HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-6-25, Page 8ghtt Stein, MOS. Without exception the best and cheapest was full of point from beginning to end, I linea of Boots and Shoes we have as yet seen, lift. Linklater was also tendered the thanks can now be had at C. Eaorett'e, Also Chil- of the, Association. The committee on nominations presented their report as follows :--President, D. M. lifaltocie, ESQ., Clinton ; vice -Picea , 1tir. Haratone, Seafortli ; Sec, -Treasurer, Mr. W. E. Groves, Wingham, Executive Com- dren'a Carriages, Ezpreea Wagons, Boys Bicycles of all. sizes, ; oleo Harness of every TH TRSDA"Y, .TUNE 25th, 1885. description eonatsntiy on hand. Call and see for youreelvee. Batter and Eggs . taken exchange for goods, C. tt.. T.k SNTs per line for brat insertion, and The indefatiguablo potato bug promises to mittee, Messrs. Henderson, 1lfefaul,. Share, FOUR C ,"tis per lime for each subsequent in be more numerous than ever this summer, Ring and Lough. Dir. Liuklater was ap, sertion will be obargedfor notices apt,earint: and potatoes are doomed to suffer. The pointed delegate to the Provincial Teachers" in this octnSAn. .chow••... is said to boa reliable remedy for Association, in Toronto. Mr Duff, upon Take parts ---- th es chair was ten- -aa retiring from a president i ' - and slaked lime, using 6 pounds of each to dared a vote of thanks. LOCdL NEWS.• -1k a shall. be happy to re- 20 gallons of water and sprinkle with a It was also decided that any teacher in reins at all times, frown any part of the brush. It Weald to be sura death to the the inepeotorate, who paid a membership fee County, items of local clews, such as ac- bulge, while it benefits the vine. of 50o., should be furnished with the Edu- cideuts,or any interesting incident what L. K. C. sends us the following for pabli rational Weekly for the year- Any teacher ver, fres any of our subscribers or road- eetion : Eacnraiene and pinnies seem to be wishing to join may send his or her nacre to ers generally for the purpose of public- the order of the day. The last, but not the Mr. (troves, at Wingham. a,fon, least important was that of the employees of The next meeting of the Association will the tailor'ng establishment of the, old Estab. fished, under command of our worthy friend Mr. Geo. Manson. The fact of George being general was enough in itself to ensure .a good time. The weather was all that could be at 1.30 p. m. ; the President in the chair. desired, and the day passed off very pleas- Messrs. llaid, Gregory and Cressweller were aptly, Some enjoying themselves fishing, appointed a business committee. some playing croquet, and others boating. Mr. Brown road a valuable paper on "The Those wno took part in the last mentioned object. of teachers' Instituto." and was so- exercise bad a gOO, time going down the corded a hearty vote of thanks for it. river, but doming back was net so pleasant. A circular, with reference to the minutes It was tedious work and hard on the =roles of the Ontario Teachers' Assooiatien, was getting over the rapids with a pair of oars read, and the following motion carried. and a rope, The rigs being heavily ladened, That each member of the Aesaociation be they gave the fish to the widows and orph- furnished with a copy of the last years min. MU, before starting house. Every one foals utos of the Ontario 'Teachers' Association, satisfied that they lied a good time. . lice, and nan•merabers. ork payment of 10 Shiloh's Catarrh ltoiatedy--a posttivo euro cents, for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker month- The travelling expenses of the Ereeutive bold by J. W. Browning. to the last two committee meetings were or- - w• •---�-- demi. to be paid. ROUND THE COUNTRY. Mr. McIntosh gave a very humorous and' pithy address on "Practical paints in teach- Cretlton. were for weal ,e• thanks of the meeting ' . . Mr. T. Henderson react a valosble paper Subscribe for the 'hues. 18. duly 60 cents Mr, Jets. Clark ie laid up- with u oil •+Pi'eetical hygieue,vreeeiv ng the thenke from now to the end of 1896. bad cold LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Amin Lina States. The rates to Europe per Allan Line are this year lower Chau ever. Cabin passengers, $60 to 560. Intennediete 530, Steerage. 