HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-7-2, Page 7JHOLLOWAY's PILLS&OINTMENT Interesting Items. BE SOJIETHING. Avoid ley all means .the use of C1 izel for ! Oh, to be something, something, biliqus eompleiets. Ayer'.e Catlrtartio flits, t Tby aim in life should be; compeunded entirely of vegetable Ingredients, Tobe something for the piaster have been tested for forty years, and are ac; kuotvledged to be the best remedy ever devised for torpidity of the liver, costiveness, and all derangements of the digestive apatatus, A New York man has developed a cheek six inches think, and he is hesitating whether to sell lightning rode, or take the lecture platform. A GREAT MISTAKE, IS is si! great mistake to suppose that dyspep- sia, eal"l't, ltd 11/i ed°; but must be 'enfiured, and life made gloomy and miserebte thereby, Al- exander Burns, of Cobourg, was cured after suffering fifteen years. Burdock Blued Bits ters cured hits. A, French astronomer has dieoalered that this earth is older than the sun. It we wore old Sol we'd make Min prove it or take a back peat. A PERFECT BEAUTY. Perfect beauty is only attained by pure blood and good health. These acquirements give the possessor a pleasant expression, a fair clear skin and the rosy bloom of health. Bar- dock Blood Bitters purify the blood and tene A l4lyittery of t?te CAiltertt. tb tin t 1 h lth tton.. Who is so. much for thee; Thou art needed in life's battle, To toil in Jesus' might, So buckle thy armor on and go. Prepared to defend the right. Oh, to be something, something, When so many are standing by. Who are "nothings" in Christ's service, But 1M their brands and sigh; Rouse up ttalife and aatton, For Jesus lead the way, Do not stand idly waiting. While others win the day. Qb, to he something, something, When there's; so much to do In the ranks of the Master's army, And' the taborets so few; He smiles on our feeblest efforts To be something in his sight; So boldly march on.in Jesus' strength, And oyer ""dare to ;do • right." , o en a sxs em o a . ea y ac A North Carolina woman has been arrested 9 for walking in Iter sleep, It got so bad that ehe walked into smoke -houses and took hams, SURE TO CONQUEROR. Tho most troublesome cough is sure to yield it timely treated with Hagyard's Pectoral atom. Pleasant to take and safe for young Aral. Buoklen'aArnleasatve, halo The Beat Salve in the world for Cuts, Boma, p s fcgoat ourieolty it trim deter - es, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, mined to produce, as nearly ae pow. Tetter, Chapped hands. Ceilblaina,0orna, and Oils, the portrait or the typical girl all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Pilon, of oulturs. Tba • proses, employed was based upon French!. Galton,'e ex, periwents in photography. The ca- mera was arranged, pad the eleven sitters quickly took Their places be- fore it, each one occupying only a second or two. The sitters were so posed that their eyes exactly corns- *pouded with two .mints marked on the emulate. so that **oh tete coca... pie* precteely the same position on the negsttive. The girl with the mora A novel erperimsnt has been ono• ceestnliy performed by the Professor of ()bemiatry and t4 assistant at Smith'. College, Boston, with the co. operation of the eleven aoaonuliahed young ladies who Germ the ionic, class in phyeioi. Ae w matte,' of or no nay required.. It to guaranteed to give Petted Qatisfactiou, or money refunded Priee 23 Dente per box. For sale by all drug. Kids. A Connecticut Justice of the Peace rotases to be addressed as "Your Honor." He says ,'Colonel" is good enough for hint. A. SENSATION. An unparalleled sensation is being oreeted all over Ontario by the wonderful and unequalled manner in which Neuralgia. Toothache, Rims matins. Backache, Headache, is removed by one application of Fluid Lightning, No of - Pensive, disgusting drugs need be taken for regular features aril taken fire,* and days. It is.au instant cure. Try 425e. bottle •- from Dr. Browning, Druggist. 1u the este there was dorettit,ed a A new fish called theoherna bas been his- photograph showing the features covered in the Gulf of Mesio. He's fool common to all the sitters, bas exactly enough to bite an untainted hook. rumbling none of theta, The re DON'T BE DECEIVED. cult obtaiped teas remarkable. The Beware of any druggist who w:t1 try to in. watery of Iha camera is undeniably duce you to take anything in place of :►IoOreg- beautiful. With high brow, softened or it Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It is a marvel of healing for 507,03ua cats, Bur, etc, No by allay waves 'if hair, deep•eyed, y gave her a neat at my table. A thrill t• eau if passed up through m graceful and; 011 t 'ail to delloatel,y molded spinal column Ind 1 laid (Laval the vulgar manse a which '1 AT TH I wee 000 to feed myselfwhen (she People's Popular Hardware t dawned upon me I vsrdured then to look across the table at