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The Exeter Times, 1885-7-2, Page 6
41 -41 A SUMMER IDYLL: The trout door now is boarded up, The pictures ail are netted, The wiling eat as the backyard fetic3 Invokes the rouse unpetted. The bailer bolds his matinee Witte help from Cook McCarty, The waitress and the chamberruaid" Now give en evening' party. Unto the baker, butcher -boy And others of the neighbor Who form the little coterie, Ze condo de Bajabsrs. The grand piano groans aloud, The gas -ill growls apace, And of the wine that circa was there The cellar shows aro trace. The drawing -room that once did hold The bluest blood—and thick, is now the happy meeting place Of Bridget and of Wok - All this is sure to happen when The old man oau afford To ante up the wherewithal To take the folks abroad. ?Atte, THE leAW lVITA•,.IOL, wig4.zg tit;- very rapidly two wires You are very right ; it ie sometimes coiled round reels within the machine znnsi..--•Burlfugtou .Free Press. he the wires are independent of each The song anys,'A boy's best friend! 1 other and actuate different propellors is bis hotline' ,S otnetime* be urs -1 the torpedo cast be steered from the fere to go to his oriole.--..Fbiladelfraia lever* ureap . It ie ,'alt. en ins with ll great accttrac- v. ieible to eco *messenger A New Yorker advertise' : 'Graves i full Bight And send it on *gain, but stones for sale cheap, to, niece up au this is thought to try severely the en- estate.' Now is the time to die.—.Oil durance of the wires, which *re as City Derrick. 10 :M "'C7W7"'..A... T The above reward will be paid for the conviction of those 11lerchants who are selling inferior Machine Oils, and calling them'Mars arable The only genuine is manufactured by Olio as those of a birdcage Jets of . When a girl is tome; she wants mccon Bros. ' 4/ O tTloronto ht are produced by some oheanoet nutuereue. dolts, but when. she grows +t Toronto. astency, and are *maple' to medicate older ger wants increase and she t the potation of the torpedo at eight, watts ;several dollars,—.Breton Bud - 6 but screened in front, they *re visible get. only to ob*ervere i!i the rear Tray- Dootor .'b'or dinner, take forty ening .ith very Dots of its body whore minutes.' Timid patieut- 'Woulh't it water le would scarcely be eeen by 4n be dangerous to add a piece of meat !enemy neat too close for resietaoce and some vegetables ?'—Jewish Hies or .eacxpe, and as its epeea inorelteea ee;iger, the harder it is nulled the lest of the Precise young Iady to her little jonrney can always be the reeled brother : 'Willie, don't do that way. London Tulles, Don't kick the ankle of the table, you ....+ dieturb me.'--Arkaosaw Traveler. Catatonia Hospitality. 'A man and hie wife ,nay, differ,' �-- says art essayist, with great gravity. Calitornie hoepitafity is more re- They inlay, they way ; and what's wiirkable tban that of aermany. I more they geuerally do. --Chicago .tying beneath anapple tree Sir b thane elcperienoed' in the fallowing tm. Ledger. Isaac ;newton saw en apple fall to preeeive and peculiar manner. Any- No intention cues yet been manifest. the ground. Hie iagniring mind led haw, the peoultamity is so ttotioeable ed by people who nee the tetepboua bine to inveetigtete tate cause, and the that tlha UnlvanIU Ir is 41tva7' surpris* to reviso the ouetoizu ry excisuiation result wan the protulllgatit n of the ed by it. The other day T galled nu a 'Hello r into'SbooIa r---I,3oetou cdaz- theory now kuown as the later of gra* leading bteeiness man, and was engag• efts. vitati.on—a sretew which at once wen ed with hiw'untit noon, and our affairs 4 bruised raw onion is raid to be a the assent of the learned world, and ware not yet settled, when he invited sure cure for serpent bite' if applied by viscus of which the motion' of ell me out to lunch with hire. A s the to at once. &.mataur fiehorulen, how - the known lias,renly bodies are ex• a moo whorl bueiueee rune away up ever, will still keep on uaiug the good plaiued, tied those of the yet nekuown Into the millions annually, I enpPoeed c+i,i remedy.