HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-6-25, Page 7Inter sting Items. A esv York man has invented a cast-iron button -hole. He has been, a Member of the Assembly for two terms, McGregor & Parke's, Catholic Cerate is in- valuable for Wounds, Sores, Salt ,e Cute, ca , : algid Fps, e g and D o� l ' ad on pa o o. ns'. ended to • e as good. 'CPO only Gregor do Farke'e Cerate. Sold by J. W. drowning. It is said that Jay Osuld dislikes railroad traveling. Perhaps he's ,afraid Of being drowned. He well knows the acoount of water on the roads. 'qr coostitntioeallor serofelous Catarrh, and for Consumption induced by tbe earofu- Ious taint, Ayyers Sarsaparilla is the true rem- edy. It bas °uteri numberless oases. It will stop the nauseous catarrhal discharges, and remove the •iekoning odor of the breath,. which aro indications of scrofulous origin, A °BEAT MISTAKE. It is a greet min oke to suppoaa that clyspetP- ate, can't be cured, but moot be endured. and Iiia made gloomy and miserable thereby. Al„ exander Burns. of Lobo was cured altos. suffering fifteen years. Burdock Blood Bit- ters cured Wm - New Bedford (Mass) carpenters shingled one aide of the roof of a house ;before they dia. eovered they were working ou the wrung 3wilding. The diseovery of the itlbtantineous proem ttakfn>; photographs baa, been quickly fel- ed in the medieet world by a parfait And > �nteneens remedy for ell actttte eche* Anel peens, its Neuralgia, Toothache. Rheumatism, etc. Titus valuable remedy is called Fluid Lightning, end to told at 25 cents a bottle by T. W. Browning, druggist, The need of merit for promoting personal aethetioa is due to J, C, Ayer k Vo.. 'filmes Meompareele Hair Vigor is a uturerael beau - titter of the hair. Haiwtnleea, effective. agree. able. it has taken rank among the indiapen- Bible articles of the toilet. To scauty looks! it gives luxurienee ; and withered hair it clothes with the itueof youth. A r aBFEGT BEAUTY. Perfect beauty is only eltaio*d by pure bleed ansa good health. Those aogairerneuts give the poassa,x r a pleasant expreseh a. a lair clear skits aura the .rosy bloom of health. Bur- doek Blood, Ritter* purify the blood and torte the eutiro sllretaaa to at itcaltny action. Late reports allow that .erenteeu persons loot their liars and that a number were taint- ed by a reeeut storm hi Iowa. Et r. J. tt. bailiff. I)uttuu, Godlike s "For 50ta° ye*rs toy wifS bar been troubled with dyspepsia, and has tried one ten after an-' miser recommended with but little or no effort toll advised to give 3sletiroger'ss Speed, flute s trill, Binns salting the twat bottle 1 here ne. tied a derided improvement, and can with cetnti,leuce recommend it to be ono of, if not the beat mnliehse extant f.,r fyap epala. This tt,vxluable nesliciue for Liver Complaint, lu- .1ige•sti.,n. kidney lAoutplaint, is enrcly vete tubae. fi.,id at J. W. Ilmtrniee'ta }Dug Store. i Trial betties r,iveu fret.. St -BE Tt) ('t)NVETtOTI. The oust ttunblesnma conglr la sure to yieid it tier °ly treated with IIafiymsl's Pectoral ll r'Aan. flea=ant t s t'ikt' nu'.t s.-tft' far seune!' ,r a,; L %Vie It Itw.•tn l:l fe,';>i li,tpuse,l to go On a tear, it is better to let her rip. stmt.. ire LI' ILL. it ji rMm -.uttering with pant and teat over tis! luall of t10 b:tt'k, with it 'teak. weary feel - i.: tin,lfreensut Inmate -bee, is eerionely ill out shoat' look nett for kidney tlist'aao. Bur- et Mk I3;iters regulate the leideeya, Afoul awl liver. ;ts well u. tin,:?tnutteh and'htmeia. The next tueutiur, of the (blueral Asseaubly of the Presbyterian Church will be held in Hamilton, le Flatting tnsttnct in 'Man.' give him medical help. There ie not the slightest certainty that.ariy invention, however terrible, wouldput an end to ware ; while there ie almost a certainty that if such an invention weret perfeotodt it, would ar 'he uler- ee at last'jar,' se, t Talc $o thflump, men wi ace any means of deetrue- tion whateeever, if oleo they possess it ihetuselvee. Give