513. These are the rates from Quebec to Literpool and Londonderry. Railway fare, from Exeter to Quebec very low. For par- ticulsre apply to 3, Spackman. agent Rae. ter, Ont. Berneraberthe Strawberry ani lea Cream Festival at Maiu•,t Methodist Church to. morrow {Friday) evening, Julie 26th. Straw, berries, loo (.ream and other refreshments from 5.30 to 8 o'clock, A good time expect- ed. Ad uissiol 18 eenta pr $6 cents A couple.. A very cold main last Sabbath. John B.Dorria' show exhibits at Loudon today theme of cltizeua are taking it in, ' The West Huron Teachers' Association 85- SPttING. $5 We beg to advise our friends that we are offering kr this season's trade a more than usually attractive assortment in the Varionsi-7—wisDryGoods To which we Especially devote our attention, among which • we would mention Press Coeds - In large variety of fabrics and many beautiful net:. de - WEST miaow.I signs; met in Clinton Model School, on June 1gth, Drees Muslims be held at WIngham. "Fishy" stories are frequently told now a drys. this of and her Vitra. John E. Divan,Aloe, sister, Miss, Redmond,. are at present visit- ing friends in St. Thomas. There was a alight frost on Monday night, bat we have not heard of mach damage ivies done. Hellebore for Currant Worms, and Pare Dalmatian Insect Powder for sale at Central /hug Store. C. Lutz, proprietor. Next Wednesday will be Dominion Day. of the Association for the same. Mr. F. McPhillips, of London, paid.Mr. Brown was elected delegate to the Pro - oar village a abort visit last week. vn next meeting was Ieft in the hands of the jfaiats, which w O0r hick w ks are undergoing re- Executive. After a profitable and agreeable were badly needed. session, the Iustitute adjourned till called by The funeral of Mr. aro/kluge' son the Executive. was largely attended onTneadsy the Gamma. assocUA.'tos, 16th Inst. A general meeting of the teachers of the 1 county was held in the town hall, on Friday Ste hen. teatime, Mr. Malloch, President of the f►_ North.. Huron resellers' Association, presid- There wanly ao celebration in Exeter, but that it Ing chair , Mrofse. Halls,cretary: of Goderich, occupied the numerouspartiee are being' formed to spend We regret is our painful theday at the lake. duty to dhroniole the death of anew- After a few introductory remarks, the Aro you made miserable by indigestion, Or of Dir. Bastard's family, flies 11i. president introduced Iifr. Titley, Assistant conetipai,on, dizziness, loss of appetite, vol, , G.Bastard who for a number of Director of Teaohere' Inatitutee and Inspect - low skin ? Shiloh's 'Vitaliser is a of Model Schools Mr. Tilley opened his 'months find bean afflicted with that address with a few remar li ry sial Association. The time and place of pmntive r or i e explanatory of cure.. Sold by J. a 1 Browning People who have friends who grow straw- Direful disease, consumption, togeth•-• the action of the Minister of Education, in t friendly er `th t buroulosie throughout the tie appointment of Direetora of Teaches' visits to them. They prefer visiting those system, quietly p:�ese sway oti "ComposiWon," is an address of uproar s o who keep a cow as well. the 17th inst. blies. Bastard was a an hour. Auy teacher who missed the ad- On Friday last an excursion party from. ono ladyof talent and scholarly dress certainly missed a rare treat. On mo - St, Thome passed aver the L., H. eo De en. young y tion at 1,Ii, Brown, of Colborne, seconded by route to Goderieh. The excursionists were attainrueuts, having taught school for Mr. Groves, of Winghaol a nolo co ded by joined here by quite a number. a number of years with ability lied was (*rove , of Wingley for his aaddress.ofh ks The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was success, but Close apphoatiun to etudy Miss Simpson, of Clinton, then uoed administered. enl inthe a BedgSabbath ie Prasy er-the