The Exeter Times, 1885-7-2, Page 3I3ARTHOLDI'S BI(r GIRL.
The Prejudices Met Rya Cane
gasser ter,the;Pedeatal Vaud,
The Beitholet pedestal fund is near-
ly complete. The statue flee arrived
and soon New York timbal. will he
graced by the most magnificent col.
°teal edam the world has ever seen. STRtvrenRav WATJ1R.- .To ever lit 'se produced b}: leugliing gee. The
"Liberty Etilightenine the world!" flo�rere are ora b-ight yellow, end the
pound of etra+sberries take oris. pound
"What a priceless b1eseiing personal lib. of ruger, until well discotved ; strain, pods are fteft, alto wooly, while the
arty is. It is the shrine at which pe# battle and cork well l tills Kea its utan : seed,: reeemt�le small black b ails,. and
p ground and nnsicse a nice drink far only two or three grow in a plod. The
uauves dryend pulverize there, and
/►arm weather.
Etter sa Itfurenes.---Take yeast the powder, 0 take„ in swell donee,
bred dough that rise risen over 'night makes the meet sober person behave
Choice Itecei zts,gone.-Detroit
n a, y
I'll lbet a do iy of alt will tart cu,„
pp '
dot -
Fat= Cum. -One -belt crap of bot. But the reporter had ne. Detroit
ter, Due and a•half cups of sngltr, one Free Press,
cup milk, three and w half cups of - seeeeses
flour, half pound of reisnts, heir tent- The LaUghlHg Plaut,
epoauful nt, spice to mete, bake T
in long flat tine. It is cheap atld It is called the laughing plant, be.
nice, (rause its seeds produce effects lila
!e, funder the heel of tyranny
In the older worlds. worship with a
fervency the Americans eau scarcely
realize ; it is a principle for which
Nihilists willingly the the death orIroll tots, thin rre;lud cakes, as large as like a circus clown or a ;madmen' for
doge n and fit and proper it is tun' a emelt breakfast -plate- Bake on a he will tierce, strig and laugh roost
at the very entrance of the Barof het griddl turtling them over mice. boisterously,. and out ail modfen-
New York this emblematic statue' When done ep11t diem open owl but.. `setts capers, and be in an ttproa'ions
should limita welcome to Ib world. tet,` y riizcnleue condition for about an r RD's" Lost.
The praise is entitled o thecredit Iistown Balta.... b oar large °ups lieut.. when,the craft uncut e'
of this achievement. Mr. Philip
Beare. who has been making a corona
Of trite aountry on behalf of the Petite.
Sat flind, *aye that the fundwill eer-
A GA and OIL
Pains and Aches
i1 Y
soLD $Y ALL DEAL its.
How. ResttoSn&
sweet skimmed funk (mtektiog ills• the Exhibitor of these attic; fatll asleep Dusvecz ee recan�t.. ptzblishoda new edition e.
and when he slurke,t lie ba, rl"t the lZ Li'iltW- r.1.6 CEI,EBR4TRD RSS4X
proves it) one sup sour milk, one on therRdicalandper1n entcuro(witlleat me•
tlempoontul soda, ono tesepo.ofgl salt, sitgistest rei>aeiubrauou of h1frirtky d'iota�raist orlandteronso.Mental �u4 phyFigal
, IrAcapactty itnpedimontg to 41; 1 44" ao.,re.
eg4+tl quatllities of 'Iridian and rya daltigh, .-SliAllg pal ('eeyl3>wl F,l>aptte aniGiuglront ox.ceases.
imply be raised, as fife artd does moil ; bake one honr and n heir iii a
Dot know the word fnff• etove oven, then steam two hours, s admlrableesr.
l Ir. Beers as a that tie hes found years suacers
' Cl3000LAFE CUSTARD. --0110 gllilrl of FfnK• mtleti ie cii.c„n worth? j dp folppractico, thatalermingconsequencestnaybe
t ron0U4Cad enero.ity radtc
Tttvc+nter Unison's Wealth,
Price ,in sealed envelOne,ouiy Scents, or two
no* twee stamps.
