HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-6-25, Page 6A JAPANESE LEGEND.
(.Ali The Year Round.)
Forever iu the pine -clad shore
Of Takasango's Bay
The cold waves dash their •crystal heads
In many -tinted [(pray,
Less cold than she whom Sendai's on
Wool for **long and strangely won.
Fairer was she than aught of earth.
Divine in forul and face,
Each limb and feature eked the eye
With ware three moria rata
Yet naught of otnea eot lAmove or Will
Her heart, as marble hintd and chilli
Long was the suit that Sandal urged;
Slow years their oonra.xan,
'Yet never dared the immortal maid
Hear love from mortal lawn,
Sky born, how could she lend low
And e'en a princes worship know ?
And yet she loved him. Day b'y day,
Beneath one wind-swept pine,
She heard him to his samisen
Singing her praise divine.
A woman still, though goddess [('tie
Drank in his worship eafier'.y.
Entranced, enslaved, he saw the light
Burn in her deep -lashed eyes;
Na longer thwatted'neath the pine
He Clasped his beauteous prize.
Laud thunder rolled ;" the gods above
Saw that a godess stood iu lore,
And then, the story says, the Pols
Clanged each into a pine ;
Aril still with i:aurlds of Ocean's voice
Their lose songs iute:rtwiue.,
Circus maedi to sigh and sone in vain,
In storm cad sunshine, wield and, rain.
follows: Dissolve a few lumps of
eteroh In cold water --a tableepeopfel
tqe lt.tq t rt of water --.end add e, half
j teaxpoonful of powdered, borax. Boll
the linen up tightly and let remain
four hours before ironing, Bub
the linea with a piece of cotton or art
()id handkerchief before attenapticg to
-iron. See that your irons are hot
and clean, and after ironing iu .the
geslfsl manner, finish with a polishing
press with considerable force
t n ,
the linen and rub back and forth
i u a i the polish is sattefactory, You
ea,„, et expect your work to look like
th t done .at. a laundry, for there
t�hinery and not woman's hands
;glo'es the preeso're, still, with fr little
!care and your polishing iron, you
!ate be able to do very fair work.
f °l°leb iron I have is* plated one with
a mad point. and cost $1.25. 1!
have had my iron several ysar.w, and
perhaps one cava be bought now for
less money, but, whatever the price, I
would not be willing to iron, shirts
and collars without it, and this 1
r t1 ink is the feeling of every wowau
who has used one.
girl and her mother arrived on the
90e0e. They crossed the lines, and
the old lady cliwbed R sand bank and
gut a coweorteble seat some distance
up. But the daughter sat down an ,
t► bi}tik, a few yards behind the baud.
A gallant musician, who leaded upon
his glitteriug Browbone, exchanged
glaaoes with the blonde daughter of
Gerlatany, The merry damsel evi-
dently waa•not averse to a mild flir-
tation, but the old lady dropped upon
the situation quick as a flash.
'Come up, Lout's; 'ria Fetter up
here; called the careful demo.
'Tie real Woe down here, me,' repli-
ed the daughter, sunning herself in a
gigantic. senile from the trombone.
'Go vay mit your uopeenee,'• pried
the dame sharply. 'Come aout av
dat blade and sit by me.'
'011, Ma, it to too tar to clirpb.
I'll stay here till the SPIalera pass,'
replied the belle insinuatingly.
The trombone stroked his mous-
tache and edged to the rear of the'
line, while the coquette played with
the sand, as if unconscious of the!
musioian's strategic movement. N
'You tink you vool your mothers,
Louisa ? You tick 1'rh plind, eh ?it
I You take your epee off dat pig eau
relit trombone en come right up or I'll
make yon 1' cried the old lady: indig-
Poor Louisa. blushed, the trombone a
Sound Advice.