a.,d hard work, and so much confine- a class of little iris, in a series of Rmder- an ,11. Y. Inst $abdatU morning by the h Reader - Rev. R. 7l.. Thompson. meat to the so[eool roam seemed to garter( songs, which was particularly aredi- The firemen, we understand, intend cow undermine het constitution and pro. table to Miss Simpson and her class. PetMr, Duff, of Rasher°, took up the subject theinfthe hose reel race Stratford on pare her fur. •4odO tit eased which fin- of "" Uniform Promotion Examinations," the 22nd of July. We hope they will sun- all took her off. With regard to urging different reasons for and aiust their teed in keeping up the reputation they have Y $ g g g h h f lir B t d k' d adoption in the county. This snbjeet brought 8 forth any amount of g berries are now 1paying reque with She d Institutes. 13e then took up the subject of already slued far themselves the o araeter n tae Bastard, , to discussion indulged in On the night of the 17th Inst., a male dispobltiou and good common sense by Messrs, Brown, Graves, Henderson (Ged- infanL was left on :firs. Dinning'e doorstep, which site cannot spec (Gell- ed -oh), McClung, (Ashfield), Perrin, (Win- throp), Murch, (aolmesville), Inspector Mil- ler. Tilley, and. Gregory, (Exeter.) Mr. Haratono moved the adoption of resolution providing for the introduction of uniform promotion for this county, com- mencing with 1806. This motion, on a standing vote, was lest. inspector Miller then disoussed in a vary concise manner the changes which mark re- cent legislation ou the school law. Mr. Miller was, at the conclusion, besieged with a host of questions, propounded by Messrs T. W. Sloan. MoFaul, McClung, McIntosh and Gr oyes. Mr. Turnbull. of the Clinton High School, then disonased the reoent regulations with rererenco to entrance exami»ations. Dis- cussion followed by Messrs. Duff, Groves and Brown. Mr. Gregory, of Exeter, then took up a class on entrance literature, forming a class from among some of the teachers present. On Friday evening a public meeting was held, the town hall being filled to the ut- Bastard and familyhave our heartiest ' most. Mayor Forrester occupied the chair, and a good programme was rendered. oondotenoe in this, their double be- ssxnmosz. • reavement. Mr. Oressweller, illustrated simple per- spective to junior classes. Mr. Strang, of Goderich, considered the programme for2nd and 3rd class teachers' nonprofessional examinations. Be com- plained of the excessive amount of work en- tailed on the High Schools, to cover the ground, and proposed as a relief, that oer- tain of the subjects be examined at the close of the fall term, and that a second examina- tion in July shouldinclnde the balance. A motion favoring that method was oononrred in by the Association, and the secretary was instructed to acquaint the Minister of Edu- cation with the wishes of the Association. Then followed Mr. Tilley on "The rela- tion of the teacher to his work.' This was indeed an excellent address. The duty of the teaoher was olearly outlined, avid the par- ent was allotted his share of the responsibil- ity. A vote of thanks to the Hon. the Minister of Education, for his provision in appointing experienced men to assist in the work of the Association, and to Mr. Tilley, for the excel- lent assistance he rendered daring the pres- ent meeting was passed. - Another motion was passed, recommend- ing the Department to.give at least one year's notice of any contemplated change, and'cotes of thanks were. tendered the ladies: and `children who favored the meeting - with the Kindergarten exercises. The meeting then adjourned, k at Lumley. It was nearly perished when possessed we - Guild, but witheare and attention )las re iso highly, as all who had the plea - covered, and is doing well. sure of her acquaintance eau bear The annual strawberryfestival of the Can- testimony. Wherever she went her trails Methodist Church will be held on gentleness and mauy excellent quaii- Wedneeday next: July 1st. 