HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-7-2, Page 8gusto +ones,
SEULOIDS VITALIZER is whet you sweet Sohr ol, was held in Mr. a no. gunk,
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dissid awe grpYe on the afternoon of the
ossa, and all symptomeef Dyspepsia. Price, ea telt, Tbs young matt o� the drat"
IQ anti ffa saute per battle. $alta hr trier repaired to the grave in the fore"
Hrotve f unset and utswings aad tables.
d. few evenings since, hi r. J, E. Tam, � p up g
B.t,;liarva, ran of M. James Tom, cf Hits Shortly after, 'molt the people of the
B. viae presented with an elegant silver, vicinity end ,biers matted assembled
tea service and a verb agreeable address, by 1,.... y
the pupils of the Collegiate Institute, in the arite woods ttutil tilers was a cora--
starve town, prior to bis resiguation as pally .Numbering SOMO h�n, Peds, all.
lruglish toaster. Ur, Tem bas Always. been seeiniug to he bent on a jolly tiros,
.an energetic worker in the amiss of winos- and sheer, had one. Tile :have ball
t' d ash hunt success in his new
TR URSI AAY, JULY 214, 1.88 .
T14:4CENTS oar ;Melee firstiasardele, sod
FOUR CNN L'S per true for seal, eubseeueut la
iertion.wilt ue clbaraeafor notices iepeea,rini
to thiuralumu.
&GOAL, Nk:WS.—We:i,aR be happy to re-
ccis;e at ail firm, frog/ spiv parr of the
Qouatty, items elects/ news, each ds cry.
ciaret:,or any interesting ittddexat what
eer, frees spur of our sxlracriber: or read-
ers yener,sily for the pitrpase of public-
g ist >fMw, Koos.
The rates to Earope per Allen Line aro
this year tower than aver. Cabin passengers.
8&d to *SC ietesnseiiate tete Steerage.
$.13. These are'th' vanes from 'Q;ebec to
Liverpooti and Letnie*elerey, RI/Sla y fare,
from Exeter to "Q,aelsec very los. For par
tac:0ms apply to J. Speektuast. agent E4e.
ter, Cwt.
The weatltsr lase bean very
last Orr days.
The Sous of Teratpereaee w U shortly re.
move to Famsere'e Pali.
R. Elliot, of the Molaon Bxuk. sl.ou;;tan,
spent, test Sumiay in Piaster,
The brick went of the Peesleyterien men
is completed.
We understated there are t4 be two ratter
*eating eines emoted In tow.
The Fezeier public seh.'. wu +tiered ep
Tumidity for a halide 's. h will open
the lac o Augma
again an • l their antuerous trteude in sxteneing to therm
11 s uudersctanrl the date of the Mstsoutc 21 of Fuller.tou, County of Perth, where
A very successful strawherry festival in ber of people.. The glitbe were those' To which We b'specially deVotc our attention among which
item so we
w . _ i match; was wi$Aoeaed y a large nuatt-
' 85 - SPHIN&. ' 8
We beg to advise our friends that we axe offering for
this season's trade a more than usually attractive assortment
in the
oonuectioa with the Cam grerbyteria4 or Farquhar aud_ Wtuohehtea, We: we would mention
Choreal guar bead or, '.dossier weal; m fast, understand the prones was not sem.
The delieions strawberries, cream and other ,laterad as rho Wiacjlelsea' club 4ottld ZWOOli OCide
good things were emir ed in th4 baaesxierit of
the abmeh, after wbrel the intellectual part net take the time, soma of them bev- In large variety of fabrics and any beautiful de--
of the entertairewent was given in the body lug to play in the band Tbe. pito-- ---
of tha church. Tho progxauwae sopsisted oheleesa band entiveued the proaaed- eee
, of apeeebes, mule. readings, ko. .Altogeah- - x'@ i8 ue1UXS
er a very pleasant evening was spent. The lag by playing @orae lively airs. Be
proceeds amounted to !M. freshmente were supplied by Ur. Jas.