Jiro Webster was brought up before
an A.uiitiu jugate of the peace. It
was the sires olid charge that used to
w R bother him in Galverton. After the
FArlaa Gleanings. g g: evidence was all in, tllo '1Ud a wit a
was :sizedwith sudden interest 1n the a
Waterproof Paste cement is said 4perplexed look, said:— ,machinery of baa piece, the drum
to be made by adding to last starch But I do not comprehend, Web• major frowned angrily et the offender, i
ster, how it was uneible for you to 1 a asa
;lase a itori! those chicken” when they were in triumph over the head of her sub.
e half ate weight of turpentine and t while the tuarpmi wRyed her p r t
a smell pleas of slim. a roosting right under the owner win -daughter,_
A Farmer iu Marion County, lila., ejected conscious that she M
has 1Ga aereh planted iu watermelons.''''' t dow, and there were two vicious dogs 1 had destroyed the budding leash and
ail the yard, vanquished the military.
which he expecte will yield 448,800' "Hit wouldn't do yeta bit of good. i
melons. at the rate of three melons jedge for rue to 'splain low 1 cotched i Hot. Beni is Vaeene'tlfin Clneago.1
to a vine, deux chickens, for yer couldn't do iiia, Chicago News,
In the Wee.toru States the kreroher. yer'self if yer tried it forty times, and 'What becomes of such meat as 1s"
on And Clydesdale horFew are fast ; ver might get yer hide full ob buckshot ti not salable to the dealer in family'
superseding the native animal, the de harry fust time yer put yer leg bar i supplies?' win the inquiry made of a
consequence being larger and more de faucet. De bee way for yell to no, , Northeido halober.
Powerful lora", and which are also jedge, is fer to buy yer chickens in de ` 'What becomes of it ? Well, l'ied
better adapted for general farm t'ur- t market. rind when gar tercets to com- tell you. After the retail dealers and
pose's, suit any rascality do hit on de bench the buyers for the hotels and raetaur-
A silo, twenty feet long tea wide. whir von am at home."—Siftiugs. ante have been down in the evening
and fifteen deep, is a very ocnveuieat 1 ,-�+„.._ _,�
size, and will bold aeveuty ave tone.1 Manager. A Financial and selected their supplies the buyers
from the °tuning and packing bowleg
enough to keep twelve cows six; cone slang and buy up the rest.
months, exclusive of other food, but if :tifra. Peterby, of Della., la a woman They size up the amount and give so
eapp1emented by a little hay or fodder, with a head far buaivaes, much for it in bulk, without regard
will keep sixteen cows the same length I "Just see here. I have bought :. 101 worked for a great
of time. beautiful rocking chair at auction (minty.
The chief source of disease on the 1 worth $8, and I only paid $2 for it ; basking house awhile, and nothing
but starvation would induce me to eat
any canned beef. All the scrape—1,
everything that can't be need in any
other way—are put in, and I assure
farm is the accumulation around the 00 you see 1 have $1 clear profit.
house and other buildings of stops D, u't tell me after this that women
and other kinds of filth. They breed have uo business sense."
disease germs, and in no season of, "Do you need the rocking chair?" von there is not an ounce of moat
file year should this sanitary condition k asked lair. Petertly, lost because it might he soiled or
tae more regarded than cow. ' "No • " otherwise unfit tc be eaten. Every
If your wife is a lover, of fiowere', i "Thou what did you buy It for particle is scraped from the bones.
don't hoe them all up or let the stock "To save mar,eg, t f course. How Then it is all sent through a chute to
into the yard. But take an interest j could I have saved that dollar if I the room below, where it is dumped.
in their welfare ;spade up the flower hadn't bought it, elapid ?" on the floor. It is packed in there
Wouldn't Forget Hum. —layer of beef and layer of ice—till
beds ; buy her seeds ; set the plants
out, and when you see the dickens In
the flower -beds, drive them cut.
Tile Farmers' 1Iagaziue tells of an
Indian a dairyman who oovere the
cow with a horse -blanket or abed
while milking, thus preventing the
annoyance of flies and adding greatly �aickal, but
therehiwesnegro,oetbivag sol
to the comfort of the cows, which are pP g
otherwise continually engaged to gave him the nickel and decided to
battle with insects. walk home.