'You cannot ties won for her numerous friends, spend this holiday in a better way than by and we believe site was without an attending this festival. Tickets, 23 and 16 cents. enemy. Her sufferings were ire - A Londesboro' correspondent of the Clin- gnently most excruciating, but these ton New Era says Rev. David Ramsay, of she endured with patience and Chris- tbatplace,will shortly lead to Hymen's altar flan fortitude, locking forward to the a young lady near Exeter. If the corre- spondent had said a young lady in Exeter time when she should meet a 'loved be wouldhave been nearer right. mother, who had. less than three Mr. John, Fisher, of Mitchell, aoaompan- :months previous, passed on before, led by a friend, rode over to Exeter last to where, free from pain and Borrow'`, week they both had nice wheels and appear- ently know how to ride them. We were she should dwell with Jesus for ever - glad to see "Jack" looling'so, well. 'Cycling more. The funeral, which was large - seems to agree with him, ly attended by friends and relatives, Any person wishing to hear all about left the house on the 18111, for the courtship and marriage should attend Rev. Mr. Campbell's lecture in the Elimville Exeter cemetery, where the last sad Methodist Church to -night. The proceeds rites of burial were performed kr are in aid of the choir fund. Admission 20 and 10 cents. Two fine stores in Exeter, belonging to the Drew Estate for sale very cheap, if nut sold will be leased at a very low rental. A fine brick residence, formerly occupied by Mr. Drew, also a frame cottage, ands vacant village lot for sale very cheap. For Terms, &a., apply to JOHN BANTON, Exeter. Don't forget the strawberry festival in the Presbyterian Church next Monday evening, 29th. A good supply 'of strawberries and cream have,been ordered for the occasion, and those who wish to spend a pleasant evening should not fail to attend. Tickets for adults, 25 .cents ; children, 15 cents. Rev. Mr. Parke, of Durham, -preached in the Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, last Sunday afternoon and evening. - Rev. Thos. Brown preached in the Main -street Metho- dist Church Sunday morning, Mr. Hodgins, student, of Lucan took charge of Biv. E. J. Robinson's work. ' A disastrous fire occurred at Dublin, Monday afternoon. .Jos. 8idd's .brick dwell-• ing was bnirned and, most of the eonteift's saved, but damaged. Insatance'en bonding in the Royal Canadian, 54.000; Perth Mutu- al, $2,000 ; insurance on contents,. $3,000 in the British American. We are Sony to have to annonbce this week, the death of Mrs. Robinson, wife of the incumbent of Christ Church,. Exeter, which took place on Friday night. She heti been ill for some time. The funeral, which 'was largey attended, took place on Monday. She was 51 years of age, and highly, esteemed by all who knew her. = On. Friday evening last the firemen, "head- ed by the Exeter brass band, paraded the front street of the town, We of them bearing the trophy which they brought from Brant- ford. The band played several excellent se- lections while on the march.. The men looked,<and have reason to feel proud of, urginga still further acceptance of the ad- being the winners of such a handsome prize. l yantages within their reach, if they would A meeting of the Liberal-Consetiktiyes'ot occupy that position which their wealth and numbers entitled them to. A.vote of thanks was - tendered Mr. Duff. The secretary then read the financial report, which was adopted. Moved by C. C. Hodgins, seconded Courtroom at Fort Worth, Tex., on Mr. Linklater, of Clinton Model. School, b3, Wm. Hodgins, that the reeve. and Saturday night, which came near- re- took up the subject of "Langauge lessons,"clerk si u b •laws Nos: 9,' 8, 9 10 and sultin fatally The trial of piing in the use of new words. The exercise' 11, and attach the corporate seal Stevens, charged wYth the .murder of g N w • Teachers in Convection. The teachers of the county to the number of over two hundred, met in Clinton last week, to discuss matters pertaining to the profession, and transact business relating to the county Associatien. The advantage of meeting in a good, central placer was self-evi- dent, teachers from•the remote sections of the county being able to attend without .'in- convenience or difficulty. It was the first time that many of them had been in the ""hob," and they carried away. very favorable impressions of their visit, numbers express- ing their admiration of the beautiful appear- ance of the town at the present time, and astonishment at the evident progress and prosperity. The Associations of the North and West Ridings held separate, meetings, in the Model :Sblio%11, afterwards. uniting in.a general meiatiitg•ill the Town Hall.