Theoolebratodautlaorofthl y
cleariydeuhoustrates,rrom thirty
the most p g „ mill for tablespoonful of corn starch, ellycured without the dangerous use of In
among those of foreign bath, They three level t 1 ; not know. Bat Its i t whet moot poo•, ternalmedicinesoxthonsa of tiro Yatte' Point-
o. grated pie would calla tits)/ men,
en even is oatamoii0ofcureatocceaimplecertainnndef-
, tactual tr•
eoefn Miele eppreoiAtive of liberty
than do our native born. Moreover, , R then 19
among Borne a strange prejudice spin+aa! lilu.itne from the \4ehier4 LTu-
seeule to exist. Let it cook a minute, then Take train tee Telegraph Compel** of $20,000
"Prejudice ? Tn appal particular?" Ike fire, and salt, ewer, tend vanilla in rnl'ailtipa a rid b1er FIs is
"1 have ever found that however g of p►iu g c nl anies th intflue man -
rneritorto►1e a thing may be, tllousande to taste` 13weekeu and flavor one cup ►ifactttring c,ruit soles that bear his
of yentas e lla fining m y be prejudiced of cream ; beat it Rttit au eggbeater, name, wild 11* 1iggregale or
against it. I have spent most of my and put it an the custard when onld.. c.tpieti. uud an of them neying large
B It in delicious try it
chocolate' stir the chocolate in the Ynpenns1tio uhevaryaufforor,lnornnt-
: ti tnitdnrfi dny,+. H+a ',pas a regular
egi-etaarhlY nrirateI and aaiiyfcaliylay curohiwcelf
mint b�iliu , tl a add t!
Dorn etartlh, dievotved in a little Wilk.
J- 1l i lecture should beiuthe ham) s'fevery
youth Will every men in the laud.
Po,t °Mee Box 430
;ifs on the road and I know tato dividends every' six months, He has 1885-
' lila a book: 1 n l(o1LEA Semler; wlra !iiiUar .---Slice put $80.000 ill cae•h into the Down- El rger's Mac
1879 i 1 peopleepl like took.xated one onion in boiling water, addle little tun Electrical Iiluruinattag company,
at1 eats, Pitt in titre e•pouude of saltrioii hi h h d dividend, ILLUSTATED.
Per” -
this prevatliug prejudice. I wag very with whole °levee. elle ice and e t which
as eltrne it vivo cud, e*,twlttr-
ill. had suffered for slavered years with p p titattdltlg the large altptntlt►nreh slice
hea`inGhe, fickle appetite* (ITC/11(4'64per, and let them simmer for three ExuHrilut,14pe re'ria r,,d. allose the
backeelle, cramp*. hot' head, cold ,covered. When donuarters of an eth keeping
wits whir(11 tee fot
Editors its lies st: 'n
bends mud feet and a general break i print erre rfirre ctlitrIrru into n flat on
great caro on a platter, let drain well. a,egateenih pantet, neer lirnndtes ,
down of the system. I dragged my- For sauce, put butter size of an egg where til+' int ,11,4 %e t': flirt t"!eabis
self back to New York, Kicking the in a frying pan, with one tebleepaor.- ascertain than he sty+, Igo r, at wittt
treetment. ani. It so 1
With the net+' inwe, begi'luiug in I3ecem
tear, lranrza's ;tfAOaFt'R w,ll conclude its
tttirty.tiftlz year. The oldest periodical of as
ype, it is yet, IR sash new volume. s now
zilez�ezzfue,tlot simply because it pre9ents fresh.
auleects autl ROW pictures, hotelso, end chiefly
because it steadily ndvAuces iu the snethcd it-
self of zuegesiue makit e. Its a word,
Arms. heroines
a tcnterutut Loailinn
rd, the
beet profeestcnat a m fol of flour, when light -brown add , sorupulettl't regultarity, In NC' lait. mi t.irt s n the current u and latero the faithful
happens that among trig relatives lea art of the water in which the fish , ' are; res in thnattralctno 1irngratnrna for lr#6
p •r itfiali II;tP.rt vNrr pi rials, its,tla�e:uamsorialn,)vefeby(:GNnTANCF.FIt:t]ronl:
dietiaRaiehed physician who upbraid- hue been boded in unh. forme a '1111) 111 tt Ca114'. 4414 inet►ttlt' faf trate • ell led "Au ileRo igow .L5; are tR tillyet
ed me roundly for preaching so =mob nice gravy, should boil ti a few t i aUlus
about my own Dass. Finally, with R yp$7.,,000 to $100,000---N.'w York ^uatc,ipape.rsby F.D.utLLET,R. Stem:rq (:r8.
