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The Exeter Times, 1885-7-2, Page 4
%he "xeter Vows. TWJRSDAT JULY 2nd, 1886. Annual Meeting ori N. ltiiddlesex Conservative Association.. The auntie' meeting of the Liberal - Conservative Asenoiation of the North Riding of 1tliddleselr was held at Alva Graig ou Monuday last. Everet mu-• nioipality iu the riding was fully rep- resented. Owing to the unavoidable abeenoe of the President, Ur. Gil. oliriet, the meeting was called t.) or- der by Col. G=oodman, Vioe-Preei- dont. After the minutes of the pre: vioue meeting were read, the eheotivu of ornoore took piece with the follow; ing result ;-Preatdeut, John Fox. Lucaei ; Vice -President, Cot. Good - Man, Parkhill ; Secretary, W. Oram, Inman ; `J,'reasaurer, R. Stanley, Lu- can. The following teutlenen were elected aa au executive committee: Mr. blorg:►n, Adelaide ; R. Breeu, 33idlsulph ; D. Arnold, tole.i Craig ; Join' Muhbken, East \Villi.ami ; Jeo. Gray, Lobo; Dr. Rollins, Exettr ; P. Robinson, MeG;Ilivray ; Peter Stewart, West Wrdliams ; W. F. Thompson, Parkhill; H. Eilbor, Stephen; Thos. Dignt, Leman. Am: one tt.o c present war, the worthy representative of North Middiesbx iu the Comm me, Ur. (h ughliu, who was aceurnparlied by Mr. Ourrau, one of the members far the city of Urn -- *reel. After the transaotion of all the business oonueoted eiitil the Ae-- sooietiou. Mr. Curran addreered the meeting, at chino Ieugth, dealing inns tibia manner with ttie political q1(0euun8 of the Clay. lir. T. Cough- lin, Dr. Rotting, of Exeter; Cot Goodman, Parkhill, IL Either, Credi tau, aua °there addressed the Sheet alas, after whish the following ratio. lotion, moved by J. '.ioA,thur, sec; coded by B, Stauley, was un lu.lituou>,: ly earriea "Tihat this meeting has great pleasure in endorsing the policy of Sir John A. Sardon old and his Cabinet. That we heartily ap- prove of the Dominion Franchise Sill as a oonatitutioual, statesmanlike measure. That we congratulate the Conservative Chieftain on the effective manner in which the North. West rebellion has bean dealt with and ter• ruinatea, and on the utter failure of the Ile. form party to fasten the vuae of the rebel- lion on the Government. That we solemnly protest against the wretched attempt of the Reform party to subvert our parliamentary institutions and bring them into i contempt by the reckleaa obstruction they .have indulg- ed in during the present season of the D. minion Parliament. After giving three hearty cheers for the Queeu, Sir John A. ',Macdonald, Mr. Curran and Mr. Coughliu, the meeting, which was charaotclized by enthusiasm and unity throughout, woe terminated. their abandonment, their protesta- tions. They did not do this. They knew that they had devoted friends in the Privy Council, in the Hones, in the press ; they did not appear to ap ply to them, nor for their support. In this respect Louis Riel was more re- sponsible than the others, because, more than any one else, lie had been 1 the object of an votive sympathy of which be knew well the value. "Louie Riel was the author of the insurrection ; it was he who wished to egtisfy his own vanity by giving to this rising an official character, him- self direoting the movement. 'It is not correct that Riel has re- fused to join with the Indiana, and that the effusiou of bleed baa thus been prevented, Oa the contrary, be succeeded in rousiog the most credulous among the Indians ; he en-' deavared to cause a revolt among the mots remote tribes, and even tribes subjeo' to American control ; and if the braves of Poundrnaker were uu- Iable to join the repels before the en• gagament at Bxtoohe. it was not ou Iaccount of the intervention of Biel, taut rather to the diligence of the gen- !oral o immatidiug our troops. Pound - Maker and hie brave* were to have, !joined Lel at the 5)00151 request of the latter. j 11Lonis ,Riot has but one exciter) for i the crime; of winch be hay ban the !cause ; it ie the maid* from winoh i he puffers. He isit dangerous cratlh, I one of the dietraeted epirits to whom 1 religion and law ars as nothing when i their pride is in play. Whet he has done i,i a folly which even pity can- ' tint excuse and which the taw should 4'1,184 with, the same severety as would • be visited upon .malicious prewedi. tatioe. "Meahhwbile Ae pleased to exceee