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The Exeter Times, 1885-7-2, Page 1
Ate .. HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE QUIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." Vol, XII., No. 40 FX.C' EBB ONT., TUURSDAT M OBNIRc , [JULY 2, 1885. T S�-p© a'�7 low, grave fears beteg felt that they Petty's Choice Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Lard., Cracked Wheat and Roiled Oats, Oranges and Lemons, A T G. A , YNDALAN 'S FANSO1 'S BLOCK The only Thorley's H. 4 0 Food, Only lMc, per lb„ or $8 per cwt. TJEOAD. REBELLION NEWS.. LT H, DIOKSOle, Barrister, Soli ' • tiro* of Supreme Court. Notary t'ubil Conveyancer, Qommlociontr. 6. Money t Loan. (Mee la r'ausen'a Bleak, F.reter.. l4 eFADDEN, Bator, Stl tar, Conveyancer, Bto,, EXPhlaif* R. . ONT. *face Aantnan'a Block (flap'; old office.! DENTAL. KINSMAN,DENT I$T..;a, D.S Tlawrouhtty, , od to Post - Office Bloc k. DR. HYNDArAN.--CORONla1i FOR tlaeCouutyof lluran. t,a lea, oplanate to Mr,I-Uatrling'sstore,Exetsr Teeth ex- eractedNith out pain. 31EDICAL er W. f. 13.ROWNINCGM. l),. 211 C • P. I,Graduatev'iotoriatrniveraity• Odic iaareatdauce. 1)or'n iop I,aborater v, Exeter - DR. 3. A. IWE.LINS, M. 0. 1'. S O. Ontce, huain soexoter.Out. Residence houeororontiyoccupied by L',.atarbtillpw,Rwq. LUTZ, M. D., • Office athisra,sitleuoc Exeter. WANDIMINO SL'IRU. Bowel; ell Rtvsa„ June 18. via Straw beuzie, N. W. T., June 20.' -.Rev. Canon McKay, who eat aur from this, place to help the prisoners+ iu, on reaching the camp of the Wood areee found that a party had gof a with thorn towarda Pitt *hutted, a week before. The Oleos Lave We,nderiug Spirit a prisoner, and 40 lodges are coming to the mission hero, and will arrive in four days to surrender. Tic few thea left will likely dieperie. Advices froth Edmonton country say that the lhelf•breed scent% sent to ward Lao la Biotite under Capt. Bee, geurge, by Cr I- Quintet, chute upon wounded men to alnlcat every tepee, Thud we have learned of nue other [tilled and another wt,intd rd at the skirmish of i'r.nahratm'a Butte, Tia total Inas of the enmy there was three killed end AvA wounded: Iwderneet, Toe .111/VANS* Fort ['lit,.Ttt•te 28, vie, Stxauheu zie, N. W. T.. June • 25,•. -Andrei Nenit'and AIJratn Slinture, :Merged with rnciting Indlane to rose of vio- louce and murder, were brought be. fore Ceo fferaihnier to -day. The wit. ni sere against Bern/ W. J. McLean end J. B. Parry, tomo of the released prisoners. The detwsitione of Rev. Lel;off. Canon Matey, Capt. Steele, and. W. B. Cameron were taken before Gen. Middletnu. A. letter was pro- would not reeoyer• One young boy, hardly 17 years old, who belong* to A Battery, had his left arca .!tattered, and it had to be fakery off Close to the *shoulder, be hod gluiest recovered and was ready for the from again, saying tint las could blow a bugle if he could do no. thing elbe, We proceeded ou aur journey again tryst night and oimped about 4. miles below S'Askttoon, Our *o.iw bed by this tithe become a per foot wreck, broke' sweeps were scat- tered around the sides. and the rude ones tlir,t w0 had out to take their piece!, were lashed with, rope', ea we had no nedsc witty which to nalil them, and were of but little ole. A heavy wind eproug up about sundown and rucreaSed in violence tantil we were driven upon a rooky point and wedg- ed tight between two rooks, there we remained all eight e*peoting the old scow to go to Itiecee every minute. Mouday, MMlxy 18th, We were up at four !'clock, so as to get an early start, but the scow was 4141 tightly wedged between the rock+, Haat it took us nearly t'an Amur, 10 get clear. The wind c 'ginned oil day nn•i kept us, !;hocking on the shore, the river was clear of sand bare. a'r else we would hove been linable to go at all and as it was we were to the water shunt every half -how. We had but otie blooutt far breakfast, and there remained but one .Apiece loft ; uric we *ate at (Ulmer time and we were with• l!it a Ula on b ,arty, link w$ WC e t within a few miles of Clark's Cross - lug dud ,would aeon have plenty. By two o'clock we were in eight ot the Crosautg, and half -an hour later we tied itp t,, the bank, having got in third without halving lost a bag of cur °Argo. The neat of the soowe arrived Awn days after, when it was foetid Stet our scow was the only ane that had succeeded in carrying through a full load. Wu now thought we would be utterly through with work, but for throe weeks clow 'we have beau en- gaged in ferrying supplies across the river; every day we have been out slugging oats at seven o'clock iu the morning, and at it until seven o'clock in the averring ; half the Battalion in lite manning and the remainder in the altos noon. Our clothes urn tottered and soiled, our skins tanned as brow/ €s ltd ttne, ousel Wi'h the skin peel- ed off end as red as a lebs,or, bet uoarly every tuan looks sett is tweuty per Dent. better ib cri whoa his lett London. The Write. ie 2i1 hounds heavier then whet' et$rtiug out on this expedition,. song h';a not known a day's aioktie to since leaving. Tha tuatntey ground here is all that could ba desired, with the exception of the s`varcity of wood, there being no tim• ber here fit for Lumber, but the want of timbor will not be felt so much here as in other districts for the ren - son that there is a fine strip of lime stone which extends for mauv miles up and down the river, and as there is a great quantity of stone which Gan be used for bnitding purposes the absence of timber will not be severely felt. The land consists of fine roll- ing prairie, the surface soil being rich black loath, averaging from four to seveu feet in depth, which pr3dnoes splendid crops, year after year. I suspect though that the frost till be a great drawback to the fartners,there having beeu sevetal heavy frosts with- iu the past week.. With regard t rainfall this district rs all that could be desired; there is scarcely a day that we do not have a shower and at uights there are heavy dens, which are almost equal to a rain. The an- nual June flood as taking piece new ; the ,river has risen about ten feet since last night .and is rapidly rising yet. The cause of the flood is ,the ice and snow melting iu the Hooky Mountains. An accideut nearly ,of a Intal nature toecurred this afternoon, whereby Private Jame+ Lozierof B Company came ti sar losing his life. Some large logs .had drifted against the -bow of the barge and he had a pike pule with which he was pudliiug thein out into the stream.. Ili et• tempting to thick the pike into a log he lost his balance, and fell into the water, striking its head on the scow and almost stunning himself, the cur- rent swept hitt under the hoes, amongst some brash that had got choked under it., but by this time the cold water had revived hire, and being a good swimmer he managed to free himself from the brush and get otat'fror under the boat and alien '!mane whore- $9 iB now 0.n- r)�1i, IRVING, GRADUATE UNI duce', 1n fllinture'a handwriting sand .1..•yVl•11ta!Tyr Trinity0ollegMernberCollea;e signed by Nonit, nddresetd to a lr>alf eciesielena tad Swraeont Out..r fileoliirkton breed at Las la Slche, which had been t 1Jf1'ORT.AN'crt0TICF,S, e- intercepted by Canon McKay,. The letter spoke of having gained a viotory at Frog ].lake, asked the faatf•[,reeds -ENItY illIr Bit , Licensed Auo- and Indians to join Big Bear, and tloneerfor tiay,Stephen,and acct#itivray seat 131g Boar and the writer's coin - 01/10e -At Milan° Itsi'ae Sales coconducted , 0ut,lorata rates. plimonts to the people of Lnc la Blob. Father Lagers deposition was that ifONEYTC) LOAN ON REALES, the Chippowayans would not have tatetortheHuron d Erie Loan 'savings. toiled Big Bear had nut Miuture ter. Spaokntaneexeter. Society. Low retool intoreei. Apply to.rohu ged them to do SO, Both were com- mitted for trial, The 05th are under odors to march to Pitt to -morrow, and spiv* are jubilant at the prospect of their release from 'inactivity. The