The popu-
Townships. Sales conducted at moderate rates. Ou Saturday a man who hues at laxity of Phillips pop is at high water
Otnaa—At Poat•o171se,Creditoa, Ont. Clink!), went out into a field to catch stark at Bayfield Bridge. ilir. John-
@lou also says that a fellow named
his horse, but the animal had no de- y
,,r, 'tjfONEYTO LOAN ON REALES- sire to be caught, and he threw a
L tato tortho Huron & ErieLoan +• Savings stink at it, which struck it ou the
S7oioty. Low retest)! interosi..applyto John
9i aokman,nxeter. eys, knocking it out of the socket
entirely, and landing it twenty feet
0 way.
At a meeting of the Middlesex Law
Association hold in the oity of London
on Monday, kir. Thomas Pardon was
ONEY TO LOAN AT 6+ AND 7 the choice of the Association as a
per cent. according to terms. Private bencher of the Ontario Law Society
Pumas. Apply toy
B.v.ELLIOT, to fill the uncanny canoed by the
octoberl5,'so SoUoitor. Exetol death of H. C. R. Becher.
J. CLARK, Agent for the Us -
1.1 •borneand llibbort \lutualriro[nsuranco
".ompauy, Residence —i"nrquliar, Order!, by
inai'promptly ettondedto.
Central Shaving Parlor
1! 'or Clean and easv shaving, fashionable hair
cutting, d:o.
Clean Towels for every customer.
Next door to Central Hotel.
DWELLING HOUSE andouoacre ofiand
situated on the Thames Road,2lmiles oast of
Exeter. Good large frame stable and driving
shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing
trees; good. well and cistern. Suitablofor a re-
tired farmer. Will be sold cheap for cash, Ap
ply to THOMAS ALLIN.E.teterP 0 iv 10-tf
e lathe Court, .,f Common Pleas—Deeds,
WilIs,tfortgages, Leases,and all forms ofagrae .
ments drawn and execufedaccorling to law.
ing to borrow money on account ofreoontpur-
cbases onand, or to pay off existing mortgagss
willfind a great saving bygiving me a call, Can
lend money at6 and 61 per cent. acoordingto
terms. • N.J.CLARZ.
On the 5111 inst., as Mrs. Win.
Woods, of Tnckersmitb, was return-
ing hou,e from the Rodgerville Church
in company with the rest of the fain.
ily, she was thrown from the rig al
the farm gate, by the horse jumping
into the ditch. She received several
painful injuries, but we understand
she is in a fair way of recovery.
While the Rev. Mr.. Harris, of
Kirkton, was starting for Woodham
church ou Sunday morning of last
week, his horse became frightened
and dashed off at a fearful speed
throwing the rev. gentleman out of
his buggy. However, we are glad to
say he ouly received a few slight in-
juries, which did not prevent him
from fulfilling his appointments dur-
ing the day.
In connection with the Roman
Catholic bazaar at Goderioh, the
Hor. A. M. Rose offered a silver
pitcher to be presented to the most
_' popular lawyer in town, the people
being judge. Ladies canvassed town
and country for votes at, . ten oeuts
each. Mr. M G. Cameron easily se-
cured the trophy from his rival, Mr.
F. W. Johnston.
The sale of Rev. G. B. Taylor's ef.
feels, last Saturday, at Bayfield, was
attended by the largest crowd that
ever attended a sale in this section,
and all articles sold well. On all
sides expressions of regret were heard
that one so able and earnest should
be leaving their midst, and the final
farewell between the pastor and his
people was affectionate in the extreme.
He carries with him the good wishes
and esteem of a mach larger circle of
acquaintances than he had previously
believed he had. -
AssetS, 18176;100.00, consisting of Cash in Last week we made mention of t
dank, GovernmentDeposit,and the unassessed tl t the Clinton Salt Works
Also agent for the London Mutual Ineurance
Company of Canada, Mercantile Insurance Co
—Capital 1.500,000.00 Head Office Waterloo;
Ont, Glasgow & Loudon Insurance Coy—Oapp-
ital 32,500,000 ; Goad (Mee, Montreal : Stand-
ard Lite Insurance Co., Head Office, London.
England ; Guarantee dr Accident Co, Head
Off,ce, Toronto'.
Established in 1$63.
This comyanvhas been over Eightteen years
a successful operation in Western Ontario,and
continues to insure agaiustloss or damage by
Fire ,Buildings,Merohaadise, Manufactories,and
all other descriptions of insurable property. In.
tendinginsurers have the option of insuring o n
the Premium Note or Cash System.
During the past ten years this Company has
slued 57,006 Poltcies.covering property to' the
amount 01340,872,098; and paid in losses alone
$700 772 00
mNotesonhnndandinforce W 1VAL gen
Vremiu Oman a
'DEN Al 17: Presides t. C. SI. TAY;,oB, Secretary packing 600 barrels of salt in six a S. A. officer were arnong the speak -
J. B.
peakJ.B.. Hooses, Inspector. CHARLES SNELL
Agent for Exeter and vicinity. days, but the following "downs" Mr. ere. Mr. Wilson had justcammenced
Beacom working at the bridge used holding their first practice now blabs
some of the mist profane and filthy about it as fellows : "When a wo-
language towards him he ever listen- m:tu tries to c::ich a ball, she throws
ed to.—Goderich Signal. her hands wide apart, waits until the
The Rev. Mr. Taylor, lately of Bay
field, who left on Friday and whom)
purpose (D. V.) is to take a trip to
the old country, was suddenly taken
ill with some direct ailment of the
heart, at Stratford, on Monday last.
Ooe physician was summoned, but
he considered Mr, Taylor's case of so
eericus a nature that another physic.
inn was called. The ltev. gentleman
was to have addressed the Orange.
men that day but of coarse could not
do 83. It will be remembered that
Mr. Taylor addressed an audience in
the Sohool Hall in this place last fall
on the Scott Act. A. short rest will
probably admit of the gentleman con-
tinuing his jouaney to the old coun-
try, and we wish him God speed.
Meagre. Hearn & Craig, the well
known and popular cattle dealers of
Clinton, last week made a shipment
of exeeptioually good cattle, being 83
head purchased of Mr. James Fair, of
Clinton, and 5 head parchated from
Mr. Robs. Pea000k of the London
Road. Mr. Fair s cattle would aver-
age nearly 1,500 each, while au ox
among the cumber turned the scales
at 2,400. Mr. Peacock's cattle were
not quite ae good as the others, but
were, nevertheless, very good animals.
For this lot Of cattle Mr. Fair received
nearly $2,000, and for the lot lie sold
at Easter some $2,700, which, with
other animals sold to the same buy-
ers, would make about $5,000 paid
by them to Mr. Fair, since the let at
January. Geo. Dyke, alto, bad nine
two•year-ole-past steers, for which he
received $500, the price clearly chow•
ing they were very good 0008, as they
had only just come off the grass.
The .neoting of several Orange
Lodges at Bayfield. on Monday in
commemoration of the Battle of the
Boyce and the triumph of civil and
religious liberty, and the freeing of
the people of Britain from the temp-
oral and spiritual tyranny of Rome,
was quite a su000de. Tihere was a
goodly number from Steplheu, Stanley
and Godericb townships. The new
Rector, Mr. Hodgins, M. Pollock and
Ou Tuesday afternoon, a game of
base ball was played here by the