the frankneos of any reply. In 1674 I new tea the aid of the half.breede when their chiefs, ,fiat,, Latrine end ,others were in the hands of the law, '1. would have been ghat, again to have I; become their advocate, and to prase j their claim,, 11a not say that my duty SA a minister thins to protect f theta. Nothing was presented to the I°ouuuil on their pert requiring the special action of their rriende, and! : neither Biel nor Any of the half-breeds. ioyar sent me a petition or even a !ample latter asking the to protect or idefend theta "That these balf•braede were de- , oeived, that there were amoug those .. brave men nloro of imprudence than 1 of malice I readily believe, and your efforts may bo directed in this sense. Au to the leader, he deserves no ey.n.. pathy, except that which attaahee to the misery of a man who has com- mitted a great crime of which he must suffer the just puuiehmeut.. "Accept, gentlemen, the eapreesion of my consideration, and believe ren. "Your obedient Servant, • (Signed) "J, A. Casa tau. IMPORTANT LETTER FROST THE SECR TART OF' STATE.—THE POSITION CLEARLY STATED. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Some French.Canadians met re. Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. oently at Fall River, Masenohuseette, sold by J. W. Browning. and passed a series of resolutions of _The Stratford Beacon, (Reform), sympathy with Louie Riel and the 18 SO much in love with Sir John half -breads of the North-West. A Dopy of these was sent to the Hon. Mr. Chapleau, and that Hon. gentle- man replied in the following admir- appoint revising-barrietero for On - able letter, which, although not in- tarso. tended for publication, has been given to L'Independant, of Fall River, for publication :-- Macdonald's Franchise Bill that it recommends Mr. Mowat to take a leaf out of Sir John's book, and "Ottawa, 6th June, 1885. "ilfessrs. 4. Plante and L. Cliarland, Fall River, Mass., U. 8. "Gentlemen, --1 have this moment received by mail a copy of resolutions which appear to have been passed at a meeting of French-Oanadiane of Fall River held in that city on the -24th of May, 1885. "Your two signatures, as president and secretary of the assembly,appear- •ing at the bottom of the document, I presume you have sent them to me, and I hasten to inform you :— "let. That being a member of the Government of Canada, 1 can• not accept these resolutions, which are an unjust eondemnation of the action of the Government. "2nd. That as a citizen of Canada I can only condemn and denounce the conduct of those who have taken sip arms against us, and who are re- epousible for the murders and other -crimes which have been committed on Canadian territory. 3rd. That the allegations contain- ed in the reeolutiona that you have passed are inexact, and that you hays been misinformed on the spbjeot of these unhappy occurrences. "If the half-breeds had serious grievances against the Canadian Gov- ernment the ordinary channel of pe- tition was open to them as to all free citizens. They did not avail them. selves of it. "If their petitions were not listen- ed to by the Government, they had the right, as free citizens, to enter upon a constitutional agitation, and to induce their friends in Parliament to make known their grievances, News Notes. Advices show that the rebellion in Chinese Turkestan is spreading. The condition of the cotton Drops in Texas has been greatly improved by generous rains during the past week. The Marquis of Salisbury and the Russian ambassador will assume ne gotiations on the Afghan frontier question on Tuesday. N. Henri Rochefort has received confirmation of the report that Oliver Pain died of fever while in the camp of El Matadi, where he is said to have been held a prisoner. Mr. Stanley will sail for the Congo country at the end of next month. He is greatly disappointed over his fail- ure to organize a company to promote railways, mining, and commercifl en- terprises in the New Free State. The chairman of the Cobden Club_ in London has issued a manifesto,oall. fug upon free traders to stand firm in resisting any possible change in Brit- ish trade policy by the Conservative Government, under the name of fair trade. Earl; Spencer gave his farewell re- ception as Lord .hientenant of Ireland in Dublin on Saturday. The attend- ance was very