-'World. I/oiw,E,.L amour, U.4'Inuox, and others;
Ooldamitb's "She Stoops to ('n iquer," Muskrat.
some spirit, I remarked to flim : ed by A ii Intr; hunorteutpepersonArt,Science,
"' Sir. you know that much of 1THATHACKING COU(.ill eau be etc,
your professional wisdom ie preteoee. quickly cured by sitil.,ti -, Core. We guar.
ton ere controlled by prejudice. auteo it, Sold by J. W. 13ruwutnt
Youcannot reach a case like mine _-•
DIVORCESpAe:llSrlr.t:re rhnonIees bacm
minutes, then remove from the fire ;
stir in briskly a well -beaten egg, pour
the gravy over the 6ih ; Pet away
cool. This doth should be eaten
euld, A little cream added to the
gravy gives it a nice flavor.
and you know it, can you ?' " 9ous residing Chro :ghont filo
't I had him ;and be finally 000- #
Milted States alai Canada for Lcaerticu not.
ceded the point, for it was bright', tiadla �c11ltLt9' �,, etc. Advice free, State pourcaao ai 1 address
disease of the kidneys which had.,-_ ATTOItNR,Y WAhll World It lildiug, rev
prostrated me, and the sohooi-men "Goole out through the back way nronawa}, New tier),- y T �T_�
admit they cannot cure it. Having and see my de myl" he chuckled ea he
cared myself, however, in 1879, and rubbed his hands together, S YOUR $ G Poli l TO'Di�Y.
not having seen .a mak dal' since, mf "What! gore into the funeral flow-
telativa finalty admitted that Warn- eve business 00 your own account?
er's este cure, which accomplished Yet, after a1I, why not Aa under -
f Ibis result, was really a wonderful taker might as well furnish the flow-
' preparation. Had President Rutter, ers as the onflin."
of the Central Hudson railroad, used ""tome on. Tbete-how does that
it, I am certain he would be alive to. strike you?"
day, for he could not h*ve been in "That's a hearse --a nate one."
a worse oonditinn than I was." "But it's the daisy I was speaking
ti have found similar prejadioes of. Iona she epio•epan and shiny?"
among all classes concoruiug even so "Very nice."
w laudsble a sobeme as this pedestal "1 ehnuld smile. I1 lays aver env•
fund." thing of the sort in this town, and
Mr. Beere's experience and the re- don't you forget it! Get in and lie
cent death of President Rutter, of the down and let me bob the spriogs to
Central -Hudson railroad, of 00 es•- show you how easy it ride+.'' Alf �C`lte
treme kidney , proves roves that the " • , i ..
2pio, thank yon."
physioias have no real power over "You eo nu! There's pointe about
eneb drawee, and indioatee the only a hearse the public ought to kuow.
coarse one should pursue if, as the Get up on the driver's seat."
late Dr. Willard Parker says, head- "Excuse me, but I prefer a farnily
ache, sickness of the etomseh, drop. carriage."
sical swellings, back ache, dark and 'Oh, phew! but you are too titin DOES NOT CONTAIN AMItIONIA.
offensive fluide, prematurely impaired skinned, Just notice those sp: it-•gs. ITS HEALTHFULNESS HAS NEVER SEEN Qr6STio\an.
eyesight, loss of strength and energy I tell you it will be a r ositive pleas taamitttonho,ne%for a quarter of a century it has
occur, for they unmistakably indicate ore to ride above "em. The dish of stood the consumers' reliable test,
a fatal result, if not promptly arrest- those wheels is absolutely perfect, and THE TEST OF THE OVEN.
ed. such a finish.' PRICE RAIi`ING POWDER CO.,
"Yes, eir•ee, every cent needed for'Yes, a very nice hearse,' MAIMS or
the pedestal will be raised. Of course 'Yon bel! Say, it will be a prond
it will be a great trinmph for the hour in my life when I hitch a span •.. rongetymo.tdelieloaa sad natural damrknowe,and
World, but would it not have been an of white horses to that vehicle and
eternal disgrace had our people failed prance around to the house of thelate
to provide for this pedestal ? " deceased. Lands! but won,t the other
undertakers look blue! Say, fee! of
these curtains -pure sick.'
Singular Statements. 'I'll take vonr word for it.
'Go on, now! Hang it, but when
A nine coffin is considered to be a an undertaker pats up his cash for a
very appropriate present to an old regular daisy like tbie you newspaper
person in Chins. fellows ought to encourage him.
A saloon in Lincoln, Neb., which Just remember that the old-fashoned
pays it thousand dollar lioenee, is kept way ff parrying a body around in a
by a widow who has lest two husbandslumber wag( n and then gaze on this!
by their use of liquor. { Just notice bow these rear doors open
to adtnit the coffin.,
'Very handy.'
'Handy! Why man, it's superb!