her in the full glare of the new horn .day. (Stereoecopia views of this last asnteooe will be forwarded to any address at one dotter per glare.) The first thing I noticed was that ahe Hadn't put her yellow wig on straight. , It wsa a little higher an one si"lejtban' she other, whish gage her the air of a young roan who had awes-monteyed wish the flowing bowl. This showed to the august apeatator a glimpse of her moth-eaten, sage -brash hair peep ing out like the faded rail on an old buffalo -robe. Then 1 knee, that we 0 nig never be store to each other than friends. Her nese was red also„ and she bsd, net been properly kalsomined. In the hurry of dressing oh* had missed her nose with the powder -reg, and that organ --meaning, of comae, the noes, not the powder-rag—loomed up robust and purple to the ghastly waste of obis* bones and other case- cas tnrmations. An, what * pain it gave me to se. my beautiful vision fade thus Were my eye* l Then 1 thought how I had *wiled Upon her the evening before, and bow, Ot'hepe, a new hope had aiming np w her lle&r&, and, I leered 1 that when she knew it tree 411 over between tie, ties shook, a► her time of life, mig'it hilt her. I left my hot pancake* with the maple syrup all over theta and fled. Out into the din, the hnuy and the tirste.. ]rash of the road. mad world, trying to stifle the memory of that broken heart. Should ahe see there line. I pupa she will not think bitter- ly of sus. I still admire her nal * +sell 1 preserved main, bot lave in, such a case wontd be a hollow mookery. A. lilustrel Joke. 'I Hae a man driving a wagon down South Fifth avenue die yore morning, whet* a shutter flew off ob a buiidiu', family Should bo witl3Vut it. It has no equal.with refined feature* and earnest ex.. and knocked' the wagon speechless.' Get McGregor d Parke's, and have no other. pression, rifle is * young woman of Intorloou.or--'Chi nor You don', Only 25o. per box at Dr. Browning'; Drug dignity and sweetness. To be sure mean the wagon. Y u mean that Stern. SERIOUSLY ILL, A person suffering with pain and beat over the small of the bask, with a weak, weary feel- ing and frequent heartaches,is seriously ill' and should look out for kidney disease. Bur dock Bitters regulate the kidneys, blood and liver, as well as the stowaell and bowels. Tho shoemakers have had a national con- vention and decided to keep pegging on in hopes of better times. McGIIEGOBS SPEEEDY CUES. It is popularly admitted everywhere that -{Mctiregor'a Speedy Cure is the safest, most re- liable and by far the cheapest remedy for Con- stipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Im- pure Blood, Loss of Appetite, and all similar troubles. It is not necessary to take a groat quantity before any result is produaod. A few doses will convince you of its menta. Trial bottle given froo at Dr. I3rowning'sDrugsStOre. ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. ''l TEE VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich. mil send Dn.Dre'5 CETEnnATED ELECTUo- ,roLT/.iC BELTS Ala Eneornio ArraIA:icxs on trialfor thirty days to men (young or olu) who are af- fiioted with nervousdebility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B.—No risk is incurred, as thirty days' trialis allowed Michigan's oldest Indian is rated at 100, but the last three months of it killed him. Ayer's Sarsaparilla operates radically upon and through the blood, and is a safe, reliable, and absolute cure for the various diseases, complaints, and disorders due to debility, or to any constitutional taint or infection. That kicking Louisiana Senator seems to have retreated into his zaroba. Holloway's Pills and Ointment.—Bilious affections, with all their concomitant annoy. antes induced by atmospheric changes, or too liberal diet, should be checked as once, or seri- ous consequences may ensue. When any one finds his ideas less clear than usual, his 'eye- sight dimmed, and his head dizzy, accompan- ied by a disinclination for all exertion, physic- al or mental, be may be quite sure that he is in immediate need it some alterative medicine. Let him at once send for a box of Holloway's Pills, a mild course of which will remove the symptoms, and speedily renew his usual healthful feeling. If the bowels be irritable, mond ringwith perfect ease. She bedHollover owath s Ointment �etomaohsandlliverailieg ryl eight I knew just how to work that finger in and morning. ' order to get the most possible glitter A VALUABLE PATENT. out of her diamond. Every little while I would look..over there and revel in her beanty, and I thought that she was not entirely insensible to my charms. Still, she locked at . me in a kind of a halt reproachful man- ner,. which gave me the ides . that I did not know whether it, was identical she has tendency toward a double the shutter knocked the driyer af'the chin, bnt the linos of her countenance wagon epoechiess.' are noble, and her bond is evenly do. 