two leen pistols and they will figbl across a handker— chief. Thee fl»Qiifrald : of death, but only of death without a chance of victory. King Theodore, of . Abyssiin. le, asked his courtiers, wino the ' ok- et sticks fell'tlt'his.f►.t, Slie:ee .t be reasonably `expetsied )o face things like those, .rind ultiwately, in. pure despair of defeating aoieno.s with un- *oientifio weapons, killed himself ; but if he also possessed Tooker• be would have fought on. No men, not 1404 Rhaetian o Roidfera or Eagli.li aaitora, will fade shells without allelic to throw bank ; but when they have shells, they face he enemy a elle 1 as bravely tie they did the old round shot. Tile methods of war are changed by animas, but wear iafaol as - tiegui*tted. Suppoee'it Irne that able °herniate and mecbatiieialta could in. Tent 5 method of throwing IT, aspbyft• Wing vapor on a eloping army,whs% would be the result ? Prat, the adop- tion of Immo proteolive covering, ouch to 'rouged huts for gasping in ; next. the adoption of a method of en - roping which spresde the army elver a enrfane teo gree.% or loo uneven to be reached ; and, the rasa of eiMi- 1sr meobanioiane and chemists es the. assailing force. Huxley would march with hie fiehermea to cholic Tyndall with his Alpine olirubare,. Wat would then maid mainly of efforts to obtain itdvantageouapositions, from winch glowers of death would be thrown, but war would not casae. Forlorn hopes would be organized among °herniate and mechanicians as easily AS Among soldiers, eaormana rewards he paid to the new warriors, Mill nation. would: fight (Mb other as briskly as ever. --London Spectator. Bucklen's 6,rnienSatve, "➢as' Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruis- es. Steres, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sarre, Tetter, Chapped 'etude, Ohilblaiue,Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and plainly aures l'ilee, or no nab required. It is guareuteed to give perfect statisfnetiou, or money refunded Pr'ieo 9.5 cents per box. For sale by all drug - ;slats. Ifolloway'a Ointment and Pills—These re- medies are unequalled throughout the world for bad logs, wounds, foul sores, bad breasts and ulcers. Used according to directions given with them there is no wound, bad leg. or ul- cerous sores, however obstinate or lone stand- in„ but will yield to their healing and cura- tive properties, tfany poor sufferers who have been patients in the large hospitals un- der the care of eminent surgeons, and have derived little or no benefit front their treat- ment, have been thoroughly cured by Hobo. way's Ointment and Pills. For grandular swellings, tumors, ',piles,' and diseases of the shin there is nothing thalami be used with so much benefit. In fact, in the*worst forms of disease, dependent upon the condition of the blood, these medicines, used conjointly, are irresistible. ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. THE VOLTAIC BELT Co., Marshall, Micb.,wil send Dn.DYE'9 the x u ATED ELECTEO-YOLTLIC BELTS AND ELEOTnIC APRLIAnaze on trial for thirty days to men (young or ole) who are af- flicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor, Address as above. N.B.—No risk is incurred, as thirty days' trialiaallowed ' A VALUABLE PATENT. The most valuable discovery patented in modern times is that of the best blood puri- fier and livor and kidney regulator,known.. We refer to Burdock Blood Bitters, which is making so many wonderful cures' and bringing the blessed boon of health to so many homes. REST AND COMFORT TOTHEs 7FFERINO ,,rBrown's Household Panacea" hair no equal forrelievingpain,both internaland external It cures pain in the Side, back or bowels, sore throat Rheumatism, Toothache,Lumba•go and tiny kind, of a pain or aohe. "It will most surely quicken the blood and heal, as its acting power is wonder- tul, '"Brown's Household Panacea' being ack- nowledgedas the great Pain Believer, awl 03 don ble thestreugth of any other Elixir orl,iniment, inthe world,shouldbe in every family handy for use when wantod, "asitreallyisthebestremedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and. Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at25 cents a bottle. More .eeopl, adults and children. are troub led with oostivenesa than with any other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit- ters will cure costiveness and preyent the diseses which result from it. A WISE CONCLUSION. If you have vainly tried many remedies for rheumatism, it will be a wise conclusion .to try Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It eures all pain- ful diseases when other medicines fail. They 1)Ied in Their Boots. A wild story comas in from Peri— tau, Michoacan. Three well -mount- ed and well -armed men etopped at an inn to pass the night. The woman who kept the place advised tbo au. tharitioe that the enopicioua men bad celled Al her house. The urosidont of the City council and the judge, and it few citizens went to the house to see' tho suspicious ammeters. But the three then locked themselves iri their awn room and refused to be inter- vtoweil. A crowd of oitizeus were collected but when they appeared they were greeted with a volley from the three men. An assault wac then made on the room, and the prig - otters breaking out al the door, fought their way through the orowd, using their revolvers and daggers. The crowd follcwed closely after the fugi• ti.vos, and many shots were exchang- ed, Finally one of the fellows dropped ; even while tiyiug he turned over and fired on his pursuers. A. second fell it few steps turther on, fighting hard. Tho third, sheltering himself behind a rook,made it warm for his pursuers, and though often wounded, fought on with scarcely enough strength to draw his :ifle to his shoulder. Called on to surrender he only replied with a bullet, which relieved the president of his hat. The crowd closed in around him as the death mist was passing over his eyes. Still he tried to pull the trigger of his rifle for a parting shot, but life and strength failed him. The corpses were buried in Periban. They ware supposed to be a part of Martial Brave's Bendit troop. Dar- ing the fight the citizens had fired 200 shots, and of these nearly 20 had taken effect upon the bandits, who were nearly torn to pieces by the storm of lead. Several of the citizens were wounded.- The bandits died like legendary heroes. The Battlefo ltlontenoy, Howdoes this mention of the field o.ury the mind of the readers of bis - tory book to the old doyr of• the Georges l Southey, in his 'Life of Wolseley,' has given a sketch of the triumphant death of some of the Christian soldiers who perished on the field. One poor fellow named ()Ionians, having his arm shattered with s bullet, refused to be taken out of the engagement. Presently a but - let broxe ut-let,broxe the other arm. Fie sank' down to die. 'How is it with your soul now, brother Clemens ?' 'I AM as happy as I can be out of Paradise.' answered the Christian hero, and soon after these words the full happiness of Paradise was reveal. ed to him. A lad named Nesbit, the son of an officer, was wounded while acting as ensign, and fell into the hands of the French. His wounds were regarded as fatal, and no effort was made to m rtes a p. 'I might live if my (rounds: (yere,DOU't to Call! dressed,' be acid imploringly. Seeing Itis suitcase a Frenchman' AT THE resolved to pat stn end to his life by applying the bayonet. and inflict - thin ed another dreadit}i wound. While Peoples Populari Hardware 1 h than. lying alone, lila life blood ebbing away, he was foundby hie father. •igy son ?" 'Heepatah me.' 