` Below` is a minute of 'the several : proceedings :- NORTB S13RON. The regular meeting of the North Huron Teachers' Association was held in the cen- tral school, Clinton,' on Thursday, June 19th ; the President, Mr. W. G. Duff, in the chair. The ' President appointed Messrs. Malloch, Henderson,' King, Mcfaul and Harstone a committee on nominations. Mr. Weir, representing the Educational Weekly, explained the . aim of hie journal, and urged its claims upon the members of the profession. - Mr. puff then ,gave the annual address, taking for his-aubjeet "Thebetter education of farmers' sons," pointing out the advance' of educaion among•the agriculturists, but Exeter will be held' in. Mr. J. Spackman's office this (Thursday) evening for the pur- pose of appointing delegates to attend the annual meeting of the Liberal -Conservative Association: of North Middlesex, whie'h 'Will be held .in Ailsa,Craig on monday next. There will be other busineea of importance rought before tho meeting. .Bidttulpli Canard. leave, b t t h e distance when the supports gave way and; the The council met, pursuant ;to . ad- roof fell in on them, instantly killing journment,'at. the court house, Clan young O'$rien and Phalli!. ;Michael deboye, the reeve and all the mem- O'Brien, the father, was caught by, bens present.. the falling debris . by the limbs and The minetes of the last meeting held a prisoner for ,an hour before were read and,signed by the reeve. discovered.. He is in a oritical Bondi- Orders were carmen on, the treaeur • tion and may not recover. er for the sum of $286:45. A fight occurred in the `Distriet • Plant, Checked, Printed, &o. Black, White, Cream, Colored; various widths and qualities. Lace Ourtetin and Curtain Net Large Stock. °Ens brot8 o ,es Finest assortment we have ever shewn. Cloves Cotton. sive assortment. 2Zos3,ory Cotton, Lisle, Silk, Kid ; a very varied and a xt til Lisle, Balliriggiarl, &c.. ; full display. Crotonn,ef 4 Cretonne Fringes. To match ; beautiful goods. - Smellwareg In this department we aim to keep constantly on hand a full and complete stook of all the lines, in demand, both in Fancy end Staple Smallwares. .A. call solicited ISAAC CURLING. thereto.—Carried. Moved by Wm. Hooper, seconded by Dewau, that the clerk le hereby instructed to serve a requisition on the wardens of the counties of Mid- dlesex and Huron respectively, and an the judge of the county of Middle- sex, replotting then% to take such no- tion 48 is ;provided by the municipal', institutions act, to compel the coun- cil of the township of Stephen to join with us in making and maintaining the townline between Biddulph and Stephen, as they have refused to join with us in making and maintaining said road, and have refused to meet with us in order to determine the amount to be borne by each minim- parity in said wont.—Carried. Moved. by C. 0. Hodgins, seconded by P. J. Dewan, that the reeve is hereby instructed to notify the Proof Line Gravel Road Company that their road situate on .a portion of the S. B- of this township and running throuRb a portion of thin municipality is so much out of repair as to greatly impede public travel and to make the same very difficult and hazardous, and if such road is not repaired forth: with to serve a requisition on the county judge, praying him to appoint an engineer to inspect the same and cause the said road to be properly re- paired and if he deem it expedient to have the gates ordered off until such time as the necessary repairs are made.