A project is on foot at Wells in the `Thankee, sah ! thankee. De Lawd
State of 'Mine to start a rabbit ain't gwineter forget yer fur • dia.'
ranch, where those toothsome animals 'That's al: fight.'
are to be raised for the Boston market. 'Yale sah,yaltt,'
The ranch, if established, is to oou- Just then the oar came along and
the room is full. When a sufficient
A benovelent gentleman, while stock has accumulated it is removed
waiting for a street ear, was approach. far canning. All beef that cannot be
edby a negro who asked him for a sold for table use in a fresh condition
nickel, The gentleman only had a goes to the catrniug factories,'
gist of 200 antes of land, and the idea the negro hopped on with agility.
is to stook it at first with one or two 'Here,' exclaimed the gentleman. eveniug came up to see the girl.
thousand large-sized animals from 'You are an old scoundrel.' 'Well,' she said,in considerable aux-
'Yes sah, yes, but de Lawd ain't iety, 'what did pa say ?
gwineter furget yer.'--Arkansaw Tray.
Business is Business.
i tferchant Traveler.;
Young Bilking was utterly devoted
to business, but somehow found time
to fall in love and ask the girl to marry
him. The time was set and he called
on the old gentleman to get his con-
vent. He had a long talk and that
the \Vest.
No implement eau do greater
service to the farmer than the tedder.
By ite use the hay can be kept con•
stands stirred in ouch a manner as
to admit the air, ae well as the light
and heat, which has a tendency to dry
the mase uniformly. Considering the
extra quality of such hay, such an
implement would pay its cost iu oue
or two seasons.
On a new gravel road, not yet
hardened by use, a force equal to one-
eighth of the „we} ht of the waggon
bad to be a+pplks to draw it. ; On;ths
best hard oiled f ad, one-twent •fifth
was found iraffalient On the hest
broken stone road, one sixtieth ;
while on a railway, a force of one ton
would draw two hundred and eighty
A great deal is said and written
about the folly of overburdened
mothers wearing,theiinselves out to
make elaborately '`trimrired olothing'
for their children, but is it not still
greater folly tc spend their strength in
elaborate, highly-seaeoued cooking, fertilizing matter produced on the
which, in nine cases out of ten, is an farm so much as the use that is made
injury to those who eat it and a pro- of it, that will tell in the end. The
lific source of dyspepsia ? man who purchases costly fertilizers
A Practical Method.
An exchange gives the following
practicable method for reducing bones
by the home farmer : 'Take any quan-
tity of bones;, broak them up as fleet),
as couvenient with a sledge hadlmer,
place the reduced material into a cask
or strong box in a layer followed by a
layer, of common wood Ashes altern-
ately'until the vesselle,fulll, or until
you have as muoh as 'you desire.
Then proceed exactly as in making
lye, except that you return foto the
venal all the lye as it rune out.
After a time these bones will• be re-
duced 13`uffi'cient.y end the product
will he a splendid auper phosphate.'
The above method is neither' labor-
ious nor expensive. It is. not. the
amount of money a man earns that
makes him rich, but Ilia amount that
he saves. So it is not -she amount of
Glossy Shirts And Collars• NH while the bones lie scattered to bleach
beneath the sun, and from whose
barnard stream of rwater is
Dissolve the desired quantity of oftentimes running away,c cannot be
starch in as little cold water as said to be a very wise men.
possible, then aid boiling water—be FOR
'He said that wheat was going up
and there was a fine chance for a man
to make a handsome little dot.'
'Pehaw ! Didn't he say anything
else ?'
'Oh, yes, we talked about a dozen
ventures that might be made, with an
excellent chance of coming out ahead
every time.' • '
'Bother the business ! What did •
he Say when you. asked him if you
could have me ?'
