The Exeter Times, 1885-7-2, Page 2Si Al
IN THE BLACK 'COUNTRY. i lie I forgave the botb, it did 000lir
to lege to think that they hada little
[The inhabi%"%8 f this desolateln;ndervelued the iu tieing we so whol-
d'tstrict are among tho most inlays- ° ly andsolely at a mamas to their end.
trious entl yet the most wretche1 iu He need a )t have wade me love ilitu
England. '1'.'heur c'tildren ragged and a Kt wan 1 Ile might have spared me
ill -fed, lead miserable five% with uo 9 the crowning eheme of bringing mo
hope before their) but a life of wretoll l array froul home under false pre -
shoes and penury. G tenses.
Rosi. F. Foam]. But the sting wee taken out of this
Zl;, that knack Country which the axe die• : fool when I wens back- to 'my "73**
owns, for 'my own" received me as if I were
Where Smoke obscures the sky, and chokes s • glory to theta still.
the breath,Ah t ohildren atmbaveu't needed
And pallid We walked It and hi hand With l i1 vet believe ine that the wound
deathAna ween as wan es ,shoats, with hearts like must be mortal the% cannot be ,Doth•
ed by p:;zelttal balm and oil. They
never SO lunch aN adverted to the
And lips too very even b utter moans.
Toil day hy ,ley tar pittance of Deane
breadAnd dee geunl famine still beside theta snlioipated then Shia one of Lina'e
tread, being Alfa wife. They restored my
While weaker women utiugle aril with „self-respso/.*though they were power-
groan;F, mlees to restorer ray
what earthly tight shall dawn ..iters ie nor It is to 1 years ago that I went
No hope of brighter days beguiles --no l down to Marley on that trial drip,
dreamt, fi which ended in rev heart being
Of better fortunes cheats the anxious wrecked, and ihocRb 1 am Ens Itey
breast.; i tort atilt, -.--though 1 bare rawer tried.
Tttmuglt fire blanit darknes+r shines uo. the *thong of e , eeoond, love in remor-
irreniils beeazai ;
.&ut1 yet unhesdianl suns arise and set, * i iitg all %race# of the firift-- still 1 am
And joy is in the world. Does (ion forget' i not objeotlees.
-� . _ —-- -- The little child that wee b=utt on
LAST CHANCE. #dlola nice, and when
`tt,inl triad
godson ani my darting land hie mu -
at 4Y its 'mosso.tbrfi is my friend, aud hie tether is`
+1`tte urtly way to gNt Iter here »t!s , good enough to arty that if he belle's
to gat Isar yi. "Ni tit tl )� co 1,11 t I 0 , bade ea awfully fond ' of his wife, be
iia; as "' tyct ►le C" ; trod believes he wetild. have 'alien in love
get, with me, while Iip was pretending $o
traubia enough I heti sb nut it, 1 csu do •o,
tell you. Lily E'nrnour was eft ab- ' iia dealt not knee treat 1 am Ella
surdty ieurletilioue. that .ha wanted to Leon din for bis nuke and so or.
faults your mother, aud 1 bed to Play tern be unman genuine Borrow that
mother Louver left her own home, :I ebould be low; dims slip by .o.
Then, wuan 1. pr"po+ed that air.. 'It will be awkward for you, deer—
Percy ebould be 444 iu y tar moth Irina and I aftau say ao—.wban you
see pinor, they farthattb rern.ntrlber find your Last chance gene; he says,
54 110 rotttidat ab ntrl our al,l Airla• h tittle knowing that my loot chyme
tion ; and 1 "4 t' Vt,w. hifo •«i I ; was gone when hi told me the truth
could get her *eked. Met 1 would be -about the Iwo years, %hat day 1 rode
discretion tle+rlf, and devote myself is ( with him at motley,
--•yin fact, Ella, 1 cnul,to°l etiek at
anything, thiuge halt quina to such a
pm.' l I'arm Gleanings..
'And---end--jour wife ie t') tell o
this to Sir Lewitt title afternonn,' I A milker ehoni,l learn to milk
said, gallantly, gulping down a very quickly. Slow milking will, injure any
big sob, Then, 1 tattled them both, cow in a short time.
so deeply, pitied then) so heartily,; 7,'he'kmericau Naturalist' contains
both foe having been guilty of this d'1 the interesting informatiou to potato
Caption, and for the ooueegnenoeagrowers that a hybrid bee been form-
that might buena from it, t°tilt fled between the common and the
mastered my own emotion, in order ., -Darwin" potato from the southern
to bo able to give him as mnoh. Dorn• i part of Soutl, Amerioa, which, it is
fort as 1 might be granted the power i believed, will not be eubjec: to rot or
to give h]in= I attacks of parasitic fungi.