—Carried. Resolved that this domicil do now adjourn, to meet again on the first , - .•• Monday in July, at the court room, A. ease of cruely was heard before. Clandeboye, at ten o'clock a. m. Squire Martin one day last week in H. HanGINS, Clerk. the Town Hall, Wallsoeburg, the .•S •• complainant being Mr. John Skinner, Dr. Wallace, at lkfausfield, had open- ed, the day having been spent im- paneling *jury. The attorneys were tired - and petulant. .Furman, the leading counsel for the dafenaa, be - cams embroiled in a controversy with County Attorney Bowlin, and they finally came to blows. Every one expected to see a double tragedy. The courtroom was quiokly emptied. Both men were undoubtedly armed, and each only waiting the other to draw. In the midst of this confus- ion Judge Beckman leaped from the bench into the arca. As he did so Lawyer Weare, who is associated with Bowlin in the proseoution, ex- citedly struck the Judge a very severe blow under the ear. The Court was dazed for an instant, but being a powerful man, instantly recovered is balance and lat fall a sled-llammr blow that prostrated Lawyer Weare. Turning his attention to the prinoipal combatants, who by this time had clinched and were committing may- hem upon one another's ears and cheeks, the judge commanded the jury to arise and quell the riot. Ai,. the same time tho crowd seized nue of the combatants and two jury the other, thus imparting them. Furman and Bowlin were fined gso each for contempt, after which the court im- mediately adjourned, as alt the oom- batants were bleeding profusely. The court did not fine Lawyer Weare. 11 is feared the feeling engendered will yet result in a tragedy. American. and the defendant Mrs. D. Ludas,. both of whom reside on the North. Diary Kleman, now in Chicago jail, Branch of the Sydenham river. A. confesses having administered poison little girl from the Nigara Home who to the family of Mrs. Treeves, with had been adopted by Mr. Lucie was whom she lived, and with killing her shown to have been the victim of the father, mother and - .sister, in Dubu most cruel treatment that could be que, by the same method. imagined at the hands of a woman. Thos. O'Day, of Sharon, Pa., aged Mrs. Ludae having .repeatedly kicked 48, was shot and killed by his so.n the.girl and beaten her with a heavy John, aged 21. years, Friday morning. paddle until her flesh was a masa of John had been drinking heavily, and pulpy sores. and bruises and she was. returned home with ,a shot -gun and unable to walk freely.. She had also killed the family cat. His father re -been compelled to -go without her primanded, when he picked up the meals at the usual time and was oth- gun and shot him., in the abdomen. erwise treated<in a moat cruel and tin - Death was. almost.. instantaneous. feeling manner. A charge •was ._ also. John was arrested. Hearied to oom- preferred against Mr, Lucas, but a' mit suicide, but was frustrated by his was dismissed, no cruelty, being pros► - brother. en `against him, and. the cruelty on. ,.bout 9:20 Friday ,morning while •the part. of Mrs. Ludas " having taken, HughgMichael O'Brien. and place ; ,daring .his, absence: from ,the - Hu � Phallic, - eon. Patrick were working in a coal house. The 'squire .could mot' retain'w;�.- bin , near; Richmond, Ohio, they heard his tears wheelie witnessed the con. a cracking noise proceeding. from the Dion of the girl's body. in oourt,three roof. They immediately; ;started ° to days' after the last beating had been. ,� u only.go a s or . is Canoe °inflicted, and after addressing ,Drs,. Lucas,imposeda fine of $5 and costs. The girl is kept by Mr. Skinner until Me matron' at Niagara ie oommunicat- -ed'With seio what; disposition shall be made of her. ner age ie nearly sixteen, but she is very small, though clever and •apparently truthful and' well disposed. The duties assigned to her are said io have been more:. than she was able to perform, and be cause she was unable to; do all, she was treated' in the. manner ' above. stated. showing with a class bis method of teach- g y re- g Y