large and extraordin- ary police precautions were taken to prevent the possibility of a dynamite outrage. The Tory election agents in Eng- land present very frvorable accounts. They say the Whigs are largely with the Conservatives, having been alien- ated from the Liberal party by the radicalism of Sir Charles Dike and Hon. Joseph Chamberlain. A shockingly brutal affair is report- ed as having oocurred at Clarksville, Iowa, lastweek, a female school teacher being,held by a woman whose enmity she had ino"erred while the woman's daughter furiously lashed bor wltb a saws hide, indiuting such serious injuries that the victim now 1 lies in a preoarioue erudition. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, mads miserable by that terrible oaugh. Shiloh'a Cure is the remedy for you, Sold by J. W. Browning. The Scott Act. The total majority against the act in Perth county is 168, Two cases against Mr. Roe, of Winghatn, were triad last week, B 4b were dt-anissed for want of sufficient e%ldence to convict. Helton courtly Alliance will try to recurs the apjpninttnent cf A public pr•)seoulor for the eulorceensut of the Scott Aot, The act WAS carried in Guysb,ro,N. S. by 4 majorite of 239 a t Ttturaday lase. `Phare were only tweety vo tee. polled a8 ainst it. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bron- chitis immediately relieved by sbiluh's Cure Sold by .1. W.Drowning, UOTION SALE OF VA LrUABLE BOINEROLD F1.1IiNITr1tF, CHOICE CHIN t k GLASSWARE, CAPINET ORGAN bt 1'IiATEO; i 1}'t. CaGY.--T1te above will be Gold at the English Church Barapuage, ou I]iursdtry, July 94 , at le O'clock a. au. sharp. Terme'- 410 and linger, soup; aver that amount,* months" credit on approved note,. REV E. J, TRj3INa)N,, ,TAS OKE, Proprietor. Auetians,er. Health is Wealth a. 0. wears Nxavk ANI) Rawl Tann,. guaranteed specific torfl#starts, Couvuleions kits. Nervous Neuralgia. darhe.Nercoue itrortretion cause+, b the use of alcohol or *Asarco, \\'akefulne►a, Men - tel ileprenaion.:softening of the Bran'. raoult. ing 40 Insanity and leading to winery, decay and death, Premature 014 Age. llarreuuoas, Lora of Power in either sex, Involuntary Loge - es and t+perrnatorrha'e, cached by • over.exer. *ton of the brain, setr•abuse Or overaudulgenoe. One box will cure recent cases. Each box con- "dlns ono? month's 'treatment. One dollar u b,ex, or act bo'tee for five dollars ; sent la mail ,prepaid on receipt o1''price. We guarantee six prepaid to aura any ease- With saes order re- ceived by ea for six lu+xos, accompanied with Ave dnllara, we will send the purchaser our written i.uarauteo to refund the rnoney if the treatment does not otieot a cure: 0uarentees homed oaiy by JOHN C. WEST & CO., Hole Pr rlctnre S 83 Ring St. least Toronto, + t DVBRTI,sE11ENT FUR CREU- -t ITORS,— Pursuantto n Judgment of the Idris Court of Justice !Chancery Division), made in a cause wherein 131tzebeth hall to plaintiff and Marion Bell the eider. end others ere defendants, the creditors of Williaml3e11,1ate of the Township of Morro, in the Conety of Huron, yeonrau, who died on or about the 47th day of Decem- ber 1882, aro ou or before the 14th acv of July, 1885, to send by poet,repaid, to Benjamin Valla:k BMOC, of the Village of Exeter, in the said County of Huron, the solicitor of the said plaintiff, their Christian and surnames, addresses nod description, the lull particulars aftheir clai'as,a statoulOutof their acconnta and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, or in default thereof they will be per- emptorily excluded from the bouoft of the said iudgment. Every credit:mudding any seour- tyis to produce the same before me at my chambers at the town of Godorioh, on the 01st day of July, 1885, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, being the time appointed for the adjuration on the claims, Dated this 23rd day of June,1885.. tSisnodl S.MALCO11SON LocnlMaster at Goderich: , JUDICIALL SALE. In the Hight Court of 3ustice, (CHANCERY DIVISION.) CARLILE vs. CUR1'IE. Pursuant to a Judgment or Order made rn this cause and dated the iIth day of May,1885, there will be sole by and with the approbation of Sutherland Malcomson, Esq., 0110 of the Masters of the Supreme Court of Judicature Tor Ontario at Goderich, at REYNOLD'S HOTEL, In the Village of HENSALL, At 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, the 25th day of July, 1885, The following lands : FrxeTLs.