Fila Lordship ;the Bishop of Boron Fergusoe, of Exeter, au Mr. U. Z&C af.
beg made the follewing APPmetanents of Broad, of Winchelsea. A very ea—
1 lain, Checked, Printed, &c.
newly ordained tuisasiostariera -The Kee. �,. d Black, White, Cream, Colored; variou
13, Griffin, to the rnieeion of Monk m, Hen, 3+'yable Eaule was �p4at, aN we
fryn 'ad : akt+eaxt ; Bey. 0. R. Badger/ma. gratuiate the promoters of it on their Qllalltlet?,
to the mission of Dublin, Staff* and Fetter- success, Ziocce .nio c i Nei
Bethwell . F. G. 'Newton. to the mission of e, ,er. �s
and Nertavraotown • liau. +O. Nage- Large Stock.
#ow, to tine,atissiott of Dresden and Pstsrit
hf ate ; Bev.l ,Rat,iasraa, to Farther aud t as our ea1emu dui Zxt2,b rQtCleri ts
riisattt ; Bev. J: ilr, lit'dsiity, to tat, .rats. y '
atollof ngada, Varna e 1 Gosben, its death of Ur. Finest assortment
I sada
sae �,r1 ,�0w 0
Cotton. Lisle, Ub, Kid ;
ive assortment.
Onxtrusue. I
this wsek to record t
Au iutert/44/4g event kook ,place lit the Archibald llfvCurdy, sr.,
noon, oitmely alis marriage of liars Jeause v P a red.
Verity to lay. Dodd .lf,ltainsay. , son of Mr. colt. 13, oil gone 21st, 1884,
Jamea i3arnsay.of this place. The cera- sassed was a native of Ireland,
tunny was perterauad by lt,ev. t . *l. l!. la T, horn in tllc County of Antrim, to
Dieksaa. pastoral the Maiu.street Methodist year ] 810 fusel was therefore
Cearob. They were the raeipientra of main,
h> a and a pensie=e. p aenta. Tela time of thrix' death 60 years of it
happy souk, left in the evening fox Iondes- He emigrated to this country
bolo', Meek fataxo'htuae. we 1010 with 1848, settling Prat, in the tewnektip
residence of :ii r, W, ll. Verity yesrtcrdav after. a eat took trios at itis let
excursion from Exeter to Port Street9y bas'ottr very best wishes for a long, ..appy alta
been fixed for August Tela. nvssdul life. he Busies fere yetara, after which he
Qss seeeeeey last err, enehsr i Itandtort1 s The following *Scare were electoal for the retrloyed to Usborne, where he reeid-
bouse at Centralia. was *truck by 1igittniitg, rrent quarter at the last regular meeting till hie death. Descend.iog as he did
from a long-lived euoeatr f, hie years
were comperetivoly few, trot the roost
but no seri.aus damage wee dope, of Exeter Division No 199, Sons of Tem,
Some i>f the feraie'rd to tide vicinity eve P0n1U0e hell on Monday evening last
comma:1%4 haying. 1; is a heavy crop this, • W.1'., Uro. J. J.1'iokard (re-elects il; W. A.,
515. E. Borne; R. S. Bro. R. T. White ; rugged of constitutions gives Ray be.
1 y Hellebore for Currant Weft ls, end Pure 4, It- Sa, od
.. Sia Croutd (ra.electe.1) ; F. S. forts the ravages oe &laease. which
Dalmatian lueeet P.waer for sats' at Ventral Bea, Ed^ Harwood tre.electsxll ; ei piairs. i sues particularly niauifested iu hie
Mug fit<are. 4', l utr, proprietor.• E. R. Ilis::eit (re-elaatetil ; Ts eaearar• case. For about two years he war
e coueleetou of tau tntare*ting letter Bro. Ii, trucker (re.electen ; UM. Bra. W; d sinful d'
rasa our c,ir wde,pu u t 0k , L S,. Su. Sweat; G. :i... 11x4. \tir. Gould ; duringthe last six mouths of which
,hien. in t ero><.lttl out tact xcek, may he Orgaeni:t, Ste. E. Bell ; P. W. 1.. Bro. J,;1'.
:carni in Haim t,:,.ni•' Claxke,
*CATAit1311 l l'1tFD, health and Sweet \puri, a broil, marriage, or bidet tecura
breath secured by Shiloli's Cata,rb Remedy.