reason of our remaining was Iest the prisouere should come here and to afford protection to 'the Ci,ip- pewayans, who were afraid of •lee' Orees at Lae ties teles, synth! share other arrangement' were Vitale 'regard- ing them, Eighty •teams were vent out to day to bring to Strange's nolumn from Beaver River, Tney will not return for several days.. The weather is very sultry. The fore will probably leaye in three or four trays, when it is expect - 'ed `Strange's force will have arrived and the Irrdians sent to the Wood will have returned. N•borneaudiTihbortlfutualFirpineuraucc J. CLARK, Agent for the Us, - Company, Rosidenoo -Farquhar . Orders by tnailpromptNy attondodto. 1'IONLY TO LOAN AT 6e, AND 7 per cent. according to terms. Private Funds, t.pplyto Octoborl5; 80 $. V.ELLIOT', Solicitor. Excite: --Tex-- _. :EAEING'S Central Shaving' Parlor Por Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair cut tinctc. Clean Towels for every customer. Next door to Centra Hotel. FOR SALE.-TWO•STORYFRAME 13 situated on therG ThamesRoad USE 27nmilts eastncl of Exeter. Goodlargo frame stable and driving shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit-boaring trees; good well aud cistern. Suitable for a re. tired -farmer. Will be sold cheap fer cash. Ap pry to THOMAS ALLIN, EAfter P 0 iv 19-tf J. CLARK. COMMISSIONER • inthe Court of Common Pleas -Deeds, Wills,Mortgages, Leases, and all forms ofagrae. merits drawn and executed aocording to law. IA ONES' TOLOAN ORItEALESTATE . PGrtie8wish. ing to borrow money on account ofrecontpur- chasea °H ond,orto pay off existing mortgages willitndagreat saving bygiving me a call, Oren lend money at and 0i per cent. accbrdingto. terms. N.J.CLAaRS JOHN IvMollONELL, ISSTJER 'D' v MARRIAGE LICENSES. OFFICE IN FANSON'6 BLOor.. Also agent for the Loudon Mutual Insurance Company of Canada,Mercautile Insurance Co —Capital 1,500,000.00 Head Office Waterloo; Ont. Glasgow d; Loudon Insurance Coy—Cap- ital 82,500,000 ; Head Office, Montreal:: Stand- ard Lite Insurance Co., Head Office, London, England ; Guarantee •6c Accident Co, Head O fftc e, 'Toronto. JOAN McDONELL Exeter 'THE WATERLOO MUTUAL .ETRE Il SU•RANCECO. Establi'Slted in 1868. 'EAD •OFFICE • WATERLOO, ONT. Thiscom,:anv has been over Eightteen years. la successful operation in WeStorn Ontario,and' .continues to insure againstloss or damage by Fire , Buildings,Merohaudi s e, Manufactories ,and a/11 other descriptions of insurable property. In- tendingiusurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ton years 'this Company has ssued 57,090 Polioies.covering property to 'the amount of 840;872,038; and pa'i+d in losses alone 31709 732'00 AssetS, $170,100.00, consisting of Cash in, ,dank, Government Deposit,.and the unassessed Premium Notes on hai8 ,Lad in force J. W WAY., nBNM D. Presidei.t. C.t7... TAYLOR, Secretary J. B.'Jtbet3ns,Inspector. CHARLES SNELL A atfo T; to and •icinit FROM THE TIMES' CORRESPONDENT,.WITH THE 7TH FUSILIERS] . .CONCLUDED FROM LAST WEEK. Fortunately we got ashore so that we were enabled to build a fire and .get warmed up. Every day was but a repetition of second, sometimes we would make shore a. night and some- times we would stink ou a bar and have to get cut in the morning, with the frost lyiug thick ou the scow and a keen cold wind blowing the water. over us. Sunday, May 17th. Our provis- ions by this time were gettiug very, low, we had nothing but hard tack! and tea without sugar, and to allow. the rneu full rations the hard tack would last no more than a day, so. we were forced either to tie np wait for another boat, or else go on, short rations the remainder ef thei journey. We wore all striving to get! in first, and tho men agreed to .go on, short Cations sooner than _wait ,for the rest. We reached Saskatoon., tete: present ' Ho pitai headquarters., to— ward evening, stud tied up to tile' bank for en hour to allow the boys time to visit the wounded. There were about 72 of our boys lying there, and two half breeds, (one of them hes since died.) iWiauy of them were but sliglitly wounded, but St2..,i1.e were 'very JOHN WRITE ,a /00m Pubiaalaers and Proprietors' tirely recovered and retains but few ecratolhes to remand: him of hie oar- raw escape. We expect our next nwve will be for !coma, but do not. know anything definite. Yours doe, Wee'. Annum- AFOEA. 