'Dal'e what yau.e wrong. Dia yere velopad, The senior class at Smith's shutter jis flew cff de bulling, and College ha" named its new sister dldn,i much the drivels nowhar, I 'l,tisa Senior P. Smith,' the I.' indi cern it knock de wagon apeeahleas. I eating physics, and will place her knows what 1 ease, I reaknn--'deed I 1 mystic photograph in their album f does.' among the class photographs of bright Interlocutor --'lint it'd impossible and thoroughly alive graduates. to knock a wagon speechless. bill Nye's Mash. de it knocked de tongue out ob de wagon, 1 seen it do it. And de Night before lest (writes Bill Nye), ; shutter war tried for it in de court.' after I had registered at the hutel ! Interlocutor—What did they do I and bean assigned ,the last room in the house'—I use the language of the hotel clerk—I went into the dining room to tea. After I had regained my confidence among strangers, and curled myself np in as abject a manner as possible in the presence of the head waiter, I began to look around me for an op- portunity to beam on some unprotect- ed woman with my sunny smile. It is not my custom while traveling to smile on one iu whose heart s hope weight spring up to be divined to earth by my departure. If I have caused pain in that way I did not intend to do so- I can joke and carry on and have a real good time, but I do not. wish so inspire in any breast a hope which may be blasted, ab, alas I too 500n. It was not long before I discovered a beautiful blonde of the female sex at the further end of the room beneath the chandelier. Her akin seemed to be of a delicate sea -shell color, and her hair was corn, colored, Her clothes also were entirely new, I should judge, 'and made especially for her. On her finger she wore a his• The moat valuable discovery patented iu. modern times is that of the best blood puri- fier and liver and kidney regulator known. We refer to Burdock Blood Bitters, which is making so many wonderful cures and bringing the blessed boon of health to so many homes. REST AND COMFORT TO THE SIIFFERINO I'Brown's Household Panacea" has no equal torelieving pain ,both lnterial and external it Or not. cures pain inthe Side, back orbowelssorethroat All that evening she was in my Rheumatism, Touthaciie,Lumbagoand any kind of a painor ache. "It will moat surely quicken wind. I dreamed that night that I the biooaand iteal,asits acting noWoriswonder- swooped down upon; her and carried fol. "'Brown's Household Panacea' beingack- be away to .the remotest boundaries nowledged as the great Pain Reliever,and of don ble thestrength of any Other Elixir orLiniment d e o 1 be in everyfamily hand lox inthe wort , h a d _,y y use when wanted; asitreallyis thebestremedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and. Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at25 cents a bottle. More :eeopl, adults and children. aretroub led with costiveness than with any. other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit- ten will cure coetiveness and ,present the diseeps which result from it. A WISE CONCLUSION - If you have vainly tried many remedies for will it be a wise conclusion to try Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It cures all pain- ful diseases when other medicines fail. of the world in a ,.epeoial car. The. next morning I awoke hungry, for I didn't t eat much supper the evening 8 before. I went down to lbreakfasl, waiting fooling away my time, hop- ing she would come while I was in the breakfast room, and 1 would fill myself up with the beautiful vision and a. Dnp of coffee. Anon she came. She sailed into the roam' with calm, disdain and an airof hateur and each things as that. Thehead waiter waved his hand like a self-acting duke in a theater and with the abutter in the oomt.' 'Day bung it; dat's what tidy dict 1 wid it.' Interlocutor--'\t'bat for?' 'Jia for a blind.' CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bron. ohitis immediately relieved by Shiloh'e'Cure Sold by J. W. Browning. A Wise Parent, Young Algernon (in love with Dries DoBlank)-I called, _sir, at your daugh- ter's suggestion to ask of you a great favor, the greatest favor a father can grant and Old Mr. DeBlank—Ab! my dear boy, come in. Did not recognize you. 1 jT By the lr•a-v have you it vin about you?, Young Algerncn (with alacrity)—O. yes, sir, here is one. "Thanks. Will y ea be so kind as to pin my collar in place. Buttons all off, you see. "With pleasure. As I was saying your daughter and I -- Pardon me, but have you a piece of bent wire about you?' 'Why, --why, no, sir! I --but per- haps this toothpick will do.' 'No; not strong enough I want 1t to hold up my suspender. Thi hair• pin , f was using has got lost. But. never snlnd;;go on.' 'I merely called to say 1 would like to take your daughter to, the—the— the concert this evening.' 'Oh! certainly.' -Philadelphia Cal!