It was the hardest hour of my life 1 The negligent fernier, who allows
—that hour that 1 rode with Alf his lands to grow weed's dint all In:tn
Turnuur. and heard from his ,awn nor of foul stuf, and .sows Iris Drape'
lips how false and cruel he bad been out of season, and on ]and bat half
to me, False and cruel, and utterly a tilled, is not only robbing himself of
regardless of me ? And yet at theist' profits, but it is depreciating the
same moment, that I knew Illnl to ; value of hie farm, and the value of
have been these things, I felt that 1 the prosperity of the state.
could have died to serve him. When Women know when they are over -
we gut home, I tore up to my own taxed, and they should take care of
bedroom it once, and threw :myself themselves. 1t is a sin against a wo•
down in a more bitter abandonment man's own nature if she allows her
of woe alld despair than est ever be life to be drained from her by over -
my portion again. work. No one will see that she is
But my first passion tats over (I killing herself, until the damage is
bad loved him and believed hum for past repair, and, in the And, no ono
two years, remember). ;I recollected will thank her for so doing.
that there was one whose troubles Two or thiee square rods on the
would be heavier than mine, if this farm, or on the village 1oi, will supply
final appeal, this last chance failed, as many bnshels of most delioioss and
If Sir Lewis proved iuflexible, and most deeirnble strawberriee. There
Alf lost his inheritance,the woman be have been 67 quarts picked from one
had married would have more bitter equare rod in one season 1 But out
Mee to rue her love for him than it do zn to half a bushel to the rod,
even I had. or to ten quarts, and what will pay
My heart gentled toward her in the better, taking into account pleasure
midst of my owe misery. How she and health ?
had been maligned, poor, pretty, lov• From a table of the wages of farm
ing creature ! When we—her relit- labor published in the May report of
tives—in our harsh, imaginary superi• the Bureau of Industrie, for Ontario,
or virtue, bad been censuring her for it appears that the rate is perceptibly
some of hereapparenl]y flighty ways lower this year than it was last year.
and unnecessary wanderings, possibly The average for the Province last year
she had been only obeying a man- was $17.70 per month for the work
date of her husband's ! How ill she ing season, including board. This
had looked this afternoon, too 1 In year it is $16.42, being a reduction
epite of the deception that bed been of $1.28 per month.
practiced on me by both, I forgave Chickens shoold be fed what they
them in that hoar from the bottom of will eat ; the yells of hard boiled eggs
my heart. for thirty-six hours after they have
A.t length I heard the rumble of left the shell. Thee a mixture of
wheels of the pony-oarriage, and 1 oatmeal, cornmeal and fine feed, just
got myself to the window in time to what they will eat up clean once in
see them Dome up to the doorsteps. three hours, until ten days old. After
She bad surrendered the reins to Sir that don't feed quite so often, and the
Lewis, and was sitting with her head more variety of feed Riven the better.
bent very low. It gave me a pang II is well to have a patch of Hun•
and a pleaeareto see that herhusband garian gran to fall bank on in case
was there to meet her. There was other things fail. Indeed it may be
no word spoken by any one of the put in ibe first of July with good re -
three, and they went in at once, and sults. A. bushel of seed per acre is
1 waited in agony for the denouement. all suffiotenl ; many sow but three
That night a child was born and. pecks. It will be ready to ant in sit
while the suffering, beautiful, rash or eight weeks. Harvest while in
young mother was hovering between blossom. Horses have been injured
life and death, the 'old people' relent- by eating too much of the ripened
ed, and forgave the nephew who was seeds.
their heir. He had been wear, but Liquid manure is a very valuable
she • was so strangely .lovely and fertilizer. To have it, sink a barrel
charming, the old baronet allowed not loo far from the pump and put in
that there was no wonder in any a spadeful or two of dung, filling up
man being weak. with water and replenishing when
'Alf had not been dishonorable.' necessary. A dose of this once a
That was their great comfort. week will work wonders, and will pay.
He had not been dishonorable 1 The surface of the ground around a
No. he had only laid nay life waste, plant should never be caked, but
and that fact being beyond their ken, should be broken with, a hoe or other
they said nothing about it. Freely implement.
pessibihty of any other result being
& Ue Thorough,
It wee 0 trlyle who said, '&mine
is an immense capacity for taking
I trouble,' and George Eliot gives us
the sada thought In .other words ;
!Genius is et first little more than a
great oatnaoity for :reoeivitg discipline.'
The most successful have always
"been the moot painstaking. A. prom -
went judge, Kling near Cincinnati,
wiebed to have a rough feeee built,
34nt for a carpenter, and said to him:
'1 want &hie fence mended to keep.
"oitt 1119 Gallie. There are some nn -
Iplaned boards --rise them. It ie oat
of sighs from the pause. so yon need
not take time to make it a netts job,
1 will only pity you a dollar and a
On \Veduesday evening of bast week
about half past nine o'clock, \Vw...