Have you noticed the glass iu the
'Seems to be very good.'
'Good! Why, it's the finest in the
world -the very finest! I wanted
something to show off the coffiu, and
here it is. I tell you, the late deceas-
ed ought to fee) proud t I ride in such
a vehicle! You eau say in your paper
;hat it knocks them all out. t3ay,
how are you on styles?'
'What styles?'
13REAEFABT OAIrna.-One cup sour `Coffins and shrouds of course.
milk, onet op sour cream, half cup Come in a minute. I've got a new
of sugar, ewo teaspooiifula soda, Half thing in slhrands- something you are
cup Currants, well washed, a little bound to appreciate, and I'm after a
salt, ilou'r enough to roll thin. Cut ( patent coffin with an sir receiver in it
with the bistuit cutter and bake iu a !Bay, do Ine a favor. Let me enclose
quick Orem. To be eaten xold. :you in my 11e'1i1 n flim arid see how
Brandi/ m4rertleed as absolutely para
CQI,te•szese.Z Q „eAneirsiOSfTXA.
Pirate a can conclave on a hot store until hented.thert
remove the corer and stueXL A eluanist nilf not he re.
quo 0 to detect the presenceof ammonia..
Dr, Price's Special Flavoring Extracts
Ross Brown, the traveller, in des.
cribing Smyrna, remarks that be saw
but oue person there who seemed to
be doing anything and he was falliiug
from the lop of a house.
• The Xing of Siam, who is not yet
30 years of ages is Bald to have 268
children. It ie not explained who
takes the Dengue of the royal popula-
tion: His Majeetyp and this can well
be believed, buy§ marbles by the ton,
hoops by the gross, dolls by the hun-
dred and paregoric by the gallon,
'iv Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems
or Light, Healthy Bread, The Best Dry Hop
Yeast In the World.
Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors.
Vanilla, Lemon,range Ahnond, Rose, etc.,
flavor as delicately and naturally as the fruit.
caro oo. ST. LOus&
for workingpeople. Send 19 cents
!11B postage, an d wo will mat] you free,
a royal, valuable sample box of that will put you IL the way
of making, more money: in a few
days thau you ever thought possi-
ble at any business. ,t,'•apital not
, required. You can live at home and work spare.
time only or all titotime, All of both sexes
of all ages grandly successful. 50 cents to $b.
easily earned every evening. That all who
want work may test the business, we make this
unparalleled offer: To all who are not well
satisfiedive will send 51 to pn, for the t,ouble
of writing us. kull.particulars, directions, ,in.
sent free. Irani eusepay n,bso)utely surefor all
who .start at once, Don't delay. Address
STIlrsox &Co„Portlend,Ittsine.
Per Year
HARPER'S WE F.I{LY ,. 4 .a0
One Year (i_ Numbers) 1000
Postage Free to all subscribers in the Vaned
States or Canada.
The velumeeof the Zfeoezt::r begin with the
Numbers for June and December of each year.
Schen notimo is specified, it will be understood
that the subrcriber wishes to begin with the
cul rent Number.
The lust eleven Semi•ni.uaal Volumes of
HAnrEn'sll1AOAz1rn, in neat cloth biading,will
be scut by utail,pestpnid, on recipt of 031.1
par volume. Cloth Canon f: r binding, 10 cents
each -by man poatpale
index to HARPER'S MAGAZINE, Alphnbetica1,
tnalyticu],and Classified. for Volume 81 to CO,
ineltiuive, Irma/ num] 1.10,10 June, ICS0, one vol.,
bvo, Cloth, ,Leo,
I'emittances should be wade by Pest Office
Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss.
Newspapers arc not t0 copy this advertise -
Iambi vathout the express order of HARPER et
Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York
Butter &Eggs
J. Matheson
Has opened out in
Currelley & Co., Old Stand.
(Exeter north Post Office)
Jnst received a splendid assortment of
Spring Goods, which we will sell at very
close prices. Splendid value iu Cashmeres,
Velveteens, Grey, Scarlet Canton and Home-
made Flannels. A nice lot of Table Napkins
and Covers, Splendid Wincey, Grey and
White Cottons very cheap. Tweed nod Beady
Made Clothing very cheap. A GOOD SUIT
for 55.
GROCERIES.-Wc sell 4lbs Tea fortsl ;
75 cent Tea for e5 cents, Sugars as low as
the lowest.
BOOTS & SHOES. -We have added some
new lines and are prepared to sell the Joest
goods at close prices.