Price ae ceuts. Nasal Injeeior lroe. 50141 in one's f+aaaily lie always likes, to sea a wan
by .1. W. Browning. itiou made of it in his legal paper.
Tender* for making approaches t<) Sawn- When his Mks are ',silting or visite t he ea-
crton'e bodge esu thr tee toed aro wiser for Prete to see it in print. But when by send•
and will ist� mewed by 1,,. Hardy, Esq., tin tug to some large arty Int eau get printing
to Satan*lay eveniut; next. done cbeaperi overlooks the fact that his
l ha annual i;ttawlscrra fe*tivnt taf rite Homo paper is employing hands aud halt to
r"'i ata t n the :grab eNt Foltau+l (re-electe4 A. Con., Siv, F. Smile; affitate wttlt a very pain u tseaea,
hie entt'ering who intense, yet no bore
i1 all with Christian fortitude, anti
conetaotly exhibited that patience
aud Hope known only to those whose
hope se founded on the "Rock of
.4ges.' Rio end wee a peaceful
noising away, as one falling asleep..
Throughyears of patiout toil and a
Methodist Clinch at Centraiia was tte1l l not raopey to par them. 80 i;ursrea "sine 1 life oe probity he land aooutnulatee a
eeeterttey, dual as usual, was well patronized.. efforts aviator for a few paltry cents sends to a fait there of this wor.Id's goods, all
rand a very enjoyable holiday was spa'nt. large city where a press, kept continually Is whlah remain, as a monument to
Mr. Wore*, Eyed, of Z,'eberne. who has runnier;. led by w 25 clout boy, makes his
beep werkiug tau F,weeerten`e bridge ou the : note tumuli, letter beetle. statements, da. parsservnnee And industry. He leaves
Lake how, had the mivtortau,0 au lfomany i Such enterprisers what keeps it town alive a wife, three sons and two daughters
efterovoo to bare his leg eel -lonely injured.
Bev. E. J.1totinson's bonsehold furniture,
china stud gleenware, cabinet organ and
i'hsetou Lugt ' wiU be offered for Salo on the
t+th inet. See adcer.iaemout.
It the work in Swenertou'a ussw block taro.
greases as rapidly as it has done the last
week, it will not be long before an elegant
building will grace the corer of Station and
A Seetnith school strawberry festival was
held In the basement of the \fain.street
Methodist churches+ Friday evening. 14.
dresses were delivered by the pastor, and
Revs, W.S. Pas000 and Wm, Martin. A
very pleasant time was spent.
Mrs.1t..13andford, of Centralia, was driving
down the London Road on Iter way borne
from Exeter on &feudal, evening, when she
mot a drank,en =unnamed Basilian, who etio
her rig inter the ditch, aud rho was thrown
out and oonaiderably injured.
The Rev. 13. . Robinson, the newly ap-
pointed minister for the English churches
of Eketer and Hensen, preached at both
places on Sunday last. Reis a pleasingand
fluent speaker, and his sermons on Sabath
vera listened to with very deep interest.
Avaluable canary bird belonging to Airs.
IV. H. Verity accidentally got out of the cage
tine day last week and fiew out of doors and
np on a tree. Tne little boy threw a stone
up into the tree, thinking to frighten the
little songster down, bot the s:orte struck it
and lulled it.
The prize list has been issued for the
Proviueial Exhibition, to be held in the city
of London in September, ander the auspices
of the Ontario Agricultural and .arts Associ.
ation. The lists are being circulated through
the Province, and the prizes are attractive in
all departments,
We understand that it is the intention of
Rev. 8..7. Robinson to shortly go to the old
country, where he will remain for at least
six months. It is his intention to give lee.
tares there on Canada, showing .the advan-
tages it affords to emigrants, the extent of
her territory, &e:
The council should send out men soon to
cut the thistles and weeds. In about two
months they will beseady tocut again. It
would be money well spent to ent thein
twice each year. Persons who own land
that is given over to weeds ghoul& be early
admonished to eut them.