:Maori of Logan, was attaolled by a
man. young, and medium height. on
the Ord concert -tau opposite Hicks
farm: At ate approached he called
Out to tl:1r, Eason who tattled round
to dee what was wonted. The high.
way nano then drew a revolver and
demanded money else he would shoot.
Mr. Elson said he bed no money
about him. He then told him not to
move or he would .hoot. After par -
'eying with biro for game time he
tiros* away tolling him to shoot but
instead the robber made off in an
opposite dirrotiou
However, afterward, the judge,
coming to leak at the work, found
' that the boards were planed end lbe
fence tanished with exceeding neat'
nets. Suppo ing the youug man had I
*done it in order to make s easily job 1
of it, he said angrily
'I told you this fence 'Mae to be
veered with vigils. I do not cared
how it look*.'
'I do,' raid the carpeuer,
'How much do you charge ?' naked
the judge.
'A. dollar and a half,' said the men,
shouldering his tool?,
'Why did yon .hood all that labor
ou tate Job, if eat for money?'
'For the job, air.'
'Nobody would have seen the poor
work on it."
'But I should have known it was !
there. Ilio ; 1'I1 take only the dollar
aud a half,' Aral he took it *ad
' went away.
Teo year* afterward the judge bad
a contract to give for the building.
of certain magnificent public bead -
hue, Thera were many appliceuta
among feaster builders, but one fees
attracted attention, It was that of
the man who bad built Ilse feint?,
41 knew.' said the judge, afterward
!'telling the story. 'we should have
only good, genuine work from him.
I gave him the oiutraot, and it made
a r]ob man Irl el h is '."wgorTba an. Josiah Qainoy wad at E1:aii'i
one time conversing with Daniel sacra, with the gloss and freshness ar
Webster neon the im;aortence of do– restores,
faded or gray hair to a natural, rieh
ing even !fie smallest thing l wrongly I brown nth, cfaded
dace Blair to a aybede,ired,
, and well, when the great man related
au incident concerning a petty inaur•-
once case which was brought to hire
while a young lawyer in Porteutouth.
The fee promieocl was only $2.0,
Yet, to da hie clients full juetico,
Webster found he mnsc journey to
Boston and 0005011 w
ul a la library.
This inv.lved an ezpenae of above the
amount of his fee, bnt after hesitat.
",ing a little he decided to go to Boston
land consult the authorities, let the
cost be what it might. He gained
the else.
'Years after title Webster was pats•
ing through the oity of New York.
An important iosurence case was to
be tried that dug, and one of the
counsel had bean euddenly prostrated
by illness. Money was no object,
and 'Webster was asked to name his
terns and conduct the case.
'It is preposterous," said he 't0 ex-
pect me to prepare a legal argument
at a few hours' notice."
OAGULIN.N ,---Cement for Brok-1
en A.rtieles. Sold everywhere.
Solo efulcera,-,1caY blips.. Stockport
Aniseed., euega. dto
with Chtorodrne,
[AY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent
exnoctorant for Coughs aud Colds,
I AY'S COMPOUND, for Cou he
and Colds, is equally esrrieable; for
AY'S TIC PILLS, a epeoffio ill
Neuralgia Face -ache &e,
l,I?Iuma T ter Pipbtherte, Creup.aitd
Asiatic Cholera. A sure cure, pain of all
kw as quickly relieved. Internally and extent -
ally, Ask forst, Take no other. 'See tatiwo•
Weis. torr sale by ,ll Arttt:gists•
Over Over
Acres, Foal:a l Nurseries Arreo.,
:ilkL+a "r1 —WAN
tI � r�3 W ANT�t
The Largest In the Parnlnton,
To begin canvassing et once on salt ;tales,
Ste say 'etul'loymeuttn:au'emorn luses. flood
agents ,ere oarntug trona *s0 to $.5 per mouth
and expenses, Terms anti eitt0t free, Address
But when they insisted that he
should look at the papers he consent-
ed. It was his old twenty dollar case
over again, and, having a remarkable
memory, he had alt the authorities in
his mind, and won ibe suit. The
eourt knew he had no time for prep-
aration, and were astonished at the
skill with wbicn the handled the
'So you see,' said Webster, as be
concluded,' I was handsomely paid
both In fame and money for the
journey to Beaton ;' and the moral
ie that good work is rewarded in
the end, though, 10 be sure, one's
own self -approval should be enough.
Thoroughneas implies attention to
details, neatness and method. A
young man who was shrewd and ex -
ac ling, but whose business habits
were careless and unmethodical, dao•
Deeded, by hard work and economy,
in establishing a prosperous busi-
ness, but failed and went into bank.
ruptoy at the early age of 35 because
of hie carelessness in omitting to
place s note for a large amount in
his bills payable.