„ And inspect stook and get prices on the following lines NAILS, GLASS, WRITE LEAD, PAINTS, OILS, AND BUILDING HARDWARE OF ALL RINDS, SHOVELS, SPADES &•c. We are away down on th e following W. J. Searle : Co's. Carriage Varnishes ; Penchen's Pre- pared 'Faints Bud Cages; Buggy Tops ; Stoves, and Tin- ware of all kinds, Barb Wire, Steel Strip, and Buckthorn. Fencing, American and Canadian Coal Oil. AVE TROTTGRING A SPECIALTY. t. --ALL WORK GUARANTF,ET). The Celebrated RAYMOMD Sewing int; Dlachine always on band; also Needles to it A y Mau of Machina. l'. 5, Highest price in Cash or Trade for Hides and Sheep Skins. 'lours truly, ISSE ir BROS. R ;NOW REMEDIES. THE PILLS Purify She Blood, aorreet all Disorders of the LIVER, STO IACF1, IIIDNEYS, AND BOWELS, ey srvigorate and restore to health Debilitated Conetitutiozie, and are invaluable in all urplainta incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the age.; they sire ptirelees THE OINTMENT I rnfalliblc .remedy for Bad Lega, Bud Brexats. Ohl Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. YIt is famous for Gout and Itheuwati+m. 108 vraOlil"BRS OF THE CRUST 1T riSii h'i r;tN.'AL. Throats. Bronchitis, Coughs, Cofde.Olandrler Swelriuga. and al! akin disease it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joiuir It acts; like a charm. The Pills and Oiutmeutaresold at Tuootg liati.aw k•a Eetatliebwt•c:, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET}, LONDON ; byalso I early every raspt'otable Vendor of alediolee, iu 13oxce and Pete, at 1e. lid., 2s.94., 641.., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 24. size ccrutawus three times the quantity of the is lid, size ; the #s. Gd. size six ; the lla, size sixteen ; the 22s size thnty.three ; and the 385 size tifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxed and. Pots. Fell printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and eau be hue in any language tom- Purchasers" Fhould look to the Label on the feta and Ilexes. If the address is not 333 Oxford Streit, London, they are spurious, For clow WILLIAM DREW CATARRH—A NEW TREATMENT. Perhaps the moat. extraordinary success that has been achieved in' modern medicine has been attained by th e Dixon treatment for ca- tarrh. Oat of 2,000patients treated during the lent six months, fully ninety per cent. have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that not live per cent. of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are be - 'tatted, while the natantmectio in s and other advertised cures never record a core at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed by the moat scientifto men that disease as due to the presence of,living uarasitesin the tissue, Mr,Dixon at once adapted his cure to their extermination --this accomplished, he claims the Catarrh is'practicallycured, and the per- manency unquestioned, as cures effected by himfour years. ago are cures still. .No one else has attempted to' cure Catarrh in this 'manner,andno other treatment ever cured Catarrh. Thi application Of the remedy is simple, and can be done at home, and the present season 61 the year is the most 'favor- able for a speedy and permanent cure, the majority of cases .being cured at one treat ment.ufferers should correspond S c ,resp ud with Messrs, A. El DIXON & SON,8O5Ring street west, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on Catarrh, -Montreal Stat, Nov. 17, 188d, ndertaker and Cabinet-maker. EXETER, ONTARIO ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. THE Farmer's £uacata ORTOEHN PACIFI R. R. LANDS is Minnesota, North Dakota. Mon. tans, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. —AND— From Make Hapertor le Poiret cwt and, HOME MAGAZINE Atprice"moil nelnichlellyfront$2 t8 to per acre. on ti to. 10 years time. This is the Best Country ' tor securing Good Homes now open for settlement. Ie the only Independent Agricultural nal in Canada Owned and Publish by a Farmer. WHAT FARMERS SAY:— "lit is our best friend.,' "It is worth ten times its cost'" "The dollar spent for the Advocate is the Jour ed' FRE 3 0 0 acres of Government Land Free under the Homestead and Timber Culture Laws. NOTE -10_0118.433" Acres OR MORE THAN rrAf.F of all tTie Public Lands disposed of in 198:1 were in the Northern Pacific country.Books and sent FREE describing thNorthers Pardee aloaatry,tke Railroad Lands for Sale and theFREE'Government Lands. Address,CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Land Com'r, N. 1'. R. It., St. Paul, Mina. bot moneyfrom the far✓' "The wife and family are also delighted wit1. m �t. „ "No farmer's house should be without it." in the right The rightseason Tby the best specialists that can be procured on the Farm, Btoek,Dairy, Garden and Or- chard, Poultry, Veterinary, Apiary, Markets, Family C ircle,Etc., E lc. Only $1 Per :A.nnun. Sample copy sent free to applicants mention ng their Lot, Concession audPost Office. Address— FARMER'S ADVOCATE, LONDON; ONT,. Burdo ck BLOODBITTERS