A lecture under the auspices of the 'Young
Ladies' Literary Society of Heneall will be
given by Mrs. Prendregast,` of . Seaford), in
Hodgins' ball, on the 9th inst. '• ' She is an
excellent speaker, and all who can should
hear her. The price of admission is only 15
Two fine stores in Exeter, belonging to the
Drew Estate for sale very cheap, if nut sold
will be leased at a very low rental. A fine
briek. residence, formerly occupied by Mr.
Drew, also a frame .cottsge, and b vacant
village lot for sale very cheap. For Terms,
dc., apply to JOHN BANTOI , Exeter.
Without exception the best and cheapest
lines of Boots and Shoes we have as yet seen,
ran new be had at C. Eaorett's, Also Chil-
dren's Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys'
Biey6les of all sizes, ; also Harness of every
description constantly on ` hand. Call and
see for yourselves. Butter and. Eggs taken
in exchange for goods. 0. E. ' ' 28 2m
Mr. W. U. Gay, an employee of this of-
fice, has just received a well executed por-
trait of Mr. John Cann, of Usborne, which
was painted by his father, near Torrington;
Devonshire England, from a photograph sent
him, it ie an oil painting, about 14x18 in.,
and is very creditable to the artist. He also
rent a beautiful landscape painting some
time ago.
in the optuion of some. But we eau tta
all kinds of printing in good style aud at as
low prises as the city waves, as we have a
fast mesa which is ria by steam and all the
neeesssar,* facilitie e for eloiug pnutiug expo -
to mourn their great laud irreparable
res. 'Their lose is his eternal gain.
The friends have the sympathy of the
entire neighborhood in this their sad
itionaly, bereavement. The funeral, I! Wall
The Grip Printing and Publishing+ Com-
e nbout to issue Peart No 1 of their J took place the Tuesday following his
pang ear
"Souvenir Edition" of Tug: Ir.Lussaieers' death, was largely attended, ihue tea.
e have aver shewn,
It r`1,lad
try varied and eteac
Cotton, Lisle, Balb':`iggian, co. ; full display.
Cr�ltcxa xa.es cfc Cretonne $'xixkges
To match. ; beautiful goods.
e a . a ,waDes
In tate depertoseut we aim to keep constantly on hand a tell and complete
, stock of *litho latus, in demand. bods be ranee aad Staple l nallmaree, A call solicited
glance out of bis hand, owning i1 to over by Isi'o. 26, from the west, whioh
}sass across clue of 'Mr.Elford'el armebad lsasaed a few minutes before. The
autltoritiee were notified, the ambul-
auoo was sent for, aud the remains
were carried to the morgue, Front
papers found on the body it would
appear that the uafortnnate wan s
name was T. Dinsley, and that be
belonged to Clinton."
almost grazing hie throat.
A. youth named John Cole, the por;
ter of the Brunswick Mote), Winghant,
having bsou detected atealing from
abs samples of eoinmerciel travellers,
has been disonarged. from Mr. Dal.
anage'a employ anti "Skipped by the
light of the moon" the sante night.
lion. S, C. Bray, M. P.., late At–He is said to have jumped from
the Era
�but for what
rneyGeneraleard Premier of South inis mot,
Australia, welted Winghsui last week,
the guest of hie cousin, Mies Ada
Bray. The gentleman wast on his
way front England ou the homeward
reason i
s not known. About two
weeks since he left here for Chicago,
with the intention of working there,
but the supposition is that he fatten
Our to Australia. .lie expects to tette 10 find limes as he anticipated, and
a trip to Ottawa to see Sir, Sohn A. waa refuting to Clinton, when be met
Maadodeld before leaving Canada- lite untimely death, He was the
yougeel sen of of Mr. E. Dingley, and
before leaving town had been in the
employ of Mr. N. Robson, his brother
iu.law.tThie is the first death that has
marred is the family for a number
of pears, and much sympathy is ex -
pretend for the young mane parents.