A House and Lot for sale or Rent. Apply
Exeter -butcher Shop
Butcher & General Dealer
Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS-
DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence
2 iia f�r•ese,tts given tr•2u(zy.
Send us b Dents postage
and bylnailyoawill get
free n package of goods
of large value, that will
start you in work that
will at once bring you in money faster than
anytblue else in America,. All about the 5200,-
000 in presauts with cash box. A gents wanted
everywhere, of either se; of all ages, for all
the time, or spare time only, to workforus at
tueirown homes. Fortunes: for all workers
absolutely assured, Don't delay. H. HALLETT
& Co., Portland.Maine,'
A. large proportion 02 t1A disease. Wok
cause hamar: sulrering result free deratnge-
rnent of the stonlaen, bowels, and liver.
Il7t•E$'3 Csras,arm PILLS. Act directly epee
these organa, and are especially designed t.
cure the diseases caused by their derange.
meat, mooing Constipation. Iodides
tion/ Dyspepsia. I5eedueite, Iyeentery,
and a. Lost of ether ailments, tor all of
whish they aro a safe,, rare, pri?u,i,r, and.
pleasant remedy. 'rite esteusive use of these
razz by e,nluent plee:elalis iurcgiz:ar prep.
Lice, shows u1.,nia:Ai: bly the ettinineen in
Whish they are held by the medical pinks -
These PILLS are n am:detl of vegeta :a
/W./Stances enty, and are abrni,tely fret rrai:z
caluutel or any outer injurious
A Sufferer from li3eadeche writes
"AYER'S Pelts are invaluable to plc, anal
are my constant companion. 1 Late beet;
a severe eutferer from headache, and your
PtI.Is are the only thing 1 could keit to
for relief. Ono dose will quickly move my
bowels and free sly heal front lain. They
are the most effective and the easiest i Lysac
I have ever found. It is a pleasure to nee to
opeale In their praise, anti 1 *h,-* 's do Kr
%rhea eccaszon oilers.
W, L, PAtae, of W. L. Piga d: Bra."
FraakUu 9t., liicluuoild,l'a., June 5, UK!,
"I bare used Axert's Ikeaa In number-
less tustances as reoaumeueled by yt u, ,sed
bare never known them to fall to *scone/lish
the desired result. Weeonntuntly keep /bent
on head et our horns and prize them as a
'Element, wife and reliable fetidly zutehteue,
7d•'Uit Dk SPA Sia, they are iuvalualee.
.i. 3.'./IA vz:4"
Alexis, Texas, June 17,188,5:,
The Rev, Foragers B. llAlu.ow', irr:7in„
from Atlanta Ca., says: "For sun=.e, ;.ar9
past I bare Peen subject t0 COletilrhliau,
rroul which iR spite et the use of meth -
eines of varllous kinds, 1 suffered inet•ratin
ineouveulence, until scree months ago
began taking A'Est's k ieLB. They ave
entirely corrected the costive hetet, and
have vastly improved my general health:'*
ATT0'a CATU.U1TIC PILLS correct irregu.
larities of the bowels, stimulate the appe-
tite and digestiou, and by their piouept and
thorough action give tone and %leer to Use
whole physical 0e:mono,
YRreariee ref
Dr, J.C. Ayer & Co,, Lowell, Maser
Sold by a1) Druggists.
An experience the wonderful
beuencist effects t.f
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
AbtU. Earss,loraanyyyzscrMous or ayyyph
nine taint may be made healthy sent stroug
by its use.
Sohl try all Druntsts; 11, sit bottles for iib.
l a'
iu Has stood the test for Fir Ty -'Cosa'►: 1
io 1 a.trzs, and has proved iteulf the la,,t
remedy 'known for the cure 4 7
o Consumption, Coughs, 15
o Colds,Whooping a
and all Lung Diseasesiii
young or old. ti1,Ln Evil rwrtl 1,.., 1
,Price 25e. aid SLOG per Bottle,
lT ., OW.�:4!7
?tzoiMeeslz /34,14110
Are peasant to take` Contain their own
Purgative. Is r. safe, sure, anti ef.ectuaf
dNii+erer of worms in ChildrenorAdtiits.
-to sell-
New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts
As paying as any agency in the world. For
full particulars, free, address,H. C. TLINISON
Map Publisher 388 Richmond•st.,London,Ont, ,
Established 1871.
Fills orders, sells an Commission, or will pur-
chase Apples, Potatoes and Poultry. Write
Planing Mill!
LII1D !iC0T!
Done to order.
Rememberlthe place,
Dyer •v J. °ward.