'STAN INVADED. Invaders Manure ' L,000,000, LONDON, Juga, 2Q. --•-A dispatch from Teheran kayo that Ayoub Kban.. at the head of a large number of Pole lowele, uroseed the Afghan border frau Turkestau and marched ora the city of Kbani-bad, which be oeptured after a desperate and eauguiniry stro gie, potting its defenders to dight. ONE MILLION *POUNDS*. 98CLRED. Tae rebels then levelled the place and secured, among outer pleader, 81,000,000 aterli.teg belonging to the Amoer Tbs raidhas oaltaed e>toitement throughout Afghanistan. TheAfgbans openly 4031190 tUa R tseiane of having' oonspired with the brigs„ds in plea- ning the raid, Roprieals are tacked and it is feared that complications ot a much more serious nature thou as yet have rime will grow out of the eta me EXCITEMENT IN LONDON'. The new has canoed great excite• moot is Lindon. The Foretgu Office ` hal tele rttplied to L :rd Dufferiu for the fullest i•,formatlon with regard to theafl'air, and should it ba proven that the tinvsiaan ofiiciel,t are iu any way irnpheeted, a vigorous remon- atrauoe will be mads at ouoe through the British Ambarecedor ittIS%, Peters. burg. KHAN-I.11AD Abdullah Khau ie the govenor of , Khunduae, the extreme northern Praviuoe of Afghan -Turkestan. The town of Iihanibad is eitu'ttece about sixty miles south of the river Oxus, which seperates it from the Russian protected state of Bukhara. Ehani: bad was the headquarters of the pros- eut Ameor of Afghauisttu before the was summoned to the throne, and there also tock place the negotiations j between the Amoer land elle British pfioere, Canadian. A $0,000 suit has been decided agatnet tate Exchange Bank. Returns from all points in West Algoma, including Rainey River, give Commee a majority of 84 votes. Considerable excitements was oc- casioned at Glencoe Sunday by the arrest of Capt. Thomas, of the Sal- vation Army corps, nu a charge of forgery. A. three-year old sou of Mr. John Brannau, of Chatham, while endeav- oring to climb into a loaded wagon on Thursday, wee drawn under the wheel, which passed over his head. He died in an hour-and-a•half after. Monday being St. Peter and St. Paul's day and a legal holiday in Quebec Province, the courts and pub• lic offices were closed. There was no session of Parliament. The troubles among the teachers of the Stratford Col. Iuet. have been settled by Mr. Moran agreeing to obey the order of the ptiucipal, •inasmuch as the latter is directly responsible for the ooudition of the school. Sunday evening Mrs. Morrison, of Hughson street south, Hamilton, was called to the assl,tanee of a grown sou who took a fit in the back- yard. the young man died in a few minutes, and in a quarter of an hour the mother was dead. Heart disease was the cause. The gang of burglars who have been working Toronto for some tiwe past have goue north. Detectives in London have been notified by the Montrt,al police that a g•ettt• gang of thieves are corning westward, and that they burst three safes at Port Hope on friday. '1'he Montreal branch of the Irish National League has decided to sup- port Parcell ou whatever action he may take with the new British Gov• e.rument. They have also received a tetter from the National League of America staking the bracoh to rush collections far Parliamentw:y feud. Ou. Saturday night a policeman on Duaaess street, Toronto, heard cries of "M rdsr,” and entering the house of Johr'- Corrigan found 'him with leis wile on the floor be:ttirt,g her on the head with a lrawmer. Corri- gon mode o desperate fight- with the police, but was finally overpowered. The woman wee badly itajered. General Manager I iokeon of the Grand Trunk