Between six and seven c'olook on
Friday morniuga hearlrenderipg oc•
onrrence transpired on the Delmage
estate, just outside the town of Chat.
haul. lira. Feenan was in the barn
yard milking when she was attacked
by a bull. Her cries attracted the hir-
ed man, we understand --who cams to
her rescue. The sight which met his
eyes will never be forgotten. The
animal was dragging hia helpless vie-
tim around the yard upon hie
horns, her abdomen ripped open ant/
her bowels trailing. day the vigorous.
use of a club, the infuriated beast was,
driven offs by whioh time Mr. Feenen,
who had been a considerable distance,
ich had 8 convictions, Clinton 5; Sea- away, and others ahad arrived. Al,
forth 5; Fxeter, 7, and sundry other first it was thongilt the ;Roman was,
planes a few each. There were only dead, but as they attempted to re-_
four oonviotione for drunkenness in
the list, and three of these were noted
Addley, of Clinton. The finest Ieviea
amounted to $200.
The rebellion in the west has been
a good thing, indirectly, for some of a h stolen, the wounds were the,
Hittite who had horses to hire out p y
there. We know of two brothers from
moat terrible he ever ;witnessed. He.
this neighborhood, who hired their found two large incisions ofthe ab-.
teams when file engagement just oom- domen, out of .which the bowels
minuted. One put in 120 days at $10 wholly protruded. Around. and,nnder,
a day' and the other not quite so long 1 the hips the wounds were ghastly..
At this price there is considerable Drs. Bray and Fleming were on the,
more profit than tilling the prairie,
but the business is mush more per
mament.--Clinton New Era.
Oa Mouday last his Lordship,
Bishop Walsh, administered euufirm
ation to about 80 of the children of
the R.C. church of St. Marys. His
Mr, James Carnooben, jr., of 2nd
ommeeeion Tuokeramith, has since
Wart Nara. This edition will contain a tifyiog the esteem in which he was I last apring*dieposeci of four #horogh-
complete history of the rebellion. and will held.
be Issued in two Berta, each containing e bred Durham bulls, to parties through.
pp.,. at which will be illustrated, The out the twenty, rooeivtug for each a
history has been carefully written by the au- handaomo figura. ri1 r, Qarnuchan is
*her of the' War in the Soudan," and the known as a first class stools raiser,
engraviuge gotten up in Ilio bast possible
style. There will be a largo two-page inns- and those purchasing animals Irom
tratron, priated in colors, of the principal him may be assured they are tbor-
oMoere at the front, and the Dover will be rhos. 1 fcCanu, whose pxrente live ougb–bred.
also; printed in colors and will form a very near Daehvraod, was killed near Col– Alar largely attended special meeting
attractive title page for the edition. Each r g y p g
pertevonid shako an ordinary book of 120 umbiaville, Miciaigan, on 7 ueaday, of of the Middlseez Law Aseooiation
pages, and when bound in book form will be last week. was held Wednesday afternoon for
one of the most attractive and valuable me- The people of St. Maul's ohuroh, the purpose of nominating a bendier
mentos of the Rebellion. The price of each Wingham, have decided to purchase
number will be 50c., and we predict a large in the place of Mr. H. C. R. Beecher,
sale. Part 1 will be ready on the 3rd July, the Iot awned by Mr. Dania, near tthe Q. C. Mr. Park, Vice President,
and can be procured of all booksellers, or school, and commence to build a Rao- occupied the chair. Owing to the
from the Publishers. torp thereon at once. poor representation from outside the
The Exeter Village Council met by order The Bishop of 2luron isnot will
of the Reeve, at the Market House on the city, ,it was decided to adjourn for
ing to part with Rev. Mr. Taylor. of
29th nit., the Reeve and Councillors Pick- .two weeks,
and and Dyer present. The minutes .of the Bayfield, from hia dioaeae, but }Ise
previous meeting were read and confirmed. given him a year's absence to visit file The donvictione by magas trate in
Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by A. G. Dy- alai country, Mr. Taylor proaohed the county, for the quarter ending the
er, that orders be granted for the following 9th inst., numbered 54, considerably
sums, viz.: John Gillespie, 930.80, labor ; 6ie farewell sermon on Sunday.