'Who—wha—what ?' he stammer-
'Why, what did he say about me ?'
'By George, Mary, I forgot all about
it. I'll go the first thing in the morn-
ing and see him about it.'
Mr.. Wallace, druggist, of Hastings, Onta-
rio, says : I recommend Dr. Carson's Stom-
•ach Bitters far ahead of all other Stomach
Medicines. It is just the right thing for
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Headache, and'
Dyspepsia. Large betties 50 cents.
3.0 JWA ,►, T
The above reward will be paid for the eoniiction of those Merchants who are selling
Machine Oils, an calling them. Mco11's Laraine
The only genuine is manufactured by
McColl Bros. 45 Co, Toronto.
But do('k
Cures .Di.:zlness, Loss. of Appetite, .. Oi lcw,teorr, ,Biliousness,
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys,
imples, Blotches, Boils, humors, ,Salt -Rheum, Scrofula,
Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood,
:,Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the .Boatels.
Advertise in the Exeter TIMES.
Main Street, Exeter.
T11013. FITTON
Keeps Watches That Are Watches
And are warranted correct for Time, 'Tide, oz Railroad
Train, and to please tiii most fastidious.
That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable
for Romans, Friends and Couu.trymen, Lovers, Brides,
Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely NVives, Children, Hus-
bands, Ete., Bte.
SPECTACLES.-- Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy
a ud pheasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age.
Give him a call. No trouble to show Goods.
Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to
Undertaker:: ttTltl Fltrni urs, Ain nutheturf' tai
V those wh intend
purchasing to tic so from
the manufacturer. The
dealer who burs to sell
again must necessarily
have a profit. We maim
to givethe puzehaaors the
benefit, which canuotfaie
to meet the views of the
Grangers: Our ezpouscs
are less than those of cite
menu lactrrrersconsognent
woca» selichoaper.
call specialatttentie
50 our undertaking dens m
meniivhich is more corn
}letcthanever ,as we have
added:evora] uowldes]gns
of late The best coffins
easketa rhrt uds,and eve__1��
funeral requisite at tWe
lowestpriee•. Our new
Hoarse is ppreuouncedby
competent Judger to be
second to none in the
Emblems of an the Different Societies.
• ONT., CONVErANdKB, 'Oosmnss20NL•'u;
Fire andLife Insurance Agent and Lamer of
Marriage Licensee. All business transacted
stirctlyconfldential. A Call solicited; Office
at the Post Office:
sure that it ie boiling --until of the She Had Destroyed a bruiting
right thickness. Add a small quan- Mash.
City of spermaceti, and starch the eau Francisco Alta.
linen at once, rubbing in the starch While the military were drawn up
thoroughly. Hang in the open air. in awful pomp on the Presido road on
When perfectly dry, dip •the starched Wednesday, awaiting the arrival of
parts into a little raw starch made as the funeral cortege, a pretty German
1385 N
Will be mailed C1R C C
to all applicants i G G
and to customers o last year without'
ordering it. It contains illustrations, prices,
descriptions and directions for planting all
Vegetable and Flower SEEDS BULBS, etc.
Q. 11. FERRY & CO. E et ,icg>RTnhian.
ZrIo1Ha1\T 118.1 3.1wl1"
Funerals furnished a,.i
conducted at the very low.
est rates'
Iy;Stock of Under takin g
goodsis large. complete
and we assorted, andany
person .requiring anything
in this line will Audit to
theiradvantage to give me
it call and examine for
I have just rece sed a
large stock Walnut and
Rosewood Caskets; also
Coffins of every descrip-
tion. A. complete stook
r of Robes and Trimmings
alway on band.
Tho latest styles of
Chamber and Parlor Snits
all kinds of Furniture at
thetowest rates.
Remember the place—Nearly opposite hemp's Tobacco Store, Main -street, Exeter.
Exeter Post Office Time Table.
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' Deposits will bereceived etthis ;office from $1 to $805. Depositors obtaining the Postmaster;
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