Railway. says that pre- liminary work was befog done M Ser- f Ria athl Port Heron inconueotiou with. the proposed tunnel under the St. ' Clair river acid the engineer ilii pro uounoad the soloing perfectly ramble Borings winch were being made uow proved that they will not he ntistekon and the actusl work will be commen- d before long. There inner be some ruisuuderetend:- ing in regard to the proposed reduct- ion in rbcs wages :among G. T. R.. em- ployee. No later than Saturday, Mr. Iltekeotr detaied i,i the meat etaphatio manner that there was any foundation for the etetemeut that a further re- dnctiou he the pay of the employes waa about to take place, or even contem- plated, To use their own wordy, 4'It is a ample lie." A young man named Caluing, living near Stoney Point, met two strangers ou the Grand Trunk track about live miles froiu Windsor last Wednesday nihil,. 'they trade 'urns inquiries of him, and as he turned to pass ou, one of the mangers itruok him ou the head with a blunt inetru= meat. The pair then want through bis pockets sold get $33 and *Over watch. Agreet eenaation has bawl etuead iu Wood,tlaak by Air. W. Tonsil, ort behalf of C. Bishop, issuing a *writ against P. M. Field, of Woodstook, for not making a return of certain oonveottulrn se required by law, It id alleged that Ler. Field fi liable he a flue of $8,200, at the rate of $80 for each onset of default, one•helf of the Ana going to the Legal Government and half to the prosecutor, A. petition extensively signed by the boss and jaurneynlea pluutbere, of Harrulton, has been drawn up, and wilt be presented to the City Council at its next meeting. harks that Aha Council take steps in the direattou of having all plumbiug and sewer tutu - motions inapooted by an inapectar to be appointed by the Council, and of having plumbers hennaed so as to ;*event poor worii being done to the danger of the pablio health, Tn the case of the Bell Telephone Co. vs. the Telephone Manufacturing Co„ action brought to cancel the Bell patout for not complying with certain regulations of the patent law, the 13e11 Co. last May made application for a writ of certiorari to remove all proeeedings,evidenoe and papers from the department of Agriculture into the Common fleas Division, contend- ing that the Minister of Agriculture had not the authority to adjudicate upon the validity of the patent so attacked. Tha full court at Toronto. on Saturday decided otherwise , and dismissed the Bell motion with costs. The case excited considerable interest. Oa the 8th inst., a young than named John Zurbrigg got a note bearing the signature of Mr. Thos. Code, of Trowbridge, for $98, dis- counted at Snott's banking house in Listowel. Before discounting the note, the accountant, Mr- J. E. Car- son, made some enquiries; both from Zurbrigg and some other parties in town, the result being suffioiently sat- isfactory to cause him to accept the note. A. short time after cashing fns note, he concluded to telegraph to Mr. Code, and in reply was informed that the note was a forgery. An effort was immediately made to ar- rest Zurbrigg, but he had got a few hours' start and succeeded in getting out of the way. It was conjectured that Zurbrigg would probably make *for Detroit, where he has a sister living. The chief of police at De- troit was accordingly notified and it description of Zurbrigg furnished: The conjecture that he had made for. Detroit proved correct, information of his erretst by Detective Hagen, .f Detroit, reaching Listowel several) days ago. Constable R. {3 Wright, was dispatched for the prisoner,whom he prevaile,l.upon to accompany him without waiting to be extradited. Constable Wright and Zurbrigg ar- rived at Listowel on Tuesday even• iog.' On Wednesday morning the prisoner was taken before George Draper, Esq., J. P., who on the oyi- (lence produced, committed him to Stratford jail to await his trial. Zur- brigg admitted having 'received the money on the note, but denied having committed the fot'gery.