S. Snell. $5.63, labor; John Parsons, 923.45, A deaf and dumb ]ori named Dna- leas in preceeding; quarters. Goder-
labor ; John Keyes, 915.25, labor ; John
Stanlake. {325.07, lubor ; James Balsden,
939.80, labor ; Thos. Bissett, 44.90, labor ;
John 'lhompson, 945.80, labor ; D. Bissett,
$1.25, labor ; John Moresbead, 915.25 labor;
Al. Bissett, 954.30, labor ; Thos. Snow,
$12.82 ; Ed. Maguire, 16.57, labor ; Richard
Pineombe, 918.45, labor; C. Dorwood, 944.30
labor; Donald Taylor, 915.25, labor ; Wm
Webster, 916.75, labor ; E. R. Bissett, 942;
S. Handford, $48.80, labor ; and M. Eacrett,
925, part salary.—Carried. Moved . by J,
Pickard, seconded by A. G. Dyer, that the
Reeve and Treasurer be .authorized ta` bor.
row 9800 on The credit of this corporation to
meet current expenditure.—Carried.
Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by A. 1*. and stock were. saved. Loss partly
Dyer, that this Council adjourn until call of
the Reeve .--Carried.
Not Fax !Prom Home.
'1 ews Condensed.can MoCrimmon, aged 16, wasdrowned in the Maitland River atWinghara Saturday afternoon, whilebathing. The body was recovered.Saturday morning the safe it Syer& Mayhew's new roller mill, Thames -
villa had been drilled and the lookbroken by SO me person who only se-
cured about $40 f or th'eir trouble.The residence of P. B. Wallace,shoemaker of.Auburn' was destroyedby fire on Sunday morning. Origin oflire unknown, Most of the furniture
M. EAonaTT, Clerk.
THE WEA.TE u.—The temperature
here is very ehengeable. Cold enough
some days for au overooat,
RE TURNED. ---Mr. Pahl Madge,
of the Thames Road, has returned
from his trip to the 01d Country, and
looke quite hearty.
has erected ss; fiue baru with brisk
stabling, beneath. -Mr. ThomasCam
erou is raising his barn end put-
ting thiugs in order generally.—&Vfr.
David McNtcol is erecting a residence
which will :al considerably to the ap-
oarauce of this village.
Thome Poem -The Union Picnic
ooneieting 04 the Thames Read Pres–
byterian Sandy School, Bethany
Sunday School, Lumley Public
School and Thames Road Public
covered by insurance.
Mr. R. Turner has rented his hotel
in Brimfield for a terns of years to
Mr. A. Robinson of Stanley. Mr.
Turner intends'devoting his entire at-
tention to farming and will occupy
hia handsome new residence near the
A three–year old daughter of Mr.
Angus MaQuaig, of Luoknow, while
walking on the railway bridge near
that place the other day, was struck
by the steps of one of the passenger
coaches of a: train, and seriously, if
not fatally injured.
The other day several boys broke
into the warehouse of Mr. R. M. 1*0o-
e91' at the Grand Trunk Station, Clin-
ton and stole about fifteen pounds
of powder. One of2them, .while carry•
ing some of it in hie pocket, gob sever-
ely burned byta matohbeing put to it.
Mr. Elford, of Holmeeville, narrow
ly escaped being killed by an axe one
day this week. While hewing . him.
ber one of the choppers let att axe
move her, she raised up and fell bads,
again. With all dispatch possible.
she was taken to the house and• Dr..
Murray sent for. That gentleman,
being absent, Dr. Tyke was called..
He says that, in all his experience as,
ground soon efter,and togetheY wash::
ed and restsired'the entrails and at-
tended to injuries as well as"possible.
Mrs. Feenan was quite. sensible moat
of the time, and inquired, if she would
live. Dr. Tyke told' her she would
not, andebe replied teethe" effect that '
Lordship explained the nature of the ;he was only joking.. The physicians
regard her recovery as
sacrament whioh' the children were , impossible.
about to receive and directed a short The bull,'whioh had frequently shown
but suitable address to the • congrega-
tion. Afteroonfirmation, all the'boys
confirmed were pledged to total ab–
stinence until twenty-one years of age,
By the administration of this pledge,
his Lordship claims he has - reads
16,000 total abs1ainees in his -diocese.
The London papers Thursday con–
tained the following paragraph:'Short
ly after ono o'clock this morning, .the
body of a man was fouudelying on the
side of the G. T. R. track, just west
of Ridout_St. The body was horribly
mangled, the man evidently been run
sign:egof'viciousness to other,,,.;