—The north half of lot number nine- teen, in the seventh coneossion of the town- ship of Hay, in the county of Huron, (contain- ing fifty acres more or less ; and SEcoxDLx.— . he'flout)). half of the south half of lot number nineteen in the seventh:concession of the said township of Hay, containing twenty-five (acres more or less. About one half of each of the said parcels of land is cleared and well fenced, and the re- mainder is timbered with B lack Ash and Soft Elm. About half of the uncleared land con - a sts of a black ash Swale with timber suitable Tor fencing purposes. The stalls a clay loam. There are erected on the firstparcel of land a new frame barn 60x40 feet with brick founda- tion and stable underneath, and a dwelling house. There is also an orchard of about 14 acres and a good supply of well water: The said land is situated about 4 miles from Hen- eal1, 21 miles from Zurich, and 10 miles from Exeter. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent. down on the day of sale to the plaintiff's solicitor end the balance to be paid into court within 30 days thereafter, when the purchaser willbe entitled to a conveyance and possession. The said lands will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid In all other respects the conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of this court. For further particulars, apply to Johu Hoskin, Esq., Q. C., Toronto; Messrs. Garrow& Preudfoot, Barristers, Goderich, or to the un- dersigned: Dated at Exeter this23rd day of June,1885. B, V. ELLIOT,. (sgd) O. MALCOMSON, Plaintiffs Solicitor. Local Master, at Goderich. ---------- y Dear Young Lad.y LOOK HERE! Did you ever hear tell of such a thing as for BANTON BROS. to be getting a• lot more Mil slips ? Well I declare a surely' never ! Why was iu there the ether day, and they had such piles of them, but said they were selling like everything. Selling P I should sa, they were ; and we have just opened out 27 PIECES MORE 27 GRAND ASSORTAENT, ALL THE RAGE, Everybody 00I170 to RAMA! TQN Bras, f©r Cool Dress $5111` ,��' F SPRING GOODS '85 JUST ARRIVED AT THE Exeter Tailoring Establislim't CHAS. SO . THCOTT He* rcetivsd a Splendid assortment of CLOTHS anti TWEEDS very Choice goads, oust will sell them cheap for CACI. Suits lutado to Order O. Short Notice. --A FIT GUARANTEED. No credit given. Sold ONLY for (1A.SH, and that hueau$ Cheap Goods. Call and see his stock before placing your order. Exeter, 4th March,1888 C2I.A,5. SOV TIICOTT. Latest Novelties of Season OUR DRY -GOODS STOCK Is complete in all departments, and at Prices to suit the times. TAILORING A SPECIALTY Remember we keep the place to get everything you want and at right prices. JAMES PICK,ARDr The Old Established House, Exeter Lovely New Style all Chrome Cards,with name and a prize, for 10e: 12 packs, 12 names,for$1. A sample pack and ag- ent's outfit with illustrated catalogue of Tricks, and Novelties for 3c etamn, and this slip, A. W, BINNdY, Yarmouth, N. S. HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases its, growth, and will not soil the skin. As a hair dres- sing, it has no superior. Guar- anteedharn3less. Prepared by Harkness & Co. London, Ont. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers. JUBILEE SINGERS. The most interesting feature of the recent exhibition at Montreal was a company of col- ored Jubilee Singers engaged in manufacturing the celeb:ated Gold Coin Tobacco, and at the same time delighting the crowds of spectators with exquisite southernmelodies, A gold med- al and a epocialdiuloma were awarded to this popular brand of chewing tobacco, and the thanks of thecommitsee tendered to the Ad ams Tobacco Co. for,their attractive exhibit JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and 'Usborne and the Village of Exeter. A11 sales prometly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. PIIAZER AXLE GREASE Best in the world. Made only by;the Fra- zer Lubricator Company, at Chicago', New York and St. Louis. SOLD EVERYWHERE WANTED IniTELLIQENT Ambitions, > nergettc, to secure and all our orders in his eeo- r A MAN! tion Responsible House. References oxchanKed. ((Alecto SALA�i,Yfr different department s.A DY,�45). 75 _T0. 'Y e�lt GAY BRAS., BO$ l,{j13511i . ' a