---Y3oodou Courier. Carl be deternaiued. A singularly that he would go to some neat restsur- At Wisconsin man was reported as. comprehensive prir,oiple ie that two, 'int and enjoy a civilized leech, am'. "in;treered` when the word should pounded and carried into practice by the belief tuna mads etrou ter when he baso been married,' but the distino. Holloway. Ile divides all the usual Ied the wsy towards tlh4 restaurant, oef . tio;z was so eligbz that the proof- diseases into thea classes --.those aris- ing from imperfect action of the digestive organs, and those proceed- ieg fro'u irnparitiee of the blood, iia liind in America, and yet the cheap ,t,n dediana matt has :spelled for the sst. i3ut, alas for human expects- posie.4o a of 'sexton' of the PostoMce tion* he turned to the left and eater- Depeeteoeut. This is tomb much 1 These two classes et disease he trent, ed the bah room. Walking up to the We ,,,gspect he haute to inter the by means of hie celebrated Dine sod bar,. tie said to rho attendant: "Give dead teetere,--Norriatown Herald, Ointment, two ekilfniiy prepared ne the bones." A cucumber il bad t:r fool], remedies Which have bean moat SUR- The barkeeper at anoe banded hire 1t brooch internal strife ; easefully used in 411 the habitable a little round box contetuiug five dire. Who este it never comes to good, parts of the globe. Nie nuparalleled He took the box, rattled it awhile, and ' It ruts up litre a wife. emptied it upon the counter. The--wtaeorge Francis Train, a barkeeper drew aside two of the dire,d S tender young poet was meshed an a girt, put the other *lire. in the b x, and A tender young poet whose bead was quite paeeef1 it flyer to me, vitt the remark But the gi rl wasn't there, --cite g ve bun tbo frtetery tlaediaiuee are forbidden by' hake," t shook *lid spilled the whirl, i tett have relaxed their atrirtgout toga. dice, and my friend toad; "Will yea For the reesou his poems were not like his i �^ fill or tlltow *pin?" I thought 1 itesd: latione in his favour. Tree tnarit i! g--,hferallall>✓ Trtiv�eler, always at length recognised. The1 would throw itgelu, though "I did net anemia has made but nano a. house- hold word not only in his native ]anti, hub tlirougltout the leugth and breadth of the world, Countries where pre - nob end the poor, the learned and ignorant, physicians, etateemen,,non• arches a nation of enlightened free. men, have sanottoued, need, and ex- tolled teem. They are Oared Note in medical history. Is it not better than having light under a bushel ? worth Lump". ....,..,..: .� aatrtu*ua .. &, -�s �t fs 1 Wtltlby of beittff _lltila� �trlly known. So thl;tkIngi Iiolloway proclaims the virtues of his medioines through t the press, and fortune, fame, and the gratitude of millions have been his reward. In making these statements, we are guided by an earnest wish to benefit the sick and suffering of all nations ; and in directing their atten- tion to the well. -attested curative properties of Holloway's remedies, we only reiterate facto and opinions; which are patent to three.foarthe of the civilised world.—The Indicator. An .Extraordinary New Torpedo. > or a year or ea past experiments bane been carried ant is teen the ex- traordinary powers claimed for a new torpedo invented by Mr. Brosnan, it young Austrailiaa, and offered by him to the British Gaveromeni. The Admiralty granted to the iu- ventor the use of a casement an the upper tier of Garrison Point Fort, Sbeernees, and a torpedo factory was erected outside the fort with a tram- way running down to the eea beach. With these advantages abd ample sea room in front the preliminary triala have been taken place, and the mech- anism has been so far perfeoted iL4 to admit official inspection. This has proved so satisfactory that the Admir- ality have already agreed to adopt the torpedo as a part of the national armament. According to report the inventor is to have a very handsome. reward, and various sums, ranging from 1200,000 to $500,000, are men- tioned, while it is positively asserted be bas been pati] $40,000 on account. The new torpedo, which is of the ag- gree'ive class, is altogether distinct in principal from the Whitehead. the Harvey, or any other system known in the service. in many trials which have taken place in pnblic, a maehine something like the esotion of a boat has been seen to descend to the wat- er's edge by meane of a carriage on the tramway and plunge into the sea, through which it has shot in the water at a marvellous speed, (Wired - ed by some observers at fifty miles per hour. Its principles have now, however, been explained without re- serve to many officials and others, and will shortly te taught generally throughout the navy. There will consequently be no longer an attempt to keep the secret, and it may be ex: plained that the torpedo is impelled by a steam engine, which is stationed within the fort, and cote upon it by know what he meant. When I spill- ed the dice again lie only said "It's ou to you lehtekey 1, juttle, I hays been around °vouch L. kuoW tltttt I was to pay for the,driuks, which were 25 cents each. Theo my friend: bur - nerd round to the free taint counter An Englishman who wins the Derby is coursed by every one and is the envy of all hie kind. iq the Uuiled. Stage !