'Hae atoll thee, my moo? The Count e And Inspect stoole and get prices on t.hee foliowtn gliu05 NAILS, GLASS, WRITE LEAD, PAINTS, OILS, AND BU hoe or erect us to bring thea to the E if,DINO. HARDWARE of ALL KINDS, SHOVELS. SPADES eke, getup.' We are away down on the following' : He was taken 24 bit canals, .d W, j.. Searle 4 Co's. Carriage Varnishes este 4reseed, sad Ira lived , �', , Penchen's Pre - 47111140.0 r* lea terrible , sgouy, 3ie 'Faxed Paints ; Bird Cages,; B1lggy Taps ; ,Stoves, and Tin- "4iy son,' ,aid -the °Auer, 'oolleol Fencing, American and Canadian Coal Oil Ant strength t t 1 father watched by hie side. ware of all kinds, Barb Wire Steel Strip,and Buckthorn e g h to e l late She name of the soldier that bayoneted you, ,and 1 swear by the honor of a soldier that he shell be broken upon the wheel.' 4y dear fathers, I know bion not. and if 1 did 1 would never tell.' The Revision, The revision of the Ohl Testament. has revived the hopes of arils peo— ple who •xpoot to have thing* smoothed for thew all through this life. 'II orfs, thio intere*ting fast thea induced Shuttle to attend aburoh fast Sunday. 'ROW did you like the sarmou ?' enquired a 'friend, as be pealed out of the Testibul., 'Never wee go disgusted in my life. Why the men took 'Thou shalt not goal, for his text,' '':Chat's a good text.' 'It's the same old text. I thought the new version would read, 'Thou shalt notcowproaiise for twenty five scuta on tbe dollar.'----:far-ford Past Bow to RANO Raspberries. The following directions for (gat— ing a raspberry patch were oontribnt; ad to the idiohigan Ilortioulturel re port by Erart H. Seat, one of the rued euooeaaful small fruit growers of the Peainsnlar State ; --Select a ra— ther high rolling ran of land. r prefer a stiff clay loam. moderately rich, to any other soil, for the reason imainly that in time of drought it holds moisture bettor than a lighter soil. If the piece eeleoted is not well drained I. should, bolero setting a plant, have it thoroughly drained. Aiark oft the rows either with a ouo horse plow or by running a lino and digging huloe with a spade. The rows ahead not be less than five, or more than six feet apart and the planta set 1 from two -and --ono half to three feat in tIte row. Be oarefut and not bet the blank -cap varie.ea too deep ; es peoially on heavy soils. The crown of the plant about two or three incbea below the surface is about right. `' a 'r The red varieties can be set at the sante depth as they were when taken up. Press the earth very firmly around each plant to keel; theta from heaving. " ''' Cultivate well, the oftener the better, until about the first of August the first year ; after that only until fruit begins to ripen. For working among the rowe T use a common spading fork ; Il does not out the roots, but pulverizes the ground well. Hold it in a perpen dioular position and work it around ; do not put under anti raise the roots. When plants get about 2 feat high pinch the tips off ; this snakes them grow branching and less liable to be twisted and broken by the wind, x- As soon as poeaible after the fruit is pioked remove the old oanea and a portiou of the new ones, leaving the. etrongest for bearing next year, For removing the canes I always use a piles of steel about the width of a Cabinet-maker pruning knife blade, ourved into a hook and firmly fastened into a han• die about two or three feel long. This is 'tie best instrument for the purpose. Very late in the spring out back from one quarter to one third of the new growth. For this purpnee I nee a pair , of steel eheare, the blades of Which are about one foot long and about one and one half inches in width, filled into wooden handled ; With this tool,a man oat do ' a large amount of work. dui the entailer oeities father back in proportion to their size 'than the larger ones. EA.VE TROUOSING A SPECIALTY, tiLat.ALL WORE GUARANTEED.