About three weeks ago Mr. John
A. McDonald, a farmer living near
Belmont, took into hie employ a Ger-
man named George Dibnaugh. On
Friday Mr. McDonald went to the
picnic aIP t Stanley, and left the
plane in charge of Dibnangb, and on
return found that his hired man and
the following artiolee had disappeared
together :-A pair of pants, black
coat, velvet vest, woolen overehirs,
grey undershirt, Iwo white shirts, a
number of linen callers and woolen
socks, twelve handkerchiefs, open face
silver watch, with lettere H. M. 0. on,
back case, pair of soisoore, ivory foot
rule, a blank valise, with H. M. Mc-
Donald over the keyhole, walking
cane with horse's head, penknife,
comb and other attiolea.
By Its use light or red hair maybe darkened,
thin hair thickened, and baldness often,
though not always, eared.
It checks failing of the hair, and athnu-
lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It
presents and carets scurf and dandruff, ;roti
heals nearly every disease peculiar to the
scalp. As a Ladles' hair Dressing. Om
t u ualled-I it contains neither '1
'Cioort a ueq c,
nor dye, renders tho hair soft, glossy, mil
silken In appearance, and Imparts a delicate,
agreeable, and lasting perfume.
Mn. C.P. Iinlcn0R'writes from Kirby, 0.
July 3, 1882: "Last fall my hair commenced,
falling out, and in a short time 1 became
nearly bald, I used part of a bottle of
ArEn's ILtia VIGOR, which steppes the fall-
ing of the hair ami started a new growth. I
have now a full head of hair growing vigor.
misty, and am convinced that but for tho
use of your preparation I should have been
entirety bald."
J. W. nowE1, proprietor of the McArthur(Ohio) Enquirer, says; 'AYER'S HaltcVzoon
is a most excellent preparation for the hair,
1 speak of it front pry own experience. Its
use promotes tttn growth of new hair, and
makes it glossy and soft. The Viooit is also
a suro cure for dandruff. Not within my
knowledge has the preparation ever failed
to give entire satisfaction."
liin. A1ors ruIcne1Ro, lender of the
celebrated "Fairbairn Family" of Scottish
Vocalists, writes from Foston, Mass., Feb. 6,
1830: "Ever since my hair began to give sil-
very evidence of the change which fleeting
time procureth, I have used AYRit's $ASR
Vtoon, and so have been able to maintain
an appearance of youthfulness -a matter of
considerable consequence to ministers, ora-
tors, actors, and in fact every one who lives
In the oyes of the public."
MRs. O. A. Pnsscoxr, writing from 18 no
31. Charlestown, {lass., -Sprit 14, 1882, says:
"Two years ago about two-thirds o1 my hair
came off. It thinned vary rapidly, and I was
fast growing bald. On using AYER'S 1i.11it
VIeoR the falling stopped and a new growth
commenced, and m about a month my head
was completely covered with short hair. It
has continued to grow, and is now as good as
before it fell. I regularly used but ono bottle
of the VIaoa, but now use it occasionally as
a dressing."
' We have hundreds of similar testimonial*
to the efficacy of AYER'S HAIR Vision. 11
needs but a trial to convince the most skeptt-
eel of its value.
Dr.J. C. Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by au Druggists. • '
COO* flAttligiNt
Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of
Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out a
Boob ani Shoe Shop
in the corner Store North of Samwell
& Pickard's, where lie is prepared to make
all kinds of ordered work.
Sewed work a speciality. ery for the manufacture of,rlour on the
So say the beat farmers. stockmen, gar-
deners, and fruit growers of America of the
great National, Weekly. the ditiral New York-
er. The best writers in the. woad, Original
thrpngliout. Over 500 illustrations from
nature eYery year. Nine paper 16 pages -ask
those wlho know, SPeoimena gladly sent
without °barge. 22,800 worth of presents
offered to eubacribers for the largest clubs.
Conducted by praetuble farmers, Ite Free
Seed ><)ietribntions are invaluetble. Over 600
contributions. rosters and outfits on appli-
cation, Send for them, Rpn4I, NEw-xonEER,
24 park Row, N. Y.
avail o sap
los 1...4
0 Imor
tit Hos
,„ -,n
These mills are now completed with all
the best and very latest improved machin -
Repairing promptly attended to.
Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe
May 14th 84.
nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary College, Toron-
ened an office
tment of all
Animals, on
Exeter. 'Calls
to, have op
for the tree
Domestic street
from a dis _i-+ ``=!°' tame promptly
attended to: Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c
always on hand: g
Roder Process
AND DAY, and wo ar prepared to do
Gristing Chopping on Shortest Natio e
A iso Flour and Feed for sale ay
Cheap as the Cheapest.