< nlxQ *alt Win ;t dozen Derbie0 uihd tt an election, and yet be eta greater than hie fellow- ritizenee--tate. and ptaetsded to fill himet'l(. I fuer: 1,A bliss of°CltlneseArltltuietit.' ed be was tibeent.miuded, and IQ- -marked to hire: ''Ain't toil efreid 'Naw York Herald.) Stu will destroy your appetite for Some oi the more bland and child - lunch!" hlce of the Chinere settlers in Boston "That's twit what I'm trying Ea do have given striking proof of their or I wouldn't be eating lunch here. Whitt do you have for lance at bars where you came from?" he reeked. "Usually cloves or burned coffee," I answered, rfor I had Indianapolis barroom lunches in my mind. Then my friend informed me that this was the lunch that he had invited nee le, and that it wan "a stand up lunch," it was papular with all classes. Later in the day in tits office of an: other leading merchant when a ifruit- peddler name in with a basketful of track on his arm. "Want anything to day?" he asked. aptitude to adapt themselves to the ways and institutions of Brat boasted centre cf culture. Indeed, they may claim. witch. no little rens, n, the ability to "give points' to recuse American citizens and legal defenders in court. It seems that a C; ineee establish- ment was raided no Sunday evening with a score or more Ctstesii, 1s street. ed for getobiing. Arraigned in court the next day they explained that they had been engaged, not in gambling, but the pursuit of knowledge. The implements which had been seised were the means of imparting 'Yes, give me a shake,' said the instruction In oompetatiou or tnehtdl merchant. arithmetic. The 'banker' Vas The peddler at once drew a dice- the teacher ; the players were 'the box from his pocket, and they pro pupils. The 'chips' of 'barns 'were oeeded to shake, fad I knew the mer- rewards of merit presenttd to those chant was ahead, because the fruit - dealer remarked : 'Oh h --I, pick 'em out,' The merchant took two large applea from the baeket, and handing me one, remarked, as the peddler passed out ; 'I don't pay for half the fruit I eat; In fact I nearly always come out ahead of those feIlows.' Upon inquiry I found that this practice of gambling is quite general, and that even sober business men who are active and liberal in church and Sunday school affairs do not re- gard it as at all improper. All Sorts. A popular letter -I.— [Philadelp'hea Call. Ode to the hatter-$7.—[Pbtladel- phia Call. A sheer sign—The last.—,[Mer- chant Traveler. A family cry-sis—a girl baby.-- [�lucagu Sun. in onions there is strength. -`;[South and West. An infallible cure for alcoholism.— Tittle water. Jump off the Brooklyn Bridge.— [The People. Book -worms are of lase to fish in the forgotten streams of knowledge. -- [St. Paul Herald. It is noticed that men of small tali ber are sometimes great bares. -New York Tribune. On life's journey, witbcut a destin- ation traveller is sure to get lost in the woods.—Whitehall Times. 'It is not always May,' singe a poet. students who excelled 'i11 Icomputa- tion.' 'diose who ftftlefi in their studies were required t©`pe.y 10 cents into tire pool, the procebds, of which were 'de'voreid eI the'coM of the session to the purchase of `ecke and coffee for 'Urethan. Amdbg the implements reited was' 'a sooting apparatus' or 'ready retrkouer,' which was explained i to be a commonmon and essential thing I in tthe'complicated processes of Chin - nee aritllmetii3. FORUM BY JAS. PICKARD, EXETER.. Bill douk BLOOD BITTERS Cures Dig,zrness, .Loss of Appetite, lndiyesttan, Biliousness, ,Dyspepsia,,Ja,ptdiip, ilfeetions of the Liver and Kidneys, Pitnfiles; '1llatahe ,`''lolls, humors, 6'a ft Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged ,Stomach, or irregular action, of the .Bowels. Advertise in the Exeter TIMES. THE BANS of TIME Main Street, Exeter.. TIIOSR FITTON Keeps Watches That Are Watches And are warranted .correct for Time, Tide, of Railroad Train, and to please the most fastidious. JEWELS Y Thai, is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable for Rolnaus, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides, Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely Wives, Children, Hus- bands, Etc., Etc. SPECTACLES.—Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy and pleaga.lit to the eye, and suitable for youth or age. Give tum a call; No tz'otlble to show Goods. Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to Time. Under 1f1 k' ,':' �" .; Y OU4 T` thoseLD w'a3,menOd Purchasing to dc tie from. the manutaot'nYor. The dealer whro bitys te soil again must aeeossariiv have a pro'fi't. We claim to givethe purelzasors the benefit, whiob gannet fad: to meet tlio dews of the Grangers: "'Cur oxpouees erelong than those of cake matintddrtederscoaee qu ent w e o an 'cella: gaper, C. & S. GIDLEY, mud .k+'i i:.I•fl ]tures Alci warn ctux' ers Emblems of alb the i fferent H WOULD call specialatttentfo to our undertaking depert ment,which is more corn pletetban ever ms we ]have ddedaevera1nowtdesigne of late The hest cofans caskets shrcuds,and overy :uneral requisite at the lowest price F. Our new Hearse is pronounced by competent judgoato be second to nonein the provinces Societies. WILL Y0'lI SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Livor Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer. is guaranteed to cure you. For male by S. Vi r. Browning. Mr. Wallace, druggist, of Hastings, Onta- lrio,says : I recommend Dr. Carson's Stom- ach Bitters far ahead of all other Stomach Medicines. .It is just the right thing for Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Headache, and ,Dyspepsia. Large bottles 50 cents: 711 J. SUTHERLAND,HENSALL, 1 • ONT., CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, Fire and Life Insurance Agent and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. All business transacted stiretiyconfidential. A Call solicited; Office at the Pogt;Ofrice: . . ERRY'S FO>R rNrALUARLE TO ALL! t% Will be mailed FREE +� to all applicants r and to customers of last year without ordering it. It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower SEEDS, BVL'SS, etc. D. M. FERRY & CO. WINDSOR, Ontario. UNDERTAKER ANDT CABINET-MAKER. `tea.-.�.��.,,•� Funerals furnished a,.t, conducted atthe very low. set rates' afy,Stock of Undertaking goodsis large, complete and we assorted, and any person requiring anything in this line will flndit to theiradvautageto give me a call and examine for themselves& a tii11Y11�';nr rTM il`; I have just race ved a large stook Walnut and Rosewood Caskets; also Coffins of every descrip- tion. A complete ethos of Robes and Trimmings alway On hand. The latest styles of Chakinr ds otFurnitund Paror r uits allkdfe at theloweSt rates. TUE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTY Remember the place—Nearly opposite Kemp's Tobacco Store, Main -street, Exeter. JOHN 3311451:77N Exeter Post Office Time Table. MAI lis ARRIVE Birkton,Woodham, Winchelsee. and nlimvilIe ».. ... South,eas1and west ,including Lonto'n,Bamilton, 'Toronto Montreal, :Vanit- oba,United States, English andforeign mails,... .... ... ... South, east west &e ... :. N orth and east,including Godericb., Wingham, I0nmt :dine and appoints north, Stratfoid,Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern -Stattes... ... ... ... North east, &c ... Sarepta Tuesdays, Thursdays an 1 Stiturdaye 8.15 a. m 9.45 a.m. 6.15 p.m. 1C.00 a.m 5.30 p.m, 7,15 p. 6 15 a.ni CLOSE. 500 p.m. 9.00 a. m. 4:20 p. m 8.20 a. m: 5.90 p. m 6.45 p. m. 1000 am PION 3',ORDERS Issued and paid on .and fromany Money Order Office in theDominion of Canada,GreatBritain end Ireland,British India, Newfoundland, Italy,Augtralia,New South Weiss, Tasmania, New Zeland, France ane Algeria, the German Empire, Sweden,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Belgium, the Neth- erlands, Switzerland, AustriadIiungary,•Eonmania, United States, Jamaica and Barbados. 'POST OFFICE St1VINGSBA Nif, Deposits wulbe received 1t; this odice trona -51 to 5300. Depositors obtaining the Postmaster General's specielpermissien eau deposit 51000. Deposition Savings Bank account received from 9. a in. to 4 p. m. Interest tit 4 per centper annum :will be allowed on o11 deposits: Officelsoursfiom 7.50 a im:to 7 p, Letters ilatendeclforregi stration Inns/ be posted 15 minutes before the closing of each mail. N B—Stds particohary roquesteathat the -senders of matter will kindly add the names of the C ou.ntiesto,tlb eddr asses. D:JOBNS, TaitmaSter.