- The Celebrated RAYMOND Sewing Machine always on hand; also Needles to fit ANy MAKE of lVIaohine. P. S. Highest price in Cash or Trade for Hide Skies. Yours truly, s and Sheep BIBS. T'll BROW. RE 'OW ED REAM HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT THE PiILLS Purify the Blend, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOafACTI, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They ineigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of &I ,see. For children and the axed they are prieelesa THE OINTMENT he an infallible remedy for Iiad Legs, Ilad Breasts, 034 Wbunda, Sona and Cheri. TC is lantana for talout and Rheuauatistu, FQR Dififl11UERS OP THE CHEST PT hitt NO war.. Fur Sore Throats', Bronchitis, Coughs, ('olds. Olaudt'lat' Swellings, and all akin disease it has no rival ; and for contracted and atilt jointa it nets like a charm. The Pills and Ointreeut are sold at Tnosi.s Uurs.owax's Establialuneet, TS NEW W OXFORD -STREET late (533, 0X1 ORD.ST1U ET), LONDON ; Mao by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine iu Hoses and Pott:,at la lad.,20. 94 la led, /420 , the, 4s. bd. size box ; the 11 a, size sixteen ; the 22a size thirty-three ; and the 333 size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes anti Pots. Full printed directiaua are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be ban in nny language r Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the acitirods ie not .533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. 4s. 6,1., lis., 92,,, and iiia, each, The 2a. 94. size cuataiva three times the quantity of the 'WILLIAIVI DREW and ■ EXETER, ONTARIO. ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. CATARRH— A NEW TREATMENT. Perhaps the moat extraordinary success that. bas been achieved in modern medicine has been attained by the Dixon treatmentfOr ca- tarrh. Oat of 2,000 patients treated during the Met six months; fully ninety per cent. have boon oared of .film stubborn malady: This is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent. of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are be - matted, while the patent meaicines and other advertised 'sures never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that disease is due to the presence of living varasitesin the tissue, Mr,Dixon at once adapted his cure totheir extermination—this accomplished, he claims the Catarrh is practically cured, and the per- manency noquestioned, as cures effected by him four years ago are cures still. No one else has attempted to euro' Catarrh in ,this. manner, and no other' treatment ever cured Catarrh. Thi application of the remedy is simple, and can be done at home, and the present season of the year is the most favor- able for a speedy and permanent cure, the majority of oases being cured at one treat- ment, Sufferers should correspond with Messrs, A. H. DIXON & SON, 305 King street west, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise op Catarrh, -Montreal Star, Nov. 17,1880, THE !arcr'$ ddvoeake HOME MAGAZINE Is the only Independent Agricultural Jour nal' in Canada Owned and Published by a Farmer. WHAT FARMERS SAY:— "It AY:"it is our beat friend. j "It is worth ten times its coat." "The dollar spent for the Advocate is the beat spent moneyfrom the farm." "The wife and family are also delights d with 3t." "No farmers house should be without it:" The right information in the-. right season by the best specialists thatean be procured on the Farm, Stock,Dairy, Garden and Or- chard, Poultry, Veterinary, Apiary, Markets, Family Circle, Etc., Etc. Only $1 Per Annurri. Sample copy sent free to applicants mention. ng their Lot, Concession and Post Office. Address— FARMER'S ADVOCATE, LONDON, ONT.' NORTHERN PCIF.I R. R. LANDS Ia Mlnnssots. North Dakota, Mon- tana, Idaho, Washingtonand Orissa. From Zulu, Superior to Paget Sound. At pricesranging chiefly from $2 to to per acre. se 6 to 10 years timer This Is the Belt Country lersecurlfg'Goed,HOmea'noW openfer settlement. REEsan aera9 ofT11eBo ment Iiandlreeunder 6eHom �tei an4TimberCultureLaws. NOTE 10.318,433' 'Acres OR 510)531 THAN HALF of all tfiePublic Lauds disposed et in WM.were in the Northern Pacific aountry. Books cud Sieve sent FREE describing the Northern PadAe Conntry,tlte Railroad Lands for Sale and theF)5EEGovernment Lands. Address,CRAS. B. LAMBORN, LandCom'r, N. P. R.it. , et. Paul, Minn.